07x22 - Genius

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x22 - Genius

Post by bunniefuu »

Cassy: Some of us have

to go back to work.

Yeah, well, maybe you
should consider retirement.

Well, I'm a little

young to retire.


But what?

How about I call in sick

and take the afternoon off?


Look, cass, these last two months

have been... amazing.

Yeah, they have for me, too.

This is the first time
that anything like this

has ever happened to me before.

I hope it was worth waiting for.

You see, the thing is...

I can't find the right way to say this...

Um... the best way...

Sometimes the best way is

to just come right out and say it.


Cass, I'm married.

Six years.

It's not funny.

I never intended this to happen.

When I met you, you were so attractive...

No, that's, uh... that's not funny.

It isn't easy for you or for me.

Oh, I see, so, you brought me here

because you knew I wouldn't make a scene.

I hoped we could handle
this like a couple of adults.

Adults? You lied to me!

I never intended for it to go that far.

Just go to hell!

Cass, will you sit down?

Just sit down, you're making a scene.

Oh, making a scene?

You lied to me.

Cass... cass, wait!

Cassy... no...

Would you wait... get away!

Don't touch me, okay! Don't touch me!

Get away from me, okay!

I don't want to talk...

I told you the truth; You deserved to know.

I deserved to know before
you ever asked me out!

Just shut up, okay!

We're having a discussion!

Find another place to park
your stupid car, you idiot!

Sorry, I thought it was real.

Sorry? You thought it was...

Stop it!

Get out of here!

Look, I'll call you...

Call me? No, why don't
you go call your wife?

Married man! Leave me alone!

And don't ever call me!

Don't, don't call me!


Just leave me alone!

How dare you!



Hey, cass?

You know what this is?

Oh, looks like a...

Let's-rub-it-in type of grin to me.

Blazing, tropical sun

white sand beaches, nubile young females.

Those thongs... shall I continue?

Ah, I think I get the picture.

Just consider what you're missing:

Stale doughnuts, day-old coffee,

fluorescent lighting.


Cassy, what's going on?

Nothing... nothing.

I'll be fine when I remember

not all men are such pigs.

Oh, Brad?


Mr. Rich guy.

I thought everything
was going fine with him.

So did I, until he decided
to change his name to...

Mr. Dirt bag and told me he was married.



I'll sh**t him.

That's a bad idea; I've
seen your range scores.



Good reason why you're still here?

Saying my good-byes right now.

Say them quickly.

That shirt is k*lling everyone's eyes.

This shirt is perfect.

I'm on my way.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I hold a one-way ticket

to paradise.

Bye, partner.


Bye, captain.



Man: Hey, cassy.

Hi, Mitch.

Don't any of these people have a job?

Thank god, no.

How about you?

Aren't you supposed to
be busting the bad guys?

The bad guys can wait today.

I'm ditching school.

I'll see you out there.

I'll change and be right out.

Hello, sweet pea.

Got to hand it to him.

He manages to be off

drinking pina coladas somewhere

with an island dancer and...

You're here alone with all this trash.

That's okay.

It all evens out.

And I plan on going just
when the homicide rates peak.



Let me know when that is, okay?

Because I'll take some time, too.




How about I get somebody to work with you?

Just temporary

while he's gone.

Help you Wade through all this stuff, huh?

Oh, I'm a good wader.

Yeah, I know that, but, uh

it'll make it go faster.

Harry, I'm fine.

Really, I am.

You know, you're kind of overdoing

this whole concerned routine.

It's my job to be concerned, cass.

Yeah, I know, but you're acting
like my fairy godmother here.

I just don't want you

to beat yourself up over this guy.

Cassy, whoever he is

he's not worth it.

I know that.


No. I'm just angry.

And I'm mad at myself.

Because I can't believe I was this stupid.

If you need to talk to somebody

you know, we got

people here who do that.

I don't know, Harry.

It's kind of high school, isn't it?

Taking off to the head shrink department

because I got dumped.

Whatever it takes.

Thank you.

But I'll be fine.



Hey, guy.


Oh, your paw, aren't you sweet?

Yeah. Hey, look at me.

Hi. Hi!

Is this your ball?

Hey, is this your ball?

Is that yours?

Is that...? Do you want
me to fetch it for you?


See you.

Hi. Do you want me to
throw it for you? Huh?

Do you want me to throw it?

You ready?

You want to go fetch it?

You want to fetch it?


Go get it!

Hi, you've reached cassy.

I'm not home right now

so please leave a message after the tone

and I'll get back to you as
soon as possible. Thanks.

Hi, it's Brad.

Look, what happened between us...

It's our business.

It's not something that
my wife needs to hear.

And I don't want to hear about it, either.

So just stop calling me, cassy.

Do you understand?

You got to stop this, cassy.

This is...


If you don't stop...

I'm going to have to call somebody...

Or do something.

So just stop.



Cassy, it's Harry.

Yeah, what's up?

Guy got whacked at his dining room table...

ocean drive.

Okay, be there in minutes.

All right, hustle.

Yeah, see you.

He was shot once, close range

back of the head, execution-style.

What do we know about him?

Ah... years old, local businessman

socialite, active in
local charities as well.

Straight as they come.

There's a wife.

She's on her way back down from boca.

She was there visiting
relatives... no kids.

Any witnesses?

Nobody even heard the shot.

Can I see him?

Yeah, be my guest.

Well, doesn't look like robbery.

His wallet, his watch

none of that stuff is missing.

Just got to figure he was doing business

with the wrong people, you know?


You hearing me?

Cassy, are you okay?

What's wrong?

What, what's wrong?

It's him.

It's him.

Been beaten... severely...

appears to have beaten...

Morning, cass.

Hey. You got anything?

Yeah. Latent prints.

Pulled a clear set

from the wine glass.

It'll take n.C.I.C. Probably half a day

to match them.

Marvels of modern science.

Yeah, that's assuming

the prints are even in the system.

Well, uh, let me know.

Yeah... oh, cass?

Odds are good

that it was a woman.

What makes you say that?

Well, there was traces of lipstick

on the rim of the glass.

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

I've got to go interview kersey's wife.

I've got my cell phone on me.

If anything pops up, let me know.



Mrs. Kersey, can you think of anyone

who might have had a
reason to k*ll your husband?


Business associate, maybe?

An employee who he treated badly?

Brad was a wonderful boss.

He only had dealings with reputable people.

I don't like your inference, sergeant.

I didn't mean to upset you.

It's just that I have to
ask these questions.

I suppose you do.

But my husband is dead.

And the last thing he needs

is mud splattered on his corpse.

There was nothing missing.

No sign of break-in.

So that rules out robbery.

And the table was set for two.

Do you have any idea who he was expecting?

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, if you were away

could it have been another woman?


We have reason to believe that...

It couldn't be.

He told me he'd ended it.

Excuse me?

There had been another woman.

Some blonde he'd met.

And that relationship had ended?


He told me all about it.

He said it was just a
fling, nothing serious.

That all it had done was
reinforce how much he loved me.

We sat up all night and talked about it.

And I forgave him.

Are you sure about his business associates?

Maybe there was someone

he'd given the key to the house

someone he'd trusted.

No, I told you.

Is there any reason

you don't want to consider the bimbo?

Well, you said so yourself

that relationship had ended.

Yeah, but maybe she didn't take it well.

Some women can't take no for an answer.

Shouldn't you find out who she was?

Maybe she was stupid enough to think

Brad would leave me for her.

Yes, that's a...

That's a good idea.

I'll give you my card.

Thank you.

Thank you for your time.

I'm sorry.


Do you ever go by "cassy"?


Is... is it...?

Is that how you know

Brad's girlfriend didn't k*ll him

because it was you?

I didn't know he was married.

Spare me.

Just get out.

I'm going to call your superior.

I'm going to have you

thrown off this case.

I can't make up for the
pain I've caused you.

I'm so sorry... but nobody wants to find

Brad's k*ller more than I do.

Why is that?

Because as much as I hate

what he did to me, what he did to you...

He loved you.

He realized it was wrong.

He did call it off.

He told you it was a fling

and that's exactly what it was.

He lied to me, but he
didn't deserve to die.

And I'll put more into this investigation

than any other cop on the force.

If you'll just please let me
find the person who did this.


Thank you.

House call?

Yeah, I was in the neighborhood.

Mm-hmm. Some coffee?

Don't put yourself out.

So, cassy, how you holding up?

I've had better days.

Hmm. Funny that you mention that.


Days, you know, days, uh, today, yesterday.

I'm not following you, Harry.

Well, you know, yesterday

you-you, you seemed so distant.

You probably, what

you went to the gym, you worked it off?

No. Actually, I went to the beach.

Oh. Well, tell me about it.

Oh, there's nothing to tell.

Of course there is.

What, you went alone, with friends

you had a picnic, you played frisbee, what?

No, I went by myself, I
had some thinking to do.

So, what is this about?

We pulled his phone records.

That's what I would have done.

You talk to him yesterday?

Absolutely not. Why?

You, uh... check your messages lately?

This is harassment, cassy.

If you don't stop...

I'm going to have to call somebody...

Or do something.

So just stop. Bye.

Look, I'm not denying that

I had a relationship with this guy and I've

been totally honest about that.


Yeah. Totally

completely honest.

Okay, I don't know what this message is.

Now, I'm a big girl and
I've been dumped before...

And not only that, I am too smart to do

something so stupid.

Cassy, you're a cop.

Now, could you ignore this?




Computer just matched the print

from the glass at kersey's.


No, this is crazy

I wasn't even there!

I have to ask you to
relinquish your w*apon.

You've got to be kidding.

It's procedure, cassy

I don't have a choice here.


There. But you know I didn't do it.

Lipschitz: Even if cassy's

going to k*ll the guy...

She's too smart to make up that slop.

Alexander: It's got nothing

to do with smart.

Lipschitz: Come... in.

Yeah, what?

I hate your hearing this from me.


I've been over it ten times, Harry.

The margin of error is zero.

The slug that k*lled Brad
kersey came from cassy's g*n.

I, uh, I got to get back.

We're going to have to bring her in.

Come on, Craig, there
must be some explanation.

Then we'll find it.

Meantime, issue an arrest warrant

for cassy St. John.

Come on, Craig!

I don't like this any more than you do.

Give her a chance to surrender voluntarily.

And tell your guys, don't
make a scene, no handcuffs.

I'll go talk to her myself.

You tell her.

Tell her I'm sorry.

Let me guess... this isn't good news.

Cassy, this thing is getting
crazier by the minute.

Ballistics matched the slug to my g*n.

Lipschitz: That's about it.


So, are you here to arrest me?

No, we're not... I've ordered a warrant.

But I made a point of
ordering it from judge McCall.

Okay, then I have a few hours.

At least.

And then?

Cass, will you

let us come in for a few minutes?

Morton: So I figured

it wasn't your g*n

but another g*n with the same riflings.

There's no way to do that.

Yeah, I thought that, too.

But then I checked with my brother-in-law

over at the f.B.I. Crime lab.

Well, it seems that it's
theoretically possible now

to duplicate a g*n barrel.

Terrific. Just what law enforcement needs.

It's not going to be that commonplace

it's not that easy.

You need a lot of specialized equipment.

Like what?

A c.N.C. Lathe, for one.

What the hell is a c.N.C. Lathe?

It's a computerized turning machine.

Put the right raw materials in

it can duplicate itself.

Who would make something like that?

Oh, big machine shops

factories... but even with all that

you have to have a
high, high degree of skill.

I don't know.

You know, I keep thinking

who would go to all this trouble?

Lipschitz: Who's got a motive?

It's got to be somebody
that I've arrested before.

I'll pull your old files.

I'll see who's been recently paroled.

Okay, thanks. That's a good idea.

Cassy, I wish I could do more.


Well... I'll be back when
the warrant comes through.


If you're not here...

Then you couldn't arrest me, could you?

Afraid not.

So where would you
go to buy a tool like that?

You going into business, sergeant?

Let's say I was.

You get a standard c.N.C. Lathe

in any major tool company.

Oh, that's helpful.

But you asked about a computerized machine.

That's not so common.

Okay, go on.

You have to get yourself a technician

to customize the thing.

How many local shops
have something like that?

None that I know of.

It's just for precision work.

Like, I don't know, medical parts

artificial hip joints, stuff like that.

All right.

Thank you.

Cassy: Did you get the list?

Hmm... I took the Liberty

of checking with my competitors as well.

There are only three
supply depots in this county

that carry the c.N.C. Lathe.

Here's the, uh, client list

for all of them.

Thank you, I appreciate this.

You are a very lucky lady.

Only models made after ' are compatible

with the digital circuitry.

The names highlighted in yellow

are your likely candidates.

Mm, I'm very impressed, Mr. Nelson.

So am I.

You a married lady, sergeant?

Another compliment, Mr. Nelson?

Actually, it was going to turn into

a dinner invitation.

Maybe some other time.



I didn't mean to scare you.

Are you Mr. Murdock?


No, Mr. Murdock's my father.


You can call me Ollie.

Ollie, um... I'm doing

customer relations for tibalt tools.

And you purchased a
c.N.C. Lathe from us back in...

It says here, August of ?

Why, yes, I did.

It's a marvelous tool.

Well, I need to take a look at it.

I'm afraid I don't have the device anymore.

I sold it.

You remember who you sold it to?

An older man... in his s.

Hmm... no name?

No, sorry.

Um, did he pay by check?

I couldn't tell you.

And even if he did

I doubt I would have kept a copy.

Oh, that's too bad.

If you'd like, I can go through my records.

Yes, that would be

a great help, thank you.

Certainly, be my pleasure.


Sorry I can't stay and chat.

I've got an appointment.

Do you have a card?

Um, oh, I left them back at the office.

I could send you one in a couple of days.


Hopefully, I'll turn up something.

Just get out of here.

I got his plate number.

You got his warrant yet?


Cassy: I need to get to my computer.

Not a good idea, cassy.

If that warrant comes and you're here...

I'll just have to take that chance.

The guy's still got the lathe.

Uniforms found it in his basement.

Harry, look...

This guy's some kind of genius.

He's an engineer, worked
for the department of defense.

Level two, Pentagon security clearance.

No, we got an a.P.B. Out on this guy

he's not going to get far.

I don't get it.

This guy's got an off-the-charts I.Q.

He's spending his time setting me up.

He's k*lling an innocent man

to get even with me

all over a bloody parking space.

The guy just went postal, that's all.

You know, it makes you stop and think.

Well, I wonder how many potential weirdos

I've pissed off in the course of my life.

Okay, what's this?

U.s.p., t.A.L.

Oh, that's federal alphabet soup.

It's clerical coding for U.S.
penitentiary in Tallahassee.


The guy's an escapee.

See the p.S. Notation here?


Psychiatric services.

This is a renegade mental patient.

I guess that explains a few things, huh?

Yeah, I'm going to call

the U.S. marshal's office in on this.

You go home.

No, I'd like to help.

Come on, haven't you been through enough?

Go home, get some rest, all right?

It's over.


Who is it?

Murdock: You're not as smart

as you think you are... cassy.


You were very polite at my house today.

Not like you were outside the restaurant.

I know all about you.

Hmm... you only think you do.

Every cop in the city's looking for you.

They're not going to find me.

You won't make it through the night.

Hmm. Neither will you, sergeant.

Why are you doing this?

Well, I'm teaching you
a lesson about manners.

I see.

So k*lling Brad kersey was part of it?


You must accept the
consequences of your behavior.

How does it end up?

Why don't you tell me?

With you trying to k*ll me?

Not trying, succeeding.

Well, that remains to be seen.

You don't stand a chance.

Why? 'Cause you're so smart?

Yes, because I'm so smart.

Then how come we figured it out?

Because I always intended you to.


Mm... oh. Look at you.

Not so tough now, huh?

Cassy: Oh!

I could have brought a g*n

but that would have been too quick.


You'd like to k*ll me, wouldn't you?

Thought crossed my mind.

Go ahead.

Do it.

Go on!

Go ahead and do it.

That would have been too quick.

Hi, Harry.

Sergeant. Good to see you.

Good to be back?

Well, you'll never know.

Hello, I'm back.


Those are birds of paradise.

I met a few there.

And Harry...


I didn't forget you.


But you forgot your sunscreen.

You should see my back.

That's okay.

I forgot to mail that.


Oh, cool.

Everything is here,
wish you were beautiful.

There's a lovely sentiment.

Very thoughtful.

So, what? Did I miss anything?


It's a long story.

I'll catch you up later.


St. John.

Yeah, mm-hmm?

Just keep me posted.

Murdock slipped out of custody.



During transport.

He stole a Van, k*lled a guard.

Two hours ago.

He's probably halfway to Georgia by now.

Yeah, I wish I could believe that.
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