Perfect Pairing, The (2022)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Perfect Pairing, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »



Christina Joy Osborne?


Busting out the middle name.

Um, am I in trouble?

Your review

of Heublein Chophouse

ruffled a few feathers.

They served Kevin's steak 15

minutes after mine

and by the time he got his,

mine was cold.

Ruined the entire meal.

You know, technically, you're

allowed to eat if it's hot.

No one ever does that.

Oh, come. Would you sit down?

My feet hurt

just looking at you.


Oh, I'm fine.

I'll just sit for a second.

Now, here is your next


Oh. Winter wine festival.

Well, you haven't done

a wine review

since Hollingbrook's

corked merlot.

Um, I probably

shouldn't show my face

at that particular winery.

You won't need to.

There are a dozen other wineries

doing barrel tastings

that same week.


That's your all-access pass

for the entire event.

You'll get a sneak preview

of their newest vintages.

Report on the wines

getting the most buzz.

In January, though?

The winemakers like to see

how things are progressing

while their wines are aging.

It's like touring

a house during construction.

Buyers can get a feeling for

how the wine is going to finish.

Oh. Now, you'll take

the Amtrak in,

but then, you'll transfer to

this adorable vintage train

that'll take you

right into town.

Do you think I could get

an extra pass for Kevin?

It seems pretty romantic.

We could make it a work-cation.

Good idea.

Maybe he'll be inspired.

Stop it.


Mom, you want some more coffee?


Oh, but you don't need to do

the whole complicated,

you know, thing here.

Um, of course

I'm doing the thing.

I've got it down to a science.

It turns out perfect every time.

So, when you and Kevin

finally get engaged,

be sure to register for

a plain old drip coffee maker.

Well, you might be waiting

for a while.

- Okay.

- (bell dinging)

Oh. All right. This is it.

If I can't get it right

this time, I swear, I give up.

- (gasping)

- Christina: Aha.

Looks good.

Come on. (sighing)



I don't understand.

I did everything

the recipe said. Ugh.

Baking is as much art

as it is science.

Maybe you just need to embrace

the art a little more.

Yeah, or I could embrace

that new dessert delivery app.

But then you'll miss

all the fun.

Ugh. Well, this isn't

that fun either, Mom.

Sometimes it isn't about

the final product, sweetheart.

It's about how you get there.

That sounds like a quote

people put on

reclaimed barn wood, Mom.

- Because it's true.

- Well, not for everyone.

Some people

like to know what's coming.

Like when people

go to a restaurant

or order a bottle of wine,

they don't want to risk

wasting their time or money,

and that's why I do

what I do.

We can't control everything

in our lives, Chrissy.

No one really knows

what's down the road.

What do you think, Michael?

These ready for harvesting?


We're supposed to be getting

another freeze this week, Gene.

If that happens, I think

these grapes are going to be

at their absolute sweetest.



We just got a shipment

of these ice wine glasses.

Can you call the distributor

and tell him he made a mistake?

The distributor didn't make

a mistake, Dad. I ordered them.

For the tapping party

next Friday. Come on.

I mean, we got to

get people to sample

our first batch of ice wine.

You know that.

I don't think it's a good idea

to introduce something new

right now, Michael.

We're trying to regroup

from what that C.J. Osborne

review did to our bottom line.

I thought we both agreed

to never mention that name

ever again.

Believe me.

I want to forget

it ever happened, too.

I'm just trying to create

some buzz. That's all.

I mean, come on. You know

everybody in this region--

No one's doing ice wine.

You know that.

For very good reason.

- What?

- It's too risky.

It was risky back in the day,

when you tried it,

but things have changed.

Dad, come on.

Forecasting, soil testing--

Merlot, cabernet, pinot noir,

that's what built

this winery a hundred years ago,

and that's what's going

to keep it going

for the next generation,

for you and for Britney.


we've got 500 bottles of wine

from last year's harvest

sitting in that ice room, okay?

Not to mention,

these grapes are almost frozen

for this year's harvest.

Come on. Why don't we just

show them what we've got?

It's temporary.

You know how much it costs

to maintain that ice wine room?

We'll finish this harvest and

then we'll go back to normal.

What if normal

is not good enough, Dad?

It will be.

Grandpa, the sign at the front

fell again.

Oh. I'll take a

look at it, sweetie.

Maybe I'll leave it down and

wait for the new one to come.

We'll talk later, all right?

As long as

it's about merlot, cabernet--

Pinot noir. Dad, we get it.

(chuckling) Okay.

Dad, can I have

some frozen grapes?

Of course you can,

but you can only have two.

We need all the grapes

to make the wine, all right?

I know, but I can't have that

for nine more years.

I'm your dad,

and you can't have that

for 90, all right?


So, you're going to

go for it anyway?

Gene, come on.

The grapes are already frozen.

I'm not going to

let them go to waste.

Old man will come around.

You know,

her mom used to do that.

Wander around the vineyard,

eating grapes like

there was no tomorrow.

I can't believe

it's been three years.


Sara loved the idea

of the ice wine.

I got to follow through

with it, Gene.

I have to. For her, for Britney.

Hey, princess,

I see you're wearing another one

of Mom's hats again, huh?

- I like wearing them.

- Michael: Oh.

It's like a head hug.

Oh. A head hug, huh?

Well, how about a hug

for the rest of you?


I love you.

Love you, too.



Hi. Should be under "Kevin."

So, which table

is C.J. Osborne at?

Waiter: I don't know.

No one knows what he looks like.


Oh, honey, look.

That's my friend C.J.

and his wife.

No, no. But let's not go over

there and talk to them.

I think-- I think he's working.


That guy is the most feared food

critic on the East Coast?

Maybe that's just his disguise.

We have to pretend

we don't know him.

Fine. Just give him

anything he wants.


This is why

I love being anonymous.

I can give my readers

a completely honest,

authentic experience

of the restaurant,

and someone else

gets treated like royalty.



(inhaling sharply)

So, what do you think?

It's fantastic, right?

Could be better.

I mean, the spices in the pure

overpower the glaze.


Maybe once in a while,

you could give someone a pass.

Then I wouldn't be doing my job.

(clearing throat)

Speaking of which,

Sam has me going to

this winter wine festival

in upstate New York.

He booked me in

this gorgeous B&B.

It's very romantic.

I mean, come on.

We keep saying we need to

talk about our future.

This would be perfect.

Yeah, yeah.

We will get away, Chrissy.

But I've got client meetings

all week.

I can't just take time off.

Except you also say

that the market is too volatile

to plan ahead.

I mean, it's always something.


I've got to do my work, too.

I just think

it would be good for us.

Come on.

We could use a reset.

Could we?

I mean, I thought we were...

...I thought we were fine.

We are, but...

...we should be

better than fine.

Okay. Maybe I can--

I can call in a couple favors.

But I'll have to meet you

up there.

Thank you, Kevin.

I promise

it'll be an amazing time.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

(glasses clinking)

All right.

Talk to me. How we looking?

All right.

Well, the high tables

will be here

the day before the party.

The wine glasses

get here tomorrow.

Oh. Write down

I got a few dessert glasses

for the ice wine as well.

I thought we weren't bringing

out those bottles for the party.

How can I not? Come on.

Last year's batch is perfect.

It's time to show it off.

Yeah. Mike, listen. I know how

important this is to you, okay?

But Sara wouldn't want this to

come between you and your dad.

Well, unfortunately, Diane,

that debacle with the merlot

already did that.

Yeah, but it wasn't your fault

that the corks were tainted.

Yeah, but it's my fault

that I didn't test the case

before I sent the bottles

to that reviewer.

My dad thinks

it's because I was obsessed

about the ice wine at

the expense of everything else.

That's not the case.

You know that.

Michael, I'm going to head

to the train station

and drop off

some pamphlets for our party

at the welcome centre.

Do you need anything?

Yeah, actually. I do.

I could use a carload of buyers

with money to burn.

- I'll do my best.

- (chuckling)

You two--

All right. Talk to me.

What else?


Next stop is Hudson.

Please exit through this car.

(phone vibrating)

Hey, Kevin.

My train just arrived.

Perfect timing.

What time does yours leave?

Oh, and I got us

a reservation tonight

at the Hudson Grill at 8:00.

I'm not even reviewing it,

so we can just enjoy ourselves.


Chris, I can't make it tomorrow.

I'm really sorry.

No. It's fine.

Um, so-- Thank you.

So, what day do you think

you can make it?

Look. We had a problem

with one of the funds, Chris.

I don't know when

I can make it up there.


Oh, excuse me, miss.

You're blocking

the luggage cart.

Oh. Uh--

Do you need help with your bag?


Um, yes, please. Thank you.

It's the black one right there.

All right.

Well, can you make it for

the last three days at least?

Where to?

Hudson House B&B.

It's the black SUV over there.

I'll load your bag for you.

Oh, okay. Thank you.

Look. I got to hop back into

a meeting.

No, no.

Please, please don't hang up.

We can figure this out.


Why don't you just call me back

from the hotel, okay?

No. I--

Kevin, I need to know right now.

Are you even coming up here

or not?

I can't make it, Chris.


I'll talk to you later.

(engine revving)


Hello, Christina.

Eleanor. Hi.

It's been ages.

I know. I've been meaning

to call and catch up.

You here for the wine festival?

Of course. You?

I wouldn't miss it

for the world.

There's nothing better

than finding

that one special wine

nobody knows about yet.

Or the ones to avoid.


That's exactly why we couldn't

be writing partners anymore.

We have completely different

ways of seeing the same thing.

I just want people

to be informed, that's all.

Nothing wrong with

a little honesty.

So much honesty from someone

who won't even reveal

who she is.

I should get going.

It was good to see you, Eleanor.

You, too.

(phone ringing)

Kevin (on recording):

Hey. This is Kevin.

Leave a message

and I'll get back to you.

(phone beeping)

You know what, Kevin?

Never mind.

It's fine, because I'm going to

be really busy with work anyway.

Uh, hi.

Apologies if there's been a mix-up,

but this isn't

the official shuttle.

I'm just here running an errand.

No. This is the car

the porter told me to take.

Oh, okay. Not a problem.


Okay. Here we are.

Oh, no. My purse.

I left it on the train.

I think it was under the seat.

We have to go back.

Oh, I'm sorry, miss,

but that train is long gone.

But don't worry.

I'm sure someone turned it in.

I'll call the station's

lost and found.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay.

If can just get my bag--

- Bag?

- Yeah. It's in the back.


She told me she put it in there.

Let me make

that phone call for you.

Then, I'll get you

back to the station.

Okay. Thank you, but will

they let me check in without ID?

Check in?

I think you better

talk to Michael.

He's over there.



Uh, excuse me?

- Oh, hey there.

- Hi.


What can I do for you?

Hi. Hi.

Um, I wanted to get checked in,

but I don't have my ID.

Oh, that's okay.

We don't really have a formal

check-in policy here.

It's usually just

first come, first serve.

Then what was the point of

making a reservation?

Well, I have no idea who made

the reservation for you,

but it's fine.

Why don't you come on in and

I'll try to get you some help?

- Okay.

- Okay?

Oh, and

I'm sorry about your grapes.

What do you mean?

Well, it looks like you

kind of missed the harvest.

Not if you're making ice wine.

Don't most wineries

use a freezer

and make it with the

grapes they already have?

Michael: Yes, they do.

That's very true.

But it's not really the same.

You see, nothing

brings out the sweetness

like the slow build of winter,

and if we can time this harvest

just right, the flavor

will be absolutely perfect.

And you, as the customer,

know exactly what you get.

I can certainly appreciate that.


All right.

Well, it's getting cold.

Let's get you inside, huh?

Okay. Thank you.

- Come on.

- Okay. Ooh!

I can see you, uh,

brought the right shoes.

Oh, I didn't know you

get so much snow up here.

(Michael chuckling)

If it's okay, I'd like to

check into my room first

before doing

any wine-tasting, please.

I'm sorry, but these rooms

are for private residents only.

But I can call and recommend

a couple of hotels in town.

I thought this was a hotel.

No, no, it's not.

We're, uh-- We're just a winery.

This is Hollingbrook Winery?

It is, yeah, and I'm

Michael Hollingbrook. You are?

I'm in the wrong place.

I need to go.

Oh. Oh, no.


Uh, where did the driver go?

Well, Gino,

he'll be back in a second.

Not to worry.

Listen. While you're here,

why don't you come back inside

and warm up a little bit

and try a glass of our merlot?

It's wonderful.

Oh, okay. I see you've read our

recent review to the contrary.

Completely untrue and,

to be honest,

bordering on unprofessional.

Usually, when things get bad

reviews it's for a good reason.

True. There was a good reason.

We made an honest mistake.

But instead of allowing us

to rectify the situation,

the reviewer decided

to trash us instead

and well, we lost a lot

of business because of it.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Well, nothing

we can do about it now.

We'll just get back

on our feet, all right?

- Dad?

- Yeah.

Do you want me to put out

all the barrel-tapping

festival merch?

I think that's

a great idea, honey.

Hi. I'm Britney.

Hi. I'm... Joy.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.

How do you walk

on those in the snow?

Aren't you afraid

you're going to slip and fall?

Hasn't happened yet.

(phone ringing)

Oh, excuse me.

I just have to take this.

No problem.



Whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey, hey.

- Are you okay?

- (Christina groaning)


Why? (groaning)


Are you okay?

(gasping) Ooh.


I think I'll stay right here.



(exhaling sharply)

Well, Joy, good news.

Your vitals are all normal,

and I can't see

any sign of head trauma

or concussion.

Who's Joy?

You are.

I'm Britney. Remember?

We just met.

We did?

Do you know where you live?

I think in the city.

Which city?

I don't...

...I don't know.

Oh, dear.

What? What's wrong with me?

I think you have a case of

retrograde amnesia.

What's that?

It's an inability to recall

recent events.

The brain is shutting down

the part that needs to heal.

How long will I be like this?

Well, that's the good news.

Most patients

with no outward signs of trauma

get their full memory back

in three to seven days.


Until then, we should

be able to figure out

a lot from your phone.

Speaking of which,

when she fell, doc,

her phone dropped in mud

and water,

and her cell won't power up.

So, I'm going to head into town,

talk to a repair guy

and see what we can do. Okay?

Okay. What about my wallet?

Where's my purse?

You left it

on the train, remember?

Michael: Uh, I'm sure

she doesn't remember, Gene.

Right. Right. I am trying

to find it, and your bag.

I don't have that, either?

You were only carrying

your notebook.

What? This?

What is all this? Recipes?

What am I? A chef?

Is someone waiting for me

to show up somewhere?

Am I married?

Do I have kids, or cats?

Did I mention

any friends or family?

Is anyone looking for me?

We don't know.

All we know is that

you seemed to

come to our winery by mistake.

Did I say where

I was supposed to be?

No. Sorry.

But if this

memory card will get fired up

and start working again,

we can find out.

We'll also contact the police.

You're going to be okay.

- (sighing)

- Michael: Hey.

We'll figure it out.

Well, what if we don't?

What am I going to do?

You need to stay somewhere safe

for a few days

until your memory returns.

She can stay with us.

Now, Brit, we don't

even know this person.

Well, if she's a criminal,

she's the most fashionable

criminal I've ever seen.

You know what I mean.

I know Mom said

we should always look

for ways to help people,

and Joy needs help.

Is your mom--

She d*ed three years ago.

Oh. I'm so sorry.

Let's get you upstairs.

Oh, I don't know

if it's okay with your dad yet.

It's fine. Come on. Let's go.


Michael: I'll set you

over here on the couch.

- Okay.

- Okay?

Yeah. Thank you so much.

- Okay?

- Christina: Yeah.

Is that her?

- The one who fell?

- Michael: Yeah.

Is she going to sue us?

Dad, are you kidding me?

Come on. Uh, Joy?

This is my father,

John Hollingbrook.


It's nice to meet you.

I'm so sorry for the trouble.

I don't mean to be

any inconvenience.

No problem. We just want to

make sure you're okay.


No. I'm fine,

except for the part that I don't

remember anything about myself.

Nothing? Nothing at all?

All I have is this notebook.

Are there any clues in there?

Only that I seem to be

an extremely organized

dessert enthusiast.

We just learned

about this in science.

Smells are

a huge trigger for memories.

Maybe making one of these

recipes will jog yours.


(sighing) I'm sorry.

Um, is there a place

I can lie down?


- Of course. Come on.

- Okay.

Dr. Grayson says that sleep is

the best thing right now, so--

Thank you.

You're welcome to

use our guest room.



Oh, I can't tell you how much

I appreciate all of this.

I don't know what I would have

done without your help.

Well, it's okay.

You're safe here.

- (sighing)

- Everything will be just fine.

Well, you don't know that.

No, I don't.

But what I do know is that

we're doing everything we can.

Gene is talking to

all the wineries and the hotels

to see if anybody

is looking for you.

But in the meantime,

we just need to take it

moment by moment. Okay?


So, in this particular moment,

I'm still completely

freaking out.

Still freaking out.

(breathing deliberately)

Still freaked out.

How am I doing?

You're doing great.

Well, um, I guess I should

try and get some sleep.

Yeah. That's probably best.

All right. Sleep well.

- Thank you.

- All right.

- (door closing)

- Christina (on recording): Hi.

You've reached

Christina Osborne.

I can't come to

the phone right now.

So, if you'd like to

leave your name, number,

and a brief message, I'll get

back to you as soon as I can.

- (phone beeping)

- Hey, it's me again.


I get that you're mad, okay?

I wish I could have been

up there, but...

(knocking on door)

...ignoring my texts

and my calls,

it's not helping anything.

Thank you.

Look. Just call me

when you're ready to talk, okay?



Uh, okay.





No. I'm sorry.

I didn't think

anyone would be up.

Yeah, I'm just-- I'm not

a really big sleeper, so--

Okay. Well, I don't want to be

in your way.

I'll just put everything back

and go to bed.

No, it's okay. Why don't you

tell me what you're making?

Um, I was going to try one of

the recipes from my notebook,

see if that triggered

anything from my childhood.

Ah, okay. All right.

Well, don't let me stop you.

I just have to admit,

I'm a little surprised

that you can find

enough ingredients to use.

You're not a big cook, then?

Oh, I make a really great

chicken, if I do say so myself.

I think if Britney wanted

to be a vegetarian, though,

we'd both starve to death.

Well, this is

a pretty basic recipe,

so I think we should be okay.

Um, where do you keep

the anchovies?

I'm sorry?

I'm kidding.

Oh. Hey, good.

I thought it was some

sort of weird regional thing,

although I wouldn't have

any idea what region.

Quick. What is your address?

You're trying the hiccup

technique on amnesia?

Well, that depends. Did it work?


Then, no, I'm not, actually.

You took my advice.


Oh. Hey, honey.

Oh. I'm so sorry

if we woke you up.

That's okay. Now that I know

what it is, can I help?

It's the middle

of the night, honey.

It's a weekend and we haven't

baked anything in this kitchen

in a long time.

Michael: True.

Well, if it's okay with Joy.

Of course.

All right.

I have some paperwork to finish,

and I'll let you two get to it.

- Thanks, Dad.

- All right, honey.

So, what are we making?

Grandma's famous cookies.

Do you think Grandma would be

mad if we added butterscotch?

Um, it's not in the recipe,

so I don't know.

Let's try anyway.

I think we have some chips.

Uh, okay.

Now what? Pecans?

Oh. Well, that's not

in here either, so, um--

You know what?

How about

butterscotch and pecans?

- Yes.

- Yeah.

Ooh, and how about cinnamon?

Oh, and do you

have pumpkin pie spice?

Hey, princess, come on. We got

to get you back to bed, okay?

- Come on.

- But I want to try them.

I'll put them in the fridge

and we will bake them first

thing in the morning, okay?

Okay. Did this help you

remember anything?

Not yet,

but I had a blast making them.

Me, too.

Okay, honey. Come on.

Good night.

- Good night.

- Good night.

Good night.

Britney: We should put it

inside, so she knows it's there.


I don't want to wake her.

She needs to rest if she's going

to get her memory back.

(speaking indistinctly)




We didn't mean to wake you.

No, no. It's okay.

I was awake.

I'm Diane.

A close friend of the family's.

It's nice to meet you.

I'm... Joy, apparently.

(Diane chuckling)

I hope you don't mind.

I brought you

some clean clothes,

comfy shoes

and some basic toiletries.

Oh, that's so kind of you.

Thank you so much.

Yeah. I can't believe

I actually wore those.

They're like

little leather t*rture chambers.

Yeah. I'm more of a "comfort

first" kind of gal myself.

Right now, I'll take

all the comfort I can get.

Can I go put the cookies in?

Oh, yeah. That's a great idea.

I heard about

your late-night baking session.

Well, I'm not sure how those

cookies are going to turn out.

We didn't exactly follow

the recipe.

Oh, well.

Some of the best things

happen in life

when you take a little detour.

I'll leave you to it.

- Thanks. Thank you again.

- Diane: You're welcome.

Betsy? Betsy, can you get me

Christina's review

of Badgley's Bistro

from Friday night?

She hasn't submitted it yet.

Well, that's odd. She said

she'd finish it on the train.

Maybe she really is taking

some time for some romance.

Good for her.

More than one piece,

though, right?

- Good morning.

- 'Morning.

- 'Morning.

- Hi.


I-- Yeah. I mean,

Diane's clothes

fit you perfectly.

Now, you don't have to,

you know, obviously,

wear the same clothes

every single day.

Not that

those clothes weren't nice.

I mean, you-- Um, you--

- Dad...

- You look great. Yeah?

Stop being weird.

What? I thought weird

is what I'm good at.

- (bell dinging)

- Oh.


The cookies are cool.



Um, it's been a long time

since she had this much fun

in the kitchen, so thank you.

Well, I think I had

more fun than she did.

But I'm a little nervous

to taste them, though.

I'm not getting my hopes up.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Here we go.

I'll give you a nice big one.

- Michael: Mmm.

- Britney: Okay.


Which one do you want?


On the count of three. Ready?



One, two, three.

These are amazing.

They are, aren't they?


So good.

Is it triggering your memory?



Well, that's my fault.

Should have followed

the exact recipe.

- Michael: Honey...

- No. It was worth it.

- (Michael chuckling)

- But, um,

have you heard anything

this morning, though?

Has anyone said

they were looking for me?

No. Nothing yet, Joy.

I'm sorry.

What if I'm a fugitive

or something?

Dad basically

said the same thing.

Okay. All right.

Thank you.

(all chuckling)

Well, if I'm wanted, at least

I know someone's looking for me.

You know, maybe if I read

today's newspaper,

something will

trigger my memory.

- Yeah.

- Do you mind?

Yeah, of course. Go ahead.

Okay. Hmm.


Oh, look at this.

What? Is it about you?

No. It's about you guys.

Yeah, this is a lot

more nerve-wracking

than exciting, but thank you.

So, listen.

I think these cookies--

As a matter of fact,

I know these cookies

would pair perfectly with

the ice wine at the tasting.

Oh. Do you make that here?

Yeah, I was-- Right.

Um, I told you, but you--

I told you before you fell.

- Oh.

- So--

- Thank you, honey.

- Yeah. Of course.

What do you-- What do you say?

Do you want to try them?


All right. Don't eat them all.

I'll try.

Or at least save us one.

- Yeah.

- Okay. Bye, guys.



Okay. So, you are going to need

one of these.

For what?

Well, a couple years ago,

Gene and I built

a very special ice wine room.

And trust me, you are going

to need one of those.

Come on.

Oh, wow. This is incredible.

Oh, incredibly cold.


That's a lot of ice.

It helps us

keep it at 14 degrees,

which is

the exact temperature you need

when you're harvesting

ice wine grapes.

We're hoping to hit it

in the next few days.

People must love coming

down here for the tour.

Oh. Well, no. They're not

going to be touring this room,


It's temporary.

In about a year or so,

when it melts, this will be it.

It'll be gone.


Well, my dad says

it's too expensive

to maintain an ice wine room

at 14 degrees.

He wants us to just

rely on what we know best

and try to get

our customers back, so--


Oh. I'm sorry.

You don't remember.

We were-- Before you fell,

I was telling you that

about a year ago,

we sent out a corked merlot.

And the review we got back,

we lost a lot of business.

So, all those

buyers and reviewers

that are coming to the party,

we need to make sure

that we win them back.

I'm sure you will.

Well, these reviewers

are very brutal.

That's for you.

They don't care about the

impact they have on businesses.

for some reason.

You know, they decide,

they write their reviews,

they leave,

and then, you know,

that's it, we're done.

And then, we're left

picking up the pieces.

Well, they don't sound

like very happy people.

Looking for the negative in

everything must be exhausting.


Okay. One sip, just to be safe.


Well, I don't know if amnesia

and wine will mix too well, so--

I have amnesia?

Are you kidding me?


Yes. Okay.

Well, all right.

I'm going to make a toast.


To you getting your memory back.

(glasses clinking)

Oh, Michael.

This is incredible.

- It's good, right?

- Oh, my goodness.

It's exactly

how I wanted it to taste.



You know, my wife, um--

It's okay. Your wife.

My wife, obviously, wasn't here

for the final product, but...

...I think she'd love this.

Everyone will.

You have to serve this

at the party.

- Thank you very much.

- Mmm.

But for all intents

and purposes,

this is your first sip of wine,

so the bar is pretty low.

- True. Okay.

- What?

Tell me how they taste together.

Ah, okay. I'm going to

go with this one here.

Oh. Those are good.

What do you think?

(applauding) Wow.

- Really?

- Amazing.

- Oh.

- They pair perfectly together.

And I had all the

ingredients to make these?


You know, sometimes,

it just takes a different

perspective to see

what you already have

right in front of you.

Maybe that's all your dad needs;

to see the ice wine

from your point of view.

You know, maybe in real life,

you were a philosopher.

I don't know about that.

Okay. I'm going to try them.



They are good together.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, my goodness.


I hope you can remember

how to make these.

I hope I remember

a lot more than that.

But I'll never forget

the last 24 hours.


Neither will I.

(glasses clinking)

So, I just got off the phone

with the police again.

They haven't heard anything

about anyone missing

and unfortunately,

no sign of your purse or bag.

Well, I hate to think

no one's looking for me.

But I guess in a way it's good.

I mean, it means

I probably don't have any kids

or a husband.

But I must have someone, right?

Of course you do.

You're amazing.

She's not wrong, you know.

I'm sure someone

will find you soon.

Well, you should eat.

keep your strength up.


I wouldn't know where to start.

I just make one big pile

on my plate and eat my way down.


Sounds good to me.

We farmers take our meals

very seriously.

Yeah. I snuck over here

for breakfast

for five years straight.

I can see why.

This is delicious.

- (phone chiming)

- What's wrong, Dad?

Uh, there's a delay on the

tasting glasses for the party.

If they don't get there

on time, this event--


I'll take care of it, Mike.

You just concentrate

on the wine itself. Don't worry.

It's going to be great, Dad.

I know it.

Really? How do you know that?

Because we're due

for some really good luck.

I will toast to that.

How do we toast, Dad?

Where are the actual drinks?


- On it.

- Oh, can I help?

- John: No.

- No, no. I got it.

You and Diane just relax.

Britney is such a sweet kid.

She is,

and she's been through a lot.

Yeah. I heard about her mom.

Do you mind me asking

what happened?

Sara had a heart condition

that nobody knew about.

It was just

a one-in-a-million thing.

And Michael said

he made the ice wine for her.

Yeah. They started it together.

When she d*ed, he just wanted to

keep their vision alive.

But now, he's obsessed with it

as a way to bring the winery

back from that review.

He just needs a win.

Seriously, Chrissy,

this isn't cool.

Look. I'm really busy,

and I don't deal well with

the whole passive-aggressive,

silent treatment thing.

We're adults. Just let me know

that you're okay. Okay?



That's all that's been

turned in. Any of them yours?

I don't know.

Can we open one of them

just to make sure?

I'd need to see some ID.

No. I lost my purse, too.

I'm sorry, miss. Without ID,

there's not much I can do.

Have you tried

calling the police?

- Yeah.

- Yes.

Nothing I can do. Sorry.

Thank you.

Who's this?

That would be one Eleanor Parks.

She's the end-all, be-all


of wines in this region.

You get a good review from her,

and everything changes.

Do you know her?

I don't think so.

But if she's that important,

I hope she's coming

to your barrel-tapping.

Well, she was invited.

No guarantee she'll show,


A lot of competition

for her time this week.

Well, she just needs

to think she's missing

the next best thing

if she doesn't.

Well, thank you very much.

So, we've narrowed

down your career

to chef/baker, and apparently

now, marketing executive.


Or fashion designer.

Your shoes

when you came here were amazing.

I don't know what I was thinking

wearing those in the snow.

- (phone vibrating)

- That's what I said.

I think, after all this,

I'm going to stick to

snuggly boots.


It's Gene.

He just spoke to

the guy at the phone store.

They can't get your phone

up and running.


And no one has turned in

your purse from the train.

I'm so sorry, Joy.

How can this be?

No missing persons report.

Nothing on social media.

Hey, hey.

We could check online.

I don't want you to worry,

all right?

Anything you need, we'll take

care of it. That means anything.

Besides, remember

what the doctor said.

It's not going to last long.


I don't know

how to thank you both.

I mean, of course, I will pay

you back for everything.

Joy, hey. You don't have to

pay us back.

Just pay it forward.

I will,

starting with baking something

new from my notebook.

Maybe one of

these recipes is the trigger

to remembering who I am,

and maybe one of

them will be good enough

to convince your dad to serve

your ice wine at the party.

Ha. You know how

to bake miracles?

We can try.

I'll need

my trusty assistant, though.

- Are you in?

- I'm so in.

- I'll bring them in.

- Christina: Are you sure?

Ah, ah. Hold on a second.

Don't be fooled.

You're just trying to hide the

fact that you already opened up

the white chocolate chips

and ate half the bag, right?

Actually, that was me.

Whoa! Really?

Well, listen. I'll be right in.

I just got to go

check on the grapes.

Oh. Do you mind if I join you?

Maybe if I can remember our

conversation in the vineyard,

something else will spark.


Plus you're pretty good company.

You're not so bad yourself.

After you.


So, what happens

if the best night to harvest

is the same night as the party?


(exhaling sharply)

Shh. Don't say that.

We don't want to put that

out in the universe.

No. That would be

a total disaster.

You see, when you harvest,

all hands are on deck.

Same thing goes for the party.

Even though I want to create

a buzz with the ice wine,

the party is more important.

We need to make sure everybody

knows we have good wine,

the best wine,

and Dad thinks I'm forgetting

that, but I'm not.

I just-- I just want

to create an edge, you know?

No. I think he knows you care,

not just for the wine,

but for everyone around you.

I mean, I've only known you

for a couple of days

and I can see it.

- Ooh.

- What?



What do you think?

Five-second rule?

Well, it's frozen.

So, I'll give you a minute.

Good point.


Whoever thought to make

ice wine in the first place?

Ah. Well, now that you ask,

there's a great story

behind that, too.

Um, a frost struck

a small German vineyard

before harvest.

When the villagers woke up,

they realized

they didn't want to

let the grapes go, right?

They're not going to have

anything to sell that year.

So, they said, "You know what?

We're going to take a chance.

"We're going to build

a bonfire. Make streusel.

We're going to harvest anyway."

And when they pressed

on those frozen grapes,

they tasted the sweetest wine

that they'd ever had

in their life,

and they decided

to call it ice wine.

I love that. A happy accident.

Also, I just--

I feel like it was something

that was meant to happen,

you know?

The villagers hit a roadblock

and they ended up somewhere

they never thought they'd be.

And it turned out for the best.

Yes, it did.

Well, maybe one day,

I can look back on all this

and say the same thing.

I hope so, too.

For what it's worth,

I just want to say,

I am so glad that you showed up

at the wrong winery.

(both laughing)

You know what? I am, too.


It's snowing.

This could be a clue

that maybe you live somewhere

that there's not--

There's no snow.

- Maybe.

- Yep.

It's so beautiful.

You're living in the moment?


You freaking out?



It's beautiful, huh?



Then sugar.

- Michael: Hey.

- Okay. Yeah, yeah.

What are you guys making?

We need salt.

Oh, a souffl from my notebook.

I have a ton of notes around it,

so I must have made it a lot.

Okay. You got to be

a pastry chef. I mean, come on.

Isn't making

souffls really hard?

How hard can it be?

But this time,

we should

really we follow the recipe.

- No, no. Stop.

- Britney: Dad!


Oh, yeah. That's baking

chocolate, right? Mm-hmm.

- Both: Yes.

- That's good.

- It's yummy.

- Oh, really?

Yeah, it's really good.

So, Mr. Hollingbrook,

what would you pair that with?

This trash can.

I can't believe you

followed through with that.


when I commit, I commit.

Well, that's a good trait

to have in general.


- Okay. Come on.

- What can I do to help?

We could use an

extra pair of hands. Yeah.

- Don't need any more of that.

- Britney: Yeah.

But you know,

back in the day...



...when your dad was cool...

- Britney: Oh, no.

- (laughing) Dad.

- Michael: You know?

- Oh, oh, oh.

- What do you think of that?

- (Christina shrieking)

- Oh.

What do you think

of that, huh?

- Oh.

- (splatting)

- (Christina shrieking)

- Okay.

(Britney laughing)

- Sorry. (laughing)

- Britney: What have you done?

- Michael: Oh.

- Christina: (laughing) Oh, no.

- (Britney giggling)

- Michael: Hey. Be quiet,

because she's sleeping.

Did you, uh,

double up on your socks?



Because last year,

you only had the one pair,

and you were freezing.

- What's going on?

- We're harvesting.

What, the grapes?

Now, in the middle of the night?

It's 14 degrees.

It's now or never, so--

- Christina: Oh.

- Everyone comes out.

It's fun. Diane brought

some snow gear for you.

- Really?

- If you don't want to come out,

it's okay.

I mean, if you're sleeping.

Are you out of your mind?

I wouldn't miss this

for the world, and you can get

it done before your party.

- Okay.

- One less thing to worry about.

For you, I mean.

I mean, I'm still worried

about pretty much everything.

Then maybe

this is a nice distraction.

You put that on.

We will meet you downstairs.

- Okay.

- All right?


- John: Ta-da!

- Michael: Ah, here we go.



John! You made it.

- About time.

- John: Listen.

I may not be crazy

about the idea,

but hey, my name is

on this stuff, so--


Don't waste any, Gene.

If any fall,

just put them in there, okay?

Thanks, brother.

Whoa. Oh, I see how

this is going to play.

Oh, I don't know.


- (Christina shrieking)

- Oh, I missed.

(laughing, chattering)



- What's that? Oh.

- (Diane laughing)

Go around. Go around.

Go around!


Attacking the old guy, huh?

Okay, okay. (laughing)

Okay. Okay. All right. You win.

You win. You guys win. You win.


- (Michael grunting)

- (Christina laughing)

- You got some snow on you.

- Wow.

- You okay?

- I'm great.


Okay. Back to work.

- Hey.

- Hey, I know.

Start clipping, Pop.

- Hey.

- So, Britney fall asleep

before her head hit

the pillow.

- (all laughing)

- We all need some rest.

There's only two days left,

and we still have lots to do.

Hey, Mike, I have extra

linens in the car.

Want to help me bring them in?

- Sure.

- Diane: Yeah.

- Hi.

- Hey.

(Christina sighs)

(door opening)


John, you should really try it.

I mean, Michael has

worked so hard on this.

I know.

Then what's stopping you?

When I took over

the winery from my dad,

I tried to make ice wine, too.

Then we had a heatwave.

Two weeks

of record temperatures.

We lost a quarter

of our grapes.

Took years to recover.

Does Michael know that?

He thinks

it was just a fluke,

that it couldn't happen

again like that.

But isn't that true?

I can't take that chance.

He already feels

bad enough about the review.

I can't let him take that hit

if the ice wine puts

us deeper in the hole.

I love him too much.

But if you love him,

doesn't he deserve a chance

to make things right?

Or maybe even give you

a second chance

to make the wine

you dreamed of, too?


- (door opening)

- (sighing)

(door closing)


Uh, did something happen?

Your dad told me

what happened

when he tried to

make ice wine.

Now, it makes sense

why he's holding you back.

He's protecting you.

He loves you so much.

You know that, right?


My dad is not really one

for talking about

his feelings, so--


Guess it runs in

the family.

Are there feelings

you're not talking about?


You know, I don't know

who I am or where I live

or my history,

but right now,

I feel like I'm where I belong.

Is that crazy? (laughing)

Well, I mean, if you'd have

asked me that a few days ago,

I probably would've said yes.

(both laughing)

But now?

No. It's not crazy.

Um, let's not get ahead

of ourselves, okay?

Not until you, you know,

know who you are and--

No. Of course. Of course.

You need to protect yourself

and Britney.

And you.

(phone ringing)

Hi. It's Kevin.

Oh. Kevin, this is, uh, Sam,

Christina's editor.


I really need to talk to her,

but she's not answering

my calls.

Kevin: What? Really?

Okay. I'll call her mom.

Let me call you back.

(phone ringing)

Phyllis, hey.

Hey, it's Kevin. Hi.

I was wondering, um,

have you heard from Christina

in the last few days?


- Hey.

- Hi.



I just wanted to say thanks

for helping us with the baking

and harvesting last night.

Dad has been so stressed out

about the party.

We haven't had that much fun

in a long time.

It was my pleasure,

and thank you for making me feel

so at home.

(chuckling) Oh.

Your mom has kind eyes,

just like you.

I'm sure you miss her very much.


I do.

But sometimes when I feel happy,

I feel guilty.

Like last night.

Brit, I'm sure that when

your mom is watching over you

from heaven, seeing you smile

makes her heart sing.

- You really think so?

- I do.

So, what does it actually feel

like to have amnesia?



Hey. There you are.

As a matter of fact,

I just overheard you.

I was wondering the same thing.

Okay. Um, well,

you know that feeling

when you wake up,

and for a second,

you don't know where you are,

or if you're still dreaming

or not?

Oh, man. I hate that.

Then I don't recommend

this experience for you.


I'm so sorry this happened

to you, Joy.

You know what? I'm not.

Because if it didn't happen,

I wouldn't have met you

and your dad.

I mean, of course I want to

find out who I am.

But I think part of me

is really going to miss this.

Is that weird?


No. It's not weird at all.

And just for the record,

no matter who you are,

you're always welcome here,


Oh. I don't have a dress

for the party tomorrow.

Oh. Maybe your dad

can take you shopping.

- Michael: Yeah.

- Or maybe you could?

No offense to Dad, but he thinks

"fancy" means dark jeans.


Now, come on. that's not...

- That's absolutely true, yeah.

- (laughing)

See? I think

you'd look beautiful in that.

Except I read online

with my colouring,

I should never wear

this shade of pink.

Pfft. Right now, in this moment,

this dress makes you happy.

And that's all that matters.

Unless, of course,

the dress costs a fortune,

in which case we should probably

ask your dad,

because I don't want to

get in trouble.


It's on sale.

Victory is ours.

Do you think you'll need a dress

for the party, too?

I don't know. I mean,

any moment, my memory

could come back, and then--

Back to your real life?


I know. Whatever that is.

But for what it's worth,

I hope it's as nice as this one.

That's her. Eleanor Parks.

- From the magazine?

- Yeah.

Has she RSVP'd to the party yet?

I don't think so.

Well, why don't you go

try on the dress,

and I'll go talk to her?

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Uh, excuse me?

- Yes?

- Hi.

- Oh, hi, Christina.

- You know me?

- (scoffing)

You don't have to be

so dramatic.

Don't worry.

I'm not going to be the one

to blow C.J. Osborne's cover.

I wouldn't do that.


I'm C.J. Osborne?

I don't know why you're playing

this game, Christina.

Just don't play it with me.

Well, what did she say?

Is she coming?

Uh, it wasn't her.

Oh. Bummer.


Hey, you two.

So, I've got good news.

The flyers are still up

all over town for the party.

I'm just praying

that Eleanor Parks saw it,

and that C.J. Osborne did not.

He wouldn't dare show his face

at our winery, Dad.

- Don't worry.

- I hope not.

He's literally the last

person I want to see, honey.

Joy, you okay?

Joy? Hello?


Hi. Yes. I'm fine.

- Everything's fine.

- Okay.

Okay. Guess she's ready to go.

Hop in, honey.

- Hey.

- Oh, hey.

Hey, Mike, is she okay?

Uh, no.

She wasn't feeling very well.

Listen. I figure if she's not

feeling better soon,

we should call Dr. Grayson,


I'll go check on her.

- Right. Thanks.

- You're welcome.

Let's go take your jacket, okay?

(knocking on door)


Michael told me

you weren't feeling well.

I can tell he's worried.

You know,

he cares a lot about you.

(breathing heavily)

I really care about him, too.

And that's what makes this

even worse.

What's wrong?


I got my memory back.

- You got your memory back?

- Shh.


That's actually amazing news.

No, it's not.

Why not?

Wait. What's your last name?


Christina Osborne.


But you said your name was Joy

before you even fell--

Joy is my middle name.

Christina Joy Osborne.

- No.

- Yes.

- You're C.J. Osb--

- Shh! Not so loud.

I can't believe it.

But I don't want to be her.

Oh, I just want to be Joy again.

Michael is never going to

forgive me.

- For the review?

- For everything. He hates me.

And Britney and John and Gene,

they're going to hate me, too.

And they're right to.

I'm the bad guy.

- I don't hate you.

- Well, you should.

I'm the reason the winery

lost so much business.

I'm the reason everything

is riding on tomorrow night.

You have to tell them the truth.

How do I explain all this?

How do I tell them

how sorry I am?

How do I show them--

How do I show them that I am not

the same person I was

when I got here?

Okay. Let's just--

Let's just take a second

to process this.



Is there anyone you need

to call?

You're already with someone,

aren't you?

I was. I mean, I am, but...

...that's not what I want


What do you want?

I want what Joy had.

She lived in the moment.

She didn't know what the future

held, and it set her free.

Diane, she was happy.


you can still have that.

That doesn't have to change.

Everything is going to change

when I tell them.

What's this going to do

to Britney?

She's going to be devastated.

They care about you.

No matter what your name is.

But you do have to tell them.



- Uh, give us a second, Mike?

- Sure.

You have to tell him.

I will. I will.

But not until

I make things right.

That way, maybe they won't

be as angry.

Maybe they won't hate me.

Maybe Michael--

I'm not sure

that's such a good idea.

Please, please, Diane.

Just don't say anything

until the party tomorrow night.

I have to fix this

for everyone.

I need a phone.

I have a lot of calls to make.

Here. Use mine for now.

And I'll, um, I'll bring you to

town to get a new one.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.


Where are you two headed off to?

Uh, we're just going into town

to get, um--

Get ingredients

for another dessert.

Oh. Okay, good.

So, you're feeling a little more

like yourself, then, huh?

- Something like that.

- Well, listen.

I forgot to drop off

some of these shuttle passes

for the party for the buyers

staying in town.

I could take you back in.


We could take the convertible.

But it's freezing outside.

I know. Trust me?

- More than anything.

- Good.

- I'll meet you out front.

- Okay.



So, I've got heat on full blast,

and who doesn't love hot cocoa?

So, what do you say? You in?

I can't think of anything else

I'd rather do.

Well, aside from getting

your memory back.

- Hop in.

- Right. Of course.

Listen. I was thinking I'd

take you on a little joyride.

See what I did there?

I did. Because I'm Joy.

- All right.

- I'm so Joy.

Here we go.

You cannot find the light

You feel your dreams

are dying

Hold tight

You've got the music in you

Don't let go

You got the music in you

One last dance


I got to ask something here.

You remember this song?

I-- I heard it in the store


And now I've forgotten it again.

Darn amnesia. (chuckling)

I'm coming home, baby

You're tops

Give it to me now

Michael: Check out the view

from this overlook.


There's a lot of competition

out here, huh?


That's why tomorrow is

very important.

We need to be the winery

everybody is talking about.

You will.

I promise.

Thank you, but I'm not sure

that's a promise

anyone can make.

Michael, um--

You're right. Sorry.

No, no.

Here I am, always telling you

how I can't open up.

But when you're with someone

you like very much, like you--

It's hard to keep

those feelings inside, yeah.

No matter how hard I try,

I just--

I can't turn these feelings off

for you.


Oh, listen.

You can put the baking supplies

on my account, okay?

- Thank you.

- No, no. Don't mention it.

In the meantime, I'm going to

drop these passes off.

I'll be back here

in a few minutes.

- Okay.

- All right.

- All right.

- Good luck.

(phone ringing)


- Mom, Mom, it's me.

- Christina!

Where have you been?

Everyone's been trying

to reach you.

I know, I know.

It's a long story. Listen.

Hey, um, I'm trying to find out

if a Christina Osbourne

checked in?


It could be under C.J. Osborne.

Uh, sorry to interrupt,

did you just say C.J. Osborne?

As in the food critic?

Yeah. I'm her boyfriend.

Oh. Wow.

I had no idea C.J. Osborne

was a woman.

Yeah. Well, that's by design.

She likes to keep people


Do you know her?

(chuckling) Do I know her?


I run, um, Hollingbrook Winery.

Oh, man.

- The merlot.

- Yeah. That'd be the one.


Listen. If you could do me

the hugest favor,

just steer her away from

Hollingbrook Winery this week.

I'd really appreciate it.

You know, just in case

she's planning on another

- follow-up hit piece.

- Totally understand.

- Will do.

- Okay, great. Thanks.

Appreciate it.

Of course,

I just have to find her first.

Just meet me at the B&B tomorrow

morning at 9:00, please?

I really need to talk to you.

(cellphone beeping)

Mom, did you talk to Sam?


Thank you so much.

Yeah. I hope it works too.


Mom, I have to go. I love you.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Listen. I was thinking we should

check on your phone at the shop.

You know what? I already did.

And, um, yeah.

The guy said he's this close

to fixing it. Probably tomorrow.

He practically guaranteed it.

- Oh, good. Tomorrow, then.

- Tomorrow.

Well, then, that means you and I

need to make the most of today.

Look at you.

Living in the moment.

Ah, I like it.

It's my new thing.

Mine, too. Really, really new.

Because you never know when

everything is going to change.

Well, I can tell you one thing.

I wouldn't change the last three

days for anything.

Me, neither.

What? What's wrong?

Oh, nothing. I just--

Aren't you supposed to get

some ingredients for a dessert?

Oh, yes. Yeah.

I still need to do that.

- Let me help you.

- Okay.

Come on.

By the way, you're never going

to believe who I ran into

- at the B&B.

- Who?

C.J. Osborne's boyfriend.

Wait. Um, he's here?

Yeah. Well, C.J. is a woman.

Apparently she's a real piece

of work, too.

- Is that so?

- Yeah.

Bet she can't wait to ruin

another winery's sales

for the year.

Michael, I'm sure

if she knew the damage it did,

she would do anything

to make it right.

It's too late for that.


You okay? What's wrong?


What? I was just saying, I--

Christina? Hey.


Uh, okay.

I guess now I know why

you haven't been

- returning anyone's calls.

- No, no, Kevin.

There is a good reason for that.

I'm sorry, did you--

I'm sorry. You know him?

She's my girlfriend.

I-- Okay, I'm confused.

I thought you told me that C.J.

Osborne was your girlfriend.

- Oh.

- Michael.

You know what? I have to go.

No, Michael. Michael, just wait.

What exactly is going on?

Look. I fell and I hit my head,

and I didn't even know who I was

until earlier today.

Come on. You're going to pretend

that you had amnesia

this whole time?

I mean, how gullible do I look?

Look. I know it sounds crazy,

but it's true.

The Hollingbrooks,

they looked after me.

Please, just give me

two minutes, okay?

Your mom

and Sam are worried sick.

I called my mom

and she called Sam.

What, you just didn't bother

calling me?

No, I tried.

Please, two minutes,

and then we can talk, I promise.

Just two minutes. Michael!

- Michael.

- No, listen.

You know, I can't believe after

all the conversations

we had together about

how awful that review was,

- it was you this whole time.

- I am so sorry.

I was wrong to write

that review,

and even more wrong

not to give you a second chance,

but I'm just not that person.

Not anymore.


Well, let me ask you a question.

When you first got here, before

you fell and hit your head,

you told me your name was Joy.

I did.

Were you here doing

an anonymous review?

No. No. I just didn't want to

make a scene.

- Oh.

- There was a mix-up

at the train station,

and when I realized where I was,

I was trying to leave,

and that's when I fell.

Michael, if I had known then

what I know now,

everything would be different.

Doesn't matter anymore,

does it?

I mean, come on. Look.

You got your memory back.

That's all that matters, right?

I just can't believe you knew

who you were this whole time,

and you waited this long

to tell me.

I only waited because I wanted

to make things right.

- To fix what I broke.

- Well, don't try to fix it,

because there are some things

that aren't fixable.


(tires squealing)

She felt terrible when

she realized who she was, Mike.

Yeah. Well, I just can't believe

you found out before I did.

She just wanted to fix things

before she told you.

You always said that

C.J. Osborne wouldn't give you

a second chance. You're not

going to give her one?

Diane, come on.

I can't.

She cares a lot about you.

You two had something special.

Are you really going to

let that go?

Do you think

I have much of a choice?


I mean, Christina is here.

She wants to say thanks to all

of us before she leaves.

Why don't you guys go ahead

and do that?

'Cause I have work to do.

Give me one sec.


I'm so sorry my review

caused you so much pain.

You were just doing your job.

I don't even know if I want to

do that job.

It just doesn't feel like me


You and Michael and Britney,

and you, Diane,

you changed my life.

For a while there,

you changed ours, too.

I tried the ice wine.

You were right.

It deserves a sh*t.

Did you tell Michael?

- Not yet.

- Don't wait. Trust me.

It only gets harder.

I just wish I could stay

and fix everything.

Christina, you fixed more

than you know.


It's okay. It's okay.

Thank you.

Thank you for all the clothes.

I guess I have to go.

Take care.

You, too.

(engine revving)

You know,

you didn't say much

on the way back.

Yeah. It's, um--

It's been a long few days.

That's an understatement.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Excuse me. What wine is this?

It's the merlot

from Hollingbrook Winery.

Kevin: Excuse me.

Could you just take that back

and bring something else,


No, no. It's okay.

It's wonderful.

Really? That's the wine

you reviewed.

I should have given them

a second chance.

You've never been big

on second chances, Christina.

No, I haven't,

but they deserved one.

Anyone who opens a restaurant

or a winery deserves one.

They're the ones taking

the risk.

They're the ones putting their

hearts and souls out there

with no safety net.

And they have no idea

how it's going to turn out.

Do you know how brave that is?

Are we still talking about


I'm talking about my whole life.

For as long as I can remember,

nothing scared me more

than not knowing how something

was going to turn out.

I was terrified of making

the wrong choice

or taking the wrong path,

but what I've realized is

that's not really living at all.

And I don't want to do that


So, what are you saying?

What I'm saying is

we've both been running on fumes

for a long time.

You know that.

I guess I thought that


we'd figure out

where we wanted to go.

Maybe it's time we each get in

our own car,

get a full t*nk of gas,

and see where the road takes us.

Maybe you're right.

Are you sure you're okay?

'Cause this is not

the Christina I know.

It's the Christina

I used to be.

It just took getting amnesia

to remember it.


That's pretty ironic.


So, what are you going

to do now?

First, I'm going to check

into my room.

And then tomorrow,

get back to making things right.

You got my message?

- I did.

- Okay.

Christina: Thanks again

for letting me use your kitchen.

I'm just happy you didn't back

out of your plan

after Michael told you to leave.

Oh, no. I'm never giving up.

Not on Michael,

not on the winery.

Not until I make things right.

Oh, I talked to John.

He's still on board.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

But I have to say,

baking without Britney

just isn't the same.

- I know.

- (doorbell ringing)

That's why I invited her

to come over.


It's going to be so weird

not calling you Joy anymore.

It's actually my middle name.

But you know, to be honest,

I used to hate it.

- Why?

- It just didn't feel like me.

But now it does.


- Can you get the oven for me?

- Yeah.

All right. Here we go.

- (timer dinging)

- Okay.

Ooh. Those look good.

Wait. It worked.

This is probably the 20th time

I've tried to make this,

and the first time

I got it right.


So, what changed?

I guess this time

I just went with my gut,

and I knew that

even if I made a mistake,

it would still be okay.

But I'm not done yet.

There is one more recipe

I want to try.

The one I used to make

with my dad when I was a kid.

There was nothing sweeter.


Hey, uh...

...why are you taking

the sign away?

Because you were right, Dad.

I need to start thinking about

what's best for the future

of the winery instead of

always thinking about myself.

And I know you were always just

trying to protect me.

Except I was wrong.

After talking to Christina,

I tried the wine.

And you're right. It is special.

It deserves a chance to shine.

Thanks, Dad.

You know, uh,

Christina is pretty special,


I know you've forgiven yourself

for the bad corks.

Can't you forgive her

for the review?

- I have.

- Does she know that?

Dad, no. Come on. I didn't--

I was so hurt

when I found out who she was,

I just pushed her away.

Now, she's gone. So--

Are you sure about that?

What are you doing here?

Did you really think I'd let you

serve that incredible wine

without something

to pair it with?

Hey, plenty of time to talk


It's almost time

for the doors to open.

We have work to do.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold on. What was that?

You'll see.

I'll see?

I see you found your luggage.

I did,

but every pair of shoes I had

were their own special form

of t*rture,

so I made one Diane-inspired

purchase in town.


- I love it. Cheers.

- Cheers.

It looks great, by the way.


So, it doesn't look like

Eleanor Park showed up.

That's okay, because everybody

is loving the wine.

We just need some good

old-fashioned word of mouth.

Wait. She's not here?

Well, I didn't expect her.

I did.

What do you mean

you expected-- Why?

Oh, there she is. She's here.

- Excuse me.

- Get a glass of wine. Yeah.

- Eleanor is here.

- Oh.

John's time to shine.

Ladies and gentlemen,

thank you for coming

to Hollingbrook Winery tonight.

We have something new for you.

It's the first vintage ice wine

this valley has seen

in 50 years.


Thank you, thank you.

Later, you'll all get a chance

to visit our custom-made

ice wine room.

But for the moment, we're going

to take you back in time

to the German village

where eiswein was created.

So, bundle up, everyone,

and follow me.

(Bavarian brass band


Hey, hey, did you do this?

Did you do this for me?

No, Christina did. For you.

I just gave her the thumbs up.

It's a pleasure to meet you

in person, thank you.

- Really lovely.

- Take care of her, okay?

We need her.


...can I talk to you?

I thought you'd never ask.

- Whoa!

- Whoa, whoa.

Hey, come on. You're scaring me.

Careful. I don't want you

to fall again.

I did fall pretty hard.

So did I.


I cannot believe that you did

all of this for us.

I just hope it was enough.

It's more than enough.

You know, my dad was speaking

earlier to Eleanor Parks.

And she said she's naming us

Best Overall Winery

in next month's

Wine and Spirits.


And word apparently

got around the bonfire

that now I have enough advance

orders for the entire year.


I knew you could do it.

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Well, I did have a lot of help.

Well, that streusel

is pretty good.

Yes. Very, very good.

But I had a lot of help

in getting Eleanor Parks here.

- Really?

- Yeah.

And I asked her.

I said, you know,

"What made you come out


She says, "Well, you know,

it's interesting.

"I read this inspiring

review online.

A review that was written

by my former writing partner."

I couldn't think of a better way

for C.J. to say goodbye.

I hope it wasn't because of me.

I'm sorry for all the things

I said about her-- You.

And the tainted wine

was my mistake.

And mine was not giving you

a second chance.

But it doesn't matter.

Writing reviews is just not

something I want to do anymore.

I thought that

maybe I could become

a restaurant consultant.

But instead of just telling

people their problems

and walking away,

I could also help get them

- on the right track.

- Hmm.

That sounds like something C.J.

Osborne would be perfect at.

You know, now that

you mention it, I-- Ooh.

- I do have a problem.

- What?

I want to kiss you so bad.

Problem solved.

Now, the problem is solved.

Now, the problem is solved.


- Oh, by the way...

- Uh-huh?

- I tried the merlot again.

- Oh. And?

Best I've ever had.

- Yes!

- (laughing)

Woo! Did you hear that?
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