03x01 - Team Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x01 - Team Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »

( Moaning )

( Sighing )

( Door opens )

Give me a few minutes
and I’ll be up for it again.

Let me worry

about that.

You don’t get any more
for this, you know.

( Groans )

( Grunts )

Tell me, lover--
am I the best?

I’ll just leave that
with you. Thanks.

Good morning.

You look like you
have been visited by death.


I’m being audited.

It can’t be that bad.

You keep good records

don’t you?

My appointment is at :
and I am nowhere near ready.


my clothes.

They’re deductible, right?

Only if Halloween

is a business expense.

Here, this just came in.

We’ve got a dead banker
at a motel.

You guys take it.

Could you get somebody else?

I’ve got an appointment today.

He’s being audited today.

Oh, Lorenzo,
that is bad.

That is very,
very bad.

Uh, what makes you say that?

They’re rough on cops.

They make examples

out of us.

That’s it. That’s it.

I am dead.

Don’t do that to him.

I’m telling
the truth.

I was audited.

The worst experience
of my life.

I had night sweats.

I broke out
in these hives.

I scratched and scratched
until I bled.

Look at this.

See that?
That’s a hive scar.

You sure that’s a scar,

Why, what do you
think it is?

I don’t know.

It looks more like
a growth of some kind.

A grow...?

Are you sure?

Has it changed colors
or grown

since you’ve gotten it?

No, it ha...

Yeah, it changed colors.

( Whistles )

Well, I wouldn’t
worry about it.

I’m sure it’s just
sun damage.

Sun damage.

I’m going to call Frannie.

You know, out of all
the characters

that have come since
they started rotation command

Harry-the-lip Lipschitz
takes the cake.

His wife is a nurse.

Isn’t that perfect?

I bet his life

is one long house call.

All right,
let’s get out of here.

It is a hot day

and I’m sure our stiff
won’t keep.

Hi, Hattie.

How are you doing?

All right.

I’d put the time of death
around :.

Looks like a thin,
double-sided blade.

I’ll know more
once he’s on the table.

There was no struggle.

Maybe he knew
the k*ller.

Maybe he didn’t
see it coming.

There’s a possibility
he was preoccupied.

Wallet’s been emptied
of everything

except license
and credit cards.

We got one Tim Osgoode.

He’s got a million-dollar

Bet he didn’t have to pay
any taxes.

He’s being audited.


Be careful.

Don’t let your auditor
bully you.

They hate cops, you know.

And thank you for the support.

How much money
does uncle Sam want?

Seven... thousand dollars.

Seven grand?

How much did you pay in taxes?

I didn’t pay.

You didn’t?

I didn’t owe taxes.

My business expenses
were more than my income.

You are a cop.

You don’t have
business expenses.

Like hell. What do you call
paying a snitch

or entertaining
a fellow police officer?

Well, you know, my wardrobe.

My clothes are
a big deduction.

Who did your taxes?



Uh, cotton.


I know how you feel

but he’s a mathematical genius.

He’s done this a hundred times.

He’s got it

down cold.

Don’t say it.

I didn’t say anything.

I was just wondering
if they still

put you away

for tax evasion.


Man, I need a male partner.

Look, cotton, I’m beginning
to feel shaky about this.

Maybe I should have
paid something.

You are the client

and I am only
your tax consultant.

It’s my job
to keep you happy.

So if you want to give in
to governmental extortion

go ahead, but my position
on taxes remains the same.

We don’t pay.

Everybody pays taxes.

It’s what makes
the system run.

You believe that?

The system runs fine

without our money.

Look at me, Chris.

I haven’t paid taxes
in years.

Cotton, that...!

That is because you’ve got
social security numbers.

You got an alias to go

with every one of them

and you only deal
in cash.

I’m a police officer.

I don’t live like that.

Beside the point.

If you want,
I’ll go with you to the audit.

For a slight fee,
of course.

I am not paying you
another dime, cotton.

If it wasn’t for you

I wouldn’t be in this mess
in the first place.

You’ll be fine.
Ah! Ah!

Don’t touch me.

( No audio )

( Knocking on door )

Come in, Detective Lorenzo.

One second.

I’ll be right
with you.

Uh... thanks.

I’m Sylvia Dicastrio.

Well, shall we begin?

Yeah. Yeah, let’s do it.

Look, I’m sorry.

I’m uh...
I’m a little bit nervous.

I’ve never been audited

That’s all right.

There’s really nothing
to be nervous about.

It’s all pretty


Thank you.

I feel much better.

We have to clear up

the area
of your business expenses.

Are these all your receipts?

Uh-huh. I mean, no.

Did you need more receipts?

Yes. That would be very helpful.

I think I can dig some up
for you.

I’m telling you
something happened

while we were kneeling
down there on the floor.

It was magical.

You didn’t just bump heads?

( Laughing )

Chris and Rita:
Thank you.

( Squealing )

Grieving widow?

I guess some people
bounce back

a lot quicker than others.

Yeah, I guess so.



Brand-new shoes.

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

police officers.

We’re looking
for Mrs. Osgoode.

I’m Colleen Osgoode.

What can I
do for you?

I’m Lorenzo.

This is Sergeant Lance.

We’re investigating
your husband’s m*rder.

You know why
he would have been

at the sea tide motel
last night?

No, I don’t.

Have you had a fight?

I’m sorry

but I didn’t bother fighting
with my husband anymore.

Why is that?

Because he was a vicious creep.

Look, Tim hadn’t touched me
for years

which suited me fine.

His idea of sex
was causing pain.

Not really
my thing.

I’m more of a traditional
girl myself

if you know what I mean.

You wouldn’t know

who wished
your husband harm

would you?

Throw a dart
at the phone book.

You’ll hit someone
who wished him harm.

Do you mind if we look

at your husband’s

Be my guest.

I moved all his stuff
to the upstairs study.

Take what you need.

I don’t want it anymore.

Okay. Thank you.

( Whistling )


The late Mr. Osgoode
was quite the jock.

I bet life was dull

after he graduated
to the real world.

( Colleen laughing outside )


Life is not dull for the widow.

Not dull at all.

Somebody shot him
at close range.

My guess is a ..

So we’ve got
Mr. Craig Bouvier.

He’s a -year-old
single lawyer.

Maybe one of his clients
was unhappy.

All of his money is gone,
but everything else is here.

Just like Mr. Osgoode.

You think there’s
a connection?

No. It’s not the same M.O.

Something about this
feels familiar.

Two different scenarios.
You’re forcing it.

What’s the matter?

Didn’t the audit go well?

My audit
is going very well.

It couldn’t go any better.

His auditor is a female
and she’s gorgeous.

Oh, she is.

He thinks
they’re soul mates.

You know how kosher cows
are butchered?


First they get

a really nice, relaxing massage

and then...

Never even feel the blade.


Thank you for that.

Hey, you got
your Osgoode notes handy?

Yeah. Why?

What school did Tim Osgoode
play football for?

Um... university of Miami.

Check this ring out.

Hey, doc!

I got your connection
right here.

You’re not taking this thing
between me and Sylvia seriously.

This thing?

You’re getting audited.

You’re not getting married.

But you never know
where it might lead.

This is true.

Hi. Mrs. Osgoode,
we’d like to come in

and ask you a few
more questions.


( Whistles )

( Jazz playing )

( Music stops )

Can you make it quick, please?

I’m busy.

Did your husband know
Craig Bouvier?

Yes, they were best friends
from college.

They played football together.

Were they
in business together?

No. Why?

Well, Craig Bouvier
turned up dead

this morning.

There is a god.

Excuse me?

Craig was a pompous jerk.

He tried to nail every woman
he ever met, including me.


Not a chance.

My husband and he
used to double-date.

It was like a competitive sport
for those two.

Any other college buddies?

Yeah, there’s a third amigo--
bill Marshall.

He’s the only one of the three
I could stand.

Bill’s a good guy.

I just never understood
what he saw in Tim or Craig.

Uh, Mrs. Osgoode

was your husband seeing anyone
in particular?

Doing somebody was more like it.


There was always someone.

Any idea who?

No, and I don’t care.

Look... why don’t you try
the Marina club.

That’s where they hung out.

There was always
some new bimbo there

for them to play with.

Now, if you’ll excuse me.


How long is it usually
before your second appointment

when you’re being audited?

I get it.

Sylvia hasn’t called
and you’re getting nervous.

No, I’m not nervous.

I would just like
to see her again.

This is the first time
I’ve heard of anyone

looking forward
to the IRS Calling.

Lorenzo! Lance!

In here.


I heard the two murders
were connected.

We got a serial here?

We’re not sure yet, cap.

We think it’s about money.

Were those guys
in business together?

Only monkey business.

There was a third buddy
named bill Marshall.

Rita will check him out
later today.

What is this?

Oh, that’s
just some sunscreen.

S.P.F. .

I didn’t know
it went that high.

It’s very good stuff.

Lorenzo, how’s it going
with the audit?


It’s turning into
a very positive experience.

Well, he has a thing
for his auditor.

He thinks it’s love.



I’m looking
for Sherry Jarvis.

Yeah, she’s
right over there.

That one right there?

Yeah, that one.

All right. Thanks.


Quiet around here.

I like it like this.


This the usual crowd?

You must be a new member.

I’m Sherry Jarvis.

Chris Lorenzo,
palm beach police department

definitely not a member.

Look, I’m investigating

the death of Tim Osgoode
and Craig Bouvier.

Did you know them?

I knew both of them.

They were terrific guys.

Well, Mrs. Osgoode-- she didn’t
have a very high opinion

of either one of them.

You know why?

So they liked to party,
so what?

I’m going to miss them.

We had a lot of fun together.

What kind of fun?

We were friends, that’s all.

Ms. Jarvis, this is blunt

but were you ever
sexually involved

with either one
of the victims?


I wasn’t, detective.

When was the last time you saw
your husband, Mrs. Marshall?

Yesterday morning.

That was last year.

We’d only known
each other a month.

We were both looking
for that perfect person.

It was all so romantic.

And how is it now?

Kind of like
the honeymoon’s over?

He’s still my perfect person.

I love him very much.

He just...

He has some problems.


Is it money problems

with Mr. Osgoode
and Mr. Bouvier?

No... yes, I mean...

It’s not about money,

Bill makes a very
good living, but...

But he does
have problems

with the both of them?

No. They were friends.

They’ve known each other
since college.

Bill has nothing to do
with... what happened.

Then where is he?

It would clear things up
if we could talk to him.

What things?

You act
like he’s done something wrong.

It doesn’t look good
that we can’t find him.

You just don’t understand.

Why don’t you try
and help me understand.

Bill’s always had
these problems.

He could never sleep.

He had nightmares
and he’d get depressed

but he was getting help.

Things were turning around.

But Tim got k*lled,
and he just stopped talking.

I couldn’t reach him.

Yesterday morning, when he heard
Craig had been k*lled, too

he took a lot of his things
from the study

and just disappeared.

I haven’t seen him since.

What kind of things
did he take?

Sports stuff from college--

his trophies, football jerseys,
team pictures...

It doesn’t make sense.

Did the three of them
ever hang out someplace?

They owned a boat,
the gridiron.

It’s at the Marina.

I went there
looking for him

but nobody had seen bill.

I know my husband.

He’s not capable
of hurting anybody.


Thank you.

Maybe this guy knows.

Excuse me, we’re looking
for a boat called the gridiron.

You know where it is?

Who are you?

Police officers.

What are you? Vice?


We’re investigating
the murders

of Osgoode and bouvier.

Did you know them?

I knew them.
They were okay guys.

You know
where this boat is?

Yeah. Dock six, slip .

Hey, lady!

I got a nicer boat
at the other end of the dock.

Come over. I’ll show you
how sailors tie their knot.

Not very bright, are you?

Forget it.

Come on, forget it.

He’s a dead skunk
in the road.

You roll up your window
and you drive right on by.

I like that.


( Chris whooping )

That’s the one, huh?

I would like
to have one of those.

( Slamming )

( Glass breaking )

Drop the g*n!

Who are you?

What are you doing
on my boat?

Police officers.

You let her go.

Assaulting a police officer--

we’re talking
mandatory jail time.

Wait. That’s
not necessary.

Not if he decides
to answer our questions.

Isn’t that right?

Where were you

when your buddies
were m*rder*d?

I don’t know.

I would know where I was
if my best friends were k*lled.

I don’t remember.

You own any other investments
with the victims?

Just the boat. That’s all.

You know a woman
named Sherry Jarvis?


No, I don’t know her.

They never told you about her?

No... they didn’t.

Buddies talk about that stuff.

I thought you said
you were tight.

I hadn’t seen much of them since
Clarice and I were married.

We still had the boat together,
but that was about it.

is my whole life.

Do you have any idea who could
have k*lled your friends?

No, I don’t.

Please, look... can’t you
just leave me alone?

To hell with this.

We’re taking you in.

Hold on.

You want to talk to us,
don’t you?

Let’s just
give him a chance.

We were on spring break.

Tim and Craig
picked up a young girl.

We were all pretty drunk.

She was only .

They r*ped her

and I just stood there
and watched.

Tim laughed at me.

I wanted to stop them

but I just...

I didn’t.
I just stood there and watched.

When did this happen?

Years ago, in college.

Tim and Craig were seniors.

We all played football,
but they... they had money.

I felt lucky

just to be their friend.

Tim and Craig paid off
the girl’s parents

and they sent her away.

I heard she completely
flipped out.

I wanted
to tell somebody

but I was afraid
I’d be blamed too.

From that day on,
I’ve lied to myself.

Tried to pretend
it never happened.

You never told anybody
about this?

No. Not even my wife.

What a joke.

I’m married to a wonderful woman

and I’m too warped
to be with her.

Now I’m ruining her life.

Do you know
where this girl is?


I only remember her name...
Jody Thomas.

She was just a kid.

You saw her again

would you recognize her?

I can’t even remember her face.

It was dark.

I... I didn’t want
to look at her.

My whole life has been poisoned
by that night...

And now it’s time to pay.

I got this

in the mail

"Are you ready
for sudden death?"

Do you think Jody Thomas
k*lled Tim and Craig?

Wouldn’t it be poetic justice?

Will you look at that.

Sherry Jarvis,
the woman from the Marina club.

Miss Jarvis!

Detective Lorenzo.

I’d like to ask you
a few questions.

( Tires screeching )

Come on. We just want
to talk to you.

I know you won’t run over a cop.

Hold it!


Are you all right?


I’m fine, damn it...


Oh, man, look at this.

I got a grease smudge
on my brand-new jacket.

This is what I mean.


Brand-new jacket ruined
in the line of duty.

Clearly a deduction.

Let’s go.

You’ve got to be patient
with these investments, girls.

Trust me.

Savannah, you missed a spot
on the hubcap there.

Yep, think long-term.

Everybody thought the guy
that bought

the first share of IBM
was crazy.

Sam, I’ve got to talk to you.

What’s going on here?

Excuse me.

I’m their investment counselor.

The girls were low on cash.

I set up a barter system
to pay for my services.

This auditor seems
pretty reasonable.

I’m thinking
of making a deal with her.

As your tax consultant,
I must advise against that.

What is this thing you have
against paying any taxes?

Because it’s wrong.

It’s our money
and they don’t deserve it.

Once you give in

it’s like paying
protection money to the mob.

They want more and more.

Soon all you are
is a dried-out husk--

an empty shell of a fly
dangling on a spider web

that’s been sucked dry.

Cotton, have you had trouble
with the IRS?

I don’t want
to talk about it.

All right.

What will I tell Sylvia?

I don’t have enough receipts
to justify

my deductions.

When Cotton Dunne
does your taxes

it’s a full-service

What I have here
is my audit special.

Business receipts

for the law enforcement

and because
you are my friend

you can have them
for $.


All right, ten.
Give me ten.

Thank you.


Our jobs aren’t that different.

We’ve got the same ideals,
the same goals

protecting society

and upholding the law.

That’s nice.

I never quite heard it
put that way before.

That’s because most people
lack imagination.

I bet they see you coming
and think, "oh, my goodness

"here comes the IRS

She’ll nail you."

Same thing with a cop.

It gets old.

So, you’re also claiming these
car parts, restaurant bills

and video rentals as deductions?

Yeah, all business-related.


Super vixens iv.

Good film?


No. I mean no.

It was research.

It was a tough case.

Tough case...

You know, this is
kind of strange.

You’ve got my whole life
in front of you.

You know everything I’ve done.

I feel kind of naked.

You’re hardly naked, detective.

Still, when I use
my credit cards

I’ll never know who’s looking.

That’s right.

Never know.

Now, about these
clothing receipts.

Right. As you can see...


It’s all there
in the credit card receipts.

Excuse me?

It’s all there

in the credit card receipts.

Look, you have been terrific.

You have been
absolutely fantastic

but I got to go.

I got cop stuff to do.

You just finish up.

I will trust
whatever you decide.

Look, one more thing.

When this audit is finished,
you consider going out with me?


Maybe... maybe.

I got copies

of the two victims’
credit cards bills.

This place and the one
where the first victim was found

they show up again and again.

Anything on Sherry Jarvis?

I traced her back to Atlanta
and then nothing.

The only record of Sherry Jarvis
began about three years ago.

Gosh, Detective Lance,
this is just a shot in the dark

but my guess is

Sherry Jarvis
isn’t her real name.

Well, that’s very good,
Detective Lorenzo.

I’m impressed.


an hour for the room.

Leave the cash and credit card
on the counter.

Pick up your receipt
on the way out.

Police officers, ma’am.

Hmm, no difference.

Just be careful with those
handcuffs on the headboard.

We don’t want a room, ma’am.

We just want to ask you

a couple questions.

Oh, geez...

You got five minutes
till my show comes on.

Start talking.

We need to know if you
have ever seen this woman

with these men.

Yeah, I’ve seen her
with these two jokers here.

Lots of times.


I could tell she was a pro
right away.

Ever seen this guy before?


But then again,
they all look alike to me.

I’m sure they do.



What do you think?

Is Sherry Jarvis the one

Osgoode and bouvier
tried to r*pe?

This, uh, Jody...


A r*ped girl comes back
years later

to k*ll her attackers.

Sound plausible
to you?

To be violated and nobody cares.

Then to have your parents
send you away

like you’re damaged goods...

I mean, the girl
never even had a chance.

If that had happened to me,
I definitely would have lost it.

Yeah, I would say
that it is very plausible

that she’s out for revenge,

Me, too.

Don’t bother bill anymore.

He’s in a very
fragile state.

You’re not doing
so well yourself.

Why won’t you people
just leave us alone?

Because it’s important
that we warn your husband.

Warn him? About what?

Have you ever seen
this woman before?

No. Who is she?

You haven’t seen her
near the boat?

No, I’ve never seen...

The boat?

Did he go back to it?

This woman-- are you saying
she k*lled Tim and Craig?

We don’t know yet.

We just want to make sure
your husband

is not
in any trouble.

He left for the boat
about an hour ago.

He said he needed
to clear his head.

Who is this woman?

Why would she want to hurt bill?

Oh, my god...

Were she and bill...?

No, Mrs. Marshall--
nothing like that.


That’s Sherry Jarvis’s car.

Looks like
you’re a day late

and a dollar short.

( Man laughing )


Not good.

Not good at all.


Are you two sure

you’re in the right line

of work?

Did you see this woman
get on the boat

with Mr. Marshall?

No. I don’t know her.

I asked you if you saw her
get on the boat

with bill Marshall.

No. I didn’t see her, okay?

Got to go. I’m busy.

Yeah, right.

That boat where you practice
tying knots--

do you live there?

What do you say
we go visit his wife

see if she
can recognize

this woman?

Don’t do that.
She’d k*ll me.

No. She’ll take everything I got
and then k*ll me.

Who is this?

She goes by Sherry.

Whoo! It’s amazing

how that short-term memory
bounces back.

Look, she’d give me freebies

I’d let her trick
out of the dock.

When did you
see her last?

Couple hours ago.

Said the heat
was coming down on her

and she had to skip town.

Asked if she could borrow
my car.

She didn’t get on that boat
with bill Marshall?

Like I said,
she went home to pack.

Where does she live?

How should I know?

Answer the question.

Where does
she live?

Got a place over on ocean drive.

, apartment seven.

When that boat gets back,
you call us.

Yeah, sure. No problem.

Whatever you say.

( Pounding on door )

Ms. Jarvis, this
is Sergeant Lorenzo!

Open up now!

Get lost!

Okay, take it easy.
Don’t sh**t.

I’m not going

Turn around. Put your hands
up against the wall.

Oh, come on.
I’m leaving town.

I won’t trick
in your jurisdiction anymore.

I promise.

Ms. Jarvis, we have
witnesses that put you

with Tim Osgoode
and Craig bouvier.

Yeah, you think...

I didn’t m*rder anyone.

So you didn’t try

to run over
my partner.

I wasn’t really going
to run him over.

He’s too cute.

Give it a rest.

Look, why would I k*ll

two of my best customers?

Let’s give revenge
a shot.

For not fulfilling
my emotional needs?

Name Jody Thomas
mean anything to you?


Where are you from?


Tim Osgoode, Craig bouvier,
and bill Marshall went

to the same school.

How interesting.
Who is bill Marshall?

When did you move here?

Three years ago.

Look, what’s going on here?

You should be after

the psycho bitch
who tried to k*ll me.

Who tried to k*ll you?

I don’t know who she was.

She forced her way in.

She was waving a knife around

she warned me,
"stay away from the last one.

He’s all mine,"
and then she cut me.

I was lucky

she didn’t slit
my throat.

What did she look like?

She was, um... about ’".

She had red, curly hair.

Man, I thought
I was dead.

She is crazy.


Look at this.

She kept track
of everything

these three guys did.

She wanted us to find this.

I did a lot of thinking
while I was out there today.

I have to tell you
about something

that happened
a long time ago.

You can tell me

Everything’s going
to work out just fine.

Whatever it is,
we’ll go through it together.

It’s going to change the way
you feel about me.

Nothing you say

will ever change the way
I feel about you.

I need to hear that.

I need to know that’s true.

Of course it is.

Here, let me get you
another drink.

Will you love me,
no matter what?

Of course.

Sweetheart, let me get you
that drink.

Checked the rest of the house.

No sign of her.

How could this woman
marry bill Marshall

if he was part
of the r*pe?

It doesn’t make
any sense.

The ultimate revenge.

Make the enemy
fall in love with you

before you k*ll them.

Ooh, now that
is scary.

You know

I can barely recognize her.

Talk about

a complete makeover.

Look at this.

"Jody Thomas,
miss congeniality."


What do you think made her snap?


Just thought
if she could k*ll them all

she would stop feeling the hurt.

I think she just wanted
to stop the pain.

( Beeping )

Yeah, this is Lorenzo.

Yeah, Biggs.

Marshall’s boat
just got in?

Was there anybody
waiting for him?

His wife?


I thought
if I pretended

it didn’t happen

it would just
go away.

That’s what Craig and Tim did

and now they’re both dead.

They had to pay.

I told them.

It’s okay, honey.

I’m going to take care of you.

Sergeant Lorenzo en route
to palm beach Marina

requesting backup.

You’re wonderful to me.

I don’t deserve it.

I really don’t.

Of course you do.

Something happened
when we were in college.

Something really ugly.

I can’t carry it
around anymore.

Honey, whatever it is,
you can tell me.

Remember, I love you.

Tim and Craig
r*ped a young girl

while I stood by
and did nothing.

I was so scared.

I begged them to stop,

They just
laughed at me.

She was just a kid.

Her name was Jody.

Jody Thomas.


I’m so sorry.

What do you mean, you’re sorry?

What’s wrong?

You’re just like the others!

You’re not supposed to be sorry!

You’re just supposed to die!

( Screams )

Are you all right?

He’s not supposed to be sorry.

He’s not supposed to be sorry.

What’s going to happen

to Clarice?

We’ll have to decide

whether she’s competent
to stand trial.

It wasn’t her fault.

What about you?

Will you be all right?

I’ll be fine. We both will.

I’m going
to take care of her.

I’m as responsible
for what happened as she is.

This is my chance
to do right by her.

Well, good luck.

Yeah. Good luck, man.

This is not a good idea.

I shouldn’t be here.

You should get the results
of your audit by yourself.

It’s going to be
a no-change.

What is so private
about a no-change?

Besides, I want you
to meet Sylvia.

Come in.

Her voice is so sweet.

I’ll just wait out here.

No, I want you to meet

the future mother
of my children.

Sylvia, hi.

This is my partner,
Rita Lance.

Rita Lance, this is Sylvia.

I have heard

a lot about you.

You, too.

I thought you
should meet...

Just because I thought

you should.

Okay, well, business first.

Chris, I’ve gone through
your deductions.

I’m afraid

I had to disallow
every one of them.

So your total
tax bill

with interest and penalties,
comes to $,

and seven cents.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Well, now for the good part.

Now that our business
is over...

Yes, I’d love to go out with you

that is,
if you’re still interested.

You are still interested,
aren’t you?

Isn’t she great?

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