03x08 - Daddy Dearest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x08 - Daddy Dearest

Post by bunniefuu »

( Grunting and panting )

Sex with me

does no more for you
than shaving, does it?

Are you kidding?

I love a nice close shave.

At least you could pretend.

Lighten up, Brenda.

Don’t be so damn serious.

You want anything

from the kitchen?

What I want is not

in the kitchen.

Don’t leave a mess.


Stacy, I miss you so much.

I miss you, too.

You know what I’m thinking?

I’m thinking,

if you were here,
right now, right next to me...

Well, once I have
my driver’s license,

I can come over whenever I want.

After school, in the morning...

Late at night.


Late at night.

Well, just remember
that on Saturday--

your birthday--

you’re all mine.

No friends,

no parents.

Just... us.

I got to go.

My stepdad’s here.

Stacy, you tell him to get
the hell out of there, okay?

I’ll call you back.

No, Stacy...

( Click )

How’s Greg?

He’s okay.

I can’t wait
for tomorrow

after school,

I’m counting
the minutes.

There’s nothing more special

than being daddy’s little girl.

You look up to him
like he can do no wrong.

But, when that dad
isn’t your real father,

and he loves you
a little bit too much,

it can be
an entirely different story.

Hey, cap, let me
get this straight.

He owned a restaurant?

Yeah, the beach tides.

You know, beer, burgers.

Right. Surf shack.

old skylark
out front?


Been there.

The Hawaiian

is a work of art.


Just the thought of it.


Sorry, cap.

Man, looks like somebody

used him for
bayonet practice.


One of the last ones

hit his heart.

Otherwise we’d have blood

all over the place.

Whoever k*lled him

did it with a vengeance.

Not a pleasant sight for a kid
to come home from school to.

I can’t believe
he’s gone.

Look, I know
this is difficult.

Stacy, what time did you
get home this afternoon?

I don’t know.

Greg dropped me off :,

maybe quarter to :.

I want to know

who did this to Tony.

I want them to pay.

We want to know that, too.

Is there anyone who had

a grievance
with your husband?


I can’t think of anyone.

Any personal disagreements?

Bad business dealings?

I can’t imagine why anyone

would do this.

Tony never hurt anybody.

What about you, Stacy?

See anything unusual

when you came home?


A gardener,
pool man--

any strange face?

No one was here.

Except Tony.

Hey, Rita,
pathology reports

Logan was stabbed
seven times.

The blade was eight
to inches long,

but it wasn’t a knife.

Maybe it was a tool.

Scissors, a letter opener,
something like that?

No sharp edges,
so a letter opener works well.

Look at this.

It punctured his left ventricle,
left lung,

and it tore
into his small intestines.

He was not going to walk away.

No, it was either real efficient
or real emotional.


Any signs of struggle?

I don’t think
he had time.

Bam, bam, bam--
quick s*ab wounds.

I bet he was in shock

like that.

They were all in front?


What was estimated time?

: to : p.m.

Body had only cooled
a couple of degrees.

So, it could have been

before the girl-- Stacy--
got home from school.

Or maybe after.

Maybe Tony was
still walking around

when she got home.

The kid.

You think she could

do something like that?

Considering she found her
stepfather in a pool of blood,

she showed little emotion.

Maybe that’s how
she’s dealing with it.

People deal with shock
in different ways.

Unless they’re not shocked.

Did Mrs. Logan

give you the name

of her husband’s
business partner?


Danner, Frank danner.

If you’re done
with your deposition,

I’m going to kick
this back to you.

Yeah, I am,
thanks, captain.

Have a
nice life.

You, too.

Excuse me.

I’m looking
for Frank danner.

He’s at the bar.


It’s a shame
about what happened

to Mr. Logan,
isn’t it?


You know him
very well?

He was a good boss.

I liked him.

You must be

Sergeant Lorenzo.


So you’re
Tony’s partner?

Yeah. Frank danner.

Nice to meet you.

Been moving
in slow motion all morning.

I still can’t believe it.

How long you
and Tony been partners?


Seems like a lifetime.

Tony knew this business.

He made this place what it is.

Business good?

Well, you know,
it’s a recession.

We’ve been holding our own.

Tony was a genius

at coming up
with new ways to, uh...

Get customers
in the door.

I guess he was
at that.

I don’t know
what I’ll do.

I mean, I’m all business.

He was the restaurateur.

I barely know
a fork from a spoon.

Did Tony owe money?

If he did, I’d know.

Tony made a good living.

He didn’t have to borrow.

What about the relationship
between the two of you?

You think I’m involved?

I don’t know who’s involved.

Tony was my best friend.

He was like a brother to me.

I might have to sell this place.

You think I’d ruin my business?

Or m*rder my friend?

Somebody did.

I was in here all day yesterday.

From noon until I found out
what happened.

Mind if I look
at your phone file?

Need a good dishwasher,

maybe a refrigerator repairman,

that’s all you’re going to find.

This one right here.


I don’t know.

Must be somebody

Tony dealt with.

I was a -year-old widow

with a six-year-old girl.

And I was a mess.

Was that when
you met Tony?

He was my knight
in shining armor.

He was wonderful.

Not only did he
treat me like a queen,

but he loved Stacy
like his own.

How was it for Stacy
having a new man in the house?

That can be

a little difficult
for children.

Stacy adored Tony back then,
like her own father.

What do you mean,
back then?

Well, when a girl
reaches a certain age,

she can be difficult.

Tony was understanding.

He raised her
like his own child.

Helped her with homework,

taught her
how to ride horses.

Did he discipline her?

When she needed
discipline, yes.

He was there
like any good father.

( Car stopping )

Did Stacy go to school today?


A little surprised

she wouldn’t
have stayed home.

Oh, she wouldn’t
have it any other way.

She doesn’t like anything

to interfere
with her routine.

But, under
the circumstances,

it seems a little odd.

Stacy’s a strong girl,

And pretty mature
for her age.

It’s a decision
I allowed her to make.

You must have been doing
some business with him.

Your name
was in his phone file.

My name is
in the phone book, too.

What does that prove?

That I’m tight
with the bell family?

I told you,
I don’t know him.

And besides,
a burger joint?

That’s not
my style.

I’m not asking
where you ate.

Just what kind of business
you were doing with this guy.

And I’m telling you--
the zero kind.

Hey, Sergeant Lorenzo,
what a surprise.

Dominic, I thought
you left town.

I’ve been in Miami
with my uncle Vic.

I’ve been back
a few times,
on business.


Little of this,
little of that.

Now’s vacation.

Spend a couple of weeks
with pop.

Rita with you?

No, Rita left town.

She lives
in Alaska now.

You sticking
it to me, huh?

( Both laughing )

You’re a funny guy.

You hear that,
pop, Alaska?

Dominic, when you’ve
been here on business,

you stay with Donnie?

Of course. He’s family.

Was any of your business
with a guy named Tony Logan?

Some of it. Why?

Somebody did a nasty job
of k*lling him.

Don’t say
anything else, Dominic.

I sold him
some TVs.

So, unless he
got electrocuted,

I got nothing
to worry about.

TVs, huh?

Yeah, for
the restaurant.

Show the fights,
the games.

For which you
got the proper records?


TVs, paid cash.

I got the bill of sale,

gave him a receipt,

All right, all right.

You have any business dealings
with Tony’s partner?

No, no, just Tony
and his old lady.

You mean his wife.

No, this was not
a wife kind of lady.

She was too sexy
to be a wife.

She had these legs

and a body to make
your knees weak

and your nose run.

Her name was April.

You are a very
good detective.

That had to be, like

one of those
U.P.S. Things

for you to know that.

Dominic, will you
walk the sergeant out?

You’ll be around

if I need
to talk to you?

I’m here as long
as you need me to be.

I’m going
to give Rita a call.

Like... like a surprise,
you know?

Don’t say nothing.

It’ll be a surprise,
all right.

I don’t think
I’d do that.

Hey, she would
have came around.

There was a thing
between me and Rita.

I could see it
in her eyes.

The way she said

she never wanted
to see me again.

Kind of like one of those
U.P.S. Things, huh?


Do you ride?

Not much anymore.

I learned to ride

when I was
about your age.

That’s nice.

I hear you’re getting
your driver’s license next week.

That’s pretty

Look, I have tons of homework.


You don’t seem very upset
about Tony’s m*rder.

What do you want me to do

cry my eyes out?

No, not necessarily.

It’s just odd that you didn’t
stay home from school

to be with your mom.

I had an algebra test.

Miss Kovicki
doesn’t give makeups.

I’m sure she’d understand.

She wouldn’t.

Stacy, what was your
relationship with Tony like?

What do you mean?

I mean, did you get along well?

Yeah, sure.

You spend a lot
of time together?

I guess.

I don’t know.

I know what it’s like
to have a stepdad.

Someone who’s not

your real father.

No, you don’t.

Yeah, I do.

Yeah, I grew up

with foster parents.

I know what
that feels like.

Nobody knows anything.

Stacy, would you like
to talk to me about something?

You sure?

He used to take me out,

buy me clothes and...

( Choking up: )
Take me to the movies.

( Crying )

It’s okay.

No, it’s not.

It’s going to be
all right.

He did stuff.

He touched me.

He made me do things.

I’m sorry.

Does your mom
know about this?

Nobody knew.

Except Greg.

I just couldn’t
keep it inside anymore.

I know.


Thank you.

Stacy had a
serious motive.

That’s a tough way
to live.

I can’t believe

she would leave
the m*rder w*apon

in plain sight.

Maybe the letter opener
wasn’t the m*rder w*apon.

Forensics will tell us.

What about Dominic
and Donnie dogs?

I don’t think they had
anything to do with this.

Dominic was up-front
about the TVs.

They checked out.

It was too sloppy
for a mob hit.

You think Dominic was right
about the mistress?

April Stevens.

I don’t think so.

She’s a waitress
at the beach tides.

She worked from :
until :.

She broke up with Logan
months ago.

She found somebody her own age

who wasn’t so rough
in bed.

You buy that Brenda
didn’t know

about Tony
and her daughter?

About the affair?

They say love casts a blind eye.

I sure would like to know

what Stacy’s boyfriend
says about this.

I’m sure he’s not too upset

that Tony’s out
of the picture.

Old man playing doctor
with his sweetheart.

How can you live
with something like that?

Whole thing makes me sick.

It had been going on for a year.

She was so afraid.

She couldn’t tell anybody
about it.

I understand why
she wanted to k*ll him.

That still doesn’t
make it right.


I got to tell you,

busted for shoplifting at .

Grand Theft Auto at .

I borrowed my uncle’s car

without asking him.

He turned me in.

Not exactly a
squeaky clean record.

I had some problems
when I was younger,

but I go to school now,

I work hard, and I don’t
bother anybody.

Have any

with Tony Logan?

I left him alone.

He left me alone.

How long did you know

about what

he was
doing to Stacy?

She told you?

She told Sergeant Lance
the whole thing.

She also said

you were the only

other person
who knew.


Made you mad,
didn’t it?


I said, if he ever
touched her again,

I’d rip
his head off.

He laughed in my face
and said, "try it."

You threatened him.

I wanted to k*ll him.

I wanted to tear him
to pieces.

Is that right?

Well, lucky for me,
someone beat me to it.

You’re early.

Hi, Frank.

I thought
you were Greg.

Hiya, Stacy.

You look as pretty
as ever.

Hello, Frank.

Hi. How you
holding up?

I’m hanging
in there.

Sit down. I’ll fix
you a drink.

( Horn honks )

It’s Greg.
Bye, Frank.

Home by :.

I will, mom.

She’s a hell
of a girl.

Yes, she is.

You are a hell
of a woman.

Everything seems
to point to Stacy.

I cannot see her

stabbing somebody
to death.

It’s the lesser


How have you been?

Every appearance would
say terrific, Rita.

But inside, I’m dying
on the vine.

Say what?

True, health is good.

Business is good.

Life is good.

But something
is missing here.

If this is a come-on...

Would I? I owe you.

You told me
to take a hike.

I’m saying,
this is a classy lady.

There’s an
attraction here.

Why is she pushing
me away?

I couldn’t
see it then,

but I can now.

It’s very clear.

It’s still hazy for me.

It’s about challenge.

the family business

at my uncle Vic’s knee,
so to speak.

So what’s to learn?

I do this like

a fish swims.

It’s in my blood.
It’s too easy.

I need a challenge.

What about
the challenge

of not
getting caught?

And I’m thinking--

when we talked
about Tony Logan--

Lorenzo’s got
a great job.

It’s exciting.

Gets to work
with Rita.

Gets to use
his brains.

It’s a challenge... huh?

So you want to be a cop.

It’s what you
sent me away to find.

I was so blind.

This is a come-on.

Your pop put you
up to this.

We didn’t plant
a snitch in his camp,

so he wants to plant one
in ours, right?

You’ll change your
attitude, sergeant.

This is something
I’ve decided to do.

Who are you?

It’s not who I am.

It’s who I’ll be--

an important part
of this department.

You know my pop?

Dominic dibarto, Sr.

Another drought, yes.

Another plague, yes.

Another seven years
bad luck, okay.

But not another dibarto.

What the hell do you want?

I want to be a cop.

Come here.

Know what I’m doing?

On this desk

is a telephone

The last honest

auto mechanic
in the state of Florida.

I’m looking
for minutes.

I’ve dialed
a dozen wrong numbers.

I’ve been told to go to hell

in three
different languages.

But I’m going
to find it

because I refuse
to give those gonifs

down at the dealership

bucks for a brake job.

Which any trained monkey
can do, right?


My question to you is this...

( Yelling ):
What the hell do you
want from me?

I need a word.

The brass who run
the police academy--

they treat me
like a civilian.

You know
what I’m saying?

Certain character requirements

that’s having
a negative affect

on me getting accepted.

You want me to shoehorn you
into the academy.

To pull a couple
of strings, right?

Pop said
you were quick.

’course, I know
what’s expected.

Very nice office.

Very nice.

Could use a sound system.

A couple of speakers
right over there.

Maybe a big screen...

Right over here.

A fish t*nk...
You like fish?

What are you doing?

What am I doing?

I’m trying to show
my appreciation.

You’re trying to bribe
a police officer.

I’m just getting acquainted
is all I’m doing.

Out. Out.

Get out
of my office.

Get out
of my station.

I don’t know what
you’re trying to pull,

but it won’t work.

You need time.
I’ll be in touch.

Out, out, out!

Out, out, out!


It couldn’t be true.

This is some kind
of lie.

Stacy told me these stories
in detail, Mrs. Logan.

Little girls imagine
and invent things.

I’ve yet to meet a teenager

who can concoct a story
so specific.

Look, I know
there were other women.

Tony fooled

I could live with that.

But he would never
have touched Stacy!

Why didn’t she say something?

She didn’t think

you would
believe her.

Oh, Stacy.

I always thought

it was
a good idea

for you to grow up
with your mother.

So you’d
grow up straight.

But not
this straight.

Pop, for once
in my life,

I want to do something

that I can be proud of.

This is a concept
that escapes me.

What could
make you prouder

than to have all of this

when I decide to retire?

But I’m walking into that, pop.

It won’t be something
I worked for.

The hell it won’t.

You know that and I know that.

I’m talking about respect.

You want to talk about respect?

Think what it would
do to my image.

A dibarto
with a badge.

Tell me something
I can understand.

Tell me this is a con

so you can get next to Rita.

Strictly a fringe benefit.

There’s other benefits, too.


Knowing what’s going on
inside the P.D.

Like you got ears
in the department.

Your business could be
as good as Bullop’s.

You know, I knew your mother

would raise
you smart

as well as straight.

Brenda’s alibi checked out.

Three different witnesses.

You believe
she didn’t know?

I can’t believe a mother
would do something like that

and not do something.

I can’t believe
she didn’t know

something was going on.

They live
in the same house.

Letter opener
fits the wounds

like a key in a lock.

Same length,
same width.

Got microscopic
traces of blood.

Be weeks before
we get a DNA match,

but definitely Tony’s
blood type.

Rita, we have only

Stacy’s prints
on that thing.

I wish she had gotten help.


I’m going to get the car.

She’s probably home
from school by now.

( Telephone rings )

Yes. Sergeant Lance.

No, that’s fine.

Don’t get a car.
She’s downstairs.


Stacy just turned herself in.

You were right, Rita.

I k*lled Tony.

And I’d do it again
if I had the chance.

You are the best...
I’ve ever had.

I think we should
put on our clothes,

go to the airport,

jump on a plane
to Barbados,

and have
a native priest

marry us
in the moonlight.

I never realized you
were such a romantic.

Only with you.

I’m serious.

I mean, why do we
keep hiding

like a couple
of teenagers?

Well, it would look
a little strange

if we eloped a week
after my husband’s funeral.

Let them say
what they want.

( Telephone rings )



Yes, Sergeant Lance.
I understand.

Yes, I’ll be there
right away.

Stacy confessed.


She said she k*lled Tony.

She’s at the police department
right now.

I never dreamed

she’d do anything
like that.

They found the letter opener
on her desk.

What the hell
is going on, Frank?

She’s a minor,
and she’s told the police

Tony was molesting her.

No jury’s going to convict her.

He was standing
by the window, drinking.

When he’d be waiting for me
on afternoons like that,

he was always half-blasted.

So I walked up behind him
with the letter opener.

When he turned around,

I just
stabbed him.

Just like
that, huh?


He tried to get away,
but I kept stabbing him.

I just wanted him dead.

And then he collapsed
on the floor?

Yeah, on the rug.

I waited
five minutes,

and then I called the police.

Stacy, I want you
to do something for me.


that I’m Tony.

Go and
stand up.

Come on over here.

Now, this is
a letter opener.

so I’m Tony

looking outside
the window.

You sneak up behind me

with the letter opener.

I turn around...
Then what?

I just stabbed him.

Show us

exactly how, Stacy.

Exactly how
you did it.


( Crying softly )

Come on,
let’s sit down.

Who were you
trying to
protect? Us

Stacy, you didn’t k*ll
your stepfather.

We want to know who did.

What are you
talking about?

It was me.

k*lled Tony


Every wound indicates
an upward angle.

Not like this.

I did it wrong?

We’re here
to help you, Stacy,

it’s okay.

( Stacy sobbing )

He did it
for me.

Greg tried
to get Tony to stop,

but he wouldn’t.

Greg wouldn’t
tell me

where he was
that day.

He ditched fifth
and sixth period.

So, I thought
that he...

Stacy, Greg had an alibi.


He didn’t
do it.

He cares for you
very much,

but he’s not
a m*rder*r.

( Telephone rings )

Yeah. Lorenzo.

Okay, tell them
about five more minutes.

Yeah. Thanks.

Stacy, your mom’s here
to pick you up.

Let’s go wash
your face, okay?

Wasn’t as bad as
you thought, was it?

Somebody was trying
to frame her.

Whoever it was knew
about her and Tony.

Why would
a mother

frame her daughter?

Maybe she thought
Stacy’d get off.

A victim
of molestation

will get sympathy.

Brenda Logan won’t win

any mother
of the year awards,

but putting
her daughter
through that?


Sergeant Lorenzo.

Pop is meeting
me here

for a sit-down
with your boss today.

You, Donnie dogs,
and Captain Lipschitz

in the same room?


You’re going
through with this, huh?


Somehow the words
"officer" and "dibarto"--

they don’t go
together too well.

Hey, if I
can convince pop,

I can convince
you, too.

Invite us to the
swearing-in, huh?

Good luck.

What about
these exams?

I hear
they’re tough.

Depends on how
smart you are.

Maybe you can
tutor me.

Go one-on-one,
academically speaking.

Pick you up Saturday,
’round sevenish

we have a bite in
my cousin Fredo’s place,

talk about...
Police procedure.

No thanks,

It’s that "incomplete man"
thing, isn’t it?

You’re right.
You’re absolutely right.

I shouldn’t
get the diploma
till I graduate.

Dominic, ever meet Tony Logan’s
partner, Frank danner?

No, but my uncle Vic knows him.

That’s how I did the business
with Tony.

Danner sent Tony
to uncle Vic

who sent me
to do the deal.


Uncle Vic wanted me
to check the joint out.

Danner had been trying
to unload the place

for about six months or so,

and made a really
attractive offer.

An offer you couldn’t refuse?

Hey, uncle Vic
can refuse any offer.

That’s what makes him uncle Vic.

Frank said
he didn’t want to,

but he might have
to sell the place

after Tony died.

Except he started
trying to sell

while Tony was alive.


my point exactly.

( Engine starts )

See, I’m a natural--
a born detective.

TV announcer:
Score’s -,
and it’s rebounded by...

you seen Frank?

Frank left.

Where’d he go?
The guy owns the place now.

Comes and goes
as he pleases.

Excuse me.

Have you seen
him today?

Hi, I’m Sergeant Lance.

How you doing?


Yeah, yeah.

Just want to ask you
a couple of questions.

So, you were here
last Thursday

with Mr. Danner all day?

Si, all day.

All day, huh?

You’re telling me

that Mr. Danner
never left once

all day long?

We got a new refrigerator.

It took a long time to hook up.

Long time.

Mr. Danner help us.

You wouldn’t
happen to be

in this country
illegally, would you?


no trouble, huh?

Look, we’re not
from immigration.

It’s all right.

I’ve been in America
for seven years.

My family is here.

I’ve done nothing.

No, you haven’t.

We don’t want to deport you.

We just want to know
what you know

about Frank danner.

Mr. Danner
told me to say

he was in the restaurant
all day

or he’d have me
shipped back to Cuba.


So, he wasn’t here all day.

He left after lunch.


And, uh, came back
around :.

Don’t tell him
I told you.

No, don’t worry
about it.

We’re not going
to tell a soul.

You’re a good man.

We go back.

We got history.

So we had our

No reason to stand in the way
of Dominic’s dream.

Maybe your dream, too.

Why don’t you just
bug my phones?

You got a suspicious mind,

Dominic has
a spotless record.


Why deny him?

He tried to bribe me.

To grease his way
into the academy.

That’s got to be
a misunderstanding.

Just that.

A misunderstanding here.

A misunderstood offer

to do a friend
a small favor.

Small favor.

A sound system.

A big screen TV.

A fish t*nk.

A fish t*nk?

It was a thought.

What’s wrong
with fish?

It was a gesture.

An appreciation
for an accommodation.

Here’s what
I’m going to do.

I ain’t gonna
make it easier.

But I ain’t gonna stand
in your way, either.

You make it on your own,
you’re one of mine.

End of discussion.


A fair proposition.

You have
my gratitude, Harry.

I don’t want it.

I want your absence.

Get the hell out of here.

Take a hike.

My cousin Guido.

A top-notch mechanic.

Do your brakes
for bucks.

He’s a good guy.

Four wheels?

All four wheels.

And he’s honest.

Hey, thanks, dibarto.

And, uh... good luck.

Guido does brakes
for bucks?

’course not.

Guido owes me a favor.

He does the brakes
for bucks

now Lipschitz
owes me a favor.

Let’s get
out of here, pop.

How’s Stacy?

Oh, Stacy’s cool.

Sometimes I think
she should be the mother.

You’re not trying

to take advantage
of me, are you?


I guess you could
say that.

You really screwed things up,
didn’t you, Frank?

First you k*ll Tony in my house.

My own house.

And you do it a week too early.

Brenda, I told you
about the argument.

He knew about us.

Come on.

You’re a lousy liar,

You don’t do it well at all.

If I didn’t k*ll him
there and then

it would have been
too late.

I had no choice.

What are you doing?

A few gifts
from me to you.

You k*lled my husband
thinking you would seduce me

but I turned you down.

You turned me down?

What are you talking about?

I’m talking about why
you committed su1c1de.

So I guess Frank Danner’s
our man.

I guess you owe
Deputy Dominic that dinner.

( Cellular telephone rings )

He could end up being
your partner.

I already
have a partner.

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

Patch her through.

Frank just left here.

He tried to r*pe me.


Cap, come here.

Looks like Frank had himself
a serious hope chest.

Whoa. He must have been
infatuated with her.

If Frank knew
about Tony and Stacy

maybe he decided
he’d frame the girl.

She was the one
with the obvious motive.

What about prints?

No, not even a smear.

A keepsake like that
and he didn’t handle it?

That’s very interesting.

Know what else
is interesting?

There’s no powder burns
around that wound.

You always get that

with a g*nsh*t su1c1de.

Talk to the neighbors.

I want to know now

if this guy fired
a g*n recently.

Excuse me,
I’m Sergeant Lorenzo.

I need to ask you
a couple of questions.

Did you see anybody
in frank’s apartment?

Yeah, she has been
coming to see Frank

every Wednesday
about : for a year.

And it is embarrassing.

Why embarrassing?

they’re so blatant.

They leave the blinds open

and they make so much noise.

Wait, today is not Wednesday

and it’s way past noon.

That’s what
caught my attention.

Did she look
like this?

Yeah, that’s her.

She left here
a few hours ago.

It’s a shame things
turned out this way.

I’m glad you and Stacy
weren’t hurt.

Frank was always
unstable, unpredictable.

You never know

when someone’s
going to snap.

Such a cowardly
thing to do.

You could look
at it that way.

( Cellular telephone rings )

You don’t blow
your brains out

when things get rough.

Frank should have
stood up

and faced
the consequences.

Excuse me.

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

I just got
the same thing here.


We’ll be here.


How did you know
Frank shot himself?

Isn’t that
what he did?

You said...

I said
he committed su1c1de.

He could have
jumped off a bridge.

I guess I assumed
he probably used a g*n.

Where were you
today, Mrs. Logan?

Nowhere, really.

Some errands.

Here mostly, alone.

Trying to sort
things out.

Was that before
or after you went

to Frank Danner’s apartment?

I wasn’t at his apartment.

You k*lled him
and made it look like su1c1de.


Frank k*lled your husband.

The two of you
planned it together.

Then you decided
to get rid of him.

Pin it on the dead guy.

The obsessed lunatic
who gets suicidal

when he can’t have you.

That’s very well
thought out, Mrs. Logan.

You can’t prove any of that.

Frank was tested
for gunpowder residue.

He hadn’t shot a g*n.

I’m betting
the same test

says that you have.

Detective Lance,
what are you doing here?

go back upstairs.

Go back upstairs.

Mom, what’s
going on?

Stay here, Stacy.

What is it?

( Grunts )

You’re under arrest

for the m*rder
of Frank danner

and conspiracy
to m*rder Tony Logan.

I couldn’t
help it, honey.

I had to do it.

I had to get away from Tony.

You didn’t do it because of me?

I didn’t know.

I’d have k*lled him myself

if I had.

I’m so sorry, baby.

I’m so sorry.

Just give them a minute, okay?

I’m so sorry.

I’m so sorry.

I’m so sorry.

had been abused

by Tony for years.

If she had spoken up

he would be in jail
instead of her.

the system doesn’t

make that easy to do.

Besides, Brenda wasn’t
in touch with reality.

It’s going to be
tough for Stacy.

I’ll do what I can

to get her a good set
of foster parents.

Anybody ever tell you
that you’re very nice?

Thank you very much.

You’re welcome
very much.

Deputy Dominic.

Not going to happen.

What happened
to the natural?

The guy who was born
to solve crimes?

He became
the "pay-the-bills" guy.

I discovered one detail.


Starting salary.

I’d have to move home.

The money stinks, yeah.

I love pop.

But could you live
with Donnie dogs?

Good point.

So, I got to go back to Miami.

I hope you understand.

This thing we got here--

this long-distance

it’s hard to pull off.

A guy’s got to do
what a guy’s got to do.

That’s what’s special
about you, Rita.

a very understanding lady.
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