02x42 - Heart of Ice: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x42 - Heart of Ice: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Jaden: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Listen closely.

I need your help.

Take this and protect it.


And, please,

No matter what anyone tells you,

Never return it to me

Where are the keys!?

We need them to unlock the satellite!

Now who has them!?

Why, the chosen duelists, of course.

I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight you.

So I simply gave the keys to someone who is.

They can't stop me!

Nobody can!

When I'm through with jaden and aster,

They shall see the light!

I'd like you to pay a visit to an old friend.

It's time you dueled jaden!



Snow fairy, attack jaden directly!


Too cold for you?

Well, if I were you, I'd bundle up,

Because if you think it's chilly in here now,

Just wait'll you see what I do next.

Ready, tough guy?

[Thinking] it's all up to me now.

If I don't find a way to save alexis,

We'll lose her forever.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Alexis: what's wrong, jaden?

Brain freeze?

Allow me to defrost your memory.

My snow fairy's still on the field!

Oh, yeah. And you can't play any trap cards!

Not as long as my white night field spell's in play.

And last but not least,

All your facedowns have frostbite,

Compliments of my white night queen!

No spells, no traps, no facedowns.

Tough break!


It's like jaden's deck is,

Well, completely frozen in ice!

I should be the one dueling her.

Don't give up, soldier!

Think warm thoughts!

[Thinking] time for plan "b."

Of course, until I actually think of one,

Her snow fairy is probably a good place to start!

I play my good 'ol card trooper in attack mode!

And check this out!

For each card that I send over to my graveyard,

My trooper gets attack points.

So for now, I think I'll toss out cards.

And if my math is right, which it usually isn't,

He gets an extra , points!

All right, trooper,

Let's melt her snow fairy!



Hey, boys!

Now he can use his spell cards!

Jaden: I activate pot of greed!

And it looks like it's two cards for me!

So next, I play this!

My o-oversoul!

And I'll use it to bring back my sparkman!

And why stop there?

I'll hook up sparkman with spark blaster!

Blast card trooper into defense mode!

That's all she wrote.

Oh, yeah!

Way ta play, jay!

No mercy!

It's all you!

Hold on.

Do not underestimate my sister, guys.

Look at her.

She looks so cold and distant.

It's all my fault.

No, chazz, it's mine.

I shoulda been there to protect her.

Yeah, good point!

But then again,

You brainwashed her, right?

Me, you, what's the difference?

What's with those two?

Yeah, they should stop pointing fingers

And start rooting for jaden!

That's all you've got!?


I play the trap card...

Call of the haunted!

So guess what!?

My snow fairy gets to make a comeback!

She does!?


Whatta ya know?

We're back where we started!

And you remember my night queen, right?

She can destroy any facedown card that I tell her to!



Well, someone's awfully quiet all of a sudden!

So what's the problem?

Is your mouth frozen shut?

I would not wanna be in jaden's shoes!

That girl's as frigid as an artic wolf in a blizzard!


Take that back, huckleberry!

She's been through a lot!

Yeah. Deep down, my sister's still there!

And, jaden,

Now it's up to you

To thaw her frozen heart!

Why jaden?!

If anyone can do it, it's me!

I know you love me, lex!

And I'm gonna set you free!

All right, white night queen,

Attack sparkman!


Want more? Then how about this!

Snow fairy! Your turn!


[All gasp]


You just activated my sparkman's special ability!

So I can draw a card!

And you'll need it!

[Thinking] she's right!

But it's gonna take a lot more than one card to win this!

I don't know what kind of spell she's under,

But I've got to crack through it

And get our friend back!

Come on.

This is it.

Go time!

I play this! Dandelion in defense!

Guess I'm done.


So that's the best you can do?!

You should change your catchphrase

To "get your lame on!"

Get it, dork!?

I summon my cold sleeper in attack mode!

Now, cold sleeper, attack his dandelion!

My dandelion may be gone,

But he left me these guys!

They're called fluff tokens!

You have got to be kidding me.

I've got scarier stuffed animals!

They may be weak, but they're mine,

And every card in my deck is important.

You taught me that.


Now I'll teach you this: it's called defeat!

Snow fairy, attack!

White night, crush furball number two!

I'd hate to see your stuffed animals!

Is that a smile I see?

Keep making jokes. I'll laugh when you lose!

Well, at least you'll be laughing!

I mean, what happened to you, lex?

Where'd'ja go? What'd sartorius do?

Hold that thought!

My move! Here goes!


Thanks to necroshade's special ability,

I can play an elemental hero

Without making a sacrifice!

Since when did you have him!?

"Since when?"

With my card trooper's special ability...

Since minutes ago, when I sent him to the graveyard!

Oh, just go.

Fine! How 'bout a little elemental hero neos!

Neos, defrost her snow fairy!

Awesome! They're even now!

And the sarge can use his spells again!

But look. Lex is up to no good.

You're still the same old jaden.

Some things never change.


Oh, come on!

Don't tell me you're really that dense.

Do you ever think about the next move?

Obviously not,

Because you totally overlooked something!

Sorry, but snow fairy is coming right back!

She can't touch me!

Because I've got a little surprise!

It looks like I do think ahead!

You're kidding me.

See for yourself!

I activate quick summon

To bring out my card blocker!

That shrimp won't last long!

'Cause I activate cold sleeper's ability,

Which lets me bring back you know who!

Hey, jay, meet your old pal...

Snow fairy!

Now what!?

It can't be good!

So if you're so good at thinking ahead,

Then what's your big plan to get out of this mess, huh?

My turn's over.

And so's this duel!

Nice try, loser! Later!

I sacrifice my queen and my cold sleeper

To summon this!

My white night dragon!


Pretty sweet!

There's more!

Next I activate my white blizzard spell card!

And thanks to this storm front,

You lose points!

For each monster I destroy, that is!

Not bad. What else have ya got?

Just this! It's a spell.

Ever hear of white veil?

Let's just say it gives my dragon a bonus!

How could you?

What'd she do?

She just activated sartorius' secret w*apon!

Atticus: she's right. It's over.

'Cause white night dragon's too powerful!

And thanks to its effect, traps don't work.

And I wish that was all it did,

But I'm afraid it's even worse!

As long as her dragon is wearing that white veil,

Every time it att*cks,

Every single spell and trap

That happens to be on jaden's side

Is destroyed.

The old alexis is as good as gone.


I've been waiting to do this for a long time.


Target his elemental hero neos and destroy it!

Not if I activate my card blocker first!

His special ability lets him swap places with another monster!

So card blocker's your new target!

Which means my neos is safe!

Card blocker, do your thing, bro!

Not bad, but you forgot one thing.

Thanks to the effect of white blizzard,

You still lose points!

Looks like it's your turn.

Good luck!

By the way, you weren't planning

To attack my snow fairy, were you?

If so, I'd reconsider if I were you,

'Cause my dragon has another trick!

All I have to do is destroy a spell or trap card,

And my white night dragon automatically becomes your new target!


Hoo, boy!

I reckon' our boy's got more troubles than a housesick hog!

I have no clue what that means,

But I'm pretty sure that it's not a good thing!


She's so talented.

Huh? Huh?

Alexis: so whatta ya say, jay?

You wanna give up? It's less painful.

Hey, that's an idea.

We can all just go home.

Oh, sure! And then after that,

Let's hand the key to sartorius!

Huh? Huh?


Sorry, lex,

But I don't do the whole "giving up" thing!

In fact, the only time I ever throw in the towel

Is laundry day!

Come on!

Jaden doing laundry?

Are you ever serious!?

Glad you asked!


Hey, guys! Awesome news!

Guess what?

I think you're gonna be able to help me after all!

But how!?

Hold on!

I think I might know.

He's using our cards!

First off,

I'm gonna be removing two cards from play

So I can summon my spell striker to the field.

And I choose...

Ojama black and swing of memories!

And next,

I think I'll summon this little guy!

Armor breaker!

Now he and spell striker can merge!

Not impressed.

Sure, he's weak,

But he's able to attack you directly!

So what. Bring it on!

Well, since you asked so nicely...

Spell striker, attack!


Hey, we're tied! Again!


Back off, jaden!

What'd she do to you, anyway!?

Hey, loverboy,

Whose side are you on here!?

Nice try, but it's my turn now!

Whoa, slow down.

What makes you think I'm done?

Whenever a monster comes out swinging armor breaker

And deals out some damage,

I get to destroy one magic card on the field!

And I choose...

White veil!

Oh, well.

There goes sartorius' "secret w*apon!"

Next I'll put neos in defense mode.

Now I'm done.

Do you know what you just did?

You're gonna pay!


Uh, maybe... She'll take a check!?

That ain't what she meant!

Without her white veil...

Jaden may have a chance!

This game's on!

No more games, jaden!

It's my move! And now....

Check this out!

I activate mystical space typhoon

So I can blow your spell card right off the field!

So say toodles to your armor breaker!


And with that thing outta my way,

My white night dragon can come out and play!

Not bad.

But thanks to striker's special ability,

All of that damage goes down to zero.

Well, my white blizzard should rectify that!



Jaden's down to his last points!

You're right.

He'd better make this turn count!

He still has a chance, right!?

Yeah, he's got two: slim and slimmer.

Poor lex.

She'll never be the same again!

Come on. You guys know jaden.

He always wins at the last minute!

Ha ha! Well...

I gotta hand it to ya, lex!

I'm toast!

Of course you are!

You can never beat the society of light.

I'm dueling you, not the society.


You're my friend!

And now...

I'm gonna prove it!

With this-- flare scarab!

Oh, please.

It looks like you've reached the bottom of your monster barrel.

This is like target practice.

He may not be too strong by himself,

But when he joins with his friend,

He's unstoppable!


Roll call: flame scarab!

Neos! Contact fusion!

Combine to form elemental hero flare neos!

For every spell or trap card,

Neos automatically gets an extra bonus points

Added to his attack strength.

And there are cards on the field!


So that's ......

, Attack points!

Now, that's a bonus!


I coulda done that.

Jaden! You da man!

Now bring it home!

You know, alexis,

Maybe you are better off like this after all.

What's that mean?

Well, the old you was so, uh...

You know, independent and sure of herself,

And who needs that?

Gimme a break!

I'm still independent! And confident!

You got that!? No one's controlling me!

You tell him! You're the boss!

And that's why I love ya, lex!

Would you get a grip?

Yeah, chazz.

I think you're drooling.

Wait, guys.

I think jaden's getting through!

Keep it up, jay!

Hey, alexis,

If you're as strong as you say you are,

Why stay with sartorius?

You should make your own choices,

Just like the old lex.

Stop it!

There's one alexis. And guess what?

She's not your friend anymore, dork!

All right. It all comes down to this!



You're about ta see!

Neos, attack her white night dragon!

[Thinking] this better get through to you!

[All gasp]

[Thinking] it's time to melt that heart of ice!

Neos, do your thing!


Alexis! Are you all right!?

I hope so.

Alexis! Wake up!

Hello? Anyone home?

Hey, sleepyhead! Rise and shine!

Huh? Hey, where am i?

Wait. Did we just duel!?

Hold on. I beat you, right?

Please tell me that I didn't lose.


You won, all right.


Hey, hey, what's the problem, chazz?

Are you worried her memory'll come back?

Well, if so, you're in trouble!

As if he had a shot, anyway.

I guess there's only one thing left to do now.


Time...to take down sartorius!


Mark my words.

Those keys will be mine!

It's now or never! Who's with me?

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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