02x45 - The Dark Light

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x45 - The Dark Light

Post by bunniefuu »

Aster: looks like someone needs to take

A few more dueling classes!

And why's that, phoenix?

Why don't I let my monster answer that!

Dogma, attack!!



You don't mind if I take a look in your deck, do you?

It's not here.

[Thinking] I have to keep searching.

The missing destiny card is out there somewhere.

It was stolen the night my father disappeared.

And when I find it, I'll know who took him from me!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Pegasus: thanks for coming on such short notice, chancellor.

Your website was down, and I needed an update on the gx tournament.

So tell me, how are things progressing?

Not as well as we'd hoped.

I take it the ultimate destiny card hasn't surfaced yet?

I was sure this tournament would bring it out.

Yes, well there's still time I suppose.

Now I hope I'm not speaking out of term,

But what's so special about this destiny card?

It was developed ten years ago

By one of my employees.

However, before the card was released,

It was stolen, and it never resurfaced again.

Who would steal a card?

No one's sure, but my scientific team

Has come up with a theory.


On the day this card was created,

My scientists discovered

A strange astronomical phenomenon.

This "white hole," as they called it,

Seemed to be emitting light waves across the universe.

Think of it as the opposite of a black hole.

Whereas a black hole absorbs energy...

This white hole exudes energy

Almost like a celestial volcano

Erupting with light!

And like molten lava, this light was dangerous!

It began to tip the balance

Of light and dark in the universe!

And as its strength grew,

So too did its insatiable hunger for more power!

So wait! Are you saying

That this light developed a mind of its own!?

That would appear to be the case.

And when the energy reached earth,

It then searched for a host.

A person or thing in which to inhabit.

We believe it chose to dwell

Within that destiny card.

Of course, it gets worse.

This isn't the first time that earth

Was invaded by light.

In fact, times of turmoil

And natural disasters

Can be traced to--

Hold on!

So this energy-- yes.

It triggers destruction.

Just look at a historical timeline.

Every major battle that ever took place

And every power-hungry dictator

That ever tried to take over the world

Surfaced at a time when these light pulses

Crossed paths with the planet earth!

Yes, but what does that have to do with this card?

I asked myself the same thing.

Now as you know, duel monsters is no ordinary game.

It has ties to certain ancient mystical energies.

You mean, this light from outer space

Is using a card to destroy the world!?

Yes, precisely.

Just when the card was being finalized,

It was hit with a pulse of light.

At that moment, the objects fused together.

That destiny card is now controlled by the light!

And most likely, so is the person who holds the card!

Oh no! Does your team have any other clues?

What about that employee

Of yours that designed the card?

Where is he now?

He's gone. When the card was taken,

He disappeared along with it!

So whoever took him knew that destiny card was powerful!

Hold on! Was it aster phoenix's father?

It was!

Of course.

That would explain why aster's been behaving

So strangely ever since the tournament began.

Every time that boy wins a duel,

He demands that the loser hand over his deck!

He's looking for his father's card!

What he doesn't realize is that whoever has it

Is under the control of an evil force!

Aster is blinded by vengeance.

And at this point, all he knows is that if he locates

This missing destiny card...

He'll find his father.

Perhaps, but at what cost!?

I don't get it.

I've checked almost every deck in the tournament.

And still no destiny card.

Hold on a sec! Sartorius.

My brother is under the control of an evil force.

What happened?

One day, a visitor came.

The stranger offered him a card as payment

For his services.

I sensed a change in sartorious immediately.

And the sartorius I knew was gone.


And where can we find this card?

I wish I had the answers, but I told you all I know.

Shortly after it arrived, it disappeared.

It what?

Sartorius! It was you!

I know it!

Now get down here!

And tell me where my father is!

Hear me!

Get lost! He's got nothing left to say to you!

Let me go! I have to see him!

Hey! Wait!

Open up!

Lemme in!

You can't hide forever.

Crowler: chancellor sheppard,

Might I have a moment of your time, sir?

What are you two doing in here!?

Well, chancellor shep's outta town.

And we didn't want his widescreen tv to go to waste!


Don't you people have dorm rooms!?

Yeah but they don't have stereo surround sound!

They don't even have tvs!

Pull up a cushion. The title match is about to kick off.

Did you say, "title match?"!

Announcer: thought this day would never come!

For the first time in four years, "the d"

Will defend his world championship title!

Pinch me! Is this a dream!?

Wow. I've always wanted to see the "d" in action!

This is all a faux pas.

He should be making his comeback in our tournament,

Not on tv!

And what makes you think he woulda joined this tournament?

Let's just call it a hunch.

Are you friends with the "d"!?

Not exactly...

But I know someone who's close to 'im.

Aster. Not only are they friends...

The "d" is aster's legal guardian.

Well I'll be!

So the world champion of the pro league

Happens to be aster's pappy!?

Step-father to be exact.

His real pappy is missing.

It looks like aster only told us half of the story.

Announcer: for an entire decade, the "d has reigned supreme!

But as you know, folks, that could all change here tonight in the kaiba dome!

Yeah, right.

Hello, aster.

It's you!

I suppose it is.

You know me?

You're kyle jables,

The greatest duelist in the world!

Well that's mighty kind of you!

But I've changed my name to "the d."

I guess you could say I've gone through a lot

Of changes lately.

You've been through a lot of changes, too.

In fact, that's why I've been sent here, pal.

It is!?

Your father's an old friend of mine,

And I once made him a promise.

To keep an eye on you.

I, ah...was just wondering...

What is it?

Well, if you have time, will you...

Teach me how to duel?

Of course!

I'd be glad to help you out!

Maybe one day you can challenge me.


Announcer: we're approaching game-time,

And this capacity crowd is on their feet!

[Thinking] that card should be locked away.

I won't use it!

Ha ha ha! What's the problem, "d"?

That card gave you everything!

And now you're afraid to use it?

Don't tell me you're feeling guilty.

Suck it up! This may be your last duel!

My last!? That's right.

After ten long years, your assignment

Is nearly complete.

So fear nothing.

Your guilt, your pain...

Soon, it will all be over!

Ha ha ha!

It's time to finish what I started ten years ago!

[Crowd chanting, "d!"]

Announcer: this duel is almost underway,

And it's certainly clear who the crowd favorite is!

World champion, the "d"!

But first, the challenger!

Coming to us from mount holyoak prison

And boasting an iq of ,

It's doctor collector!

Go back to the slammer!


[Crowd gasps]

It's alright, folks.

We're under tight security,

And everyone is perfectly safe!

I heard about this guy on the news!

He's so smart... The fbi is usin' him

To help with crime solvin'!

[Cheering and applause]

And now the moment you've been waiting for!

He's been ruling the duel for over a decade

As the pro league world champion!

I give you...the d!

[Crowd chanting, "d!"]

I hope you're enjoying the warmth

Of the lights on your face, "d".

Tonight is the last time

They'll shine on you.

You're right.

This does mark the end.

Of everything!

Including you!

Why's that!?

I'll show you!

What're you waiting for!?

You're in quite a rush to lose!

I play enigma the creator!

Then I'll play a facedown and defer to you.

I was hopin' you'd say that!

By the way, "d",

Those wrinkles on your forehead give you away.

They tell me you were concerned earlier tonight.

Of course, who could blame you?

Concern is a natural emotion when facing

An opponent who's superior to you.

How observant of you, doc.

But my "concerns" had nothing to do with you.

That'll change! Once I play this!

The dimensional fissure!

As long as this spell card is on the field,

Every monster that's sent to the graveyard

Is removed from the game!

Next, I activate graceful charity!

So I draw three cards from my deck,

And then I discard two.

And just so you know,

They're both monsters!

That means these cards are automatically

Removed from play!

For my next move, I activate the spell card mining for magical stones!

So I discard two

In order to bring graceful charity back to my hand!

Now if you don't mind, I'd like to play it again!

So three cards go to my hand,

And two go to the great void!

Jaden: if he keeps removing his cards from play,

He's not gonna have any left in his deck!

In case you've lost count,

Five of my monsters have left the game!

Know why?

Yes! Because you're a psychopathic criminal

Who doesn't know any better!

But please continue.

I'll be taking a nap.

A nap?! If you do that, you'll sleep

Through the best part, "d"!

You'll have plenty of time to rest once I win!

In fact, thanks to this,

That may be sooner than you think!

Because my dimension fusion card lets me summon

As many new monsters as I've removed from the game!

Come on out, cosmo queen!

Magician's valkyria!

Aw heck, I'll play two more 'a those!

And finally, ebon magician curran!

Jaden: he just summoned five monsters

In one turn!

The d's in trouble!

He'll never beat 'em all!

He won't even beat one!

'Cause thanks to the collector's valkyria,

The "d" is prohibited from attacking any spellcasters!

But that's all he's up against!

The collector's no dummy!

He's taken away all of the d's options!

He's stuck! In more ways than one.

Not only can't the champ attack...

He can't summon any new monsters either!

'Cause thanks to that ebon magician card,

Every time he plays a monster,

He loses points!

Talk about a major keister-whoopin'!

There's a new champ in town.

I'm about to end your ten year reign with one move!

But look on the bright side, "d".

At least I didn't drag out your suffering!

Now, cosmo queen, dethrone him!

Cosmic nova!

I don't think so!

I play negate attack!

Not only does this card stop your attack...

It prevents you from attacking again!

You're just delaying the inevitable, d-man.

My next turn's around the corner,

And my cosmo queen's waiting!

Only then you'll be even weaker!

Here's why!

I activate my magical blast spell card!

So you'll be taking points of damage

For every spellcaster on my side of the field.

Sam hill! A thousand life points!

With one spell card!

I'll place this facedown

And take a short break.

[Thinking] thanks to the extra protection

Of my nightmare wheel, I'm gonna be

The new king of the ring!

[Speaking] it's time to hand your cape and scepter to me!

Alright, "d". Let's see what--huh?

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

That fool! He has no clue.

So let's enlighten him!

It's about time we showed him the truth!

He's in for quite a shock!!

Who are you talking to, "d"!?

Where are my manners?

A dear friend of mine

Has just shown up,

And I didn't introduce you!

Mister collector...

Meet the world's most powerful force--

Dark light!

Dark light?

That's right. It's come

A long way to be here!

And they call me a madman!

You make no sense!

How can light be dark?

His eyes are blind! Like all the rest!

Let's open them!

Ha ha ha!


It's...too bright!

Just wait!

I play these guys!

Two fiend's sanctuary cards!

And now...

For each one I'm able to summon

A metal fiend token to the field!

Then I activate my d-force!

Ready, my friend?

To see the light!?


I sacrifice three monsters

To play my ultimate card!


What happened?!

The cable went out!

During the best part!

Fix it!

Jaden! Hurry!

[Cell phone ringing]

Hello, "d"? Is that you!?

You're alright!

I was watching the broadcast,

And it suddenly cut off!

Aster, so good to hear your voice.

I need to see you.

My boat will be in the water

East of duel academy.

Come find me...

What's wrong?

[Dial tone]


You in here, "d"?

Aster, my boy.

You and I don't get any quality time

Together anymore.

So what happened?

Did you win today?

Oh, right.

You missed the ending.

Are you sure you want to know the details?

Yeah, of course!

Did he lose?

"Did he lose?"

Aster, no duelist in the world can defeat me.

How'd you win?

Ha ha ha!

Why, I used my secret w*apon, of course.

Poor doctor collector didn't know what hit him.


You can't! My valkyrias!

They're impervious to your att*cks, "d"!

Ha ha ha!

Apparently, your rules don't apply!

Not to my ultimate card!


Looks like you were wrong!

But just to make sure, I'll fortify myself with this!

I activate my nightmare wheel!

It's over!

Couldn't agree more!

What is that?!


"D"! What've you done!?

Tell me!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

What happened!?

Hey! What's the deal!?

Only one way out.

The door behind me.

I'm afraid the other exits are sealed.

What do you want? Tell me!

It's not what I want, aster.

It's what the light wants that matters.

And I'm afraid that today

The light wants you, aster!

But you needn't be afraid.

Once you see the light,

You'll be free, my boy!

From what!?

From the sadness.

For it will take you to see your father!

My father?!

Is that--

I believe you've been searching for this card

For quite some time.

No way!

The person who took your father

From this world...

It was me!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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