02x49 - The Phoenix has Landed Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x49 - The Phoenix has Landed Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on...

Glad you could make it, aster.

[Laughing sinisterly]


Just the man I was looking for!


Predicting the future is my specialty.

Did you predict I'd bring this?

It's plasma--

The card my father designed!

There was something evil inside that card--

The light of destruction!

With your key, the whole world will soon see the light!

So just hand it over.

Jaden: aster, no! You can't go through with this, bro!

Think! If he gets his hands on both of our keys,

Then he'll be able to activate that satellite!

But I promised him.

You promised him what?

That if anything happened to sartorius, I'd save him.

So now what?

We duel!

Winner gets the key!

Aster! You can't!


Sartorius, thinking: poor aster.

You'd surrender your key now if you knew what I had in store for you.

No one can defeat the light!

[Sartorius laughing sinisterly]

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

Sartorius: one more round, and that key is mine!

Aster: you don't know what you're saying, sartorius!

The sartorius you knew is long gone!

Aster, thinking: when we were kids, I promised to save him,

And I'm not gonna give up!

Somewhere under that evil mask is my friend!


Aster, your eyes betray you.

They tell me you're losing hope

And that you're beginning to doubt your own convictions.

Then again, who could blame you?

If I failed my father, I'd be insecure also.


You're the one who's gonna fail!

And deep down, I think you know it.

Ya see, when you looked in my eyes,

You saw a reflection of yourself!

I'm on to you, dude.

You're the one who's afraid!

Wrong again.

I already know the outcome,

Thanks to one simple word--destiny!

Face the facts!

Some things in this world can't be predicted!

Spoken like a true fool!

Oh, yeah? Well, if you know so much about the future,

Then I'm sure you can see

That this fool's not giving up!

Fine. Then go!

Aster, thinking: all right.

I've got one draw left before I'm toast,

So I'd better make this count!

This is for my friend!

I play doctor d!

Now all I have to do is choose a destiny hero from my graveyard

And remove it from the game!

Then I can pick another one from my grave

And summon it to the field!

I choose...

Destiny hero-- disk commander!

And that's not all.

Whenever my man is summoned from the graveyard,

I'm allowed to draw two more bad boys from my deck!

And next I summon my doom lord!

And as you might've guessed,

He's not here to spread goodwill.

He's here to spread doom!

Not to worry. You'll see him again in two turns!

You look pretty surprised for someone

Who knows everything about the future!

Good one. You tell him.

Next it's time for a little spell action

With my d-formation!

Now when you destroy a destiny hero,

Let's just say there'll be a price!

So just try!

Let's see how confident

You really are!

Way to play!

Show that carnival freak who's boss!

This is getting good!

Is this your big plan, aster?

I should hope not.

A few monsters in defense mode,

Some weak spell cards?

You can't expect to save the world with that!

Just give in.

If you really want to help your people,

Then give me the key so I can show them the light!

And then there's choice "b"--

Fight me and fail again.


All right.

I see you have a thing for failure.

So let us continue.

Ready to lose and suffer?

First I activate necro sacrifice!

So that means two monsters appear on your side,

But don't get too excited because there's a downside.

Once I remove these two monsters from my graveyard,

I can summon one that's even more powerful to my side of the field!

So I think I'll give you my empress and emperor.

And because I'm nice, you can choose their mode.

Fine. Defense mode!

How boring,

But I'm not surprised.

If they're heads up, I get their abilities,

But what if they're upside down?

You're about to find out!

Come on!

Can't you see?

It's your destiny to fail, aster.

Since the empress is upside down,

Each time a monster is summoned to my side,

One of your cards goes to the graveyard!

But there's more.

Just look.

The emperor is upside down as well.

Therefore both of your new monsters

Become attack points weaker!

He can't catch a break!

This is just plum ridiculous!

Talk about bad luck.

And now it's time you met the newest addition to my arsenal,

For I can finally summon this card--

My arcana force xv!

The fiend.

That card.

All right, I'll tell you,

But you're not gonna like this.

It seems the person

That you're going to save is me!

I took a look at my future, and it looks bleak.

My destiny is filled with temptation and evil.

And someday I'm gonna need you to rescue me!

Aster, thinking: the fiend card that sartorius just played

Represents the evil that's controlling him!

[Laughing sinisterly]

Now, don't forget,

Because of the empress, you must send a card to the grave.

Now let's see what fate has in store.

It's upright!

Who could've predicted that?

Oh, wait. Me!

Ha ha ha!

Did I mention his ability?

When my fiend att*cks you,

Another monster on your field is destroyed!

And then the player who controlled the monster

Loses points!

Once a failure, always a failure.

Look! See, guys?

One of aster's ds lit up!

Have I taught you nothing?

Every event in our lives is predetermined!

Trying to change destiny is pointless!

That key is meant to be mine,

Along with your whole planet.

Aster, why do you think your father created that card?

Because he was destined to,

So I could use it to rebuild planet earth

With the power of light! Now hand it over.

You can't!

Aster, thinking: maybe he's right.

Maybe this was all just meant to be

And fighting destiny is pointless!

Hey, I'm stuck!

Yeah, me, too!

And me three!

He must have us in a kung-fu mind grip!

Jaden: aster, remember your promise!


There you are!

Is everything all right?




Aster, I told you,

Sartorius is gone.

His body is simply a host for the light of destruction!


Sartorius and aster: wrong! I'm right here!

Wha...who's there?


Surprise! It's me!

But how?

I destroyed you!

Guess again!

I sacrifice disk commander to summon destiny hero dasher.

Now for his special effect!

By sacrificing a monster,

Dasher gets a thousand extra attack points!

Now take out his fiend with pyro-electric shock!

And after dasher att*cks, he switches to defense mode!

So much for destiny!

You ready, old pal?

Sartorius: aster, I need you to concentrate.

Is this some kind of dream or something?

When I was dueling, I could have sworn I felt you helping me.

It's true, aster.

I've been with you for some time now.

So what do we do?

And where exactly are we anyway?

This place is merely a lost memory.

Of what?

Of the day you and I met for the first time.

Here deep in your subconscious,

The light of destruction is unable to reach us.

You've saved me in more ways than one, aster.

When I was young, my sister and I were considered outcasts.

No one would even look at us,

Let alone befriend us.

We lived on the streets

And were treated like criminals.

But all we really needed was a home.

I had a gift for seeing the future,

And I knew we would be saved.

And then just as I had predicted,

Sarina and I were lucky enough to find you.

You were my only friend,

And so I told you my darkest secret--

That one day I would be corrupted by evil.

But I'm here to save you.

I know.

Don't tell me you feel guilty,

'Cause you've helped me out a million times.

Take my dueling!

You gave me the courage I needed to be a pro!

You taught me to believe in my deck

And myself.

So I guess in a way,

You kind of rescued me also.

I did?

You bet!

I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for you.

So wipe off that frown.

Come on.

Let's show him what a little teamwork can do!

You're right.

But what if the light is too strong?

If we lose, I could never forgive myself.

You once thought I could beat destiny.

What do ya say we put that theory to the test?

Well, pal, you in?

I'm in.

[Sinister laughter]

[Distorted voice] you've just taken another step towards the light!


Ha ha ha!

That coward is not here!

My move!

And so I play this--

My reverse reborn spell!

Now I can choose any arcana force monster

That's in my graveyard, and then I can summon it to the field!

Now, who shall I pick?

How about your old friend--

Arcana force xv, the fiend?


[Laughing sinisterly]

Now when it att*cks, every monster on the field is destroyed!

You can't!

I disagree!

I'll end my turn by placing this face-down.

Tell me, aster, that lost soul that hides in your mind,

Is he planning on stopping by?

If so, tell him his body's staying here with me

For all eternity!

Hiding inside a memory? How creative.

There's just one problem.

Your brain belongs to me now,

As do your thoughts.

There's no escape!

So just join me!

And this world will be ours!

Don't listen to a word he says!

He's evil.

And when we win, you'll get your body back from him.

But until then, stay right here.

My mind will keep you safe from the light.

But how?

Trust me! If you stick with me, we can defeat destiny!

I trust you.

Now let's fight.

So be it!

Sartorius, thinking: once I unleash this,

That spineless fool will regret taking aster's side.

Together: our move!

Ooh, boy! Anyone have a clue what's goin' on?

Uh, that's a negative.

Just watch.

Sartorius: before you get carried away,

Remember that two rounds ago, you sent my monster into the future.

Well, it seems the future has arrived!

So come back, arcana force xxi--the world!

Oh, great.

Well, there goes the neighborhood!

Aster: you may have the world, but I've got d cubic in attack mode!

And since you destroyed two of my heroes,

I can activate my d formation!

Now all I have to do is send

This spell card to my graveyard,

And I can take two d cubics from my deck

And add them to my hand!

And now I'll activate their special ability!

If I sacrifice one of my d cubics,

It counts as two sacrifices.

And if I sacrifice two of them, it counts as three!

So I'm tossing them all out!

Then that counts as four!

You're a regular mathematician, aren't you?

With four sacrifices,

I can summon the card that was stolen from my dad!

Jaden: no way!

My new pal--

The unstoppable destiny hero plasma!


I'm afraid it's true!

Plasma's back where it belongs!

What an appropriate end!

The card that brought you here

Is the same one that's gonna send you back where you came from.

[Sartorius laughing]

Sartorius: that card is nothing but an empty shell!

I have a new home in the body of your friend!

Don't make yourself too comfortable,

'Cause you won't be there for long

Once I do this!

I activate plasma's special effect

So I can steal half the attack points of one of your monsters.

And I think I'll choose the world!

By the way, I have another card that belonged to my dad, too,


So as long as this spell card stays face-up on my deck,

My destiny hero plasma's special effect stays active!

But the special abilities of your monsters don't!

The only downside is that I can't draw any more cards.

But thanks to plasma and d-force, I don't need any!

Oh, yeah.

And I hope you didn't plan on using any spells or traps,

'Cause they're useless against me, too!

Syrus: aster's got the upper-hand!

Jaden: with a card like plasma, how could he not?

Aster: now, plasma, attack his life points directly

With vengeful reign!

Your attack is canceled,

Thanks to my temperance!

All I have to do is place it in my graveyard!

Oh, no!

Relax, dude. I've got a plan.

I remove d-burst from my graveyard

In order to activate its special effect!

Now I can choose any monster on my side of the field

And decrease its attack points by one thousand!

After that, it gets to attack twice!

It what?

Ready, plasma?

Attack him again...

Together: with vengeful reign!

Yeah! Yeah!

That's what I'm talkin' about!

Now for my final move!

I'll start by activating the material lord

And the spiritual lord.

Then I'll add the sky lord!

The time has come to see the light.

Didn't I tell you, you can't run away from your destiny?

Well, behold the fate of the entire human race!

I sacrifice my three lord pillars

To summon the most powerful creature in my deck!

Arcana force extra-- the light ruler!

No way!

By the power of light, you shall be reborn!

Aster, stay strong!

This game is on!

Thanks a lot, bro, but I'm done!

This battle is in your hands now!

Good luck, jay!



But he'll join you soon enough...

Along with the rest of the world!

[Laughing sinisterly]

This is it.


Check it out. He's white as a ghost!

Aster, please tell me you're all right!

[Sartorius laughing sinisterly]

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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