Convicted (1938)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
Post Reply

Convicted (1938)

Post by bunniefuu »

You can have all the hock hoofers from here to Hawaii.

Give me that Jerry Wheeler for my dancing.

She's certainly a terpsichorean.

I'm sorry we only accept
ladies with escorts here.

But I don't want a table.

I'd like to see Jerry Wheeler.

It's important.

Get inside.



Only two
more minutes.


What's up, honey?



He's leaving town.

So what? He'll be back
in a few days and then--

You don't understand,Jerry.

He's going away
with that woman.

Ruby Rose?

They're leaving for Chicago in two hours.


But Chick hasn't got that
kind of money to spend.

That's what worried me.
Otherwise, I've never come

to you about his going away.

Do you think he's using
the firm's funds?

I don't know but
he's been spending more money

lately than he earns.

-Jerry I--
-Where does she live?

The Milton Arms

She might be easier
to get at than around.

Come on. I'm going to bat
with Ruby Rose

on her home grounds.

Where are you going?

You got to give me time off
for about an hour.

Wait a bit.
This is no--

My brother's in trouble.

That's too bad
but you can't walk out

on the customers now.

They're waiting
to hear you sing.

I'm sorry
but this is important.

If you leave now,
you needn't come back see?

Okay. Come on.

You run on home kid.
I wanna see her alone.

-But it's my--
-Please do as I say.

Here, this will
take care of it.

Sit tight till
you hear from me.

Good luck, Jerry.

Good evening.

Uh, where is Ms. Ruby Rose's

Uh, is she expecting you?

Oh, yes.

Uh, 4th floor,
number 27.

Who do you
wish to see?

Ruby Rose. Tell her
Jerry Wheeler is calling.

Oh, I'm...

I'm sorry,
Ms. Ruby isn't in.

All right.
Skip the Morse code.

I can smell the varnish
she's sampling.

You can't come in here.

I'm Chick's sister.

Well, do you always barge
in where you're not wanted?

You stupid,
bungling nitwit.

I told you
I wasn't seeing anyone.

I couldn't help it.

Oh, shut up.

All right.
Start the audition.

Want it private
or with a gallery?

Wait a minute.

Take Pom-Pom over
to the kennels on 7th Street

and leave him there.
And don't take all night.

I'm shoving off
in an hour.

I've come to ask you
to lay off my brother.

Well, what am I
supposed to have done,

cured him from wiping his nose
on his sleeve or something?

Cut the sarcasm.

He's been spending dough
like wild

and it hasn't been
coming out of his salary.


Well, where does
it come from?

I haven't found out yet
and I hope his firm never does.

Look here, Ruby.

You've been around
and so have I

and around
hasn't been pretty.

I've worked in night clubs
since I've been 16

to keep Chick from being
a corner lizard.

I've wrestled my way home
mornings at 5:00

just so he wouldn't turn out
to be another sharp-sh**t.

And I'm the bad medicine
that's gonna spread him

all over the landscape,
is that it?

As far as I'm concerned,
you're aces

but pick on someone else.

Someone who can take it.

Chick can't keep you in
trinkets like that.

You're telling me?
This costs ten Gs.

All right. Have your fun
and more power to you

but not with all I've got.

I won't stand by
and see you make a sucker

-out of Chick and--
-Oh, I've heard of wives

pulling this act
and even mothers.

Now it's his sister.

Next week,
it'll be East Lynne.

Where did you get off
telling me what to do

and where to go
and with whom?

As far as I'm concerned,
the audition is over.

Now, get out of here,
you ham actress,

and let me pack my bags.

Come on. Get out.
Make it snappy.

You're not bad medicine,
you're a poison.

Oh, you think so, eh?

Well, put it up to Chick
and see how far you get.

Hello, Jerry.

Kind of early for you
to be home, isn't it?

None too early.

Chick, it wasn't very pally
of you to plan

a walkout without
a word to me.

Oh, I left word with Mary
and I figured that--

You figured you'd be gone
by the time I found out.

Well, I didn't want
any fuss.

Chick, aren't you making a
mistake giving up a steady job?

Uh, I'll get
another one.

Not with Ruby Rose
around your neck.

What do you know
about her?

I've just seen her.

Well, you had no right
to go there.

Chick, you're heading
straight for the eight ball.

Right. That's my affair.

I'm not asking anything
for myself.

I'm older than you are, Chick,

and when a girl says that
you've got her down to bed rock.

All right. All right.

You ought to be old enough to
realize that I'm over 21 too,

and I don't wanna be treated
like a baby brother.

What about the way
you're treating Mary Allen?

Well, it's a break for Mary if
she looks at it the right way.

Oh, but she won't.
You ought to know that.

Why she's ready to pinch pennies
and squeeze nickels with you,

so you can both build something.

With Mary at your elbow,
you can go somewhere.

I'm going somewhere
right now.

Listen, Chick, please.

-Look out.
-I won't let you.

You're still wet behind
the ears.

-Get away from that door.
-You're out of your mind

passing up a sweet kid
like Mary for something

that ought to be shampooed
out of your hair with gasoline.

Jerry, I've never laid a hand
against you in my life,

and I don't wanna
start now.

I won't let you. I won't.

I can't.

Hold my bag here and wait.

I'll be right out.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

Oh, Charlie, uh, did Ms. Rose's
bags come down yet?

Oh, yes, they were a moment
ago but she phoned down

and had them sent back
up again.

-Back up?
-Yes, sir.

Hi, Aggie, what are you
looking so tickled about?

Just got rid of a pest.

Now, I've got to faceanother one.

What a temper.

Well, she--she's
got company.

Maybe she'll be
more polite.

Young Wheeler
has just gone up.

It doesn't matter
who's up there,

Ms. Ruby's not fussy,
not at all.


Police! Police!


I didn't do it.
I didn't.

When I came in,
she was laying there.

I thought she'd fainted.
And I went over

and shook her a couple of times
and then the maid came in.

I saw it with my own eyes,
he was choking her.

I was trying
to revive her.

He was choking her,
I tell you.

Pipe down, Aggie.
I'll get to you later.

Was anybody here
when you came in?

No. No, there wasn't.

I thought so.

When was the last time you
could definitely say

Ms. Rose was alive?

Well, before Wheeler
went upstairs,

she phoned down and told me
to send her bags up.

And his bags
were in your cab?

Yeah, he told me he'd be right
out in a jiffy ready to go.

Go? Go where?

To the Union Depot.

Oh, getting ready
for a getaway, eh?


collapse of the larynx
and esophagus.

Well, what do you know
and I thought

she was choked to death.

Why don't you talk up kid?
Get it off your chest.

-It'll make you feel better.
-I told you the truth.

Honest, I did.

I left my sister and I came
right here to get Ruby.

We were going away together.

And she changed her mind,
isn't that it?

-Oh, you got all steamed up

and you blew your topper

and then you grabbed her
by the windpipe.


An open and shut case.

Well, that's all
for the present.

Uh, take him along.
I'll talk to you later.

You three can go now,
but don't go far.

I'll be calling
on you later.

Did you get the number
of the cab driver?

Yeah. No.

Oh, yeah.I got everything.

Say Burnsy, I guess,
that's all we gotta do,

is file our report now
and knock off for the night, eh?

Oh, no, not yet.

We'll take a gander
at the kid's apartment.

Maybe his sister knows

-More work?
-Yeah, more work.

Oh, good evening.

The name is Burns.

-Who's your friend?
-Coley, known in polite society

as Cobble puss Coley.

Like the place?

Three closets and you get one
month's concession.

I'm not keeping you
gentlemen up am I?

Sit down, Angel Face,
I wanna talk to you.

Oh, been hitting
the catnip, eh?

Any ordinance against it?

What do you flatfeet
want anyway?

You're Jerry Wheeler,
aren't you?

I've known that
for 27 years, so what?

Chick's sister?

I have a brother
and I call him Chick, yes.

-Oh, Chick hasn't--
-He sure has.

How much did he take?

Look, whatever it is,
I'll make good for it.

I earn good money
when I work.

I'll pay back
a little each week.

I'll work my fingers
to the bone.

-I'll do anything.
-Now, wait a minute, Angel Face,

let's get this straight.

As far as I know, your brother
didn't take a thing.

What time did Chick leave here?

I really couldn't say.

I'm not a train dispatcher.

Did you know he was going
to Chicago with Ruby Rose?

Ruby Rose? Where did you
get that name off?

A bottle of nail polish?

Now, wait a minute,
Angel Face,

don't be so hard
to handle.

You're gonna talk to us
and like it.

All right.
Come to the point.

What's he supposed
to have done?

Supposed nothing.

He throttled Ruby Rose
to death.

You didn't have to smack her
right in the face with it.

Keep your chin up, kid.

Don't be a fool, Burns.

See, they all pull
that collapsible

concertina act

just to get out
of answering questions.

Take a look around the flat.
I'll handle this.

Burns, Chick didn't do it.
He didn't.

All right. I did know
about Ruby Rose

but he was sold on her.
Don't you see,

you don't k*ll
the thing you love.

Chick's no k*ller.

I know that
with all I've got.

Sorry, Angel Face.

Five minutes before Chick
got there, Ruby was alive.

A minute after he entered
the apartment,

the maid comes in
from the outside and finds him

bending over Ruby
and she's dead.

Did Chick say he did it?

No, of course not,
they never do.

I told you to look around
not break up the house.

Now, clean that up
the way you found it.

Well, are you gonna help
us out, Angel Face?

Burns, I did it.

Did what?

I k*lled Ruby Rose.

I begged Chick not to throw
his life away on her.

And when he walked out, I beat
him up to her place and--


And I gave her one last
chance to lay off,

but she wouldn't take it.

She was all soft and squashy
and I took one grip

and pushed hard and...



She says she bumped off
Ruby Rose.

She must have used

Come on, let's get out
of here.

Oh, aren't you taking me
with you?

Call me up
on my night off

and I'll take you
to the movies.

By the way, uh,
what was Ruby wearing

when you, uh, k*lled her?

Well, naturally she was--

she was ready to leave,

she had on her hat
and coat.

Sure, then she took them off
when she found out

she was dead and wasn't going
anywhere after all.

We found her in pajamas.

You low-down, flatfoot.

You're just baiting me
to get the goods on Chick.

You'll frame him, I know it.
Get out of here.

I never wanna see you again.

Hey, maybe you did do it
at that.

You sure sound
capable of it.

Have you have any idea why Ms. Rose

had her bags sent back?

Nope. She just said she changed
her mind, that's all.

How did the defendant act
when you told him?

Well, he seemed
kind of put out.

I see.

Now, could anyone else have
gone up to her apartment

without your knowledge?

No, siree.
That's my job.

Relax, my boy. Relax.

In other words, Ms.
Rose was definitely alive

a few minutes before
Wheeler went upstairs.

I'm sure she was.

What happened after that?

Well, Agnes,
that's Ms. Rose's maid,

came in and followed
Wheeler up.

A couple of minutes later,
she came down yelling.

Police! Police!

Now, Aggie, didn't Ms. Rose
have other men friends

besides Wheeler?


They didn't mean

Mr. Wheeler moved up
into first place.

Who was some
of the other men?

Oh, I don't remember

Uh, it kind
of slipped my mind.

She's stalling,
she's not on the level.

Don't worry,
he'll make her talk.

How did Ms. Rose
make her living?

She certainly
didn't take in washing.

What did she do?

Well, she danced at night
clubs mostly.

Aggie, when you found
Mr. Wheeler

in the apartment
that evening,

-you ran out immediately.
-Oh, I sure did.

Then for all you know,
someone else may have been

hiding in the next room.

Oh, I don't know
anything about that.

All I know is that
Mr. Wheeler was choking her

to death and I ran out yelling

"Police! Police!"

At the time you entered
Ms. Rose's apartment,

what was the attitude
of the defendant?

He was emotional,
completely unnerved.

Was it the defendant
that notified

the police of the m*rder?

Uh, no, the maid did.

I see.

Then that evening,
you went over to see

the defendant's sister.

Yeah, that's right.

What was her reaction?

She seemed ready to sacrifice
herself for her brother.

In what way?

Well, she said
that she k*lled Ruby Rose.

Which you knew
was a lie?

Well, yes.

And how did you know?

Well, Ms. Wheeler
said that Ruby Rose

was wearing her hat
and coat

at the time of the m*rder.

-Well? -We found her in pajamas.

Dirty flatfoot.

That'll be all.
Thank you.

Isn't it a fact,
when Chick started

for Ruby's apartment,
you tried to stop him?

-Why, naturally I didn't--
-And he cast you aside roughly?

Oh, but he didn't mean it.
He was excited.

And all the years of devotion
and care you lavished upon him,

didn't mean
anything either?

The moment you crossed him,
he laid hands on you?

-Oh, come, Ms. Wheeler,

you're practically
admitted that ever since

you were a young girl,
you were willing to lie,

cheat, and starve
to support him.

Do we have to go into that?

Get her off the stand.
Get her off the stand.

He's torturing her.

Steady yourself.
Steady, steady.

You went to work
at the age of 16?


Describe your life
from then on,

the places you worked, the type
of people you met, your--

Stop it!
Stop torturing her!

I did it.
I k*lled Ruby Rose.

Oh, you didn't.
He's just saying that

to spare me
the humiliation of...

Gentlemen of the jury,

have you arrived at a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

What is your verdict?

We find the defendant

guilty of m*rder
in the first degree.


No, he didn't do it.


-How is she?
-She'll be all right.

-Call a cab.
-Yes, sir.

I'll help you
take her home.

Get away from me, you heel.
You railroad him.

Atta girl,
feeling better already.

Where did you get
that lawyer?

He couldn't fight
a parking ticket.

He's the best
we could afford.

We hacked
everything we owned.

You should've let
the kid plead guilty

to second degree then
he wouldn't be in line--

That's a guilty
man's dodge.

Why should Chick admit
to something he didn't do?

He hasn't got a half hour's
detention coming to him.

He didn't lay a hand
on Ruby Rose.

All right, then he didn't.

Well, here we are.

Oh, we haven't
a thing for dinner.

I'll get something.

Don't you come in with me,
I've had enough of you.

That's where
you're wrong, sister.

If I were a man I--

If you were,
I'd never forgive you.

Aren't you crowding Mary
a little moving in here like this?

I suppose so.

But I haven't a dime
left in the world.

It all went to Chicks--

not that you'd care
about that.

Well, sell me,
won't you?

Just sell me
that he's innocent

and I'll go to town
for you.

Well, you didn't talk
that way at the trial.

Now wait a minute,
Angel Face.

Don't blame me for that,
I was only doing my job.

You heard me on the stand,
did I distort the facts?

Just convince me
that Chick didn't do it

and I'm with you
up to the hilt.

Well, all right.

If you change your mind,
you can find me at headquarters.

-Before you go...

I want the address
of that maid, Aggie.

What for?

She didn't tell
all she knew.

I'll bet
she was greased plenty.

By whom?

By the one right name
that belongs in this case.

Look, Aggie hated
her mistress.

I got a load of that
when I was up at Ruby's flat.

But she kept on working
for her just the same.

Well, naturally,
she needed the dough.

No, because she was on
someone else's payroll.

-Can't you see?
-No, I'm sorry, I can't.

Why should you?

It would only knock
the daylights

out of that beautiful case
you sewed up.

You think so?

Well, all right.

Here it is.

But you better watch yourself
it's not a pretty neighborhood.

If she was paid off
like you think,

it'll take a lot of money
to restore her memory.

Will you go home,
you bore me.

Good luck, Angel Face.

That flatfoot had an
expression like the cat

that just licked
the cream off--

say, what's this?

A big chump. He left me
a hundred and fifty dollars.

A hundred
and fifty dollars?

What for?

To buy myself a pair
of gumshoes, I guess.

Milton Arms.

Uh, who do you wish
to see, sir?

-Charlie Baker off duty?

-When does he come on?
-He doesn't.

Why not?

He just doesn't,
that's all.

Now, wait a minute,
we're not playing 20 questions.

What about Baker?

What's going on?

What seems to be the trouble?

-Who are you?
-I'm the owner of the building.

I asked this man a civil
question about Baker

and he acts as though he's
been tipped off not to talk.

That will be all, Jackson.
Go back to your post.

All right.

He was just following

That k*lling didn't help
my building any

and I don't want any
of my employees

to become involved,
you understand?

Sure. Uh, but what's
happened to Baker?

Baker? Oh, he left
on rather short notice,

inherited a lot of money.
Uncle died or something.

-I see.-He took his kid with him

back to England.

By now, our friend Baker
must be a duke or something.

-Okay, thanks.
-Well, always.

Glad to help.

-Hello, Jerry?
-No, this is Mary.

Jerry went up to see Aggie LeRoy
about five minutes ago.

Well, that's a pretty
tough neighborhood.

Uh, what's that address?
Edgecomb Avenue, wasn't it?

Yeah, what's the number?

92 Edgecomb Avenue.

All right, thanks.

Aggie went out
a few minutes ago.

Do you know
when she'll be back?

She ain't far,
just shopping across the street

in that store.

-There she is.
-Go get her.

Anybody see
the license of that?

Wait here.

I saw it, I saw it.

Excuse me, sir.

What's that?

She's dead.

-Take me out of here.
-Come on.

That girl was m*rder*d
as sure as I'm born

to shut her mouth.
Can't you see?

First of all, she was bribed
and then as soon as the trial

is safely over, she's put out
of the way for good.

Yeah, it begins
to smell like rain.

There's somebody big
behind all this,

somebody with plenty
of influence and money.

And what are you
going to do about it?

I don't know yet
but whoever this somebody is,

with Aggie dead
and Baker gone,

he's completely
covered up his tracks.

I don't care what the rest
of the world thinks.

You don't believe I did it,
do you Mary?

Of course not
and neither does Jerry.

That's all that matters.

-I'm not afraid to die, but--
-Don't talk like that, Chick,

it'll never happen.
It can't.

Jerry's dug up
a new evidence.

The way it's shaping up,
you're a cinch

to get a new trial,
your acquittal is certain.

You really think so?

If I could only get out
of this place.

You know, every time you
and Jerry come to visit me,

I sort of feel as though
I was born all over again.

I've done a lot
of thinking here, Mary.

It's made me realize
what an awful sap I've been.

When I get in the clear,
I'm gonna show you

and Jerry that
I'm not a total loss.

Oh, Chick,
we never felt you were.

Just the same. I'm aching
to prove it to you.

When I think of all
the shame, worry,

and everything
I've caused you both.

Silly, we're so busy working,
we haven't time to think

of such things.

Here's one the Scat Club wants
high kickers for the line.

Scat Club?

That's one of Militis' place.

Too rough, a girl has to draw
a line someplace.

They're paying
35 a week that's not tin.

Nope. I'm thru with night clubs
and I'll never work

in one again
as long as I live.

We've got to do something
or we'll be out on the street.

Jerry, look at this.

"Auction sale, jewelry
and personal effects

of the late Ruby Rose.
Saturday morning.

Milton Arms Apartments."

That's this morning.

I got a hunch we ought
to be at that auction.

-We may even do some shopping.
-What with?

I still have that a hundred
and fifty Burns gave me.

Milton Arms Apartments.

I've only bid $30
for this beautiful solid

silver musical
cocktail shaker.

Do I hear 35?

Will somebody bid $35?

Why, it's worth a hundred.

Solid silver.

Do I hear 35?

Will somebody say 35?

Drink your cocktails
in swing-time,

going at $30,

30 once,

30 twice,

sold to the lady for $30.

Will you kindly pay
the bookkeeper?

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
the last item.

What am I offered for this
beautiful tool leather box?

Give it to your wife
or sweetheart

to keep her trinkets in,

or old love letters.

Just to start the bidding,
do I hear 50 cents?

You hear five bucks.

He must be a... over the house.

Five dollars have been bid.

Any advance on $5?

He was in the car
that k*lled the maid.


$5.50. Any advance on 5.50?


I hear $20.
Uh, $20 has been bid,

do I hear more?

He's giving himself away.

He wants that box
awfully bad.


$21 has been bid, 21.

Any advance on 21?

50 bucks.

50 bucks is bid, $50.



-One hundred.
-One hundred and--

One hundred and fifty.

There goes
the ball game.

$150 has been bid.

Any advance on 150?

A hundred and fifty-one.

She must want that
mighty bad.

Let her take it,we can save the dough.


It's all yours, sister.

Last call.

Sold to the lady
on my left for $151.

Will you kindly pay
the bookkeeper?

What's it made of, platinum?

Uh, name and address,

Mary Allen,
18 2nd Avenue.


What's this?

Shall I wrap it up?

Oh, uh, no, no,
never mind. Come on.

There are those men.

That's the same car
that ran down the maid.

They're trailing us.

You go home.
I'll take the subway.

-Where are you going?
-To see Burns.

Smart gal.
She ducked down the subway.

We better follow
the other one.

Who's the girl
that brought the box?

-What's her name?

Come on, come on,
don't stall.

She's my sister, Josie Allen.

Why'd she have such a yearn
for that box?


She thought it was valuable
because you bid it up so high.

She loses her head
at the auctions.

Where is she now?

She went out to see
what she could get for it.

Let's stick around
until she gets here.

Well, Angel Face,
what are you doing here?

It's about time you arrived.

I've been waiting an hour.

I'm sorry, lady,
I've been out on a case.

Never mind that,look what I've got here.

What's that?

I brought it with that
hundred and fifty you gave me.

What? Lady,
I'd never marry you.

It'd take a mint
to underwrite you.

It's Ruby Rose's.
Take a look inside.


So what's inside?


Oh, false top?

Miss Ruby Rose.

Well, read it.

"Dear Ruby, if you're tired
of me, that's your business,

but don't try to take it
on the lam

with those pretty bangles.

They cost me
a heavy sugar,

and I just let you
wear them.

I'll be in town the day
after tomorrow to pick them up.


That's the Night Club King.

Yeah, and owner
of the Milton Arms.

Then those two monkeys
at the auction

were just fronting
for him.

It's a cinch.
Militis is the man,

all you've got to do
is make the pinch.

No, no jury would convict him
on this.

Well, what about those two
hit and run specialists

that polished off the maid,
and bid for this box?

Aren't you gonna
pick them up?

Not yet.
That'd tip our hand,

put Militis on his guard.

We've got to move easy.

Well, you're a great help.

In a couple of weeks,
Chick gets a headstone

and you sit there
and tell me that--

Now hold on, hold on.
What I'm telling you

is for Chick's own good.

Let a dumb cop
work this out his own way.

You've had some good hunches,
and now I've got one.


Hello, sis.

Took you a long time
to get home, sister.

Say, what is this?

Never mind that.
I want that box.

Oh, you're my competitor.

The way you wentf
or this,

I thought it was
the Hope diamond.

-It's a phony, worth two bucks.

And I went for
a hundred and fifty.

Don't cry,
good looking.

Here's your stake back.

Oh, swell.

That makes me even.

Say, tell a dumb dame something.

Why is that box worth
a hundred and fifty to you?

Sentiment, sister,
just sentiment.

Well, I've got to hand it
to Burns.

Did he keep the letter?

It's in the box.

-Oh, don't worry.

He made a photo stat of it.

He figured those gorillas
would be around.

And you called Burns
a dumb cop.

What happens now?

I'm going to make
the acquaintance of Militis.


Didn't he advertise
for line girls at the Scat Club?

Come on higher,


We ain't in
on a pass.

Maybe you're

and that won't go,

I sing and dance
for customers, not bathe.

Okay, relax.

Got any new ditties
on tap?

What are you
wasting time for, boss?

Even if she had a voice
like a frog,

paralyzed from the waist down,
ain't you got eyes?

Take a look at that face,
will you?

All right, you're in.

35 per.
What's your name?

Uh, bill me as, uh,
Angel Face.

Angel Face.

And tell the electrician
to give me an amber spot.

They take the padlocks
off their wallet

when I come out
in an amber spot.

And you hang on
to that face, honey,

because it ain't
gonna happen again

-in a long, long time.

Run over a couple of numbers
with Mike for tonight.

I'll see you later.


What'll it be,
Angel Face?

Uh, A Little Dusty,
a rhumba.

-How do you like it?
-Oh, it's great.

-Oh, you were great, honey.

You know, there's
somebody else that thinks

you're pretty good too.

Uh, who is it?

Milton Militis.

He owns the works.

You got a date with a bottle
of champagne at his table.

Come on.

Mr. Militis,
this is Angel Face.

She wouldn't give her
right name,

walked right in
off the street.

I waited till tonight
to drop around.

Sit down, Angel Face.

Yes, right here.

what do you pay her a week?

-Well, I--
-Triple it.


The Borelli deal.

Oh, turn it off.
It hurts my eyes.

You flatter me,
Mr. Militis.

Will you make that Milt?

All right, Milt.

-How about a drink?
-Oh, not here.

The rotgut we serve here
is for the cash customers,

not for my friends.

I've got some
private stock upstairs.

How about it?

Well, uh, why not have it
sent down here?

Oh, it's too noisy here,
and too many people around.

We wanna talk.

Do I have to draw
a picture?

Like it?

Pretty nice having a hideout
right over the club.

That's the idea.

Well, sit down,
will you?

Uh, how many shows
do you do a night?


Oh, that's pretty tough
on the arches.

Look, any time you wanna relax,
just come up here.

The door's always open.

Grab yourself some shuteye,
even if I'm not here.



Excuse me a second,
Philadelphia calling.

Hello, Borelli.
What's the trouble now?

For the love of Mike,
can't you guys

run the place one week
without me?

Yeah. Okay. Well, sh**t me
a wire if you need me.

Never depend on anyone,Angel.

You always got to do things

Why the empty frame?

There was a picture there,
but it faded out.

Bad Photography?

Bad judgment.

Just one of those things.

Oh, sure,
I know how it goes.

Not always.

For instance, if I had
a picture of you in there,

I'll bet
it'd keep a long time.

But I haven't got one
that size.

You could have one made,
charge it to me.

Give me time,
and maybe I will.

I'll count on it.

I told you
to keep out of here.

Somebody might know your face
and you'd only q*eer everything.

Oh, I can't sit tight while
you're flirting with fire.

Milt's no fool.

You're playing
a dangerous game.

But I have to take
the chance.

That deadline's
creeping up on Chick.

All right.
But what do you expect

to get out of Milt,
a confession?

He isn't that silly.

No, but when I saw Ruby
that night,

she wore a bracelet worth
a cool 10 G'S.

Never showed up
in the post mortem.


Now, suppose I found it
in Milt's apartment.

That would give you a case,
wouldn't it?

-That and the letter?

Suppose while you're
ransacking his place,

-he pops in on you?
-I'm taking care of that.

He's going to get
a wire tonight,

telling him to hotfoot it down
to Philadelphia,

signed Borelli.

Hey, Milt,
get a load of this.

I'm gonna get me a new man
in Philly.

Borelli's beginning
to stick in my craw.

We can grab a rattler
out of here in 30 minutes.

Well, I'm not going.

Let him squirm awhile.

I'm not gonna play wet nurse
to a slug-nutty bartender.

The Delaney mob will move in
and start housekeeping.

It's the best spot
in town.

Yeah, I suppose
you're right.

Tell Pal
to get the car ready.


Get me Pal.

I don't care where he is,
get him.


-Coming back tonight, boss?
-No, I'm going to Philly.

-Excuse me. Excuse me.
-Will you throw this drunk out?

He's okay, boss.
He's a good spender.

Oh, can't take it, eh?

Okay. Well, I'm--
I'll-- what are you doing,

ganging up on me?

Why don't you be
a good boy and sit down?

Uh, I'll lead with my left
and I'll give him my right.

Sit down right here, pop.

Pop. I'll pop you.

Hey, your friend
don't like me, does he?

-Oh, don't be silly.
-So am I.

Wipe that dumb look off
your pan, Angel Face,

you're on your own.

Well, that's funny,
no answer.

Maybe she's not up there.

She must be.

Say, maybe she's afraid.

I'll try again.


-Oh, Burns.
-Scram out of there fast, kid.

Milt's on his way back.
Yeah, I had a tail on him.

He phoned Philly
from the station.

Must have learned
the wire was a phony,

so get out of there fast.

I can't, Burns.
I haven't found a thing

except the box
with the letter gone.

Now listen, kid,
get out of there.

You don't know that guy.

Look, look, what,
we can use the photo stats

and the jewel case.

I'm staying, Burns.

Chick eats his last meal

I've got to break Militis down.

It's 1:00.

I'm putting in
a wrong number.

Call at 1:30 sharp.

If you're doing all right,
get near that phone and cough.

You get it?
Cough if you're doing all right.

Yeah. That's it.

If I don't hear you cough,
I'm breaking in up there.

I hear him coming.
So long.

Angel Face.

How do you like it, Milt?

It doesn't flatter you
a bit.

And just tonight,
someone's gonna give me a rib,

send me on a fool's errand
to Philly.

Scram. We don't need three
for pinochle?

Do you know
who this dame is?

Dame? I like that.

Don't call any of my lady
friends dames.

And get out
and check their wire.

Rocco means well, Angel,
but he's just a mug.

Sure, I know.

Make yourself at home.

You know, that dame
looks very familiar.


yeah, very familiar.

Come on, let's check upon that wire.

Yeah, no doubt about it.

That's the lady who sent
the telegram all right.

Much obliged.

Come on,
let's pick up Frankie.

Honey, this stuff was old
years before you were born.

Goes down easy

and blows the dandruff

right out of your system.

They're all asking
for Angel Face.

Forget it.
She's not going on tonight.

And no more phone calls.

I don't wanna be disturbed.

You're popular down there,

but not as popular
as you are with me.

You wouldn't fool a fellow,would you?

I'll prove it.

You like pretty things,

I'm not too hard
to please.

What is it?

A little bangle
I picked up,

only worth about 10 G's.

Oh, Milt.

Put it on.

Why, it's beautiful.

And so different.

You've got swell taste, Milt.

I had it
made up special.

For me? When?

Some time ago, in case

someone like you
came along.

Can't you see, Angel?
You're tops with me.

I like your style.
You're smart and classy.

And a double-crossing stoolie.

I thought
I told you to--

Take it easy, boss.
I got something to tell you

-that ain't no bedtime story.
-Well, tell it fast.

Your little
girlfriend here, Angel Face,

she sent the dummy wire.

The clerk at the telegraph
office identified her

from this picture.

What's the gag?
Spill it.

Ask her why she wanted
to get you out of town

and then come up
and case the layout?

Oh, he's crazy.
Don't believe him, Milt.

Ask her why she paid
a hundred and fifty bucks

for that little box
when she was living

in a seven-buck
furnished room.

Ask her who she is.

All right, talk up.
Who are you?

You're hurting me, Milt.

Come on,
what does he mean?

Tell him, Frankie.

She's Chick Wheeler's sister.

I don't know
what they're talking about.

Frankie was in court
every day of that trial.

Sure. I've seen her
on the stand

with my own eyes.
-Don't believe him, Milt.

He's got it in for me,
and he's trying to--

Don't let her
soft-soap you, boss.

Shut up.

Expecting a call?

Why, no, of course not.

We'll see, Angel.

Get that. Stay on the wire
and keep talking.

And don't try anything funny
when that wire's open, girlie.


Trace the call
on Woodlawn 6400.

Well, suppose you tell me
who this is, sir.

That's the way it's done.

Well, um, I'm, uh,
I'm trying to get,

uh, Samson's
All-Night Delicatessen.



She must be doing
all right.

I got the cough signal.

He hung up.

That was
Police Headquarters.

-I had it traced.
-I told you, Milt.

Tell Pal
to get the ear ready.

We're going to the farm.


It's a shame, Angel.

You're almost too beautiful
to die.

All right,
get it over with.

No, not here.

Douse her with brandy
from head to foot.

If she squawks
when we get out,

she's fighting drunk.

You won't be the first drunk
to be carried out of here.

You know who that dame is?

-The patsy's sister, no less.

If it hadn't been for me,
she'd have had Milt in the bag.

-Nice going.
-Say, Pal, the boss wants you

to get the car outside
right away.

-Why? What's the lowdown?

-Hiya, fellows.
-Pipe down, will you?

What's the matter?

-Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute.
-What's your matter now?

Why don't you behave?

Say, do me a favor,
will you?

-Where's the telephone booth?

Right over there.

-How is it?
-All clear.

Just some stupid drunk
out here.

Cover her mouth
like she's sick.

You shouldn't
mix your drink, lady,

especially as you
shouldn't help yourself

to other people's private stock
without permission.

Berger, we'll take
the Hobbs' ferry route.

You know where I'll be
if you want me.


Well, you haven't got
much time.

They'll be giving
Chick Wheeler the works

in about five hours.

Hello, Kane?
Talk fast.

Yeah, I got a flash at their
car earlier in the evening.

It's a black sedan.

Yeah, the license number is, um,


Got it? Yeah, 853679.

Now they're headed
for the Hobbs Ferry landing.

Yeah, you may be able
to cut them off there.

Hurry up. Good luck.

Great work, Kane.

Get me radio broadcast.

Calling all cars,

intercept black
Chrysler sedan,

reported heading for
Hobbs Ferry landing.

License Number,


At 6:00, that's about
4 hours from now.

Your brother starts
on that last mile.

You got a date with him
when they sit him

in that brass armchair.

I arranged that.

Why take her
to the farm?

Why not finish her
when we go across the ferry

-and drop her off?
-No, no, no, no,

that's too good
for stoolie.

My idea
is to watch her sweat.

So you can know
what's coming to you

every second,
every minute for hours.

Then the big blow-off.

You go west
just in time

to welcome your brother
on the other side.

Hey, is that an idea
or is it an idea?

Pal, turn in
on the radio,

maybe there's some
slow music on the air.

Calling all cars,
calling all cars.

Look for a black
Chrysler sedan,

license number


reported heading for
Hobbs Ferry landing.

Pal, turn north.
Head for the garage,

we'll get the other car and
go by way of the uptown tunnel.

No sign of that car yet.

Well, they'll be here
any minute.

Tell the boys
to scatter along the landing.

Just get along
the landing, boys.


If we can get the goods
on Militis,

we've still got time
to save Chick.

I wonder what's happened?

Kane may have got
the wrong steer.


I think this is Kane now.

We just raided
Militis' apartment,

there's enough there
to hang him.

Yeah, when we get him.

His car hasn't smelled
near here.

We'll get him.
He can't hide out long.

-He's too well-known.
-But in the meantime,

what's happening
to Angel Face?

They're getting Chick ready
to pay off

for being a patsy for me.

I knew you did it
all along.

So what?

This'll stick with you
as long as you live.

It'll prey
on your mind.

You'll get the palsy
thinking about it.

You'll be
a raving maniac.

You're swell.

You're slimy.

Won't be long now.

They're getting Chick ready
for the old marble orchard.

Cut out the gab.
What are we waiting for?

Let's get started
and blow.

Pipe down and relax.

You're more scared--

quit waving that g*n.
Your hand shaking

so, you'll have a blow
out your own brains.

Besides, I don't want any gunplay.

It's too loud.
It might wake the neighbors.

I'm gonna handle this
my own way.

You double crossed me
like Ruby did

and I'm gonna
take care of you

like I took care
of Ruby.

I snuffed her out
just like that.

That's all I wanted to know.

Come on, lift them up
and don't try anything.

All right, boys,
take them along with you.

Get moving.

You all right,
Angel Face?

-Chick, is he--
-I've taken care of that.

With what we've got
on Milt,

Chick will be out
in 24 hours.

But how did you find
this place?

Well, an old buddy of yours
tipped us off,

after, uh,
a little persuasion.

Take it easy there, gorgeous.
Take it easy.

If I'd have raided your club
a little sooner,

I'd have gotten some sleep
by now.

Just wait till my mouthpiece
hears about this,

you'll be back
pounding the pavement.

Talking about pounding,
get in there.

Come on, you funny-looking ape,
get in there.

I don't know how
I'll ever thank you.

You won't have to,
Angel Face.

Gosh you smell
like a brewery.

A brewery?

You hear?

Oh, Burnsy,

I'll see you later.
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