13x12 - Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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13x12 - Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!

Post by bunniefuu »

BROCK: Hey, Ash, would you bring over some kindling, please?

ASH: Sure thing. Right away!


DAWN: Look at these!

DAWN: We're talking fresh, Piplup.


NARRATOR: As our heroes continue their Sinnoh region journey,

a quiet moment provides time for a riverside lunch!

NARRATOR: But little do they know that just upstream

BEN: All right!

BEN: I've found it!


BEN: That special Heatran can use Eruption, wow!

This is Pokémon Ranger Ben. Target found!

BEN: Beginning capture procedure!

TEAM MEMBER A: Roger that! Good luck, Ranger!

BEN: All right, it's time to

take you to the National Park! Go!

BEN: Capture...

BEN: Hold on!


BEN: Heatran!

BEN: Pidgeot!

BEN: Yeah, that should work! Capture on!

BEN: Yess! Capture complete! Pidgeot!


BEN: Now, follow that Heatran!


BEN: There it is!

BEN: All right, Pidgeot, fly toward Heatran!


JAMES: Drat! Just when we find a

healthy Heatran, we get out-found.

JESSIE: We'd better rise to the occasion,

or that Pokémon Ranger will.

JAMES: Then we'll show that Heatran some serious heat!

JESSIE: Meowth, we need one Heatran tagged in its tracks!

MEOWTH: Just relax!

MEOWTH: I'll give it some whacks!


BEN: It won't be long now!

BEN: What was that?

MEOWTH: Our Robo-Diglett rocks hard! It'll break those boulders

and hit Heatran where it hurts.


MEOWTH: Diglett can dig, but its pitching needs work!

JAMES: Exit stage right!

BEN: Pidgeot, get us up and out of here!

BEN: Ranger Sign!

BEN: Feraligatr!



It's about you It's about me

It's about hope It's about dreams

It's about friends that work together

To claim their destiny

It's about reaching for the skies


Given the courage And willing to try

It's about never giving up So hold your head up

And we will carry on... Sinnoh League Victors



ASH: What was that?

BROCK: Let's check it out.


BROCK: Someone's on top!

DAWN: Something's wrong! We'd better help him!


ASH: Man, he looks bad!

BEN: My name's Pokémon Ranger Ben!

ASH, BROCK, DAWN: Pokémon Ranger?

BEN: That's right! And I've got one job: to spend my time

protecting peace and justice for people and Pokémon!

ASH: My name is Ash.

DAWN: Hi! My name's Dawn.

BROCK: And I'm Brock! See, that Feraligatr carried you

downstream here to us.

BEN: Thanks a lot, Feraligatr!


DAWN: So does that mean Feraligatr's your partner?

BEN: Yeah! Well, it comes to me when I summon

it using the Ranger Sign.

DAWN: Ranger Sign?

BEN: The Ranger Sign is a way of summoning Pokémon that I've

bonded with in the past. I just use my Capture Styler! I can't

believe it! It's not there! My Capture Styler is missing!

What am I gonna do?

BEN: One thing...


BEN: Have you guys seen a Heatran around here?

DAWN: A Heatran?

POKEDEX: Heatran. The Lava Dome Pokémon. Heatran lives in

volcanic caves and uses its cross-shaped claws to maneuver

across stone walls.

ASH: How come? Is something wrong?

BEN: Well, I discovered a special Heatran that

can use Eruption.

DAWN: Special?

BROCK: A normal Heatran can't learn Eruption.

DAWN: That's amazing!

BEN: I was so close to bringing that Heatran back to the

National Park when I lost sight of it!

BEN: But it's okay!


BEN: No matter what happens, I'm still a Pokémon Ranger!

DAWN: Nice recovery!

BROCK: Right! It is good to look at the bright side!

BEN: Right! Finding that Heatran is job one!

I may have lost my Capture Styler...

BEN: But I may have met some nice people to help me!


BEN: Do you think you'd be able to give me a hand?

ASH: Sure! Sounds like a real blast!

BEN: Great! Let's go!


BEN: Come on!

DAWN: Someone's in a rush!


JESSIE: We were so close to

taking ownership of that Heatran.

JAMES: Ah, if only to be given a second chance to

catch that scampering scamp.

MEOWTH: Yeah, fat chance.

MEOWTH: Hey! Look over there!

JESSIE: Wasn't the Pokémon Ranger carrying that thing?

JAMES: That's a Capture Styler!

It allows one to capture Pokémon and control them at will!

JESSIE: Well, our fugitive Heatran's a Pokémon, is it not?

JAMES: Signs point to yes.

MEOWTH: Yeah! So if we used this baby to capture Heatran and

bring it to the Boss...

MEOWTH: I'll tell you, everything tastes much better

when it's cooked using Heatran heat!

MEOWTH: And there's nothing more relaxing than a Heatran sauna!

MEOWTH: 'Course,eating the old mansion with Heatran power

allows me to go green and save green as well!

MEOWTH: You know, Meowth and friends deserve some serious

green for giving me such a thoughtful and rocking gift!

MEOWTH: His gifts rock!

JAMES, JESSIE: No wonder we're smiling, 'cause soon we'll be

styling, and be rich

JESSIE: And we won't have to match wits with those tacky

Twerps! Though I only use half my wits, to keep it fair.


BEN: The Heatran must be nearby! I feel it!

DAWN: But really, how can you be so sure?

BEN: Don't worry. So long as we keep moving,

we're bound to find it.

BROCK: You're always looking at the bright side of things,

so what's your secret?

BEN: I always remember the motto that's been in my

family for generations!

ASH: A motto?

BEN: Right!

BEN: I was actually the most negative kid you'd

ever want to meet.

BEN: When faced with an obstacle, no matter how small,

I'd always give up!

BEN: But when I was down, my grandfather always said:

BEN: "Remember, son, it's always better to try than to cry!"

Great words to live by.

ASH: But what did he mean by that?

BEN: You can either try and get things done or sit around

complaining, but not both!

BEN: You know! If you don't succeed, try, try again!

BEN: So now, no matter what happens, I know that so long as

I keep trying, things will work out!

ASH: Makes sense.

DAWN: But if you're gonna find Heatran, you must have a plan.

BEN: I sure do!

ASH: Hey, what're you doing? PIKACHU: [CONFUSED]

BEN: Checking the temperature of the ground.

ASH: But why?

BEN: Heatran always live near volcanoes, so it stands to

reason that it would be somewhere where the ground feels

warm to the touch.

ASH: Wow, that makes sense to me.

DAWN: That's why you're a Pokémon Ranger!

BROCK: Wow, your knowledge of Pokémon is huge!

BEN: Yeah! Now we're getting somewhere.

BEN: Hmm. Warmer...

BEN: The ground's especially warm around here!

BROCK: It could have something to do

with the flow of magma, right?

ASH: Awesome! Let's check it out!

BEN: Right!

MEOWTH: Give me a break! Mixing Twerps with a Pokémon Ranger

could make this Pokémon sick!

JAMES: Still, if the Ranger's nearby, that could mean

Heatran's nearby, true?

JESSIE: Think of it! We could conveniently use that captured

Capture Styler to capture Heatran and Pikachu, true?


BEN: The ground temperature's really rising now,

just like I thought!

MEOWTH: It's more fun giving a hotfoot than getting one!

BROCK: That's strange. Up there!


ASH: Whoa!

BROCK: It's like a lake of lava!

ASH: Yeah!

DAWN: Look up there!

ASH: It's Heatran!


BEN: That's its special Ability,

Flash Fire! Heatran's absorbing all of the heat

from the magma flow.

DAWN: I'm glad we found it, but what are you gonna do now?

BEN: I could catch it, if I only had my Styler.

ASH: So why don't you just catch Heatran with a Poké Ball?

BEN: That's out of the question!

BEN: A major part of my mission is to make sure Heatran's

brought back to the National Park completely untouched!

BEN: Of all the bad times to lose my Capture Styler.

BEN: Well, why cry over spilt milk?

BEN: Better to try than cry!

DAWN: The master of bouncing back!

BEN: Let's go!

BROCK: I admire your optimism, but that's dangerous!

BEN: Never say never! Onward and upward!

BEN: What's that?

BEN: A Diglett? What is going on here?

JESSIE: It's a Robo-Diglett, thank you very much.

JAMES: Guess the optimist's out of touch!

JESSIE: On the wind!

JAMES: Past the stars!

MEOWTH: Winning in the clutch!

JESSIE: Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!

JAMES: Dashing hope, putting fear in its place!

JESSIE: A rose by any other name's just as sweet!

JAMES: When everything's worse, our work is complete!

- JESSIE: It's Jessie! - JAMES: And James!

MEOWTH: Meowth, that's a name!

JESSIE: Putting the do-gooders in their places!

JAMES: We're Team Rocket!

JAMES, JESSIE, MEOWTH: In your faces!

BEN: Team Rocket?

ASH: See, they're a bunch of

guys with one job and one job only!

BEN: Is it to protect peace and justice? For people and Pokémon?


ASH: Nah, Team Rocket's job is to steal people's Pokémon.

ASH: What do you want this time?


JESSIE: We'll be taking the heat with Heatran, man!

MEOWTH: And we've got just the

super-cool toy to do it with, dig?

JAMES: Feast your eyes!

BEN: Hey, how did you get a hold of my Styler?

BEN: Hey, how did you get a hold of my Styler?

JAMES: No, my Styler! Prepare yourself,

Heatran, to hang upon my every word!

JESSIE: Yes! Yes! Yes!

JAMES: A Styler with style! Capture on!

MEOWTH: Your style's a big zero.

JESSIE: What's with the dud?

BEN: Did you think that was going to work for you?

BEN: I'm the only one who can use that Styler! Besides that,

if you really want to capture a Pokémon, you've got to

bond with it!

JAMES: Oh drat, and it looks so cool.

BEN: Now give it back!

JAMES: Take it! And it doesn't look cool!

MEOWTH: Stop, stooge!

MEOWTH: If you give it back, he's just gonna capture Heatran!

JAMES: Right! Point well taken, I must say.

JESSIE: Let's do this the old-fashioned way!

Meowth, please!

MEOWTH: With ease!

MEOWTH: When it comes to spinning a mean web,

we're the b*mb!

MEOWTH: Try and stay calm!


BEN: That was Heatran's Eruption!


BEN: Heatran's in trouble!

ASH: Hold on! Ben, what're you doing?

BEN: This whole area's gonna collapse any minute! I'm getting

my Styler back and getting Heatran out of here, quick!

DAWN: Ben! But that's a lava pool!

DAWN: This is crazy!

BROCK: We need ice and water to cool things down!

ASH: Right, Brock!

DAWN: Let's cool where he's standing first, Piplup!

Use Whirlpool, now!


DAWN: That'll do it!



ASH: All right!

- ASH: Buizel! - DAWN: Buneary!


ASH: Buizel, use Water g*n!

DAWN: Piplup, use Whirlpool!

Buneary, Ice Beam at the same time!


BEN: Wow, everybody, thanks!

JAMES: No fair, I want my Heatran!



JAMES: Curses!

JESSIE: Simply sic Robo-Diglett on that hothead, and capture it

straight away!

MEOWTH: Whatever you say! Robo-Diglett, hey hey!

MEOWTH: Now, to get our big lug into capture mode! Hit the road!


MEOWTH: Counterstrike, dude!

BEN: That wall won't hold!

JESSIE: That's how it's done!

JAMES: What fun!

BEN: Give it back!

JAMES: Get your capturing claws off of my Styler!

BEN: It's my Styler, you petty thieves!

BEN: Good!

JAMES: Not good!

MEOWTH: Use that Styler, and Heatran goes back to you,

and that won't do!

JESSIE: Enough of you!

JAMES: And checkmate!

JESSIE: Pass the Styler if you don't want to swim

in that hot soup!

ASH: Quick, Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!


ASH: All's clear, Ben!

BEN: All right! Thanks, Ash!

BEN: That Robo-Diglett's out of control!



BROCK: Heatran's in trouble!

BEN: Leave it to me, Brock!

BEN: Ranger Sign! Feraligatr!


BEN: Feraligatr! I need your help again!


BEN: Use Ice Beam on the lava!




BEN: Feraligatr, thanks a lot!


JESSIE: Oh, my head.

MEOWTH: Not exactly peace and justice down here.

JAMES: Hey, what's with the raining rocks?

JESSIE: I don't want to stick around and find out!

MEOWTH: So, let's quit while we're ahead, like grown-ups!

JAMES: Mature words to live by!


JESSIE: Buh-bye!

- JAMES: Buh-bye! - MEOWTH: Buh-bye!


DAWN: We've got to go before it's too late!

ASH: C'mon, Ben, hurry up!

BEN: Heatran!

BEN: It's dangerous here! You've got to listen to me!

BEN: I'm going to take you to the National Park,

where it's safe!

BEN: Capture on!

BEN: Capture complete! Heatran! Come with me, NOW!


BEN: Over here!


ASH: Man, that was a close one!


BEN: Heatran has been captured safe and sound!

BEN: Requesting helicopter for transport!

TEAM MEMBER A: Roger that!

DAWN: I can't believe you managed to rescue Heatran from a

bad situation like that.


BROCK: From now on, I'm gonna remember your

motto all the time.

ASH: Yeah, me too!


BEN: Well, one thing's for sure,

and that's that I couldn't have done it without all of you!

BEN: Thanks for everything, Ash.

ASH: Now you remember to keep on working hard to help

people and Pokémon everywhere!

BEN: Right! You can count on me!

BEN: I'm a Pokémon Ranger! I've got one job, and you hit it on

the head: protecting peace and justice for people and Pokémon!

DAWN: That's an optimist for you.

BROCK: You bet!


ASH: It looks like Ben's helicopter's here!


ASH: Okay, guys, it's full speed ahead for us, too!



NARRATOR: And so, as a grateful Heatran safely heads to the

National Park, along with the Pokémon Ranger who rescued it,

our heroes can once again explore the wonder and

adventures the Sinnoh region has to offer,

as the journey continues!
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