01x06 - Ahoy, Genies!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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01x06 - Ahoy, Genies!

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[calm music]

Hey, Leah, check out my sand castle.

[quirky music]

Wow, Zac!

It'’s really...



Anybody can make a regular sand castle.

I like to think outside the sandbox.


[waves lapping]

All right!

That wave made it even smoother!

My work here is done.

So what you got in the bucket?

Just some things I picked up on the beach

to make jewelry with.

[items clatter]

Hey, do you have one of those pink spiky shells

that sound like a horn?

There'’s a shell that can do that?


I heard if you blow into one, you can call a pirate ship!

You mean, something like this?

[shell raspberries]


Needs to sound less bubbly and more like...

[horn blows]

There it is!

The shell of my dreams!

[crab scuttles]

Looks like it'’s the shell of that crab'’s dreams too.

[claws clack]






[dramatic music]

Yes! I got it first!

Oh, man, it'’s even better up close.



Zac, are you okay?

Yeah. It happens.

Happens a lot.

Like this one time,

my grandma pinched my cheeks times.

She said it was '’cause my face is so cute.

I guess the crab thinks so too.

Well, we could try looking for another shell,

but I'’ve already searched the whole beach,

and I haven'’t seen anything like that.

When you find your dream shell, you don'’t give up that easily.

I got to get that crab to give me that shell.

See ya, Leah!


Don'’t crab-walk away from me.


Let'’s talk about this.

[waves lapping]

My treasures!

[waves lapping]

Now what am I gonna make beach jewelry with?

[water bubbles]

Finding all those pieces took forever.

But finding them with a wish will be quick!


[Tala chatters]



genie, go!

I love the Garden of Hanging Stars.

Me too.

Mostly '’cause I love racing!

[both grunting]

Last one to the finish vine has to clean my room!

Joke'’s on you,

because I love cleaning!

[Tala screeches]

[both yell]


[both laughing]

Good job, Tala.

You won!


Does that mean we have to clean her room since we lost?


Isn'’t that great, Shine?

I wouldn'’t say "great."

Look! Leah'’s calling!

[chimes tinkling]

[Leah] Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'’ll grant!

I'’m Shimmer!

I'’m Shine!

[both] Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[chimes tinkling]





Mine, mine, mine...

[laughs] Not mine.

That'’s '’cause it'’s mine.



[Nahal squeals]

Let me give you two a hand.

Thanks, Leah.

Hey, nice bathing suit.

Yeah, if we knew we were going to the beach,

we would'’ve worn our swimsuits too.

Wait a minute. We can!

We'’re genies!


Much better

and cooler.

I was sweating my genie pants off!

Now, what can we help you with, Leah?

Well, I was gonna make some jewelry

with the treasures I found on the beach,

but I lost my bucket.

Now I can'’t make anything.

I think I smell a wish coming on.


I just smell the ocean.

A wish sounds and smells like a great idea.

For my first wish,

I wish I could find beach treasures!

Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

find beach treasures divine!


Is this a...

treasure map?


A map to the beach treasures!

But I was hoping the treasures would just, you know, appear.

Sorry, Leah.

That'’s my mistake.

Sometimes I get a little carried away.

And by sometimes, I mean always.

That'’s okay, Shine.

Sometimes mistakes happen.

And at least with this one, we get to go on a treasure hunt!


Let'’s see where we should go first.


I see.



What'’s it say?

Oh, I wasn'’t reading it.

I was distracted by the pretty drawings.

It says we head to a cave first.

But I'’ve never seen a cave on this beach before.

There is one now.

Whatever is on the map is on the beach.

Ooh, does the cave come with bears

or mermaids

or bears with mermaid tails?

Guess we'’ll have to follow the map to find out.

[chimes tinkling]

[woman] ♪ When we make a big mistake

♪ Don'’t fret, let'’s celebrate ♪

♪ '’Cause we'’ll get another try ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'’ll do better next time ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'’ll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'’ll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

[chimes tinkling]

[feet pattering]

There you are, Clawed.

Can I call you Clawed?

[claws clack]

Listen, Clawed.

I really like your shell,

and I was wondering if you'’d be interested in a trade.


What do you think...

of this jar?

Once the home of strawberry jelly,

now the home of Clawed the crab.


No jar?

No problem.

How about this brown paper bag?

[bag rustles]

[crab clacking]

[paper ripping]

That'’s fine.

A little something about me, Clawed:

I'’m not a quitter.

And I don'’t leave trash.

[quiet ringing]

It'’s too dark in this cave.

I can'’t see the bear mermaids.

It'’s also too dark to read the next clue on the map.

From what I can barely see,

we follow the squiggly caterpillar

to a chocolate stain.

No, wait.

That'’s my thumb.

Would a little more light help?

[shimmering chimes]

[all gasp]

[all] Ahh.



See, Shimmer?

No bear mermaids here.


Next cave, then.

So what'’s the map say,Leah?

"Watch your step down below,

through a tunnel you will go."

What tunnel?

All I see are these giant crystals.


[all yelling]




Looks like we found the tunnels!

Okay, Clawed.

I know how attached you are to your shell,

so why don'’t we play a game for it?

It'’s a staring contest.

The first one to blink loses.


And stare!

[suspenseful music]


Aw, you win.

Congrats, Clawed.

The shell is yours.

Unless you'’ve changed your mind?

Had to ask.

Can'’t blame a guy for going after his dream shell.

[all yelling]


[all gasp]

[Shimmer] Oh, my barnacles, a pirate ship!

This day just gets better and better!

It'’s the ship from the map!

Come on, let'’s swim over.


Well, swimming'’s out,

unless we want to turn into icicles.

Then how are we gonna get to the pirate ship?

[Tala yells]

[both] Hmm...

Let'’s monkey around later, Tala.

Right now we need to find a way to get across.


Shimmer, that'’s it!

It'’s like the Garden of Hanging Stars.

We can swing across these vines.


Last one to the pirate ship is the last one to the pirate ship!

[jaunty music]

[all laughing]

[Nahal meows]

[all grunt]

Now that we'’re all aboard,

what does the map say to do next, Leah?

Set the sail,

point it west,

then you'’ll find your treasure chest.

I think that means we have to sail this pirate ship.

I was hoping you'’d say that,

'’cause I already dressed for the trip.

Me too.

It'’s too bad I'’m not a pirate,

'’cause I make this hat look good.

[woman] ♪ Ahoy, pirates, all aboard ♪

♪ Raise the sail, a yo-ho-ho ♪

♪ Hoist the anchor

♪ Time to roll

♪ Out to sea, a yo-ho-ho ♪

♪ Eye patch

♪ A captain'’s hat ♪

♪ Hands on deck

♪ So we'’re right on track ♪

♪ Arr, mateys, secure the hatch ♪

♪ And we'’ll find the X on a treasure map ♪

♪ Ahoy, pirates, all aboard ♪

♪ Raise the sail, a yo-ho-ho ♪

♪ Hoist the anchor

♪ Time to roll

♪ Out to sea, a yo-ho-ho ♪

♪ Yo-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho ♪

♪ Yo-ho-ho

♪ We'’re ready to go ♪

[chimes tinkle]

Arr, me mateys!

The hatches be secure, and we'’re ready to go.

[water laps]


I don'’t think the ship heard you.

Maybe you could make a wish for it to have better hearing.

That'’s it!

I mean, I can use a wish to get us going.

For my second wish, I wish this ship would move.

Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

move this ship divine!


[wind rushes]


It worked!

We'’re moving!


It'’s like I always say,

"Wind is a ship'’s best friend,"

and also a kite'’s.

Where did you hear that, Shine?


I just made it up.

[wind rushing]

[Leah] The wind took my map!

We need it to find the treasure.


Looks like I made the wind a little too windy.

My mistake, Leah.

It'’s okay, Shimmer.

You tried really hard

and did get us moving.

Now let'’s work together to get that map back.

[flag flapping]

Do you see the map?


I see it!

Go that way!

[wheel creaks]

[both exclaim]


No, the other way!

[wheel creaks]

[both exclaim]



The other, other way!

There are no other ways!

[wheel creaks]

[both yelling]

[both yelp]



Leah'’s really good at this pirate thing.

There it is!

The map'’s heading for the island!

We got the map!

Watch out treasures, here we come!

What'’s the next clue,Leah?

X marks the...

blug eep aah...

I don'’t see any blug eep aahs around here.

I also have no idea what a blug eep aah is so...

I'’m probably not helping.

[Leah] No, the water ruined the map.

I can'’t read the clue.

Oh, crab cakes,

now we can'’t find the treasure.

We were so close!

I know!


I wish someone would just tell us where the treasure is.

Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day!

Wait, what?

That'’s my last wish!

Shimmer and Shine,

someone tell us divine!

[parrot squawks]


a parrot.

Not just any parrot,Leah--

a pirate'’s parrot!

He'’s here to tell us where the treasure is.

[parrot] Cold!



Don'’t be scared, Tala.

Mr. Parrot'’s just cold.

[chimes tinkling]

[Shimmer] There.

Now can you tell us where to find the treasure?

[parrot] Cold!

Guys, I think "cold" might be the only word

this parrot knows.

Aw, I thought for sure he would help us.

My mistake, Leah.

Don'’t worry, Shine.

The treasure'’s around here somewhere.

We just have to work together to find it.



And we need to figure out what'’s wrong with this parrot.

It'’s perfectly sunny!

Okay, usually in a treasure hunt,

an X marks the spot.

So we just have to find the X.

[parrot] Cold!


No, hot.


There'’s no X over here.

Let'’s go that way.



That'’s right! It is hot.

You'’re finally getting it, Mr. Parrot.

I don'’t think the parrot'’s talking

about the weather!

He'’s playing the hot-and-cold game!

When we'’re close to the treasure,

the parrot will say, "hot."

But if we'’re far away he'’ll say, "cold."

Hot! Hot!


It'’s working!

I bet it'’s right behind these vines.



[water rushing]



[Leah] Oh, man!

This treasure finding business is not easy.

- Hot! - We are?

Hot! Hot!

It must be over here!

Hot! Hot!

Hot! Hot!

Hot! Hot!

Hot! Hot!

[all gasp]

The treasure!


Ooh, this rock is gonna make the prettiest beach jewelry!

It might be a little heavy to wear as a necklace,

but it'’ll last forever!

I think the treasure'’s under the rock.



Even better

and not as heavy!

[sand scraping]

[chimes tinkling]

[treasure chest thuds]

[shimmering chimes]

Look at all these treasures!

I can'’t believe we found them!

Thanks, Mr. Parrot.

We couldn'’t have done it without you.

You'’re welcome.


[all gasp]


He does know other words!

I knew he was hiding something.

Bye, Mr. Parrot!

Promise you'’ll write!

All right, buccaneers,

what do you say we head back to the beach

and start making jewelry?

[chimes tinkle]

[water lapping]

Check out what I made, Shimmer.

Not bad, Shine, but check out my ring.

[chimes tinkle]

I can'’t wear it because my fingers are too small,

but if we ever meet a bear mermaid,

this will look great on her bear claws.

Okay, guys, I made these for my favorite genies.

[Shimmer and Shine gasp]

I'’m so glad you were talking about us because I love it!

It'’s so sparkly and beachy.

Thanks, Leah.

We'’ll treasure our treasures forever.

[Zac] Hey, Leah!

Quick, hide!

Zac'’s coming!


[Tala chatters]


[Tala chatters]

[feet pattering]

Wow, Leah!

Nice beach jewelry!


It came out even better than I had hoped.


Did you see that?


I'’ve never seen a sand castle that smooth.

It'’s incredible!

[laughs nervously]

Hey, speaking of incredible,

check out this shell I found...

over here...

away from the sand castle.

[laughs nervously]

How about this one?

I don'’t know if it'’ll call a pirate ship,

but give it a try.


[horn blows]

[chimes tinkle]

Zac, look!

It worked!

Holy horse feathers,

a pirate ship!

I'’m gonna go check it out!

See ya, Leah!


[bucket thuds]


Thanks for such a great day, guys.

It'’s a good thing we made mistakes,

or we wouldn'’t have gone on a treasure hunt!

And you wouldn'’t have made us these!


We fixed our mistakes, and the day turned out great.

Well, we'’d better head home.

I think Nahal and Tala are a little tired

from our pirate adventure.

[meows sleepily]


See you tomorrow, Leah.

Thanks again.

Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can'’t wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever!

With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

boom Zahramay!

We'’ll see you next time!

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ It'’s time to go back home ♪

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can'’t wait to see ♪

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

[both grunting]

I'’m gonna win this time, sis.

I hope so.

Cleaning your room is one of my favorite things to do!

[both grunting]

[rope snapping]


[both laugh]

Nice catch, Captains Nahal and Tala.

But now we'’ll never know who won the race.

Let'’s just say it'’s a tie, and I'’ll clean all our rooms!

I'’m on board with that idea!


You know what I realized, Shine?

That things are always better when two genies work together?


And we can'’t sail a pirate ship without these!


You read my mind, sis.

Now let'’s go on an adventure, matey!

Yo-ho-ho, to the skies we go!

[wheel smacking]

[both exclaiming]

[Shimmer and Shine laughing]

[upbeat music]

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