01x05 - Abraca-Genie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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01x05 - Abraca-Genie

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[light instrumental music]





Thanks for helping me put on a magic show, Leah.

All of the world's greatest magicians, including me,

the Amazing Zac, have a magician's assistant

with them on stage.

Of course, Zac.

I love magic shows.

And being in one is even better!

So what exactly are you looking for anyway?

My wand.


[teeth chattering]

I can't be a magician without one of those either.

Maybe it's in the disappearing box.

Things disappear in there all the time.

If they didn't, this would just be called a box.

[box clicks]

Hey, there's my gumball!

I thought I put that in my pocket for later.

Maybe you should check your pockets for your wand.

[box clatters]

What do you know!

Presto found-o!


You're a really great assistant, Leah.

Now check out this card trick.

Pick a card, any card.

And be amazed as I magically guess which one you picked!

[drum roll]

Is this your card?


This one?

How about this one?


Not a problem.

There are cards in this deck,

so I have more chances to get it right.

[light instrumental music]

Are either of these your card?


Sorry, Zac.


It's like your card disappeared.

Maybe we should check the disappearing box again.

I think we should check Rocket's mouth.

It looks like he has it.

[growling happily]

It happens.

Happens a lot.

Rocket's just really into my hobbies.

Like this one time, he ate my black belt.

Now when I practice my karate kicks...


My pants fall down.

So what's the next trick I can help you with?

The never-ending scarf trick!

Just tug on the scarf coming out of my sleeve

and you'll find the longest scarf in the world!

[drum roll]


I forgot to tie the scarves together.

Are you sure you're ready to put on a magic show?

Maybe we should wait until one of the tricks works.

I'll be ready.

I'm the Amazing Zac!

The magic is in me!

[Rocket growls]

And in Rocket's mouth.

This time he's got your wand in it.

[chewing happily]




Okay, I get it already; you want a snack.

You hold onto this while I go feed Rocket.

Maybe then he'll stop eating my magic stuff.

See ya, Leah!




I think Zac needs more help with his magic show

than I can give him.

Wait, Shimmer and Shine can help!

Who knows magic better than a couple of genies?

[upbeat music]

Okay, Nahal, we did everything on our checklist.


Bought some tiger snacks...


Monkey snacks, Shine snacks,

and Shimmer snacks!

Speaking of Shimmer, I hope she comes back

from that magic carpet cleaners soon.

[Shimmer] Excuse me!

[Tala squealing]


Shine, watch out!


Or hop on!

I don't think I had a choice!

Why is our magic carpet going so fast?

I don't know!

I just picked it up from the cleaners

and it took off like a rollercoaster!

[all yell]

[Shimmer and Shine laughing]

- Whoo! - Whoa!

[ceramic clanking]

[both grunt]

[both coughing]

Time to get off this ride!


[all grunting]

Looks like Tala's got a new hat.


And some new dance moves.

Shimmer, Shine.


You two are not easy to catch.


And neither is my breath.


Anyway, here is your magic carpet.

I gave you the wrong one by mistake.

That's okay.

We make mistakes all the time.

Just like this morning, I accidentally

brushed Tala's teeth with Shine's toothbrush.

[coos happily]

Wait, what?

Sorry we parked the other carpet way up there.

What's wrong with it anyway?

Oh, nothing.


That was just our new roller coaster model.

I knew it.


So can we talk about this toothbrush and Tala thing?

Shine, look at our bracelets!

It's Leah calling!

I see what you're doing,

trying to get me to forget about my toothbrush.

Hey! Leah's calling!

[chimes tinkling]

[Leah] Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'll grant!

I'm Shimmer!

I'm Shine!

[both] Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away



[all grunt]

Now that is what I call an entrance!

[coos happily]



Shimmer and Shine, I'm so glad you're here!

I'm glad we're here too, Leah!

Being here is one of my favorite places to be.

And this trunk isn't bad either.

There's snacks inside!


Aw, man.

The snake ate all the peanuts.



[chattering sadly]

What are all these toys for, Leah?

They're things Zac needs for his magic show.


He does magic? Like us?


Is Zac a genie?

[Tala screeches]



No, he's a magician.

He wears a hat and a cape

and does magic tricks on stage.

I'm his magician's assistant,

but I need your help to get his magic tricks to work.

We're happy to help you help Zac.

But if we're gonna put on a magic show,

we got to dress the part.

[twinkling music]

[both exclaim]

And you can't have a magic show without a stage.

Guys, this is amazing.

You think this is amazing?

Wait till you see Zac.

What did you do to Zac?

[Zac] Holy Houdini!

Leah, check me out!

Shimmer, Shine,hide!

[Tala squeals]

[trunk thumps]


All I did was pour some cereal for me and Rocket

and then all of this happened.

I told you I had the magic in me.

Whoa, you made a stage?

You must have some magic in you too.

Just trying to be a good magician's assistant.

Speaking of assistant,

could you please bring me the box

for my disappearing trick?

And my wand too.

Because I feel weird just waving my hands like this.

No problem, Amazing Zac!

One box and one wand coming right up!

[trunk hinges squeak]

[Tala chattering angrily]


Don't worry, Tala.

I'll give it back to you later.

[whispering] Guys, this trick

didn't go so well earlier for Zac.

I need your help.

[whispering] You say the magic words.

We'll make the magic happen.

[whispering] Great.

For my first wish,

I wish the disappearing trick would work.

[whispering] Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

disappearing trick divine!

[trunk lid thumps]

Thanks, Leah.

Now prepare to be amazed

as I make this carrot disappear!

[box clattering]

Abraca-pow! Disappear now!



The carrot and the box disappeared.

The trick worked.

The magic in me is finally pouring out, Leah.

So on to the next trick:

Pulling a rabbit out of my hat!

If I could find the rabbit.

Where'd he go?

He's, uh...

Still on your head, Zac.

Let's take a quick break, then.

Got a rabbit to catch.

Too bad the carrot disappeared.

I could have totally used it right now.

See ya, Leah!


All right, I'm just gonna say it:

That rabbit is gonna be a star.

The rabbit was great,

but I loved Zac's disappearing trick.

It worked better than even he imagined.




About that trick...

I just meant that I wanted the carrot to disappear,

not the whole box.

My mistake, Leah.

I guess I made that trick work a little too well.

It's okay, Shine.

The good news is we get to try again,

so I'm sure we'll get the next trick right.


It's like I always say:

There's always a fix for the trickiest of tricks!

I've never heard that before.

That's 'cause I just made it up.

[woman] ♪ When we make a big mistake

♪ Don't fret, let's celebrate

♪ 'Cause we'll get another try

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'll do better next time

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

[Zac] Hey, Leah!

Zac's back! Hide!

[instrumental music]

[lid thumps]





Did you find the rabbit?

Yeah, but he was taking a nap in the garden,

so I didn't want to wake him.

It's a rule I like to live by:

Never interrupt a good nap.

That, and never turn down a high five.

High five!


So then what are you gonna use for the magic hat trick?

Well, since my magic is crushing it with awesomeness,

I don't think I'll need that rabbit.

I can pull a new one out of my hat!

[Tala chatters]

[Tala sneezes]

Did you hear that?

It sounds like it came from my trunk.


[trunk thumping]

[Zac grunting]

[trunk thumping]



[Zac laughs]

So you're the one making all that noise.

[chatters nervously]

My old jack-in-the-box.


[both sigh]


Looks like Jack's excited for the magic show.

Can't blame him.

It's gonna be amazing.


Shimmer, Shine.

Zac wants to do the magic hat trick next,

but I don't think it'll work unless we help him.

[whispering] I've got my wish-granting

fingers ready when you are.

[whispering] Thanks, Shimmer.

For my second wish, I wish Zac had a real magic hat.

[whispering] Boom Zahramay.

Second wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine,

real magic hat divine.


Assistant, are you ready for the next amazing trick?

I sure hope so.

Then hold on to your hat

as I pull something out of mine!




Rabbit now.

[rabbit squeaking]


I'm getting so good I'm surprising myself.

[chimes tinkling]






[dramatic music]


I didn't think a whole zoo was gonna come out of there.

Me neither.

This must mean we are finally ready for the magic show.

I got to go get Rocket.

See ya, Leah.

[instrumental music]

[Nahal meows]

[Shimmer and Shine laugh]




I think this is my favorite magic trick so far.

It came with rabbits, a chicken, pigs, a goat,

and an elephant.

It's like a pet parade.

These animals are really cute, Shimmer,

but I just wanted a rabbit to come out of the hat.


Looks like I put too much magic in the magic hat.

My mistake.

It's okay.

I may not know what to do with these animals,

but at least I still have one wish left

to help Zac with his magic show.


There's not going to be a magic show

without any of the magic supplies.


[plastic splintering]



Sorry, elephant,

there's no peanuts in there.

I was tricked too.

[whale singing]

[water rushing]

[whale singing]

Was that a whale?


And we're gonna need a lot of room.

This one is not a baby.

[water rushes]


I can't have a whale in my backyard.

Oh, I wish the magic hat would just stop already.

Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day.

Wait, that's my last wish.

Shimmer and Shine,

stop this magic hat divine.




What did you do?

I stopped the magic hat

and sent the whale back to the ocean.

Thanks, Shine.

Now we just have to figure out a way

to help Zac's magic show without any wishes left.

Oh, right.

The magic show.

It's my mistake for making the wish.

But let's not give up.

I'm sure there's a few tricks up our sleeves

that we haven't tried yet.

I don't have any sleeves at all.

[all giggle]





Aw, did your flowers get eaten, Tala?

Here, I'll fix it for you.

[coos happily]

That's it, Shimmer.

We can help Zac the way you helped Tala.

With flowers?

Good luck trying to get those away from the monkey.


No, I mean Shimmer didn't need a wish

to fix Tala's wand, so we don't need wishes

to fix Zac's magic tricks.

You're right, Leah.

We just need to work together.

It sounds like it's time to make the magic happen.

I've always wanted to say that.

Now let's get ready for the show.

Ladies and gentlemen,

dogs, and other farm animals,

hold onto your pants...

If you're wearing any,

'cause they're about to be dazzled off...


As I, the Amazing Zac,

and my spectacular assistant Leah,

will wow you, shock you,

but mostly amaze you.

Let the magic show begin!

[woman] ♪ You won't believe

♪ What's up my sleeve

♪ It's a magic trick like you've never seen ♪

♪ With one swoosh

♪ Of my wand

♪ It's right here

♪ Then pow, it's gone ♪

♪ Oh, I can make the rain come down ♪

♪ An elephant lift off the ground ♪

♪ Now you see it, now you don't ♪

♪ At the magic show

♪ It's magic, It's magic ♪

♪ Amazing, Fantastic ♪

♪ Watch it all happen

♪ Right before your eyes

♪ Abraca-pow

♪ You see it, you don't now ♪

♪ Watch it all happen

♪ Right before your eyes

[chimes tinkling]

And for my final trick, I, the Amazing Zac,

will make all of these animals disappear.


[drum roll]


Disappear now.

And presto.

The animals have disappeared-o.

[barks happily]

Thank you, Rocket and Jack.

Now give it up for my assistant, Leah.

I couldn't have done it without her.

[piano flourish]

[barking happily]

Zac, that was amazing.

Now I know why they call you the Amazing Zac.

Thanks, Leah.

But right now, I'm the Amazingly Hungry Zac.

Come on, Rocket.

Let's go home and celebrate with some treats.



Thanks so much for all your help, guys.

Without our mistakes, this magic show

wouldn't have been so spectacular.


Tala thinks so too.

In fact, I think she's trying some magic tricks of her own.



[all giggle]

We fixed our mistakes and the day turned out great.

By the way, what you guys did with Zac's last trick

was incredible.

How did you make all the animals disappear?

We didn't do that.

We thought you did.

I didn't do anything.

Then that means Zac made those animals disappear on his own.

Maybe he does have the magic in him.


Or Zac's got a genie too!

With Zac, anything's possible.

[all giggle]

[upbeat music]

Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can't wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever.

[both] With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

boom Zahramay!

We'll see you next time.

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ It's time to go back home

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can't wait to see

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

[coos excitedly]



[both chewing]

So how do you think Zac made all those animals disappear?

No clue.

But do you know what I did figure out, sis?

That things can only get better when you try and try

and try again?


And that you can't solve a mystery on an empty stomach.

I've never heard you say that before.




What is it with snakes and peanuts?



Have some of my orange instead.

Thank you, Shimmer.

What do we have here?

A carrot.

[pigs oinking]


Hold your horses.

I have plenty more.

Actually, there aren't any horses here so...

Hold your goats, chickens, pigs, elephants,

squirrels, rabbits, and Rockets.



Carrots for everyone.

[Rocket pants happily]

[upbeat music]

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