01x08 - A Very Genie Halloweenie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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01x08 - A Very Genie Halloweenie

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

- On three.

One, two...


- Wow, Shine.

Your cake turned out so pretty.

- Yours too, Shimmer.

Who knew decorating cakes would be such a piece of cake?

- I know!

They look almost too pretty to eat.

- Oh, I definitely wouldn'’t eat mine.

- What do you mean?

I bet it'’s delicious!

[sharp tapping]


If I can get a piece. [laughing]

What'’s in this thing?

- Rock!

I didn'’t know

we were making cakes to eat.

I just thought we were decorating,

which is why I made mine strong enough to hold this.

[thump] See?

- [slurping]

[meows sharply]

- Well, I decorated something we could eat.


[air hissing]

- [chattering]

- Where'’s the cake part?

- I didn'’t use any.

I just used frosting and sprinkles,

'’cause those are my favorite parts of cake.

- [slurping]

- How about we decorate the next cake together

and use cake this time?

- Great idea, sis.

Things are always better when two genies work together.

[shimmering tones]

Hold the sprinkles,Shimmer.

It'’s our friend Leah.

[both slurping]

[both groan]

- Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'’ll grant!

- I'’m Shimmer!

- I'’m Shine!

both: Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

- ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland ♪

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[chimes tinkling]


- Whoa!

- Did we just land in a bowl of candy?

- Mm-hmm!

- [meows]

- I don'’t know what you'’re up to, Leah,

but this night is off to a great start.

- It'’s going to be better than great!

It'’s Halloween, and you guys

are going trick-or-treatingwith me.

- I still don'’t know what'’s happening.

- Who cares? We'’re hugging.

- Halloween is a holiday

where you dress up in a costume

and go door to door to get candy.

- Oh, so that'’s why you'’re dressed as a witch.

I just thought it was laundry day.

What are we waiting for?

Let'’s get trick-or-tweeting!

No, uh... trick or...


Uh... let'’s just get candy!

- But wait, people might see that we'’re genies.

- That'’s what'’s great about Halloween.

They won'’t know you'’re real genies.

They'’ll just think you'’re wearing genie costumes.

- Wow, I wish it was Halloween every "ween."

- [squealing]


- Oh! - Oh!

- Thanks, Tala.

Come on, guys.

Let'’s trick-or-treat at Zac'’s house first.

- We finally get to meet Zac?

- [giggles]

- You just can'’t do that,

'’cause it kind of gives away that you'’re a real genie.

- Oh, right.

I float when I get super excited.

- Well, what are we waiting for?

Let'’s go trick-or-treating!

[doorbell rings]


- Is this the trick part of trick-or-treating,

where no one comes out?

- [laughs]

- [grumbles]

[doorbell ringing]

- I'’m over here, Leah!

- Hey, Zac. Cool spider costume.

You even made a spiderweb?

- Yup, with some glue and shoelaces.

But I got a little crazy with the glue, and now I'’m stuck.

It happens-- happens a lot.

- We'’ll help you get unstuck.

- Everyone grab a spider hand.

[all groaning]

- Oof!

Thanks, Leah'’s genie friends.

- [gulps]

- I know you'’re not real genies,

but those are some great genie costumes.

- We get that a lot--

for no reason,

no reason at all.

- Zac, these are my friends Shimmer and Shine.

- It is so, so, so great to finally talk to you.

I mean, since we just met a couple seconds ago.

And now we'’re talking.

- You guys are real friendly

and so are your pets.

- [chatters]

- [meows]

- That'’s Nahal and Tala.

They'’re super-duper excited to meet you too.

- Well, let'’s keep the excitement going

with a tour of Zac'’s Haunted House of Halloween!


[together] Cool!

- Over here lie the tombstones

of haunted-licious pizzas.


This one still has a pepperoni in it.

[chomping] I was pretty hungry.

I'’ve been stuck on that spiderweb for hours.

- [slurping]

- And here is the witches'’ cauldron

for brewing magical potions

and bobbing for apples.

- I think this apple'’s gone bad.

- Nah, it'’s a potato.

I ran out of apples,

so it was between potatoes or baseballs.

And baseballs are tough to bite into.

I know, '’cause I tried.

[all laughing]

And here, hiding in the shadows of the night,

is the loudest werewolf

that ever howled.

- [snoring]

- Or snored. [giggles]

- Rocket, we talked about this.

You'’re supposed to be spooky!

Okay, prepare yourselves,

for the monster that lies ahead

is sure to spook you out of your socks.

- [gasps] But I'’m not wearing socks.

- Spooky!

- Behold, Frankenstein!

I borrowed my grandma'’s plastic Santa

and painted it green.

- [chatters]

- [hisses]


- This is great, Zac.

I can tell you put a lot of work into this.

- Thanks.

I'’m hoping it'’s enough to win

the most haunted house contest.

But just to make sure,

I'’m going to check out the other houses.

See ya, Leah.

Have a happy Halloweenie,genies.




[crashing] - [chatters]




- [snoring]

- Oh, no!

Zac accidentally ruined his haunted house!

And he worked so hard to get it ready

for the contest.

If only there was a way to help him.

- There is a way, Leah.

You can make a wish.

- Don'’t let these genie costumes fool you.

[whispering] We'’re the real deal.

- You'’re right.

For my first wish,

I wish Zac'’s house was decorated.

- Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine,

decorate Zac'’s house divine.


- [snorts]

- Why does Zac'’s house

look like a giant birthday cake?

- I decorated it, just like you wished for.

- Oh, I meant I wanted it to be decorated spooky,

not yummy.

- Oh, candy corns.

My mistake, Leah.

I just love decorating.

- It'’s all right,Shimmer.

You gave it a good try.

And as far as mistakes go,

this is the sweetest one I'’ve ever seen.

- And tasted. Mmm!


- ♪ When we make a big mistake ♪

♪ Don'’t fret, let'’s celebrate ♪

♪ '’Cause we'’ll get another try ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'’ll do better next time ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'’ll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'’ll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

- All right, let'’s see if these haunted houses

are spookier than mine.

Not bad; excellent use of pumpkin.

[creepy laughter]


Now, that was super spooky.

[yelps] Oh, man!

It'’s just as spooky good the second time.

But I still think my haunted house is the best.

I'’ve got the first place trophy in the bag.

Speaking of bags, mine is a little empty.

Time to fill it with candy.


That'’s some serious candy.


- [chatters]

[both gagging]

- Well, as delicious

as these decorationslook,

we should probably make them a little spookier.

- When you say "spookier," do you mean like...

glitter and balloons and confetti and more glitter?

- [meows]

- On Halloween, everything is spookier.

There'’s spooky spiderwebs,

jolly jack-o'’-lanterns,

scary skeletons--

you know, like a haunted house.

- I'’m glad I asked.

I was way off.

- Well, we'’re ready to redecorate

when you'’re ready to make a wish.

- Great! For my second wish,

I wish Zac had a real haunted house.

- Boom Zahramay, second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

real haunted house divine!


[spooky music]

- [chatters] - [meows]

- Now, this is more like it!

- I think I'’m starting to get the hang

of this Halloween thing.

[shimmering tones]

- Yeah, you are. This is spooktacular!

Zac'’s definitely going to win the haunted house contest now.

- Especially with the monster.

- What monster?

- The one right behind you.

- [growls]

[thunder crashes]

- [chatters]

- I love Halloween!

There'’s candy and costumes and hugging!

This is the best night ever!

- [growls]

- I'’m glad you guys like Halloween, but, uh...

why is a real, live, walking, and moaning

Frankenstein coming out of Zac'’s house?

- You wanted a real haunted house,

so I gave you a real monster.

- But I just wanted Zac'’s house to look haunted,

not actually be haunted.

- Oh, then that'’s my mistake, Leah.

- It'’s okay, Shine. Mistakes happen.

We just have to figure out what to do

so Frankenstein doesn'’t find us.

- I'’ve got it.

Maybe he won'’t see us if we don'’t move.

- Nope, he sees us.

[all gasp]

- [growls]

- He'’s getting closer!


- Huh?


Frank like squishy noise.




- Hey, Frankenstein'’s not scary.

He'’s actually pretty adorable,

in a big green monster kind of way.

- Hi! Me Frankenstein!





- [whimpers]

- [chattering]

- I think he likes Halloween as much as we do.

- Guys, this is awesome!

Zac'’s got a great shot at winning

the haunted house contest now!

- Yeah, he'’s got a real monster

and spiderwebs, fog...


Well, maybe a little too much fog.

[all coughing]

- I got you covered, sis.

[vacuum whirring]

There! The fog is all gone.

- And so is Frank. - What?

Where did he go?

[dog barking]


- [laughs]

[leaves rustle]



Ooh, lots of squishies! Oh-ho!

Squish, squish, squish, squish!




- Hey, happy Halloween, Frankenstein!

- Frank like squishy...

and happy Halloween!

- Whoa.

It looks like a monster walked through here.

What a great decorating idea.

Doesn'’t matter.

Nothing'’s spookier than a green Santa.

- Well, we found a big monster mess

but still no Frankenstein.

- We have to get him back before anybody realizes

he'’s a real monster!

- He'’s not in this toilet paper dress.

- Hey, I think I found something--

A lollipop! Also that!

- Frankenstein left a trail!

If we follow it, we'’ll find him.

- It'’s like I always say:

if you don'’t want to leave a trail,

don'’t have big feet.

- I'’ve never heard that before.

- That'’s '’cause I just made it up.

- Look, the trail keeps going.

- But wait--we can'’t just leave everything like this.

We have to clean up Frank'’s monster mess.

- I was hoping you'’d say that.

[poof] I love cleaning!

[wolf howling]

- ♪ There'’s candy, there'’s lanterns, ♪

♪ And everyone comes out

♪ It'’s spooky, it'’s thrilling ♪

♪ Beware the haunted house

♪ Potions, commotions

♪ The mess the monster made

♪ We'’ve got to find him ♪

♪ And clean up this place

♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

♪ Boo!

♪ We'’ll be trick-or-treating ♪

♪ With our friends tonight

♪ It'’s a genie Halloween, yeah ♪

♪ It'’s a genie Halloween, yeah ♪

♪ Cleaning up the mess, searching for Frankenstein ♪

♪ On a genie Halloween, yeah ♪

♪ It'’s a genie Halloween, yeah ♪

♪ Boo!

[haunting laughter]

- Guys, look!

- At how clean it is?

I know. It'’s beautiful.

- Well, it is beautiful,

but I mean look over there.

It'’s Frank!

[footsteps stomping]

- Stop that adorable green monster!

- Okay, Frankenstein,stop!

- Frank itchy. Thank you, blue genie.

Ooh, Frank see more squishies!

- He wants to step on more pumpkins.

Oh, I wish we could just stop Frankenstein.

- Boom Zahramay, third wish of the day!

- But that'’s my last wish!

- Shimmer and Shine, stop Frankenstein divine!

[chimes tinkling]

- Uh, Shimmer? What is that?

- A way to stop Frank, just like you wished for.

- But there'’s no way a spiderweb

is going to stop a guy with monster muscles.


- [giggles] Oopsie.

Since it stopped Zac,

I thought it would work on Frank.

My mistake.

- Actually, it was my mistake for making the wish.

But we can'’t let it stop us,

even if we don'’t have a way to stop Frankenstein.

- Whoa! Frank like squishy!

Frank like happy Halloween,

but Frank no like spiders!

[screams and whimpers]

[ground rumbling]

- It'’s okay, Frank.

You don'’t need to be scared of this little guy.

He'’s nice.

- Nice?

So spider is friend?


- Shimmer, your mistake worked!

You got Frankensteinto stop.

- I just gave you a spiderweb.

Mr. Spider'’s the real hero.

- Hey, maybe we can use the spider

to get Frank to follow us back to Zac'’s house.

- Or we could use tiger treats.

What? That always works with Nahal.

[poof] - [meows]

- Ooh, spider friend tickle Frank.

[all laughing]

- Well, I might not know how to explain Frankenstein

to Zac, but I'’m still glad he'’s here.

- Leah, I won!

I won the best haunted house contest!

- That'’s great, Zac!

- Yeah, they said I had

the best monster on the street.

Whoa! I don'’t remember my green Santa

looking like this when I left.

But it'’s Halloween.

Spooky things happen. Happen a lot.

- Big spider friend!

- [laughs] I love this guy.

Come on, Frank. Let'’s pass out some candy.

I'’ve got the perfect bowl.

- Thanks for all your help.

Even with the mistakes we made today,

this was my favorite Halloween ever.

- Mine too.

We got to meet Frankenstein and decorate.

Ah, we are two lucky genies.

- We fixed our mistakes, and the day turned out great.

So I'’ll see you guys tomorrow?

- Abso-genie-lutely!

And in the meantime,

we'’ll be counting down the days until next Halloween.

That'’s days starting...


- Thanks again.

Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can'’t wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever.

both: With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

boom Zahramay!

We'’ll see you next time!

[woman vocalizing]

- ♪ It'’s time to go back home ♪

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can'’t wait to see ♪

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

- Don'’t forget the frosting.

- And the rock!

Just kidding, no rock this time.

- Frank all done.

- [meows]

- It'’s beautiful, Frank.

- Well, Shimmer, you were right.

- That things can only get better

when you try and try and try again?

- Yes, and frosting really is the best part of cake.

- Frank think so too.



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