Heroes of Shipka (1955)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Heroes of Shipka (1955)

Post by bunniefuu »


Arkady Perventsev

Sergei Vasilyev

A. Apsolon, P. Bogolyubov,
Yu. Muzikant, Ya. Yankov

M. Kirillov
Camera Operators:
A. Zavyalov, Yu. Razumov, I. Shekerdjiskii

Art Directors:
M. Bokhdanov, G. Myasnikov, G. Popov

Costume Design:
Ye. Slovtseva, N. Tusuzova,
N. Baltova, P. Misirkova

Composers: N. Kryukov, F. Kutev
Sound: A. Babii, B. Antonov, K. Shopov

Special Effects Camera Operator: L. Sazonov
Special Effects Design: A. Alekseev.
Pyrotechnicians: V. Lichachev, Ye. Bikov

Make-up Artist: V. Goryunov
Editor: Ye. Badjenova

Colonel- P. Fortunatov
Major- B. Cholpanov

Production Design:
I. Provotorov, A. Khristov


Russian Soldiers
Katorgin- I. Pereverzev
Oznobishin- B. Avdyushko
Sashko Kozir- G. Yumatov
Timofei- A. Alekseev

Bulgarian Volunteer Combatants
Borimechka- P. Karlukovskii
Petko- A. Karamitev
Panaiot- S. Peichev
Mitko- N. Genov
Boyana- E. Bodjinova
Ionka- K. Chukova

Russian Generals
Gurko- S. Papov
Skobelev- E. Samoilov
Radetskii- A. Kireev
Dragomirov- G. Gromov
Stoletov- V. Chobur
Strukov- A. Smirnov

Totleben- A. Khristov
Svetapolk-Mirskii- Ye. Demmeni
Nepokoichitckii- M. Troyanov
Levitskii- E. Garrik

Aleksandr II- I. Kononenko
Nikolai Nikolaievich (Grand Prince)-
A. Savostyanov

Gorchakov (Chancellor)- N. Massalitinov
Milyutin (Minister of w*r)- S. Kurilov

Russian Officers
Major Lyapunov- A. Kholodkov
Major Gortalov- K. Starostin
Dukmasov- G. Ganchev

V.V. Vereshagin (artist)- V. Leonov
Sultan Abdul-Gamid II- D. Dakovskii
Suleiman-Pasha- K. Kisimov

Osman-Pasha- E. Tagarov
Bessel-Pasha- G. Stamatov

K. Skorobogatov, N. Simonov, V. Safronov, B. Ganchev, A. Temelkov, B. Freindlich

V. Gaidarov, F. Nikitin, A. Chaprazov, I. Tonev, V. Taskin, S. Yevlakhov, S. Krilov

Soldiers and Officers of the Bulgarian
National Army participated in battle scenes.

Produced by
The Leningrad Order of Lenin Film Studio
and the Bulgarian Film Studio

For five centuries the Slavs of the Balkan peninsula suffered under the yoke of the Ottoman Turks who invaded Europe in 1352.

Time after time, the Balkan peoples rose up
against their oppressors.

In 1876-1877 a massive revolt
seized the entire peninsula.

In April of 1876 the heroic Bulgarian people
rebelled against their enslavers.

The Turkish administration cruelly quelled
the rebellion, drowning it in the blood of Bulgarian patriots.

Return brothers!

- Do you submit to the will of the Pasha?
- No!

- And you, do you submit to the will
of the Pasha? - No!

Do you submit to the will of the Pasha?

And you old man, do you submit
to the will of the Pasha?

- Do you submit to the will of the Pasha?
- No!

Don't surrender! Don't surrender, brothers!

We will avenge you brothers!


These people have died in vain!

All haven't died in vain!

Russia will help us!

To Sichke, our sheperd.
Levskii, Bunkovskii, Khristubofer.

Holy Savyarloliptuna!


Russia herself!



Russia herself!

Officially, Europe has covered its ears to avoid hearing the desperate cries of the sufferers in the East.

But Russia hears them!

And she will not remain heartless!

It is impossible to remain silent any longer!

It is our duty to come to the aid of our suffering Slavic brothers!

Get down. Get down, Garshin.
The professor has agreed to speak.

Pirogov. That is his name.

Never before,

has a single government

until now, gone to w*r with such a clear conscience

with such deep conviction

of the righteousness of the mission

as Russia in this moment!

Russia draws her sword, lofty feelings of humanitarianism advancing her forward!

Well then, will there be a w*r, gentlemen?

Well, how would I know, my dear?
There, ask Prince Mirsky.

Everything is in the hands of God, Madam.

Tell me, Olga Nikolayevna

is it true that your son, General Skobelev, the hero of Turkestan, is setting off for Kishinev?

- Misha is simply moving to different climate.
- Don't reproach me.

Climate, climate. Turkestan and Kushinev have practically the same climate.

Who is that with Milyutin?

Prince Gorchakov.

How old he has gotten.

My goodness, what time does to people.

Oh, yes.

So, Prince, do you believe that people in Bucharest are in agreement?

In Romania, people are well aware

that their independence depends

on friendship with Russia.

Very good!

So, our troops will be able to reach
the Danube unimpeded.

- You are heading off to his majesty?
-Yes, yes.

He has already inquired about you.

w*r has not been declared yet.

But we must all be ready, gentlemen.

And who do you expect to be chosen
as the Commanders

dear Dmitri Alekseevich?

I am only the Minister of w*r, General Gurkov.

I propose and he disposesā

As is well known, I suggested
General Obruchev.

But His Majesty prefers his brother.

Nikolai Nikolayevich?

I need a disciplined person to be chief of staff

completely obedient.

Yes, exacting and conscientious.

I would recommend you, my dear

General Nepokoichitskii.

Artur Adamovich is a very courteous
and obliging person.


Well, there, a career is made.

I congratulate you, Artur Adamovich,
from the bottom of my heart.

I am very happy for you.

I would consider it an honor to serve
under your leadership.

Shhh. His Majesty.

Tell me, Alexander Mikhailovich

if we go to the aide of our fellow Slavs

and thereby will we satisfy
the wish of our people

and will we ease this tense and stormy atmosphere within our country?

Stormā atmosphereā

Perhaps, we should ask physicists,
Your Highness?

Don't joke Aleksandr Mikhailovich.

I want to ask your advice.

If we begin this w*r

and intercede on behalf of the Bulgarians

what will the mood be
like inside the country?

My duties as chancellor

are foreign affairs, Your Highness.

Very well.

Then tell me

how will the international
situation go for us?

We cannot repeat 1854.

The world is waiting for our word, Count.

The word of Germany. The word of Bismarck.

Russia helped Germany.

During the most difficult
moments of the battle

for national unity.

We are indeed indebted to Russia.

And we will not hinder her.

We will not interfere
between Russia and Turkey.



But Austria,

what will Andrassy do?

We have promised Russia neutrality
in the event of w*r.

In exchange, Austria will receive Bosnia and Herezegovina without firing a single shot.

But, what if Russia

wants to become the heiress of Turkey
on the Balkan peninsula?

If that should happen,

God save England.

And Disraeli.

Ahh, Solmsbary.

Charming, this country.

You and Elliot Konstantinopli were
splendid. I know everything!

There is only one thing
you don't know, sir.

I have brought you a proposition from
Count Andrassy to form an alliance.

In the event that you will need
to cool Russiaā it's zeal.

Wonderful news, sir.

Why are you so gloomy, Lord Berg.
This news doesn't make you happy?

A different piece of news
wasn't so wonderful, sir.

The Russian diplomatic official was in Bucharest under the full authority of Chancellor Gorchakov.

- However, the old man isn't wasting time.
- If Nelidov obtains

Romania's permission for Russian
troops to pass through.

Then we must help the Turks
meet them on the Danube.

Ahhh, Nikolai, this is a subject
worthy of the brush of an artist.

You know, Nikolai.

The artist Vereshagin is
asking to join the army.

He is an excellent artist
botanist, your excellency.

You overpraise.

He can't paint this type of painting.

And all those soldiers with
their foot wraps, he can.

Yes, he can, he can.

He was in Turkestan,
he painted, pretty well.

Let him go.

Yes, by the way, what
about Skobeleva?

We are probably transferring
him from Turkestan.

And where do we transfer him?

He commanded the army,
your excellency.

By accident, by accident.

Well, he distinguished himself
there in Central Asia.

With his youth and bravery.
But, he still must earn some type of medal.

- And that Skobelev, Skobelev.
- In that case we need to consider the international situation.

Isn't it true, Aleksandr Mikhailovich?

Well, Skobelev captured several
English officers there in Turkestan.

Well, they were helping the other side.

And Skobelev treated them very harshly.

Very harshly.

Well, you know England is very offended.

We have to send him somewhere
less conspicuous.

Where will you have him sent, your majesty?

Maybe to the Bulgarian volunteer army?

--No, no.

Milyutin has invited General Stoletov
to join the Bulgarian volunteers.

Yes, well he knows
the Eastern languages.

He is a very skilled general.

And very cultured.

Good. Then we will send
Stoletov to the Bulgarians.

And of course, we must
make use of the Bulgarians.

But only in a supportive capacity.

In Bulgaria there is a very strong spirit
of national opposition, your excellency.

We could create a good Bulgarian
army out of volunteers. 2-3 divisions.

Bulgarian revolutionaries
will use these divisions.

Don't forget the most important thing.

We must bring Bulgarians freedom
from the Turks, but not a revolution.

Well, Nikolai, Godspeed. Take care.

Look after him, Nipokoichitskii.

They sing well. From the heart.

They sound like our songs from
the Kuban, very melancholic.

They have lived under the Turkish yoke for a thousand years, Russia also suffered under the Tatar yoke.

These songs are as bitter as wormwood.

Girech, that means Bulgarians
are very similar to us.

- Uncle Makar!

-I can learn their language in no time!
-Oh, you can? -And so?

And they are our brothers in faith.

During the morning exercises they were singing the Our Father, exactly the same.

Well, except this word of theirs- bratushki.
It means relatives.

Yes, you had to suffer terribly under
the Turks, if you left your native land.

Lie! That's a lie!

The Turks of the forests
are the kin of nightmares!

Judging from the scale this is a rebellion.

Let it be that not one of your friends
falls into the hands of these sheep.

[Rants in Bulgarian]

For that reason our vow is:
Freedom or death!

Freedom or death!

Did you hear that, Znobishek?

Freedom or death.

These words are good to hear.

Well, it may be necessary for us to die.

True, not for our but for your people.
And after all, for freedom.

Well, Stepan show our Ryazan the dance, so that the Turks on the other side feel the earth tremble.

With much pleasure,
your excellency!

- Only, somebody accompany me
on the accordion. - I can do it.

Wonderful, old man. So, what
about these dances then, eh?

-The Horo, cousin. Horo.

-What's strange? They call it the Horoā
we call it the horovod. Is it clear?

Do you understand?

Make way! Ryazan is here!

What are you writing about?

In every word of these Russian songsā

you can hear the longing for
heroic feats on the battlefieldā

the thirst for glory and the peasant's proclamations of faithfulness to Godā

- to the emperor and the empire.

Tell me, how many divisions, both infantry and cavalry, have the Russians concentrated around the Danube?

Oh, I have that here.

First of all, for the censor.


Currently, on the left bank of the
Danube, the Russians have...

concentrated about seven divisions
estimating by the 285 000 of people.

And there are 12,000 from the Romanian corps.

This information is accurate?

Thank God the Russians still have
real gentlemen among them.

They don't refuse to give information
to foreign correspondents.

And the date?

The most important thing is, when will they conduct a forced crossing of the Danube?

Yes, to hell with it.

It's the only I wasn't able to ascertain.

Crossing the Danube must take
place only in complete secrecy.

We can only count on success
under those conditions.

And we have some foreigners
walking around our camps.

Those are w*r correspondents,
Fyodor Fyodorovich.

The Englishman Taker and
the American Drimā

commanded to visit us by the mandate
of Nipokoichitskii himself.

Don't allow them in.

Refusing them entry is not allowed.

-Courtesy between nations.
-Well, to hell with courtesy!

Let them think us to be the boors

than the idiots.

Just don't let them in.

That's right.

The order will be carried out, Pyotr Petrovich.

And do you know what will be done
with Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev?

They sent him to his father. In the division.

He has been bound, you might say,
by the hands and feet.

And he could have been of service to us here.

- Pleasant speech is pleasant to hear.
-Well now, speak of the devil.

I'm happy, my good man.
So happy to see you.

And you, Vasilii Vasilyevich, in
what capacity are you here?

And you, artist, are here with us to
endure the dirt and suffering of soldiers?

You won't see the dirt and suffering from
a room in a hotel, Mikhail Dmitriyevich.

Well, it's humiliating to sit at home
during this sort of w*r.

- All of Russia is agitated over this w*r.
-That which is the truth is true.

During your trip here, in Moscow, Kharkov and Kiev there is no end of volunteers for the army.

Well, I have come to you as a volunteer.
Will you accept me, Mikhail Ivanovich?

I ask you humbly. I feel
the strength of my conviction.

Well, the strength I see, but how will we outsmart the Turks and skip over the Dunabe, eh?

Apparently you have been appointed
to your father's division.

Under his supervision.

I will tell you in confidence, that I ran away
from father's division. -For good?

- Were you put in command of a division?
-Yes, I was. Nothing.


I just ran away from his watchful eye.

- It doesn't matter, your father will
hunt you down. - Please Lord not that.

My old man is reserved and cautious. You will not receive the cross in his division, brother.

- Will you go to w*r because of these crosses, Mikhail Dmitriyevich? -And what of it?

Well, fasten it on, Gregorii, and be proud.

Everything is in order.
You immediately see the eagle.

What Russian artist has
Gregori's talent? Or had?

I can't think of one.

And there, Vasillii Vasillyevich Vereshagin
wears the George cross.

- Listening to you, it is as if you are
some sort of careerist.
-And so? In a good way, yes.

Do you know the Russian proverb? A cross on your chest or a cross in the ground.

So, Mikhail Ivanovich?

Will you accept me?

Well, only as an orderly.

I will consider it a great honor,
Mikhail Dmitriyevich.

Will you allow it?

Mikhail Ivanovich, I recommend these...

Bulgarian patriots...

about whom we spoke with you.

They have agreed to carry out
your instructions.

Do you think they see
the signal, the Russians?

Ivan will sent the troops.

It is a good moment.

Whatever they are going to do,

- Bulgaria will be free.
- Just wait.

Good job, Bulgarians.
One may count on them.

Well, Mikhail Ivanovich, we can begin the crossing in that direction.

At the signal. Go with God.

Go with God.



Listen, old boy.

Do watermelons grow in Bulgaria?



Help! Help! Djambu! Djambu! Gau! Gau!



God, please save us.

- Please God, let it not hit us.
-Don't be a coward. They won't k*ll idiots.

Well, brothers, onward whoever
doesn't fear death!

It fell short.

Look out! Look out!

Follow me, brothers!
Go! Go, follow me!


Fire the cannon into the depths, old chap.

My god! Old chap, hit that
infidel for me please.

- Let the devils take you!

- Let's go!
- I'm going already.

Minzar, get going.

-Finish the bazaar. Hands up!
-Surrender, or else we'll cut you down!

Good day to you, Mikhail Ivanovich.

- A miracle, the blind sees, no?
-Our soldiers did well, Mikhail Dmitriyevich.

I would have kissed them all, one by one.

We forced a difficult crossing over that stream.

Thank you to our Generals,
Dragomirov and Skobelev.

- Thank you.
-And what, already? Of course.

And thank them as well.

-Yes, yes, yes.

w*r is such a difficult business, brothers.

This w*r is easy for the heart.

We are liberating our brothers.
Blood was spilled here for a good cause.

But when death comes to take you,
then they will pray for you many times.

Everyone will have an entry in the commemoration book.

And the b*ll*ts are good and
the sabre is good. All right?

All right. [in Bulgarian accent]

Pasha behaves brutally.

They take revenge on the
Bulgarians because of us.

Ah, these Bulgarians are so unlucky.
The infidels will burn down their cities.

-Give them sabres, your highness.
-Your highness.

Follow me! Ahead!

Wow, what a girl!

Where did you came from,
so beautiful?

A Russian.


See the Russian.


Saintly man.

Saintly? Hmm!

What are you saying?
A Saint is inscribed in a holy place.

Oh, god! And you won't end up in paradise, Sashko Kozir.

Yes, yes. Yes, yes.

Everything disturbs
me from going to heaven.


Bulgarian brothers.

From far-away Russia, the citizens of Samara have sent you, the Bulgarian soldiers,

A holy banner.

A symbol of friendship between
the Russian and Bulgarian peoples.

And their unity through blood.

IN BULGARIAN: Let this banner,

Bulgarian: Be the banner of victory
over the enemy.

Let this banner

be the symbol of freedom of
Slavs from the Turkish yoke.

I congratulate you with this banner,
brothers Bulgarians!



May God help us carry the banner
from village to village, every mile,

across Bulgarian land.

We will defeat all evil enemies

And peace and well-being will come.

we swear

We swear with this banner

We will die but fulfill our duty


We swear

We swear!

Ambassador of her Majesty Queen of
Great Britain, Lord Henry Eliot

What do I hear, Your Majesty?

Is this true?

You have decided to go to Asia?

What else to be done?

The Russians suddently overtook Shipka.

The road to Istanbul is open.

-What can we do?
- I would not dare advise your Majesty.

But if it were I who had to decide

I would have immediately called for
Pasha Suleiman from Montenegro...

and all his 30 000 army,
experienced in battles.

I would have put them to fight
against general Gurkov.

I would order Asman-pasha

to move from Viden to
Shipka from the north.

And to Suleiman-pasha, to attack
from the south, sparing no life.

Pity nobody, and seize
again the Balkan passage.

And throw off the Russians
back to the Danube.

Yes, yes, yes.

Spare no life

Pity no blood

Our Suleman will receive this advise, sir.

You always help our empire
at the most difficult moments.

"20 July 1877 right team of Russian troops

met unexpectedly under Plevna
the army of Asman Pashi

that was stelthily marching from Viden

The threat of the enemy's attack checked
Russian movement towards the south.

They concentrated the main forces
of Russian and Rumanian armies

near Plevna, leaving a weak rear guard
at Shipka passage.

At the same time, the army of Suleiman
hurried from Montenegro.

It appeared in the valley Kazandyk
on 8 August and approached Shipka

with a goal to capture the passage.

The attack has failed again.

It was our seventh attack, Sardari-krem.

In the name of Allah, Sardari-krem.

Give us 4 battalions from the reserve
and we'll sweep them off.

-I swear, Pasha.
- What?

To defeat a douzen of "dogs"

you would need thousands?

They are strong as cliffs.

They are like eagles in their nest.

And the solders of Pasha are chickens?

The enemy is courageous and strong,

Dog's heart!

"I report, that all corpus of Suleiman-pashi

which we can clearly see,
is preparing the attack in 8 miles from Shipka"

The enemy is powerful"

And I don't exeggerate."

"We'll resist to the last breath,
but a back up...

is very much needed"

Call me the Cossak.

-Are your from Shipka?
- Yes, Your Excellency.

-Have you seen the Turks?
- They've covered the entire steppe.

They've covered the steppe?

Can you be more precise?

5 thousand?

How? All 50 thousand, Your Excellence.

All right, go.


This looks serious.

Shipka is practically open.

Stoletov is left with only 6 Bulgarian brigades

... plus our Orlov's regiment...

- but not entire regiment.
- Bryansk regiment was sent there.

One regiment?

Against tens of thousand of Suleiman's troops?

As you know, all forces
as indicated by His Majesty...

- Are sent to Plevna.
- Moreover.

We must block Suleiman at Shipka.

Or else all our army will be between
the two poweful enemy armies.

- No. I cannot. I must...
- Quieter, General.

- Why are you so upset?
- There is a battle their, Your Excellency.


I will report to his Majesty.

As if his own estate is on fire.

What strange people are Russians.

May I, the unworthy one...

- disturb your noble thoughts, Ogaza.
- What do you want to say, Hassan?

Bad news, Ogazy.

The Russians are getting reinforcements.
We know for certain.

We received this information
from our friends -- the English.

- Directly from the Russian headquarter.
- What kind of reinsforcement?

-Who is the General?
- Nizamporetsky and Dragomirov, Pasha.

Use all our forces and reserves!


Hey, groom, there is your girl with the dark eyes.

- Where?
- There.

Your Excellency, you must
have something to eat!

- Leave me alone.
- Nikolai Grigorievich.

Look, she comes the third time.
Aren't you afraid?

I must not be afraid.

So, soldiers? Is this hard?

It's hard, Your Excellency.
- Yes.

Only young men like yourselves
can handle this.

And against all odds,
we will handle this.

What do you think,
will we resist the enemy?

If you order it, we will resist,
Your Excellency.

And on your own, without an order?

Without an order is a bit hard,
Your Excellency.

But we will resist.

- We cannot give in Shipka,
Your Excellency.
- Of course.

With all our force.

Until the last soldier...

But we won't give it in.

- Talaro?
- Takaz.

- Right?
- Right, Your Excellency.

Your Excellency, will you eat
anything please?

He is stuck to me, isn't he?

- All right.
- Here. Much better, Nikolai Grigorievich.

You've only eaten twice in three days!

Here we go.

What can you say?
Won't give a person a moment to eat?

Š Dammed mussulmans!

- What's up with you, Timophei?
- I feel the heroic spirit, Your Excellency.

I want to spill the muslim blood,
if needs be, and my own.

- Allow me to join the battle.
- Go.

I love you even more like this, Boyana.

You have never told me that
you love me.

Don't be silly.

Don't you know the orders?

- But the enemy is coming, sh**ting at us.
- sh**ting.

They got foreign amm*nit*on, the English one.
They can afford to sh**t.

We have our own amm*nit*on. Use your brain.

Faster, fellows. Faster.

- They are dying there at Shipka. Hurry
- Yes, we hurry.

- No b*ll*ts are left!
- What are you screaming for? I know.

Good. We'll deal without them. Let's go.

Like this.

You will pay for our laubors in afterlife.

Soldiers. Russian fellows.
There under the mountain.

Let's go, darling. Let's go.

Oi, uncle, Orlov's devision will
give up Shipka, won't it?

No, it won't.

Stop being negative.

Hurry up.

Your Supreme Excellency!

General Stoletov sent us
to have infantry ride with us.


Come closer, come! But not all at once!
One by one!

- Stronger, infantry!
- Faster. We are from the Dragomirov's regiment.

We've seen a lot.


Hang on, fellows! Reinforcement is coming!


Don't be afraid, miss.

I'll show you, Turk!

Now you know Russia.

Whom are you looking for, uncle?

For a friend.

Not a friend.
A Bulgarian soldier.

Are you alive, friend?


Alive, bugger.




Alive. Alive. Alive.

Pete was fighting heroically.

And now we are blood brothers with him.

Ionochka, why your mountain
flowers do not smell?

What are you saying.

Wonderful smell.

Yes, stale. ["Wonderful" in Bulgarian
sounds as "stale" in Russian]

- It makes my head spin.
- You are joking.

I am a unhappy man.
Why this happens to me?

- May I kiss you?
- Hmm.

- You won't go to paradise, Sasha.
- No. - You don't want?

- No. - You are saying yes.
- I am saying no.

But with your head, you are nodding "yes".


For Russians it means "yes".
In Bulgarian "no".

This is "yes".


So, when I nod, it's a "no".
- No? - No?

And like this "yes"?

- No. Yes.
- Incredible.

Do you know, Ionna, what
I was thinking during the battle?


- Thinking.
- All right, if you say it this way.

We will free our fellows Bulgarians
from Muslim yoke.

And I, Sashko Kozyr, will take you
with me, Ionochka.

Take you with me,
on a horse, and steal you to Kuban'.

We have a river there, my Ionochka.
A beautiful river.

- Have you seen the Danube?
- No.

And the people!

What people!

There is no other people
like that anywhere.

ŠYou will become from Brukhovetskaya!

Š No, Sashko!

I don't want to.

- That means no.
- No.

- Yes? - No.
- But that's "yes" in Bulgarian.

No. I was doing it in Russian.

- In Russian means "no"?
- No. - That's a "yes" in Russian.

- No.
- We got it all mixed up, in two tongues?

Tell me, mate, where can I find
General Radetsky?

General Rodetsky?

He is right here.
Behind the hill.

It's not funny.

He did not pass, Suleiman.


- Over a Russian soldier tripped.
- Don't forget the regiment soldiers.

Some of them did not believe
we'll make it.

Wonderful people.
Wonderful fighters...

- These Bulgarian soldiers.
- So. - Yes?

If we must fight again, shoulder
to shoulder,

we can rely on them.

And how are things under Plevna,
Vasily Vasil'evich?


We've att*cked twice,

With a huge loss.

But I have a letter for you,
Mikhail Ivanovich.

From Mikhaila Dmitrievich Skobeleva..
- From Mikhaila Dmitrievich? - Yes.

That's great!

I love him.

Mikhail Ivanovich, if it is not a secret,
what's the white general saying?

Ak-Pasha? The Turks call him that way.

Ak-Pasha writes that headquarter rats want
to turn battle into a theater under Poltava.

To assaile Plevna.

in honer of the namesday of
his Majesty the Emperor.

They have no conscience.


It is not noon yet,
The attack is scheduled for 3 pm sharp.

Why is there a sh**ting?

Artillary salutes your angel,
in honour of your namesday, Alexandre.

Punish the one who is responsible.


Climb, Karatyuk.


- Hurray!!!
- Hurray!!!

Forward, fellows! Merrier!

Merrier, merrier, fellows!


We've made it!
We have taken it!

Dukmasov, ride to the headquaters!

Ask for reinforcement!
A bit and

and we will reach Plevna!
- Yes, sir! - Hurry, mate!

Your Excellency

Skobelev won counterattack
and is attacking.

General Skobelev asks for reinforcement and
and bring in some troops from the wing.

Congratulate the General with his success.

We'll do what we can.

Your Excellency

What regiment can we give to Skobelev?

No regiement.

We have our own dispositions.

Not Skobelev's.

We'll proceed the battle according
the established disposition.

Turks will begin counter-attack soon..

I see. I recognise Nepokoichitskogo.

He is punctual.

He has started the assail at 3 pm.
How punctual.

We'll get reinforcement and...

What did he say? How many?

He did not say how many.

I don't need a lot of reinforcements.

Two regiments, and we will from here...
Osman is over.


The general assail of the Muscovites

has failed at every point of attack.

Mercy of Allah.

But I cannot celebrate victory.

Ak-pasha [Russian general] is in
the heart of our troops.

He is hanging over Plevna.

If the Russians move into this direction.

We would have to flee shamefully
on the road to Sofia.

He has such a happy face.

Must be good news.

- Are you from there?
- Yes.

- Straight from there, Your Excellency.
- So tell us, tell us.

We failed in the assail, Your Majesty.

Russians and Roumanians fought like lions.

But Turks resisted all of the att*cks.

Huge loss, Your Majesty.

Heaps of the dead bodies.

Irraparable misfortune!

Skobolev is near Plevna, Your Majesty.

I think we should support him.

To the devil!

I don't want to hear about Skobolev.

It looks like a false popularity.

Should we signal an end, Your Majesty?

Yes, yes.

Do we need extra loss?

Ak-pasha will be alone.

Our friend in the Russian
headquarters has told us.

Move some troops from other parts

and throw them against Skobelev.

I, Asman-nuri-pasha,

have ordered.

Where is the reinforcement?

The devil knows.

He promised?

Yes, he promised.

Your Excellency

Turks are being reinforced.
New scarbs are coming from Plevna.

Dukmasov, a horse.

Major Gortalov

- You will be at the command.
- Yes, sir.


This is the heart of the enemy defence.

Unfortunately, they don't understand anything
in the headquaters.

- I will go to convince them.
- Yes, sir.

Your Excellency!


Nonsense. A horse!

I will bring reinforcement!

- Hold the redoubt, Gortalov!
- Yes, we'll keep the redoubt.

Your Majesty!

Where is reinforcement?

You have promised!

His Majesty himself has ordered to stop.

There won't be reinforcement?

I won't dare to change
the order of His Majesty.

I have no power.

And I have the power to do
what I think is right.

Go, fellows! Forward!

Stop! Where are you going?



- Your excellency!
- Save the banner, Katorgin.

- Your Excellency!
- The banner must be saved!

Banner, I said!
Follow him!

Have you given up the redoubt?

Have you?!

Yes we have, Your Excellency.

Has given up?!

Did you leave Gartalov?

Your Excellency,

Major Gartalov,

Is k*lled?

With Turkish bayonetts.

You may k*ll me! Mikhail Dmitrievich.

- It will be the death of you, Mikhail Dmitrievich!
- Like a child.

What are you talking with him for?
Take him off!

Don't let him go!

- Don't be upset Mikhail Dmitriviech.
- Let me go!

Nothing to be done, gentlemen.

We must leave Plevna alone.

We must retreat.

We cannot retreat, Your Majesty.

Just imagine, what pernicous consequences
will follow the retreat!

The moment we will start the retreat

the Turks will finish off the Bulgarians

devastate the country.

What should we do then?

Continue the w*r.

Call for the guards.

My guards?

- My guards against some tarboosh?
- Some tarboosh?

But under these tarboosh, Your Majesty,

There are not only Turkish heads.

Call for the army?

By the time it arrives...

will we hold against Asman?

I don't know.

I don't know at all.

He is the military minster...

... he must make the decision!

I should be dismissed!

Let me go deal with my horses!

What should we do?

Of course, situation is unfavourable.

But we must find strength.

and forbearance. As to the tactics

we cannot attack the enemy directly...

especially now that enemy had time
to reinforce its positions.

If we rely on the extreme courage

and self sacrifice of the Russian solder

as we have before

then we will destroy our
magnificent army.

What can we do? It's a w*r.

A w*r.

We must charge nevertheless.

In my opinion, Your Majesty.

... no need.

I must have misheard?

What do you mean, no need?

We must convince the commandment

to spare the Russian blood.

So, the Russians decided against
the assail of Plevna.

... and plan a long-term attack..

... long-term assail.

It means...

... they will stay there until winter.

And even if they overtake Plevna...

... they will have to wait until summer.


To cross over the mountains.

And this is what we need.

We'll be ready by spring.

Andrashi convinces me...

that Bismarck

... has almost agreed...

- to begin in the summer.
- There is nothing in this world

that does not have a decisive moment.

One must be able to choose this moment.

And we will choose it


Twirl, whirl.

Sow, blow.

From above snaps, from below sweeps.

Balkans, in one word.

Hello, fellows!


Yes, it is me.

- You are back! - Yes, I am.
- Rascal!

- Alive and well.
- A dry bone, even a warm won't want to spoil.

Good job!

Hello, major.


- Hello.
- Hey, brother. How are you?

It's cold, isn't it?

So? Tell us.

Tell us.

How are things in Russia?
- In Russia? - Yes.

- People are angry with the government.
- Angry?


But they praise the soldiers.

- They invite you everywhere and get upset
if you don't accept the invitation. - Really?

- Yes.
- That means they live well.

Not really.

They have only water and bread.

That's all.


Or bagasse.

I have heard, they've allocated
plots of land to your people.

Yes, they have.

But we have not seen it.

It means...

... it is hard there.

To be honest, Russian folk
never had an easy life.

Tell me this.

When we free you...

... how are you going to live?

People have dreams.

But the world is hard...

Simple peple have

similar lot.

But there will be a different life
one day, there will be.

And what do you think, brotehr Panaiot?

Congratulations, fellows!

Plevna is ours!

Asman gave up!

With all its army, he gave up!

- Hurray!
- Hurray!!!

The Turks gave up!

What are we going to write
to the headqauters today?!

As always! All is well at Shipka!

I believe this is possible...

... and necessary...

... to assail Balkans simultaniously
in three different directions.

I personally would like to
cross the mountains.

... and right here...

... overtake Sofia.


that you and Karpov

succeed in an unexpected attack.

What is going to happen near Shipka?

You will be hurt.

Vessel-pasha has a
strong camp right there.

near Sheinovo.

We should move around Vessel-pasha.


From both sides.

Let General Radetsky remain
where he is in the centre.

near Shipka, and distract the Turks.

Meanwhile Skobelev

and Svyatopolk-Mirsky

circumvent them from the right and left.

Skobelev will do so through Imyaotlim.

And Svyatopolk-Myrsky - right here,
through Pravlensky passage.

But I will be late.

It is twice as long.

Nikolai lliych, of course, all movement
must be coordinated.

But we will have to cross the mountains.

huge military regiments

...carts, artillary, cavalry.
- Suvorov succeded.

-- through Alps.
- Even the locals


don't think it is possible to cross
Balkans in the winter.

Allow me, Your Majesty.

to call for a local peson.
- A theater, real theater.

Thanks God it's no cabaret.

Call them.

Call for the Bulgarian.

Is it possible to cross Balkans

in this time of year, Panaiot?

The enemy won't cross.


A friend -


Balkans are our mountains.

We can guide through them
anyone we want.

We will give guides and people.

bread, clothes, weapons,

and our hearts.

Just tell us.

We will carry across Balkans

the entire Russian army.

Thank you, Painot.

Thank you.

As you wish, gentlemen.

But this is madness.

Why are we putting our
heads through the noose?

Suvorov had to cross the mountains.

We can afford to wait for spring.

Nobody is chasing us.

Meanwhile, the Austrians

will unite with the English and Germans

and will gather their strength
by spring

- and attack us from the back.
- General Totleben is right.

We must attack unexpectedly.

in the winter

when they and their

foreign council do not expect it.

"At dawn of 5 January 1878"

left regiment of Svyatopolk-Mirskoy has begun
forced crossing of Gabrovsky passage."

"By January 7 it reached southern flanks
of the Balkans..."

and has begun the battle
with Vessel - pasha."

Right regiment under
he command of Skobelev

by January 7

continued the forced crossing
of the difficult Imetlisky passage.


God saved us.

The devil's passage?

We've been at it for 2 days, and
only half of the troops are up.

Svyatopolk-Mirsky is
fighing down there

and we can do nothing.

Mikhail Dmitrievich, you won't be able
to get Vessel' into your teeth in person!

Hurry up, fellows!


Look, we've reached the sky itself.

How are we going to descend,
uncle Makar?

Yes, mate.

Whether you want it or not,
the must win over the Turks.

We'll make it down on our buttoms,
but there is no way back.

Uncle Makar

How will you ride the horse,
after sliding on your buttom?

Š Wow!

An excellent road, guys!

We'll ride like knife through butter.

Let's go!

Get ready, Turk!
Know Russia!

So, gentlement officers?


He is sitting there since the morning.

He is worried.

Your excellency.

The messengers from Duke Mirskoy.

There is a letter.

Read, fellow.

I have no glasses on me.

"I have reached Shipka since
yesterday night."

"All troops are ready to fight."

"Reinforcement is not here at all."

"The turks attack with full force."

"I need your help to distract
the Turks at least partially."

"I have no news from Skobelev."

Today the success of the w*r
will be decided.

Tell Misrkoy, I did what
he asked me to do.

Let it be the last blood

shed at Shipka.

- Begin the attack.
- Yes, You Excellency.

They stood until the last cartridge.

Give signal to stop.

-Where is the General?
Duke Mirskoy's General. - What's wrong?

Your Excellency

We could hear our music.
Must be Skobalev att*cks.

They always attack with music.

A battle is the ball for a military man,
isn't it so, Vasily Vasilievich?

Look, how they march!

Better than at a parade.

Shipka moved.

Radetsky att*cked from the front.

We should do too.

Disperse you all!

You will be k*lled!

- Take the banner off. - Yes!
- The Turks know it well!

My God!

They will distroy him.

He is charmed.
Nothing will happen to him.

They said in Kiev
there is a charm over him.

9 days and 9 nights
a volkhv - magician

was putting a spell over him

He did not give him no food, no drink.
Only charms, until it worked.

The b*ll*ts won't hurt him, they go
through him without leaving a hole.

He is charmed

Increase fire!


I know you have been waiting.

Unfold your Samara banner...

and together with
the Uglitsky regiment

show the Turks the "Kuzkin mother"
with a twist!

Attack Sheinovo!

You must move in two raws.
First raw fires, second approches.

-First moves forward, second fires! God
with you! - Yes, Your Excellency!

- Here, Your Excellency!

- Bring me the musicians!
- Yes!

Tell artillary,
fire without a pause!

The Turks must think we have,
tons of a*tillery.

Vassily Vasilievich, what's
wrong with you?

with your talent you must avoid dying.

I am keeping next to you,
Mikhail Dmitrievich.

- The fellows say you are charmed.
- So?

Maybe the charm will
spread onto me too.

Don't jinx it!

- Nice.
- Yes, the devils.

Fellows from Valdimir!

To the battle!

Ak-pasha is clever like a fox.

This new row

will lessen their loss.

And does not let us take aim.


Take your Cossacks

and cut off the road to Kazandyk.

All clear, Mikhail Dmitrievich.

-Nikolai Grigorievich?
- Yes?

Take Vassel from the rear.

Yes, sir.

It looks like the Turk?

He's got a white flag.

And rascal Kozyr is chasing him.

He will slash him down.


Stop Kozyr immediately.

- Vessel-pasha asks to stop the battle, general.
- Stop the battle?

But I have not seen the signal
of the white flag.

Your Excellency.

The turks raised the white flag.
I saw it myself right there!

A horse!


Your... Your Excellency...


A scarb.

I cannot hear anything, Lyapunov.

I lost my voice.

I lost it.

But you've won instead!

The sabre of Vissel-pasha?


And where is he?

Under the big mound.

... is waiting.


Bring him over to me.

Hello, General.

I got your sabre.

How many troops did you have?

35 000 and 115 weapons.

[in Turk].

[ in Turk]

He says, that Turkey is doomed
today. Such is the will of Allah.

You faught bravely.

We soldires did our duty.

But Russian soldiers win against
most courageous enemy, General.


I charge you and Bulgarian troops

to guard the c*ptive generals
and officers.

You have earned the honour with
your heroism.

Goodbye, mon generale.

- What scamp! - Who?
- Pashi.

To give up such a position
with such an army!! Eh?


What's there?

Where are they going?

The sh**t stopped.


Here you go, from the General Skobelev
the sabre of Vessel-pasha.

The Turks gave up.

And now

it will be quiet indeed at Shipka!


Whatever they say about us, Strukov

we are the ones who are fighting.

And our sins in front of
the commandment

God will forgive.

People won't forget.

Let horses rest and eat

and start the attack in one hour.

- Direction of the march - Andrianople.
- Good.


Gurkov crossed the Balkans.

He took Sofia

and is chasing Suleiman on the southern
flank of the Balkan range.

Suleiman might get to Andrinople.

- Rest there. - And gain a foothold.
- Right, Strukov.

That's why we need to
come before Suleiman.

We will eat bread together now

The Bulgarians and Russians

In need and trouble

In grief

in joy



And now, to Constantinople (Tsargrad).


Brilliant success, your Majesty.

Charlu is taken.

80 milestones until Constantinople.

Do you hear it, Duke?

80 milestones until Constantinople.

For these 80 milestones

We would have to cross swords with
another two-three enemies.

What enemy?

All the Turk troops are defeated.

But who are not defeated

are completely fresh, as far as I know

troops from Austria, England
and Germany.

The English squadron of the admiral
Sir Hornby

just left Malta with
the course to Istanbul.

The Western states have given us

an ultimatum.

Aleksandr Mikhailovich

And Bismarck offered his service
as a mediator.

Yes, the honest broker wants to profit
as well from the Balkan fire.

We must make peace with Turkey.


Before the West recovers from
the astonishment and surprise

We must sign a bilateral
treaty with Porta.

We must notify Europe about this
as a completed act.

And the troops?

What should we do with the troops?

- Forward, fellows! Hurray!
- Hurray!!!

Your Excellency!

General Totleben and General Gurko
are coming to visit us.

And Radetsky?

What's the matter?



You must stop the attack,
Mikhail Dmitrievich.

Everyone did. But you?


To stop?

How is it possible, your Excellency?

An order by telegram
from St Petersbourg.


A signal to the trumpeters to stop,
everyone to the reserve column!


I am guilty without guilt
in front of you.

We are not afraid
of an honest battle.

But we should not loose
blood because of

the cunning of the enemy!

I order you

To stop!

You've done all you could
in the power of men!

And Russia will remember

with pride

the glorious sons

who went thousands milestones

toward the very sin

And in broken boats

they cross the Danube
like swans.

Like eagles they flew over
the mountain tops of the Balkans

Like heros from the fairytales

you suffered from the trials of nature!

Despite the fierce winter

you've crossed the Balkans

took over the second capital
of the Turks


and came to the shores of Bosphore

to the very walls of Tsargrad (Istambul)

You've helped your brothers Bulgarians

to win over
a century old enemy!

You have freed Bulgaria from
the Turkish yoke for good!

Glory to you!
Glory to the mother Russia!

Years will pass

and our heirs will say

here passed the Russian troops

and resurrected the glory of Rumyantsev




Here you left your lives for the
glory of the dear Fartherland.

You swore allegiance to Russia.

and kept your word until your grave.

Nothing thr*aten you, no wave,
no menacing bullwark.

Without fear you joined the battle,
which was right and true.

"To the Heroes of Shipka"
from units 3 of the Ukrainian front
if the victorious Red Army 1944

[Sleep in peace Russian eagles.]
September 1944
[The heirs remember and multiply your glory].

Glory! Glory!

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