Hangman's Knot (1952)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Hangman's Knot (1952)

Post by bunniefuu »


Thought for sure there'd
be another stage coach.

Not this time.
That's our wagon, all right.

Remember, don't hit that
dynamite too soon.

I can't do it.

Can't do what?

I can't see the marker.

Been in these blazing rocks
so long, I can't see.


(g*ns FIRING)

Briggs? Schroeder?

They got Ramsay.
I've seen it.

Check the others.
They can't all be dead.

I'm afraid they
got Schroeder, too.

Jamie, go get the mules.
Look over the blue coach.

There's only four boxes of gold.

Get that gold on the pack mules.

Major, over here, quick!

He's alive.

I didn't sh**t him.

Just shot the g*n
out of his hand.

What do we do?

I don't know. We can't take prisoners,
we've got no medicine.

We'll need water and food
to make him comfortable...

Their horses are still around.
I'd like to make it back to Carson City.

Put that away.
Help me get him against that rock.

Cass, you and Egan get the gold out of that wagon, quick.

Captain, we're
Confederate soldiers.

On special duty from
the Army of Northern Virginia.

Better keep me alive, Reb.
You're going to need me.

Need you? Why?

Well, what's he trying...

I thought you might want this.

Thanks Egan.

What were you trying to tell us?

The w*r is over.

You got licked, Reb.

You're lying.
Lee would never give up.

Over a month ago.

Lee surrend...

You better keep me alive.

He was lying.
Just trying to keep us here.

He was lying, that's all.


We'll keep our meeting with Captain Peterson.
We'll know the truth then.

They told me you
had been under fire.

I was.

Five and half days.

And you never k*lled a man.

I don't know.

No, sir.

I want you with us
when we get home.

You won't be...

MAN: Hey, Matt! We're here.

Somewhere between here and the Texas border,
you're going to have to grow up.


Just about given you up.

You're in sight
for sore eyes, Major.

All of you.

Everything came off all right,
didn't it?

We lost three men.

We got the gold over a quarter
million dollars worth.


It would be worth 3,000 men to the Confederacy...
We can...

How long have you been here?

Here? Right here?

- Right here.
- Too long Major.

Now let's get that gold into the medicine
wagon and you fellas dust outta here.

Time's your problem now.

Where were you before
you came up here?

Why? What's the trouble, Major?

Not sure.
Where were you?

I was movin' around.
Gettin' known.

Virginia said it was my last stop three weeks ago.

Then I will have to tell you.

The gold isn't worth even six men to the Confederacy.

There isn't any Confederacy.

I wanted to ride out and warn you,
but it was too late.

I was sure it was too late.

If I'd have left here,
I'd have missed you for sure.

I wasn't gonna take it for myself.
I was...

We've heard enough.

You knew where we
planned to attack.

You had time to come out
and stop it.

- To save the lives of over a dozen...
- (g*n FIRES)

Don't ever try that again.

What did you say?

The w*r is over.
There's no army, no rank.

Don't ever use your hands
on me again.

Listen to me, all of you.

The w*r is not over for us.

Those dead men back there
were Nevada volunteers.

This whole territory
will be swarming with posses.

Men, home from the w*r,
and they're not going to believe a word we tell them.

We needed Petersen,
but he's dead.

Till we get outta here,
someone's gotta give orders.

So if we're gonna have trouble from you,
let's have it now.


We have to let
these horses blow.

We'll camp here till nightfall.

I guess I lost my head, Matt.

What's happened to you?

Is it that easy to k*ll a man?

Well, isn't it?

What else have we been doing for the past five years?

Petersen had it coming.

Is that all it takes?

You've changed.

A lot more than you think.

Well, you haven't.

You've known me for 10 years and you never
stopped trying to cut me down to your size.

Take care of your horse.

I'll take over, Cass.

Coffee's still hot.


I ain't been thinking
about coffee, boy.

Thank you.

That razor's not as sharp as it was,
but it's yours.


Whiskers just grow right back
in the end.

Well, we've buried
the Confederacy.

We've talked about everything
but what's really on our mind.

Anybody talked about that yet?

About what, Cass?

If you don't know,
you ain't human.

The gold?

You're human.

What do you think we should do?

Well, it ain't
as if we stole it.

It came into our hands
as part of the w*r.

For me...

I am to take a share
home with me.

Anybody got a better suggestion?

Egan, how do you feel about it?

It'd be hard to see wrong in keeping it,
when a few hours ago

there was no wrong
in k*lling for it.

What else was there to do?

Give it back to the rotten
Union government?

They'd probably
hang us for thanks.


We'd probably get strung up
for thieves in any case.

Is that what you wanna do?

To give that stuff back?

That's what won the w*r,
not courage or being in the right.

Just gold.

If the Union wants it back,
they'll have to fight us for it.

Keeping it for ourselves
is something else.

If the South is still there
maybe she could use it.

Not my share, Major.

If the w*r's over, it's over

and there ain't nothing that...

Coming home, dear Bessie.

This time, for good.

No more wandering off,
I promise you.

I'll even go to church with you this Sunday,
like you always wanted.

We'll ride up high.

All the folks will look at you like it was the Queen of the May.

- Why, you'll be wearing...
- I've heard all that I can take.

(g*ns FIRING)

Another posse.
Drop those flaps.


(g*ns FIRING)

If I tap on the canvas
come out sh**ting.


Morning, Gentlemen!

Got you anything
to drink in that cart, doc?

Sure thing.

Yeah, has that hogwash
got any alkey in it?

Open up, Doc.

Why don't you give a good doctor a chance
to answer some of them questions?

I just borrowed this, Doc.

I lost my sombrero this morning.


You'll buy it.
It'll cost you five dollars.

Hey, he's got a price for
everything, ain't he?

You are Doc Collins, ain't you?

That I am, sir.
Who are you?

We're deputies, friend.
Deputized fresh this morning.

And we're gonna look you over.

Help yourself, help yourself.

Give me a hand, Smitty.

You wouldn't be after the g*ng that held up that gold shipment?

How'd you know
about that, friend?

Why, you're got to
miss the hanging.

They were bringing them in when I came through Salt Flats.

- Yo-hoo!
- Whoa!

Come on!
Let's get outta here.

- That was too close.
- Yeah.

Major, what would have happened if they looked in the back?

We'll have some rope to go with that if we don't think fast.

They'll be back looking
for this wagon.



All right. Pull 'em up.


Wrong coach boys,
all I got is people.

You got some more people now.

How many in there?

Two. Man and a woman.

And one of them is very pretty.

Traveling alone, Miss?

She's my fiancee.

Jamie, get between them.

I reckon who you are now.
And I don't like it.

You don't have to like it

MATT: Did he have a g*n?

I was just fixin' to look.


You got one too, Miss?

Search her.

Looks like army.

Union army.

She was a nurse.

Doesn't she ever talk?

Get on with it.

Well, she doesn't have a g*n.

Come on.
Use that whip.

(g*n FIRING)





Drop them! Inside!

Why drag us into this?
At least let her go!

(g*ns FIRING)

Careful over there.

Come on, you over here.

You two, come on, over here!

Jamie! Close that door!

Heya, coming aback!

Go on. And somebody
get that coach?

Miss, he's got a b*llet in him.

How many out there?

Five, I think.

Let's see if I can make it four.

If we have to k*ll to get out of here,
we'll do it. But I'll tell you when.

Check that back room.

How bad is it?

I can get the b*llet out,
but not here on the floor.

Oh, I'm not hurt.

I was just scared.

Sure, you scare easily.


Hey, Quincey!


You might have k*lled him,
you knot head.

Huh... You mean I didn't?

Well, you better hope that he's still alive.
That I get a chance to talk to him.

Then you can do with him as
you want to.

MATT: Hey, out there!

Get him into the shed there.

Pour some water on him.

We're listening.

We've got two coach
passengers in here.

Give us our man
and we'll turn 'em loose.

All right, turn them loose.

Bring the man out.
Where I can see him.


Now listen who's
giving the orders.

Man, we don't have
to make no deal.

You can stay holed up until
judgment day. We can wait.

Finish tying 'em.

I've got a bad shoulder, son.

If you want my hands
back of me like hers

you'll have to break
a couple of bones first.

What did they do with Cass?
k*ll him?

I don't know.

How many out there?

Three maybe four they're up
in the rocks.

The bleeding stopped.

I'll need something
to probe with.

Will you get it? Or shall I?

Go ahead.

- I want to tell you...
- I don't want any thanks.

I wouldn't help if I had
a choice.

A nurse doesn't have one.

I'm afraid I'll live.

Good, we may need you.

You'll find the scissors in the right side of that cupboard.

MATT: I'll take the g*n.

What were you planning to do with this against four of us?

We'll be gone before midnight
and while we are here

there's no harm intended
toward any of you.

Try to remember that.

Seen anybody ride away back
the way we came, Jamie?

Nobody has rode off any

I think they smell gold, Jamie.

I'll need some help.

MATT: There's a man in there.
He'll help you.


You want me to douse him again?

Well, don't drown him,
we got plenty of...

MATT: All right, you win.

You ready to come out?

We are ready to
give you the gold.

Isn't that what your after?

You got it with ya?

We are not that crazy
we left it back there.

Over a quarter million.

Let us go and it's all yours.

We left it practically on top
of the ground.

Let us send back for it or it
won't be there.

It won't be where?

Make us a deal.

All right.

You tell us where it's at

and there won't be nothing left of us but a cloud of dust.

Now you know that.

Oh, no, I don't.

Then there's nothing we
can do about it.

You either take that gamble
or you don't, one.

That's up to you.

Well, you taking that chance?

MATT: All right, I'll take it.

Did you find the wagon?

Sure did, and drank some of
that good elixir.


Take 30 paces from the
front of the wagon.

And turn right, 20 more.

The gold's there with some
sand tossed over it.

We can go now, huh, Reb?

I didn't expect you to take my word for it.

Send a man to look.

He can be back by morning.

Sure we'll do just that.

Here's the b*llet.
He'll be whistling that song again soon enough.

And tell me,

what happens when the man they send comes back with the bad news?

(g*ns FIRING)

MAN: We're still here,
all of us.

And we are staying.

Does it surprise you to find
people who aren't like you?

They are doing just
what I counted on.

But what are we like?
Go on, tell us.

She can't and neither can I.

What is a man like who would
sh**t down a dozen men?

What men?

What men?

Nevada volunteers.

The gold train convoy.

How many dead?

MAN: Every last one.


OLD MAN: Margaret,

maybe he...

He might have, uh...

Your son?


My grandson.

- Might make you feel better...
- Get away from me!

I want you to hear this.

If your son is dead it's
because he was a soldier.

If he was k*lled,
it was by another soldier.

Eight of us came up here
to Nevada six weeks ago.

The w*r was still going on then.

We had been ordered to attack
a convoyed gold shipment.

We carried out those orders.

Over a dozen men were k*lled.

Union and Confederate soldiers.

It wasn't till afterward that
we learned that...

That the w*r had ended.

Now that's a tall one.

And being good, honest soldiers

you left the gold and reported yourselves to the nearest Union army post.

No, we decided to go home.

And take the gold with us.

I wanted to tell you what happened because I thought it might help you.

Nevada is full of you Confederate deserters and your lying excuses

for being what you are.

OLD MAN: Margaret, please.

Don't say no more.

My son wasn't the first.

You k*lled my husband too.

At Gettysburg.

Don't pay her no mind.

Get the fire going now,
that cool oil!

Hey, what happened to Maxwell?

I don't know.



Somebody calling me?

Come here!

Boys let's get this straight.

Nobody is leaving here.

Now go get the rest of them horses and bring them right over here.

From now on that's where they
stay, all of them.

And when we do leave here.

We're all leaving together.

He talks pretty big, don't he?

You think maybe that Reb
was telling the truth?

All that gold lying back there?

Just waiting for some prune picker to stumble over?


I wouldn't try riding off to
find out if I were you.

Who said anything about
riding off?

I did.


- Hey, Quince!
- Yeah?

Come on, you're awake.

Wait a minute don't kick a man when he's down it ain't sporting.

Besides he's going to answer
some questions.

Nice and straight.

Now start with the gold.
Where is it at?

I said where's the gold?

I don't remember,
I'm all fogged up.

It's in the house there,
ain't it?


No, we left it behind.


I don't know.
I can't think.

Ah, it's no use
he's passed out again.


You know why I told them
that, don't you?

That we were...
That I was your fiancee?

Thought it would be safer
for you that way.

Maybe I was trying to push you
into making up your mind.

The right way.

All right, Jamie,
let's try it again.

Rolph, go ahead.

MAN 1: Wrong again!

Wasn't nobody there!

MAN 2: We ain't in no hurry.

MAN 3: We are going to wait
for you to come out.

The moon will be down
in a few minutes.

Can that rear door be opened
without too much noise?

Oh, it's been quiet enough
to suit me.

I don't want to put gags
in your mouths.

I won't, if you give me
your words you'll be quiet.

You can have our word.

My daughter doesn't mind.

You speak for yourself.

Anything I can do to see you

southern butchers k*lled,
I'll do it.

Jamie, come over here.

Come on, you leave that one to
Puss, belle.

Take a good look at
the southern butcher, ma'am.

He's never k*lled in his life.

But he watched Sherman's men burn his
farm to the ground and k*ll his whole family.

- He hid in a cane break and saw his own...
- Don't, Egan!

Leave her alone.

I spoke my peace.

Start getting ready.

A gag isn't a very
pleasant thing, ma'am.

If you have to go out weighted
down like mules

you won't get far.

You can have my word,
to keep silent.

We plan to avoid 'em, ma'am.

Not outrun 'em.

Do I have your word?

You have it.

I'll give you my word
because I believe you.


You still don't know
the w*r is over.

None of you know what it means or you would have left that gold behind.

Oh, stop it, Molly!
They've known it was over

since the day it ended.

We're going now, ma'am.

I wish there was something
I could...

What the major told you
was true.

You've got to believe
that, ma'am.




We'll get to the horses
in the corral.

Hey! They're going out
the back way!

The back way!

(g*ns FIRING)


We ain't as soft
horn as you thought are we?

We'll take care of him later.

I'll count on that.

Cover that window.

He's hurt bad.

We wanna get on home.

You come out with your hands up and
we'll take you to the sheriff in Carson City.

Yeah! In boxes!

What you wanna say that for?

Well, any cactus head would know

they ain't coming out of there until we go in and get em.

You think so, huh?

I know so.

I've seen a nice fat hay rope up over in that corral,
how'd you like to go in and get it?

Has he got a chance?

I don't know.

We can keep him warm.

Hot compresses may keep
the infection down.

But I can't get the b*ll*ts out.

If he dies,
there sits the reason.

What are you planning
to do about it?

I didn't believe you
and I still don't.

I did what I thought was right.

Bring those rags here.

Gag him!


You ought to be grateful
I don't k*ll him.

He gave his word and broke it.

Do you like him for it?


I hope you mean it,
you've got to live with him.

Somebody's got to be
in there with Egan.

She'll be in there.

Hey, Reb.

We got a friend of yours
out here.

Have a look!

Did you ever see a hangman's
knot before?

Well, have a good look!

You got about half
a minute to come out.

Your boy here says you didn't know the w*r was over.

Well here's your chance to come out and prove it!

Got 20 seconds.

Then I'm gonna butt that horse.

Stay in there!

MATT: Wait!

Give us a half minute
to talk it over.

All right.

Any dynamite left in your pouch?

One or two sticks.

When I throw the
first one cover me.


(g*ns FIRING)



Told you we should have burned them out in the first place.

Yeah, I guess you were right.

It's smarter if you
do it my way.

I've been in that station,
I know what I'm talking about.



I was hoping there would be some of them around here.


I thought we'd give 'em to them.

Well, go ahead!

Can't you tell when
a man is joking, boy?

After you get cleaned up.

You and Jamie get some sleep.

You can relieve Rolph and me
in a couple of hours.

Yes, sir.

I guess I don't have
to tell you that

them ain't deputies out there.

Just a bunch of drifters.

Do they... Do they know
the gold's in here?

You got 'em confused.

If they ever find out though and

get their hands on it,

there ain't gonna be nobody
left alive in here to tell.

You got any plans?


We go out sh**ting,
sometime tomorrow.

Wish I hadn't asked.

We'll tunnel under here.


It's gotta be quiet.

Can I get you something?

- Something to eat?
- It ain't no use son.

There ain't nothing you nor anybody else can do for her.

- Well, I thought maybe...
- I know how you feel.

But this ain't anything
to do with Murphy.

When her man was k*lled
her boy joined up.

He never come home again.

And she made herself old and miserable and sick

with hating ever since.

I've learned to leave her be.

But she still gotta eat
and so do you.

It'd be simpler if you
just let me fix it, son.

You know you don't look
much like a cook to me.

- Well, I don't know but...
- Look, son,

that story your major tells
is pretty hard to get down.

But I reckon you've got your right to try and prove it,

which you won't get from that g*ng of cut backs out there.

So last night

I decided to be neutral
in this hegboo.


I'm powerful hungry.

Well I'd like to untie you,

MATT: Untie him, Jamie.

Well, I'm much obliged to ya.

Don't mention it.

You didn't ask for my word.

Didn't I?

Well you've got it!

And if you want proof?

I keep a g*n right
beneath this table.

And I could have got it
anytime last night.

You mean

this one?

Buckwheats and coffee
on the way.

Jamie, ungag him
and give him some water.

I'd like to let you free, too.

But it's up to you.

I'll stay as I am.

He's out of his head.



They've got enough wood out there
to light us up every night for a month.

That means we have to leave in broad
daylight which might as well be today.

The longer we're here,
the more danger to them.

We'll start out this rear door

to draw them away
from the front.

Then cut back inside
and go out that door.

If we could take that shed,
we'll have a chance.

Their horses are behind it.

Sounds like sure death to me.


Is there any other way?

All right, that's it.

We'll eat,
wait an hour and then go.

Get your g*ns ready.


Give our friend here
a fresh gag.

Wait a minute.

I wanna talk to you.

As long as you are here you will be kept gagged and tied.

But it's got nothing
to do with that.

This is important for you.

Calm down, she's asleep.
What's on your mind?

You're planning to sh**t your way out of here sometime today.

But if you do,
your lives won't be worth a Confederate dollar.

Hey, watch your talk there, boy.

You'll give us a better way
for a price?

That's right.

How much would two
of those bars weigh?

About 50 pounds.

That's over 20,000 dollars.

See my coat over there.

It's got two inside pockets,
put one bar in each pocket.

And when I leave here.

No one has to know
there's anything in it.

No one at all.

If you can show us a way to get out of here alive you'll get your price.

No one's to know.

Now or later.

You have our word
now hurry it up.

Untie my hands
I have something to give you.


In my pocket.

I'm a beef contractor.
I know this country like a book.

There's a tribe of Paiute Indians in these hills not ten miles from here.

Their chief gave me that.

Now you show that to him.

Tell him you've come from
Lee Kemper...

The Indians were
hostile during the w*r.

How were you so friendly?

Well, my job was to buy beef.

The army didn't ask
where I got it

and I didn't ask the Indians.

Give him that
and you'll get horses

and a guide and all the food
and water you'll need.

You'll be in Texas
before you know it.

What's the matter?

We're in here, a dozen cut throats out there.
You're just wasting our time.

Oh, I'm not through yet.

Sometime today or tonight,

this pass will be hit
by a flash storm.

Rain so thick
you can't see 10 feet.

Does that interest you?

I was told this is a dry season.

It is. Rain will only last
about 10 minutes.

Look out that window.

Those clouds only mean
one thing to a Nevadan.

Ask the old man there,
he'll tell you I'm right.

What's the matter?
Something bothering you?

Here's when you get a dose of your own Yankee medicine.


Why don't you ask your friend here what's in his coat over there?


What does he mean?

That's what I'd like to know.

Now he's just trying
to start something.

Just a minute.

There's some gold in that coat
I had it put there.


To carry it,
I plan to take the coat.

Is this true Lee?

I suppose so, how should I know?

What did you do for it, Lee?

Are you gonna
let this crazy fool...


Molly! Molly, listen to me!

You didn't change.
I just never knew you.

He had it coming.

Yes, he said that
about Petersen, too.

Listen, I made my deal with you and it's up to you...

Bring that up again.

Tell her he was lying and make
this crazy fool back you up.

Did you come in here
to salvage a bargain?

Yes, that's about it.

I owed it to him.

He gave us back our lives.

He also got over 20,000 dollars.

Most women would be happy
with a windfall like that.

Your southern ladies?

I shouldn't have said that,
I'm sorry.

Please go now.

You've made your effort.
It's not your fault it didn't succeed.

I'm afraid I'm not even sorry.

Maybe it will turn out we
did you quite a kind of favor

bringing the two of you in here.

You've done nothing
for me at all.

You never retreat
an inch, do you?

Yes, whenever I'm wrong.

- I hadn't any plans to...



Good, good.
Take it real slow now or they'll hear for sure.

A little early, ain't you.

I couldn't sleep.

I'll take over.

How is he?

If he pulls through
it will be your doing.


Don't come near me.

I only want to talk to you.

I never done you any harm.

Why are you afraid of me?

We're not outlaws,
we're soldiers.

I was an officer.

I want to talk to you, ma'am,
and I intend doing it.

Nobody's going to hurt you.

Just hold quiet.

No one's gonna do you any harm.





I've had enough.



If there's anything more
from you, I'll k*ll you.

You understand?

I'll k*ll you.

Cass, give him his g*n back.

He ought to have it
took away from him.

Why I think he'd just leave,
sh**t you in the back, and spit.


Give it to him.

You and Jamie,
take your two hours.

Cover that window.


I've spent the past
couple of hours,

trying to figure how
to tell you why we...

I'm all right.

You've no need to apologize.

Apology was for myself,
not Rolph.

You were a soldier.

You had every right to
try to get home alive.

(g*ns FIRING)



Maybe I'd better
learn to knock...

Come in, Cass.

Who'd you like
to try next, Jamie?

Major! We're gonna need
his g*n to get out of here.

Get out!

(g*n FIRES)

Leave it alone, Rolph.

Drop it Rolph, drop it.

He tried to k*ll you.

Look out!


You took a big chance there.


When I had that noose
around my neck out there

I started to give
myself up for dead.


Guess I ain't over it yet.

We're gonna burn 'em out.

Start throwing that wood.

That ought to hold it down.

Where's that storm
we paid you for?

I've been wondering when
they'd get around to that.

Jamie, get some buckets.

I'll get you some.

I just concluded not to be neutral.
If its all right with you.

Fine with me.

Jamie, help me with this.

Got to get rid of some
of this gold.

If they don't find it,
you'll be safe.

Don't worry,
nobody's going to get their hands on it.

It's going back
where it come from.

Cass, untie them.

You so much as bat an eye

I'll sh**t it right
out of your head.

Come on, get over there.

You can't stay over here, ma'am.
You gotta get over there by the door.

Look out, Major.

He's dead.

Aren't you going to
let us out of here?

If it's possible to stay
it out, we're going to.

Otherwise I'll get you out in plenty of time,
all of you.

Well, at least untie my hands.

Cass, help me with Egan.

Don't sh**t, they were
holding me in there.

All right, we go now.
Out the back window.

Wait, we got to scatter
their horses first

or we won't have a chance.

You won't have a chance
of doing that either.

Come on, get ready.


We'll be gone in a minute.

I don't want this to end here.

But it will. No matter
how you got that gold,

if you take it with you
you're an outlaw.

I know that, but I
intend to get it home.

Then I'm coming
north to find you.

Then don't take it.

Don't go on fighting a w*r
that's already over.

Where will I find you?

You'd better go.

These storms
last only a few minutes.

- You've got to...
- JAMIE: Major...

Cass, he's gone.



Over there.

Get going.


Check that room in there.

All right, where is it?

If you mean gold,
they didn't have none with 'em.

Fletch, who's over there?

Hey, Smitty.


Take it easy.
I'm over here.

Where are you guys?


Let's go.

Maybe we won't have to.

Nothing in there.

You was in that coach,
wasn't you?

Yes, I was.

And where is the gold?

Probably right where
they said it was.

They didn't have it with them.

She's telling the truth.
Let's go.

All right, let's go.

How many you got left?

You heard me.
Where'd the rest of you go?

Take a look.

Come on, you can take us.

There must be three of you left.
Maybe four.

Let's go or they'll get
that gold before us.

They must've been
telling the truth.

Quince, hey Quincey?

Shut up.

You want everybody
after that gold?

Hey, Quincey?

Come on.

You dirty double cross!

(g*n FIRES)



Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, boy.
Whoa, boy. Whoa!


Hurry up, pa,
they might come back.

I guess you're right, Molly.

The w*r is over.

They're coach horses son,
we got no saddles.

Don't need one.

You'll find two more gold bags over there,
better put them with the rest.

Uh, now that you ain't
a rich man no more,

maybe you'd consider
coming back this way.

Coming back?

Nobody knows you here.

You could come back
in a few months.

And the land's good,

over 300 acres of it.

Well, I...

I'd share it with you.

And there's some
mighty good hunting, too.

If you'd like to come back,

you'd be welcome, son.


I'm obliged to you, ma'am.

I'd like to come back.

Don't worry about us, Molly,

this Indian token is our
passage home.
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