My Christmas Guide (2023)

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My Christmas Guide (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's snowing, it's blowing,

this storm has got me goin'

It's howlin',

I'm prowlin'

For something

warm and glowing

Oh, that Old Man Winter

Can be vicious

But we don't have

to be cold

This Christmas

It's gusty

It's blustery, it's freezing

when it's just me

It's chilly, I really

Think we should

stay in, trust me

Oh, that Old Man Winter

Is malicious

But we don't have

to be cold

This Christmas

All right, Max,

today's your big day.

You're going to be great.

Thank you.

Max, head in.

Good boy.

All right, we'll be back

in about an hour.

Got it covered.

- Okay.

- Good luck today, Max.

Max, forward.

Max, find curb.

Find curb.

That's it. Good boy.

Max, forward.

(bell ringing)

But we don't

have to be cold

This Christmas

Girl: Hi, Dad.

Hey, kiddo, how was your day?

Shall we?

You don't need that

when I'm with you.


So, how was your math quiz?

I'm still confused

on the fractions,

and we have a big test

right before Christmas break.

Maybe I can help you.

You stink at math.

That is true, but don't worry,

we'll figure it out.

Hey, Dad.

There's a woman over there

with a seeing-eye dog.

You should get one of them.

A Dog?

No, no.

Why not?

Are you kidding me?

I have a hard enough time

getting through the day

without making

a mess of things;

a dog would

just make it worse.

So, what sounds good

for dinner?

We ordering takeout?

What do you think?

Forward, Max.

But we don't

have to be cold, no

We don't

have to be cold

This Christmas

Honestly, I don't

even know how he did it,

but he managed to get us

tee times for Friday,

Saturday and Sunday.

All the boys are coming -

PJ, Chainsaw, Thurp,

Dudash is flying in.

What's the matter?


You're mad Chainsaw's coming,

that's what it is.

No, I'm not.

Well, something's the matter.

Tell me, please.

That's the weekend of our

company Christmas party, Jeff.

I totally forgot.

My dad's gonna be there.

He was really

excited to meet you.

And all the employees are gonna

be there, clients, friends.

I have a litter of puppies

for the kids to play with.

I'm sorry.

I should-- should I cancel?

I'll cancel.

- I will cancel.

- No, no.

You go

with your friends, okay?

You sure?

Yeah. Just...

You can meet

my dad when you're back.

- Okay?

- Yeah, totally.

- Yeah.

- All right.

Oh, and I'll be all yours for

the rest of the holidays.

Okay, good,

because I have something

special planned for you -

an early Christmas present.


Whatever it is, I can't wait.

Synthetic voice:


Light blue.


Dark gray.

(group chattering)


Man: ...And then, we can access

the top of the column.


That's the important thing.



Pal, you all right?


I don't know.

Uh, am I bleeding?

No blood, but that is

definitely gonna leave a mark.

This is part of the campus

construction, I'm assuming?


And are you the owner of

the construction company?


No, I'm the foreman.

Okay, is the owner around?

Not today.


Oh no, I'm just

wondering if he's well-insured.

You wouldn't sue,

would you?

I-I marked everything.

I put cones out! Look!


Obviously, you didn't put enough

because, somehow,

I managed to walk right past

them and knock myself senseless

on-on whatever this is.

Whoa, whoa,

take it easy, pal.

I'm really sorry.

I'd tell you to use

the side entrance

on the other side

of the building, but...

it's pretty

torn up over there, too.

Thanks for the consideration.

You are too accommodating.


I'll try to do a better job

of blocking

the area off, all right?

Please do.

You want an

ice pack for your head?

- I can run and get you one.

- No.

Just please make sure

this can't happen again.


I will.

This-- this way.


All right.

Okay, thank you.

Thank you.

Okay. You sure?

I don't need time off,

Dr. Shaw.

I know

it's been an adjustment,

and I appreciate your

understanding, but...

truth is, I could teach this

class with my eyes closed.

Poor attempt at a joke.

It wasn't.

I just wasn't sure

if I should laugh.

Another drawback

of having a disability,

I can't even be

self-deprecating anymore.

Look, it's not your

teaching, Dr. Donovan.

I'm just starting

my lessons on Dickens,

and they continue

into the spring.

It's my favorite

part of the class.

Don't make me

give that up.

I'm not making you do anything.

I'm just saying, consider it.

They're just getting

started on construction

and this place is only

gonna get more torn up.

Might be good

to take a break.

Come back next fall,

when the renovation is done.

I know it's been hard.

I'm just trying

to help you out.

We've got a fill-in

professor ready to go.

All you have to do

is say the word.

Thank you, Dr. Shaw.

All right, kiddo,

you all set?


What happened to your head?

Oh, nothing.

I just bumped it.

On what?

I don't know exactly.

There's a big

construction project

going on at the university.

Does it hurt?

A little.

Dad, I want to make sure

you're safe;

that's why I really, really

think we should get a guide dog.

(chuckling) I should have

known that was coming.

If you had a dog, you wouldn't

have hit your head.

All right, that's enough.

Time to get some sleep, kiddo.


but I'm not giving up on this.


(bell ringing)

I don't really understand the

fractions; it's really hard.

Boy: Whoops,

I didn't see you there.


Let's go.

Hi there.

My name is Peyton Lewis.

I'm a guide dog trainer.

The other day, I saw a man

out front with a mobility cane.

He was picking up a girl,

probably 11 or 12.

Yes, she's a student here.

Her father lost

his eyesight not too long ago.

I'm hoping I can leave some

information for them.

It's just about guide dogs

and what they can do to help.

Sure, I'll pass it along.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

Narrator: A Tale of Two Cities

by Charles Dickens,

narrated by Nathan Jenkins.

Chapter 1.

"It was the best of times.

"It was the worst

of times."

Dad, where are you?


Get up.

What's going on?

Is there a fire?

No, everything's fine.

Then, what are you doing?

Making sure

you're always safe.


Good girl. Good.


That's it.

Good girl.

Where are we?

Oh, here.


Katie, do you mind, um...

holding onto her

for a moment?


- (door closing)

- Hi.

Can I help you?


You wouldn't happen to be the

person who left some information

on guide dogs at my

daughter's school, would you?

Yes, that was me.

I was out training one of

our dogs, and I saw you,

and thought

maybe we could help.

Oh, thank you for being

so presumptuous.

Because of that,

my daughter insisted

that we come here today.

That's because my dad

needs a guide dog... bad.

Look at the bump

on his head.

He walked right into a pole

or something at work.


I'm sorry.

This is all just

a little impulsive,

which is not my nature.

No, I completely


Maybe we should

start over.

I'm Trevor,

and this is Annie.

Peyton. Hi.

I'm the founder of Best Friend

Guide Dogs Training Center.

Have you ever had

a guide dog before?

We've never had a dog,

even though

I've always wanted one.

Yeah, that's my fault.

I've just never felt like I had

the time to take one on.

Well, that's understandable.

But a well-trained guide dog

will make your

life more efficient,

keep you safe,

and in no time at all,

be one of the most loyal

friends you've ever had.

Sort of like another

member of the family.

If you like,

you can come to my office

and I can ask you some questions

and find out if

this is right for you.


Thank you.

Right this way.

So, you're legally blind?


And what's the cause?

It's a form of

retinitis pigmentosa.

Which came on over how long?

Well, the real change

was over

the last two years.

That's fast.

Early on,

my symptoms were mild, so I

didn't pay much attention to it.

And then,

there was a rather...

dramatic change over

a short period of time.

Do you still see shapes?

Or how is your

light perception?

I can detect some things -

brighter lights,

windows in the daytime,

that kind of thing.

It's all...

fuzzy and pixelated.

What's your profession?

I'm a professor

at the university.


What do you teach?

Classic literature.

Interesting subject.

Well, you know what

Mark Twain said,

"A classic is a book

nobody reads."


My dad used to read me

A Christmas Carol every year.

I still love that book.

I do, too.

Maybe there's hope

for literature after all.

But to be honest, I'd rather

watch Elf, Dad. No offense.

(mouthing:) Me, too.


Trevor: None taken, kiddo.

I get it.

I mean, who doesn't love Elf?

That's great

storytelling right there.

I think I have a dog

in mind for you.

Would you like to meet him?



Thank you, Katie.

- Here, this is Max.

- Hi, Max.

- (Peyton chuckling)

- Trevor: Hey, there.

You're a good boy, huh?

Uh, Peyton,

are you sure about this?

I am. I knew that Max would be

perfect for you and Annie,

and he seems to agree.


Okay, so, what's the next step?

Well, that's up to you

and your schedule,

but we can start training

as early as tomorrow.

Max needs more training?

No, you do.


I'm not jumping to conclusions.


Well, I think you are.

He chose a golf trip

to Florida with his friends

instead of meeting your dad.

He'll meet him

when he gets back.

He's also missing

the Christmas party.

I know, but...

But what?

It's just there's

more to it than that.

To make a relationship work,

you need to be

each other's first priority.

In my experience,

when a guy starts prioritizing

his friends over you,

you're on a slippery slope.

You two have been

dating for how long?

Almost ten months.

Look, I'm not saying that you

need to jump ship or anything,


you know, don't be

dismissive of these things.

Yeah. I know.

That's good advice.

You should probably have

your own column, you know.

Like, give Dear Abby

a run for her money.

Dear Katie.

Good, right?

It is good.

I like the sound of that.


What do you think, Max?

Oh, oh,

there was a smile.

How am I supposed to get

a feel for it without Max?

Well, I'm going to guide you.

What, you're gonna...

pull me around my neighborhood

while I hold onto a harness?

Pretty much, yes.


- Why?

- No, that's embarrassing.

As embarrassing as falling off

a curb or hitting your head?

My-my-my neighbors

are going to see me.

Trevor, I understand

that this is a pride thing,

but it's also about

something so much more.

This is about your safety

and for being

there for Annie.


my training works.

I have proved it

time and time again.

And I'm not about to

skip any steps with you.

So, what do you say?

Want to give it a try?

Guess so.

Okay, let's go for a walk.



Peyton: Yeah.



As Max approaches

a doorway,

he'll turn in front of you,

just so that you know to stop.

Got it. So, we're...

Door... Okay.

- Just like that.

- Welcome to my spot.

(Peyton laughing)

I-I still have reservations

about all of this.

I mean,

taking care of a dog?

I can barely take care of myself

and my daughter.

Hey, Max has been trained

to be patient and obedient,

but more importantly, he's

trained to be there for you.

Yeah, I know.

You said he'd turn my life

around, but will he really?

I'm worried he's more likely

to turn my life upside-down.

I don't need that again.

Listen, Peyton,

can I be honest with you?

Yeah, of course.

Sometimes, I feel like

I'm barely hanging on;

like I'm on a tightrope

and the smallest thing

could knock me off.


I'm not going to pretend

like I know what

you're going through.

But I can say

this with confidence:

Max is going

to be good for you,

he's going to be good

for Annie.

And I'm going to

make sure of it.


Do you have any

extra toys down there?



Get out here!

I got to show you something!

Early Christmas present!

Come on!

Come on!


I don't know...


Why are you so slow?

Peyton: (laughing)

I'm coming!


Are you ready?

What do you think?


New clubs

for your golf trip?

Not just new clubs.


are the best they make.

These are the

ones Rory McIlroy uses.




I just feel stupid.

I thought you meant that

you got a new present for me,

and I... I mean,

you were banging on the window,

yelling at me to come out.

Yeah, I get it.

- I get it.

- Yeah?

I do. I can see how you would

have interpreted it that way.

I'm sorry.

I just get too excited.

You know, these clubs are

just so hard to find,

especially just

before Christmas.

I just happened to be

at the pro shop today

just as the delivery

truck showed up.

And you know that feeling,

Christmas morning,

when you get

that one thing

you really wanted more

than anything else?


That's how I feel

about those clubs.

But don't worry,

I got something really

special in mind for you, too.

Do you?


Just you wait.

This is gonna be

a Christmas to remember.

Okay, so, let's pretend

it's early morning

and you're just

starting your day.

What you're going to do

is take the harness,

one hand on one side,

one on the other,

and you're going to

put it right at his level.


And you're going to

say, "Max, head in." Okay?

Max, head in.


Good boy.


And then, there should

be a clasp

that goes around his belly.

Can you feel that?


(clasp clicking)

Just like that.

You ready to walk

around the neighborhood?


Do you remember the command?

Max, forward.

(both chuckling)

There's an

intersection coming up.


Max, find curb.

Good boy.


this is a tricky intersection.

There's no

beeping pedestrian signal.

I had a close call here

once with an electric car.

They're so quiet.

I swear they're going

to be the death of me.

Not if you're with Max.

Okay. So, how does he know

when it's safe to cross?

Max won't cross if there's


even if you ask him to.

It's called

intelligent disobedience.

If you say go and there's

vehicles there, he won't.

But if it's clear,

he'll lead you across.

Okay, I think

it's safe to go.

Max, forward.

Yeah, okay, I think

I could get used to this.

No, you're right.

I'm really starting to feel like

Max has kind of got my back.

I'm serious.

He does, okay?

In no time,

you two will be best buds.

So, listen.

Don't take us the wrong way--

Oh, intriguing

lead-in for this.

It's just...

you smell very nice.


Thank you.

Okay. That sounds weird,

doesn't it?

Oh, no, no.

- It sounds weird to me.

- It doesn't.

It doesn't sound weird.

It was a nice thing to say.

Thank you.

If you don't mind me asking,

what perfume do you wear?

It's called Soleil du Matin, I

think. I think that's it, yeah.

"Soleil du Matin." Okay.

Not that I know anything about

perfume, but that is a nice one.

It's very subtle.

That's what

I like about it, too.

It's like a

faint whiff of flowers

in a summer's breeze.

Oh, wow. You're really

diving into this.

Yes, that's...

was what I was going for.

And actually, I'm...

I'm almost out of it.

But I think you have convinced

me to invest in another bottle.

Definitely. You should.

I mean, that's your scent.

Okay, we'll get off

the topic of scents.


Unless you want to

compliment me on how I smell.


Feel free.

I'll take it.

Okay, I'm sorry.

(both laughing)

You smell very nice.

- Is that what you want?

- Thank you.

Yes, please.

Thank you.



Goodnight, Max.

Thanks for everything

you're doing for my dad.

Trevor: Got a call earlier.

Guess what's on its way?

- What?

- Our Christmas tree.

It's coming this weekend.

Oh, my gosh!

I can't wait to decorate it.

Can you help me

with the top part?

Of course.

I'm going to make it

the prettiest

tree we've ever had.

I don't doubt it, kiddo.

Pop the trunk.

- Babe...

- Yay.

Whoo. Thank you for

driving me to the airport.

Yeah, of course.

I cannot believe

this time tomorrow

I'm going to be

on the first tee with the boys.

Yeah, so exciting.

Hey, Chad, um...

my dad was thinking, you know,

because you're gonna

miss the Christmas party,

maybe we could grab dinner

the night after you're back.

That should work.


So, like, Angelino's?

Love it.


I'll make reservations, then.


I really appreciate you being

so cool about this trip.


And don't forget,

I've got something special

in the works for us

for Christmas when your back.

- Yay!

- Let's get you in the air.

This is the part of my routine

that's been giving me

the most trouble.

Well, that's understandable.

Construction can be one of the

most dangerous obstacles

to navigate.

Yeah, it always

seems to be changing,

that's the biggest problem.

I can't visualize the route

because it's always different.

Well, and that's where Max

really proves his worth.

He's a professional


Okay, so,

how do we do this?

Why don't you start by

explaining where we're going?

That way

I can lead us there,

and Max will

learn the destination.

Yes, it's the English building,

in there is my office

and my classroom.

All right,

and is there a break room

or somewhere you have lunch?

- Yeah, there is.

- Okay.

We'll go there and everywhere

else you need to go inside.

Trevor: Bathroom too, I guess,

nearest my office.


Of course.

And once Max

knows all the routes,

he'll be able to navigate safely

through the construction,

even if it's

different every time.

(chattering indistinctly)

Find steps, Max.

My office is

right down this hall.


Hey, Professor Donovan.


how's it going today?

Good, good.

Are you giving a tour?

Yeah, something like that.

This is

my new guide dog, Max.

And this is Peyton Lewis -

seeing eye dog trainer




Nathan here is one of

my brightest students.

Oh, come on, you're

giving me too much credit.

Professor Donovan has

a lot of bright students.

He's too humble, so don't

tell him I told you this,

but he's one of the best

professors I've ever had,

and that's no exaggeration.

Oh, please,

he's trying

to pad his grade.

Well, I got to get to class.

It was nice meeting you.

Yeah, you, too.

Until next time,

Professor Donovan.

Until next time.

Awesome. Bye, Max.

Nathan came up with that as an

alternative to "See you later."

- I like it.

- Shall we?

- Yeah.

- Forward, Max.



Smells like a library

in here.


Don't you love it?

I do.

Cute stuffed animal.

Oh, that's from Annie.

She wanted me to

keep it in my office,

so I could reach out and

touch it and think of her.

Oh, she's so sweet.

You want me to take him?

- Oh, thanks.

- Hey, buddy. Hi.

There's a good spot

in the corner for a day bed,

for Max to

rest while you're working.

Yeah. I was thinking I'd take

him to the classroom each day.

That's entirely up to you.

Max will be perfectly

fine waiting here for you

or he can lie at your feet

during your class.

I just wonder if he's

going to be a distraction

for the students.

Well, I'm sure there will be

some initial excitement,

for sure,

but during your lectures,

Max will be

as quiet as a mouse.

So, it's entirely

your call.

Maybe I'll try it out a couple

times, see how it goes.

Yeah, for sure.

Should we go see the classroom?

It's nearby.

Of course.

- Okay.

- Here.

- I'll take this.

- Max, go with.

Go with.

Good boy.

All right.

Forward, Max.

Is this where

you teach all your classes?

This is it.

Used to be a few

different classrooms,

but the administration shifted

things around to accommodate me.

That's good. That'll make it

easier for both you and Max.



Good boy.

Listen, I hope this doesn't

sound vain at all,

it's just...

in losing my eyesight,

I've also lost

some of my confidence.

Not really in

what I teach,

just in how I'm perceived

by the students.

You think they

view you differently?


How could they not?

It's not like they've had

a bunch of blind

professors before.

I'm the only one

in the English department

and one of two

in the entire university.



If you wouldn't mind

just telling me...

how I look.



And handsome.

That's all

very kind of you to say.

Professor Donovan,

from everything I have seen here

today, one thing is very clear:

your students

are so lucky to have you.

I'm doing fine

in all my other subjects,

but math is getting confusing.

Your dad might have mentioned

something about that.

You know, when I was in college,

I used to tutor kids in math.

I could help you out,

if you want.

- You'd do that for me?

- Yeah, of course.

Why don't we pick a day

and we'll go over

some problems together?

That'd be great.

Thank you.

(glass shattering)

Are you okay in there?

Yeah, yeah, all good.

I just got the water on.

Peyton, you sure

I can't make you a tea

or a hot chocolate, too?

I'm okay.

Thank you.

But I have to

head out in a minute.



Annie, can I

ask you something?


Can you think of anything that

your dad used to love to do

before he lost his eyesight that

he doesn't really do anymore?

(whispering indistinctly)



(dogs barking)

Sandra's just brought Betsy

back; said that she passed

her eight weeks of socialization

with flying colors.


I'm going to get this one

started on the obstacle course

and then some

clicker training.

All right...

What you looking at there?

A friend of Chad's posted

some pictures of their trip.

You wanna see?

Tell me what you think...



Katie: I'm trying not to

jump to conclusions,

but Chad makes

that hard sometimes.

I shouldn't even be

looking at this stuff.

That's also true.

But when it comes

to a boyfriend

that you're

getting serious with,

Dear Katie says

the more you know, the better.

- Come on.

- (Betsy walking)


This is a place

that you're going to want

to come often, all right?

It's completely enclosed

and Max can just run around,

have fun, socialize.


I just let him go?

Yeah. Well, you're going to give

him the cue, "Max, run."


Okay, but first,

you want to make sure

that you unclip

his handle here,

so you he can

run and have a good time.

And then,

when you're ready,

take off his leash

and give him the cue.

And he's got a vest on

with all your information,

so that should be on him

at all times, just to be safe.


Max, run!

Would you like to sit?

- Sure.

- Okay.

(dogs barking)

Hi! Good boy!

Good boy.

Go have fun!

There's a bench

right behind you.


Is Max okay?

Oh, he's having a blast.

Okay, this is going to

take some getting used to.

Hi. Yeah, it'll get easier

with each time you come,

and this would be a great place

to bring Annie, as well.

Not only that,

but I'm here almost every day

with one or more of my dogs.

So, if you want

to schedule a time,

I would be happy

to meet you here.

And when you're here alone,


just know that Max

isn't going to leave you.

I think

I have attachment issues.

Anything that's

important to me,

I have a hard time

letting go of.

I just said yes to

Annie's first sleepover in...

I don't know how long.

She's going to

stay at a friend's house

one night over the break.

It gives me anxiety

just thinking about it.

Well, that's good.

It's... It's progress.


My wife and I divorced

a few years ago.

She quickly fell in love

with this guy

and moved away with him.

It just made me realize that

the things you assume are

permanent fixtures in your life,

they may not be.

And then,

I lost my eyesight.

I could hardly

leave Annie at school.

I just-- I wanted her

by my side all the time.

Her voice, her touch,

her presence,

just knowing she was there,

that's what sustained me.

Yeah, I'm not

out of the woods yet,

but Annie,

she's gotten me this far.

She's a pretty amazing girl.

- Hi, Max.

- Is that Max?

- Yeah.

- Hey.

You're a good boy.

Always reinforce good behavior.

Good boy, Max.

Good boy.

You can go play still.

Go on, go, run.



Christmas music playing)


Hey, girl.


- Hey.

- Hey.

I'd like you to meet my dad.

Oh, I'd love that.

Okay, he's right up here.

Dad, I would like you

to meet Trevor.

He's a friend and client.

Oh, yes, the professor

you were telling me about.

Dr. Lewis.

It's a pleasure.

Your daughter is

a very special person.

It's amazing what

she does with this place.


I'm very proud of her.

Do you know,

when she was just five, I got

her a lab pup for Christmas?


It was the year

her mom passed,

so I knew we'd both

do well with a dog around.

By the end of the day,

she had Bella sitting,

shaking hands,

lying down, rolling over.

When I put Peyton to bed that

night, she said, "Dad, one day,

"I'm going

to be a dog trainer."

She sure did follow through.

Peyton mentioned that

you have a daughter, too.

Is she around?

Yes, Annie.

She's right there,

having another cookie.

Oh, I gave her

a three-cookie limit,

but I'm not sure she always

listens when it comes to sweets.

So, maybe you guys can

help me keep an eye on her.

Will do.

So, Peyton tells me

you are a cardiothoracic

surgeon in Chicago.

That's right.

So, do you have any

advice on how I can avoid

ever needing your services?

Well, maybe avoid

the cookies.

(Trevor chuckling)

Trevor: Okay, got it.


Christmas music playing)

Hi, everyone.

Can I have your

attention, please?

First of all, I just want to

thank all of you for being here.

The dogs we train,

they change lives,

and each

and every one of you

has played an important

role in our success.

Now, this work starts far

before the dogs are even born.

Guide dog parents are

specifically chosen

based on a number of things,

including their breed

and ancestry,

and what that does

is produces puppies

that are literally

born to be guide dogs.

With that said,

I would like to introduce

our newest litter

of future guide dogs.

(crowd gasping)

Oh, my goodness.


- Hi!

- (guests whistling)

Come on!


Good job!

Come on, Winter!


(Peyton chuckling)

Peyton: Aren't they cute?

Now, a few of

our seasoned volunteers

have already signed up to adopt

one of these adorable pups,

but if any of you

have interest,

please talk to me or Katie.

We will be there

every step of the way,

and we will walk you through

the whole process.

Thank you, guys.


(guests applauding)


That was really fun.


It was, wasn't it?

Hey, Peyton,

I'm just gonna drop this off on

the way to my car.

Thank you so much for

all your help tonight.

Of course.

Peyton, even though

we have Max,

can we still adopt one of

your guide dog puppies?

Oh, Annie, let's not

get ahead of ourselves.

I'm still getting used to Max.

But once we really know

what we're doing, can we?

Oh, of course.


if everything's sorted out here,

we should be getting home.

Mr. Donovan,

Annie, I've really enjoyed

meeting you both.

Likewise, Dr. Lewis.

Oh, and thanks

for the reading list.

I'm going to pick one

and get started right away.

Maybe East of Eden.

Great choice.

Steinbeck's magnum opus.

Hey, when you dive in,

give me a call,

we'll chat about it.

Dr. Lewis:

I'd really enjoy that.

Your mother would

be so proud of you.

Thanks, Dad.

I'll see you at dinner.

- Okay.

- Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas.


Ask her, Dad.


- I-- well...

- We were wondering...

We were wondering

if you'd like to

come over tomorrow night

to help us decorate

our Christmas tree.

Are you kidding?

I would love to.


Are you sure?

If you've got

better things to do...

You and Annie

are great company,

and I love

decorating Christmas trees.

Honestly, I couldn't think of a

better way to spend my evening.


All right. Let's go.

See ya.

Annie: The whole thing here.

There we go.

Okay, where--

what do we got?

- Go, yeah, up.

- Trevor and Peyton: Up?


Yeah, there you go.

- Trevor: Okay.

- Peyton: All right.


Christmas spirit.




Right there.


- Trevor: Tell me where to go.

- Peyton: Okay. Slow.

Thank you.

There we go.

- Trevor: Did you do it?

- Yeah. Okay.

Okay. Here we go.

(sighing contentedly)


It's beautiful.

It really is.

Hey, babe.

Good to hear your voice.

Yeah. How's your big

golf weekend going?

Great. New clubs took my game

to the next level.


That's good.

I saw some pictures

that Chainsaw posted.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. Um, who were those--

those girls?

What girls?

Peyton: The ones that weren't

wearing a whole lot,

that you had

your arms around?

Oh, yeah, them.

Um, they worked

for the drink cart,

and we were just stopping by

to grab some cold ones.

Chainsaw said,

"Why not get some pictures?"

Just some benign fun.

Nothing for you

to worry about.

Yeah, okay.

Um... remember to send me

your flight info, please,

because I have

to pick you up.

Yeah, here's the thing, we're

thinking of extending the trip.


How long?


two or three days.

Four tops.

Ah. So, four.

Dolphins are playing

the Bills Monday night.

We hooked into some tickets,

we figured,

while we're in the area,

why not play Jupiter Hills?

Is that, like,

a golf course or something?

Only one of the best

in Florida.

And the weather's

looking great all week.

It's 80 degrees here

all the time.

What's the problem?

It's just

my dad's in town, Chad,

and we were

gonna go out for dinner.

And not only that,

but I have something

planned for us on Wednesday.

Oh, yeah, I, um,

totally spaced.

I'm sorry. Um...

If you want me to,

I can come home.

No, no. We've been

through this before, and...

it's fine.

You're with your friends

and just make the most of it.

We can go out with my dad

the next time he's in town.

Bank on it.

And listen, babe,

you're the best,

I mean that.



We're at the harbor.

Where's that bench?

There it is.

This is the bench with a view of

the bay, right near Bennie's.

It is.

The Port Authority

is down left a ways.

Right behind me

is Jellybean Row,

and on top of the hill,

St. John's Basilica.

You see it perfectly.

Annie and I used to order

French fries from Bennie's.

They'd give us a big bag,

and we'd sit right here,

watching the fishing boats,

sharing fries, and just talk.

She'd tell me everything.

We'd make these big plans about

things we wanted to do together.

Things like what?

Oh, she had

a thing for Paris.

She still does.

And I told her, one day,

I would take her to

see the Eiffel Tower

all lit up at night.

That's going

to be a great trip.

Come on.

I can't do something

like that with her now.

Navigate a foreign city?

It'd be a disaster.

Trevor, you can do anything

that you could before.

If you want to take Annie to

Paris, I think you should.

I don't know.

You know, when I started

losing my sight,

my worst fear wasn't that

I wouldn't be able to see,

as terrifying

as that was;

it was that I was going to

let down my daughter,

that I wouldn't be able

to deliver as a dad.


Think about where we are.

You know, this was one of your

favorite places to bring Annie,

and you just

described it perfectly.

You know, anything that

you did together before,

you can still do.

And things that you dreamed of

doing, you can do those, too.

I hope so.

Annie told me about a place

you also loved to go to.

Yeah, where's that?

Well, you and Max are

gonna have to follow me.

Come on.

Forward, Max.

Peyton: Okay, now there's a

stair coming up in front of you.

Hey, Max, find stair.

Peyton: Good.


Wait a minute.

Is this

the Bull and Barrel?

- You got it.

- (chuckling)

Wow. Yeah, I used to come to

this place all the time.

It's the best

music venue in town.

Well, that's why

we're here.


What you feel

is what you see...

I think I got this.


The bar is right

over here.


The stage is

in front of me.

There's some games in the back

corner, if you're feeling lucky.

There's a step here.

There it is.



I always used to sit

right up close to the stage.

There's a little

bench over here.

It's still there.

- I reserved it for us.

- You did?


I called the manager, Eddie,

and he said that

you were one of the biggest

local music fans around.

He also said that, if you hadn't

have taught literature,

you might have been

a pretty good music critic.

Might be my second act

one day.


(light rock music playing)

Max, here.

There's a musician

who's just about to go on.

Eddie said he thinks

you'll like him.

Peyton, you planned

all this?

Well, it was your

daughter's suggestion.

(acoustic guitar strumming)

Take those pictures down

off the shelf

Faded photographs,

faded looks

File this life away,

let it drop

Tainted memories,

time to stop

'Cause I'm not

going anywhere


Well, I better get going.

I'm meeting my dad

for dinner.


please tell him I said hello.

Yeah, I will.

What a great time, Peyton.

I just can't thank you enough.

Yeah, it was my pleasure.

Hey, I don't want to come across

as presumptuous again,

but tomorrow night,

I got this cooking class

for my boyfriend Chad--

well, for the two of us,

but he extended his golf trip,

so I have an open spot,

and I thought maybe

you'd be interested.

Did Annie put you up to this?

She's got to be sick and

tired of takeout by now.

No, no.

This was actually my idea.

The chef

comes to your house.

I'm excited about it.

And I thought--

I thought you might enjoy it.

I mean, I was going to do it

at my house,

but we could do it here

just as easily.

Yeah, that actually

sounds really fun.

Okay. Goodnight.


Max, find stairs.

There's just a real comfort

level between us, you know?

I-I love the way

he perceives the world.

It's made me look

at things differently.

You gonna make me

state the obvious?


He's also

extremely attractive.

Sure, there's that,

but there's more to it.

But he's also

a really nice guy?

He is,

and watching him

with his daughter,

it's pretty adorable.

He's just such a good dad.

I can tell you...

you really like this guy.


No, I've seen

the two of you together;

there's something there.

Okay, he's a client

and I'm in a relationship.

Yeah, maybe under different


Hey, when it

comes to relationships,

you follow your heart.

And if this situation

complicates that... change it.



How's it looking?

Oh, fantastic.

You're a natural.

- That's amazing.

- Trevor: Okay. (chuckling)

Okay, so, let's move on. Um,

let's put some oil in the pan.


Where were we here? Uh...

- Chef: There, perfect.

- Trevor: Good.

Chef: Yeah.

- Okay.

- Chef: Okay.


About how much?

I do

about three swirls.

Okay, try starting

with the size of a pancake.

And then,

just get smaller as you go.


Okay. Swirling, swirling.

Chef: Yeah, nice.

There you go. Perfect.


Okay, and now,

we're gonna saut the onions.


- So...

- Chef: There you go.

- I'm touching the food.

- That's okay.

You think chefs

don't touch your food?

It's all good.

Okay. So...

Chef: Perfect.

I'm finding the pan.

There you go.

- Got it. Okay, I'm...

- Chef: Perfect.

- ...going for it.

- Chef: Oh, look at that.

- Amazing.

- Trevor: Oh, good.


Yes, perfect.

And you'll be able to know

when they're sauted;

the smell goes

from this, like,

raw and bitter sort

of taste to almost sweet.

Chef: Mmm.

Oh, it's smelling good already.


I'm a cook!

(Chef laughing)

- Peyton: Thank you.

- Trevor: Go ahead.

I gotta say, you guys just make

the most adorable couple.

- Oh.

- Oh.

Uh, no, we're not--

we're not a couple.

But I thought you said

that this cooking class

was for your boyfriend.

Yes, but I am

not him.

He's still out of town.


Oh, did that sound bad?

That sounded bad.

I didn't mean it

like that.

- I just--

- Hey, I'm staying out of it.


Okay, uh...

We should save

a plate of this for Annie.

She's gonna be hungry when

she gets home from ballet.

She is going

to be impressed.


She's gonna be shocked.

"What? Dad?

No takeout tonight?"

Well, cheers.


Cheers to...

new friends.

To new friends.

(glasses clinking)


Moment of truth.

(both laughing)


Hey, I'm a good cook.

- Are you?

- Yeah.

(both laughing)

This tree reminds me

of the ones we used to have

when I was a kid.

My mom, she had quite

the collection of ornaments.

Peyton, you were

so young when she passed.

Do you still

have memories of her?

Yeah, I have a few.

There's one

I really hold onto,

especially this time

of year.

It was late Christmas Eve,

and I was still up,

running around like crazy,

jumping everywhere.

My mom,

she-- she kneeled down,

and she grabbed my hands,

and with all of this

child-like wonder in her eyes,

she said,

"Okay, sweetheart,

"you need to go to bed,

so Santa can do his thing."

That's a really

special memory.

Yeah, it shows you

that the ones we love,

even if we can't

see them anymore,

they still live on

within us.



Look, five more minutes.

Okay, okay.

I'm up.

I'm up, buddy.

You're a good boy,

aren't you?


Hey, we're here.


Oh, my gosh,

I can't believe I fell asleep.

- I'm so sorry.

- No.

- Thank you for picking me up.

- Of course.


Can you pop the trunk?

Hey, Chad, um,

I was thinking maybe we

could grab dinner tonight.

I know you have

a bunch of things to do,

but I'd love to

hear about your trip,

and you kind

of slept the whole way.

Yeah, I would love to,

but I gotta be at the office

first thing

tomorrow morning.

Just got, like,

a ton of work to do.


But let's do it soon-ish.



Uh, your dad,

he have a good time?

Yeah, yeah, he did.

That's good, that's good.

It's good to see you.

I missed you.


"Missed you too, Chad."

- (both chuckling)

- Okay.

Yeah. All right.

Thanks again.


So, they just did a ranking of

the world's best hot chocolate.

This one was 12th.

- In the world?

- On the entire planet.


they have a world's best

rankings for hot chocolate.

Oh, they have

a world's best ranking

for everything these days.

Oh, that's definitely

better than 12th.

Thanks so much for

taking us here, Peyton.

It was my pleasure.

You know, I thought we should

celebrate our progress with Max.

Annie: Uh, Dad,

you spilled some on your shirt.

Oh, did I?

Thanks, kiddo.

I just smeared it.

Who cares?

You know what?

This is way too good to worry

about a little chocolate

on your shirt.

So, let's just enjoy it.

Man on phone: Has she

mentioned anything she needs?

I'm sure she has.

I can't remember.

Man on phone:

How about a sweater?

Too generic.

I already told her it was going

to be something special.

Man on phone:

Okay, does she carry a purse?

Yes, sometimes... I think.

Man on phone: Okay, well, you

could get her a new one.

They can be expensive though.

Yeah, see,

that's another issue.

Budget's a little tight

since our boys' trip.

Man on phone:


Here's something I've done when

I've been in a bind:

tell her you're

taking her somewhere.

- Where?

- Anywhere, like to go skiing

or for a romantic weekend

at the beach or something.

Tell her it's all booked

for the spring or summer,

flexible days to be sure it

works with her schedule.

That way, you kick

the expenses down the road.

I can get behind this.

Man on phone: But you also gotta

write her a heartfelt letter,

saying how all you care about is

getting to spend time with her.

Then print up a bunch of info on

the place and wrap it in a box,

and make it look

all Christmassy.

Chainsaw...'re a genius.


Say hi to your mom.


Thanks, buddy. See ya.

That's right,

now multiply that by two.

Yeah, you got this.

I was confused in class,

but I actually understand it

the way you teach me.


That's good.

You do a few more

of those practice sheets

and you will be good

to go for your test.

Thanks, Peyton.

I'm going to go out and

do some Christmas shopping,

but if you have any questions

at all, just call me.

You're a lifesaver.

It's my pleasure.

- I'll walk you out.

- Okay.

"Merry Christmas, Peyton.

"Pack your bikinis...


"you are... going



"this summer.

"A special trip...

"for a special girl."

"Can't wait...

"to spend...

"this time with you.


"your guy,



The man... is a genius.

(sighing contentedly)

Thank you, Chainsaw.



What you

got there, Chad?

Hey, just a little something for

under Peyton's Christmas tree.


Hey, is, uh...

is that the guy that Peyton's

been working with every day?



What's the matter?


Merry Christmas.

(dogs barking in distance)

Okay, so,

just square up your shoulders,

and then ask him to,

and he should respond.

Hey, Peyton.

Hey, Chad.

What're you guys doing?

I was just showing Trevor

how to back Max up.

Cool. Hey.

I'm Chad.

Peyton's boyfriend.

I'm Trevor.

A client of Peyton's.



I wasn't thinking.


I went in for a handshake.

Force of habit.

Oh, no. It's fine.

Over here, buddy.

There you go. Now we got it.

It's nice to meet you.

Yeah. Yeah.

You, too.

I should get going.

Yeah, I'll drive you.

No, no, no. It's okay.

Come on.

I got Max.

I'm good.

You sure?

He's got Max.

He's good.

Okay, well, same time.


Okay. Sounds good.

Forward, Max.

(dogs barking)


Hey, I'd like to

take you to dinner.

You choose the place.

I never said

you were immature.

But you're implying it.

No, I'm just trying

to understand

what your priorities

are right now.

Come on,

our relationship has changed

over the last little while,

and you can't deny that.


I don't know.

We're not--

We're not connecting

like we used to.

Early on you doted on me.

I'm not saying I expect

that to be a constant thing,

but I just--

You seem so distant lately,

and I don't like that.



Brand new shirt.


Oh, help.

I can't see!

What's this?

I can't see it.

Oh, and how about

this thing?

Don't forget your cake.

(kids laughing)

(dogs barking)


Is that Chad?

It is.

Nice dog.

He's working.

Hey, listen,

there's a couple of things

I felt like I needed to say.


I don't know if

Peyton's told you about me.

Not much.

Yeah, well, we've been

dating for about a year,

and we're about to take our

relationship to the next step.

So, that's between

you and me.

So, don't say anything.

It's a surprise.

No, of course.

And I don't know

if you noticed,

but Peyton puts a lot of herself

into her work.

Yeah, she's amazing.

She is, and she's beautiful.

You should see her.

I imagine.

I bet you do.

I just want to make sure

you understand something.

Although it might seem

to you that you have this

close relationship,

something special even,

Peyton treats everybody

she works with the same way.

And, so, though you might think

there's something going on here,

you're just another

client to her.

I just want to

make sure you didn't

get the wrong idea is all.


Got it.

That's great.

You know...

...when you lose your sight,

you start to pick up

on certain things.

Oh, yeah?


I may be blind,

but I can see pretty clearly

that Peyton deserves better.

Forward, Max.



(phone ringing)


Hello, this is

Trevor Donovan.

Woman: Mr. Donovan,

it's Principal Harris.

You can see she has no

record of behavioral issues.

She's a great student.

I understand that,

but it doesn't excuse

her actions

in the cafeteria.

Okay, let's be honest,

this is a case of,

and excuse me

for saying this,

but a little punk pushing

a kid past her breaking point.

I mean,

what was she supposed to do?

Walk away.

That's easier said

than done.

Engaging only

makes it worse.

The next time anyone

gives Annie any trouble,

she's been told to come to me

and I'll deal with it.

Great, so then

she gets labelled a snitch,

and the bullying

just gets worse.

In the meantime,

I want to make sure

there's no more

lashing out.


You know, this has been

going on for a while.

In the playground,

at lunch, in the halls,

and not once has

a teacher

or anyone from

the administration intervened.

This kid has had free reign

to torment my daughter,

and you have done

nothing about it.

Look, I'm just telling you,

Annie does something

like this again, and it will

result in a suspension.

We cannot tolerate

physical aggression.

So, let's just make sure

she keeps her anger in check.

Her anger?

Give me a break.

This happens again,

she's coming to me,

and we'll handle it on our own.

Come on.

Find stair, Max.

Dr. Donovan.

Dr. Shaw.

I heard you almost

had another mishap

at the construction site

this morning.

No, no. Max helped me

navigate that just fine.

Dr. Shaw: Look, we're trying

to make it work,

but the construction crew

is worried about you.

The whole faculty's

worried about you.

I'm worried about you.



There's really no need to

worry now that I have Max.

Dr. Shaw:

We both know a dog

can't just suddenly fix


So, I'm telling you

this as a friend,

I want you to seriously

consider taking leave.


I think

it's the right decision.

Forward, Max.

Synthetic voice:

Message from Peyton Stevens.

Listen to voicemail.

Peyton on recording:

Hey, good morning, Trevor.

I'm still waiting on a delivery

I have to sign for,

so I'll be there

a little late.

Sorry about that.

Maybe while we're out we could

grab a coffee at Victoria's?

It's on me.

Anyway, I'll see you soon.

Max, come.


Hey. I thought we were

meeting at your house.


I'm here to return Max.

I thought it would

be best to do it

before Annie

gets too attached.


I think that Annie was attached

to Max the moment she met him.

What's going on?

I just--

I don't need him anymore.

I'm confused.

I'm not going to be teaching

next semester or in the summer.

I let my students know.

Okay, why?

I just need a break.

The construction was

my biggest obstacle.

But not

your only obstacle.

I can use my mobility cane.

Your cane

is a hazard detector.

Max is a hazard avoider.

Not to mention he's a companion

for you and Annie.

I just need to simplify my life

and reassess some things,

so please, take Max.

He's a good dog.

He'll be better off with

someone who really needs him.


I know you put

a lot of effort into this,

and I appreciate that.

I'm sorry.


I forgot.

We got you a gift.

Merry Christmas, Peyton.

(dogs barking)

Peyton, there's something

you gotta see.

Trevor (on recording):

She's amazing.

She is.

She's beautiful.

You should see her.

I imagine.

I know it might seem

to you that you have this

close relationship,

something special even,

but Peyton treats everybody

she works with the same way.

You needed more proof

that Chad was a jerk.

Now you have it.


Sometimes we all

need a little help

seeing what's right

in front of us.

Yeah, I may be blind,

but I can see pretty clearly

that Peyton deserves better.


Sometimes we do.


Yeah, I see that one there,

but I'm not really looking for

a full-fledged engagement ring.

Just something

to lock it down.

Something that says,

"We're together,

and we're serious."

Like a promise ring.

Do you sell those?


Hang on one sec.

There's somebody at my door.

Hey, babe.

What a nice surprise.

You remember that

special Christmas present

I told you about?

Just finalizing the details.

Well, you can give it

to someone else,

because we're through.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What'd I do?

You had me fooled

early on, Chad,

but you are not

a thoughtful person,

and you need

to work on that.

What are you talking about?

I am not going to waste

any more time with someone

who treats people

the way you do.

I should have done

this a while ago,

but I'll make it easy.

We're done for good.


Come on.

Come back!

Trevor: See, that's the power

of literature.

It analyses and lays bare,

more deeply than

any other art form,

the heart and soul of

the human condition.

Literature can inspire us

to overcome our obstacles,

and reach for new heights.

As Ralph Ellison did in

his novel, Invisible Man,

when he wrote,

"The world

is a possibility.

If only you

will discover it."

It can instill virtue.

Like Harper Lee did in

To k*ll a Mockingbird,

when she wrote,

"Real courage is knowing that

you're licked before you begin,

but you begin anyway,

and see it through

no matter what."

It can help us think more

deeply about our expectations,

our true purpose,

and the ways

we interact with others.

Like Dickens did

in Doctor Marigold,

when he wrote...

When he wrote...

"No one is

useless in this world

who lightens

the burdens of another."

To close, uh...

(clearing throat)

...I just want to thank every

one of you for your attention

these past few months.

You're an amazing

group of students.

So, as you enjoy

the holidays

and set a course

for the new year,

I'll rely again

on Dickens,

and I'm paraphrasing here,

"May we honor Christmas

in our hearts...

"...and try to keep it

there all the year."

Until next time,



(class applauding)

(bell ringing)

Afraid you'll get

pummeled again?

Hey! Only cowards pick on

kids smaller than them.

Why don't you butt out?

This is between me

and this doofus over here.

Leave him alone, or I'll tell

everyone your big secret.

What big secret?

That you still

wet your bed.

Who told you that?

We go to the same doctor,

and I heard your mom

in the hallway asking him

what she should do about it.

Fine, but if either of you

tell anyone about that,

you're dead,

you hear me?

Why'd you do that?

I figured if I could stop him

from being mean to you,

maybe you'd stop

being mean to me.

I guess I'll have to wait

and see if it works.

Oh, and one more thing.

My dad's a pretty

amazing guy,

and if you knew him,

I think you'd like him.


Come in.

Yes, Nathan.

What can I do for you?

We've each written

a letter stating our feelings

about Dr. Donovan as

an educator and a mentor.

In these letters I think you'll

find a unanimous sentiment.

And what would that be?

Well, if Dr. Donovan

isn't teaching in the spring,

we don't want

to take the class.

We don't see any reason

why he shouldn't come back.

Do you?

Is that so?

He's one of the best

professors at the university.

We're lucky to have him

and I think, so are you.

It'd be wise for you to

just take a look at these.

We appreciate your time,

Dr. Shaw.


Hey, computer. Read my emails.

Synthetic voice: Dr. Donovan,

about our last conversation,

look, I think

I owe you an apology. I--

(doorbell ringing)

Trevor: Who is it?

It's Peyton.

And Max.

(Max vocalizing)


He was missing you.

You were at my lecture

this morning.

I had a feeling

you knew I was there.

It's why I'm here with Max.

What you said to your students,

they were moved by it.

I was moved by it,

but I could tell you weren't

just talking to them.

You were talking

to yourself, too.

Trevor, someone who

understands how beautiful

and challenging

and full of wonder life can be.

That's not someone

who gives up.

That's not you.

Do you want to come in?

I'd like that.



(bell ringing)


Hi, Dad.

Hey, kiddo.

Hi, Max.

Oh, it's so good to see you.

Guess what?

I got a 98% on my math test!

No way,

that's amazing!

Bye, Annie!

Bye, Sean.

Hey, Mr. Donovan.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas to you, too.

Peyton, who was that?

Remember the boy who

wasn't being very nice

so I smashed

a cake in his face?

Uh, how could I forget?

That was him.

- (laughing)

- What?

It's all right, Dad.

We're all good now.


Okay. Max, forward.


Welcome home, Max.

All right, kiddo,

it's getting late.

We should get to bed

so Santa can do his thing.

Oh, I meant to tell you,

I invited Peyton

over for tomorrow.

Is that okay?

You kidding?

I love Peyton.

I really like her, too.

I think you

more than like her, Dad.


And I think

she likes you, too.

Like, more than a friend.


What makes you say that?

The way she looks at you.

All right.


I think I'm doing

this wrong.

I think it's like, you have to

put all of them together,

and then one over.

That makes more sense.

So it stays.


Oh, boy.

I really gotta figure out

which button is

high-speed on this mixer.

Would you like some help?

I took a cooking class.

I got this.

- (whirring)

- Oh, no.

Okay, pancake batter expl*si*n.

We're coming to the rescue.


Oh, boy.

(Peyton laughing)

It's snowing out

(both chuckling)

It's magical.


Thank you...

...for everything.

You've made this Christmas as

special as any we've ever had.

You and Annie have

done the same for me.

I've never known a woman who,

inside and out,

was as beautiful as you.
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