09x05 - The Granite Family

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". Aired: December 30, 2000 – present.*
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Follows the surreal adventures and antics of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad, who live together as roommates and frequently interact with their human next-door neighbor.
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09x05 - The Granite Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, boy.


Open this door, Wanda.


Hey, hey, frank, buddy boy.

Oh, hey, Bob.

The door's locked again.

It happens every week,

doesn't it?


Did you check the mat,

buddy boy?

Oh, right -- the key.

Hey! Watch it, buddy!

Yeah, I wis I could lie down

on the job.

Try paying off your student

loans with this gig.

This has absolutely no

connection to my or anyone else

I know's life.

Well, the show was

written in the '50s.

Well, now, don't you

think that they would factor

that in before they put it on

TV in front of me here in the

year 2000?

It's a rerun.

Well, it needs a



In "what's happening!!"?

What's happening in

"what's happening!!" Is that

it's in constant reruns, which

is how I know what's happening

in that show at all times.

I'm talking about

rerun the character.

And raj and Shirley.

And I'm talking about

you rerunning your mouth and

re-ruining my television


I was having a good time here

before you arrived.

Like j.J. In

"good times"?


Yeah, exactly like j.J.


Growing up poor and

black in the Chicago projects --

see, now, that, I can relate to.

Damn it! The house alarm!

I got to pay child support


Maybe I'd get it if I,

too, were in the stone age.

Well, I have these

time thongs.

You wear them and you can travel

back to the stone age.

Thongs are for dongs.

I have a plan that's about

1 million times better.

I don't like going

back to the past.

It rides up on me.

And over here, we have the

oval office, but only the

president's allowed in there.

That's where the nuclear button


Oh, great.

Let's look at more

Presidential China -- over

there, way down that hall.

Okay, sounds good.

Hi. Is this Russia?

Hey, eat my

You beet-munchin',

face-wart-having communists!


I'm president Barack Obama,

and I'm sending a m*ssile

straight up your poop chute!

U.s.a.! U.S.A.!

Look, err.

Earth is remaking

"the granite family."


It's a timeless

classic, err.

It was made in a land before


"Land before time" or

"the land that time forgot"?

No, that's the

"land of the lost" you're



With cha-ka.


Damn it!

We're gonna be back in

the stone age!

* like the mesozoic group of

guys *



Carl, open up, man!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Some privacy here, huh?!

These are our last fleeting

moments together.

I want to Cherish this.

Now bend over.

Carl, you got a b*mb

shelter, right?

Oh, right, yeah!

That's right -- I do!

You got a b*mb

shelter, right?

Yeah, awesome! Yeah!

Sort of turned it into my man

cave, you know.

It's where I come to party.

Check it out -- zebra.

"Tell me what u want" 1987 tour.

Wow -- canned food

and a water filter.

This is probably the suckiest

place I've ever been in my life!

Hey, I got dolby

5.1 surround in here.

My z-breakers!

I call 'em that 'cause...

'Cause I listen to zebra on 'em.

Oh, man.


Left my flat-screen up there.

Uh, it's not really a


Technically, it's a

rear-screen projection TV.

It looks flat from the


Bit chunky from the

side, though.

I'm gonna go back for


It's not a


Everyone chill.

I got a regenerator here.

We're rock-solid for the next


It says 2 1/2 hours. Oops.

We don't need

electricity for music.

That bird

is contaminated!

This is a stone age

record player -- just like on

"the granite family."

Shrug and say something funny,

like, "it's a living."

Get it out of here!

That was a brand-new


I'm getting scared,


We'll be okay,

little buddy.

You just stay with me, okay?

Do you think

Santa claus knows that we


And you think maybe we should

send him a change of address?

If he weren't a melted pile of



Let's all just stay


I may be eating you later for

food, and I like fatty cuts.


They're much more


Nobody ain't gonna

eat anybody, okay?!

You got that?!


Though, it is weird

that one of us is made of

nothing but meat.


Who we talking -- Carl?

I call this part right here.


The tummy steak.


Okay, I got to poop,



You know what would be funny?

If we had, like, an ancient

rhino and then you poop in his

mouth and the rhino goes like,

"same different day."

But we don't, do we?

Because guess what, Shake.

We ain't "the granite family"!


How about this bag


Can I poop in this bag?

No, no, no.

That's my keg bag.

I'm supposed to return that

tomorrow so I don't lose my


Carl, the liquor

store is gone, man!

Everything is gone.

So you're sayin'


The keg bag and the tap is free


Keg stand!

Someone get my ankles.


I know we need to ration it, but

it's gonna go flat.


What do I do with this?


You know what?

You keep the bag and you keep it

far away from me.

That's a gift.

Thank you, Carl.

I got a free bag, y'all.

Get that out of


You get out of here.

I did all the work.

I filled it up.

Okay, look, we need

to get together and assign


Now, what can everyone do?

Hey, who can do this?

It's like a fart noise.

Look, someone's

gonna have to take this bag


And go for help, too,


Yeah, sure.

So let's think about this for a


Who here is the most valuable --

And is the smartest.

Okay, it's settled.

I'll be back with help.

Take the bag!

I'm getting it.

Okay, look, y'all.

There ain't no one out there --

not for thousands of miles.

And I only have

three of these time thongs --

and please stop farting with

your arm, Carl!

This is serious!

Some of them weren't my arm.


This is not at all like

"the granite family."

Where's the laughs?

Where's all the talking animals

who hate their jobs?

I am

time Warner.

I am Master Shake.

I travel throughout time to

warn people not to use any

ideas from my movies or t-TV

shows, or I will be forced to

s-sue them.

You want to see my

record player?

As long as it's not a-a bird.

I-I-It's not a bird, is it?


I-It better not be a-a bird.



Why a thong?

I mean, why not just, like, a

ring, like green lantern?

I don't know.

Or a watch, like

d*ck Tracy, or a belt, like


Or them sunglasses that

Keanu used in "the matrix" that

talked to computers.


I-I don't know.

I didn't see it.

I didn't buy into the hype.

A thong just seemed

like the thing to do.

It was fresh -- a new idea.

Hadn't seen that before.

Planning to travel through


Time Warner!

Why does everyone have

thongs but me?

A thong? F-F-Fresh.

What's going on here?

I'm going back

in time to stop you, Shake,

before you try to remake

"the granite family."

I-It doesn't matter, because

I'm going to, eh, to the future

to sell the "granite family"

remake to this fox.


I own time travel.

It's my, eh, my thing, and if

you use it, I'll t-t-tell you to

cease and d-d-d-desist.

Oh, come on, man.

You don't have the market on


Tons of people have done it.

"Time bandits."

Own it.


Own it.


Own it.

"Timecop 2:

The Berlin decision"?

Own it.

"The butterfly


Own it.

"Butterfly effect


Own it.

"Butterfly effect 3:


Own it.


Um, o-own it.

"Beastmaster 2:

Through the portal of time"?

Own it.

"Hot tub time


Own it.

"Timerider: The

adventure of Lyle Swann"?

Own it.

"Brian's song."

Own it.

Not if I have

anything to say about it.

Who knows how to get

the underwear to work?

Maybe you're getting

some interference off that can

of peaches you got in your


Oh, come on.

Who put this in here?

Well, I guess now

I am legend.

You don't own that one, right?


In perpe-perpet-perpet--

myuh-myuh-myuh --

perp-- heh heh --


For a really long time?

And over here, we have the

oval office, but only the

president's allowed in there.

That's where the nuclear button


Oh, great.

Let's look at more

Presidential China -- over

there, way down that hall.

Okay, sounds good.

Hey. How are you?

Shake #2: Hey, yourself.

Sorry, Shake.

Not this time.

Shake #2: Frylock!

Open the door, Frylock!

Shake #3: Hello, frylick.

Wait a minute.

I just locked you outside!

Shake #3: Did you?

Shake #2: You can't do this

to me!

Shake #3: You messed with the

rift of the passage of time,

thus changing it forever...

'Cause you did it the other way.

There's a smarter way of saying

that, but I didn't like it in

the script.

This doesn't make

any sense.

This is the past.

How are there two of you?

Shake #3: I don't care.

I'm the president of the

United States.

Wait a minute.

You're the what?!

Shake #3: Guards, seize him!

Hey, wait! N-N-No!

You got the wrong one!

No, wait! Shake!

Shake! Shake!


Happens every week, doesn't it?

You should, uh, check the mat,


This is not believable.

There should be a key under

the -- under the mat so they can

get in.

What if the mat said


Like he was bored with his job

as a mat.

Like, "an-another day,

an-another dollar"?

Whoo-hoo! I like it.

Sundays at 9:00.

Eh, th-th-that's all, folks.
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