09x05 - The Tale of the Midnight Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Aired: August 15, 1992 – August 13, 2022.*
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Both series of Are You Afraid of the Dark? revolved around a group of teenagers who referred to themselves as "The Midnight Society".
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09x05 - The Tale of the Midnight Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"Are You Afraid Of The Dark"...

- You didn't open it, did you?
- No.

It's obvious
something's wrong.

Can't you see that
he's acting weird?

The Connor that you
thought was your friend

is actually the Shadow man
in disguise.

- Don't you see, he tricked you?
- Go, go, go!


[Tense music]

[♪ ♪]

It's coming.
We have to go.

[♪ ♪]

Let's go.
Come on.

[Suspenseful music]

[♪ ♪]


[Growling softly]



- [Rattling]
- [snarls]


- [Growls]
- [scream]

- Seth!
- No.


- Come on, we have to go.
- Hy, hey, he's gone.

He's gone.
We gotta go!

[Tense music]

[♪ ♪]



[♪ ♪]

Come on.

- [Rattling]
- [gasps]

- Where is it?
- [snarls]


Let her go!

- I can't.
- [groaning]

Bring us back!



[Breathing heavily]

- Hey.
- Oh.

Ugh, Luke.

[Gentle music]

[♪ ♪]

- I thought you...
- You had a nightmare.

Where's Jai?

No, that was real.

[Dark music]

[♪ ♪]

Season 02 Episode 05

Episode Title:
"The Tale of the Mid-night Magic"


What is that?

That is morning.

You made it through
another night.

He's ready.
I have no food.

Then how does he eat?
What does he eat?

- Does he live here?
- Oh, my gosh.



- Some tea?
- No, thanks.

Not the biggest
fan of green tea.

Oh, perhaps blue then.



Uh, just some water.

Bit boring, but okay.

Some lukewarm water for Luke.

Tough crowd.

- Um, Apple juice.
- Fresh out.

- Chocolate milk.
- Afraid not.

- Surprise me.
- Right answer.


Ooh, lemonade.

How are you doing that?

This is a magic shop, yes?

I can taste the lemon.

A spot of tea for Sardo.

Red mushroom.

Ha ha.

All right, fine.

How did this happen?

You used the Book of Shadows.

Yeah, to break the curse,
to bring Connor back.

Regardless of
your good intentions,

you played with dark magic,
and when you use dark magic,

you bring more evil
into the world.

So now the Shadow man
can look like Connor.

That's what you're saying?

Allow me to put it
to you like this.

Thanks to your little spell,

The Shadow man can now walk
around looking like

a Backstreet Boy,
specifically Nick Carter.

Maybe a little bit, Brian,
but definitely not Kevin.

It's like his human armor

protecting him
when the sun is up.

And when the sun is down?

He'll turn back
into the monster,

but this time
even more powerful.

Why more powerful?

Children are afraid
of the dark.

It's what he feeds on.

The more kids he takes,
the stronger he becomes,

and now he's gained not one,
but two of your friends.

I should have saved them.

Don't say that.

Jai wanted to save us.

He stayed behind
so we could get away.

He was a hero.

He was our shield.

There's still
four of us left.

If we break the curse,
we can bring them back.

Jai and Connor.

We have a chance, right?

Logically speaking,

that's a hard no,

but logic does
not produce magic,

so I suppose sure.

Help us break it.

Oh, no, no, no,
that I can't do.

Why not?

For one, I don't know how,

and for two, I don't want
to keep looking over

my shoulder every time
I see a shadow.

But you're not cursed.
He won't come after you.

That was before you turned
him into a human.

He'll hurt me and anyone
who stands in his way.

I may not be cursed,
but I'm also not stupid.

Please, you're the only one
who can help us stop him.

Tell you what,
you may all help yourself

to one free item as you walk
out, up to $10 value.

- 15.
- Sold, it's fine.

You know, for someone
who owns a magic shop,

you really seem to hate kids.

I've been telling children
to stay out

of those haunted woods
for years.

They go in,
they come back out,

and they get taken away.

You think I hate kids.
Try watching them disappear.

What are you doing?

Seeing if anything
in here is real,

something magical that we can
use to break the curse.

You think you can find
something like that in here?

This is a magic shop, yes?

[Curious music]

[♪ ♪]

Oh, ha, a Magic 8-Ball.

No, we need something
with real magic.

Will Hanna get
enough signatures

to pass her petition?

Don't count on it.

I don't know, it seems
kind of magical to me.

You're not going
to save yourselves

with some kind of magic b*llet.

The only way to break a curse

is to stop the thing
that started.

The Book of Shadows
is what started it.

What if we destroy it?

Splendid idea.

But that book is protected
by dark magic.

It's practically

We don't have
to destroy the book.

We just have to destroy
Shadow man.

Is that even possible?

Why not?
We already know his weakness.

Oh, lights.

Yeah, we've used
lights before.

It's not strong enough
to k*ll him.

Then we make it stronger.

I have an idea.

Hey, Sardo, I need a mirror.

I have a mystical mirror.

Okay, I don't know
what that is, but sure,

and a sun catcher,
something small made of glass.

This work?


Anything else?
A comb perhaps.

Light is energy.

It travels in
a straight line, right?

That light hits a barrier,
say a mirror,

and bounces
into a new direction.

- You guys are with me so far?
- Yeah.

Okay, if that light
passes through something,

like a glass of water
or a prism, it does this.

Oh, rainbow.


You mean reflection.

No, she means refraction.

There's a difference.
It's when light bends.

Okay, am I stupid?

How do you girls
know this kind of stuff?

- Basic physics.
- I've read everything to know

about sunlight
and solar power energy.

That's lovely,
but are you suggesting

we fight the Shadow man
with rainbows?

Okay, imagine a light bulb.

When it shines,

the light blows everywhere
in all directions.

Right, and if
you add things like

prisms and lenses around that,
you can bend all of the light

and create one powerful beam.

It's how headlights
in a car work.

Or stage lights
at a school theater.

- Yes, or even a...
- A lighthouse beacon.


So you guys are saying
that we can take

a bunch of tiny lights
and combine them

into one big super light,

and then use that
to destroy the Shadow man?


How would it work?

When the sun's up,
he can be hit by lights,

but when the sun's down
he's the Shadow man.

Do we even stand
a chance against him?

We could set a trap.

We'll lure him in
while he's still Connor.

Then as soon as the sun sets
and he's most vulnerable,

we'll hit him
with every light we got.

That leaves us with a very
small window of opportunity.

But it's a chance.

It just might work.


[light music]

[♪ ♪]


We said anything
that makes light.

You're already
gambling with your life.

You don't need to be
playing with fire too.

Leave it.

It literally says
everlasting light.

I think that's
exactly what we need.

All right?

It's a trick match for parties.
It's a piece of junk.

Find something else.

Here, take this.

Oh, I'm good.

I don't really wear diamond
necklaces, but thanks.

It's a talisman,
you nincompoop.

Pure crystal,
and you're going to need

a special prism
to refract the light.

Plus, it is said the crystal
grant's magical powers

to whoever wears it.

Real magic or just more junk?

Just take it.
Be careful with it.

Seth, do not play
with the chameleon.

It will bite you.

Okay, let's go, mm-hmm.

Thanks for the free stuff,

No one said it was free.

We will be discussing
a payment plan.

Oh, Luke, Luke, Luke,

how do you know
he's going to show up?

Because the Shadow man
always shows up.


Thanks for your help, Sardo.

Don't thank me
till it's over.

- Dad.
- Mom.


How'd you know we were here?

Uh, sorry, guys.

I had to tell 'em.

You don't call.
You don't write.

You don't even send an email,

no, "Hey, Dad,
just checking in," huh?

Even an emoji
would have been nice,

something that tells a father

that his son broke curfew
and disappeared,

but to not worry.

Thumbs up,
smiley winky face, huh?

- Dad, I...
- You're grounded, obviously.

You know that, right?

Consider the rest of your
year canceled.

All your favorite
little things here, canceled.

This thing right here, ha,
canceling it.

- Whatever he said, he's lying.
- Hey, dude, it's okay.

I told him the truth,

that it was my idea
to break into the cottage.


And Mr. McCoy,
in Luke's defense,

he didn't want to go do it.

I just thought it would be
more fun to ditch the dance

and go throw
a party in the woods.

- I pressured him into it.
- Oh, good.

Well, it doesn't matter,

because he knew it was wrong,
and he did it anyways.

- Dad, he's...
- Give me your phone.

Give it!

You can go now, Connor.

You can tell your friends
that Lucas here

is under house arrest
and that it'll be

a very long time before he
ever sees the light of day.

See you tonight.

No, you won't,
because you're grounded.

And what's this about
you stealing a car?

- You stole my car?
- I brought it back.

And you turned off
your phone.

No, that's not...

- I lost it.
- What is going on?

You're stealing, lying,
staying out all night.

I'm sorry,
there's just been

a lot of things happening,
and I...

Is that why you missed
your PSATs this morning?

I don't get it.

All your studying
and your hard work,

and you threw it away for what?

For a fun night.
Was it worth it?

Your boss called.

He said he hasn't
seen you since Monday.

So it sounds like you want
to quit your job now, too.

I thought you wanted
to save money for college,

but I guess you don't care
about your future at all.

I do care!

No, because if you did,
you would fight for it.

All you seem to care about
lately is getting your license.

You can forget
about that now.

You need to take
a hard look at yourself

and think about
who you want to be,

because this girl
is not the Gabby I know.

[Door slams]

Could you please help out?

What's the point
in doing chores

if we're just going to die
soon anyways?

Less talking, more cleaning!


The sooner we finish, the
sooner mom might let us out.

Could you get me
some new water?

You know what the worst part
about all this is?

I'm going to die
before I get the chance

to join The Midnight Society.

[Phone rings]

How did you get
your phone back?

I'm on my laptop.
Luke isn't answering,

and we need to get to
the shipyard before sunset.

We have to do it tonight or
else we don't stand a chance.

Are you able to sneak out?

Our mom's got us
on lockdown.

I don't think we can slip out.

It's you.
You'll find a way.

Just meet me outside
in ten, okay?


We're sneaking out?

But how are we going
to get past mom?

Just give me a second.
I'm thinking.

Gabby, I just
wanted to remind...

[car engine starts]

[Tires squeal]

Gabby, stop!

- Mommy!
- Seth?

Ugh, again?

Don't get mad at me.
You raised her.


Hurry, it's getting heavy.

Get me your chair quick.

You know your sister
does stuff like this.

When are you going to stop
falling for all of her tricks?

As soon as you stop
falling for mine.

- What?
- Ready?


Fire of earth,
smoke of sky,

push restraints
to keep you dry.

No, no, Hanna, Seth!

- Bye mommy.
- Seth, Hanna!

Seth... kids, get
back here right now!

Got it.
Hurry up.

So what kind of ball was it?

It's a super orb?

Super orb, right, got it.

And you said you saw it
fly back here.

- Are you sure it was this house?
- Positive.

All right, well,
let's check the front yard.

I want my super orb!

No, whoa, okay.
Please don't cry.

Okay, we'll find it.
See, I'm looking for it.

I'm looking for it.

Thanks for saving me.

Getting pretty used to it
by now.

Please, God,
just stop crying.

Oh, hey, uh,
here's a baseball.

You want this instead?
Here you go.

- [Horn honks]
- My ride's here.


[horn honks]
Who's that?

That's my mom,
my other mom.

Hi, Linda!

Did she do something
with her hair?

Bye, Mr. Luke's Dad.

Weird kid.


This is where
The Midnight Society meets?

- Yep.
- Spooky.

- That's the point.
- Let's get to work.

[light dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]


"A curse that cannot
be reversed

till what was stolen
return first."


Magic word?


[Mysterious whispering]

[Soft snarling]

How can I help you?

In the market
for some tarot cards?

Maybe a rubber chicken?

I'm afraid that's
not sold separately.

It's part of the full suit
of armor, so...

But the customer
is always right.

You're helping them.

I don't want any trouble.

I'm just the man who
owns a magic shop.

Not for long.

What are you going to do,

k*ll me with my own sword?


Okay, stop.


They're setting a trap.

Show me.

[Horn blares]

Will we break
the curse tonight?

Will the super light
destroy the Shadow man?

Do you ever
say anything else?


Guys, it's almost sunset.

It's almost sunset.


Uh, what's going on?

Take a seat.


Am I in trouble?

You're gathered
in the presence

of The Midnight Society.

We hereby welcome you
to the trials

and invite you
to share your tale.

Wait, seriously?

Yeah, we all agreed.

Curse or no curse,
you're one of us now.

And we want
to make it official

in case we don't get
another chance.

But I haven't finished
my story, and I need...

That's okay.

We just need you to tell us
something spooky.

Whatever comes to mind.
Think of what scares us.

Make us afraid.

Luke, you're
afraid to take charge.

Gabby, you're afraid of people
being disappointed in you.

Hanna is afraid to tell Luke
about her giant crush on him.

Luke's afraid to tell Hanna
that he likes your back.

Gabby is scared she'll
never leave this town.

Hanna's afraid
she'll never want to.

Making the first move,
red pen marks, landfills.


Seth Romero, please rise.

What's this for?

A special ritual.

All: Midnight, clock strike,

dark night, flash light.

Do you solemnly swear
to keep the society secret?

I do.

Do you pledge your loyalty
until your final minute?

I do.

Do you vow never
to fear the dark

but fear what
looks within it?

I do.

Flash light, midnight,
clock strike.

Submitted for the approval
of The Midnight Society,

I welcome my brother...


[Dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]


He's here.

There's only five
minutes till sunset.

None of this will work
if we miss the window.

Then let's not miss it.

[Uneasy music]

[♪ ♪]

I know you're in here.

Is that a cage?

You know, when I heard
you guys were setting a trap,

I didn't think
it'd be so literal.

I appreciate you guys
throwing me a party,

but I don't have
anything for you.

Oh, wait, no, no, no.

That's not true.
I do have something for you.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please put your hands together

for a very special guest
this evening,

the legendary Sardo.

[Tense music]

[♪ ♪]

So why don't you all come out

and we'll show him
a little magic trick.


Here, I'll give you
a little preview.



Let him go.

No, Luke, he...

Luke, the boy
with the light.

Let everyone go.

Just take me.

That's very heroic of you.

But unnecessary.

You see, one way or another,
I'm going to get all of you.

That's the price you pay

when you walk into
the woods after dark.

Drop the flashlight, Luke.

Look, if you all come quietly,
I'll let the magic man live.

I said drop it.

You said it.

[♪ ♪]


- [Groaning]
- Now.



Ten seconds!


Luke, the talisman!




[All groaning]




- [Gasps]
- No.

- Say, goodbye, kids.
- No, Sardo!

- No.
- No, please.

Always say goodbye.

[Dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]



- Drag him into the dark!
- Seth, he's already gone.


If he drags him into the dark,

we'll still have a chance
to save Sardo.

Drag him into the dark!


Take him!

What are you gonna do,
Harry Potter?

Throw your little ball at me?

My name is Seth.

Accent on the "Seth."

Run! Go!

[Suspenseful music]

[♪ ♪]


[Pained snarl]

- Seth, get out of there!
- Ooh.


Where's the talisman?

I dropped it.

- Where?
- I don't know.

You saw what it did.
The talisman hurt him.

We have to find it.

Be quiet, he's coming.



[Growling softly]


[Growling softly]

[Pained snarl]

Get under here, come on.


Seth, give me your wand.

But, you don't know
how to make it fly.

I don't have to.


Go away!


Oh, no.

Come on, let's go.


Where's Hanna?

Hide... she's just hiding.


We have to find the talisman.
It could actually hurt him.

[Tense music]

[♪ ♪]

I see it.

It's near the mirrors.

It's too far.

It's the only way
to stop him.

Gabby, it's too dangerous.

- Quick and stealthy.
- What?

- Gabby, Gabby.
- No!

[Dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]


[♪ ♪]


[♪ ♪]



[♪ ♪]


Is Gabby gone?

[Somber music]

[♪ ♪]

Hanna's not hiding, is she?


What do we do?

We use magic.

It's just a prism, Seth.

Magic isn't real.

Sardo said the curse was
created using dark magic,


Well, if there
really is dark magic,

then there has to be
light magic too.

You're the leader of
the Midnight Society, Luke.

It's up to you
to break the curse.

I don't know how.


We're never
getting out of here.

Is magic real?

Here, take this.

There's lights inside
if you need them.

Please, break the curse
and bring us back.

- What?
- Run for the door.

No, Seth, no.

[Tense music]

Hey, tree head!


[♪ ♪]


[Eerie whispering]

I know you're in here, Luke.

You want to play
hide and seek?

Ready or not, here I come.

You like telling scary stories,
right, Luke?

Well, how about
I tell you one?

How about it, Luke?

You want to hear a scary story?

Five little children

in a fine little town.

One went missing

when the sun went down.

Four little children

tried to play in the park.

One disappeared

since it was after dark.

Three little children

tried to turn on the light.

One was taken

by a man in the night.

Two little children

in their shadows of black.

One tried to scream

when the shadows stared back.

The last child left

tried to run and hide

but your time is up

and now you're mine.


[Suspenseful music]

[♪ ♪]


[Mystical whooshing]


[Mystical whooshing]

[Whooshing stops]

[Soft rattling]

[Tense music]

[♪ ♪]

[Footfalls approaching]

[Door opens]



He hasn't said anything.

No, he's the only one here.

I have no idea.

Okay, listen,
I just got back

from a trip, all right?

And the only thing that I know

is my place is trashed,
there's a hole in my door,

and I can't get
a hold of Connor.

I just want to find my son.


All right, well, just get here
as soon as you can,

and I'll keep an eye on him

until I can figure out
what's going on.

[light dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]

Come back!

What's the matter?
Are you afraid of the dark?

[♪ ♪]

Face your fears,
you fight for what you want

and you get them,
and I think it's really cool.

You're the leader
of the Midnight Society, Luke.

It's up to you
to break the curse.

If you break the curse,
we can bring them back.

Bring us back!

The only way to break
a curse is to stop the thing

that started it.

It says here the lighthouse
shut down in 1996.

That's the same year June died.

So Connor was trying
to talk to a ghost?

Ghosts have
unfinished business,

something they never
got to do

or something
they never got to say.

And when finished, thank
the spirit for joining you.

- Remember to...
- Both: Always say good-bye.

Say goodbye, kids.

Always say goodbye.

June Murphy, she could
be the key to all of this.

What if June wasn't the
victim of the curse after all?

What if she's
what started it?

If June has any unfinished
business, she will tell you.

This town needs
a lighthouse, Dad.

The light protected us,
guided us.

Without it, we're all
just lost to the dark.

Children are afraid
of the dark.

It's what he feeds on.

The lighthouse keeper
cast a spell

to try to save his daughter,
and it backfired.

He became the Shadow man.

When you use dark magic,

you bring more evil
into the world.

Magic isn't real.

Well, if there really is
dark magic,

then there has
to be light magic too.

Thanks for your help,

Don't thank me
till it's over.

Sardo, I know what
I have to do now.

I know how to break the curse,
but I need your help.

[♪ ♪]

Next on
the season finale of

"Are You Afraid
of the Dark?"...

Come on.

Please, Sardo, I know you
wanted to tell me something.


[Glass shatters]

If we don't do this,

the Shadow man wins,

because any time
a kid wanders

into these woods after dark,
he'll come for them.

I have to do this.

[Dramatic music]

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