Bells of St. Mary's, The (1945)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Bells of St. Mary's, The (1945)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Father O'Malley?
- Yes.

- Welcome to St Mary's, Father.
- Thank you.

I suppose you're tired
after your travelling.

Oh, yeah, it's pretty tiresome,
all the way in the day coach.

I'll take you up to your room,
it's all ready.

There's nothing to do now
but go to bed.

Is Father Fogarty still here?

No. They took him away this morning.

Poor man.
My heart went out to him.

Poor man? Why?

Oh, you'll find out.

Well, I think you'll find
everything you want here, Father.

Er... sure I couldn't get you
a cup of tea now?

No, thanks.

I don't understand what you mean
about Father Fogarty.

I'll find out. I'll find out what?

What Father Fogarty found out.

Oh, the poor man.

There you go again.
What happened to him?

They took him away mumbling to himself
in a wheelchair.

They took him away? Where?

Shady Rest.

He even said a prayer for you

that your stay here
might be successful and enjoyable,

though he doubted it very much.

You see, he had very definite ideas
about running this school,

about the raising and education
of children, and so have they.

- They?
- The sisters.

Father Fogarty said
they wanted their way in everything,

and after he was confined
to a wheelchair, they had it.

Well, maybe he was just
getting along in years.

Oh? He looked all right
when he got here.

That's strange.

I don't anticipate any trouble.

You don't, eh?

You've never been pastor
of a parochial school, then?

No, it's my first experience.



I can see you don't know what it means
to be up to your neck in nuns.


- Goodnight, Father.
- Goodnight.

Sleep well tonight.


Morning, Sister. I'm Father O'Malley.

Good morning, Father.

This is our school bell.

We usually ring it about an hour from now
when the children are here.

I see... Do you think I could I see
Sister Superior? Is she up yet?

I'm sure she is now, Father.

- Will you come with me?
- Yes.

- Good morning, Sam.
- Good morning.


Sister Benedict and the others
are very eager to meet you, Father.

Please sit down,
and I'll tell her you're here.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm sorry, Father.

Our cat had kittens
and they're all over the place.

The father's a member
of the parish, I presume.

Excuse me, Father.
I'll tell Sister you're here.

- Good morning, Father.
- Won't you sit down?

- Good morning, Father.
- Would you sit down, please?

Good morning, Father.

- Good morning, Father.
- Good morning, Father.

Good morning, Father.

- Good morning, Father.
- Good morning, Father.

Good morning, Father.

Good morning, Father.

- It has been my...
- Father, this is Sister Superior.

Father O'Malley,
Sister Mary Benedict.

- How do you do, Sister?
- How do you do, Father?

- Sisters, this is Father O'Malley.
- How do you do?

Father O'Malley is here
as a substitute for Father Fogarty,

who, as you know, has departed
for a much needed rest.

We do hope your stay here
will be a pleasant one, Father.

Thank you, Sister.

We're looking forward expectantly
to your views as an educator.

I'm sure that Father wishes to say
a few words to us.

Well... yes, I...

St Mary's has been here
a great many years,

and has seen the labours of a...
good number of the sisters of your order.

And I know that the work
hasn't been easy.

In the eyes of the world,
very few even take notice of it,

but earthly honours and rewards
are not for you.

You've sent forth generations of pupils

who have been a credit
to the teachings inculcated here.

St Mary's has grown old doing good.

As for myself, may I tell you

that I'm happy I've been selected
as pastor of St Mary's.

Working in a parish
where there's a parish school

is going to prove
a new experience for me

and I'm sure
a very interesting one.

Yes, I see what you mean.

However, as in all things we assume
the tasks assigned to us without complaint

and with a hopeful view
to the future.


By the epistle of Saint Peter,
where he says, "Be sober and watch."

What's the matter, was it Saint Paul?

Now just to get serious
for a moment, it...

I see...

In conclusion,
may I say that I'm happy...

I, er... I'm sorry,
but that's the first bell

and the sisters have to go
to their classes.

Would you like to say a few words
to the pupils before the second bell?

You may prefer speaking
to the children.

- I'd certainly be more at ease.
- Yes.

I want to speak to you, too.

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America

and to the republic
for which it stands,

one nation, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

Children, our new pastor,
Father O'Malley, wishes to speak to you.

I'm sure you'll be very glad
to greet him,

and I'm also sure that he has something
very important to say to you.

Well, children, you're going to see
a lot of me in the future.

I'm gonna be around here
a great deal.

You're gonna hear the shortest speech
you ever heard.

This is a holiday.
Everybody, take the day off.

Pretty effective speech, huh?
I had to get my self-confidence back.

See, when we were kids,
we used to just live for holidays.

We should never get too far away
from our childhood.

Do you realise what you've done?

These children are liable
to get into mischief.

The responsibility is yours.

It seemed like a good idea.

But you can't call a holiday
just like that.

You have to get permission
of the superintendent of schools.

What will we tell him?

Well, I'll call him.

There's a man that really needs a holiday.
I may give him the day off.

My school wasn't like this.

See, I could look out the window
and see fields and trees,

and the old swimming hole.

You know, hang your clothes
on a hickory limb.

Last one out finds them
tied up in knots.

- Where, Father?
- Missouri.

I came from Ireland.

I used to.

Where are you from, Sister?

I was born in Sweden,
but when I was very small, I came to...

Uh-uh-uh, don't tell me.

Well, that's right, Father.

I love the winter. I used to ski to school,
and there was one big hill like...


You carry them home after.

You wouldn't guess it, Father,
but she was a tomboy from what I hear.

- That so?
- Yes.

She played baseball and football
with the boys.

- How good were you at the...?
- Oh, I hit over 300.

Oh, that was in the wheat belt.

I guess we all had it better
than these kids, didn't we?

They haven't even got a place to play.

That used to be our playground.

Over there where that is?

Yes. We had to sell the ground.

We needed money to fix our building.

They were going to condemn it.

- Where'd you put the money?
- Oh, you'd be surprised, Father.

We had to put in a new sprinkler system,
new fire escapes.

The foundation had to be reinforced.
It was very expensive.

Hardly seems worth it.

We think so, Father.

Oh... yes, yes. Of course.

What are the other classrooms like?

Say, what's going on up there?

We're repairing the roof. It leaks.

A trifle.

You're very overcrowded here too,
aren't you?

Oh, yes.

A trifle.

Looks like St Mary's
is in a bad way... a trifle.

We're relying on you
to help us, Father.

It's too bad you don't have
a building like that now.

That'd be your answer to everything.

That's where we intended to build
our new St Mary's.

A building very much like that.

There it is,
only we don't own it.

Confidentially, Father,
that's what we've been praying for.

You've been praying for what?

That the owner will wake up one morning
and give it to us.

That who would wake up when
and give you what?

Mr Bogardus, the owner.

Yes, that's what we are praying for.

Oh, woman, great is thy faith.

Well, if faith can move mountains...

You figured you could just
move right in, huh?

- Yes.
- You gotta be practical, let's face it.

Does the owner know anything
about this? Anybody ask him?

No, we just prayed.

That's where you could help us.

What do I do when he says no?

Hey, there, all you kids!
Get down outta there!

Why aren't you in school?
You hear me?

That's bad.
They shouldn't be doing that.

After all, it's a holiday.

Who's this coming here?

Well, that's Mr Bogardus.

I think we better go now.

And you can tell him
why the children aren't in school.

You want me to say anything
about the building?

Some other time.

Hey! Hey, you. Here.

Well, what's going on here?

- You see that fence?
- Yeah.

You see what those children are...
Who are you?

- I'm the new pastor.
- Oh, you are, eh?

Well, I want you to see to it
that those little brats are punished.

I'll take care of it, Mr Bogardus.
I will censure them severely.

- Oh... so you know who I am, huh?
- Yes, I do.

Are you the fella I'm supposed
to do business with?

I've been sent here by my superiors
to make some recommendations.

- I've been looking over the school.
- Oh, you have, eh?

Well, there you are.
What do you think of it?

- Looks pretty tired.
- Tired, eh? Tired is no name for it.

And if you don't sell it to me...
You got my offer, didn't you?

- Got it right here in my pocket.
- What do you say?

It's a difficult decision to make.
I can't jump at it, you know.

Well, I warn you, if you don't sell it to me,
it's gonna be condemned.

- By whom?
- The City Council.

- How do you know?
- I'm chairman.

- Oh, you are, eh?
- You're darned right I am.

And when they order you to tear it down,
you've got to pay for it.

- You look like a practical man, Father.
- I do?

Well, take my word for it, there's not
a mother or father in the parish

that wouldn't rather see their children
over at St Victor's.

Fine modern building.
Everything up to date.

Sunlight, good heat in the winter.

I wouldn't think of sending my children
into that firetrap.

- You have any children?
- No.

- That's a long story.
- Skip it.

- All right.
- Just being practical, Mr Bogardus.

How far do the children have to go
to get to St Victor's?

Just about as far as I had to go
when I was a child.

Well, let's walk over.

Well, why not take my car?

I can't walk too much.
I've got a bad ticker.

Let's ride out to St Victor's
and take a look.

Now you're talking.

All you gotta do is close this school
and send the children over to St Victor's.

- And sell the property to you?
- That's right, it's that simple.

Well, you can always find me.
I'm here all day and every day.

I promise I won't make a move
without talking to you.

Can take a little while,
I'm a pretty slow thinker.

Now you don't look it to me.
No, sir.



How do you do?

Are, er... are you in charge
of the school here?

Well, that's a question.
I have some authority.


You look like a man
who could understand my language.

Well, let's find out.
Start talking.

I'd like very much
to put my daughter in school here.


You see, er...

Well, I... I think it would be better
if she was away from me for a while.

Could she board?

It might be arranged,
but why did you...?

Does she need any references?

I mean, do you have to know
very much about her background?

Oh, yes. That is customary.

Well, er... it's like this.

I ran away from home
when I was very young to get married.

Stop me if you've heard this, Father.

He left me a long time ago
in Syracuse.

Thirteen years, to be exact.

Did you get married?

Oh, yes, after a little argument.

I think he was a little afraid
of settling down.

- He was a piano player.
- Oh.

- He had a wonderful smile, Father.
- I'll bet he had.

Very like yours.

He had a little band,
kind of a non-recording orchestra.

Did you ever hear
of Gallagher's Gambleers?

No. Did anyone else?

I doubt it.

Well, anyway, the little band
got an offer to play in Cincinnati.

And he promised as soon as he got
a few dollars ahead, he'd send for me.

So you were left alone in Syracuse?

Till the baby came.

You've been supporting her
all this time?


I... suppose you're wondering
as to how.

So is she.

She's, er... she's getting to be
a big girl now, Father, and...

...she's beginning to think
I'm no good.

I wanna put her in your care
before she finds out she's right.

I feel anyone who's as much concerned
about their daughter as you are

isn't doing too badly.

If there was anything really wrong
with you, you wouldn't give a dime.

Joe was the only man
I was ever really in love with, but...

If you care as much for Joe as you say,
why didn't you ever look him up?

I... I wouldn't...
I wouldn't know where to start.

Besides... he ran out on me, Father.

Oh, that's it.

Well, I'll do the best I can for you
if you send your daughter to see me.

- What's her daughter's name?
- Patricia.


I'll tell you,
I'll make a deal with you.

I'll take care of your daughter,
if you'll take care of yourself.

Thank you, Father.

- Father...
- O'Malley.

- O'Malley.
- Goodbye, Mrs Gallagher.


- Father?
- Mm-hmm?

There's a young lady
calling to see you.

Oh, yes. Send her in.

- Miss Gallagher?
- Yes, Father.

I've made arrangements for you to board
across the street with Mrs Breen.

That will be just... lovely.

My boy will take your bags.

Eddie, take those bags over
and put them in the back bedroom.

OK, Mum.

Well, Patricia...

I think the sisters were expecting
someone much younger, and so was I.

Well, I was trying to look older, Father.

I've been out looking for work.

I thought maybe I could quit school
and take a job.

I was up really early answering ads.

I'm perfectly able
to take care of myself.


Patsy, I think you're gonna be
very happy here at St Mary's.

You're gonna enjoy every minute of it.

You'll find that life can be very bright,
very beautiful here.

It's the character that came off.
Let me take a look at you now.

Oh, that's fine.

Yes, sir. You just give us a chance,
Patsy, and we'll fix you up.

What have we got here?

What are you smuggling?

What... what's this here?
What is this?

It's a rat, Father!

Well, you'll find around here
that you can't even wear a small mouse.

Things are brightening up already,
aren't they?

Oh, goodness.
Holy Toledo! Look at that.

You... you sent for me, Sister?

Yes, Patricia.

I wanted to talk to you.
You're falling behind in your studies.

If the work is too hard, Patsy,
I'll be glad to help you.

- If there's anything I can do...
- That isn't it, Sister. I...

I guess I'm just sort of a featherhead.

Don't you like school?

You're holding back on me, Patsy.
What's troubling you?

Nothing, Sister.

If you'll only work a little harder,
you'll get good marks.

We want to send your mother
a nice report card.

You want your mother
to be proud of you, don't you?

That's all, Patsy. You may go.

Thank you, Sister.

Hi, Pat.

- How's she doing?
- Not very well.

Oh no?

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

When we accepted this child,
it was on your recommendation.

We know very little about her parents.
What kind of a home life did she have?

You know, the usual, er...

- You said you met her mother?
- Yes. Yes, I have.

Do you know Mrs Gallagher well?

Yes, yes, I know her quite well.

- And her father, did you meet him?
- No, but I've heard about him.

- What is his occupation?
- He's a... musician.

They tell me
he has a charming personality, too.

I like people who like music,
don't you?

Are they separated?


Is there anything... anything
that I should know that would help?

Well, no, that's...
that's all that I, er...

Care to tell?

Well, yes.

Did anyone ever tell you
that you have a dishonest face?

For a priest, I mean.

Here! Break it up
or I'll knock your two heads together.

The winner!

You're pretty shifty, aren't you?
Let's see you operate here.

Eh... whoop!

Can't lay a glove on you.
Look at your shoe.

- You gotta watch all the time.
- Eddie. Eddie, come over here.

You better go inside
and wash your face.

Why didn't you fight back, Eddie?

You're a pretty handy lad.
What's your name?

Tommy Smith, Father.

Tommy Smith.
Well, keep your head up now.

- Yes, Father.
- He's all right.

I think you better speak
to Tommy, Father.

He's a new boy here
and I'm afraid he's a troublemaker.

He's a good fighter, though.

We don't tolerate fighting
in this school.

I think you better speak to him,
because if he continues to pick fights,

we may have to send him
to another school.

But aren't we supposed
to be educators, Sister?

I mean, instead of sending him away,
let's try and correct him.

I observed very little correction
in your attitude, Father.

As a matter of fact,
I detected a slight note of pride.

Naturally, I like to see a lad
who can take care of himself.

On the outside, it's a man's world.

How are they doing, Father?

Not doing too good.
But you know what I mean.

Sometimes a man has to fight
his way through.

Wouldn't it be better to...
to think your way through?

That's pure conjecture, of course,
from someone on the inside.

That's very well put, though.

But don't you think sometimes
in raising boys,

a woman's influence
can be carried too far?

You mean they may
become sissies, Father?

Yes. Yes, that's right.

Well, you look after Tommy,
and I'll look after Eddie,

who lost the fight
because he listened to me.


Yes, Sister?

Come over here and we'll fix you.

Let me look at that.

Tell me, how did all this happen?

I was going along
minding my own business,

when Tommy trips me.

Although I was very... mad,

I controlled myself, Sister,
just like you said.

And I said to him,
"Why'd you do that?"

Then what did he say?

He didn't say anything.
He just hauled off and hit me right here.

Oh, fine thing.

Then what did you do?

I remembered what you said, Sister,
and I turned the other cheek.

Then he really let me have it.

Well, you're a very good boy, Eddie.

I turned away to ignore him,
and then he kicked me!

I'm very proud of you.

I don't feel so hot.

No. No, Eddie, but you really won
a victory over Tommy.

- Did I, Sister?
- Yes. You were really the better man.

You and I know that.

Nobody else knows it.

To tell you the truth, I don't know it.

I don't think anybody was proud of me.

And even Father O'Malley.

Don't you think he thought Tommy
was the best man?

The better man.

I was thinking, Sister.

Since I've taken such a beating,
and I've been through so much,

maybe I wouldn't have
to go to school today.


But if you think I should go, Sister,
I'll go no matter how bad I feel.

Well, maybe I'll declare a holiday
just for you, Eddie.

Thanks, Sister.

- Are you interested in baseball?
- Oh, yes, yes.

Tell me, have you any textbooks
on the manly art of self-defence?

- I beg your pardon?
- Oh, she means pugilistics.

- I mean boxing.
- Boxing?

Yes. Yes, of course.

They're right over here.

Now, here's a book
endorsed by James J Corbett.

He won ten straight fights.

Nobody could lay a glove on him
till Fitzsimmons knocked him out.

Did Mr Fitzsimmons
write a book?

Did Mr Fitzsimmons write a book?


Oh, there's a very scholarly book here
by Mr Tunney.

Oh, well, we'll take that.

That'll be one dollar.

Thank you. Thank...

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon, Father.
- Good afternoon, Sister.

Move this table so we get
a little more room. That's fine.

- Nice of you to come on a Saturday, Eddie.
- It's worth it, Sister.

I read this whole book last night.
It's just what we need.

- Your homework, Sister?
- Yeah.

Now, the four most valuable punches,
it says here,

are... now let me show you...

A straight left.

A right cross.

A left hook.

And a right uppercut.

See? Now let me see
how you stand. Well?

- Well...
- Like that?

- Yes.
- How do you fight?

Well, er... like that.

Oh, no, no, no. It's nothing like it.

We'll have to start from the beginning.
Now put this foot back a bit.

Back. That's it.
See how I stand? Like this.

And bend your knees a little bit.
Bend them.

Er... no, your toe should be here.

That's right, that's right.
And your hands up like that.

Yes, that looks pretty good.
Your head should be down. That's right.

Now, that's fine.

Now just like that.

Let me see now,
what do we do next?

Yes. We start to move around.

We move around a little bit,
just like that.

And keep, keep, er...
keep sh**ting your left.

That's right. Right. Uh-huh.

That's good.

Now, Eddie, keep your chin down,
keep your chin down like this

and get your shoulder up.

Well, I... I can't do it so well
in this collar.

You know what I mean?
You protect your chin that way, you see?

And another thing,
you have to be weaving.

Weaving, that's right.
And bobbing.

A moving target is much harder to hit.
Remember that.

For instance, if I try to hit you
on this cheek,

then you move to the other side
or you weave.

Sorry, I didn't mean to do that.

You should be weaving,
you see what I mean?

See, like that.
And now, the other side.

That's right. Now faster.
That's right.

Gosh, Sister, that's better
than turning the other cheek.

It's much more fun if they miss,
don't you think?

Well, I... I'll admit
it's easier on your face.

You said it, Sister.

Well, now, where were we?
Let me see.

Although they say this is the most
valuable punch of all, the left jab...

it seems this is the payoff.

Now, now we'll try both hands.

Now, one...
Eddie, keep your mouth closed.

Now that's very important.
Keep your mouth closed.

The man devoted
two whole pages to that.

But all he meant was
that if you don't, you'll be sorry.

Now keep your mouth closed, real tight.

Now use both hands.

Now, if I try to... if I try to hit you here,
you block it with this hand, you see?

That's right, and you block it there
and then again.

That's right. That's right.

But be careful.
Look out for the payoff!

There are a lot of things
to remember, Eddie,

lefts and rights
and bobbing and weaving.

Let's try them all now.
Move around, move around.

Come on, here we go.
Look me right in the eye.

See if you can anticipate my blows.

Look out now. Look out.

Ooh, that was very, very good.

That's splendid, Eddie.

Yes. You learn fast. That's right.

Now let's go again. Come on.

Move around, move around.

You're so clumsy.

You have to be up on your toes.
Move around quickly, you know?

Oh, that's my fault.
I forgot to tell you about footwork.

It says there:
"Footwork is almost a lost art."

It's very important.
We have to learn it.

It's lots of fun.
You're going to like it.

Mmm? Sometimes it gets very fancy.
Yes, it's...

Well, maybe... maybe
that's too much for the first lesson.

Yes, I think so. I think we'll wait.
We have enough to think about.

Come on, let's just try now to, er...
You try to hit me.

That's right.
Come on. Come on.

Uh-huh, that's right.
And then a little... No!

You see?
You just can't hit me, can you?

Come on... Go ahead, Eddie.

- But I don't wanna hit you.
- Oh, don't worry.

Come on now.
I won't be there.

Ah, you see? You see what I mean?
You just can't...

I'm sorry, Sister.

Oh, that's all right.

That's enough
for the first lesson, though.

You forgot your footwork.
You forgot something, didn't you?


I forgot everything.

I forgot to bob, I forgot to weave.

I had my mouth open.

And I ran right into the payoff!


- Good evening, Father.
- Good evening.

- Patsy's right in here.
- Good.

- Hello, Father.
- Eddie.

Now, will you stop that now
and get off to bed?

Stay up. You'll get a draw.

I don't know what's the matter with him
lately. He's been acting very peculiar.

I think he's been out in the sun
too much.

Not during school hours, I hope.

- Good evening, Patsy.
- Good evening, Father.

Sit down.

You're up a little late tonight, aren't you?
What's the matter? You in trouble?

Father, don't you think I ought
to quit school and maybe take a job?

What can you do?

You have to know something
to do anything, you know.

You shouldn't get discouraged, Patsy,
I've been watching your marks,

and they're all right,
they're getting better.

Oh, Father, you're just being nice.

I don't know,
every time I think I know one thing,

and they ask me something else.

I'm just a perfect blank.
Guess I haven't got what it takes.

Now, don't ever think you're dumb.

All right, Father, let's just say
I'm not very bright.

What's the, er... problem tonight?
Why are you up so late?

It's an essay, Father.

"The Five Senses."
That's an interesting subject.

What have you discovered
about them?

Nothing. See what I mean?

What are the five senses, Patsy?

Well, to see, to hear,
to taste, to smell...

- feel.
- That's right.

- Who's the essay for?
- Sister Benedict.

Sister Benedict? Oh, we'll have
to take dead aim on this one,

see if we can get you an A.

But you don't wanna be
like the rest of the class.

They'll all going to come up
with those same stereotyped answers.

We wanna be different, be unique.

We'll write Sister an essay
on another sense, huh?

Let's see, man is endowed
with certain powers

which we call the five senses.

Now, if he has common sense,
he'll get great happiness out of life

by using these powers
within right reason.

For instance, you're happy
you came to St Mary's, aren't you?

Yes, Father.

To be... be glad you're alive,

to be grateful
because people are kind to you,

to be able to see some of nature's
great wonders,

the budding of the flowers
in spring

and the changing of leaves
in the autumn,

to be able to appreciate
beautiful music,

to be conscious of the beauty
of tasting and feeling

and hearing only the things
that are good for you.

To be aware of why you're here.

Oh, I could go on and on
and on, but...

Well, why don't you, Father?

Hmm, I think I will.

♪ Every time you're near a rose

♪ Aren't you glad you've got a nose?

♪ And if the dawn is fresh with dew

♪ Aren't you glad you're you?

♪ When a meadowlark appears

♪ Aren't you glad you've got two ears?

♪ And if your heart is singing, too

♪ Aren't you glad you're you?

♪ You can see a summer sky

♪ Or touch a friendly hand

♪ Or taste an apple pie

♪ Pardon the grammar,
but ain't life grand?

♪ And when you wake up each morn

♪ Aren't you glad that you were born?

♪ Think what you've got
the whole day through

♪ Aren't you glad you're you? ♪

Now, Patsy, I'll leave you
with those few little thoughts.

What do you make of them?


if you can't appreciate your five senses,
then your life isn't worth five cents.

That's good, good.
I hope you do well tomorrow.

Thank you, Father.
I feel much better.

I feel pretty good myself.

Now, children!

Seems I can't leave you
for a minute.

"Dear class, it's a holiday."

Now, who did this?

I must ask you again, who did this?

Now, children, I'm putting you
on your honour.

Who did this?

It's your duty to tell me.

Good morning.

We're honoured
with your visit, Father.

Be seated, children.

Won't you take my chair?

We'll take this matter up later.
Now we'll continue.

I want you to read what you've written,
so Father O'Malley may hear it.


Luther? How'd he get in here?

We never knew.

"The Five Senses.

"I like to see a good movie
with Roy Rogers."

"I like the taste of ice-cream cones,
especially strawberry.

"I like to listen to the 'Lone Ranger'.
'Hi-yo, Silver!'

"I like the smell of hot dogs
at the ball park.

"I like to feel... good."

Don't laugh, children. Don't laugh.

Luther means he wants
to be a good boy.

You want to feel good in here,
don't you, Luther?

No, Sister. I meant to feel good
is like when the bell rings at 3 o'clock

or when it's Easter vacation,
better still.

That's how I meant to feel good.

Well, it has both honesty
and imagination.

You can sit down.

And now, er... Patricia.

"The Six Senses."

The subject I gave you
was the five senses.

Well, I chose for my subject
six senses.

Well, go on, Patricia, go on.

"The six senses:
to see, to hear, to taste,

"to smell, to feel, to be.

"And the most important is the last.

"The sixth sense is to be able
to enjoy the five senses properly.

"To be, that's what really matters.

"It's a like world inside us,
and it's up to us what we make of it.

"We see others, we hear others,

"we know others with our five senses,
but how do we ever know ourselves?

"Through common sense.

"Common sense is an internal sense

"whose function it is to differentiate

"between the various reports
of the senses

"or to reduce these reports

"to the unity of a common perception."

Two great words: to be.

Other words grow out of them:

I am, you are, he is,
we are, they are.

That sort of takes in everybody.

As Shakespeare said,
"To thine own self be true

"and it shall follow,
as the night the day,

"thou canst not then be false
to any man."

And he was so right, Sister.

Oh, yes.

He was just talking
about the sixth sense.

To put it in my own words,

"To be or not to be,
that is the question."

Very good, Patricia. Very good.

And one more thing, Sister...

Saved by the bell.

In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost, amen.

You may go now, children.

- Well, I really learned something.
- Oh?

She shows a lot of promise,
don't you think, Sister?

Oh, definitely.

What are you gonna give her,
a B, perhaps?

Oh, no. I think an A.

Good. That's fine.

As a matter of fact, I think it should be
maybe an A+, don't you, Father?

- Oh, that might be overdoing it a little.
- It had a plus quality to it.

Yeah... Well, a girl like Patsy
needs a lot of encouragement.

She... she has such a fine mind.

Yes. Remarkable.

In fact, she has the mentality
of a man your age.

- There's another sense, you know, Sister?
- Oh, don't tell me.

Yeah. Sense enough
to know when to leave.

Good morning, Sister.

Little Bobby wants to play with you.

Fight! Fight! Fight!


I'm sorry
I had to do that to you, Tommy,

but if you're a good sport,
we'll shake hands and we'll be friends.

I'll even buy you
an ice-cream cone.

- Two scoops?
- Two scoops!

- Eddie, how'd you learn to fight?
- That's a secret.


You, er...
you missed some excitement here.

- I did?
- Yes, you did. The, er...

Yes, you did.

- It was quite a fight.
- Oh.

That, er... that little Eddie there...
That is Eddie, isn't it?

Oh, yes. Yes, that's Eddie.

That's the little boy that was in that fight
a few weeks back?

Mm-hmm. Yes.

Quite a change.

It's incredible.

He's an improved man.

I wonder.

Does it mean anything, Father?

Does it prove anything
to beat up your fellow man?

Somehow, don't you think
it's what we are in here that matters?

I mean...

I mean, to be.

You're so right.

But how do you account for such
a sudden change in such a short time?

Oh, we... we try to do our best
to raise masculine little men

with our limited knowledge
of the outside world.

♪ Adeste, fideles

♪ Laeti triumphantes

♪ Venite, venite in Bethlehem!

♪ Natum videte

♪ Regem angelorum

♪ Venite, adoremus

♪ Venite, adoremus

♪ Venite, adoremus

♪ Dominum

♪ Natum videte

♪ Regem angelorum

♪ Venite... ♪

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Yes, Sister?

I'm sorry, Father,
but you're disturbing us.

- Disturbing who?
- We're rehearsing a play

and the children can't keep their minds
on what they're doing.

It's the first grade, you know,
and they are easily distracted.

You mean we're making
too much noise?

To use your own words,
yes, Father.

Oh, well, Sister,
we heard about your play

and we've prepared
a little surprise for you.

You can't have a Christmas play
without "Holy Night" or "Adeste Fideles".

Oh, yes, yes.

You mean there's no room
in your play for "Holy..."

Not in our play, Father.

What? I'd certainly like to see
a play like that.

Would you like to see a rehearsal?

Yes, I certainly would.
You kids stay here and practise awhile.

I'm gonna check into this.
What are you gonna use for music?

Come with me
and you'll find out.

Bobby! Bobby!

Well, here's he is. Here's the little man
I was telling you about.

I know Bobby.
He's an old pal of mine.

- You in the play, Bob?
- Yes. In fact, I made it up.

I bet you've got a good part.

Yes. It's beautiful.

Can we see the play now, Bobby?

Well, it's a little bit not good.
You see, we're just practising it.

Er... it'll be better at Christmas.

- Yes, but we won't mind a few mistakes.
- No. What's the play about?

That's what I tell you
at the beginning.

Why don't we begin? You ready?

I must tell you, the children
have done this all by themselves.

Every time they do it,
the dialogue is different.

Every line is a surprise to me.

Heaven knows what it's going to be
at Christmas!

When they do it in front of their parents,
they'll probably forget everything.

This is Mary, and I'm Joseph,
and we're going to Bethlehem

to see if we can have someplace...
find someplace to stay.

And that's all
you have to know, really.

- Knock, knock.
- Hello?

This is Mary, and I'm Joseph.

And we came to Bethlehem to see
if we could find a place to stay.

- Well, do you have any money?
- No, sir.

Well, then you can't
stay here tonight.

Well, that's too bad for us.

Mary, we can't stay there
because we don't have any money.

I'll be all right, Joseph,
as long as I'm with you.

Well, you see,
I think we ought to find a house

because it might rain soon.

It's winter, you know.

Well, why don't you try next door?

Good idea.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

You can't stay here
because you don't have any money.

I didn't even ask you yet.
Go back inside again.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

- Hello there.
- Hello.

This is Mary, and I'm Joseph
and could we...

could we stay here
for the night, please?

Do you have any money?

No, but Mary's awfully tired.
Could you think it over?


What did he say, Joseph?

He said he'd think it over.

- Well, when will he know?
- I don't know.

Hey, Joseph, I thought it over.
You can stay in the stable.

Golly gee, did you hear that?

Yes, Joseph.

Er... the next scene will be
the Lord Jesus' birthday.

Come on.

You're supposed to lift it.

No, no, Jimmy.
Jimmy, go back.

Go on back. You're in the play.
Don't come here, go...

His baby brother.

Well, here we all are
in the stables,

and we're very happy here
in Bethlehem,

and... there's our star.

Here's our angel
there are the shepherds,

and here are the wise men,
there, there, and there.

And, oh, here...
and the neighbours are coming in,

bringing their presents
because it's his birthday.

Thank you.
You make Mary and I very happy.

What do you do now, Bobby?
You sing "Holy Night", perhaps?

No, Father.
We have another song.

Oh? How's it go?

♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday, dear Jesus

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Well, Father?

Oh, their simplicity is beautiful.
I wouldn't change a word of it.

Oh, but they will.

You won't be needing my talents
at Christmas.

No. No, Father.

Maybe at Easter time
I could stage an egg hunt, hmm?


Look, Sister.
There's Father O'Malley.

I hope he finds him
in a favourable mood.

He could be.
It's spring, you know.

We're not getting anywhere, Father.
We got...

Well, it's a difficult decision to make,
Mr Bogardus,

to decide that there'll be
no more St Mary's.

Hmm... if you ask me,
it's not much now.

It is to the sisters.

You see, to you, that school
is just a piece of property,

but to them, it's...
well, it's everything.

It's not just the idea
of selling you the property,

it's the thought of selling them out.

You're getting a little sentimental,
aren't you, Father?

Well, it's just that I've been here
long enough to find out how they feel.

What are you going to do
when it's condemned?

- They're expecting a miracle.
- A miracle?

What kind of a miracle
is gonna get them out of trouble?

You'd be surprised.

Oh! Oh, gee!

No. No, Delphine,
you're not doing it right.

Show me, Sister.

Well, you-you... you don't hold it right.

This is the way you should hold it.
And straight.

And then you chop it.

Don't chop like that.

Keep your hands together
and step into it. You see?

Hit one, Sister.
Come on, throw.

No, I don't think so.
You better do it.

- Ooh!
- Yay! Yay!

Doggone those kids!
There they go again!

Here's your chance, Bogardus.
They're coming over to apologise.

Why don't you ask them
if they're willing to sell?

You mean if it's all right with them,
it's all right with you?

Definitely, I'll recommend it.
Of course, you'll have to see the bishop.

- The bishop?
- Oh, yes. He has the final word.

What kind of a man is he
to do business with?

You'll be glad to come back to me
and you'll have to anyway,

because I have to give you a letter
so you can see the bishop,

and I can't give you a letter
to see the bishop

until you've straightened yourself out
with the sisters.

Here they come now.
Good luck.

Oh, I'll never get this deal closed.

- Is he very angry?
- I think you'll find him quite forgiving.

You mean, for giving?

You mean, it'll be a good time
to ask him, Father?

Never be any better.

Oh, we are so sorry, Mr Bogardus.

It's nothing, Sister.
It's perfectly all right.

- We'll pay for it.
- Don't think of it, Sister. It's nothing.

It's a little hard to get glass today,
but I'll get it.

It is a magnificent building
you have here.

Thank you, Sister.

I know exactly how you feel when I look
at that tumbled-down school of yours.

I have one problem, however,
before my dream is complete.

It's a parking problem.

You see, The Bogardus corporation
will have several hundred employees,

and they all have cars.

Parking's becoming
more of a problem every day.

You see,
here's where my desk is going to be.

Here are the blueprints.

It would take us years to raise the money
to build a building like this.

Oh, you could never do it.
You'd be surprised what it's cost me.

Would you like to see
the rest of my building?

Oh, yes. By all means.

You just follow me.

Shall we ask him now?

Ever see anything like this?

Oh, it's tremendous, Mr Bogardus.

15,000 square feet
without a column.

The balcony seats 400.

We can hold dances here,
conventions, everything.

It certainly is ideal.

It's perfect.

The Lord must've been the architect.

I wish he had been.

I had Butler and Deane,
a couple of thieves.

Robbed me right and left.
It cost me 30% over the estimate.

But you must be very happy
with your accomplishment.

There's just one thing could make me
happier and you know that.

I believe we're thinking
about the same thing.


It isn't what we acquire in life, is it?
It's what we give.

And this...
this is a monument to you.

I can see the cornerstone reading,
"Donated to St Mary's

"through the generosity and benevolence
of Horace P Bogardus."

Oh, you're a very fortunate man,
Mr Bogardus.

I am?

You know it's more blessed
to give than to receive.

This will live long after you're dust.

Now that is real happiness.

Can't you just picture that?

Would you mind saying that again?

Picture what? When I'm dust?

But you don't have
to make up your mind right away.

- Why don't you sleep on it?
- I can't sleep now.

I know you're surprised,
but you shouldn't be.

Sometimes we don't know
why we do things.

You didn't know
why you built this building.

I didn't? I thought I did.

No, you built it
in answer to our prayers.

We've been praying and praying for this.

And we're going on praying.

Do you mean to say
that you've got the idea that...?

We'll... we'll leave you now
with this thought...

"Donated to St Mary's

"through the generosity and benevolence
of Horace P Bogardus."



...and dust.

I'm sure that nice little man
is going to give us his building.

We must pray
and keep on praying until...

- God's will be done?
- And may God's will be our will.

But what if our prayers
aren't answered?

Oh, thou of little faith.

We have reason to know
more things are wrought by prayer

than this world dreams of.

Therefore, let thy voice rise
like a fountain, night and day.

What's all the excitement?
Notre Dame win another one?

No, no. But I asked him.

- And?
- He didn't say no.

Oh, so you finally got here, eh?

Been waiting for you fellas
since 6 o'clock.

Will you stop flying off the handle?

You're working too hard, Horace.
You ought to be home in bed.

With this building on my hands?

Should've been ready
for occupancy three months ago.

You don't know
how much money I'm losing.

If you're talking about money,
why don't you see your banker?

I'm your doctor.
You can't go on like this, Horace.

You don't know what I'm going through.
Took me three weeks to get that glass.

There you are, brother.
Sign this, will you?

What's this?
What's... what's all this?

What's all what? Sign it.

I wanna know what I'm signing,
I can't sign...

That's overtime!
We get time and half after 6 o'clock.

You should've been here
before six. I was here.

Didn't even leave
to go to my doctor's office.

One more crack outta you,
we'll take that glass back

and it'll take you six weeks
to get it put in again.

Sign it.

See what I'm up against?

- Now, calm down, Horace.
- That's the way they do things.

- You mustn't let anything upset you.
- Yeah, I know. I know about that.

- You're too big a man for that.
- I'm not so big.

- Go home and get a good night's rest.
- Home...

Nothing can take the place
of a good night's sleep.

- Mm-hmm.
- Rest. Tranquillity. Relax.

A man in your position
hasn't got a worry in the world.

- Just keep saying to yourself...
- I can say it, but I won't feel it.

Now what's the matter?

You don't know
what they're doing to me.

I'll stop that.

What's the matter with you, Horace?

First, you're out of patience.
Now you're out of glass.

And now you want me to sleep.

What's new, Horace?
I heard the crash.

I wondered if anybody got hurt.

Oh, er... Father O'Malley,
Dr McKay, my physician.

- How do you do, Doctor?
- Glad to know you, Father.

Thank you.

Say, that's really too bad.
Isn't glass a little hard to get these days?

Oh, hard to get? I'll say it is.

Can't you get them to stop that,

Stop it, Horace?
Why, I think it's beautiful.

- His nerves are all shot.
- It's hardly noticeable.

What is that, Father?
Isn't that "O Sanctissima"?

That's right, Doctor.

Beautiful. I've heard it many times.

- How do the words go?
- Hmm...

♪ Ora, ora...

Do you know it, too?

♪ nobis

♪ Tota pulchra es

♪ O Maria

♪ Et macula

♪ Non est in te

♪ Mater anmata

♪ Intemerata...

- I wanna go home.
- Now you're making sense.

He's had a big day, Father.

♪ Ora pro nobis ♪

- Oh, come in, Father.
- Hello, Mrs Gallagher. How are you?

Just fine.

Oh, Father,
I was... I was wondering

what's so important you couldn't
tell me over the telephone.

Well, I don't know
just how to go about...

- Is it about Patsy?
- Mm-hmm, yes.

What's happened, Father?
What's wrong, what's she done?

No, it's not bad news, necessarily.
In fact, this could be good news.

Oh... I'm so glad.

She's been getting along so well, if...

Well, if anything should happen
to upset her now...

Now, take it easy.
Nothing has happened.

What's it got to do with Patsy?

You said it had something
to do with Patsy.

Well, it has. I found her father.

- Joe?
- Well, I think so.

I told him the story
as you told it to me.

I described you to him and...

- How on earth did you run him down?
- Well, he's a piano player.

Once a piano player,
always a piano player.

I got him through the Musician's Union.
I went right to the top, Petrillo.

- I really don't know what to say.
- Neither do I.

Well, er...

Is, er... is he in town?

In town?
He's here, he's out in the hall.

- Oh, no!
- Yeah. Shall I bring him in?

Oh, no! Not... That is...

Wait just a minute, will you?

I, er... you know.

She'll be a few minutes.

She's fixing her hair, powdering her nose,
and one thing or another.

You know how it is.

Father, this is, er...
kind of a big moment for me.

Mind you, it's... it's 13 years.
I was a little bit younger then.

He hasn't exactly been on ice,
you know.


Well... shall we?




- Don't go yet, Father.
- No, Father. Please stay a little while.

- All right.
- Joe, sit down.

You, too, Father.
Sit down a little while.

Thank you.

You haven't changed a bit.

Neither have you, Joe.

- Do me a favour, will you?
- What's that?

- Play the piano.
- Oh...

Please, please.
I want Father to hear you.

I've been telling him all about you.
Don't let me down.

Listen to this, Father.
He's really good.

What was that song
we used to love so much?

You mean, er... "By the Sea"?

No, Joe.

No, it... it had a bit
of the Rosary in it.

But... but that wasn't the melody.

Joe, don't you remember?

We said that...
that no matter what happened,

that song would always
see us through.

And then we pressed
the rosebud in the book.

What happened?


- Where's the book?
- Mmm...

What's the matter? Do you know it?

Why, sure. That's an old song called
"In the Land of Beginning Again".

- Why didn't you say so?
- You never asked me.

Well, come on over here
and get in, then.

You'll be sorry.

♪ There's a land of beginning again

♪ Where skies are always blue

♪ Though we've made mistakes,
that's true

♪ Let's forget the past
and start life anew

♪ Though we've wandered
by a river of tears

♪ Where sunshine
won't come through

♪ Let's find that paradise
where sorrow can't live

♪ And learn the teachings
of forget and forgive

♪ In the land of beginning again

♪ Where broken dreams
come true ♪

The girls are all excited,
aren't they, Sister?


It reminds me of when I graduated.

Yes, it's a big moment in their lives.

Incidentally, it's the first time
they're wearing high heels.

I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

Look, Sister.

Yes, that's really nice, Patsy.

It's very... push the sleeve up
a little bit like that.

I think it's a little long.

- It's supposed to be, Sister.
- Yes, but not... only on one side.

Yes. You don't want to stumble.

Look, girls. Sister Benedict
is giving Patsy all the attention.

Oh, no, Delphine.
That isn't right.

- Patsy's teacher's pet.
- Meow!

She is, too.
You gave her the prettiest dress.

It would look much better on me,
I'm sure.

Girls, I think that's about enough.
You better take your dresses off.

Sister, I just got a funny idea.

Suppose, after all this, I flunk?
Wouldn't that be terrible?

- Sister, you wouldn't do that to us.
- Oh, no.

Sister, it would a great idea
to cut out the finals entirely.

Well... No, you can't
get around me that way.

Run along, now.
Take your dresses off.

Be careful.

- Sister?
- Yes, dear?

I was just thinking...

Could I take this dress over
to show it to my mother, perhaps?

Yes, certainly. I think
that would make her very happy.

Thank you, Sister.
I know it will.

OK, darling.
I'll get the tickets to Syracuse.

- Goodbye, Joe.
- Goodbye, honey.

Hold it!

Would you like a stick of gum?

I answered this one two ways,
Sister. Yes and no.

- All right, Luther. Run along.
- Thanks.

I'm sorry, Patsy. Time is up.

May I come in?

Oh, don't get up.
I'm just the pastor here.

- Grading the papers, I see.
- Yes, Father.

- They're a wonderful bunch of children.
- Yes.

- You should be very proud of them.
- We are.

I ran into some of the girls
out there.

They're dying with curiosity
about their marks.

I'm supposed to come in
and without your knowing, of course,

find out how they turned out.

I presume you opened your heart
and passed them all, didn't you?

All but one, Father.


Oh, no.

Well, this is only one subject.

The others are even worse.
Her average is below 60.

Well, she got the date right
and she spelled her name right.

Couldn't you give her something on that?
Add it up again, maybe pass her?

Don't you think the honour of the school
means anything?

But what about Patsy?

St Mary's isn't being
very much help to her.

Don't you think
we should help a child like that?

She's beginning to believe in herself.

A blow like this,
the child may never get over it.

Do you believe
in just passing everybody, Father?


Maybe I do.

I can't believe you mean it.

It's easier for some children
to make the grade than others.

They don't have to study.

But I've known some
that got the best marks in school

and never made
much of a mark afterwards.

I knew a character once...
a fellow named Elmer Hathaway.

He and I went through school together.

Or rather, I went through school.
Elmer just stood still.

I think he was three years
in the eighth grade.

He was quite a boy.

The teacher often wondered how
he found his way to the school house.

Sometimes he didn't.

Kids used to make fun of him.

He was sort of a dreamer.

Sometimes he'd even forget what day it was
and he'd come to school on Saturday.

Asked him who Plato was one day,
and he said, "Plato who?"

But he was good with his hands.
He built a boat, a sailboat.

One time he disappeared
for two, three days.

When he came back,
they asked him where he'd been

and he said, "Oh, just sailing."

Well, he got to be about a foot taller
than anybody else in the class.

They felt sorry for him,
so they decided to pass him.

Besides, I think they needed the desk
at the time.

He never knew about it, and from
that time on, he developed assurance.

You've heard of Hathaway Shipyards,
haven't you?

- Yes.
- That's Elmer.

And to this day, he takes care
of his less fortunate pals,

you know, the ones
that used to get 99 and 100.

If any of them are broke or out of a job,

they can always work for Hathaway.

He's a good man.

By the way,
just what is passing anyhow?

Well, 75, you know that.

Yes, I know that, but who started it?

Our school is based on it.
Every school is.

- If we don't have standards...
- Yes?

- But... but certainly you're not serious?
- I am.

Aren't we here to give the children
a helping hand

or are we here to measure their brains
with a yardstick?

Why do they have to have 75 to pass?

- You'd put the standard at 65, Father?
- Why not?

Then why not at 55?
Why any grades at all?

Why don't we close the school
and let them run wild?

Be better than breaking their hearts.

That's unfair, Father,
my heart aches for Patsy,

and when you infer it doesn't hurt me,
you're being very unjust.

Please realise I've done
everything possible to help her,

but I must uphold our standards.

If you order me to pass her...

...I shall do so.

But her mark remains the same.

- Come in, Patsy.
- Thank you, Sister.

- Hello, Father.
- Patsy.

I, er... I failed, didn't I, Sister?

Yes, you did, Patsy.

- That's what I thought.
- I'm sorry.

Well, that's all right, Sister.
It wasn't your fault.

I was... I was just thinking that...

Well, I... I won't be needing
this now, and...

and... well, Delphine liked it so much.

I was just thinking that, er...

I was just thinking that maybe
I'll do better next year, Sister.

Sister, you and I have had
our little differences of opinion,

but they haven't been important.
This is... this is serious.

I'm not gonna order you
to do anything.

It's up to you, but...

But she failed.

Hooray, Luther made one!
Give him a hand, fellas.

Who's next? On you go.

Good try! Good try!

Hold on. I'll be right back.

I'll go with Sister.

What's happened?

Sister Benedict's quite ill.
She had a fainting spell in the chapel.

- Did you call a doctor?
- She doesn't want one.

Oh, she doesn't, huh?

Come in.

The doctor's on his way over.
How are you feeling, Sister?

Who sent for a doctor?

She did.

You can't trust the man.
He's an informer.

- How are you feeling, Sister?
- I feel all right.

Won't you sit down, Father?
I want to talk to you.

Please excuse us.

What have I done now?

You've been writing.

You've been writing to Mother General.

- Oh?
- Going over my head.

Yes, I received that letter from her.

Well, I just wrote
expressing my own opinion, Sister.

- But I hope that hasn't brought this on.
- No.

No, I-I... I'm just tired.

But you actually considered
tearing down St Mary's

and sending our children
to St Victor's?

That's right.
I thought about it quite a bit.

We have to face facts, Sister.


Yes, I know what you mean, Father.

We've tried so hard...
not to face facts.

But there... there must always be
a St Mary's.

Of course, of course, Sister.
Now, just relax. Take it easy.

- Pardon me, but the doctor's...
- Come in. Come in, Doctor.

- Hello, Father.
- This is Dr McKay, Sister.

- How do you do, Doctor?
- How do you do, Sister?

He's Mr Bogardus' doctor, you know.

Oh, yes?

- Are you his personal physician?
- Yes. I have other patients.

Possibly a hundred or so,
and Horace P Bogardus.

Lately, he's been a full-time job.

Rings me up all hours of the night.

We pray for him all the time.

That's very nice.
He certainly could use it.

- But may I ask why?
- They need a new school, Doctor.

And they're praying for Mr Bogardus
to give them his building.

Give? Bogardus?

- Pardon me.
- It's all right. I have a sense of humour.

Yes, well, maybe your prayers
are having some effect.

He can't sleep nights. That's why
I'm giving him sleeping tablets.

Prayer's a wonderful thing, Father,

but if Bogardus ever gives you
that building, I'll...

Nothing spectacular, Doctor.


Well, I can't do much here.

If you're well enough to come down
tomorrow, I'll give you a check-up.

There's nothing's wrong with me.
I'm just tired.

I know, I know,
but you let me be the judge of that.

I want to know the cause
of your being tired.

- But I...
- She'll be there, Doctor.

You keep right on praying, Sister,
but not tonight.

- You need a good night's rest.
- So does Bogardus.

Yes, that's right.

You heard what the man said.
You take it easy.

Now you won't forget, Father?

You'll see she gets down
to the office tomorrow?

She has a mind of her own, you know,
but I'll get her down there.

- Is this anything serious?
- Well, she's running a little temperature.

- You say she's had these att*cks before?
- That's what I heard today, yes.

I hope it's nothing serious.
She's such a remarkable woman.

She certainly is. I could tell that
the minute I walked into the room.

Does she really believe that
Bogardus is gonna give that building?


Well, I've heard of such things
but I've never come across it before,

not since I was a little boy and wished
for what I wanted for Christmas and got it.

It's sort of the same thing.

But when we grow up,
we... we get practical.

- She's not very practical, is she?
- She thinks she is.

What is she gonna do
when she doesn't get...

You see? Now she's got you worried.

Yes, she has.
I hate to see her disillusioned.

Say, Doctor, not to change
the subject much,

but Bogardus has a bad heart,
doesn't he?


What are you giving him for it, pills?

Have you got a better prescription?

Well, I... I knew a fellow once.

He had a very bad heart.

In fact, they only gave him
six months to live.

But he spent that six months
doing so much good,

do you know that he lived to be 90?

That so?

You mean doing good for others
is good for a bad heart?

You spend your life doing for others,
don't you, Doctor?

Well, yes. Yes.

- How's your heart?
- Fine.

There you are.

Are you tampering
with the laws of medicine?

Well, we have a good deal
in common, Doctor.

We're both interested
in the good heart.

And your suggestion is, per chance,
that I change my prescription?

You're the doctor.

I'm not so sure, O'Malley.

- Good day.
- Good day.

Mr Bogardus.

Father O'Malley.

Oh, yes, Father O'Malley.
Excuse me. I didn't see you.

I thought it was you, but you seemed
to be looking right past me.

Oh, my mind was
a million miles away.

Yes, you don't seem
to be yourself today.

I'm not, Father.
I've just come from my doctor.

You know, Father,
if I had to live my life over again,

there'd be a lot of changes made.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, a lot of changes.

You know, there's great beauty
in this world

if you just have the eyes to see it.

- Isn't there, Father?
- Oh, naturally.


Thank you.

- Ah, yes, life can be very beautiful.
- That's right.

And you know, Father, you've spent
your whole life doing things for people.

- No, I...
- Oh, yes, you have.

Come to think of it, Father,
how's your heart?

Great, great.

That's what I mean.

Would it be all right, Father,
if I go into the church?

You're perfectly welcome. There it is.

And here's a thought that might help you.

It's meant a lot to me.

"I shall pass this way but once.

"If there's any good
I can do for anyone,

"let me do it now and not put it off,

"for I shall not pass this way again."

Oh, thank you, Father.
God bless you.

- Thank you, Father.
- Goodbye.

Wait a minute.


That's a puppy.

Oh, wait, wait!
Wait, wait.

Allow me, lady.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

It's a beautiful world, isn't it?

Yeah, you pretty near left it there.

I nearly did. I'll get off to church.

Oh, Mr Bogardus.

I'm sorry about this, Sister.

I didn't realise he'd followed me
into the church.

Sweet little fellow, isn't he?

That's quite all right.
Bring him anytime.

Well, I mean, it doesn't matter.

I see that animals love you.

Oh, yes, but people don't.

You must be wrong.

I'm sure that when people
get to know you, they love you.

No, no, no.
That's when they don't.

- You see, Sister...
- Yes, Mr Bogardus?

I've never had any children
of my own.

And I've never even liked children.
And they don't like me.

Why don't people like you?

Well, I've been very selfish.

And lately, I've been giving it
a lot of thought.

Come to any conclusion?


This is going to surprise you.

And I do want people to like me,

so... I was wondering...

...if you would accept my building.


What's the matter?

- It's a bit of a shock to you?
- Yes, yes.

Well, you can have it.
You can have it!

I'll go straight to my lawyer and have him
make out the deeds right away.

Oh, thank you, Mr Bogardus!

St Mary's will never forget it,
and the children will love you.

They will? I'll have the necessary papers
made out right away.


Come on, doggy.
Come on, come on, come on.

What happened?

All right, back it away, back it away.
Back it away.

- What's the big idea?
- I don't need any help.

Mr Bogardus, how are you?

- I'm all right!
- And your legs?

OK. No bones broken.

Oh, Father O'Malley. Oh!

Well, Sister, that was lovely.
What is it called?

It means, er... "It's spring."

Don't let me slow you.
Sing something else.

What do we know?

How about, er...
do you know "Birmingham Bertha"?

- No.
- It's a tune!

How about the school song then?

Oh, yes. Sister has a new version of it
with a fix and everything.

- She's a bit proud of it.
- Well, sing that.

- Won't you sing the melody, Father?
- Sister, you talked me into it.

♪ Ding dong

♪ Ding dong

♪ Ding dong

♪ Ding

- ♪ Oh, bells of St Mary's
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ We always will love you
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ With your inspiration
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ We never will fail
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ Your chimes will forever
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ Bring sweet memories of you
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ So proudly ring out
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ While we sing out
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

- ♪ Hail, hail, hail!
- ♪ Ding, dong, ding, dong

♪ So proudly ring out

♪ While we sing out

♪ Hail, hail, hail!

♪ Ding, dong

♪ Ding

♪ Won't you ring them bells? ♪

Haven't had a chance like that in years.
I had to try it.

- Father.
- Yeah?

- The doctor's here.
- Oh, good.

- How are you, Father?
- Hello, Doctor.

Sister Benedict was in to see me.

She's in great spirits, Doctor,
probably the happiest person alive.

Isn't it wonderful
what faith can do?

Father, everyone's so happy around here,
I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

I examined Sister Benedict.

- Can she be sent away for a while?
- Why? Where?

Some place like Arizona,
for instance?

- You see this area here?
- Yes, what is it?

That's her right lung.
And here, in this area...

Well, I never could make anything
out of those things.

What is it, Doctor, TB?

Yes. A very early stage.

Oh, it's not that bad.
We're lucky to catch it right now.

That's what I meant when I asked
if she could be sent to a drier climate,

to an infirmary
or a home for old people,

some place where she could have
light duties, not another school.

If it has to be done,
I guess it can be done...

...but not to be with children...

No, not for a while.
Not until this condition's cleared up.

- Does she know about this?
- Not yet.

It's very important
that she doesn't know it.

She has a wonderful vitality,
a natural optimism,

and that's the best medicine
anyone can have.

If that spirit is dampened,

it would have a depressing effect
and delay her recovery.

She'll have to know about it.
We can't just send her away without...

Don't you people, more or less,
go where you're told without question?

Yes, and we're supposed
to have the stamina to take it.

She has plenty of that.

But you don't quite understand, Doctor.
You see...

...Sister and I haven't always agreed
on how to run the school.

It's been one rather serious
difference of opinion.

Now, if she's sent away
without any explanation, why...

...she's bound to think that...

Up to here, Father,
we were discussing her health,

what's best for her.

Now we're discussing your feelings.

It's a heck of a way to put it, Doc.

I only want to see her get well.

Well, I guess I can see to it
that she's transferred, but...

...not to tell her why...

...send her away
without any explanation...

You would put it that way.

Her opinion of me or her health.

Right down here, men.


All right.

Just straighten it a little bit.

There, that's...

Yes, that's right. Thank you.

This is... This is to go up there.


Be sure to leave room for their knees.

You know how they go.
You remember.

- Good morning, Father.
- Morning, Sister.

Look out! Look out, Father,
you're in the way.

Here, let me help you with that.


Just put it down there.
That'll do for now.

I'm so glad you came over, Father.
I have so much on my mind and...

I want to talk to you, too, Sister.

When you bring the desk,
put it over here.

Yes, Sister.

Let's go where there's less noise.

Now we can finally tear down
our old school

and that can become our playground.

It's all so wonderful.
And I'm tired.

- I think I'll sit down for a minute.
- You've been working too hard.

You shouldn't be lifting things
around here.

It must be all the excitement.
Now, what was it I was going to say?

Yes, about commencement.
Did you ask Mr Bogardus?

- Yes, and the doctor.
- Fine. He's a nice man.

He telephoned and told me
that I had nothing to worry about.

Yes, I'll have you know that he said
there was nothing wrong with me.

I'm perfect.

- That is good news.
- Yes, isn't it?

About Bogardus, do you want me
to thank Bogardus publicly?

Oh, yes, by all means,

and convey our sincere gratitude
for his wholehearted generosity.

But don't make a long speech.

Sister, I'll be the soul of brevity.

The children will be restless and
the parents will be interested only in them.

But of course you'll impress
upon the graduating class,

that they must never give up
their pursuit of learning

and at all times carry uppermost
in their minds the ideals of St Mary's.

Yes, I... I think that'll take care
of everything, Father.

If you think I'm gonna be long-winded,
why don't you write the speech?

I have, Father. I have it here.

And I have one more wish:

that the next year will be
a joyous and successful one,

and that we'll never have
any more misunderstandings.

Serious ones, I mean.

I know how you feel about Patsy.

You still disagree with me, don't you?

Father, sometimes we have to do things
that aren't easy.

No matter how much they hurt us,
we have to do what we believe is right.

I have something to tell you, Sister,
that isn't going to be easy.

What is that, Father?

Well, you'll be notified shortly...

...that Sister Michael is going
to be in charge here next year.

Well, she...

She'll be so happy.

And I...?


Will I-I be her assistant?

It's only fair to tell you, Sister,
that you're being transferred.

It's going to be difficult
to leave St Mary's.

But we shouldn't become
too attached to any one place.

Any other school may seem...
strange at first,

but... as long as
I'm around children I'll be happy.

How do you know all this?

Have you been writing
Mother General again?

- Will I be here for graduation?
- Yes, Sister, of course.

Is this the desk
that goes in your office, Sister?



Was there anything else
you had to say, Father?

- That was all?
- Yes, Sister.

I'll go with you.

Sorry you couldn't be with us, Pat.

Thanks, Del.

- What happened to my dress?
- Sister has it. It didn't fit me.

- Too many milkshakes!
- Yeah.

Well, better luck next year.

- I'll be rooting for you.
- Thanks.

Where is she?

- Which one's Patsy?
- Well, I... I don't see her.

I'll look for her, Joe.
You go find Father O'Malley.


- Who is that?
- My mother, Sister.

Is she here for the exercises?

I guess so.

You didn't tell her
you're not graduating?

No, Sister.

My dear child, why not?

She's been out of town.

It's embarrassing, Patsy, I know...

...but you mustn't feel so badly
about not graduating.

If we don't fail sometimes,
our successes won't mean anything.

You must have courage.
Don't give up.

I'll explain to your mother,
so she won't think ill of you.

I know she loves you,
and you love her,

and where there's love,
there's complete understanding.

Understanding? If you ask me,
nobody understands anything.

You don't understand anything,

Father O'Malley
doesn't understand anything,

my mama does...

Oh, Sister, I'm sorry.

What is troubling you, Patsy?

Oh, Sister, help me.

Oh, please help me.

Yes, of course.

Of course I want to help you.

I want to be a nun, Sister.

How can I become a nun like you?

There's one thing I do know,
something is troubling you.

No. No, I just want to be a nun.

You don't say it that way, my dear.

"I want to be a nun."

You don't become a nun
to run away from life, Patsy.

It's not because you've lost something.

It's because you've found something.

You're still a little girl.

You don't know yet.

Oh, but I do.

I just want to be like you.

You don't know
what the next four years will bring.

You haven't been to high school yet.
Those are years you'll always treasure.

New companions, new interests,
lots of fun, as well as study.

Going to... to parties.

Football games.

Your first prom.

Your first party dress.

Your first waltz.

You can't give up these things
if you know nothing about them.

Not until you've known all this
and more...

...can you say
with complete understanding,

"I want to be a nun."

Oh, but I can. I can!

I know them all now.

Well, then, Patsy, there's another thing.
Your marks aren't good enough.

- You have to pass your examinations.
- But I could have.

I could have passed.

I didn't want to.

You mean you failed on purpose?

I thought maybe
I could stay here another year.

Everything's so nice here, Sister.
You don't know.

Everything's so clean
and so good and...

...well, even if I am in the same grade,
I don't care.

I'd be with you.

Oh, Patsy.

I'm beginning to see what's wrong.

Did Father O'Malley know about this?

Nobody knows, Sister.

Nobody but me.

- "I."
- No, Sister, you're wrong.

"But" can be used as a preposition
as well as a conjunction,

and then it takes the objective case.

Dear me! That was
on the examination, wasn't it?

Uh-huh, and I missed it.
I'm brighter than you think I am, Sister.

Go ahead,
ask me some more questions.

Honestly, I wouldn't be a dumb nun.

Oh, Patsy.

Sister, this is
Mr and Mrs Joe Gallagher.

Patsy's mother and father.

How do you do?

Patsy, your father.

Hello, Patsy.

Don't look at me like that, Patsy.

Give me time.
I may grow on you.

Darling... darling, don't cry.

Everything's going to be
different from now on.

Mummy and Daddy are going to see
that you have a home,

a real home,
and have a room all your own.

You can have children over now
as often as you like.


...well, you... won't be lonely anymore.

Oh, Mama!

Oh, Mummy!

- Is this my real daddy?
- Yes, darling.

- Yes.
- We came to see you graduate, Patsy.

Isn't it time you were getting ready?

We were just about to get ready,
weren't we, Patsy?

Yes, Sister.

How were her marks, Father?
I didn't see her report card.

Hmm? Her marks?
Oh, they were exceptional.

There wasn't a child in the class
anywhere near her.


My dear friends, this is indeed
a great day for St Mary's,

I might call it the first birthday
of the new St Mary's.

There's the old, and here's the new.

And we owe it all to the generosity
and benevolence of one man,

a man whose name will be graven
on our cornerstone and in our hearts

for many years to come.

Speaking of hearts,
a truly great heart beats in the bosom

of Mr Horace P Bogardus.

Ah, bup-bup-bup!

Mr Bogardus is a very modest man.

But when you have a heart
that loves children,

that thinks only of others and
that's capable of doing so much good,

then, my friends, you have a heart
that can laugh at the years.

Mr Bogardus is a fine example
of the joy of giving.

To him, every day is Christmas.

Indeed, he has holly in his heart.

Thank you.

St Mary's is founded
on faith, hope and charity.

The greatest of these is charity...

And a gift to the church, you know,
is deductible. we thank
Mr Bogardus for his generous gift.

Now I'd like to say a few words

to the boys and the girls
of our graduating class.

I'm gonna make it very brief.

Today is a joyous one for you,
because you're graduating.

It's also a sad one,
because you're leaving St Mary's.

I can't sum up in a few minutes
what you've learned here in eight years.

What you're taking with you is...
is not just what was in the books.

That's important,
but it isn't everything.

What you're taking with you
is what you have to give now to others,

what the good sisters have taught you.

I want to say it right here
that if any of you are ever in trouble,

no matter what,
you just dial "O" for O'Malley.

- Did you order the cab?
- Yes, it'll be waiting outside.

Sister Benedict in the chapel?


Dear Lord...

Dear Lord...

...remove all bitterness from my heart.

Please... me to see thy holy will
in all things.

Help me.


Oh, please, help me.

Are you going with me, Sister Angela?

Yes, Sister.

- Goodbye, Sister.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Sister.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Sister.
- Goodbye, Sister.

Goodbye, Sister Genevieve.

You know that wherever I am,

my heart will always be with St Mary's.

Goodbye, Sister Benedict.

Goodbye, Sister Michael.


Sister, we know your heart will be here.

We'll always remember you
in our prayers.

Thank you.

- Goodbye, Father.
- Goodbye.


Sister Benedict?

Sister, I can't let you go like this.

You know, when Dr McKay
said you were perfect,

he was right...
for that's what you are.

But he didn't mean physically...

...because, Sister,
you have a touch of tuberculosis.

Now, Dr McKay felt that
you shouldn't know about this, but I've...

Thank you, Father.

Thank you.

You've made me very happy.

I'll get well quickly now.

- Of course you will, Sister.
- Of course I will.

And if you ever need anything,
no matter what it is

or wherever you happen to be...

Yes. I know.

I'll just dial "O" for O'Malley.

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