Der Rebell (1932)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Der Rebell (1932)

Post by bunniefuu »



Look, mother. Do you like 'em?

- I went all the way to the Wei?bach alp.
- Beautiful.

Gertrud, you shouldn't walk away
this far in these times.

But there are no Wood Pink's
anywhere else. And Severin loves them.

Alright, now give me a hand.

Jesus! How Severin's butterflies look!

I heard there was
a big uproar in St. Ulrich.

Dragoons where there.
Everything's in shambles.

Do you think they will come here too?

Don't worry about it.

God helped us this far,
he'll keep helping us.

I'm scared.

Don't be afraid,
now that Severin is coming home.

If only he'd be here already.

What do you want?

- Is Severin here already?
- No, but he'll come today or tomorrow.

When he comes,
tell him to visit us in St. Vigil.

- It's important.
- I will tell him.

- What... Where are we?
- I don't know, father.

- Is there no tavern around?
- Soon, father.

I'm dying of thirst.

I want wine... red wine.

Greetings! Please...

I want wine! Red wine!

At once.


- Erika, where are you going?
- Just for a walk.

- The water is excellent.
- Is it?

Won't you take a sip?


After all, the water's
from the Tyrolean Alps.

- Are you Tyrolean?
- Yessir. And you?

- I'm from Munich.
- Too bad. A Bavarian...

Why "too bad"?

- Because you Bavarian are against us.
- Me against you?

- I'm not saying that.
- I'm not against you at all.

But you can't trust
Bavarian girls completely.

- Do you have a spouse?
- Me?

- Why?
- No reason.

Where are you going?

Father's taking over the new
administrative office in St. Vigil.

We're neighbors then.
I'm from Obernberg.

So I've already made a friend.

Where's my wine?

- It's coming.
- It's coming, huh?

That's unheard of.
You'd let people die of thirst.

- Oh dear! What a color.
- A real Tyrolean.

- It's quite good.
- You see?

So you're coming back from Jena?
Did you study there too?


You know, as I was riding
and I saw the stagecoach

I thought right away that
a nice girl will be inside.

Do you always think that
when you see a stagecoach?

Yep, but most of the time I'm wrong.

I've got to go.

He's harmless. See...

See how he's eating?
That's how you give it sugar.

- What's his name?
- Fritz.

And I'm Severin Anderlan.

- And you?
- Erika Riederer.

Erika Riederer...
now we're all acquainted.

I really have to go.

- Are we going to be friends?
- Yes.

And meet again soon?

- Yes. Maybe you'll visit us?
- Yes.

- Yes?
- Gladly.

Let me...

Let me... I really have to go.

- Get home safely.
- Thanks.




You won't find anything.

All 's wrecked.

Where's my mother? And my sister?

- All 's wrecked.
- By god, why?

Don't know. All 's wrecked.



According to the call-up,
faction Matrei has to provide sixty men.

Step up for the draw.

Step up to throw the dice.

Throwing double means
you leave right away.

Throwing a high number means
immediate enlistment.

Who's supposed to look
after the fields and cattle?

Please, don't go.

I'm lucky. I'm useless to them.

Three numbers are
put aside for the next draw.

Throw the dice.

Transcribed. Enlisted.

Throw the dice.

Transcribed. Enlisted.

- I missed you the last few days.
- But I'm always home.

You're always in the mountains.

- What are you looking for?
- Aren't you nosy?

- I'm going just because.
- All on your own?

- I'm not scared.
- Maybe I could accompany you?

- Please.
- Thank you.

I have a surprise for you.

There will be a big ball in Innsbruck
when General Ruby arrives.

- If you'd like to attend it...
- No, I couldn't at the moment.

Do you really have to
muster those poor boys?

You have so many recruits already.

- The fields are withering, and...
- Please, let's not talk politics.

I know it's tough.
The Emperor needs soldiers.

Farmers are more
important than soldiers.

Sepp Rabensteiner!
Sepp Rabensteiner!

Sepp Rabensteiner!



I walk on my own.

Throw the dice.

Transcribed. Enlisted.

- Did you find him?
- Sure.

- He sends you something.
- What is it? - His regards.

- How is he doing?
- Good.

- Did he say anything else?
- He wants a ham.

Ham? Wait I have something...

Tell Severin I can't visit as often.

It's attracting attention.
And tell him to be on guard.

Go! But watch out.

And give Severin my regards.



- 500 Taler.
- A lot of money.

He's in hiding.
They won't catch him.

He's right.

- Are you going to join the army?
- No way! I will run off.

- Do you know where he is?
- "...escaped to the Obernberg alps."

He's not there.

I know where he is.

- Where are you coming from?
- From the valley.

- Where are you going?
- To your place.

Even if you knew where he is,
you can't have him locked up.

Of course I'll have him locked up.
It is my duty!

Why are you worrying about my business?

He shot French officers.
He's instigating the people.

Father, think what he's gone through.

No mother, no sister, no homeland.
Severin has nothing left.


Did you say "Severin"?

Girl... don't do anything foolish.

It won't end well.

- Father.
- Now, now.

Please, make a request.

A request... nonsense.
I'm in a plight.

We Bavarians are allies to the French.

- But father, think about it.
- I don't think, I'm a civil servant.

I'm only doing my duty.

- How's the situation in the valley?
- Not good.

Neither house nor farm is save.

What are the farmers
saying about the recruitment?

They all go into hiding.

He cheated!

- Cheating is allowed.
- But don't get caught.

Three penalty points.

Anyone else knows
about this hideout?

Not yet. But you have to be careful.

- Maybe someone's keen on the money.
- To hell with 'em.

- Who is it?
- Me. - Who's "me"?

Open up you fools.

- Kathrin!
- Why do you keep me waiting?

- Are you scared of a girl?
- We didn't know it's you.

- Tell, what is going on?
- Listen up...

This morning, Bavarian troopers came.

Everyone who was drafted
was dragged out of bed.

They treated them like criminals.

How many troopers?

Four or five.

Who did they take away?

My two brothers and Sepp and Juergen.

Where to?

To the Sill Chasm.


I don't even know
where the Sill Chasm is.

That's the point.
You know nothing.

This raid in the Sill Chasm
is a sign of rebellion.

I find myself forced to measures

that I would rather have avoided.

But when bandits free prisoners

and take off the shoes of my soldiers

it is a revolt against
the state authority!

They took off their shoes?

You're responsible
for a strict punishment.

How am I supposed to do it?

Sir Monsieur's,
I must vigorously say...

I mean, too much is too much.

I'm surprised at you.
You speak like an enemy.

I think Frenchmen and
Bavarians share interests.

I have no idea where
Severin Anderlan is hiding.

I don't know every hidden path.

I'm surprised at you!

It's tough with those Tyroleans.
They stick together.

They even hold secret meetings.

Thank god I found you.

You ran up here, huh?

We didn't even arrange a meeting.

Did you miss me that much?


- Then you should've stayed down.
- So I should leave?

Why did you come up?

- I'm scared for you.
- Don't be scared for me.

I'm feeling great being on my alp.

But if they give you away?

- No Tyrolean would give me away.
- But the others...?

The others are after you.

Do you think I'm stupid enough
to go where they'd catch me?

- Yes, you're that stupid.
- Me?

Aren't you going to the meeting?

- No.
- Yes.


We have to help ourselves.
We can't expect help from Vienna.

The Emperor won't help us.
He's dancing and selling off our land.

He shouldn't do that!

You know how Tyroleans feel.

We are 42 men. Confidants
from the lowlands and the highlands.

We won't be ordered around like the
Emperor is ordered around by Bonaparte.

It's unbearable
the way it is in our land.

The Bavarians seal up our churches
and chase away the processions.

And the French lock you up
if you utter the word 'Tyrol'.

It's now called Southern County
and not Tyrol anymore.

Everything wastes away!

No rights anymore
but we have to pay taxes!

Until we have to eat grass,
the bailiff said.

They let us die a wretched death.

Nobody helps us.
That's enough!

What should we do?

Two Bavarian divisions
are in the country.

They came in but they won't get out!

No one will get out! Smash them!

The Bavarians have to be wiped out!


I ask you make a vow

that everyone will be on his place

and that no one will rest

until the last Bavarian
has left the country.

What is it, Anderlan?

I can't take part in it.

Why? Speak up.

Bavarians are German, like us.

If we're against them
it's brother against brother.

Listen to me.

For once we Germans need to stop
fighting each other.

- We need to stick together.
- With the Bavarians?

We need to stick together!

We have to fight the real enemy.
His name is Napoleon.

With the Bavarians!

With the Bavarians!

Against Napoleon.

For the freedom of all Germans!


Shut up!

Did you know that a
new French army is approaching?

This is more important
than anything else.

When will they march in?

We'll learn soon enough.
Leave it up to me.

You should know, Bavarian-lover.

You will remember my words!

Run off to your
Bavarian girl and betray us.

Anyone else who thinks that about me?

Anderlan, I know you
mean just as well as they do.

But it's better for you to leave now.

- Where's the office?
- Why? Are they after you?

You can't stay.
The captain is staying here.

I have to get in,
it's important.

If they catch you.

They won't catch me.

- Keep guard.
- Yes.

- Where's your father?
- Asleep.




What are you doing?

Quick, someone's coming.

- Give me the letters.
- How will you get out?


What is it?

- Was someone in here?
- Here?

Nobody. Why?

Here, take it. Spread it quickly.

Excuse me, Mademoiselle.


In times like these,
a certain mistrust is required.

Of course. You have a
great responsibility after all.

I hope you thought about it.

What should I've thought about?

I have no one to escort me to the ball.

Oh, the ball.

I've forgotten about it.

Do you think I would fit in?
With all those fancy people?

- Of course.
- With my simple dresses?

I only have one dress made of muslin
but that's out of fashion, I've heard.

And what's the latest dance?

May I?





Captain, please.

What are you doing?

Spies are coming and going
while you're asleep. I could...

What do you want?

I know where he is.



Severin who?

The one who was here a moment ago.
Severin Anderlan.

It was Severin Anderlan?

Take twenty riflemen.

Led by this man,
bring me Severin Anderlan.

Dead or alive.

In case we pick up Anderlan,
this are his things.

I can't give you the reward.

- It's not enough proof.
- Not enough?

There's nothing to prove.

Where he fell down, it's over for him.

- The things, full of blood.
- Stop it.

Anderlan knows the mountains.

It won't help him. He's dead.

Don't worry. He won't be back.

What are you waiting for. Get lost.

Order from headquarters, Colonel.


All officers are meeting at the ball in Innsbruck.

It probably is the marching in
of the second French army.

No, I don't want to.

You would do me a personal favor.


- Girl, be reasonable.
- I told you, I won't go to the ball.

I understand and I know
the reason why you don't want to go.

I told you back then
that it won't end well.

Forget your sorrow and all that rubbish.

I have to go to the ball.
My rank makes it a necessity.

And you should go out too.

Let me, I won't go dancing.

I'll run out of patience.

You'll come with me to Innsbruck

and if you won't dance,
you can stay at the inn.

I have to dance,
like all the other fools.





- What is it?
- Father.

I'm happy, father.

I'm dancing.

Erika, have you gone mad?

You're floating like an angel.

I met a girl once...

What was her name...?
I forgot her name.

It was two weeks ago
at the ball of... what's-his-name.

I can't even remember what ball it was.

I'm a smart chap,
but I can't remember names.

- Doesn't matter.
- But you're a graceful dancer.

Once learnt, never forgotten.

One has to be good at something.

I won't forget your name, of course.

It's impossible to forget
such a nice girls name.


One moment please.

- I'm the father.
- Swell!

I must introduce you
to the general's wife.

Now I want to dance
and you won't let me.

It's important and an honor.

Good day, Miss...



His Excellency was saying

that the French army will march in
tomorrow morning.

In the early hours.

Between 5 and 6 o'clock
in Finsterm?nz.

The Bavarian troops are from now on
under French command.

It is your first ball?

- Erika.
- No, yes, uhm... I've never to one.

My daughter wasn't to a ball before.

- Are you looking for someone?
- No, why?

She's looking for nobody.

What might be the boy's name?

Not at all.

My daughter doesn't know
anyone here, I'm certain.

Then you're the first father
who truly knows his daughter.

I'd like to go now.

- Erika!
- Certainly!

Go, amuse yourself.

Girl, sit down.

Hello Erika.

I thought I'd never see you again.

I promised you I'd come.

- Now I'm here.
- Now you're here.

What are you wearing?

Captain of the Bavarian dragoons.

- Hagspiel got it for me.
- Oh, Severin.

I'm worried about you.

I'm always afraid for you.

Promise me that you'll
leave over the border.

I can't go right away.
But soon.

And when I'm over the border
in Germany you'll follow me.


I'm calm now.

Let's dance one more time.


Pretty girl.

Very pretty. Dances like an angel.

- And he?
- Who?

- The officer, do you know him?
- Yes, very well. It's... uhm...

He's... uhm... what's-his-name.



Mademoiselle. Captain Leroy.

- Captain M?nzberger.
- My pleasure.

Mademoiselle, my I ask for this dance.

I'm sorry, but I promised
it to the Captain.

Too bad.

- Pleasure meeting you, Captain...
- M?nzberger.

Surely he recognized you.

- How should he know me?
- From the wanted poster.

You have to leave.

I can't leave now.
He's watching me closely.

He's constantly looking.

Hurry or it's too late.

Stay calm.

What are you going to do?

I know what I'll do. You go home.

Don't worry about me.

- I'll be alright.
- I won't worry.

- Good bye.
- Yes.

Excellency, your wife
is asking for her coat.

- Excuse, Captain.
- Sorry?

I'd like to talk to you.

I'm sorry, order from the Excellency.

I'll be with you right away.

The General asks you to leave swiftly
and without attracting attention.

- I have the honor of escorting you.
- Did something happen?

Not yet, but something
may happen any moment.

By god.

- Escort me.
- With pleasure.

No sensation.

Miss, you have to do me a big favour.

What's the name of the officer
you were dancing with?

Why do you want to know?

Well, it's an embarrassing story.

Captain M?nzberger.

Of course! Handsome M?nzberger
of the 4th dragoon regiment!

Thank you... uhm... Comrade!

Now I remember his name.

Uhm... M?nzberger is his name.

- Are you sure?
- Dead sure.

I knew him right away. Fine fellow.

He's riding like the devil.

Call together.


It's not true, right?

Tell me he's alright.

He has to be alright.

Erika, be rational.

- Listen to me.
- What is it?

Nothing can happen to him, right?

Erika, hold your heart firmly.

He will be shot.

It's not true.

It's not true.

It's not true!

It's not true!

In the name of the Emperor.

Sentenced to death for rebellion are:

Attikus Klotz.

Sepp Rabensteiner.

And Severin Anderlan.

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