You're Missing the Point (1940)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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You're Missing the Point (1940)

Post by bunniefuu »

The film material of this movie
has been preserved... Filmoteca de la UNAM.

This movie was digitalized by
the Laboratory of Film Restoration...

...of Cineteca Nacional, from a
35 mm negative nitrate film.

"You're Missing The Point" belongs to the
Collection of Fundation Televisa A.C.

This version is the result of a joint
conservation project between...

...Cineteca Nacional Mexico, Filmoteca
de la UNAM and Fundación Televisa A.C... order to preserve Mexican Cinema.

This film has a 7 seconds sound mutilation
in the 89 minute.

Different copies with the aim of rescuing
the missing were revised

however have the same damage.

Technical and creative personnel
involved in this film...

...belong to section 2 of
the Mexican Film Industry Union.


"To laugh is proper to man"

- Hey you!
- I swear it wasn't me.

- What?
- I didn't find it.

Someone else walked by
before I did...

- ...and he took it.
- Are you crazy?

- No. Are you?
- What about me?

Darn it, I've no idea
what you're talking about.

You should've told me
that before.

You idiot! You should watch
where you're going.

If I hadn't, someone else
would've lifted it.

Excuse me, I have
some business to attend to.

- Ready?
- Yes.

Cantinflas! Cantinflas!

- What's the matter?
- Don't shout.

- What do you want?
- You can't come in yet.

- I'm already inside.
- For God's sake, get out.

But I love you
and I love chicken.

I'll get out if the chicken
goes with me.

The boss is home;
if he sees you, he'll sh**t you.

- You said it was ready.
- I didn't mean this.

- But I did.
- I meant something else.

What else?

- The time has come.
- For what?

I mean this.

- Is it loaded?
- Of course.

Don't play with it.
g*ns are loaded by the devil...

...and the hell with everyone else.

- Take it.
- What for?

- You have to k*ll him.
- What?

- You must k*ll him.
- Me? In cold blood?

- Yes. Right now.

He had a good night,
but he's mad again.

He att*cked the Mrs. and he
won't let her husband go out.

- I saw him.
- When Mr. Cayetano...

...tries to leave,
he lunges at him.

Why didn't you all
try to catch him?

No one dared and now it's too late.

The boss is taking a train soon
and he can't get out.

You have to k*ll him.

Why me?
I have never harmed anyone.

Never shot anyone.
Why should I sh**t him?

I've been in many scraps,
but they always got the best of me.

- Do it for me. I can't do it.
- Let the boss do it.

No, he'd regret it
for the rest of his life.

Who says that
I won't regret it myself?

He ordered me to do it
and he'll get angry if I don't.

- Why should I do it?
- Do it for his sake.

But he's always been quiet.

He's calm for a while, but
goes wild when he sees them.

I just stepped on him
and he didn't react.

You were lucky.
k*ll him!

No, "Pacita".
Never, "Pacita".

No matter what, I've always
had a clear conscience.

If I try to k*ll him,
he might get me first...

It always happens to me.

- No, I won't.
- You scoundrel!

I don't ever
want to see you again.

No more Paz, no more free
dinners, no more boss' brandy.

Can't you see
how sick I am?

I'm shaking because
my stomach is empty.

And that's how it'll stay:
k*ll or go hungry.

No way...I won't k*ll,
but I might eat.

Just remember
what you said, "Pacita".


What is it?
I forgive you. Pass the chicken.

I'm warning you,
you're risking your life.

- How come?
- In order to get out you must...

...walk past him,
and he's raving mad.

I hadn't thought of that.

The sooner you k*ll him,
the sooner Mr. Cayetano leaves...

...the sooner you'll get
dinner: chicken, enchiladas...

...prickly pears, mole,
brandy and a cigar.

- Let's do it!
- Here.

No, I meant the food,
to gather my strength.

First the g*n
and then the dinner.

But...alright, if there is
no other way, give it here.

- I always knew you were brave.
- Not really.

I'm not doing it
for the brandy, that's not it.

I'm doing it for you...
I'm doing it for both of us.


Let's eat first.
It'll just take a minute.

- k*ll him first.
- That one's dead already.

Be strong. I wish you luck.

- Don't be scared.
- I'm not afraid. I'm just being careful.

- Get in there!
- Sure.

- Turn around.
- What for?

Why walk that way, "Pacita"?

You have to k*ll him.

- What?
- You have to k*ll him.

Alright. I'm always ready
to do a good deed.


You gave me a scare.

I scared you, did I?

Why so scared?
Are you expecting someone?

Are you expecting visitors
now that I'm leaving?

Why are you so nervous?

What do I answer first?

Just this:
Do you have a lover?

You and your ridiculous jealousy!

Why were you looking
out the window?

Who are you expecting?
Why are you so nervous?

It's only natural
that I'd be nervous.

You ordered him
to be k*lled.

Are you saying you're upset
because of that?

I do love him, you know.

Why were you looking out?

I was seeing if the maid
dared to sh**t him.

You have an answer
for everything.

It's useless.
I won't get a word out of you.

Not knowing is k*lling me,
that's the worst.

I'd rather know for a fact
you have a lover.

I'll find me one.

Good thinking!
No, I didn't mean that.

You offend me, Dolores.

- I'm sick of your unjustified jealousy.
- I can't seem to justify it.

The day will come when I justify
my unjustified jealousy...

...and I'll punish
you and your lover.

I'll sh**t you both
to death...

...even if I have to go
to jail.

Go ahead, k*ll me now,
if that'll make you happy.

What do you accuse me of?
You're torturing me.

You're right.

I went a little overboard.

I'm sorry, Lolita.

I just can't help it.

Just to think about you cheating...
I go into a homicidal rage!

You're unbelievable, Cayetano.

How can you be thinking
about that when he's about to die?

Don't you have a heart
or a conscience?

You know full well he must die.

- Sure, but...
- There is no other way.

Besides, he's dangerous.
He won't even let me out.

By the way, my train
will be leaving soon.

And that woman
won't sh**t him!

- She'll ruin my plans.
- Your plans?

I meant she'll ruin
my trip.

Did I say plan?
I'm confused.

I'm sorry, brother.

She finally got up the courage.

Good God!

I hope she kills him
before she kills us.

- It's done.
- It is?

Yes, it's over.

I consummated the deed.

- Did you say consommé?
- Dog's consommé.

I shot him in the head;
he didn't feel a thing.

- Is he dead?
- Quite.

The poor little dog!

Yeah, poor little Bobby.

He was such a good dog!
Such a noble dog!

So intelligent!

Not really, he didn't notice
I was going to sh**t him.

Why are you getting
so upset for?

You're safe now.
Like they say...

...k*ll the hydrophobia
and the dog is gone.

Or is it the other way around?

Bobby was such a good dog.

It was vile k*lling him that way.

He had a good death, really.

Stop crying, "Pacita".

Stop crying,
you're hurting my heart.

Let me go! Don't touch me!


Who's a m*rder*r?

You are! You're ruthless!
How could you k*ll the poor dog?

So now, I am to blame.

I came in here,
innocent and hungry.

I got a dog
instead of dinner.

I was pressured
into k*lling him...

...and now I am to blame.

I k*lled him
and now you call me m*rder*r.

You're a gutless m*rder*r.
Get out!

But, "Pacita"...

Come on, "Pacita".

What you did sickens me.

It sickens me too.

He was such a good police dog.

The only police I ever got along with.

You ignorant man,
you know nothing about dogs.

- And you do?
- Of course.

What do you know about dogs?

Bobby wasn't a police dog.

- What was he then?
- He was a Fox-terrier.

- A what?
- A Fox-terrier.

A fox-trotter if you like,
but he was a police dog.

If he was, I couldn't tell.

Of course not,
he was from the secret police.

Just shut up!
You disgust me.

Let's change the subject, "Pacita".

No we won't! Does it bother you?
You disgust me.

It doesn't bother me.
Where's my dinner?

- It disgusts me too.
- Not me.

The sorrow
wouldn't let me eat.

I feel the sorrow too.
I even feel regret, "Pacita".

But I also feel
the hunger.

- The boss!
- I'll sh**t him too.

- He's calling for me.
- How about my dinner?

Wait until the boss leaves.
I'll call for you.

Let the boss wait.
I'm a fast eater.

Don't be stupid. Don't let Mr.
Cayetano see you as he leaves.


My dinner!

And she calls me
a m*rder*r? You know...

...I didn't want to do it.

Just give me my dinner
even if I disgust you.

Sorry to keep you waiting
but I was with the m*rder*r.

- The m*rder*r?
- With the m*rder*d dog.

That was not m*rder, woman.
It was a good deed.

Yes, I was checking
if the good deed worked.

So, did you k*ll Bobby?

- Yes, sir.
- Wonderful.

Have the gardener bury him...

...far from the apple tree or
the apples will taste like dog.

- Yes, sir.
- I'll have to take out...

...from your wages two window panes,
a lamp and a jar you shot.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir?

You'll miss the train, Cayetano.

Would you mind it very much
if I missed it?

I'd mind for you.

Am I cramping your style?

For God's sake, Cayetano.
Paz is here.

- She's right, sir.
- Leave, Paz.

Yes, sir.


You are talking to me!

Yes, Cayetano Lastre.

Yes, there were sh*ts fired
here, but it was nothing.

The dog
had to k*ll...

...a rabid

No, the other way around.

No, he didn't k*ll her backward.

I meant the maid had to k*ll a rabid dog.

Yes, sure.

It's no problem.
I asked the police permission to sh**t.

Thank you.

Thank you. So long, now.

I never meddle when
her husband beats her up.

- Who was it?
- The neighbor.

Who else could it
have been on the phone?

I don't know.

Were you afraid it might be...

...someone I shouldn't know

Not again, Cayetano.

Why did you try to answer it
before I did?

- You'll miss your train.
- It may be best.

No... I better continue
with my plan.

I'm leaving.

What do you mean?

I need to close that deal.

Yes, I know. I hope I get
my inheritance soon... you'll stop worrying.

I wish, but you know that's unlikely...

...unless we find your brother.

He might show up any time now.

I doubt it; I've looked
for him all over.

He ran away
and turned into a bum.

It's hard
to locate a bum.

He'll show up
one of these days.

I really hope so.
I wonder why your father...

...may he rest in peace...

...demanded in his will to have
all of his heirs present.

Who knows, but you're going
to miss your train.

Don't worry.

You can rest assured that
even if I miss it...

...I won't come home

- What are you suggesting?
- Nothing really.

I meant that I'll drive
if I miss the train.

Good. You must take care
of that seizure.

You're right.

I must take care of this... soon as possible.



What is it?

Aren't you going to kiss me?

Are your lips pure enough... that a chaste kiss will not...

...soil your husband's lips
before God?

Yes, they are.

Well, just in case.

He finally left.

Jesus! Paz, you gave me
a terrible fright.

You get frightened too easily.

And all because of that mad man
and his jealousy.

That man is my husband.

Sorry, ma'am.

Even if you excuse him,
it's the truth.

Yes, it's true.
But this time he's right.

What do you mean?

Well, he noticed how nervous I am.

I blamed it on the dog
but he's suspicious.

- About what?
- Oh, Paz.

I couldn't help it.
He's coming tonight.

- He?
- Yes, he.

Who is he?

Bobby, go figure.

The dog? The poor dog
is dead, ma'am.

I mean Bobby Fox Terrier
Lechuga, my ex boyfriend.

Dear Mother of God!
The dog was your boyfriend?

Don't be silly.
My ex boyfriend's name is Roberto.

- People call him Bobby.
- Like the dog.

Yes, and Fox Terrier too,
like the dog.

- That's funny.
- No, it's disgraceful.

Bobby took
the wrong path.

He's a con man. Gangsters
call him Fox Terrier...

...because he always takes a bite.

- Is he coming?
- He's here already.

- Where?
- Waiting for my signal...

- ...across the street.
- Don't give it.

It's useless. He is blackmailing me
with some undated letters I wrote to him.

- What a heel!
- I have to pay him off.

- Scoundrel!

- Did the chambermaid leave?
- She left early.

I told her to go.

Or she might get
the wrong idea.

- As for you...
- You want me to leave?

- What if he tries to hurt you?
- No, I don't want you to go.

But he doesn't want to be seen.

- I'll be in the kitchen.
- Cayetano might come back.

- Isn't he traveling?
- He was acting strange.

- I'll be on the lookout.
- Don't come out...

- ...unless I call you.
- Sure, ma'am.

I have lots to do
in the kitchen.

Yell for me if you need me.
I'll bring the g*n.

I will. Thanks.

- What a nice touch!
- In life, these...

...nice little touches
make all the difference.

You're right. In your life,
my being stupid makes...

...all the difference.
You didn't hear me, did you?

- What?
- You scoundrel.

I don't know why
I care so much.

You don't care for me,
you only care about food.

- Not only food.
- No, drink too.

- As long as it is a meal.
- Just for a moment.

Moments go by, minutes go by,
seconds go by...

...and I feel like having seconds
right now.

You are so sweet, "Pacita".

- I'm so in love.
- And I'm such an idiot.

- What would you do without me?
- The pain would k*ll me.

- You mean the hunger.
- The pain and hunger would k*ll me.

Time flies and we can't still
get married...

- ...because you're unemployed.
- I got a call from an office.

- To offer you a job?
- A typewriter's missing.

- So?
- I cleared it all up.

- Did they find it on you?
- No, I sold it immediately.

It's no use.

You will never get a job.

- Why should I?
- So we can get married.

I don't need to get a job
to marry you.

How will we
support ourselves?

- There's Mr. Cayetano.
- You have no shame.

You offend me.
Listen, you keep your job.

I'll come by every night,
we'll sleep upstairs...

...and you'll give me
half of your wages.

You're so cynical!

Rascal! Glutton!

Stop insulting my pride.

If you had any pride,
you'd get a job.

There is nothing nobler
or more dignifying than work.

You're wrong, sweetie pie.
Listen to me.

Do rich people work?
No, they don't.

If work was good,
the rich would've hoarded it...

...and only they would work.

- Can it be possible?
- What?

- Never, ever...
- Are you going to sing?

Let me finish.
Tell me the truth.

Have you never ever
felt like working?

Sure I've felt like it,
but I am man enough.

- You are?
- Man enough to resist the urge.

- It's no use.
- I can't go to work...

...because my religious beliefs
forbid it.

- Your beliefs?
- Haven't you read the Bible?

- No.
- Me neither.

But in it
there's an exclusion clause.

I'll tell you what it says.

Here's Eden, but there are
no movie theaters.

Eden, beyond
infinity and glory...

...of the unknowable.

So, there's Adam
in Eden.

When the serpent,
who was already there, arrived... the apple,
and the three of them...

...that was when God
got mad.

So, He said, "I really
don't like that."

He sent a big angel with fire
to throw them out.

- Guess what God said?
- What?

God bid them good-bye,
and as he did, he said to them:

You will have to toil
and sweat to survive.

- Good for him!
- You're wrong.

There's the rub with going to work.

Only stupid people toil and sweat.

That's pretty gross.
It's unsanitary.

So, as long as there's sweat
involved, I will never work.

You don't work because
I am an idiot.

- No, honey...
- You're an incurable bum.

That's just what the doctor

He said I should never work,
I should only eat.

And now, if you'll excuse me,
The chicken is getting cold.

I must eat it.
Doctor's orders.

Please, be reasonable.
I'm offering you a good sum.

It isn't bad,
but money isn't everything.

- For you, it is.
- Not even for me.

You know I love you, Lola.

- I'd give anything for a kiss.
- You swine!

Don't waste your time talking.

Let's go upstairs
or I'll give him the letters.

You have me in your hands.

I'd better warn you.
I'm armed.

- Are you afraid?
- Just cautious.

I heard sh*ts fired
before your husband left.

- It was nothing.
- What happened?

- Bobby had to be k*lled.
- I?

- No, the dog.
- What dog?

A rabid dog,
also named Bobby.

Isn't that an amazing

As amazing as my presence here.
Let's go upstairs.

- It's useless. I just' can't.
- Don't worry. I'll help you.

- You can't deny me.
- That's the worst part.

- There's the rub.
- That's what I say.

I know I can't expect anything from you...

- ...but still, I care.
- Is that a yes?

- No, not that.
- Why not?

- Because.
- Just for a second...

...and we'll get
to Heaven.

- I already said no.
- But it feels wonderful.

- No, no.
- Don't play hard to get.

All you have to do is close
your eyes. I'll do the rest.

- I already said no.
- But I already said yes.

- Come on. Why not?
- Don't waste time talking.

You should've told me that before.

- That's enough for today.
- You're too inciting.

This is too much, sweetie pie.

You're quite right.
You are too much.

No, you are too much.

- Me?
- Yes.

You do the same thing every night:
you give me one tiny kiss.

That's all you'll get
until we get married.

Can't you see
you only make me want more?

That's too bad.

A kiss per day
is not even minimum wage.

- That's all.
- You still owe me...

and overtime.

- I won't fall for it.
- Yes, you will.

- Come here, baby.
- Stop it.

I'm tired of this.
You owe me back wages...

...and even
a severance payment.

You're drunk!
You drank too much.

I haven't drank enough
from your sweet lips.

- Don't be that way.
- I'll kick you out.

Did you think I'd leave?
You're not getting away this time.

Ever since you turned me
into a m*rder*r...

...I've been wanting to k*ll you
softly with my kisses.

Yes, I am going to k*ll you.
Come on, "Pacita".

Don't follow me
into the house.

I'd follow you into Hell,
I swear.

Don't be silly.
You are drunk.

Drunk with jealousy and pain.

- "Pacita".
- What do you want?

- Come on,"Pacita".
- Leave me alone.

- I won't.
- The Mrs. will hear us.

- So what?
- She'll fire me.

She'll give you
a severance payment.

Cantinflas, for God's sake,
just stop it.

- Make me stop.
- Let me go.

- Don't you dare come after me.
- Sure I will.

- Wait there, wait there.
- What?

- Be careful with the lamp.
- Get candles instead.

Oh, Lord!
The Mrs. will hear you.

- Get back into the kitchen.
- You rascal!

I'm warning you.

If you won't give up,
I'll just tire you out.

- Wait for me.
- Leave me alone!

Good. This is the house,
no doubt about it.

That's why
I brought you here.

Write it down, clerk.

I'll record everything,

Please lower your voices.

We must find them in fraganti
committing adultery.

- Where?
- In fraganti.

- And where is that?
- The usual place... these cases, Inspector:
the husband's bedroom.

- Good, good. Open the door.
- Excuse me.

- Lolita.
- Don't touch me.

I hate to use v*olence
in love affairs.

I will not fight you.

Either you surrender or...

...your husband'll get
the letters.

Look at them.

Here are all the letters, I've
just added a different date.

You can have them
if you want them.

- You tire my patience.
- My husband!

- No, my patience.
- No, my husband.

- My husband's home.
- Oh, really?

Am I supposed to be scared
of him?

He's here with the police.

You traitor!
You set me up!

Cayetano must not
find you here.

- Tell me where to hide.
- Give me the letters.

I'll give them to you
when we meet...

...some other time.
Tell me where to hide.

Follow me.

- I finally got you.
- Did you hear that?

- What?
- The door.

- I don't hear a thing.
- I hear voices.

I won't let you go.

Keep quiet and look.

- Open it, open the door.
- Wait, wait.

Have the policemen surround
the place while I open it.

They're after me
because of the typewriter.

- You see?
- It's all your fault.

We were better off
in the kitchen, but... insisted we come
into the living room.

- Shut up.
- I'll call the police.

Oh, no. They're after me.
I'll go to the kitchen.

Be quiet. I'll find you
a place to hide.

- Be quiet.
- But, "Pacita"...

- Get in there.
- Is there a dog?

No, be quiet!

- Get in here with me, "Pacita".
- Come on!

- Is it open?
- I can't find the right key.

By the time we get in,
we won't find any action.

You insolent man!
Be quiet!

- Mr. Hotshot!
- What are you going to do?

I'll know where to hide him
until the police leaves...

...and then kick him to the curb!

- What if they find him?
- God forbid!

I'll put him in the fridge
if need be.

- Get moving!
- Hey!

Don't "hey" me.

There it is!
That's the first clue!

Do you see this?
Do you see the evidence?

No, I only see the butt.

- This is proof!
- That you're a smoker?

No, sir. I only smoke cigars.

- You're a fancy man.
- You're a funny man.


Wait for me here.
Come up when I tell you.

We should go with you.
I love surprising people.

- Me too.
- Yes, of course.

Gentlemen, this is not a show
we're talking about.

- Not for you.
- Of course not.

And neither for you!

Wait for me here! Be quiet!

This is so humiliating!

I never thought
you'd stoop so low.

Tomorrow, I'm going
to my mother's.

You may be going
to your mother's or into... early grave
with your lover.

Where is he?

I refuse to answer
to your insults.

You are insulting
my honor.

What about the cigarette

I found one in the living room
and one here...

...still smoking...

...moistened by the swollen lips
of some stranger...

...who pressed his lips
against yours...

...your lips that used to be
pure, touched only by me.

- What do you call that?
- Just a coincidence.

Yes, you coincided here
with another man...

...under the same roof
of the reviled home.

Where are you hiding
your lover?

Where's my honor's executioner?

Do you smell it?

I do. I definitely
smell a rat.

- It smells good to me.
- What do you mean?

What did you say?

It smells like a good cigar
to me.

- Where?
- Someone's smoking close by.

In here.

It's dark.
That's suspicious.

- Did you hear that?
- What?

- In there.
- It's probably a mouse.

- A mouse that smokes.
- That's strange, isn't it?

Nothing. She won't confess
and I can't find him.

Could I be wrong?
What is it?

- In there.
- In there?

- Behind the door.
- In the closet?

- Whatever it is.
- What?

- You'll scare it off.
- The closet?

- No. A mouse that smokes.
- A mouse that smokes?

- Are you out of your mind?
- No.

I think the action man
is in there.

Leave me alone.
This is a matter of honor.

Just don't go too far.
Keep a prudent distance.

- One never knows.
- Yes, of course.

Good evening.
Would you like some?

Thank you.
Come out of there!

No, thanks.
I'm fine in here.

Won't you come in? There's
cookies, brandy and cigars.

Thank you.
I just had dinner.

- Me too, but you know...
- Sure, I know.

Come out right now!

Now that you put it so nicely...

...sure, I'll come out.

..if you'll excuse me,
I really have to go.

- Sure.
- I'll come back soon.

- Sure.
- Excuse me.

Go ahead.
Stop right there!

- Where?
- There!

- Here?
- Here!

- Make up your mind.
- What?

- Here or there?
- Answer me quickly.

- I can't.
- Why not?

You didn't ask a question.

You're right.
What are you doing here?

You said for me
to stop here.

I'm asking you what you're
doing in my home.

I ask myself
the same question.

So I guess I'll leave now.
Excuse me.

- Stop there!
- Not again. Are you joking?

Don't mock me. Answer me
or I'll sh**t you!

- I'll answer.
- What are you doing here?

- What about you?
- None of your business!

I don't understand.

Why is it your business?

- Because I am the husband!
- What husband?

- The husband!
- My husband?

Don't say that.
People might hear you.

I am my wife's husband.

- Hers too?
- Yes!

Why should I care?

- I never meddle.
- You don't?

I'll tell you what you're doing
in my house.

- I'd appreciate that.
- I will!

Don't grab the lapels.
Let go off it.

- Where can I grab you?
- Don't...

You're a swine
who is destroying my honor!

You're destroying my feet.

- I'll shut up.
- What's your shoe size?

26, but you're impossible
to talk to.

I feel the same way.
I'd better leave.

Not before I sh**t you!

Swine, you deserve to die!

I'll sh**t you right now!

- Can't it wait till tomorrow?
- No!

You're going to die right now!
Let go of me, I'll k*ll him!

- Don't let him go!
- Let me go!

Let me go!
I am going to k*ll him!

- Calm down.
- Let me go.

Calm down. We can't allow
a crime to be committed.

- What about his crime?
- There's no proof.

What about the butts
and he being here?

That doesn't prove
a thing.

A thing. They were not caught
in fraganti.

Since there's no proof
of adultery, we must...

- What?
- We must convince them... commit adultery
before our very own eyes.

- That'll prove it.
- What a great idea!

Are you stupid?

Do you mean that
in a friendly way?

- No.
- Good.

I thought you were
insulting me.

Fine. Since you don't like
my ideas...

- Of course I don't.
- Then I guess...

...we need the guilty parties'

You'll get it.
I'll fetch the dame... you can confront her
with this swine.

Yes, please fetch her
so we can confront them.

Is a confrontation
called for, clerk?

Yes, Inspector.
A confrontation is called for.

No need to call anyone.
I'll just leave now.

Hold it, my friend.

That's different. If you
start calling me friend...

...I'm game.
I like you.

It's useless to go on lying!

- Did you find him?
- Yes, ma'am.

- We have found him.
- Oh, God.

- Do you confess?
- What can I say?

- Is that man your lover?
- What man?

The one we found violating
the sanctity of my home!

Destroying my honor.

Staining the sacred whiteness
of my nuptial bed...

...and drinking my brandy.

- So, you've found him.
- That's what I said!

- Drinking your brandy?
- Yes.

My five-letter brandy;
he drank all five.

- All five letters?
- No, the five bottles.

Stop trying to distract me!
Confess at once!

But, Cayetano,
you underestimate yourself.

No, you underestimate me.

Do you really believe
I would exchange you...

...for someone like him?

Well...I don't know. You have
the answer to that question.

Did you not see him well?

Haven't you looked
at yourself in the mirror?

There is no comparison.'re right.

Even if I say so myself,
there is no comparison.

No, there isn't.
With a husband like yourself...

...who could fall for such a bum?

So, who is he then?
What is he doing here?

- Who is he?
- Yes.

Could you please explain?

It's all very simple.

Is it?
Start explaining fast.

- He's my brother.
- Your brother Leonardo?

- I have no other brother.
- The brother...

...I need...
you need to inherit?

That one. Just now, that
your business is doing badly.

Such great timing.

Wait a second.

I have an adviser for these
critical moments: my heart.

My hunches are never wrong.

Why did you hide him?
Why did you let me...

...humiliate you
and myself?

I have three reasons:
First, I was ashamed...

...of him, since he has turned
into such a bum.

Such is life.
We'll save him.

Second, because I wanted
to give you a surprise.

- Oh, honey!
- And third, to punish...

- ...your unjustified jealousy.
- I deserve that.

Will you ever be able
to forgive me?

Swear you won't act
jealous again.

I will swear it once again.
This time is for real.

We need to talk to your brother.

So the police
can laugh at me?

You're right.
I'll dismiss them and make...

very clear that you're an
honorable lady and I'm an idiot.

That's great, isn't it?
So glad your brother showed up..., when we needed him most.

- So, what did you come here for?
- I didn't come here, sir.

How do you find yourself here?

He found me,
I didn't find me.

- Why?
- He was looking for me.

What is it to you anyway?
Let me take care of him.

- Don't move.
- The madman is coming.

- What madman?
- My husband.

- Your husband?
- He thinks he's my husband.

Gentlemen, I am very happy...

...but I am also
very embarrassed.

Tonight, I've hit a new low
of embarrassment...

...but also
a new high of happiness.

You were right.
He's a madman.

He's lost his marbles.

Very well. Could you please
explain yourself?

He won't be able to.

- My embarrassment is threefold...

...but my joy is unisonous.

He's totally gone.

Wait. What was that about
your embarrassment?

It's threefold, meaning
it has three entities.

I'm embarrassed with the police...

...with my wife for accusing her

...and with this gentleman...

There are no gentlemen here.

- Speak for yourself!
- There is... other way.
I'm no ventriloquist.

In sum,
I am making a public apology.

I have offended my blameless

...and wasted the authorities'

That man is the brother.

- Are you talking about me?
- Yes, you.

Come into my arms,

Now I'm his brother.
Stop him! He's crazy!

No, no. It's just that my eyes
have been opened.

- Hug me, brother.
- Wait.

Would you sh**t me
if I wasn't your brother?

That, or I'd send you to jail.

Well then,
hug me, brother.

It's been a long time,
hasn't it?

I've been around.

- You never change.
- Yes, I never do.

Come on!

You're so funny.

I'm telling you.

Hold it! Do you think,
my esteemed sir...

...that the police
is satisfied?

No crime was committed.

No, sir. We came here
to witness adultery...

Adultery you say?
Look for it in the kitchen.

The fridge's to the left;
the milk's in there...

...and the milk
has been adulterated.

Stop this mockery!

If there's no adultery
we'll have to fine you.

- I'll pay the fine.
- First thing tomorrow.

- Yes, sir.
- A heavy fine.

No problem. My finances have taken
a turn for the better.

- What were you thinking?
- You promised... exciting spectacle.
We want our money back.

Give me back my g*n.
And now, it's over.

I'll pay the fine,
but now go.

- We'll go gladly.
- Let's go.

Out! Get out of here!

Get out! Now!

- We are getting out.
- Quickly.

- Get out.
- Did your wife tell you...

...that that guy is her brother?

And my heart tells me so too.

My heart has never failed me.

I'm not sure about your wife.

Right. Get out!

Alright, brother.
Everything's cleared up...

...and we really love each other

I must leave now.

Of course not, brother-in-law.

Brother-in-law? I don't even...

...have one. And if I did,
I wouldn't let you...

- You mean you and my sister...?
- Yes.

I've been her husband
for 3 years.

- Again with the husband thing.
- Of course.

The way you're going,
you'll be my father soon.

- I was going to say just that.
- I'm telling you!

You can think of me
as you would of a father.

I think you should go to bed.

My status gives me the right
to speak this way.

- You don't say.
- I do. This home is yours.

My table is yours,
everything I have is yours.

- Everything you have?
- Everything.

Stop kidding me or I might
start believing it, brother.

You have a very beautiful wife.

- Speaking of her, I'll fetch her.
- Sure...

...but if you do,
don't go back on your word.

The police's gone.
You can scram now.

Tell your mistress
I'm not giving up.

I'll call her tomorrow.

Praise the Lord!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

- Why are you here?
- You too?

We've been through that

- The boss might see you.
- He's seen me.

- And what happened?
- We're getting along fine.

- But...
- He turned out... be my husband... brother-in-law,
my brother and my father.

I knew I had a family

- What are you saying?
- I own this home now.

It's the brandy talking.
Get in the kitchen.

The kitchen is only fit
for the servants.

- I'll have to drag you.
- Be careful... you speak to me.
You've been...

...putting me down
for a long time.

Don't bother me.
I'm waiting for my sister.

Sweetness, Dolores.

- It's happened!
- I think so.

It's plain to see that life
has been very hard on him.

We must be kind to him.

Paz, what are you doing here?

Sir, I found this man in here.

It's alright,
he belongs in here.

- In here?
- Tell her, Dad.

Of course!

Your brother is so funny,

But is that him?

- What do you mean?
- I meant... he ready for your jokes.

Of course. What's past is past.
We hold no grudges.

Come on, hug your brother.

- But...
- Go on, hug him.

Forgive him
as you have forgiven me.

From now on,
there'll only be harmony.

I was going to say just that.
Hug me.

- You brazen swine.
- Quiet, cow.

Don't meddle in the family's
affairs, Paz.

- What are you doing here?
- Good question.

- What are you doing here?
- I? Nothing, sir.

Go do nothing in the kitchen

- Go to the kitchen.
- Right. To the kitchen.

She's so greasy...and then
stuff gets lost, you know.

Yes, of course.

- Yes, sir?
- You must obey him...

- you obey me.
- Did you hear that?

Obey me.

- Alright, sir.
- Get the guest room...

- ...ready.
- Thanks, old man.

- That too?
- That too.

Alright, sir.

Where's that hug?
You need to make up.

Did we have a fight?
- Your sister was upset...

...because you turned
into a bum.

I didn't turn into one;
I've always been a bum.

This is a great beginning.
He's honest about himself.

- Go on, hug your brother.
- But...

No buts!
Hug her, Leonardo.

- Leonardo who?
- You.

- Oh, me.
- Did you forget your name?

How could I?
It's such a nice name.

- Go on, hug your sister.
- Well...

- If you insist, brother.
- Of course I insist.

- It won't bother me.
- Or her. Right, Dolores?

- Hug him.
- Come into my arms, sister.

- Brother.
- Sweet sister.

You've grown so much.

Oh, little sister.

The vision of such chaste love
moves me.

That's enough, Leonardo.

- Leonardo!
- Leave Leonardo alone.

Let me go.
That's enough.

After all the years
we didn't see each other?

He's right, honey.
Let him hug you.

He hasn't seen you in
a long time. Let him hug you.

That's what I said.
Let's make the most of it.

Come to my arms.

- Little Leonardo.
- Come here, Lolita.

I can't believe my eyes!

The guest room is ready.

- The room can wait.
- No.

It's late and I am very
tired. It's time to go to bed.

Yes, it's time to go to bed.

I'm not very tired.
I can keep going.

No, you must get some sleep.

- There'll be time later.
- I'd rather do it now.

I understand. I can tell
you'll make a great brother.

Paz, show Mr. Leonardo
his room.

I'll be glad to, sir.

- I'll go too, Leonardo.
- Sure, darling.

- You understand.
- You must have many questions.

- Of course I do.
- Don't stay up talking too late.

We won't talk, brother...

...but you understand, after this,
we need more time.

Go then. Don't take too long,
Lolita. I'll be waiting for you.

- Shall we go, Leonardo?
- Anything you say.

See you tomorrow, old man.

I thought you were told
to stay in the kitchen.

- Come with us, Paz.
- Sure, ma'am.

What for? You are
more than enough company.

- Paz will give you clothes.
- My clothes are clean.

- Your sleep wear.
- I never undress.

Alright, if you must, do it
quickly and then leave.

And that's all, miss.

So he's your boyfriend
and you let him in.

I won't let him in
the house again.

He's in already; the thing
is how to get him out.

That'll be hard.

And stop bragging,
I'm not your boyfriend.

I'm just your special friend.

- Don't be jealous.
- Shut up!

I'm so ashamed, ma'am.

No use crying over spilt milk.

...he did help me out for now.

I'd sacrifice myself for you
my whole life through.

Don't you wish!
Get out now!

You'd love that,
but my friend Cayetano...

...wants me to stay
and I wouldn't give up...

...this comfort for nothing.

He has to stay until we find
a good solution.

Hope you don't find it soon.

Paz, let's go or Cayetano
will get suspicious.

Yes, ma'am.

Aren't you going to say thanks
and good night?

He's right.
Thanks and good night.

- Just like that?
- Like what?

Be more loving.

Give me a brotherly kiss.

A while ago, you were very
loving but now you hit me.

- You're so cynical.
- What did you imagine?

Just that.

What kind of a woman
do you think I am?

- What the doctor ordered.
- Rascal!

- Be very careful with me.
- I know.

I have to put up with you only
when my husband's present.

- It's better to be alone.
- What?

It's immoral for you to hug me... your husband's presence.

Don't try to take advantage
of the situation.

I'll only do it
with your husband present.

- Who does she think she is?
- Idiot!

You too? Don't you see
things have changed?

- How?
- You just hit the boss.

- Oh, really?
- Really!

If I tell daddy Cayetano,
he'll put you in the street.

Oh, so you're laughing.

- Cayetano!
- Don't yell.

Changed your mind?
Get out of here.

- What if I won't?
- That's easy.

- Cayetano!
- Alright. You win.

And you lose. Uppity maid.

- Wait a minute.
- What do you want?

Tomorrow I want breakfast in bed

Make sure you have the bath
drawn by twelve...

...although I won't use it;
I bathed a month ago.

Will there be anything else,

That's all for now.
Leave, you uppity maid!

Stop it or I won't be able
to control myself.

You won't?

Be quiet.

You can control yourself
after all, right?

You will pay for this.

Here. Take these straight
to the notary.

- Yes.
- Now, for the important part.

- Yes, sir?
- Write an announcement...

- ...for the newspapers.
- An announcement?

To the heirs of my late father-
in-law, Leonardo del Paso...

- May he rest in peace.
- Luckily.

- What?
- Never mind. It should say...

...that Leonardo del Paso
has come back.

- He has come back to life?
- No.

The one who came back to life, I mean...

My brother-in-law
Leonardo del Paso came back.

I thought he was your

- My brother-in-law.
- Both?

I'm talking about two people
with the same name.

- Father and son.
- What else?

That's all, just father and son.

What else do you want
in the announcement?

Now that my brother-in-law
is home...

...we'll come into
the inheritance.

- Your father-in-law's.
- The heirs...

...must go to
notary Ramirez...

...and register, the way
the will calls for.

- Is that all?
- You may go now.

- See you at the office.
- See you.

See you later.


For God's sake, Leonardo!

- Are you talking to me?
- Sure.

- What is it?
- Aren't you ashamed of lying down all day?

It makes me sleepy.

- Can it be possible?
- What?

Are you planning to spend
your life there?

No. I'll spend some time
in bed too.

- For God's sake, Leonardo!
- What's wrong?

It pains me very much
to see you like this.

- You're impossible.
- Don't worry...

- ...maybe I'll get better.
- If at least...'d change your garments. bathrobe!

- What bathrobe?
- Where did you get the bathrobe?

- From the closet.
- It's my best bathrobe.

That's why I took it.

Why haven't you changed
your clothes?

Changing clothes
doesn't sit well with me.

I've given you all the money... asked for clothes.

Money sits well with me
but another suit doesn't suit me.

- Where's my money?
- What money?

Let's not talk
about money anymore.

Why aren't you wearing
my two suits you took?

- You took two...
- What?

- ...of my best suits.
- Right.

- One brown, one gray.
- Exactly.

- And the black one too.
- The black one!

- The green one.
- Oh, no!

And one with shiny lapels.

- My tux!
- Your what?

My tuxedo.
Why don't you wear them?

I didn't mean to wear them.

- What then?
- I pawned them.

Mother of God!

Don't worry about it.
They didn't fit me anyway.

Give me some money
or they'll be lost.

- This is not possible!
- This is impossible...

I can't sleep in here.
If it isn't the suits...'s the job.
What do I care about money?

I'm leaving for good.

No, don't leave.
I won't let you leave.

You can stay, keep the suit
and sleep as much as you want.

Alright, that sounds better.
A tux, what's with that?

You abuse me
because of the way I look.

- I'll need more money.
- Uh?

- I'll need money.
- More?

- Yes.
- But, man...

If you insist,
you can leave it on the table.

You're so funny.

If anyone comes looking
for me, I'm not home.

Are you sure he hasn't called?

- I'm sure.
- That is so strange.

Maybe he's given up
on his threats.

- You don't know Bobby.
- Or something happened to him.

- Or he's planning some evil.
- Your husband.

Fine, ma'am. I'll fix
the turkey and some soup.

- Is that alright?
- You may go now.

Excuse me.

- What is it, Cayetano?
- Nothing.

Your brother
is an incurable bum.

- I've told you so myself.
- As soon... we get the inheritance,
I'll fix him.

And that'll be soon,
if the announcement works.

Having come back
from a long trip...

...Mr. Leonardo del Paso...


...who is now
residing... his brother-in-law
Cayetano Lastre's home...

- He's a rich entrepreneur.
- Is he?

Very rich. Go on,
the address is in there.

- Yes, I've seen it.
- You must go.

Of course I will.
Can you believe it?

I thought
my Leonardo was dead...

...but the heel is living
the good life among the rich.

- The very rich.
- He obviously doesn't think...

- ...of me and his children.
- Right.

Leonardo always was

Tell me about it!

He promised to marry me
before our first child was born.

We have several children now
and he forgot to marry me.

That's awful.

And he's forgotten
to support them.

The rascal.

But I've found a clue.

Avery substantial clue.

I have a feeling
that for me and my children...

...the time has come
for recovery and for food.

Look after this place
for me.

I'll gather the children...

...and we'll go straight
to Mr. Cayetano's.

- You can't come in here.
- Of course I can!

I tell you
he doesn't live here.

- The paper says he does.
- What is it?

This woman thinks
that this is her home.

It will be my home soon,
you'll see.

- What do you want?
- To see Leonardo.

- See Leonardo?
- I didn't get a chance... tell her
that he went on a trip.

He just left
on a very long trip.

Did he? The doorman
told me he's here.

Don't listen to him.
He's always joking.

Don't try to fool me.
That heel is here.

I won't leave
until I see him.

Or maybe not even
after I see him.

- Why do you need to see him?
- Oh, ma'am.

It's embarrassing.

You are Cayetano's wife,

- Yes. How about you?
- I'm not.

I am Clotilde Regalado,
the mother of his children.

- Cayetano's children?
- No, your nephews' mother.

- What nephews?
- Your brother's children.

- God help me!
- God help me too.

The heel made several children
with me and abandoned me.

- This is just what we needed.
- Yes, ma'am.

Since he lives here,
we were needed here.

And that's why we came.

Stop crying and come in
so we can talk.

- Let me know if Cayetano arrives.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Please sit down.
- Thank you.

- Have you any proof?
- I have plenty.

This is the most recent.

But I mean a different kind
of proof.

I understand.

Here's a picture of Leonardo
when we first met.

- It's him.
- In here, he mentions...

- ...our children.
- Let me see it.

- Milk: 50 pesos.
- I'm sorry.

Those are my debts.

Maybe now
I'll be able to pay them off.

- It is his writing.
- You see?

- So this is my nephew?
- Yes.

- One of many.
- He's beautiful!

- He looks like you.
- Thank you.

So, when can I see the father?

I shouldn't tell you
but I have no choice.

Feel free to tell me anything.
We're family, aren't we?

I don't know
if you'll understand.

But I really have no choice.

The truth is that the Leonardo
who is here...

...isn't the real Leonardo.

- There is a Leonardo here.
- Not the real one.

It's a Leonardo anyway,
just what we all need.

- What do you mean?
- You and your husband...

...did not shy away from
taking him for the real one... children and I
won't either.

- Ma'am!
- I'm being frank too.

After everything Leonardo
has done to me...

...I don't care who he is... long
as it is profitable.

- What are you trying to say?
- My children...

...and I really need a good home
like this one.

We need to eat

...every single day.

- But...
- No buts or ifs.

Y accept that man
as the father of my children.

I'll move my children in here

- What if I said no?
- You'd be forcing me... ask your husband
for help.

- But, ma'am...
- It's no use.

Either we go hungry or the
whole family moves in here.

Oh, Lord.

- What should I do?
- Come on, don't be selfish.

After all,
they are your nephews.

I won't admit any objections.

- I'll go fetch them.
- Are they here?

Sure! They're waiting
for me in the garden.

You'll like them very much.

Get ready to meet
your other nephews.

- Seven?
- Plus this one.

- Eight.
- And one on the way.

- From where?
- From Paris.

- Jesus!
- Children!

Introduce yourselves
to your aunt.

- Chucho, Chicho.
- Chente, Chinto.

- Pancho, Poncho.
- Lencho.

At your service, ma'am.

- Aren't they adorable?
- Yes, so adorable.

- Where's their father?
- Who?

The children's father.

Is that him?

Yes. That's him.

If he is as lazy
as he looks...

...he could very well
belong to the family.

Are you hungry, children?

Very hungry!

I thought so.
If you want to have...

...three meals a day... must call
the man in the living room "Dad"

Dad! Daddy!

Dad! Daddy!
Daddy! Daddy!


Dad! Daddy!

- Hey!
- Dad!

- Daddy!
- Come on!

- Dad?
- What is this mess?

- Daddy!
- Listen to me!

The poor children.
Aren't you moved?

It's been so long since they last saw
their father.

Ma'am, Mr. Cayetano is home!
Where shall I hide her?

No need to hide. I've agreed
to move in here.

- What?
- Yes, Paz. This woman... taking your boyfriend
to be her Leonardo.

- Oh, Lord!
- Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, ma'am.

- Hi, husband of my husband's sister.
- What?

- I'll explain later.
- What did she call me?

- Husband of my husband's sister.
- What?

What is all that noise?

Let go of the cookies!

You dirty brats!

Give me back
the bottle!

What noisy disturbance
is that?

Your brother-in-law's

- ...hadn't seen him in a while.
- His children?

Yes, Leonardo's children,
our nephews.

- They're cute, aren't they?
- Yes. Very cute.

They're nice.

- I'll explain everything.
- Sure.

Let go of that bottle.
Give me back that bottle.

- Be respectful.
- Come on, Dad.

I, your dad?
Do I look like an orphanage?

- Just one drink.
- To toast meeting you, Dad.

Shut up or...
Give me back that bottle!

There's enough for everyone.

Give me back the bottle.
You must respect...

...your elders.
Give me the bottle.

Is that how you treat me?
Listen you, sons of...

This is quite a scene.

I'm glad you're home.
Maybe you can help me.

- What is this, Leonardo?
- A mess.

The Fifth Column
or maybe just squatters.

- You heel!
- Who is a heel?

- You are.
- Why me?

- Heartless father.
- Father?

You! How could you abandon
your children that way?

My children?
What children?

- These children!
- My children?

What? I don't get it...
The children?

- The children...
- Don't you dare deny them!

- There's nothing to deny.
- I saw you.

When I came in,
you were calling them sons.

I meant sons of a g*n.

- They're your children!
- Don't say that.

Do you dare
deny them?

Will you deny
their mother too?

- Is there a mother?
- Yes, sir. There she is.

Look at her
and try to deny her too.

- You say that's my mother?
- Stop trying to cover up.

She's the mother
of your children.


My little Leonardo!

I'll forgive you, Leonardo,
in the name...

...of this innocent we brought
into the world.

Go on, hug her.

- Hug me, baby.
- I'm telling you to hug her.

- But, Cayetano...
- Hug her.

If I have no other choice,
I'll hug her.

But stop calling me baby.

- Kiss me, baby.
- I won't do that.

I have forgiven you.

You know something?
This joke has gone far enough.

- Do you call this a joke?
- A joke, all your children?

Wait a minute.
This mess is Leonardo's.

- Yours.
- No, I meant Leonardo.

Aren't' you Leonardo?

Seeing how the past went
and thinking of the future..., I am not Leonardo.

You even deny yourself?

I am not.
I am telling you the truth.

I better tell you everything.
Do you remember Bobby?

I do.
What about Bobby?

Go on.
I do remember the dog.

As it turns out...

- Yes, I'm listening.
- No, I can't do it.

I want to do it,
but they look at me with...

...those eyes
and I get confused.

I knew deep down
that you were a good man.

God works with the penitents.
It's all past now.

Everything's fine
and everybody is happy.

- Everyone but one.
- What's past is past.

- You must be a good father.
- I don't have any practice.

I'll help you out
any way I can.

For now, we'll have your family
move in here.

- What family?
- Your family.

We'll talk later. Paz.

- Yes, sir.
- Take Mrs. Clotilde... her husband's room;
which they'll share from now on.

Find her another room.
I sleep by myself.

That's all in the past now.
From now on, always together.

Take the boys
to play in the garden.

We'll find room for them later.

Yes, sir.
Please follow me, ma'am.


Children, go to the garden
or you won't eat.

It's a joy to see they are
so well-educated.

Yes, of course it is.

Either I let them stay
or she takes Leonardo.

Leonardo would run away...

...and we'd have to kiss
your inheritance good-bye.

- But, Cayetano...
- We need the inheritance... we'll put up with anything
until we have it.

- Leonardo.
- Are you talking to me?

Of course. Tell me,
how is it possible...?

I'm asking myself
the same question.

How is it possible for you
to have grown-up children?

There's the rub,

...our children are someone else's,
but it's hard to know...

- But, Leonardo!
- I know what I'm talking about.

- What about the baby?
- Who?

How long since you last
saw her?

- Saw who?
- Clotilde. How long?

- That woman?
- Yes.

Let's see...
the first time was...

I didn't see her.
She saw me first.

We haven't seen each other.

So, how can the baby
be your son?

- Why not?
- Because of the laws of nature.

They keep changing
the laws all the time.

Are you in agreement?
Tell me, are you?

- What else can I do?
- That's your problem.

Yes, it is my problem...

...and mine alone, though I wish...

I just hope I get drafted
by the Army.



- Cantinflas!
- Are you calling me?

Are you bathing the baby?

Yes, but I'm not sure if I'm bathing
him or he's bathing me.

- We're both taking a bath.
- Why isn't he crying?

- Because it's a special bath.
- What do you mean?

I grab his little head and...

- You idiot!
- The baby might drown.

- You vile infanticide!
- That's the thanks I get.

Now you're calling me
an insecticide.

Be quiet, you monster!

You could have
drowned him...

...and what would I tell
the baby's mother?

I'm really confused.
I thought you were the mom.

Thanks for believing it...

... but I can't have
anymore children.

I'm too old for that.

So, yours is an infernal

It was a trick to soften
Cayetano and Dolores.

Aren't' you ashamed using
innocent children?

You're a shameless woman.

I did it out of need, Leonardo.
Out of need.

Don't look at me that way.

We can adopt the baby
once we get married.

- What?
- After we get married.

- Didn't you talk to Cayetano?
- No.

- He'll talk to you soon.
- Don't even dream about it.

- I'd rather be a mute.
- We'll see.

Go to bed. It's very late
and I'm exhausted.

Do you really believe I'll
continue sleeping outside?

What's the matter with you?

I get your drift.
You want to stay in here.

Do you really think
I'll sleep in here?

What if you walk
in your sleep?

No way.
I'll sleep outside.

If you start mentioning marriage
I'll sing.

- Does it make you that happy?
- What?

You said you were going to sing.

I meant I am going to tell
everything I know.

- Oh, really?
- Really.

Even if they look at me

...and my heart breaks,
I'm going to tell the truth.

I will break your face
if you talk.

Don't say a thing!
It'd be terrible.

I really like living the good
life in this home.

We have a great deal here.

If you talk, I'll k*ll you.

Alright. You've convinced me.

And there's even one more
reason not to talk.

Cayetano would find out
you're not Dolores brother.

That would fix everything.

Although in a pretty deadly way.

- Cayetano would k*ll you both.
- Who?

- Dolores.
- And who else?

- You.
- So now you want me dead!

- No, Cayetano wants you dead.
- Why would he k*ll me?

For the brandy? The suits?

Oh, and the money I stole from him

And I've been pretty fresh
with his wife.

He has a tendency
to crime.

- You're right.
- He might want to k*ll me.

- Don't you dare talk.
- Me?

- I'm warning you.
- Don't worry.

- And now, go to sleep.
- I am warning you.

- Good night.
- I can't sleep.

Good God.

Little Cleotilde.

Little, little Cleotilde.

Get back to bed.
Don't be so impatient.

- You're dissolute.
- I'm not absolute.

- What do you want?
- Where did you put the bottle?

- What bottle?
- The brandy bottle.

Don't drink it all. You'll give
the baby the hiccups.

- You are so rude!
- The bottle.

Maybe Cayetano took it.

- I know where to look for.
- For him?

For the bottle.
I'll show you.

Cayetano, Cayetano.

I know where it is:
with those darned brats.

They drink the brandy
and sell the empty bottle.

But I'll show them.

- Hey, give us some!
- I was going to.

So you're having a meeting.

Darned kids!
You're always spying on me.

Give me back that bottle.

Do you really think
we will?

Show more respect
for your father.

Our father?
No way.

I am my own father.

Come here, you.

Stop talking back to me
or I'll poison you.

Oh, really?
Let's defend ourselves, boys.

Bunch of cowards!

What the hell
is going on here?

These kids organized
an uprising against me.

They have their motives...

...but a good father must be
tough with his children.

Well, if it's okay with you.

Quiet. Quiet.

Come here.

You'll pay,
son of Snow White.

They were driving me crazy.

- Good. They're ready now.
- No.

They need some more.

Take this, and you, take this.

Show some respect for your father!

They'll be fine
while I sleep for a while.

Well done. However,
they don't respect you...

...because you haven't behaved
well with them.

- Me?
- Yes, you. Leonardo...

...this incident forces me
to talk to you...

- ...before I had planned to.
- What about?

- About a very serious matter.
- You don't say.

- Yes, I do say.
- Alright. Go ahead and say it.

- Come with me.
- Let's go.

I'm glad you didn't hit
the fat kid.

- Why?
- I like the fat kid...

...because I used to look
just like him.

I bet you were a fun kid.

- But then you changed.
- Yes, a bit.

- Go to the garden.
- Where?

- Go to the garden.
- At this time of night?

- What if we get sick?
- I hope so.

Don't come back until I tell
you or you won't eat.

Let's go!

I learned that trick
from their mother.

- Sending them to the garden?
- Threatening...

- take away their food.
- I like the garden better.

Sit down.
We need to talk.

- I have nothing to tell you.
- But I do. Sit down.

- Can we do this later?
- Sit down.

Look me in the eye.

Look me in the eye!

- You didn't sleep well.
- What? Look at me.

Do I have spots on my face?

Not on your face,
on your conscience!

- Where?
- On your conscience.

Stop joking around, Cayetano.

Go to the garden
or you won't eat tomorrow.

Are you trying
to hypnotize me?

Stop joking
and just tell me one thing.

- What?
- Is something bothering you?

- Yes.
- I knew it!

- It's your conscience.
- No. It's my stomach.

- What?
- I have a tummy ache.

I guess I'm not used
to eating...

...more than once a day.
And then there's...

...the brandy and the cookies.
Even good things can harm you.

- They're harming me.
- Me too.

You'll put me in the street.

I would never abandon you.

Forget about that
and tell me:

Is there really nothing
bothering you about...

- ...your wife and children?
- About they?

- A lot bothers me!
- What is it?

- Their presence here.
- Is that possible?

- Doesn't it bother you?
- A bit.

It bothers me a lot. Before,
I was the only heel here.

Now I have to compete
with them.

Stop it! You are shameless.
Let's finish this.

As far as I'm concerned,
we have.

- Leonardo!
- What do you want now?

I thought we had finished.

I won't beat around the bush:
I know it all!

So what? I know it too.
Good night.

- Wait! What do you know?
- Everything.

- Everything?
- Yes.

- And I'm going to fix it.
- Calm down.

- I've made up my mind.
- Just don't sh**t.

- No need to sh**t anyone.
- I agree.

As long as you marry

...and register your children.

- Is that all?
- Of course.

- I thought you knew.
- That you never married her?

She told me so herself.

- Is that all you know?
- Yes.

you don't know a thing.

- Do you think that's minor?
- Hey, I love it.

Good. I'm sure you understand
that a moral man... myself
cannot tolerate in his home... illegitimate family
such as yours.

I'll help you get rid of them.

First the marriage.
Each one of your children...

...outside of a legitimate marriage
is an insult to morality.

- Let them get married.
- You're getting married.

I am?
Who am I marrying?

- Clotilde.
- I can't do that.

- Why not?
- I'm already engaged.

Are you know?
You will marry her!

I can't leave my girl.
She's asked for my hand.

You are going to marry

I have everything fixed
for Monday the 7th.

- How about another, Your Honor?
- Another hour?

You've already made us wait
for hours and hours.

He's asking you if you'd like
another drink.

Another drink?
Don't mind if I do.

You only have to wait
for a few minutes.

You know how women are; we are
going to church after this.

- She's getting dressed up.
- I'm getting drunk?

Only because you insisted!

I said that the lady
is getting dolled up.

So, you think I'm dull.

- Who do you think you are?
- I didn't say that!

Don't shout, he hears better
if you lower your voice.

The lady will be down soon.

Why are you screaming?
I am not deaf!

- He really can't hear a thing.
- Not a thing.

- Are you sure?
- Sure I am sure.

You are a real idiot, Your Honor.

Good. That's much better.
As long as you're kind to me.

- What's wrong, ma'am?
- How can I...

...allow this marriage
to take place?

- How can we stop it?
- We could tell the truth.

After so many sacrifices?
Mr. Cayetano would go mad.

- Hurray for the bride and groom!
- Hurray!

- You're grabbing me too hard.
- You're not getting away.

I've roped you
with the marriage bond.


No, darling.
That's the wrong way.

- What's the right way?
- This way.

- I'd rather go the other way.
- Let's get going.

Don't push me.

- Heavens, the telephone!
- I'll answer it.

Or your husband
will get angry.



Not again!

Alright, if there's no choice.

You may come anytime you want.

- Was it Bobby?
- No, ma'am.

The store owner says Cantinflas
ran up another bill.

- Why is he so quiet?
- Cantinflas?

No, Bobby. I wish he'd go ahead
and do it.

I'm sure something must have
happened to him.

- Come, they're starting.
- You're right.

At such and such date,
in such and such city...

...etcetera, etcetera...

I'm so moved, Leonardo.

I always dreamed of getting
married all dressed in white.

- Didn't it make you sick?
- What?

- The nightmare.
- You are so rude!

- Quiet.
- Pay attention.

We'll proceed.
Are you Mrs. Regalado?

Yes, sir.
Clotilde Regalado...

...soon to be Mrs. del Paso,
at your service.

- What was that?
- She said yes.

Are you mister del Paso?

No, sir. I come from Tepito,

Do you, Mrs. Clotilde Regalado...

...take Leonardo del Paso
as your husband?

I do.
Of course I do.

I don't care who he is. I do.

- What was that?
- She said yes.

- Is that all?
- That's all.

Mr. Leonardo del Paso,
do you take Clotilde Regalado...

- your wife?
- In your dreams.

What was that?
You dream of her?

- When I have nightmares.
- Leonardo, be serious.

I couldn't be more serious.

Just say yes, you idiot.

What's your answer?
Do you take her or not?

I could take a stand,
I could take to the streets.

I could even take a drink.

Do you take this woman
to be your wife?

- Just say yes, rascal.
- Say yes, you idiot.

Hold your horses.
First of all, don't insult me.

Now, if I say yes,
do I have to sign?

- Of course.
- I won't do that.

- What do you mean?
- No.

First, you sign, then there's
an arrest warrant for you...

...It's happened to me before.
And I can't sign.

He can't sing? Why would he
want to sing now?

No, Your Honor. He says
he can't sign his name.

- That's not important.
- I thought so.

- Of course.
- It's better if he can't sign.

Some men marry under
false names...

...but they don't sign
with their prints.

This man will sign
with his fingerprints.

- What are those?
- The prints made...

...of ink
by your fingers on paper.

No two are alike.

So, I guess this fingerprint
thing makes it better.

Just like the Judge said:
even if you...

...had given a false name,
you and only you...

...will be married and will be
the children's legitimate father.

- Go ahead, say yes.
- Come on, do it.

- Do it.
- But...

- We're getting tired of this.
- Cayetano...

- Did he say yes already?
- No.

Write down that he said yes.
Let's not waste any more time.

Hey, you're wasting my life

- He took her as his wife.
- That's not true.

- The children are his.
- That's not true!

He said yes to everything.

- Don't...
- And now, to the signing.

- Me, sign?
- Press your fingers here.

Who, me?
I'm not that stupid.

Yes, sir!

But, Cayetano,
I'm neither the father...

- ...nor the son.
- Where's the register?

- Open up! It's the police!
- What's that?

I had never been so glad
to see the police.

- Open up or we'll break the door!
- The police!

- I wonder why.
- It's about Bobby.

Open up.

- What do you want?
- You, come with me.

The rest of you,
watch the exits.

- Don't let anyone get away.
- What do you want?

- To come in.
- What for?

You'll soon see.

- What's the meaning of this?
- Who are you?

I own this house.
What is this?

- We want Leonardo del Paso.
- Del Paso?

You can't pass through here.

They're looking for me.
Excuse me, the police needs me.

But you're not
Leonardo del Paso.

Of course I am! This time,
I really am Leonardo del Paso.

- What's the charge?
- Just wait.

- Who is Leonardo del Paso?
- I am.

- So you are, uh?
- Sure.

- You won't get away this time.
- I got away from her.

You got here just in time.
Just look at her.

Stop playing dumb.
You are going to jail.

To jail?
I'd rather go to jail.

Dear Lord!
He'd rather go to jail.


- Frisk him up.
- Wait a minute, sir.

Wait. I cannot allow that man... leave my home without being
charged first.

Sure you can allow it,
it's just that you won't.

- Please, Leonardo.
- Don't you read the papers?

- I do.
- Did you read it today?

I didn't get the chance.

- Read all about it.
- What is it?

Here it is.




- He only has this wallet.
- Let me see it.

It belonged to the victim.
It's more evidence.

It can't be.
There must be some mistake.

No, sir.
Everything's crystal clear.

Tell the truth.
Did you k*ll Bobby?

- The fox-trotter?
- Fox-terrier.

- Same thing.
- You k*lled him!

- Of course I k*lled him.
- You?

That's impossible.
You k*lled him?

- Somebody had to.
- You see?

Get him out and watch him.
He's very daring.

Not really. Sorry about the wedding.
Some other day.

I doubt it. The firing squad
is awaiting you.

You've saved me from a certain death.

Go ahead, sir.
Are you coming?

What is this?
Take him away. Let's go!




- When will the judge be here?
- I don't know.

- Where is he?
- None of your business.

Show some respect.
I'm the defendant here.

If the judge isn't coming,
I could've sent someone else... my place. I have other
things to do with my time.

This isn't right.
I should be somewhere else.

I don't like it at all...
Alright, I'll go fetch him.

Sit down and keep quiet.

- I'll see you outside.
- Look at his face.

As a journalist, I never saw
anything like it.

- He's a regular criminal.
- Natural born k*ller.

- He's so cynical.
- He deserves to be shot.

We can't let this go on, Paz.

- What can we do?
- Tell the truth.

No, ma'am.
That'd be terrible.

We can't let him
be sentenced.

- They won't convict him.
- Why not?

- You got him a great lawyer.
- Still, they will.

In that case,
we'll do something.

Oh, ma'am.
Mr. Cayetano is here.

He strictly forbade me from coming.

Excuse me.

- Cayetano.
- Clotilde.

I thought you said you didn't
care what happened to him.

I don't care,
but still...

...I'm curious. I just
can't believe he's guilty.

- How about you?
- I'm enjoying it.

- Enjoying it?
- Intensely.

- Please!
- Don't you remember...

...what he said to the police?

He said he'd rather be in jail
than marry me.

- Oh, yes. So what?
- I'm glad they granted...

...his wish, because I will not
say a word...

- ...until I'm satisfied.
- Say a word?

I have nothing to say. Nothing.

And I won't say it
until he looks desperate.

Excuse me?

- The judge.
- Have him come in.

Please rise.

This court is back in session.

Does the prosecutor wish... question the defendant again?

Certainly, Your Honor.

The defense attorney
has made much of the fact...

...that some of the witnesses...

...have not been able to identify
the defendant.

He's trying to make us doubt
his identity.

I would like to show
that identifying him...

...may be difficult
only because this man...

...has been able to hide out
for a long time...

...under a false name.

Swear him in again.

The defendant please rise.

- Thanks. I'm fine.
- Stand up!

Alright, but don't get angry.
What is it now?

For the hundredth time,
please keep quiet.

I can't keep anything in here.

My money and coat were stolen.


May I remind the public
that they must keep quiet.

- Swear him in now!
- Yes, Your Honor.

Do you protest?

Of course I do.
How could I not protest?

All this and only because
I k*lled a dog?

Members of the jury,
please note that the defendant...

...continues to call his victim
a dog.

What else can I call him?
He was a dog.




The prosecution may proceed...

- ...with the examination.
- Good.

I am going to prove my theory
about a false name.

Let's see, my little friend.

- What is your talent?
- I'm good at talking.


His cynicism is not funny at all.

Actually, it is outrageous.

- You are an idiot.
- Don't insult me.

Your Honor, I protest...
I'll see you outside.

It makes me angry, Your Honor.
Don't let him insult me...

...You're the big shot here.
Ask him to behave correctly.

Let me meet him outside.

No, sir.

the defendant is right.

Apologize, Mr. prosecutor.

Alright, Your Honor.

- I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- You are a sorry excuse.

- Answer my questions.
- I already did.

- What is your name?
- Be more specific, sir.

- What is your name?
- Don't yell at me.

My old name or my new name?

- That's the crux of the matter.
- There's the rub, sir.

Let the record show
that he had an old name...

...and he has a new one.

Members of the jury,
you must know that...

...this man, whose name
is Leonardo del Paso...

...has been impersonating
someone named Cantinflas.

You're wrong.
First, I was Cantinflas.

And after that,
well, you know...

...they gave me that look,
and since I am...

...a caring man,
I became Leonardo.

- That's what I said.
- Alright. Sorry, old man.

Why did this man
hide his name?

Because he was up to no good.
No good.

In order to paint a clearer
picture of his character...

...let's see what he used to do
while using Cantinflas' name.

- Let's see, friend.
- I'm not your friend.

Anyway, while you called
yourself Cantinflas... always broke the law.

I knew that.
Which law?

- Every law there is.
- I didn't have enough time.

You found the time.
What about...

...the moonshine factory
you had some years ago?

- I inherited it from my father.
- You confess.

- About the factory.
- A clandestine factory.

Sure, but it was all very legal.

Legal? Here's proof
that you were fined...

- Does it say that?
- Yes, sir.

Excuse me, sir, engineer.

Are you through?

- Are you through with it?
- I can't read.

This is proof
that you were fined...

...for not declaring it,
for not having the authorized...

not keeping books...

...and not receiving
the inspectors.

- A great injustice was done.
- Why?

How could I declare it,
see the inspectors...

...and keep books?
It was a clandestine operation.

The idea was to keep it secret.

Plus, I never paid the fine.
I couldn't afford it.

- I was going there.
- I never saw you there.

You should've been there.
I made wonderful moonshine liquor.

- You'd love it.
- Stop it!

It's been completely proven...

...that the defendant
worked outside the law.

You heard him,
members of the jury.

Keep listening.

Now I intend to prove
beyond any doubt...

...that this man had
a second illegal business.

- You'll see.
- Not again!

You had a clandestine stable.

- A stable?
- Yes, sir.

- A stable outside the law.
- It was indoors.

- You hid it well.
- It wasn't a stable.

It was a small corral
with only my dog and I in it.

- What else was in there?
- Sebastian.

Who is Sebastian?
A servant?

No, sir. An animal.
It was only he, I and my dog.

What kind of animal is he?

The only kind with horns.
It's a bull, sir.

Ever since my uncle...
well, he was dying...

...not my uncle, mind you,
the bull, so I saw him...

...and I thought that maybe,
you know.

So anyway, I brought him with me.
He's fat now.

Like I said, there's only a bull
in there. I can't milk him.

Even if I tried,
the bull would k*ll me.

For God's sake, Your Honor!

This man's cynicism isn't
funny at all.

- It is outrageous.
- Why should you care?

I don't, Your Honor.


Listen, Mr. prosecutor,
going through his past...

isn't getting you anywhere.

You'd better drop it.

Yes, stop bothering me
with your questions.

- I don't meddle in your affairs.
- Yes, Judge.

I was trying to destroy
the defense's theory...

...that this man is just a bum.

This man knows very well
which side is up...

...and he didn't k*ll blindly.

- I'm finished.
- It was about time.

Your Honor, please include
in the transcript...

...the fact that I've never liked
that man.

Does the defense wish
to examine the defendant?

Yes, Your Honor.

I intend to prove
to the members of the jury...

...that this poor man
only k*lled...

...while trying to save his life.

Please note that
this is the third time...

...the defense changes theories...

...and he'll have to change it again...

...because this theory
just won't cut it either.

Please refrain yourself
from warning him.

The defense may proceed
with his examination.

Thank you.
Tell me something, Mr. del Paso.

- Are you talking to me?
- Yes.

Tell me,
when you required the g*n...

What did I do with the g*n?

When you took the g*n
to k*ll the deceased.

Only because of the disease.

You know he was diseased?

He is deceased now.

I k*lled Bobby,
he was diseased.

When you took the g*n
that k*lled Bobby...

...your intention wasn't
to k*ll him.

You just wanted to defend yourself.

No, sir.
I meant to k*ll him.


...because your intention...

My intention was to k*ll him
as quickly as possible.

But man to man,
face to face.

On the contrary.
If he'd seen me first...

...he'd have att*cked me.
I had to sneak up on him.

That proves all the elements...

...of a premeditated crime.

Mr. District Attorney, please
let the defense finish.

If the defense wants to help me.

Let's see, Mr. del Paso.
Please realize...

...that your answers will get
you convicted or set you free.

- Is that clear?
- All I did was k*ll a dog.

- You must realize!
- Alright. I realize.

Just don't yell at me.

I'll tell you
how it happened.

- You'll tell me?
- I'll tell you.

You were very afraid of Bobby,
and rightly so.

- A bit afraid.
- Your life was in danger...

- ...if he saw you.
- He wagged his tail.

For God's sake,
be quiet and let me talk.

- Don't tell lies, though.
- Shut up, sir.

- As soon as he saw you, he lunged.
- No, sir.

He att*cked you!
You were on your way... pawn a g*n,
you needed the money.

- And I would've pawned it.
- You intended to.

- Then, he fired first.
- No.

He fired first!
He fired first.

You thought you were doomed...

...and only because your life
was in terrible danger... fired too.
Your rival fell to the floor.

You were devastated
and went to the police.

Isn't that what happened?

If it isn't,
you're doomed.

It didn't happen that way.
He didn't attack me...

...he didn't see me,
so I k*lled him.

And the police didn't get me...
they got me later.

- I didn't turn myself in.
- No!

It was the way
I explained!

Your Honor, who knows better
what happened?

This man telling lies
or I, who k*lled him?

- Such cynicism.
- It gives me chills.

It's awful.

No more questions, Your Honor.

It was about time.

I'll hear closing arguments.

The prosecution may explain
its conclusions.

I'll be very brief.
After all, the defendant...

...has been convicted
and has confessed.

We've all heard
the gory details...

...about how this person
k*lled the victim.

To paraphrase him:

He k*lled him
like one kills a rabid dog.

That's precisely what he was.

The defendant will keep quiet!

I can tell you're in a foul mood.
I'll shut my trap.

We all heard the way
he disrespects...

...all things fair and noble.

In order for the members of
the jury to come to a verdict...

...I will sum up what he did
on the day in question.

He got up early,
the idea of the crime...

...having long been
in his perverted mind.

He went to the armory,
he bought the g*n...

...he went to the victim's,
waited for him to go out...

...followed him all day
to his meetings, his business... a restaurant, to a bar
and to the movies.

The hours slowly rolled by
and this person...

...was tirelessly following
the victim.

Finally, at midnight,
when the innocent victim...

...went into a hotel...

...he went after him
and treacherously k*lled him!

What is wrong with you?
Are you ill?

No, I just need a glass of water.

The prosecutor made me walk
a long way.

I'll finish now, I can't
stand his sight anymore.

I'm asking you to find him
guilty and sentence him... the death penalty!

You are joking, right?

I said quiet!

It's the defense's turn.

What can I say, Your Honor?

Oh, I know.

Your Honor.
Members of the jury.

Can it be possible
that you all have not...

...realized this poor man's
mental state?

This poor devil is no criminal.

This unfortunate man
is only crazy.

Stop insulting me.

On his face, in his words,
in his seeming cynicism... his seeming
lack of respect...

...can't you clearly see madness?

He has answered questions
like a typical idiot.

Don't stop.
You're doing great.

All his interruptions
are typically of a mentally...

...Ret*rded person.
His whole demeanor is typical of... typical of...
is typical of...

I know a bar named Typical.

Do you see now?
That's his typical answer.

In sum, this man... asking for the mercy
of the madhouse.

Stop defending me, my friend.
Your Honor.

I'd like to speak. I really
can't stand him anymore.

I'll take my time...

...but that's all I'll take.

It's clear that his intentions
aren't good.

Members of the jury,
I don't want either...

Why? You know I know you
very well, sir.

I won't stand to be insulted
and humiliated like this.

I am a man
and I can prove it.

I ask that you sentence to death
that man, the other man...

...but not you,
because I'm very tired.

I mean it!

Order in the room!

We're finished, Your Honor.

And it was about time.

The members of the jury
may now deliberate...

...and render a verdict.

We don't need
to take any time, Your Honor.

This man's guilt is so evident...

...that we find him
guilty of m*rder...

...since all the elements
have been proven.

Oh, Lord!

It's terrible! This is
such a disgrace for the family!

I'm going to let him suffer
a while longer.


I, too, am ready
to pass sentence.

I hereby sentence
Leonardo del Paso to death.

No, that's not fair!
That man is innocent!

- That man isn't Leonardo.
- Dolores is here?

- Repeat what you said.
- He isn't my brother.

The Bobby he k*lled was our dog,
a dog with rabies.

That's not him. I should know,
I've had his children.

Let the ladies come in.

Do you think this Court
will fall for your stories?

This is nothing but a trick
by his lawyer.

Your Honor,
I protest...

Don't protest.

That childish operation
is typical of your dimness.

- But, Your Honor...
- Nothing!

Justice may be blind,
but not this blind.

You are Leonardo's sister,
aren't you?

- Yes, Your Honor.
- You are a maid... Leonardo's sister's home.

Yes, Your Honor.

And you are the mother
of Leonardo's children.

Yes, sir.
His many, many children.

The whole family is here.
This is obviously a conspiracy.

A family conspiracy.

A silly trick thought up
by the defense.

- But I swear...
- Quiet!

You are hereby fined
500 pesos or 30 days in jail...

...for trying to trick me.

You got your just desserts.

Enough! The sentence is death
and it stands.

You can't do that, Your Honor.

- Silence!
- Just a minute.

That man is innocent.
That man isn't Leonardo.

I'll bet you are
Leonardo's father.

No, Your Honor.
I am Leonardo del Paso.

The k*ller.

- Leonardo!
- That's him.

That's a lie, I am Leon...
or maybe he is Leonardo.

That's enough!

Silence! You are fined
one thousand more pesos...

...or ten months in jail
for this new lie.

Your Honor, I am not involved.

One thousand pesos more!

I can identify myself
and prove I k*lled him.

The heel had some letters
and threatened my sister...

...with turning them over
to Mr. Cayetano.

I confronted him,
he tried to k*ll me...

...and I k*lled him in self defense.

- And I can prove it.
- Let me see that.

What infernal mess is this?

- Here are the letters.
- Like I said:

There's the rub!

No wonder, all this for a dog
that may have been a cat.

Everyone kept talking about
him and now he's here.

Yes, he's here.
I wouldn't just...

What about my reputation?

Then there's the dog and the cat.

Like I always said,
there's the rub!

A bull was milked,
who k*lled who?

Here's the real Leonardo.

He's innocent and so is
the other Leonardo.

Like I always said,
everything's clear, isn't it?

There's the rub,
Your Honor.

So, the way I see it...
you, I, way.

Things always work out
in the end.

Justice here, justice there.

You may be old,
but you're always brave.

How can you say that?

That's not right.
Just seizing him up.

Really, there's the rub!

What about the I.D.?
Are they both Leonardo?

Why didn't he say so before?

If we'd only known that
at the beginning.

From our point of view, we...

No wonder he kept talking
about a dog, uh?

You see?
Everything's been cleared up.

Words simplify everything.

Everything's righted.

Cantinflas is free to go...

...and the real Leonardo del Paso
will have to stand trial.

Don't worry.
Everything will be alright.

- Follow me.
- Give me a minute.

I have witnesses who saw
it was self-defense.

We'll settle down
and raise our boys.

Why didn't you tell me
the truth?

I would have forgiven you,
I would have made him pay!

May he rest in peace,
the swine.

- I was afraid of your jealousy.
- You're right.

My jealousy is to blame.

I swear I will never bother you
with my jealousy again.

- Do you mean that?
- I swear.

I swear, I do.
I really do...

Who are you smiling at?
You are flirting with someone.

Who are you flirting with?

Who is threatening
my domestic bliss?

- For God's sake, Cayetano!
- You're right.

I think we'd better leave.
Let's go.

- Cantinflas...
- What do you want?

- Will you forgive me?
- Forgive you...

...after all that's happened?

After everyone kept saying
I was guilty...

...and wanted to put me to death?

You asked me to k*ll the dog
but you didn't tell them.

You kept trying to convince me...

...only to keep quiet later on.

You got me into a mess
that almost k*lled me.

- Shall I see you for dinner?
- I will never go back... having dinner with you.

I'm only sorry for the chicken,
who was so used to me.

- I'll never go back.
- But...

I'll never go back
to your kitchen.


Oh, Lord!

He will never come back.

- Is dinner ready?
- You?

- I thought you said never.
- Never?

- That you'd never come back.
- Did you believe me?

Careful what you say.
We're not the same.

- No, we're not.
- I'm a good girl...

...and you are a criminal.

Be quiet, that's blasphemy.

Remember, the jury absorbed me.

- Acquitted you.
- To each, his own.

- Still, don't talk to me.
- I just want my dinner.

- Your dinner?
- Of course.

- Will you go on not working?
- Don't I work?

- What do you do?
- I went through hell for you.

- I knew it.
- Do you think...

...standing out there,
waiting for Mr. Cayetano...

...and the sun
to go to sleep isn't work?

- The sun?
- To go to sleep.

- You mean for the sun to set.
- Yes.

You should have the table set
for my dinner.

Talking to you is useless.

But I do care for you.

Like Cayetano says,
what's past is past.

Let's toast our reconciliation
with a drink.

- Just one drink.
- Yes, just one.

Only one drink. And when we
finish it, we'll have another.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

I'll only come back to work
if I keep my full rights.

Overtime pay, minimum wage
and the right to strike.

- You scoundrel.
- Drink up.

- Close your eyes, "Pacita".
- What for?

You know what for.
Keep them closed.

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