Interrupted Journey, The (1949)

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Interrupted Journey, The (1949)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, darling.
I'm sorry I kept you waiting.

I couldn't get away. He wouldn't go out.
I thought for a minute he'd guessed.

Yes, I saw him. He had a
pretty vicious look on his face.

He was born with that.
Where is the taxi?

Other end of the alley.

Paddington Station.

What's the matter?


There was a little chap in a mackintosh
who followed us out of the alley.

Well, it isn't private property.

You aren't regretting the
whole thing, are you Johnny?

Don't be silly.

How did your wife take it?

She didn't. I couldn't tell her.

You couldn't?
- Well I hadn't the guts to.

After all you said about
making her understand?

Doing things the decent way.

Well, did you tell Jerves?
- Oh, be your age, Johnny.

What Jerves would have left of me
wouldn't have done for a weekend.

Let alone a lifetime.

So you sneaked off,
without saying a word?

No, not exactly. I wrote her a
letter explaining the whole thing.

I hope you left it on her dressing
table in the traditional manner.

I've still got it in my pocket as a
matter of fact. I haven't posted it yet.

Do you think by writing her a
letter you will hurt her less?


But I shan't be there to see it.
- You'll have me in tears in a minute.

That sounded pretty hard, Susan.
- We've got to be.


Aren't you going to kiss me?

Two singles to Plymouth please.

Ten minutes to wait. Let's go and
grab a cup of tea or something.

It's the sort of occasion when you're
bound to see people you know.

Just say I'm your sister.

That's a likely story.

There is a table.

Yes, please?

Something to drink, please. Hot.
- Tea or coffee?

- Two coffees please.

Some sugar?
- Both, thank you.

Something to eat?
- No thank you.

Oh yes. A cake. Anything will do.

Choc or rock?
- Both. Thank you.

What were you going to say?
- I don't know. I've forgotten now.

Probably something about
being sorry I was so flat I expect.

Rolling it like that makes it
seem like two pieces of bread.

How amazing.

When you cross your fingers, I think.
- I've had mine crossed for days.

Choc is off. I brought rocks.

Can you pay me now, please?
I'm going off. One and tuppence.

They'll do alright, thank you.

She is waiting for one and tuppence.
- Oh, yes.

You can forget the change.

Oh, ta. Goodnight.

Listen, honey.

If you are regretting this,
now is the time to say so.

No tears, no complications.

I leave you here and now
and get tucked safely in bed ..

Long before Jerves has
been thrown out of the pub.

Just a bad attack of
conscience. That's all.

Are you going to post the letter?

Yes, of course.

Then do it now, before
you tear it into pieces.

There is a box over there.


This coffee tastes like tea.

Now what is the matter?
Have you seen someone you know?

No. But I could have sworn ..

That little chap in the mackintosh.
- Oh, stop seeing things.

So there was a man in a mackintosh.

There are hundreds of
men in mackintoshes.

Look at them. Why not?
It's been raining, hasn't it?

"Platform 2."

"Is for Exeter, Plymouth and Penzance."

That's us. Let's go.

Aren't you going to eat your rock?
- I couldn't face it.

Alright. Well, keep them.
Throw them at men in mackintoshes.

Let's grab this one.

That's the first encouraging
sign I've had from you tonight.

Not in here.

Love me?

Of course.

No harm in saying so, is there?

Would I be here if I didn't?

You should know, sweetheart.

[ Train whistle ]

Feeling better?
- Much.

It's the last time I start a new
life from Paddington Station.

Or I with a married man.
Next time it is a bachelor.

You people with consciences are the end.

What phony name did you book
us in with at the Plymouth hotel?


It was my grandmother's maiden name.

Let's hope she was broadminded.

What is the hotel like?

It's pretty foul I think,
but it won't be for long.

I only wish we could have started
somewhere more exciting but ..

If this new novel pans out, who knows.

This line passes my house.

Through Longley tunnel and there it is.

Just a few steps across the field.

A pity. You could have thrown
the letter out of the window.

And saved yourself tuppence halfpenny.

But it does give one a funny feeling.

To think that only this morning ..

Oh, have a good laugh
and forget about it.



I can write, can't I?
- Of course.

Why else do you think I made
Jerves publish your stuff?

But you will have to work, my lad.

Much as I love you I've no wish
to starve for the sake of your art.

Don't just dig in your heels
and starve for the fun of it.

We can't exist forever on
hope and rejection slips.

Come out of the clouds and face facts.

There is only one fact to face.

You think I'm no good
as a writer. That's all.

When will you grow up?

We've been over this a hundred times.
What does it matter what I think?

You may be another Bernard
Shaw but until you can prove it ..

We've got bills to pay and
a future to plan and ..

We must just eat.

For the last time, my future does not
include a job in your father's factory.

So you turn down £7,000 a year
just because of your stubborn pride.

I told you, I can't do
things half-heartedly.

We've got to live, both of us.

Write in your spare time.

Write all night if you want, but ..

Chemical fertiliser and
writing do not mix.

I'm sorry.

Oh ..

Alright then, for the last time.

I married you because I love you.

Because I wanted a
home and your children.

At this rate we'll never have a child.
In a few months we'll lose our home too.

We had to wait all
through the w*r years.

I've been waiting ever since, but I
warn you I can't take it much longer.

[ Radio: ]

"Put away that duster, Mrs McBride
of 4 The Villas, Enfield."

"For here is your request celebrating
ten years of married bliss on Thursday."

"Bless you, the blushing McBrides."

"And the tune?"

"There is no need to tell you that."

Breakfast is ready.

I'll have to skip it or
I'll miss my train.

Don't do that. Catch a later one.
- No. I've a lot to do.

It looks it.

I've never seen you take so
many manuscripts before.

You sure you haven't packed the
telephone directory as well?

Quite sure.

Sorry I shouted.

I'm becoming a nagging wife. I know.

It's only that I worry
about us so dreadfully.

It's not your fault.

I wish there was something ..

Darling, there is nothing we can't
straighten out if we love each other.

That clock has stopped.

It seems to stick at ten to ten.

So it does.

When will you be back?

- At 10:45?

Yes. Yes, I expect so.
- Goodbye then.

Johnny, darling.


I love you.

I love you.

Have we passed Swindon yet?

No, sir. Just coming up
to Longley tunnel.


Clock stopped again?

You're early.
What train did you come by?

I wasn't expecting you for
three quarters of an hour.

I didn't come by train. I ..

I caught a Green Line bus.

Have you had anything to eat?

Yes, thanks. I had a big meal in town.

I kept you something just in case.


Oh Carol, I don't know what got into me.

I must have been crazy.

It's alright now though.

It's over.


Part of your big meal?


The tougher part.

Carol, I'll do anything you want.

Ring up your father and
tell him I'll take the job.

And I'll even take a bath
in fertilizer every day.

I didn't think I could be so happy.

[ Train crash noises! ]


An accident on the railway.


It is! We'd better go.

There may be people trapped. Come on.

Come on, for heaven's sake.

It won't stop bleeding. I've tried
a tourniquet but it won't stop.

Let me see what I can do.



Jill. Where are you?

Did you find out who done it?

No. It must have been someone
at the rear of the train.

Johnny, Johnny!



It wasn't me. It was an accident.

It was an accident.

I didn't k*ll her.

Darling, what is it?

Are you alright, Johnny?


I must have been dreaming.

I'll say you were.

You were shouting like a madman.


I didn't dream that crash, did I?

No. I wish you had.

Try and sleep again.

It's nearly daylight.

[ Radio: ]

"It hit the stationary express
at forty miles an hour."

"Over thirty bodies have been
recovered from the wreckage."

"Others are feared still trapped."

"The railway authorities
have not yet discovered .."

"The identity of the person who
pulled the communication cord."

"And it is possible that he or she is
among those k*lled or severely injured."

"The driver of the goods .."

How much worse things seem when
they happen on our own doorstep.

If it had been elsewhere, we'd be having
a nice gruesome gossip about it all.

Such a lovely day too.
And over there all that ..

I spoke to daddy on the phone
while you were in the bath.

About you taking that job.
He was delighted.

I knew he wasn't such
an ass as he looks.

He wants to see you on Monday.
- Alright, darling.

You haven't touched breakfast.

[ Door knocks ]

Why are you in a state?
It's only the postman.

Don't bother, darling.
I'll go and get them.

What is it?

Oh, it's ..

It's a rejection slip for a short story.
- But you haven't opened it.

I can smell them from the outside now.

Is that the evening paper?


Did they find who stopped the train yet?
- No. I don't suppose they will.

Very nice.


You're a nice little fellow.

I don't think I've got one like you.

Good afternoon.
- Oh.

Good afternoon.

I was just admiring your primulas.

So I saw. Do take another root.

No, really.

One is enough. Forgive me.

Not at all.

Were you looking for someone?
- Yes. A Mr North.

I'm his wife.
Is there anything I can do?

Well, my name is Clayton.

I am from British Railways
Investigation Branch.

Really? I thought you must
be a market gardener.

No, no. Just an amateur I'm afraid.

Is your husband in, Mrs North?

Yes. What's he done, stolen
somebody's umbrella?

Good gracious no.
That is not in my line at all.

I'll bet. Will you come in.

I'll go and find my husband.
Would you wait in here.

Thank you.

Johnny, I caught a funny old man
pinching plants from the garden.

He says he's from the Railways
Investigation something or other.

He wants to see you.
- What does he want?

I don't know, darling. But you haven't
stolen anything, I asked him that.

When Harry knocked a lady's hat off on a
train a real policeman called over that.

He is in there. I will go and make tea.

Good afternoon.

Mr North?

Clayton is the name.

I am from the British Railways
Investigation Branch.

Yes. So my wife told me.

We were wondering what
you could be investigating.

Oh, nothing to be alarmed about.

Although your wife did
seem to suspect the worst.

Come and have a cup of tea.
- Thanks.

A charming place.

I'd like a spot like this.

But my wife won't leave Streatham.

She loves trams.

Sounds a silly thing
to say but it is true.

What she will do when they replace them
with trolley buses, goodness only knows.

Perhaps she will let you move?

So she might. I hadn't
thought of that. Thanks.

I'm afraid this is all we can
offer you in the way of cake.

It looks delicious.

Don't bank on that.

My husband bought it in town yesterday
and he's not a good cake chooser.

To get to business.

It so happens I was on
that train last night.

Going to Penzance.

You look surprised, Mr North.

Yes, I was one of the lucky ones.

As I was on the spot ..

My chiefs want me to
make a few enquiries.

We were here when it happened
and ran straight over.

Were you here all the evening?

I was. My husband had only just got in.

Been out for a stroll?

No. I had spent a day in London.

Very nice too, for a change.

Did you return by rail?

No, by Green Line.

Lucky you weren't on that train, eh?

I hardly would have been. It was an
express. They don't stop at Longley.

No, of course not.

Stupid of me.

Had you been at home long?

Not very. A quarter of an hour perhaps.

Darling, not as long.
Actually, only a few minutes.

I'd just put the clock right.
It struck ten as we heard the crash.

Don't you remember?

Yes. So it did.

That's lucky.

It isn't often people are
able to remember so exactly.

Will you have a drink, Mr Clayton?

No thanks. The tea did me fine.

You are quite close the
railway here, aren't you.

Can you see it from the garden?
- Yes. I will show you.

Hmm. Quite a pretty view.

No-one would think there was a
railway line so near, would they.

It's just a few steps across the field.

By the way, Mr North.

Did you know a Mrs Jerves Wilding?

I know a man of that name.

He is the editor of a magazine
I have sold stories to.

Oh, stories, eh.

Mrs Wilding was k*lled in
the accident, you know.

And as you lived so near I thought
it worthwhile to pay a visit.

I don't understand.

Why should you come to me?

Your name and address were
found in her pocket diary.

Mentioned several times in fact.

Was it?

I can't think why.

Except she did secretarial work for her
husband and noticed my appointments.

Could she have been coming
to see you and your wife?

That train did not stop at Longley.

There I go again. Forgive me.

Was her husband on the train?

He might have been.

But as no-one survived in that carriage
he is probably still among the wreckage.

Nobody survived?
- Not a soul.

And the trouble is that someone
pulled the cord from there.

Then you will never know why, I suppose?

Unless the person left the
train before the crash.

Is that likely?

It is possible.

But I mustn't trouble you anymore.

Sorry to have been a nuisance.

Not at all. I wish I could
have helped you more.

Thanks for the primulas. I shall
send them to my wife this afternoon.

I've a colleague going up that way.
- Good.

Please don't bother to see me out.

It's no trouble, Mr Clayton.

Well goodbye, Mrs North.

Goodbye, Mr Clayton.

I wonder what was on his mind.


Don't be too sure, Johnny.
He's not such a fool as he looks.

That wouldn't be possible.

Pour me a little one, will you.

Did you know the Wildings well?

Not particularly.

He drank like a fish.
- You talk as if he was dead.

He must be, otherwise they'd have ..

They'd have what?

Well, Clayton would know.
They must have tried to contact him.

Where is the evening paper?
- It is upstairs.

Did it mention her name?

I don't know. I didn't look.

So you had no idea she was on the train?
- Why should I?

Alright, darling. I only asked.

I am sorry.

We are out of beer. I'll drop
down to the pub and get some.

Don't be too long.
I haven't seen you all day.

"Mrs J. Wilding."

I mean, why do people pull
the communication cord?

I don't know. They've
only given a name list.

Same again, please.
- Got a cold coming on, Mr North?



Gin and orange, George.
- Got back alright, Mr Saunders?

Yes. Got out at Brimley
Hall and took a bus.

Still digging them out it seems.

Would you mind if I had a look?
- Do. Nothing much new though.

Thank you, sir.

Same again, Mr Clayton?
- Yes, please.

Thank you, sir.

There will be no more people
left in there, I suppose?

Doubt it. They got another two out this
afternoon but that's the last I reckon.

Well, I wonder ..

You see, I'm looking for a friend of
mine who was on that train. A big man.

No good asking me, Guvnor.

They've taken all the
bodies to the village hall.

Thank you. I'll try there.

Watch it, Guv.

If he was still trapped, he
couldn't be alive, could he?

Not on this lot.

But if he was further up the train ..
- No, he wasn't. He was in there.

Was you in the crash yourself?

No, I wasn't.

Who is there?

Who are you?


What are you up to?

I was walking up the path
and I heard you call out.

You were standing by
the pond. I saw you.

I am afraid you are imagining things.

Who's there? John, is that you?
- Yes.

Well, what on ..?

Good evening. Mr Clayton?

Yes, it is me again, Mrs North.

Could I trouble you a moment, sir?

I can't offer you a drink.

I wasted a perfectly good
bottle of beer by chucking it ..

At whoever was skulking in my garden.

I shouldn't worry.

You'll probably find it near one
of your saplings in the morning.

Meaning I imagined what I saw?

Well, you have a fairly vivid
imagination, haven't you.

Writing stories and suchlike.

Suppose you sit down
and tell us why you came.

That's better.



Now, where was I?

In the garden. Coming to have a chat.

You know, Mrs North.

Your husband is sure
I'm after something.

Aren't you?


I want to know where Mrs Wilding
was going and with whom.

Have you asked her husband?

No. He is either dead
or drunk somewhere.

He is liable to disappear for
days as you would know.

I wouldn't.

Ours was a purely business relationship.

And your relationship with Mrs Wilding?

I don't understand.

My husband isn't as
dense as he pretends.

He thinks you were on that
train with Mrs Wilding.

As my husband says he wasn't.

Suppose you try and produce some
evidence and stop playing cat-and-mouse.

Do you know, Mrs North.

I've rarely liked anyone as much as you.

You're delightful too, but you
don't fool me for a moment.

I shouldn't like to try.

Well, this is the situation.

Mrs Wilding left home last
night shortly after 8 o'clock.

I know that because she was
followed by a private detective.

Have you spoken to this detective?

No. He was k*lled.

But his notebook has spoken to me.

At least some of it has.

It got rather badly knocked about.

Mrs Wilding left home with a man
shortly after 8 o'clock last night.

The two of them went to Paddington.

They visited the buffet.

Curiously enough, we
have confirmation of that.

A cake.

A tough looking rock cake
was found in her handbag.

They then caught the train.

They had a carriage to themselves.

As much to themselves as possible
as they pulled down the blind.

Who was the man, Mr Clayton?

Ah, that is the point.

We have no description.

The notebook only refers
to him with the letters "JN".

Which are my initials.

Yes, Mr North.

Can I see that notebook please?

I won't damage it.

You say this is "JN".

Surely, it could just as easily be "JW".


Very ingenious. So what?

JW stands for Jerves Wilding.

Find him and you'll know where
he and his wife were off to.

But who would engage a detective
to follow a husband and wife?

That's for you to discover.

At least it may change your ridiculous
idea that my husband was on the train.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have my dinner to cook.

Certainly. Goodnight, Mrs North.

If you don't mind my saying so,
that's a woman in a million.

Anything to say to me before I go?

Only that you are wasting your time.
- Don't you be so sure.

If whoever pulled that cord
did it for any flippant reason.

I'll see that his name stinks from
one end of the country to the other.


I'm staying at the pub
if you should want me.

Here is some food for you.
You look as if you need it.

No thanks.

Come on now. You've had
nothing to east since last night.

I had something at the pub.

Another rock cake?

Carol, Carol.
- No. No more lies.

Not to me. Lie to anyone
else but not to me. Please.

I must talk to you.

It's not good, John. I know.
- Yes, but I've got to talk to you.

Alright .. talk.

After this I can't expect you to trust
me or believe in anything I say.

But I've got to tell you that it wasn't
moral cowardice that kept me quiet.

It was you.

I came home last night, loving
you as I hadn't done for years.

It was as if ..

As if I'd seen you for the
first time. All over again.

I suddenly realized
how much I loved you.

And only you.

I wanted to start afresh. Try to find
everything we seemed to have lost.

When that ..

Awful thing happened.

I knew I'd never be the same.

Those people would be on
my conscience until I died.

But I did cling desperately to the
hope that I would still keep you.

Now even that won't be saved.

I've lost you as surely as
I've lost my peace of mind.

Suppose you tell me why
you were on that train.

I was going away with Susan Wilding.

For good?



I don't know. I must have been crazy.

Or in love.
- No.

I was flattered because she
seemed to like my writing.

And she attracted me physically too.

Let's skip that part of it shall we.

I didn't love her, Carol. I knew that
from the moment we started. So did she.

She even told me to
go back if I wanted to.

How nice of her.

So you stopped the train and left?

No. Not at once. That was later.

She was asleep and I
went into the corridor.

I saw the detective and then
Wilding. That finished me.

Did you write her a letter?


And she was still asleep when I jumped.

Poor thing.

She wasn't as lucky as I was.

So really it was panic that made you
do it rather than any love for me.

No, I promise you.

I had decided before that, but seeing
them gave me the jolt that I needed.

What does it matter anyway?

What am I to do?

That's up to you.


About us.

Is it .. finished?

I don't know.

I don't know. I can't
think any more tonight.


It doesn't help us, but I've
got to tell Clayton right away.

I think you should.

Of course, I needn't
tell him everything.

With the detective and Wilding both
dead they'd never know the details.

I could say that I was tight and ..

Took the train thinking
it stopped at Longley.

And then pulled the cord
when I realized it didn't.

It sounds a lovely story.
- Well, it would pass.

But I have lied enough already.

If you can stand it,
I want to tell the truth.

Then do.

You realize there will be the
most awful sordid publicity.

My name will stink. Clayton was right.

All that doesn't matter. But you ..

I'll look a fool. That's all.

It's very little worse than being one.

Darling, don't.


I'm trying to think of you for once.

If you wanted to go
away you could. Tonight.

Before I tell him.
- I'll decide when I want to leave you.

When the papers get the story they'll ..
- What of it?

I am your wife, aren't I?

I don't find it quite as
easy to run away as you do.

Anyway, you did come back to me.

I don't deserve you.

Well you've got me haven't you,
so stop trying to push me out.




You didn't love her.


I love you. I always have.

It just got lost somehow. Like me.

Carol, I need you so.

You got the note?
- Yes, thank you.

They dropped it in this evening.




Yeah. Just come in.

Hold on a minute.


Yes, Mr North. Clayton speaking.


Well, why not drop down right away?

I think you are very wise.
I will expect you.

Found out who done it?

Yes. I think so.

Bring a couple of bottles,
can you. I expect visitors.

Very good.

[ Radio ]
"An announcement from British railways."

"That the accident at Longley."

"Was due to a failure of signals at
the eastern end of Longley tunnel."

"Owing to a sudden earth subsidence."

"Caused by the excessive
rain of the past few days."

"Despite widespread publicity."

"The pulling of the communication cord
was not responsible for the accident."

"And the public need feel no alarm about
halting a train in case of emergency."

"The signals half a mile
further down the line .."

"Were, as it happened,
against the express."

"Which would thus have had to stop."

"Therefore, with the failure of
the signals near the tunnel .."

"An accident would
certainly have occurred .."

"Even had the communication
cord not been pulled."

Carol, if that is true it means
that it wasn't my fault.

I know. What about Clayton?


I had forgotten about him.

What do we do now?

Well, here we are.

Have you heard the news?

It looks as though you've been
wasting your time, doesn't it.

I'll bet it's a load of
that man's conscience.

Shall I open one?
- No thanks.

I may not need them now.

What, your friend not coming?

I doubt it.

If he listens to the news.

I nearly forgot. Your missus phoned up.

She said she got the
note and the primula.

But somehow went and lost it.

Would you ask the lady for another.

Ha. What a hope.

Good evening, Mrs North.
- Good evening.

I'm sorry we were so long Clayton,
but we stayed to listen to the news.

And you still want to have that talk?

Why not?

Well, I'm learning things.

I've learned some things tonight too.

Having told my wife the whole story, I'd
no excuse for hiding the facts from you.

Wait a minute. Sit down both of you.

I received a note this evening.

Telling me that Wilding had been
identified as one of the k*lled.

That set me thinking.


Notebook for instance.

This "N" could have
been a "W" after all.

And as long as there is a chance
that Wilding pulled that cord ..

I'm not inclined to add any
further lives to the wreckage.

Thanks, Clayton.

Not at all, sir. Thank you for coming
in. That made all the difference.

Mrs North.

I am rather nervous about asking this.

But could I pop round in the morning and
take another root from that primula?

You see, my missus ..

Come round and dig up the whole garden.

What a very, very handsome couple.

Uhuh. Muddy complexion.

You speak for yourself.


Any sign of that bottle of beer
I slung at old Clayton last night?


You imagined the whole thing.

I most certainly did not.
- Well, of course you did.

What would he be doing by the lily pond?

Pinching lilies, of course.

Then he must have pinched
your beer bottle too.

I never thought of that.

Anyway, he's welcome.

Thanks to you I love old Clayton
more than anyone in the world.

Oh you do?

That's very nice.

By the way.

There is no need to go kissing him
again when he comes this morning.

But if you love him so
much you can do it.


Good morning, Mr Clayton.

Hello, Clayton.

Brought a spade with you this time?
- No.

Mr North, I apologise if I seem to go
back on anything I said last night.

But would you mind telling me,
were you on that train with Mrs Wilding?

You know I was.

And how was she when you left her?


I must warn you sir,
I am a police officer.

Investigating the circumstances
in which Mrs Wilding ..

Was shot through the heart before
the railway accident occurred.

Admit it now.
This statement is a pack of lies.

It's the truth.

But no-one will believe it.
- You've lied too much already.

It's the truth I tell you.

Tomorrow the Coroner will
bring in a verdict of m*rder.

Unless you tell us what really happened.

An accident, perhaps?
- I've told you all I know.

You've said she was asleep.

And yet she died before the crash.
- m*rder*d.

Why not su1c1de? She could have ..
- She didn't sh**t herself in the back.

Well then, somebody else did it.
- Who?

Her husband. He must have done it.
- He's dead. These are his papers.

Then he did it before the crash.

After hiring a detective to follow her?

That is not the act of a m*rder*r.

Face the facts.

Who but you had the vestige of a motive?

I had no motive. I was running
away with her, wasn't I?

And from her later.

But I realised my mistake.
- All because she was dead.

She was alive I tell you.
- She was dead.

If you are as sure why
don't you arrest me now?

We shan't keep you waiting long.

I should forget that
statement if I were you.

And make another.

You met her as you said.

On the train you lost your nerve and
wanted to forget the whole affair.

You told her. She produced a g*n.

There was a struggle, the g*n went off.
- So, in a panic.

You pull the communication
cord and run home.

I did not k*ll her.

Not with premeditation, I'm sure.

I did not k*ll her.
- Who did then?

I don't know. I don't know.
- Alright, have it your own way.


Mr North will sign the statement now.

I shouldn't contemplate
any journeys if I were you.

Say in your house or thereabouts.
- I'll be waiting for you.

See that he is.
- Yes, sir.

Right, sir. You may go.

Have they ..?

Is it finished?

No. It hasn't begun.

I made a statement
which no-one believes.

And they have kindly promised to
arrest me as soon as possible.

I cannot begin to take it in.

I will wake up soon.

How could it have happened?

How could it?

Oh, don't look so scared,
my darling. I'm not. I'm ..

I'm just so puzzled I feel
as if my brain will burst.

It's worse for you, I know. But there
is a simple explanation somewhere.

Innocent people don't get hanged.

We know that I didn't
do it. That's the point.

The police aren't sure, either.
Or they'd have pulled me in today.

Now, they haven't found the g*n.

They are looking for it in the
field but they won't find it there.

If Wilding shot her before he was k*lled
then it is still lying in the wreckage.

They'll dig it out and
there will be fingerprints.

They can't arrest me on guesswork
and circumstantial evidence.

That's why they tried to get me
to admit that I did it accidentally.


Keep calm. That's all.

Keep calm and wait.

I can.

So long as you are there and ..

And have faith in me.

Why, you do believe me, don't you?

You don't think that I ..?

Carol, Carol. Look at me. Carol.

That's a laugh anyway.

Now I know it is a nightmare.

You shouldn't talk in your sleep.


Carol, think. This is m*rder.

Don't touch me. Don't touch me, please!

Good evening, ma'am.

Forgive the intrusion but I have
instructions to search the garden.

Does this little tap
empty the lily pond?

It's just a matter of routine.


No goldfish in this pond, I hope.



Is this yours, ma'am?

Yes .. thanks.

It's been lost for weeks.

Funny thing, you know. How things get
lost in gardens and then turn up again.

I found an old tie-pin in mine that my
old granddad dropped 40 years before.

Was he pleased?

No, ma'am. He was dead.

Constable Cowley, where are you?
- That's me. Excuse me, ma'am.

Are you calling me?

There is an old drain here. Boarded up.

Well open it out.

Found anything your side?
- No.

I'll come and give you
a hand in a minute.

It will need two of us.
It's a bit stiff.

They have found a
revolver in the lily pond.

What? Why, that's impossible.

No, it's true. I saw it myself.

They don't know I've seen it, so you've
about two minutes before they come.

It was actually in our pond?
- Just beside the beer bottle.

So that's what ..

Why did you warn me?

To give you a chance
to change your story.

Thanks, anyway.

Was the Inspector there?
- No.

Then they'll have telephoned
the police station.

Go downstairs and act
as if you've never told me.

What are you going to do?
- Just leave me alone.

John, you dare not ..
- Now, leave me alone please.

Don't worry.

They haven't hanged me yet.

And Carol.

Thanks again for the warning.

Is everything okay, officer?
- All quiet, sir.

[ Door knocks ]

[ Door knocks ]

Good evening, madam. May we come in?

I very much regret this but I hold
a warrant for your husband's arrest.

May I see him please?

He is upstairs.

I will fetch him.

I'll come along too if you don't mind.

He is in here.

Mr North.

Open the door please, Mr North.

Where is he?
- He's in there.

I left him in there. Break it down.

Where is he?


Look at this.

Sergeant Sanger.

Sergeant Sanger.

You were calling, sir?
- Yes I was.

Your men still watch the house?
- Yes, sir.

Why? North escaped at
least ten minutes ago.

But he was inside with his wife.
- And your job was to keep him there.

Call your men off. Report back to the
station. Get men out on a search.

Very silly, Mrs North.

He doesn't stand a chance.
Not an earthly.

So you warned him
about the g*n, Mrs North?

What g*n, Inspector?
- The one in your lily-pond.

This is the first I've heard of it.

He won't get very far.

I may want to see you later, Mrs North.

I shall be here.
- See that you are.


Of course she warned him.
- But wouldn't you have done the same?

This is the sort of thing which
makes the police look utter fools.

It certainly is.

Carol, steady.

Draw the curtains.

Johnny, I thought you had ..
- So did they, I hope.

Have they gone?

- Good.

Once they've relaxed around here
I'll have a chance to get away.

Why not stay and face it?
- And hang for something I didn't do?

No, thank you.

But if you didn't do it, you'd
have nothing to be afraid of.

Wouldn't I? Look at the evidence.
What hope would I have with a jury?

When even you have made
up your mind that I did it.

I haven't said that, Johnny.

You don't have to.
It is written all over you.

Now don't worry. I'm not
going to plead my case.

But ..

Will you stretch a point and
do one thing more for me?

Of course. What?

Raise all the money you can and
post it right away to J. Kenny ..

Danvers Hotel, Plymouth.
- Kenny?

Yes, I booked rooms in that name for ..
- Yes, I see.

As they are expecting me I can
pick it up without suspicion.

If I have to leave the country
I'll need all the money I can get.

Leave the country?

Oh Johnny, what is the use?

If you run away it will make it worse
for you. They'll get you just the same.


But there's a chance I
may find something that ..

Will lead me to the gentleman
responsible for this.

I don't understand.

How could you.

But look at it this way.

If I didn't do it.

Then there is someone who has made sure
that the police should think that I did.


Well now, it is one chance in
a million but I will have to take it.

While the police are looking for me.

I shall be looking for him.

But who? Who are you talking about?

Someone who was on that train with us.

The man who k*lled Susan.

The man who came into our garden
and threw the g*n into the pond.

The man who wants me
to hang for what he did.

- Good evening.

I'm a friend of Mr Jerves Wilding's.
- Mr Wilding is dead.

Yes I know. But there are one or two
questions that I'd like to ask you.

Perhaps you had better
speak to Mrs Wilding.

I understand that you
were a friend of my son's.

Yes. And I ..

You know that he is dead?

No, Mrs Wilding.

He is thought to be dead.

But I think he is very much alive.

He died in the railway
accident at Longley.

That's what he wants you to think.

But it wasn't so. He's alive,
I promise you. I know he is.

I know he is dead because
I identified his body myself.

[ Bell ]

There is no need to keep ringing.
I heard you the first time.

If it's accommodation you're after ..

I couldn't possibly take
anyone else tonight.

I have a room booked here.

You booked, you say?

Yes, a couple of days ago.
For my wife and myself.

Unfortunately one of my wife's
relatives fell ill and ..

That's why I came late
and had to come on alone.

What name, please?


John Kenny.

But Mr Kenny arrived
here this afternoon.

He told me his wife had died.

Just a moment, Mrs ..

Miss Marchmont.

I am the director of this establishment.

There's something very fishy here and I
intend to phone the police immediately.

Wait, please. Don't do that.

You see.

I am a police officer.

How do I know you are that?

I can promise you that half the force
of Plymouth will be here shortly.

If he's the man we're looking for.

They needn't expect cups of tea.

Is he upstairs now?


He hasn't left his room
since he arrived.

Is there a vacant room next door to his?


Number 40.

Give me the key, please.

I'm going up there now.

And don't you do anything
yourself until I tell you to.

Very well. But please do your
arresting as discreetly as possible.

I've a number of elderly residents. They
have enough to put up with as it is.

What has he done?





Give me a trunk call please.

Longley Park 6-4.

As quickly as possible please.

Thank you.

Hello? Yes, Longley 6-4.


Hello, Carol? It is John here.

"I can't hear."
- John.


What? I can't hear you.


"Speak up, darling, I can't hear you."

Is that better?

Speak up, darling. I can't hear you.

Carol, can you hear?

I can't hear you.

"Speak up, darling."



Darling, I can't hear you. Johnny.

Can you change this line
please? They can't hear me.

Yes, please. Quick. It's important.



I can't hear. The line is very bad.


Good evening, sir.
I'm sorry to bother you, but I ..

I can't open this bottle.

The cork. It is very stuck.

Well, well, well.

I never expected to find you here.

Quite a surprise.

A very pleasant one for me.

I'd hardly hoped to find you so easily.

Don't do that, sonny.

It's not so easy as all that.

Sit down.

Come on. Sit down over here.

What made you come here then if
you didn't expect to find me here?

Oh. To hide out, I suppose?

Yes. I should have thought of that.

Poor old North.

Everything has gone west, hasn't it.

This is the final touch.

All I have to do is to
blow your brains out.

And there we are.


Of hunted train m*rder*r.

Very convenient.

If it would work.

But it won't.

It will work alright.

Everything has gone the way I wanted it.

Since the time you decided
to run away with my wife.

I knew all about the
Plymouth trip, Mr Kenny.

I meant to k*ll you both down here
and make it look like su1c1de.

When you stopped the train and jumped.

I had to alter things a little.

I shot her in the back as she leant
out of the window looking for you.

Then I started after you myself.

I meant to k*ll you too.

And leave the g*n beside you.

I only just got clear before the crash.

That made me change my plans again.

I saw it all clearly then.

They would find poor m*rder*d
Suzy in the wreckage.

And 10-1.

They'd pin it all on you.

With a little quiet aid
from me, of course.

A nice touch dropping that
g*n in your pond, wasn't it.


I thought so.

Oh, I k*lled myself too. Of course.

Popped back to the accident.

Did a bit of rescue work.

Put my papers on a gent who had
suffered rather badly in the crash.

He didn't seem to mind.

Didn't mind at all.


But not as drunk as that.

What's next on the agenda?


Yes. You can k*ll me,
but it won't help you.

I was on to the police when
you came in just now.

They'll be here at any moment.

0h yes?

Schoolboy stuff.

You didn't know I was here.
- Oh no?

What do you think they said downstairs
when I registered as Kenny?

[ Telephone ]

[ Telephone ]

[ Telephone ]

"Your call to Longley."

"Go ahead caller. You are through now."

[ g*nsh*t! ]

[ Door knocks ]

[ Door knocks ]

Alright, Johnny.


You asked for it.

Now you are going to get it.

Right between the eyes.

[ g*nsh*t! ]

Excuse me.

What on earth is the matter?

Have You seen a ghost or something?

I don't know. I ..


How long have I been away?

A few minutes I suppose.
I don't know. I was dozing.

What is the matter? Are you ill?

No, nothing. I don't know.

I just imagined I wanted to pull the
cord and run home across the fields.

That wasn't imagination.
That was wishful thinking.

I went into the corridor and then ..
- And then what?

I don't know. Something terrible.

Is this Longley tunnel?

Yes, it must be.

Then pull that cord.
- Why?

I'll not run off with a man who'll spend
the rest of his life regretting it.

I'll be alright in a minute.

Sorry, Susan. I don't know
what happened to me.

I do.

And I know what's happened to me, too.

Now why did you do that?

Because it's worth a £5
fine never to see you again.

Susan, are you mad?

It's the sanest thing either of us has
ever done. Here. Get ready to go.

Well, what are you waiting for?
This is what you want, isn't it?

I don't know what to say.

But it wouldn't have worked, would it.


Go back to her, Johnny boy.

And be a good little husband
for the rest of your days.

What will you do?

Laugh my way to Exeter.

And catch the first train back.

- I can handle Jerves.

He never wakes until lunchtime.

I am sorry, Susan.

Don't apologise.
It was a wonderful trip.

You'd better get moving.

Don't break your neck falling.


The clock stopped again?

You're early.

What train did you come by?

I wasn't expecting you for
three quarters of an hour.

I didn't come by train.
I caught a Green Line bus.

Have you had anything to eat?

Yes, thanks. I had a big meal in town.

I kept you something just in case.

Carol, I don't know what got into me.

I must have been crazy.

It's alright now though.

It's over.


[ Train whistle! ]


[ Train whistle! ]

What is it, my darling?

It's the end of a nightmare. That's all.
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