02x02 - Dennis and the Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dennis the Menace". Aired: October 4, 1959 – July 7, 1963.*
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Follows the Mitchell family – Henry, Alice, and their only child, Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles first with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor, George Wilson, a retired salesman, and later with George's brother John, a writer.
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02x02 - Dennis and the Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »


Helloooo, Mr. Wilson!

Hey, Mr. Wilson, guess what?

-Oh, Dennis, it's the

end of a long day.

I'm tired.

I don't feel like

guessing games.

-You sure are

gonna be surprised.

-Nothing you could do

would surprised me.

-Go on, Mr. Wilson, guess.

It's something you got.

-Something I got?

-They're down in the cellar.

-My power tools came.

-Guess again, Mr. Wilson.

-I give up.



-See, I told you you

were gonna be surprised.

[theme music]


Oh, pesky beasts.



-Are you sure all

the vents are closed?

-Everything's closed, George.

-Don't want any of this

smell in the house.


Oh, dear.

Oh, they're burned.

-Never mind, Mrs. Wilson.

We still got some raw ones.


check the front bedroom?

[doorbell ringing]

-Oh dear.

-Everything always happens at

once, doesn't it, Mrs. Wilson?

-Will you answer the

doorbell for me, dear?

-Sure, Mrs. Wilson.


Martha, I can't hear you!

-Just a minute, dear.



George, see what you made me do!

-Oh, Martha, dear, I'm sorry.

What's got you all upset?

-Mrs. Wilson, you got a-- Boy!

-Oh, Dennis, what

are you doing here?

-I'm helping.

Boy, Mr. Wilson, that sure

is a keen space helmet.

-No wonder you're nervous.

-Look what happened

to the cookies.

-That's all right, Mrs. Wilson.

I can help you

stir up some more.

Then you and me can play

spaceman, huh, Mr. Wilson?

-I am not playing spaceman.

-George, look, it's

the wedding invitation.



Oh, aren't they nice?

Mr. and Mrs. George

Wilson request the honor

of your presence at the wedding

of their niece, Georgiana

Balanger to Lieutenant Robert

Lee Black on Saturday--

-Is that your same

niece Georgiana Balanger

who came to visit

you last summer?

-The eighth of June at

: in the morning,

Elm Street, reception

following ceremony.

-Is that your same

niece Georgiana Balanger

who sat with me when

I was a little kid?

-Yes, dear.

-Oh, George, there's so much

to do with so little time.

Maybe we should have the

wedding somewhere else.

-Is that your same niece--

-Georgiana's just

like a daughter to us,

and she's going to be

married in our home, Martha.

Oh after all, we're the

only family she has left.

Oh, don't you worry

about a think, my dear.

I'm going to put on the best

wedding this down ever saw.

-Is t your same niece that--

-Oh, of course it is

my same niece, Dennis.

I've only got one niece.

-Jeepers, I've been jilted.

You know what I'm going to

be when I grow up, Tommy?

A bachelor.

-Me too.

-You won't catch me

marrying any dumb old girl.

-Me neither, dumb old girls.

-And I'm not going to be in love

with that Georgiana Balanger

anymore either.


What's it like being in love?

-Well, it's sort of

like-- like Christmas.


-But you know what

it's like being jilted?

It's like opening

your biggest present

and finding out it's

something you wear.

[horn honking]

-Aunt Martha!

-Hello, Georgiana.

-You remember Bob, don't you?

-Oh, yes, of course, Bob.

How are you?

-Hello, Mr. Wilson,

how are you, sir?

-Fine, good to see you.


Nice seeing you too.



How are you?

-Oh, Georgiana.

Hello, Bob.

-Hello, Mrs.

Mitchell, how are you?

-You must be tired

after your long trip.

-We're too excited to be tired.

Oh, Uncle George, this

is so wonderful for you

to do this for us.

-Oh, nonsense, my dear.

I've always promised

you a nice wedding,

and that's exactly what

you're going to have.

-Oh, ah, Georgiana,

I'm so happy for you.

And Henry and I are so thrilled

to be standing up for you.

-Well, come on

inside, everybody.

-Dennis, oh honey, I'm

so glad to see you.

Dennis, I hope you like Bob.

It'd make me awfully

unhappy if you didn't.

-I was going to marry you

myself as soon as I grew up.

-But Dennis, I'm

much too old for you.

-I'm gonna have a

birthday pretty soon.

-But so am I. And the older

you get, the older I get too.

So you see no matter

how fast you grew,

it just wouldn't work out.

You do understand,

don't you, darling?

-Yeah, I guess so.

-I'm sorry about it too.

-That's OK.

Is he the one you're

going to marry?

-Yes, he is.

-Bob, this is Dennis.

-Well, as long as

you couldn't have me,

I guess you picked

a pretty good one.

-How do you do, Dennis?

-Boy, that's the most beautiful

I ever saw in all my life.

-Aunt Martha, I have

the most wonderful idea.

Now I know it's going

to be a simple ceremony,

but, well, I've always

wanted a ring bearer.

And if Dennis wouldn't

mind, he'd be just perfect.

-All right, everybody,

time for rehearsal.

Mr. Bradshaw, you

may start the music.

[wedding march]

-All right, Bob, you

and Mitchell start in.

Mr. Bradshaw, stop the music.

Margaret, dear,

you're supposed to be

out in the hall with Dennis.

-I don't want to be in

the hall with Dennis.

He pushes!

-Oh, yes, I know.

Oh, Martha.

Do we have to have Dennis?

He's just going to make shambles

out of this wedding, I know it.

-He looks so cute with

the ring on that pillow.

Besides, Georgiana

asked for him.

And it would absolutely

break his little heart.


What's holding up the parade?

-Now everything's going

to be just fine, George.

-All right, Mr.

Bradshaw, start again.

Bob, you and Mitchell

come in once more.

[wedding march]

-All right, that's

your cue, Margaret.

-There's simply no more

room in the freezer.

I don't know where we're

going to put the ice cream.

-We can take care of that

at our house, Mrs. Elkins.

-Ladies, please, you're

disrupting the rehearsal.

-Well, I'm just

trying to be helpful.

-Well, then, go into the

living room and sit down.

And stop the music.

-Come along, dear.

Don't mind him.

This wedding is so

important to him.

-Oh, I never allow myself

to be disturbed by anything

Mr. Wilson says under

any circumstances.

-All right, Mr. Bradshaw,

from Margaret's cue, please.

[wedding march]

-(SINGING) Here comes the

bride, lum, dum, dum, dum.

Margaret, that's--

that's fine, dear.

Only don't throw the

flowers like that.

Just drop them.

Now watch me, without music.


Here comes the bride,

lum, dum, dum, dum.

Just drop the petal

from side to side.

Now you see, that isn't

hard, is it, dear?


-That was a close one,

wasn't it, Mr. Wilson?

-Yes, it was, Dennis.

All right, go on back.

And you too, Margaret.

All right, Mr. Bradshaw.

Let's take it from

the beginning again.

Well, this is the only wedding

I'm ever going to put on,

and I want it to be right.

-It's your money.


[wedding march]

-[inaudible] cue.


You're next, Alice.

You ready?

Alice, dear.

This is a little close indeed.

You have to leave

room for the minister.

-Boy, you sure can teach

the step, Mr. Wilson.

-All right, Dennis.

Well, now that was pretty good.

-All right, Georgiana.

When the minister steps forward,

you hand your bouquet to Alice.

And the Alice steps back.

And then when he says, who

gives this woman in-- uh, oh.

Dear, where is that book with

the wedding ceremony in it?

-I'll get it, Mr. Wilson.




I knew it.

I knew it!

-Anybody got a long

stick and some bubblegum?



-Run down in the cellar and

look for it, Mr. Wilson.

I'm sure I can find it.

-I'll do it, Dad.

I know just where the pipes go.

Tommy and me climbed all over

that cellar lots of times

when nobody was home.

-I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Wilson.

I'm sure Dennis didn't

do it on purpose.


I'll direct him from here.



-Over here, son, where

you hear my voice.

Over here, Dennis.

Can you see it?

-Not yet, Dad!


it should be close by.

-I'm looking!

Here it is, behind

this old bottle.


-Here's your nerve

medicine, dear.

-Oh good.

-Such a fuss.

-You'd this it was

his own coronation.

-Well, he's got it.

No harm done.

-Well, just once in my life,

not for my own sake mind you,

I wanted everything

nice for Georgiana.

-Couldn't we just

run off and get

married by a justice

of the peace?

-Here we are!

I put it on my thumb so it

wouldn't get lost again.

-Well, if it gets stuck

here, I swear I'll--

-It didn't get

stuck, Mr. Wilson.

I've got a very narrow thumb.


Mitchell, you take

the ring from Dennis.

And then you hand it

to what's his name.


-Right, all right,

hand it to Bob.

-Then when the minister says, I

now pronounce you man and wife,

Dennis and Margaret

get out of the way.

And Mr. Bradshaw

is going to play.

[music playing]


Sweetheart is everlasting.


-What's that?


(SINGING) Forever more.

Our life is--

-Who let her in?

-Shared forever.

All of our hopes as one.

-Isn't that beautiful?

Me and Ms. Cathcart have been

saving it for a surprise.

-It's my little gift

for the bride and groom.

-(SINGING) Life with

its care and cheers,

life with its joy and

fears, we'll test our love,


But faith in each other will

carry us through the storm!



(SINGING) My love for you,

sweetheart, is everlasting.

Eternal forever more!

Our love, dear heart,

will be we share forever.

All of our hopes as one.

Life with its care

and tears, life with--

-All this house needed

was a good airing, George.

You can't smell it now.

-Dennis has got to go.


-No, no, no, no, I should

have put my foot down

when you first mentioned it.

I should never have let

you talk me into it.

But it isn't too late.

-It wasn't really

all Dennis's fault.

-Oh no?

Well, whose fault was it?

Who invited Ms. Cathcart?

He did.

Who dropped the ring?

He did.

Who knocked over

the termite k*ller?

He did.

[interposing voices]

-Don't you try to

talk me out of it.

My mind's made up.

Why, Dennis young.

And he'll be over his

disappointment by day

after tomorrow.

But Georgiana, my dear,

this is your wedding.

It's the most important

day in your life.

No sir, no.

I am not going to

let Dennis spoil it.

-Hey, how come you folks didn't

invite me to your wedding?

-Well, you weren't born yet.

-Oh, yeah, I forgot.

But I bet if I

had been born, you

wouldn't invited me, huh, Mom?

-We certainly would have, dear.

TV ANNOUNCER: Weather bulletin.

Rain predicted for tomorrow.

The barometer is falling

with northwest winds.

We can expect heavy showers

before dawn tomorrow.

-Oh, no.

It can't rain for the wedding.

[door knocking]

-Don't worry, Mom.

Well, it's good old Mr. Wilson.

Hey, Mr. Wilson.

You want a peanut

butter, and mayonnaise,

and banana sandwich?

-Dennis, I thought

you'd be in bed.

-He's too excited about

the wedding to go to sleep.

-Would you like a piece of

chocolate cake or something?

-Oh, no thank you.

I want to talk to

Mitchell about something.

-Uh, why don't you

run along to bed, son.

You can take your milk with you.

-OK, Dad.

-Did you hear the weather

report, Mr. Wilson?

They're expecting rain

by tomorrow morning.

-Oh, naturally

it's going to rain.

Sure, just like

George Wilson try

to put on a real nice wedding.

And naturally it rains.

-It isn't gonna

rain, Mr. Wilson.

-It isn't?


-I already said my prayers.

And I asked God

specially to make

it a fine day for the wedding.


-But if you're

nervous, Mr. Wilson,

I'll say em all over

again just to make sure.

-Oh, well.

-I don't mind, Mr. Wilson.

I'll be glad to do it, if

it'll make you feel better.

-Goodnight, son.

-Goodnight, everybody.

Sleep tight.

-Goodnight, dear.

-Don't you worry, Mr. Wilson.

You and me are gonna

put on the best

wedding this down ever saw.

-Well, what can we do

for you, Mr. Wilson?


Oh, I forget.

-Well, no wonder, with all the

things you have on your mind.

Why don't you have

a cup of coffee?

Maybe it'll come back to you.

-Oh, no thank you.

-Well, maybe it was something

Mrs. Wilson wanted to borrow.

You're welcome to

anything we have.

-No, I uh-- uh just wanted

to say thanks for everything.


Don't be late for the wedding.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I beg your pardon.



Won't you find a seat

in the living room?

-Martha, where is that minister?

He promised he'd get here early.

-He'll be here, George.

-Oh, everything's gone wrong.


It's going to storm,

and the minister

isn't going to get here.

-There's not a cloud in the sky.

And the minister is due

for another five minutes.

-Well, maybe he got his dates

mixed up or-- maybe he forgot.

Operator, this is an emergency.

Get me-- Martha,

what's his name?


-Come in, Reverend.

-Hello, Mrs. Wilson.

-George will be so

happy to see you.

-Hello, George.

-Oh, hello-- Martha,

what's his name?

I'm trying to get

him on the telephone.

I can't remember his name.

-Who dear?

-The minister!

-It's easy to see

that you ought to come

to church a little

oftener, George.

-I'm sorry.

This way, Reverend.

-Thank you.

-There's a car locked

up in the garage, Tommy.

Here's the key.

Put lots of signs on it.

We want everybody to know

they're really married.

-OK, Dennis.

-OK, Tommy.

-Your nerve medicine, dear.

Oh, darling, just try

not to think of anything

except this is our little

Georgiana's wedding day.

-All right, Martha, all right.

But don't you go

getting weepy on me.

I cannot stand women

who cry at weddings.

-Well, I'll try not to, dear.

Dennis, here's the ring.

We're ready to start.

Mr. Bradshaw, we're ready.

[wedding march]

-Remember, Margaret,

don't throw the flowers.

Just drop them.

It's your cue.

Oh, have you got

the ring, Dennis?

Yes, yes.

-Hey, Mr. Wilson.

You've got your

shoes on crooked.

-Great Scott!

-What did I do wrong?

-You did all right, Margaret.

We just got to wait

for good old Mr. Wilson

to get his shoes on right.

[wedding march]

-The joining together in

matrimony of two young people

is a serious as well

as a joyous occasion.

You, Georgiana, and you,

Robert, will promise much

and fall short of your promises.

But man's ideal is always

beyond his performance.

Be true to the best

that is in you.

And live fully so

that you will have

much to share with each other.

Who gives this

woman in marriage?

-Oh, here!

I-- I-- I do.

-Robert, do you take Georgiana

to be your lawful wedded wife?

-I do.

-And Georgiana,

do you take Robert

to be your lawful

wedded husband?

-I do.

-May I have the ring, please?

-Here it is.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

-Repeat after me.

With this ring, I, Robert.

-With this ring, I, Robert.

-Take thee Georgiana.

-Take thee Georgiana.

-To have and to hold.

-To have and to hold.

-To love, honor, and cherish.

-To love, honor, and cherish.

-In sickness and in health.

-In sickness and in health.

-For richer or for poorer.

-For richer, for poorer.

-For better or for worse.

-For better or worse.

-As long as we both shall live.

-As long as we both shall live.

-You may now place the

ring upon her finger.

-[blows nose]

-Repeat after me.

I, Georgiana, take thee Robert.

-I, Georgiana, take thee Robert.

-To love, honor, and cherish.

-To love, honor, and cherish.

-In sickness and in health.

-In sickness and in health.

-For richer, for poorer.

-For richer, for poorer.

-For better, for worse.

-For better, for worse.

-As long as we will

both shall live.

-As long as we both shall live.

-Under the powers vested

in me by church and state,

I now pronounce

you man and wife.



-Bye, darling.

-Good luck.

[interposing voices]

-Where's Dennis?

-I don't know, honey.

It's not like him to

miss all this excitement.

-Oh no!


[theme music]
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