02x33 - Dennis' Newspaper

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dennis the Menace". Aired: October 4, 1959 – July 7, 1963.*
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Follows the Mitchell family – Henry, Alice, and their only child, Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles first with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor, George Wilson, a retired salesman, and later with George's brother John, a writer.
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02x33 - Dennis' Newspaper

Post by bunniefuu »

-Hi Joey!

This is Dennis.

Come on over and I'll treat
you to a banana milkshake.

I've already called
Tommy, and Mike,

and Eddie, and Dave, and Buddy.

It'll be a real party.



Where do you expect
to get the money

to buy banana milkshakes
for all those boys?

-Oh, I'm not buying them.

I'm making them!



They ought to be ready now.

I dumped a bunch of bananas
and six bottles of milk

in the washing machine!


[theme music]

-Here's the paper, George.

It just came.

-Well, it's about time.
What does he say?

What does Krinkie say about me?

-Well, I haven't found
anything yet, dear.

Oh, is this it?

Taxpayers meet in
protest at City Hall.

-That's it.

Martha, I don't
mind telling you,

I saved that whole meeting
yesterday single-handed.

-Good for you.

Read it to me.

-I certainly will.

Ah, yes, yes.

Group of irate citizens,
so on, So on, so-- Oh.

A large meeting protested
to the city assessor.

Aw, aw, aw.

Here we are.

In the midst of a plea by Marvin
Quigley, prominent merchant.

-Oh, Mr. Quigley was there?

-The loudspeaker system
suddenly went dead

and the assessor immediately
moved to adjourn the meeting.

-Oh, fine.

You didn't let him.

-However, it was quickly
discovered that the microphone

cord was lose, and one of those
present plugged it in again.

Quigley resumed his
attack on higher asse--

One of those present?


-Why, this silly paper
doesn't even mention my name.

Just says, one of those
present plugged it in again.

-Is that what you did, dear?

Just plugged in the microphone?

-Well, Martha, I saved
that whole meeting.

If it hadn't been for me, if
I hadn't found the trouble

right away, everybody
would have gone home!

-I'm sorry, dear.


Now this is a sample of
the kind of recognition

I get in this town.

Why, for two cents, I'd
cancel my subscription

to this crazy thing.

-Oh now, dear.

-Well, by golly, I
would too, Martha,

if I weren't paid up in advance.

-Hi, Mr. Wilson!

Hi, Mrs. Wilson!

I got a swell idea, Mr. Wilson.

Let's you and me go--

-Dennis, I'm in no mood for
any of your swell ideas.

Martha, I'm going upstairs
and lie down a while.

-Is he sick, Mrs. Wilson?

-No, Dennis.

He's just a little
upset today because he

didn't get his
name in the paper.

-That's too bad.

Well, I better be going now.

Tell Mr. Wilson I'll
leave my kite in the tree

until he feels
more like climbing.

-Hello, Tommy.

It's nice to see you again.

-It's nice to have you
back home, Mrs. Mitchell.

I missed you a lot.

-Thank you.

-Nobody can bake cookies
as good as these!

-They sure can't!

-What have you got there?

-It's Tommy's new paint set.

You just draw a picture, and
you press it down on this stuff

here, and the picture
comes off on it.


-Well, isn't that nice!

Oh, you can have a
lot of fun with that.

-But I already drew all
the pictures I know.

-I know some swell
pictures, Tommy!

I'll draw a horse!

-You can do lots of things
besides draw pictures

with this.

It says, handbills, calling
cards, personal stationary,

print your own
newspaper it says.

-Hey, that's a
swell idea, Tommy!

We'll be reporters and have our
own newspaper like Mr. Krinkie!



You know any news?

-We'll do just
like reporters do.

We'll go around to everybody
and ask them stuff.

That's how you get news.


We can ask Miss
Cathcart if she's

got any news about Mr. Dorfman.

She's always talking
about Mr. Dorfman.

-And how about Mrs. Elkins!

Mr. Wilson says she knows
everything about everybody!

-Now, wait a minute, boys.

I don't think
you'd better bother

Mrs. Elkins or Miss Cathcart.

They might not like it.

-Jeepers, mom.

Everybody likes their
name in the paper.

-No, not everybody.

You'd better skip them.


How are we gonna get any news?


I know who likes his
name in the paper!

Good ol' Mr. Wilson.

He felt real bad today,
because it wasn't in it.


Let's go get some news on him!


And we'll make the whole
newspaper about Mr. Wilson.

And we'll call it
The Mr. Wilson News.

-We'll follow him around
today and put down

everything he does
and says, huh?

-Only we gotta be real
careful that he doesn't

know what we're doing or
that'll spoil the surprise!

Come on, let's get started!

-Hi, Mr. Wilson!

-Having a drink of water?

-Yes, I'm having
a drink of water.

-What you doing?

Setting out flowers Mr. Wilson?

-No, Dennis.

I'm knitting a sweater.

-With a trowel?

-Oh, he's just joking, Tommy.

He makes jokes like
that lots of times.

What he's really doing
is setting out flowers,

aren't you, Mr. Wilson?

-Well, I'm trying to.

Now, why don't you boys go
somewhere else and let me work.

-OK, Tommy.

Let's go someplace else.

Here, right over here.

-All right, Dennis.

If you have to hang
around, then be quiet.

I don't even want to
talk to you, you hear?

-Yes, sir.

-(WHISPERING) I wonder If
he wants to talk to me.

-No, I don't.

I don't want to talk to anybody.

-Don't bother him now, Tommy.

[phone ringing]

-I'll get it!


Yes, he's here,
but he doesn't want

to talk to anybody right now.


-For heaven's sakes.

Who was that?

I didn't tell you to
answer my phone, Dennis.

Now who was that?

-I didn't ask him.

-Oh, for the love of--
I was expecting a call

from my tax man.

All right, that does it.
now, go on home, both of you.

Go on.
-But Mr. Wilson--



Honestly, those kids.

Oh, good grief!


Did you get any more
news out of him yet?


I went over and
rang the doorbell

while you were home eating.

But Mrs. Wilson
said he was resting.

-Gee, with what we got, we can't
even make half a newspaper.


All we got so far is Mr.
Wilson set out some flowers,

and Mr. Wilson spilled
his water pitcher.

Can you think of anything else?

-Well, before he
spilled the pitcher,

he took a drink of water.


He's always thirsty
when he's working.

We can put that in.

Mr. Wilson drinks a lot!

That's good!

He's out in his patio now!


We can watch him and he won't
even know we're getting news.


Wait till you see what
I found in the attic!

-Oh, well I'll be darned.

Our old college annual.

Well, I haven't
seen this in years.

Oh, my goodness.

There are people in here I
haven't thought of in ages.

Look at that picture.

Remember him?
Bill Hooper.

He and I used to room together.

-He came from up in New
York somewhere, didn't he?


Buffalo Bill we all called him.

-Jeepers, I didn't
know Mr. Wilson

went to school
with Buffalo Bill!

-Me either.

That's news all right.


Now there's the picture
I've been looking for.

Us, going to the big
Thanksgiving Day game.

You remember?

-I'll never forget it.

I was so impressed when you
showed up in that raccoon coat.

-I wonder what ever happened to
that old coat of mine anyway.

-Well, if I remember, we
gave it to the scrap drive

during the w*r.

-Well, that was
rather a sad ending

for a coat that used to walk
across the campus with its arm

around your shoulder.

It deserved a better fate.

-It represented romance
to both of us, didn't it?

-You know, Martha,
I'd give a lot

to have that old coat
of mine back again.

-You would?

Just how much would you give?

-Oh, I'd give $ anyway.

-Hey, that's news!

-It sure is, boy!

-$ for coat.

-Would you really like
to have that coat back?

-Why, certainly.

Why, every well-dressed
man has to have

a raccoon coat in his
wardrobe, or two or three.

Why, a fellow can't have
too many raccoon coats,

you know that.

-You're right, dear.

He needs one for every day
and one to wear on Sunday.

-One to garden in, and one to
wear when I'm greasing the car.

-And one to wear when you
drive me to the station

when I move out.

-It works, Tommy!

It works swell!

-Sure it works.

-The Mr. Wilson News.

He sure has got his name
in the paper now, Tommy.

-He'll be famous I bet.

-He sure will.

We'll make about
or copies,

and give everybody a
copy on this whole block!

And after we leave this
one as Mr. Krinkie's house,

we've only got one left, and
that's for good ol' Mr. Wilson!

Oh, hello, Mr. Krinkie!

-Well, hello boys.

-Here's a copy of
our newspaper for ya.

-Another newspaper!

Well, I don't know
whether this town's

big enough for two papers.

You boys don't want to run
me out of business, do ya?

-Oh no, sir.

We wouldn't do that!

This is just a special paper.

-Oh, The Mr. Wilson News.

Oh, that's an interesting name.

-It's all about Mr. Wilson.

-Yeah, I had a
hunch it might be.

Mr. Wilson got up early today
and he set out some flowers.

Oh, that's a scoop all right.

-We followed him
around and asked

him questions and spied on
him, just like reporters!

-Mr. Wilson will give
$ for a raccoon coat

like he had in college.

He will, huh?

Did he tell you
boys that himself?

-No sir.

He told Mrs. Wilson, though.

That's how we found out!

-Well, I'm glad to see
George Wilson still

has a touch of the
college boy left in him.

Thanks, boys!


That's a nice human
interest story.

This'll look good in my paper!

-Now we'll slip this one under
good ol' Mr. Wilson's door

and we're all through.


Time to wash up for dinner!

I didn't know it was that late.

See ya tomorrow, Tommy.

We'll go over to the park
and play Tarzan, huh?

-Not if it's like last time.


This time I'll be Jane!

-OK, Dennis.

-Bye, Tommy.

-Oh no, not again.
-What is it, dear?

-Oh, it's one of those
confounded advertising folders.

I just wish they'd
stop cluttering up

our house with them.

-Listen to this.

Mr. Wilson not only
made Dennis's paper.

He made the front page
of "The Chronicle."

What is it?

-It's the raccoon coat story.

Local resident yearns
for raccoon coat.

The spirit of the
roaring ' s still

lives in George Wilson
of Elm Street.

Mr. Wilson is looking for one
of the raccoon coats which

were a symbol of flaming
youth during his college days,

and is willing to pay
$ for a fine specimen.

-I'm amazed at him.

I never dreamed he
was so sentimental.

-He must have meant
it if he bothered

to give Krinkie the story too.

-We didn't tell
Mr. Krinkie, dad.

Mr. Krinkie got the
news from my newspaper.



He said it was real interesting.

He would put it in
his newspaper too.

Isn't that swell?

-Well, I don't know.

I suppose.

-You're sure that's what Mr.
Wilson said, are you son?

I-- I mean he did say--

Mom asked me that last night!

That's exactly what he said.

Me and Tommy both heard him!

-Imagine, Wilson trying to
recapture his flaming youth!

Boy, if I had a raccoon coat,
I'd certainly sell it to him.

-I'm going over to see
good old Mr. Wilson now.

I want to ask him how
he liked my newspaper.

-All right, dear.

But don't stay too long.


-You wanna put the paper
in the house, George?

-Oh, that thing.

After the way Krinkie
neglected me yesterday,

I ought to throw this
into the trash can.

-Hi Mrs. Wilson!

-Good morning, Dennis.

-You're all dressed up.

Are you going somewhere?

-Just a little trip to the city.

We'll be home around
o'clock if anyone asks for us.

-Dennis, we're in a hurry now.

So if you'll excuse us.

-I just wanted to
ask you how you

liked The Mr. Wilson
News, Mr. Wilson.

-The-- The what?

-The newspaper me and
Tommy printed all about ya.

Didn't you get it?

I put it under your door
yesterday just before dinner.


The newspaper.

Yes, it was fine, fine, Dennis.

I enjoyed it very much.

Come on, Martha.

-Mrs. Wilson said you liked
to get your name in the paper,

so it was the only
name we put in ours.

-That was very sweet
of you, Dennis.

-Mr. Krinkie saw it and said--

-Oh, Dennis!

Don't even mention his name.

I'm sure you're twice the
newspaperman that Krinkie is.

-Gee thanks!

See ya later!


[knocking on door]

-There's nobody home, mister.

-You sure, Sonny?

The paper said the
fellow that lived here

was in the market
for a raccoon coat.

-Is that what that is?


When will somebody be home?

-They said o'clock
this afternoon.

-Well, $ is $ .

But I sure hate to haul this
thing back over here again.

It's kind of embarrassing
the way people laugh at it.

-Why do they laugh?

I think it's a
swell coat myself.


I thought so, too,
back in the old days.

Yes, sir.

Classiest job on the campus.

-I know Mr. Wilson
would like it.

This could be the one
he wears to church.


-Say, they always leave
the patio door open.

I'll run around and let you
in and you can leave the coat

there, and he'll pay
you for it later!

-Well, I guess
that'll be all right.

-Oh sure.

He's real anxious to get one!

-Well, thank you, buddy.

-Just put it down
anywhere, mister.


Now, I better leave my
name and phone number, so,

uh, have you got some
paper around her someplace?

-There's a pad on the desk.

-Oh, fine.

[doorbell rings]

-Oh, boy!

Another one!

Come on in!

-Is your father the man
that wants a raccoon coat?

-No sir.

But he's my best friend.

You can leave the coat with me.

He's not home now.

-Oh, it looks like he
already bought one.

-That's OK, mister.

He wants all the raccoon
coats he can get!

Mr. Wilson says a fella can't
have too many raccoon coats.

-Hey, you think this
is on the level?

-Well, sure.

He put the story in
the paper, didn't he?

-He's got to be a character.

Oh, just stick your
name and number

in the pocket of your coat.

-Now, you be sure and have
him call us, won't you, sonny?

-I sure will!

-This where I can
sell a raccoon coat?

-Oh boy!

Another one!

Jeepers, this is really
Mr. Wilson's lucky day!

-Hi, Mr. Wilson!

Hi Mrs. Wilson!

Boy, wait 'til you see the
big surprise I got for ya!

-You have a surprise for me?

-The best one you ever had!

It's in the house!

Go on!

Open the door!

-Yes, George.

Let's see what it is!

-Somehow I don't feel too eager.

-Isn't it great Mr. Wilson!

-Why, it's not real!

-Why they're raccoon coats!

Where in the world
did these come from?

-From all over town.

Men kept bringing 'em and
bringing 'em and bringing 'em!

-But why?

-Because you said a fella can't
have too many raccoon coats.

But I bet this is
almost too many.

-Now when did I say a
thing like that, Dennis?

-Yesterday in your patio.

-I remember, George.

We were looking at
the college annual.

-And me and Tommy heard you,
and put it in our newspaper!

Then Mr. Krinkie put it
in his newspaper too!

-But Dennis!

-They're all yours, Mr.
Wilson, for only $ a piece

like you said.

-$ !

-The men left their
names and phone numbers.

You just call them and they'll
come right over and collect.

-Great Scott!

-Which one will you wear
to church, Mr. Wilson?

-Martha, quick!

My nerve medicine!

-It's the same thing
over and over and over.

That's the fifteenth
man who refuses

to come and pick up
his mangy old fur.

What a mess!

-And I'm awfully sorry
about this, Mr. Wilson.

So is Dennis.

-Well, he-- he should.

Turning my home into
a raccoon's den.

[phone ringing]


Here we go again!



You what?

You wouldn't dare!

-Another one?

-That was Krinkie.

He says the story has
caused a lot of comment

and he wants to send a
photographer over here and take

a picture of me
in my raccoon coat

with my arm around
your shoulder.

They're going to call it
"Sheik Wilson and his Sheba."

Well, go ahead.

Snicker your heads off.

This is George Wilson's
bitterest hour.

[doorbell rings]

I'd like to talk to Mr. Wilson.

-Come in.

-Thank you.


What a collection!

-Well, who are you?

And if you're from Krinkie's
newspaper, you can just--

-Oh no, sir!

I just wanted to ask you
about a raccoon coat.

See, my dad showed me
his old one and I just--

-Why, now this is the limit.

Well, you can just
march right back

and tell your dad
that he'll never

sell his repulsive rug
with sleeves to me!

-I don't want to sell dad's.

I want to buy one for myself.

-I tell you I'm sick
and tired of being

made the butt-- I--
You-- You want to buy?

-Yes, and some of the fellas
at school read about the coats,

and we thought
they'd be real cool.

-Oh, I doubt that, son.

They're really quite heavy.

-Eh-- Eh, leave
this to me, Martha.

Young man, if you
want a coat so badly,

why don't you take
your father's?

-Well, it's too small for me.

My kid brother's taking it.

-Oh, I see.

Well, I actually don't
own these handsome coats.

-Oh, you don't?

-But I think a sale can
be arranged, however.

[doorbell rings]

-Eh, now you see,
each garment has

the owner's name in the pocket.

Now all you do is
pick out a coat

and, uh, get in touch
with the proper party.

-Oh, now we're
getting somewhere!



-George, this young man
wants to buy a coat, too!

-Oh hello, Fred.

Oh, splendid!


-What do you think, Fred?

-Oh, hi Chuck.

You beat me to it, huh?

-Yeah, I already got
the pick of the liter.


Well, there are
plenty here left.

Just examine the
merchandise, Fred.

Oh, try this one on.

-That's fine!



Now be sure and get in touch
with the rightful owners now,

won't you boys?

-Gee, thanks a lot, Mr. Wilson.

This is great!


-Bye, Miss Wilson!

-I got me a good one here!

-Oh yes, that's a dandy.

-We'll see you later.


-Oh, isn't it wonderful, dear?

The owners can sell their coats,
and you're out of trouble.

-Well, it's certainly a load
off my shoulders, Martha.

-And the boys looked
so cute in them!

-Yes, they did.

I wonder if-- Oh
no, it'd be silly

if I'd have kept one
for myself, wouldn't it?

-What's the big surprise
you have for us, Mr. Wilson.

-You'll see!

Won't be long now!

-Well, whatever it is, you
certainly look happy about it.

-The happiest he's been
in years, bless him.

-Come over here and sit down.

-Then you're not mad at
me anymore, Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, no, of course not, Dennis.

You and I are chums again.
Mitchell, you right over there.

-Gee, I'm glad!

Oh, Dennis, you can
sit on the floor.


Zero hour!

-Good evening ladies

This is your hometown reporter,
leading off this evening

with a story of a
new fad that is now

the rage of the younger set.

Earlier this afternoon,
we took our film cameras

to the high school campus.

-The raccoon coat has made
a smashing comeback here

at City High.

And is being worn by many of
the leading BMOCs-- Big Men

On Campus-- including Chuck
Long, captain of the basketball

team, and Frosty Dennison,
president of the senior class.

-Responsible for this revival
of interest in raccoon coats

is a prominent local citizen who
still has the heart of a boy.

Who knows?

These days may become
known as the roaring ' s.

If so, the man we have to thank
for it is Mr. George Wilson.

-Mr. Wilson, congratulations.

-Thank you, sir.

-The next story concerns
a decision made today

by our Mayor, who says
that he definitely

is going to run
for a third term.

-Who cares about
the Mayor anyway.

-Oh, boy!

You're famous, Mr. Wilson.

-Shouldn't you thank Dennis
for making you famous?

-Oh, I intend to, Martha.

Dennis, as a result
of your newspaper,

I have received all the publicac
claim any man could hope for.

I thank you.

-You're welcome, Mr. Wilson!

I like to do things for you.

-The newscaster made one
point that's certainly true,

Mr. Wilson.

You are a young man at heart.

-I do think some of the
things we had when I was young

certainly don't deserve
to be forgotten.

For instance, do you
remember that fine old sports

car, the Stutz Bearcat?


-No, I'm afraid I don't.

-Um, what a car, eh Martha?

-You looked so dashing in yours.

-By golly, I'd give $ to
have another one just like it!

-I'll be home later, mom.

-Where are you going, dear?

-Down to see Mr. Krinkie.

You'll have all the Stutz
Bearcats you want, Mr. Wilson!

-Dennis, get back
here this minute!


[theme music]
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