01x04 - A Lime to Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "6teen". Aired: November 7, 2004 – February 11, 2010.*
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Revolves around the lives of six sixteen-year-old friends who work part-time jobs at different stores within the mall.
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01x04 - A Lime to Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Man, that party was off the

hook last night!

Dude, why didn't you come?

There were many fine honeys

there, and what do you do?

Sit at home obsessing over one


What's so great about this

Serena chick anyway?

I can't explain it.

She's just amazing.


[Chanting] Weasel, Weasel!

Weasel, Weasel!

Oh, yeah, the Mighty Weasels

are in town, rabies and all.

Hey, boys.

You know that's just a

standee, right?

That may be, but even their

image captured on cardboard

leaves me humbled and small.

Got your tickets yet?


I slept in a tent outside the

mall, two months ago, because

I love the great outdoors.

Okay then.

Keep your eye on the "J"

because, today, I'm going to

find the perfect job, but first,

a coffee.

NIKKI: Since when does he

drink coffee?

Since Charmaine started

working at Grind Me.

Man, she is chi-chi poo-poo

la-la hot!

I give him seconds before

she lays him out.

I don't know, Nikki, Jonesy's

been training hard for this

moment, and he's got a lethal

combination of passion and


So I said to him, "If you

call this a chai soya latte,

then that must make me the

Easter bunny."


So you're really the

Regional Manager?

You look so young.

Uh, Jonesy, I need cents.

I'm a bit strapped until

payday, buddy, sorry.

Where were we?

What payday?

You don't have a job.





Oh, ah, I hate to see

that happen to our champion.

Nice call, under seconds.

Ah, I'm short.

SERENA: Hi, Wyatt.

Oh, uh, hi, Serena.

Next time you order a big

grown-up coffee, count your

allowance first.

I'll spot him.

Thanks, Serena.


See you at work.


♪ Life begins after school

♪ That's when we bend

all the rules ♪

♪ Time to hang

with all my friends ♪

♪ We like to be together

in a place where we belong ♪

♪ I'm sixteen

starting to find my way ♪

♪ Got a new job

gonna start at the mall today ♪

♪ Thank God I'm on my own

for the first time ♪

♪ I'm sixteen life is sweet

♪ When you're growing up

so fast ♪

♪ You got to make the good

times last ♪

♪ I'm sixteen sixteen

♪ Got to make the good

times last ♪

The fall lines are out

already, and I can't even afford


Welcome to the real world.

Maybe I can will some life

back into it.

Didn't that credit card


Duh, I had a back-up.


What are you doing?

Challenging energy from this

magazine into Daddy's credit


Can I get a lemonade


The power of this pink

cardigan will now permeate the

card and increase the credit


Look, if you're not too busy,

I need a lemonade smoothie.

Oh, sure.

Now , where did that

"on" switch go again?

It's on the front of the


Oh, yeah!


Are you sure you've got the

hang of this?


Voila: one lemonade.


Ah, that's disgusting,


Well, there won't be any

lemonade soon if someone doesn't

order more lemons.

Uh, that would be your job.

Jen-- [Laughing]-- here they

are, those new pink slides I was

telling you about.

Aren't they adorable?

Okay, you don't have much of

a work ethic, do you?

I'll bet you don't even have

chores at home.

I do so!

Like, this one time, my dad made

me skim our pool before a party.

It's a lemon.

How hard can it be?


I'm okay.

[Nervous laughing]

How does this thing open again?


♪ Bow down

to the leather king ♪

[Muzak playing]


[Teeth chattering]

What the--

I thought you might like a

little cheese to go with those


Bro, that stuff, like,

sucks the life force out of you.

You do not want to mess with


Yeah, well, you can't hog the

new Weasels CD all day.

This you are not going to


You got promoted out of

country and western?

No, it's actually better.

You are looking at the owner of

two backstage passes to the

Mighty Weasels concert!


Wyatt, man, I just want to let

you know that I'd be honoured

to come.

You are the best friend a dude

could ever have.

♪ I am a fierce

little carnivore ♪

♪ Crawling's what I live for

Uh, ow, urgh!

Nice try, skater boy.

Wyatt's taking me.

I can't wait to meet Hamster and

Road k*ll.

They rock!

No, back that up.

I am the Weasels' number one


Oh, is this the key chain of

a moderate fan?

I think not.

Whoa, my two best friends and

both huge Weaselers?

I'm going to need to get back

to you guys on this one.

CAITLIN: Let's see.

Oh, open!

Was that there a minute ago?

Ola, senorita!


What are you doing here?

This is my new gig.

I've got a solid feeling about

this one.

This is amazing.

Now we get to hang together all


Me casa es sus casa.

It has been so boring here.

I almost started doing math

homework just to k*ll time.

No worries; Senior Jonesy has

the keys to the lime, and he's

going to drive us to


Yi-yi, yi-yi, ya-ya!

All right!

[Swirling lemonade]


This sucks.

I hereby christen me the Party



[Mexican music playing]

TOGETHER: Yi-yi, yi-yi,





Could I try these pants on?

Are you sure you want to?

Urgh, this way.

So do these pants come--

[Slamming door]


CAITLIN: A little to the


[Music playing]


Caitlin, I am so bored.

What's going on over there?

Let's see.

We're just putting the

finishing touches on the lime.

NIKKI: [span tts:fontStyle="italic"]The lime?

Yeah, Jonesy's new job.

And Jude's ditched the Stick-It

counter again.

Oh, there's Jude.

Hmm, he's started drinking


He's what?

Yeah, he's over at Nice

Cinnabuns ordering what looks

like a double tall cappuccino.

Jude doesn't touch coffee.

He's much too wired already.

Huh, this can only mean one


Excuse me, I need a change


Yeah, well, just pick one.

If someone's in there already,

go nuts.

How is it going up there?

Chiquita, we're going to make

this food court rock!

You're really on a mission.

I think I finally found

my niche.

See, I'm not just selling lime

juice; I'm selling lime

lifestyle: "limestyle!"

I don't believe it.

Hey, what the?

Sshh, I'm trying to listen


Here you go, buddy, just the

way you like it, dude.

Why, that little suck up!

So that's the way he wants to

play this, huh?

Friendship is one thing, but

backstage Weasel passes: no.

This means w*r.

Oh, hi.

A real life customer!

It's been, like, forever.

What can I get you?

Actually, they just ran out

of straws at the lime.

Can I get one from you?

Here, take the whole box.

I'm sure Jonesy needs it more

than I do.


[Mexican music playing]

Coming through, amigos!


Hi, guys.

What will it be?


[Door slamming]


Hey, what's going on here?

Have you two seen Caitlin, the

lemon girl?

Hey, I'm talking to you, boy.



♪ Olé

♪ Olé

♪ Olé

Hey, boss.

What do you think you're


The conga!

I wasn't selling anything at the

Squeeze anyway so I thought I

might as well close up.

Sales are down, way down.

If things don't improve, we may

have to pack it in and move the


That is a great idea, and

I've got the best location.

It's right next to my favourite

little knitwear store on the

second floor.

Save it, Caitlin.

There's only room for one giant

fruit in this mall.

We'll be moving to the East End

strip mall.

[Dramatic music playing]

Strip mall?


Stay calm.

Frown lines are ugly.

Frown lines are ugly.

Jen, strip mall, Big Squeeze!


Excuse me for a minute, sir.

What's with you?

I don't know, Jen.

I thought having Jonesy around

would be so much, fun but his

lime is blowing a lemon out of

the water, and now Big Steve

wants to move it to a--

A what?

You can tell me.

A strip mall!



What am I going to do?

I'll never see you guys ever

again, and the nicest retail in

sight will be a - !

Listen to me, Cate.

You've got to pull yourself



Just do the best job you can do.

Actually being at the Squeeze

would help and everything might

work out.


Might work out?

That's terrible advice.

I'm in serious trouble here.

I need party ideas!


How about Christmas in July?


You think people would go for


Sure, why not?

Okay, thanks.

Call Nikki.

I bet they're not using those

Khaki Barn Christmas decorations

this month.


[Child screaming]

[Phone ringing]

Good afternoon.

Khaki Barn.

Hi, is Nikki there?

We don't know where Nikki is,

but if you see her, could you go

ahead and tell her there's a

whole table to fold with her

name on it?



Okay, I've restocked the

cowboy classic section, got new

batteries for your Discman, and

here are your cell phone


I wrote them all down.

Yi-yi, yi-yi, yah!

Seniors et senoritas, it's

time to mamba on down to the

party lime for booming beats and

tasty treats.

He's so going to get fired.

Ah, yeah!

Check it out.

Guess who just scored ,

points on the Jungulator?

Mm-hmm, let's see.


Good guess, but no.

It was this gentleman right

here, folks.


You entered my initials?

I even signed your autograph

for some fans.

They were all like, "Wyatt, I am

not worthy."

Dude, you're a legend down


Thanks, man.

I've always wanted to be a


Oh, good one, jungle boy, but

this w*r isn't over yet.

[Mexican music playing]

[Christmas Muzak playing]

Isn't this fun?

Who wants an eggnog-flavoured


Yi-yi, yi-yi, ya-ya!

Yi-yi, yi-yi, ya-ya!

Yikes, look at the time.

I've got to get back to work.

Me, too.

[Christmas Muzak playing]

I just wanted to take this

opportunity to wish you the best

for the, uh, holiday season.

I am so finished.

Don't worry, things will pick


Everybody loves Christmas in



Those traitors!

I guess I can't really blame


This party does suck.

[Clicking fingers]

Hola, senoritas!

When are you coming over to

shake what your mommas give you?

You don't get it, do you?


This lemon's going down.

Big Steve says there's only

room for one darn fruit in this

here mall-- [Sobbing]-- and it

looks like you're it.


Whoa, that's heavy.

I thought a Christmas party

would be cool, but there's no

competing with with you.

Who said anything about


I was just doing what I do


This calls for a change of


No lemons are leaving this mall

if I have anything to do with


All you have to do is learn how

to make decent drinks.

Yours suck.

I'll take care of the rest.

I will rock this giant fruit so

hard that I will get the lime

kicked out of the mall first.

You'd do that for me?

I was probably going to get

fired anyway.

Might as well go out with a


[Clicking fingers]

It looks like I've got some

recipes to learn.


Okay, water, lemons and sugar!

I knew I was forgetting



I brought some sushi for

your-- lunch.

Lunch is under control,

courtesy of Stick-It.

What, no mustard?

Coming up.




Just because we are such good

friends, I'm going to do you a

huge favour.


You're not going to talk to

Serena, are you?

You'll mess everything up.

What "everything" are you

talking about?

Have you ever even spoken to


As a matter of fact, we've

exchanged over words, all of

them quality.

Don't worry, girls have this


Hearing that a guy is great from

another girl is like gold.

[Slapping back]

[Cracking knuckles]

Hey, Nikki, what's up?

Oh, just getting psyched for

the Mighty Weasels' concert.

Oh, yeah, I heard about it.

It sounds good.

I'm hoping to hook up with


He's going too.

Really, you and Wyatt?

You guys hang, huh?

I know he works in country,

but Wyatt's vibe is strictly


There's a lot going on under

that, uh, mature exterior.


Wyatt is so smart and so


Hmm, he is kind of cute.

Oh, but totally out of my


He's more into your type.


Now, my friend, all you have

to do is ask.

Wow, thanks, Nikki.

If this Serena thing works out,

consider yourself a member of

Wyatt's inner circle.


And inner-circle people are

Mighty Weasel people.


One mustard for the

gentleman, huh?

Oh, yeah, just put it down

over there.


Ah, don't mind if I do.

Hey, what happened here?

That's for me to know and you

to find out, sucker!


Jonesy, come and test this.


Now that's what I call



How's your plan coming along?

No sweat.

If there's one thing the

Jones-meister is good at, it's

getting fired.

[span tts:fontStyle="italic"]Today is the day for this mall

[span tts:fontStyle="italic"]to partay!

[span tts:fontStyle="italic"]Free drinks for every party

[span tts:fontStyle="italic"]lime customer!


[Mexican music playing]

Wyatt, man, I know it's going

to be touch choosing between me

and Nikki, but I just wanted you

to know that Nikki makes fun of

the way you dance.

I do not!

Does this look familiar,


Well, at least I don't--

[Kissing]-- all over Serena when

Wyatt's not looking.

Lies, man, all lies!

Whoa, whoa, little scrappers.

I'm in good deed mode these


Maybe I can settle this fight by

taking that pass off your hands.

ALL: No!

Jonesy, I heard you're

throwing a wicked party in a

giant lime.

Yeah, dude, we heard it was

out of control.

Heck, yeah it is.

Follow the tunes, hombres, right

to the heart of the food court,

and tell the rest of the team!

You rock, babe!

And how does Mr. Good Deeds

feel about booting Caitlin out

on her butt with his party lime?

Ah, ye of little faith.

Speaking of the lime, who's

watching it?

[Mexican music playing]

Limbo contest!


La vida loca time, amigos!

Yi-yi, yi-yi, ya-ya!


Hi, Jonesy.

Great party.






[Crowd gasping]

MAN: That's got to hurt!


Oh, hey, there, boss.

You can stop calling me that

right now.

You're fired!



Do you have any idea how many

complaints I've had from store

owners, customers and even


As of right now, I am shutting

this lime down!

CROWD: Ah, man!

MAN: Brutal!

Thirsty party people, I've

got awesome drinks over here!


That was somewhat human of

you, Jonesy.

And you thought I never used

my popularity for good.

SERENA: This lemonade rocks.

Too bad about your party,


See you at Grind Me later?

You got it, gorgeous.


There you go: two lemonades.

Here's your change.


Well, it looks like the Big

Squeeze can stay put after all.

That's incredible!

Free drinks for everyone!



If you buy , I mean.


What are you so happy


You got fired, again.

And your lime's in some

wrecking yard.

Ah, but you see, this time I

tried to get canned.

I feel a real sense of


You're the best.

Maybe I was a little hard on


That was actually kind of


Funny because, frankly, I'm

disgusted by the way you two

have behaved.


So I won't be giving these to

either of you.

You should have looked at your

selfless friend Jonesy here as

an example.

All right, Mighty Weasels,

here we come!

Hey, Wyatt, can't wait for

our big Weasel date; just you,

me, Hamster and Road k*ll.


BOTH: Get him!


Give me those passes!

Hand 'em over, dude.

SERENA: Hi, Wyatt.

Hey, Serena, how's it going?

Better than you, I think.

Want me to keep those passes dry

for you?

See you at the concert, baby.

NIKKI: Baby?

Whoa, dude, that chick really

digs you.

Yeah, normally I'd tear you

limb from limb, but nice going,


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