02x06 - Max''s Bug Salad/Ruby''s Beach Party/Super Max To The Rescue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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02x06 - Max''s Bug Salad/Ruby''s Beach Party/Super Max To The Rescue

Post by bunniefuu »

[Whimsical music]

[Man and woman] ♪ max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

♪ Max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

[Man] ♪ max and ruby.

[Woman] ♪ ruby and her little brother, max. ♪

[Children giggling] ♪ max and ruby. ♪

Grandma, are the cherries

For your tea party this afternoon?

Oh, yes, ruby.

They're for my scones.

Is mrs. Huffington going to come?

And rosalinda and candy too?

Oh, yes, all my friends at once.

We should decorate the table with something pretty.


Max, grandma's friends won't want to see any bugs

At a tea party.

There, now I think that's enough cherries.

I'll carry them into the house for you, grandma.

[Grandma] max, why don't you go to the flower garden

And find us something to decorate the table with?

Just bring in anything that looks pretty.


What can I make for the tea party, grandma?

You can make a gelatin salad.

I'll tell you what to do while I'm making the scones.

I'll make the best gelatin salad ever.

There, now the scones can go into the oven,

And we can mix up your gelatin.

Well, max, did you find anything pretty

In the flower garden?



Oh, no!

Max, grandma's friends do not want to see any bugs

On the flowers.

Now, let's see.

You picked some very pretty flowers, max.

[Ruby] without any bugs on them.

[Grandma] I'm going to make lemonade for our tea party.

But I'll need some mint.

Now, the mint is right beside the strawberries, max.

Do you think you could pick a few leaves for me?

Mint is my special ingredient for lemonade.

Let's just see how those scones are doing.


That happens to me every time I look in the oven.

What does, grandma?

The warm air fogs up my glasses,

And I can't see a thing.

[Door creaks]

[Giggles] oh!

Well, max, did you find my special ingredient

For the lemonade?



Not again, max!

Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home.

Max, grandma's friends

Do not want to drink any bugs in their lemonade.

Here, max.

Thank you for the mint, max.

That will make the lemonade delicious.

[Ruby] ahhh.

Just water and powder.

I think you might find something special for ruby's gelatin

In the strawberry patch.

[Jazz clarinet music]


Did you bring back something special?


Ooh, my,

That's a very pretty ladybug, max,

But I think she'd be happier outside.


Now let's go inside and give those strawberries to ruby.

Here you go, max.

How about a glass of lemonade while I wash the strawberries?

Grandma, I wish I had a special ingredient for my salad,

Something sweet and tasty.

Max did bring you something sweet and tasty

From the garden.

Look-- fresh strawberries.

Max picked those for me?

That's the perfect special ingredient.

Thank you, max.

Ding!ooh, there goes the timer.

The scones are ready.


My glasses fogged up as usual.

[Phone rings]

Oh, my, everything at once.

Would you answer the phone, ruby?

I can't see a thing.

Yes, grandma.

[Phone ringing]

Max, can you put that special ingredient

Into the mixing bowl, please?

These scones are scrumptious.

Best I ever tasted.

How do you do it?

Oh, you know, I have my special ingredient.

But now you're in for an extra-special treat.

Ruby made a gelatin salad for you.

Ruby, this is delicious.

The little bits are so sweet and tasty.

I have a special ingredient too.

Max picked them from the garden.

Mmm, and what is your special ingredient, ruby?



[Together] brrr!

It's too cold.

We'll have to wait for the sun to warm up the water.

What do you want to do while we wait?

[Together] hmmm.

Vroom! Vroom!

Dump truck.

Vroom! Vroom!


I know: let's have a beach party

While we're waiting to go swimming.

A beach party?

There's our beach right over there.

Oh, I get it.

It's the perfect place for a beach party, ruby.

Dump truck!

Vroom! Vroom!

Dump truck.

Vroom! Vroom!


Sorry, max.

You can't play in the sandbox right now.

We're going to have a beach party.

You can play somewhere else in the yard.

I've got an idea.

Come with me, morris.

You can play over here, where it's nice and shady.

Look, max.

Here's your screaming green alien gorilla.


Come on, louise.

Hmm, what we need is a beach umbrella.

And some sunglasses.

[Together] and big beautiful sun hats!

Dump truck.



Dump truck!

Vroom! Vroom!


Sorry, max.

Sorry, morris.

There's just not enough room

For all of us to play in the sandbox at the same time.

You can have it later.

But right now, we need it for our beach party.

Let's see.

What else can you do?

I know!

Come on, max.

[Louise] good idea, ruby.

You can take turns pushing each other on the swing.

Won't that be fun?

Dump truck.

Vroom! Vroom!

Later, max.

You two can play on the swing for now.


Let's get some towels and lie in the sand.

And some magazines to catch up on summer fashions.

Dump truck.

Vroom! Vroom!

[Both giggling]



You're making a mess of our beach party.

We've got to find something to keep them busy.


I've got an idea.

Here's your new ball and baseball glove, max.

Louise and I will show you how it's done.

All right, this time, let go, max.

Isn't this fun?

It takes some practice,

But soon you'll catch on.

"Catch" on.

That's funny!

[Ruby and louise laugh]

Oh, I can't believe

The dresses they're wearing in bunnywood these days.

I'll say.

We need some ice-cold fruit drinks.

I'll help.

Dump truck.


[Both gasp]



We're using the sandbox as our beach today, max.

There must be something else you two would like to do.


I have an idea.

Why don't you play ring toss?

You'll have much more fun playing ring toss.

Just go like this,

Then let go.

Good toss, morris.

Now just keep practicing.

Ahh, this is the life.

It sure is.

Except there's something still missing.

[Together] beach music!

Dump truck.

Vroom! Vroom!

[Both gasp]

[Both sigh]

You've got more sand on the lawn than you have in the sandbox.

It's practically a beach right on the lawn.

[Together] that's it!

[Surf guitar music]

I think our beach needs a little more sand over here.

You're right, ruby.

Let's call in the beach crew.


Dump truck.

Vroom! Vroom!

[Louise] I just can't wait to set up our three-ring circus, ruby.

I'm going to make emily the star.

Let's call her "the enchanting emily!"

[Both laughing]


[Man over radio] faster than a speeding ambulance,

More powerful than a screaming green alien gorilla.

What's max up to?

Oh, he's just pretending he's superbunny.

It's his favorite radio show.

[Man over radio] it's superbunny!

[Engine chugging]

Come on, louise.

Let's go find some more things for our circus.

[Toy clacking]

[Man over radio] and when superbunny needs help,

He knows he can always count on his trusty friend.


[Engine chuffing]

[Man over radio] but there's always another emergency around the corner

For superbunny!

[Music tinkling]


[Both laughing]

This jack-in-the-box will make a great clown.

And one-monkey band can be the orchestra.

And walkie-talkie bear can be the dancing bear.

I'm a bear.

And the enchanting emily will be the star acrobat.

Now, she just needs something special to ride in on.

Maybe we'll find something more circus-like downstairs.

[Dramatic music]



Your show is over, max.

So you can stop being superbunny now.

Louise and I are going to play circus in the backyard.

You can come be the audience.

Won't that be fun?


Ahh, little brothers.

[Whistle tooting]

[Ruby] that's it.

[Together] the rare red elephant.

Oh, this is just what enchanting emily needs to ride in on.

This is going to be great,ruby.

The greatest show on earth.

[Engine chuffing]

[Whistle tooting]



The enchanting emily has to train the rare red elephant

In her giant elephant cage.

Ladies and gentlemen, bunnies of all ages,

Welcome to ruby and louise's three-ring circus.

In this ring: clowns to make you laugh till your sides split.

And in this ring: the amazing one-monkey band.


[Suspenseful music]


[Fanfare in distance]

[Max] elephant.


Ladies and gentlemen, in the center ring,

The enchanting emily and her rare red elephant.

No, max, your red rubber elephant

Belongs in the center ring with the enchanting emily.

She's going to ride him for the grand finale.


That show's over, max.

We're playing circus now.

First it's time to bring out the fabulous dancing bear.

[Ruby] and in this ring, the dazzling dancing bear.

I'm a bear.


Max, that's a great idea.

What's a great idea?

Max thinks we should have enchanting emily

And the rare red elephant do tricks on the trapeze.

That is a good idea.

Thanks, max.

You keep the clowns performing and the band playing, max.

And we'll set up the big trapeze act.

Bunnies of all ages,

The enchanting emily and her rare red elephant

Will now attempt this death-defying trapeze act

Without a safety net.



All quiet in the audience, please.

And take a deep breath as ruby and louise's circus

Proudly presents the enchanting emily

And her rare red elephant.




[Ruby] oh, emily!

There's no safety net!

You saved emily!

Thank you, max.

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