Pied Piper of Hamelin, The (1957)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Pied Piper of Hamelin, The (1957)

Post by bunniefuu »


Truson! Truson!

This time I not only heard him, I saw him!


That Piper! It's magic
the things he can do.

Did you know,

he looks like you?


You must believe me!

I do Paul.

♪ They called this game a
haley bailey bon bur straw. ♪

♫ Well we think that it's the
dumbest game that we ever saw. ♫

♫ We're all supposed to gather
all the straw we can see. ♫

♫ We would rather really gather
all those nuts off the tree. ♫

♪ Along the River Weser is
where we spend the day. ♪

♪ We're are assigned to just a single
chore and that's getting clay. ♪

♫ The river bank is filled with
all the clay we will dig. ♫

♫ We are part of what they tell
us is a task mighty big. ♫

♫ We are the ones who mold the
clay and straw that we mix. ♫

♫ We are singularly bothered
to be here making bricks. ♫

♫ And when they're taking from
the kiln there ready to make. ♫

♫ We are proud to do this labor
even though there's no pay. ♫

♪ Keep it going. ♪

♪ Never slowing. ♪

♪ Add the water to the mortar. ♪

♪ Make it thicker.
Do it quicker. ♪

♫ Ever onward. ♫

♫ Ever upwards. ♫

- ♫ Ever hustle. ♫
- ♫ Bustle. ♫

- ♫ Hurry. ♫
- ♫ Hurry. ♫

- ♫ Here one. ♫
- ♫ There one. ♫

- ♫ Status. ♫
- ♫ Gratis. ♫

- ♫ Lift it. ♫
- ♫ Lift it. ♫

- ♫ Higher. ♫
- ♫ Higher. ♫





♫ We'll have a mighty tower ♫

♫ on the day that it's done. ♫

♫ And the only thing that shines
above it will be the sun. ♫

♫ The highest tower in the
kingdom it has to be. ♫

♫ It will stand for mountain kingdom
come for mankind to see. ♫

Good citizens,

in my elation’s permit
a minor proclamation.

’Twould be a travesty of modesty
where I not to say aloud,

you do your mayor proud.

We'll be rewarded.

The time draws near.

The good kings emissary soon comes here.

When yonder clock chimes with golden tone

the banner of the king will be our own.

Wealth and fame will be ours.

Hamelin town is sure to be
clockmaker to his majesty.

Where is the clockmaker?

Yes your honor?

Have you completed the molds
of the golden chimes?

Well I cannot your honor,

until this construction is
prepared for exact measurements.

I'm shock to view your efforts fragging.

Woe to Hamelin if we're found lagging.

Here now you precious little brats.

Put on your gloves and get to work.

During this emergency I proclaim

a patriotic aim.

We'll stretch each hour
and crowd each minute.

Work is more fun if all are in it.

Therefore our little men and women will
voluntarily eliminate school and play.

Oh father,

they have so little time as it is for play.

Less than half an hour a day.

Time for food and time for rest.

How else can we make Hamelin best.

But Truson will be furious.

’Twould indeed be curious
if that fool were not.

Your honor the mayor of Hamalout
seeks audience with you.

'Toh ho, our rival of long tradition.

Methinks he feels the
pinch of competition.

Truson! Truson!

Holz told me of this new decree.

Mara this time they've gone too far.

But they hope to win the
banner of the king.

The children need to learn and play.

To dance and sing in the sun of the day.

The council's mad with envy and greed.

Cherishing things of no use or need.

A banner hear a metal there.

Children bewildered, in despair.

Songs outlawed, play forbidden.

Love ignored.

- It's outrageous.
- I know.

But the worst crime of all is melting
down the gold of the town for chimes.

Truson for my sake don't anger father.

He angers me, it's time I spoke up.

But I can't defy him.

He could forget our marriage.

Today he hinted.

Oh, accept without
protesting this new order.

Just this once for me.

"Just this once."

How many times have I turn from their
crimes because you feared to anger him.

Each silence brought a harsher measure.

Now not a minute is left for play.

Someone in Hamelin must protest.

Arouse the people. Force a test.

Of who is strongest. What is right.

He and the council has the power.

Would you ask me not to fight?

Deprive me of my sight.

To see the world thru but one eye.

Half the truth and half the lie.

It would be as if you say..

Love me every other day.

Would you have my heart, in part?

♪ How can I tell you? ♪

♪ How can I convey? ♪

♪ What's deep inside me. ♪

♪ Will I find a way. ♪

♪ When you're near, ♪

♪ then I fear ♪

♪ there's a wall in between us ♪

♪ yet unbroken. ♪

♪ When you go ♪

♪ then I know, ♪

♪ what I might have explained ♪

♪ remains unspoken. ♪

♪ How can I tell you? ♪

♪ How can I reveal? ♪

♪ What I hope someday ♪

♪ you may also feel. ♪

♪ If my heart ♪

♪ could impart ♪

♪ every secret it knows. ♪

♪ You'd know how I love you. ♪

Oh Mara, if you only saw things as I do.

When you realize that I..

That I mean no harm to your father.

My only desire is to right what's wrong

and to have you believe in me.

♪ If my heart ♪

♪ could impart ♪

♪ every secret it knows. ♪

♪ You'd know ♪

♪ how I love ♪

♪ you. ♪

A word of caution before we usher
in the mayor of Hamalout.

He'd stop at nothing to best us.

Show the gentleman in.

Remember, those who listen, smiling
and wise are never taken by surprise.

Mercy is a virtue you'll
find a plenty here sir.

We're doers sir not dreamers
who cry into their beer sir.

I come to tell of a cruel
and tragic plight sir.

The River Weser has overflowed its banks.

All we process has been washed away.

The fair city of Hamalout is submerged.

Our people have taken to the hills

with scant clothing and no food.

So utterly desolated it is our city

that even the rats have fled
before the onrushing waters.

Oh! There are no rats in Hamelin.

Our needs are great.

Children cold and hungry.

Help us with food and shelter.

Your kindness will rebuild our city.

A pity,..

A deep felt pity.

Yes, once it was a lovely city.

Good sir we are deeply moved
by your tragic plight.

We'll search our purse and cast about
for something worthy of Hamalout.

Return to your people without further ado.

We'll see what we can do for you.

You have the everlasting
gratitude of our children sir.

Aw, me.

'Tis sad indeed to find an
arrogant enemy in need.

Our chief competitor wiped out.

I feel a tear run down my snout.

Three tears for the clock
makers of Hamalout.

I take it you reach your decision?

We have.

I take it we're unanimous. All agreed.

We'll help them in their hour of need.


We'll send our deepest sympathy.

- Up course.
- Indeed.

I think the nicest way to tell them,

our gentlest sentiments
on the softest velum.

Oh yes.

Together with suggestions..

On how to guard...

Against future floods in their front yard.

- How nice of us.
- To give advice.

- To one of our competitors.
- A word of warning gentlemen.

There is danger still within
the very gates of Hamelin.

- With Hamalout not in competition?
- Beware of complacency.

There are other rivals in this race.
This is no time to slacken our pace.

Let's put our backs in our work.

More effort by twice.

- Make thrice.
- Good advice.

Thrice the work around the clock.

- One for the tick.
- And 2 for the tock.


No time wasted for children
in schooling and fooling.

Nor women with their
chatting and their tatting.

No loss of the minutes any manner.

If we’re to win the good kings banner.

I protest! I protest!

Oh, it's only Truson.

Where in an official session.

Get out.

You'll hear me out.

I'll make it plain for all to see
how monstrous is your new decree.

And he would be my son-in-law.

Why I refuse, it is not hard to see.

Your son-in-law I do not seek to be.

Just husband to your daughter.

Spouse to her

and not a thing to me?

How silly can he be?


You robbed the children of
learning, laughter and play.

And darkened their lives
in the sun of the day.

You mock your neighbor in his hour of need.

Blinded by arrogance, bloated with greed.

You're selling your souls
in the shoddiest manner

for a worthless rag a
king calls "a banner."

A worthless rag!

The banner of our king why...

Its treason to even think such a thing!

Hear me!

Of all your stupid crimes, wasting
our wealth for golden chimes,

is a crime for which we'll have to pay.

Deprive your children
and you'll rue the day.

Wh-who let him in? The
man's a trader to Hamelin.

Let us throw him out!

Throw him out!

- Out! - Out! - Out!
- Out! - Out!

He would undermine our prestige.

♪ Prestige is a sort of a kind of a fame ♪

♪ it's the look of a claim at
the mention of your name ♪

♪ prestige makes it seem
like the best of your ilk. ♪

♪ Have your mate endowed in silk though
your children have no milk. ♪

♪ You may be poor but your
prestige can be great. ♪

♪ Know whom to cultivate. ♪
[Movie damaged]

♪ Prestige is the.. ♪

♪ Prestige is the feel and
the smell of success. ♪

♪ It's the one happiness every
smart man must possess. ♪

♪ Prestige is the thing
people think you must be. ♪

♪ "Not who's who but who's he?"
To the ultimate degree. ♪

♪ Prestige is the large sum
of the gold that you paid

for your coats fancy braids just
to hide a spot that's made. ♪

♪ Though all your creditors
may press and besiege ♪

♪ they will respect
you if you got prestige. ♪

♪ Prestige is the banner
you strive to unmask. ♪

♪ To be sure you surpass all
the others in your class. ♪

♪ Prestige is your staff
saying you've made the grade. ♪

♪ When you're hungry don't trade
your prestige for gold or jade. ♪

♪ The key to prestige
isn't why but it's how. ♪

♪ When your met do they bow?
Do they pass you or kowtow. ♪

♪ If you should lose prestige
you best forget... ♪

Make sure that you. Make sure that you.
That you? [?]

♪ There's no threat. ♪

♪ Prestige is the thing that
they cached that they chased ♪

♪ what our hands must embrace ♪

♪ when were faced
with saving face. ♪

♪ Prestige is the phrase
that your cohorts bestow ♪

♪ set your ego aglow though
you know it isn't so. ♪

♪ Prestige is that thing
that they give you for fun ♪

♪ what they wouldn't have done
when you really needed one. ♪

♪ Don't take the credit when
results are in doubt. ♪

♪ Wait till you're certain
how it all turned out. ♪

♪ Prestige is the asset
your please to reprieve ♪

♪ making sure no one sees ♪

♪ all the liability. ♪


Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.


She'll be safe here.


Do something! Why don't you do something!

I'm trying.

Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.




Someone help me please.
Catch her before she falls!

The mayors office! We're
calling on the mayor!

What is the meaning of this?

A meeting is in progress!

You have not been asked here.

Help us! You have to do something!

All complaints must be in writing.

Father, we've been invaded!

Invasion! Send a messenger to the king!

We'll get the army!

It must be the refugees from Hamalout!

They will not invade us
with their misfortune.

Not by people father,
we've been invaded by...


It's a plot! An evil conspiracy.

The Hamalout citizens have
sent their rats to us!

What audacity!

I'll issue fourth with a proclamation.

Ouch! Tarnation!

Oh father, not a proclamation.

We need a fumigation to get rid of them.

Aye, aye. That’s right.


Everyone be calm.

I'll prove that this is just a false alarm.

Let's put an end to this agitation.

Your counsel has the
situation firm in hand.

Here is my proclamation.

To be written on the finest vellum.

It is herewith decreed

that in this hour of need,

each and every citizen

we'll employ his wit and wisdom

and ingenuity

to end this willful act of retaliation

of Hamalout. The meanest
town in the nation.

Here here!

We know how.

And we'll show how that

we know how.

We don't see how a decree will
drive the creatures from Hamelin.

They chase the dogs and k*ll the cats!

And bite the babies in their cradle!

- And eat the cheese right out the bag.
- And lick the soup from the cooks own ladle.

Fled off the kegs
and soiled the sprats!

They nest inside my Sunday hat!

And even spoil the women's chats.

My god there squeaking! Squeaking and squeaking.
They never stop squeaking throughout the night.

Good people,..

Rest assured your mayor and his council

we'll treat this emergency
with a keen sense of urgency.

I promise you the counselors will
think as hard as every other citizen

for the duration of a crisis.

Meanwhile before we give you
a solution for this plague

don't stand there looking vague!

Beat them with brooms.

k*ll them with stones.

Remember, the emissary of the king

we'll tolerate no such thing.

Mara, Truson listen!

The music of the Piper.

Oh Paul your imagining it again.

Truson listen. You hear it don’t you?

Yes I think I do. Yes!

No Truson, there is no music.

Methinks our mayor is a knotty.

As for his counsel, shocking.

To think we'd buy gown's lined with ermine

for those who can't or won't determine

how to read our town of vermin.

Right, better give your brain a wracking.

Find the remedy that's lacking or
sure is fate will send you packing.

- Yes.
- Aye.

Bolt the door!

Did I promise too much
when I said you'd think?

Remember, everything's at stake.

Our action now may make or break us.

They'll never take us. This spot is ours.

Now let's be calm and not forget

we in Hamelin live by reason.

Regardless of the season.

Only in recent light can
we end this blight.

I have it! It's as simple
as pork and sauerkraut.

We'll flood them out.

And suffer the fate of Hamalout.

- The counselors a clown.
- Or worse.

Hamelin is in the grip of a curse. Let's
face it this situations tragic.

We'll not be saved, save by magic.

Did you call me?

Call me.

Call me.

Call me.

Call me.

Call me.

The door was bolted.

Who are you?

Although I wear no robe of sable

it so happens that I'm able to
charm all creatures neath the sun.

That creep or swim or fly or run.

If you have an invention?

I attract attention.

Chiefly with a secret charm

on creatures that do people harm.

The mole the toad the
newt and viper?

Who doesn't know the Pied Piper.

You have a trap?


Always they search for the better trap

and other forms of tasty up hap.

So dear to the hearts of every sap.

No insult here your honor.

On this, a special tune I'll play.

And lure the rats away?

Before their dawns another day.

If such a thing can really be...

You're the very man for me.

There will be a fee.


I think you'll find our
only fault is generosity.

Then we'll have no difficulty
striking a bargain.

How much money in your treasury?

- Ƒ50,000 guilders.
- Stop!

An idle boast sir.

You fool.

We'll be roasted over a pit
for your lack of wit.

Makers of bobbles, chimes and clocks.

Leaders in virtue.

Character builders.

To rid your town of this verminous pox,

my fee is ƒ50,000 guilders.

- Ƒ50,000 - he's joking!
- It's a hoax!

Be gone you fraud!

On your way.

We have no time for your preposterous play.

I don't hear anything from his pipe.

Not a sound.

What manner of music can it
be that we can't hear it.

And yet we see our children hear it.

But I can't hear it.

You do, don't you Truson?


Magic your honor!

Yon' man can play a tune on his pipe
but none but the children hear.

Tin cup, prankster enough of this hoax we'll
have no more of your graceless jokes.

It is but music, your honor.

I hear no music from your pipe.

Try as I can. On your
way you tricky scamp.

We have no need of you.

And the rats? Have you need for them?

Who else can get them out of your town?

Tell us Piper is it true, can
you send them on their way?

With the music that I'll play.

Music we cannot hear?

The music I play for rats, you'll hear.

For it...

For it you'll have a sensitive ear.

- Is it true?
- Why should we put our faith in you?

♪ In Tartary I use my magic charm
to chase a swarm of gnats. ♪

♪ And in Asia I erased ♪

♪ noxious brood of vampire bats. ♪

♪ I we'll take your small or brawny rats ♪

♪ a black or tawny rats
or fat or scrawny rats ♪

♪ and I'll exterminate them with the
extraordinary magic here in my pipe. ♪

♪ In Arabel' with just a tiny
trill I slew a million toads. ♪

♪ They obstructed all the roads ♪

♪ and delayed the wagon loads. ♪

♪ All you momma and your papa rats ♪

♪ your small or whopper rats
you're most improper rats ♪

♪ shall be persuaded all
to join their ancestors ♪

♪ when I decide the time will be ripe. ♪

♫ All that you say is
fabulous and wondrous! ♫

- ♪ But is it true? ♪
- ♪ Of course it's true! ♪

- ♪ It can't be true! ♪
- ♪ I'll prove its true! ♪

♫ Then we will applaud you
loud and thunderous. ♫

♪ Hold your applause, hold your applause. ♪

♫ Why should we pause? ♫

♪ Simply because I
haven't finished. ♪

♪ They had a locust plague in Austerlitz
that brought prodigious harm. ♪

♪ They succumbed unto my charm.
And I soon quelled that alarm. ♪

♪ And you rodents I am confident will
have affinity for my fine instrument ♪

♪ for they are music lovers and they want
to hear the concert I perform on my pipe. ♪


♪ In Syria a problem serious,
mysterious I solved. ♪

♪ I drove out a deadly bee
that no human eye could see. ♪

♪ And I promise you exactly
that's what I intend to do ♪

♪ to your assorted rat your gay and
crispers' you're old rat with whiskers ♪

♪ rats of every hue on
rats of each type. ♪

♫ Great exterminator we admire you. ♫

♪ I'll straighten out your ugly mess. ♪

♪ He can't relieve our great distress! ♪

♫ Pest eliminator we will hire you. ♫

♪ I'll gladly do the job for you. ♪

♪ He's not the one to get it done.
He's not the one. ♪

♪ Good people kindly stop your bickering.
Times flickering away. ♪

We will not pay him with
gilders in the treasury.

Our town must have its golden chimes.

Unlike us, the man is sly, unscrupulous.

We suffer too much strain
seeking to outwit his brain.

I'll make a slightly different start.

I'll touch his heart.

♪ In Dire Dawa, by the river Nile
a crocodile struck fear. ♪

♪ He was 40 cubits long. ♪

♪ 50 men were not as strong! ♪

♪ All that please were fervent so your humble
servant played an obbligato, lento and rubato. ♪

♪ He grew docile, deader than a fossil.
No more crocodile just like that. ♪

♪ You've heard of what
I've done with bats. ♪

♪ With vipers toads
and newts and gnats. ♪

♪ And what I've done with crocodiles and bats
I'll do the same with all of your rats. ♪


- Is that a form of address sir?
- Merely a habit.

More like a vice.

A purpose to discussing krite?

I'm ready now to talk of your fee.

You have but to agree.

To pay your price would
leave our treasury bare.

The money is worthless lying there.

What would you do with such a sum?

Have fun!

What are you? What manner of man?

Figure it out as best you can.

I'm a juggler one might say.

I hold the night and the light of day.

In a world that's such a mess

with little room for happiness.

I juggle it here and I toss it there.

I take from the foul and give to the fair.

With so much love
in your heart sir

surely you'll share apart sir

with the unhappy
children up Hamelin.

- Yes. - Yes. - Yes. - Yes. - Yes.
- Yes. - Yes. - Yes. - Yes.

If truly you can end this plague,

this terrifying pestilence,

you'll be cherished in
their mind 100 years hence.

An honor sir worth more by far
than money. Whooping you joy.

And a certain bliss beyond
all dreams of avarice.

I offer you in the name of our children,

ƒ1000 guilders.

Come again?

'Tis beneath my dignity to bargain.

I'll make it ƒ10.

Take it Piper.

He knows my fee.

I offer you ƒ20 that's more than plenty.

Please we have a budget. Largest.

The price is ƒ50.

The man's without conscience minus a heart.

He deserves a fate fashion to fit him.

I'm forced most reluctantly to out wit him.

The urgency of this emergency
leaves us no choice

because of the hard press state were in...

- You win.
- Eep!

Ƒ50,000 guilders!

You've lost your mind!

But not in advance.

Not until the vermin dancing are out. Every
last one of them back to Hamalout!

You heard him good people one and all.

A bargains made.

Though he sounded more like a rusty gate

he's agreed to pay the going rate.

- Hooray! - Yay! - Ok! - Sounds great!
- Wonderful! - Yay!

Now little friends, go to your homes.

Sing your songs and read your poems.

And have no fears.

The music I play will not touch your ears.

At the rise of the moon
when the sun goes down,

one plague will be gone from Hamelin town.

He stolen your wits. How could you
agree to such an exorbitant fee?

It's all we have in our treasury!

They'll be no gold for us to meltdown f-for
the chimes for the glory of Hamelin town!

Gentlemen gentlemen.
Such trembling emotion.

Let's drink a little soothing potion.

For such lack of faith you'll soon atone.

I was not made mayor for my beauty alone.


There Truson, now the moon is rising.

The moon is rising.

Now we'll see if he is all
he cracks himself up to be.

Truson, I hear it.

The music.

I don't.



Why don't you hear it?

Why did you hear it this
morning and not now?

Can't you hear it now?


Listen. I hear it.

His pipe.

Squeak squeak.


Squeak squeak.

- Can you see them?
- Yes.

Look at them run.

Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.

Don't fret child.

That frightening music won't last long.

What music mother?

It's unbelievable.

They fell asleep as soon
as the music started.

Squeak squeak.

Squeak squeak.

The Piper said the music
wouldn't reach their ears.

Squeak squeak.

Awake awake!

Come and hear the mayor's decree,
proclamation of victory.

Awake awake!

Come and hear the mayor's decree,
proclamation of victory.

Awake! Awake!

Attention attention! His honor the mayor.

Citizens, your attention.

I feel the gravest apprehension when
joy is misdirected and unconfined.

First let it show gratitude
for our good fortune.

Let me hear for our good
counselors a thunderous cheer.

- Hurray! - Hurrah! - Yay! - Hurrah!
- Hip hip hurrah!

Modesty forbids another
hero of this occasion

who's wit and wisdom ended the invasion.

- Huzza - hurrah! - Yay!
- Hurrah!

I seek no applause or any renown.

All I did was to save the town.

Which is a mayor's duty.

Now, an emergency.

A letter from the kings emissary,
he's on his way.

He'll be here today.

And our work is not completed.

So, though the moment joyous,

let it not decoy us.

Smelters prepare the ovens for the gilders.

The women, forget powder and puff
and show your male sterner stuff.

Let every kettle test your feminine metal.

What's merely spic now makes spanner
and Hamelin town will win the banner.

Improve each shining hour. Back
to you work on the tower.

And now gentlemen to the council
room and our own serious task.

Let's break out the cast
of cheeses and wine

and make sure everything's,

tasty from soup to pastry.

Mr. Mayor, the pipers waiting for his fee.

I'll see him presently.

I have a request sir.

At the feast, at least it would be
proper to you have the children sing.

How absurd, the children
are not even to be seen!

Much less heard.

But without the children this is no town.

If there's anything the
kings emissary detest,..

Yes even worse than rats,

it's a bunch of noisy brats at dinner.

You can spoil the taste of rarest wine
with some little darlings wail and whine.

There is nothing makes food taste more vile

than the yammer and clamor of a juvenile.

By the way, where are the children?

There with the Piper father.

This is no time to pause.

Have them gather straws.

Crier, carry my message to them.

Rewards for honest work.

But woe to those who shirk.

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ The world is full of
wonderment and magic. ♪

♪ I can pull a twinkling star from a hat. ♪

♪ Then I make it disappeared
just like that. ♪

♪ And the magic power in
the smile you possess ♪

♪ turns a frown upside down for you. ♪

♪ You will find it easy for all you have to
do is tell yourself you know the secret. ♪

♪ Flim ♪

♪ flam ♪

♪ flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ It really isn't extraordinary. ♪

♪ I can make the rain to fall on you too. ♪

♪ Then I'll cause the sun
to shine just on you. ♪

♪ If there is a cloud in the
sky it rolls by, by and by. ♪

♪ And the sun comes through. ♪

♪ What can make you happy
when you are feeling blue? ♪

♪ Just fill your thoughts
with lots of sunshine! ♪

♪ Flim ♪

♪ flam ♪

♪ flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ You have to know the
way to go about it. ♪

♪ I can make an apple a ball of snow. ♪

♪ I can get a robins song from a crow. ♪

♪ You can find the beauty
in all you perceive ♪

♪ just believe that it's there in view. ♪

♪ Always look for good things
and they will come to you. ♪

♪ Look with your heart
and you will find it. ♪

♪ Flim ♪

♪ flam ♪

♪ flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ Flim flam flue. ♪

♪ You'd be amazed at what
you can accomplish. ♪

♪ I can change the color of milk to red. ♪

♪ Would you like a halo round your head. ♪

♪ Don't you sit and mope.
Don't you lose any hope. ♪

♪ When the things that
you plan fall through. ♪

♪ Just you keep on dreaming
and they will all come true ♪

♪ the very day you least expect it. ♪

♪ Flim ♪

♪ flam ♪

♪ flue. ♪

- Where is he? - Where'd he go? - Oh no!
- Where did you go? - He's gone.

To work, to work! By the mayors order.

Gather straw for the bricks and
none of your rascally tricks.

- Aw! - Aw! - Aw! - Aw!
- Aw! - Aw! - Aw!

- What is all this?
- The mayor's orders.

Mother, the Pied Piper was
just in the classroom...

Now now now now wait just a minute.

What is it Johnny?

The Pied Piper was just in the school room
and he did all sorts of magic things.

He turned in apple into a snowball.

He made the milk turn red.

Add more than that, he rid
us of those terrible rats.

O mother, I hope he never leaves.

Isn't there some way we can make him stay?


If we could turn snowballs
back into apples.


The burdens of office.

The time has come to pay the Piper.

But of course.

In Hamelin, there is no frugality.
Our spirit flows with liberality.

My worthy colleague will bring the receipt.

All you have to do is sign on
the designated dotted line.

Without reading you have me sign?

Your signatures a mere formality
required in any municipality.

Uh, just to say you got your pay.

Come on Piper we're in a hurry.

I think I better read it.

You'll find nothing
improper sir,

just here and there a clause to
conform with custom and the laws.

I'll read it.

Well, were busy men but if you must then...
Unroll the scroll.

Just here and there a clause to
conform with the laws?

"To be held in escrow for 100 years?"

A mere formality regarding your fee.

A hedge against litigation,
inflation in currency.

I see.

And this?

A guarantee and warranty.

A stipulation that your fee be forfeit
should there be pollution of the river.

No danger of course.

But required by the courts
under the law of torts.

And this about rebuilding roads.

Required by our building codes.

I see as we go up the line
the print gets rather fine.


A safeguard for future generations.

Ah, this is best.

Aw, cleverer than the rest.

Mere legal art. Protecting
the party of the first part.

I am now to deposit with you

the sum of ƒ1000 guilders.

Guaranteeing the plague will never return.

And if by chance they do, then I owe you?

Ƒ50,000 guilders.

Men of Hamelin settle your debt.

Is that a threat?

All we ask is you meet our stipulations.

Maneuvers of manipulations.

How dare you sir. In all our
dealings to prevent ill feelings

we require a legal form.

'Tis no departure from the norm.

Come fellow your name on paper.

As a rule I refrain from
calling any man a fool.

Heed me now...

I'll wait until yon clock strikes the hour.

Don't let me go away without my pay.

Here a catch and there a clause.

Here to the "whereas" in our laws.

Give the order. Now we'll
have golden chime.

Send the gilders to the smelters.

♪ Prestige is a knack, it's a skill,
it's an art, knowing how to outsmart ♪

♪ with a sleight of
hand and heart. ♪

♪ Prestige is a thing not
acquired in a day. ♪

♪ You must learn every way
to avoid and to delay. ♪

♪ You can obtain prestige
by hook or by crook. ♪

♪ And if the bait is right
you need no hook. ♪

♪ We've just gain prestige. Oh
the type that's supreme. ♪

♪ Oh we just pulled a scheme ♪

♪ that's a prestige seeker dream. ♪

Oh Mr. Piper, I hope I’m
not disturbing you.

I was just gathering wool
from the clouds in the sky.

The clouds go away when a boy comes by.

Sir, we saw what happened
with the mayor and you.

And Truson and I... well...

We don't want you to go away.

I know that son.

Truson says, you mustn't judge us
all by the men in our town hall.

He's gone to the people to plead
with them to keep their word.

I hope he succeeds for their sake.

♪ By sages we're told ♪

♪ all that glitters is not gold. ♪

♪ Many things may be more bright. ♪

♪ There's none richer than ♪

♪ he who honors fellow man. ♪

♪ That's a value real and right. ♪

♪ Man can strive for riches
and natural desires ♪

♪ but he mustn't overlook a greater goal. ♪

♪ For what will he profit by
something he'll acquire. ♪

♪ If in finding what he
gains he'll lose his soul. ♪

♪ A man who's unwise only
sees things with his eyes. ♪

♪ Things that can be bought or sold. ♪

♪ We'll find on the day all
the glitter dims away. ♪

♪ What he thought was pure ♪

♪ was poor fools ♪

♪ gold. ♪

I wish I didn't have to go away.

Then,.. You'll stay?

In a way. Whenever you hear a
certain sound I'll be around.

Good citizens hear me. Hugh.

A word with you about the
Piper to whom we owe so much.

This is no time to tarry
with all this stuff to carry.

The Piper wants his pay and
the mayor's refused him.

Now it's up to us to
see he gets his due.

Finance is beyond our problem 'tis
the council you must convince.

Not so! It is your honor
that the council cheeping.

You're worth as people.

It is your vow to pay that he breaks now.

Well we don't want that.

Hush woman! What do you know
of such complicated affairs.

They're not the mayors guilders are they?

Listen to who's talking?

There goes the Piper!

Wait Piper!

Wait Piper, they don't understand!

Somewhere in my mind I
hear a note of music

yet to be played for men
who will not hear it.

However long your lives may be

you live in darkest
memory to rue the day

you sent the Piper
from you without his pay.

♪ My heart will fly to heaven
on the day he'll be mine. ♪

♪ We'll be standing on the
threshold of a moment divine. ♪

♪ And from that day forever
we will live hand in hand ♪

♪ it's the day of days the one for
which I've dreamed and I've planned. ♪

If 'tis Truson you moon
about he's best forgot.

I've happier plans for you than
marriage to a Hamelin misbegot.

But father, it's Truson I love
and it's he I intend to wed.

Don't be a silly child.

'Tis true your soon to be a bride.

But the groom to be...

I decide.

And if my plans bear fruit...

Your hand will be won
by the kings emissary.

My future son.

Such a match will enhance my prestige.

I'd be honored. Respected.

Easily reelected.

But I don't want to marry the kings
emissary. I don't even know him.

Know him you shall and without delay.
You'll meet him at the gate today.

Make haste, don't wait another second.

Array yourself in your finest gown.

The kings emissary must look on you

as the fairest in our fair town.

But I must see Truson now.

Not now or ever. You'll see him never.

- No one can keep us apart.
- We'll see.

Now my colleagues remember,

not a word about the chimes
until they are ready.

Even if he ask a hundred times

to see them, be steady.

Divert him engage him.

Keep his mind on other things

until he hears the clock
that rings its golden notes.

- Understood?
- Yes. - Yes. - Yes.

I'll handle the meeting and greeting.

Mr. Mayor!

For the last time pay the Piper.

Why you foolish fellow we did our part.

Trickery deceit.

The kings emissary will
be told about Hamelin.

Shiny without, tarnished within.

You win no battle while I can speak.


Where we'll put you we'll hear no shriek.

Arrest this pettifog!

- No! - No! - No! - No! - No!
- This self seeking demagogue.

What are the charges?

Troublemaker. Sower of treason.

Disloyalty or loss of reason.

We'll find the proper ordnance
to cover your offense.

Away with him!

♫ We bid you a welcome
most wonderful one. ♫

♫ We've heard of all the high and
mighty things you have done. ♫

♫ We welcome you proudly your excellency. ♫

♫ The powers of that volley
of the powers that be. ♫

♪ We here you have the strength of
20 and the courage of a lion. ♪

♪ The fame of you has even reached
the constellation of Orion. ♪

♫ We know the future of our
city lives in your hands. ♫

♫ So we'll make hast to
satisfy utmost demands. ♫

♫ We bid you welcome. Bid you welcome.
Bid you welcome. ♫

♫ Bid you welcome. ♫

♫ Hail hail to him. ♫

♫ Today! ♫

Please. Please. Please.

Such vulgar vigor.

I am not attune to such
rigorous enthusiasm.

Spare me a nervous spasm.

And now I dare say that you
have a key to offer me?

Why yes, excellency.


Welcome sire.

A symbol of our graduate and our...

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Good fellow, before you start
I know that speech by heart.

And now no doubt you have a
daughter somewhere about to,

ha ha, present to me?

Excellency, how did you know?

Ha ha, it's always so.

It doesn't always thus.

And now let me see...

What... brought me here to this...

Hamlet of Hamelin.

The banner excellency.

Oh! Yes, yes, yes, the competition.

Get on with it mayor.

You see my time has a limit. I
have another place to visit.

A city called Hamalout.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Hamalout!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


I'm sorry, truly sorry.

But you'll find that this time a
visit to poor unfortunate Hamalout

a waste of your precious time.

I fear Hamalout will not vie for
honors in the competition this year.

Besides,.. We thought
you'd wish to dine first.

Dinner, no. But uh.. I do have a...


Choking thirst.

His excellency has a thirst!

Bring out the wines!

So I kept the lady-in-waiting

waiting, waiting, waiting,

and waiting.

Let's get down to the business at hand.

What exhibit am I to view?

Not yet your excellency

for the clock makers work on the
chimes is not nearly through.

Let's ply him on wine.

A little more won't hurt him.

No no, he's had his fill.

We must find other means to divert him.


Now now gentlemen, let's proceed.

A little less talk, a little more speed.

Patience noble sire. Let
me temp your palette.

These Arabian plums are ripe and succulent.

The nectar of Beaujolais grapes

can temper a temper that's... truculent.

This Persian melon not
too tart not too mellow.

No, no fruit for me.

Look what an apple did to that poor fellow.

Enough of this feasting and cheer

let's get on with..?

Whatever the occasion that brought me here.

All in good time your excellency.

Time! Time, it has something
to do with a clock.

That's it!

Your excellency, before
your official inspection

may I turn your attention
in this direction.

You may.

You may!

You may!

Quickly Truson.

I have a key. The jailors a friend.

You must escape.

I can't leave now.

But why? I want to go with you.

No Mara.

Running away is not the solution.

Don't you see?

We'll not find peace anywhere else
until we find it here, first.

But I fear for your safety if you stay.

I know they mean to harm you.

You said you were willing
to run away with me.

Are you just as willing to
stay here in Hamelin...

Stand beside me while I fight?

Yes my darling.

♪ How can I tell you. ♪

♪ Now at last I see. ♪

♪ Things that were hidden, ♪

♪ now are clear to me. ♪

♪ Now you’re near. ♪

♪ There's no fear. ♪

♪ For the wall in between us, ♪

♪ has been broken. ♪

♪ Now you know, ♪

♪ I won't go, ♪

♪ what remained unexplained ♪

♪ will now be spoken. ♪

♪ How can I tell you. ♪

♪ Never will we part. ♪

♪ My eyes are open. ♪

♪ Now they see your heart. ♪

♪ Doubt is gone ♪

♪ from now on. ♪

♪ No more secrets inside, ♪

♪ you know I love you. ♪

♫ Doubt is gone., ♫

♫ from now on. ♫

♫ No more secrets inside. ♫

♫ You know I love you, ♫

♫ too. ♫


Music of the Piper.

No Truson he's gone.

Yes gone.

And now our honor with
him. That's what I fear.

What the Piper will do to us?


What we've done to ourselves.

I’m afraid of music I cant hear.


He's come back!


Paul, where're you going?

Do you not hear the Piper?

No. Now where is he?

The music is coming from over there.

He's calling us.

Listen to me! Can't you hear me?!

Jeffery! Michael!

Debby. Kathy.

Don't go!

He looks content.

Is bouquet of the wine and the foods aroma.

The man's achieved a happy coma.




Father he's taking the children!

The children can be fed later.

No, please listen.

The Pied Piper waltzed them away.

They're bewitched.



The children gone!

I last saw him going towards the river.

Oh the children!

The children.

If truly this is an emergency,

be thankful that your mayor is me.

Why they're dancing, they're gay.

Take them on the mountain path.

He'll lead them up and knead them down.

That path goes nowhere but back to town.

Of course, they'll come upon
the cliff. The wall of stone.

No one has ever claimed it.

They'll be home.

Aye-aye of course.


No, it cannot be! Look!

You'll need no glass to see!

What? What now?

The mountain!


It has opened!

The wall opened!

Your leaving me Piper! Don't leave me!

Take me with you!

Please take me too!

Take me!

Is my boy here?

Is my son playing with yours?

♪ Where's my son? ♪

♪ My boy John. ♪

♪ I can't live, ♪

♪ now that he has gone. ♪

♪ All this grief, ♪

♪ all is woe, ♪

♪ no more gladness, ♪

♪ will my heart know. ♪

♪ Sorrow dark, ♪

♪ fills the day. ♪

♪ All the light, ♪

♪ has been shut away. ♪

♪ Only doom, ♪

♪ lies ahead. ♪

♪ Only gloom and the tears we'll shed. ♪

♪ Here they stepped, laughed and wept ♪

♪ danced and crept. ♪

♪ Prayed and slept. ♪

♪ Now their games, ♪

♪ all will cease. ♪

♪ Toys and dolls ♪

♪ will rest in peace. ♪

♪ Ray of hope, ♪

♪ now won't gleam. ♪

♪ Life is only ♪

♪ an empty dream. ♪

Your honor.

I know you and your counselors are
busy with important affairs and...

I'll only take a moment of your time.

It's about Johnny.

Who's Johnny?

He's my son.

You remember the boy
with the curly red hair,

the boy who opened your
carriage door for you once.

He's gone.

Looked everywhere and...

I can't seem to find him.

And I know such men as wise as you
can surely help me find a small boy.

Why don't you answer me?

Your decisions have always been so...

Quick and so clever.

Like the way you handled the Piper.

I understand your concern
for our welfare and

I won't bother you again ever.

But he's only just a baby.

Your honor,

I know you understand.

Because you have a child of your own.

We've been up all night.

The sun will rise in a minute.

This mountain is solid granite.

I don't believe we ever went in it.

It was you who saw them go.

Beware when their mothers
woe turns to wrath.

Where is the mayor?

Where tired of his
speeches and his deceit.

He must be around here somewhere.

Our patience is at an end.

We demand to see the mayor. Where is he?

There blasting open the
mountain side with a canon.

That will surely bring back your children.

Canon and a*tillery!?

What medicine for our misery.

Now its ingredients must be blended
with the strictest obedience.

One part...

White powder.

There we go.

And one part.

One part black.

And 2 parts


There we are.

To uh... to complete the stack.

Let's see, one pinch for the pot.

You there. Clean the cannon

and insert the ball

and I'll assign task for one and all.

I've uh... figured the target.

I've uh... measured the distance.

I even allowed for wind resistance.

Oh, incidentally,

I once wrote a directory

on missiles and their trajectory.

I blew up a fortress, k*lled 104.

I would have won a medal
but we weren't at w*r.

Fusileer are you in the rear?

Come here.

Ready the fuse. No time to lose.

Apply the light and I'll watch the flight.

Your excellency,

if I do, they'll be a big hole in you.

I don't mean to offend but...

You see you're standing at the wrong end.

Oh! Yes, how clever of you to mention.

I'm merely wanted to see if
you were paying attention.

Ooh! Ooooh.

The campaign is over the last
shot is fired and I am tired.

We blasted this mount inside and
out and nary a cry from a child.

We must find a way to save their lives.

The votes of the husbands
the wrath of their wives.

You set my nerves atwitter
with all this bitterness.

Lackey my litter!

No no don't go.

You know it's suddenly too absurd,

children lured by a Piper
who's music no one's heard.

What children do you speak of, pray?

I saw no one throughout the day.


Me thinks I smell conspiracy.



What ingratitude.

Father, everyone's looking for you.

There's trouble in the air, the
people are waiting in the square.

Eh? Oh, of course, well I'll be there
they know that they can trust their mayor.

- To do what? - Yes what? - What can you do?
- What. - What. - What. - What. - What. - What.


Stop squealing and squeaking
as if you were rats.

Remember that you're bureaucrats.

We done it before we'll do it again.
We'll manage them.

When you have a stratagem?

It says oldest the kingdom
I know it by rote.

To escape their wrath,

scape the goat.

And the person?


Oh no father.

Who's the cause of your sorrow and misery?

Who's to blame for this deviltry?

That viper the Piper.

Who brought him here? Let
grief not dim our memories.

Were victims of Truson's sorceress.

- Truson? - Truson? - Truson?
- Truson? - Truson?

Let not sorrow blithe our reason

Truson must be hanged for treason!

- Oh no. - Truson.
- Truson. - Oh no.

It's not true!

He did not but say, we had a debt to pay.

What further proof is
needed of his sorcery.

He had turned my child against me!

He's the culprit, he's the one!

Who lost your daughter and lost your son.

Mr. Mayor,

hanging me will never bring
voice back to laugh and sing.

He's right.

We want our children!

Did not Truson revel

in the music of that devil the Piper?

Which none of us heard.

I tell you they're in league.
They even look alike.

No! No father!

There's music all around us
that you will never hear.

While the clink of the golden
guilder rings loudest in your ear.

- I'm just trying to..
- I just want my...

Our hearts must find a way

to accept the bitter fate of all
who failed to pay the Piper.

You've lost your children.

A heart wounding blow.

Yet they lost their parents long ago.

- True. - True. - True.
- True. - True.

But is there nothing we can do?

Seek your heart relief and
acceptance of your fate

and find consolation in helping others.

People of Hamelin

be not misled by this criminals harangue.

First things first.

Let's see this scoundrel hang.

Then for all the world
to see for our children

a shining golden plaque.

In loving memory.

No golden plaque will ever
return your children.

There is a way that you can find solace.

The homeless children of
Hamalout would be warmed

with our love and our
treasury’s gilders.

- We will. - Yes. - Ok.
- Let's do it. - Fine.

Instead of being saddened
by your grief you're madden.

Mark you, on another calmer day, you'll
see that mine was the wiser way.

What he calls love and decency is
the shortest route to bankruptcy.

Enough of talk that covers greed.

Fathers and mothers have a need to
seek an end to grief and sorrow.

To face with hope a new tomorrow.

The time has come to make a change.


How better to start Paul,
on his mission of mercy,

then for us to pray.

Made the news of our determination
spread throughout the land.

That grieving parents of Hamelin
take all children to their hearts

as their own kin.

O father in thy words

suffer little children to come on to us

as we kneel in silent prayer.

Truson do you hear it?


I hear it.

I hear the music of the Piper.

I hear my child's voice.

Oh no dear, you're just imagining it.

I'm not imagining it.

That's my child's voice!

Mother! Mother!

Hey mom!

Oh daddy!

- Mother!
- Mommy!


Oh John!

The bells!
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