Siege of the Alcazar, The (1940)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Siege of the Alcazar, The (1940)

Post by bunniefuu »

The original reels of The Siege of
the Alcazar have

suffered from many cuts, changes
and poor preservation over the years.

After the w*r, the Italian censors made
drastic changes in order to delete all

scenes in which Republican
combatants appeared too cruel

and which showed strong Italian
support for the Nationalists.

This reconstruction of the original
version demanded a lot of work and

was made possible only by using material
from German, Spanish and English copies

which were indispensable for integrating
the missing parts. A careful digital

restoration of image and sound was made
by our technicians, returning the film

to its complete state, perhaps for
the first time in sixty years.

This film aims to bring to life
on the screen the spirit of

the heroic defenders of the
Alcazar fortress in Toledo

during the famous siege from July
to September 1936.

The characters portrayed are modeled
on the real heroism of those who lived

the extraordinary story from
their leader Colonel Moscardo

to each humble and unknown

All stories that form the basis of
this epic are reconstructions based

on interviews and documents
of absolute historical accuracy.


Company: Attention!

Eyes left!

Stand at ease!

Tonight we'll be in Madrid
- Maybe we can have a little fun.

Madrid may not be as amusing as
you think, these days.

What are you two talking about?

About leave, sir.

Which train are you taking?
- The one at three p.m.

Then we'll be traveling together.
I'll see you at the station.

Great! Now we'll even have to
behave on the train!

I see the commander coming.
Quick, straighten your belt!

Nothing new at the Alcazar, sir.


Cadets, I didn't come here today
just to say

goodbye before you take your leave

I also came to greet you and

to recall the words spoken by
Charles the Fifth:

"lf in combat you see my horse
and my flag fall"

"then raise my flag before you
tend to me!"

Boys! In all circumstances
of your life

never forget that before every-
thing else comes the flag!

The symbol of your fatherland.

Conchita! Conchita!


I kept my promise.
- You'll stay the whole month?

Only three weeks. That's all
I could manage.

My mothers a real taskmaster!

Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You seduced a guy?
- Two guys, darling!

The first got off before Toledo.

How's your aunt? Still sick?

Still the same. Let the luggage
rest a bit!

Why? We're not going straight home?

I want to say goodbye to someone.
- Who'?

I bet it's Francesco.
- Sure! There's never anyone else.

Am I late?
- A little.

It's Paolo's fault. He's such a snail!

Who's that pretty girl?
- A friend of mine.

Introduce me, then!
- ls there anything I don't do for you?


Carmen, allow me to introduce you!
- Your fiancée?

Sorry, no. I'm not the happy man.

I'm Paolo Montez, this is the fiancée.

We finally meet!

I've heard so much about you. I've
wanted to meet you since forever

Unfortunately, I'm all there is. I hope you're
not disappointed. - You'll do just fine.


I need coins for the newspaper.
Can you change 25 pesetas?

Right away, Captain.

Let me introduce you, sir!

Miss Conchita Alvarez, my fiancée.

Pleased to meet you, miss

Carmen Herrera just arrived
from Madrid.

Here you are, Captain.
- Thank you, Mantel.

Glad to have met you, ladies.
Now please excuse me!

See you on the train.

Nice guy.
- The finest officer in the Academy

Certainly a fine looking man.
- That's not what we meant.

By “fine" we meant "a first-rate

A determined man, who knows
his profession.

At the Academy, we admired him
above everyone else.


300 dead and 2000 wounded!

And hundreds of strikes.

Riots, looting, destruction every-

Deputy Calvo Sotelo

after uttering words about things
which haven't happened

you'll be solely responsible if
they do occur.

I have broad shoulders. And I do not shy
away from responsibility for my actions

I also accept the responsibility
for others

as long as their actions are for
the benefit of my country.

Let me cite the words of St. Do-
m1ngo de Silos to his king: "Sire!

"You can take my life, but nothing

"Because death with glory is
better than a life with shame."

You dog. - Wretch! Crook!

Death! Death! Death!

Now, the destiny of our country
no longer rests here

but in the street!



As God hears us and sees us, we
swear to imitate your example

We will avenge your death and
save the country!

We swear!

The forces in Africa are in rebellion
against the government.

This is a local incident without

The government is in control of
the situation.

Another local incident!

It can spread to all Spain in no time.
- You exaggerate!

Are you leaving?
- Yes, and you're leaving with me.

Where to?
- To the Captain.

After news like this, we should
report in to him.


The news is true?
- True indeed.

A large number of Moroccan troops
has landed at Algeciras.

I'll tell you more, but you'll
have to keep it a secret

Italy's supporting this rebellion.

Do you know who moved those
troops from Africa to Spain?

Transport planes from Italy

This is an established fact, which
will give you an idea

of what's going to happen in the
near future

What is it?
- Captain, two cadets are asking for you.

Let them in!

Come in!

Ah, it's you!

So, what is it?

We heard the news on the radio,
so we came to receive orders.

I'm off for Toledo. You two are
on leave, so

We'll do as you do, Captain. Our
duty now is to be at the Alcazar.

I appreciate this.

Follow me to Toledo, agreed?
- Agreed, Captain!

Good morning, gentlemen.
Staff officers, report!

Gentlemen, as you have learned
from the news on the radio

the death of Calvo Sotelo has
been the signal for a movement

intended to save the country.

The initiative for the conquest of
the country

was taken by General Franco.

The officials and officers are on
his side as well as

all those who still believe in the
future of Spain.

We have waited a long time for
this day. It has come.

Now we need to act!

I ask every one of you to give his
opinion on the matter.

Follow Franco!
- Follow Franco!

- Follow Franco!

Follow Franco!
- Follow Franco!

Follow Franco!
- Follow Franco!

Follow Franco!

I'm happy to see that your
opinion is the same as mine.

At this moment, the destiny of
Spain is in the hands

of those who are prepared to
give their life to save her

The rebellion is now controlled by government
forces, who, backed by public opinion

will put an end to all outbreaks
of rebellion.

Calm now reigns throughout Spain.

And now some dance music.

Move away from the window,

It's dangerous in times like these!

It would no doubt be best, if I
returned to Madrid.

I'm afraid it's like this all over
now, my dear.


Francesco? Are you calling from

What? You're back?


I see

Don't worry! We won't leave the

We'll await instructions from you.

It was Francisco.

Francesco called. He says, we
shouldn't worry

The military's controlling Toledo

Order will soon be reestablished.

I'm off to Madrid.
- Impossible!

- The trains aren't running

Even if you were able to find one that
was, you might not make it home!

What should I do, then?
- Francisco told us not to move.

You'll see everything will end

The Civil Guard is already at the

Unload this as fast as you can!

All is well?
- Yes, Colonel.

I brought the amm*nit*on without
any difficulties, sir.

A million cartridges?
- Yes, sir.

Hello. One moment.

The w*r Ministry wants to speak
to you, Colonel.

We requested amm*nit*on be
sent over

Nothing's arrived yet. Has it been

We didn't send it, because we
need it here.

D0 you realize this is insubordi-

With all due respect, I must say
I can't deliver arms and a*mo

to someone who'll use it against Spain.
- As you wish.

You know Toledo is only 43 miles
from Madrid.

If you persist in this attitude,
we'll come and get them by force!

Do as you like, sir!

Gentlemen, you heard.

They asked me to hand over arms
to the enemies of Spain

I refused. I think, I acted on
behalf of everyone here.

We're all with you.

Now we must be prepared for

Madrid will send troops and planes
against us. - We will resist!

We'll resist any attack at the
gates of Toledo!

The Tavera hospital.
- Exactly.

The Tavera hospital towers above the
street that gives access to the city.

You shall take over its defense.

Thank you.

But I can only give you a few men and not
much in the way of arms. - It'll have to do.

The commander of Toledo has
issued the following order:

"Art. 1°: A state of siege is pro-
claimed for the Toledo region."

"Art. 2°: Everyone opposed to this
order"will be judged by a council of w*r

Who is it?

It's me. Open up!

Hurry! Take everything you can
and come with me!

Where? - To the Alcazar.
We're in a state of siege!

The town is no longer safe.
- My God!

Don't be afraid!

But how will I take all my dresses
with me?

You won't need them. It'll just be
for a few days

What about auntie? She's ill!

She'll oome with us. Go on, do as
I say!

How are you feeling, aunt?
- Good.

It's a little damp.

And it's very crowded here.

Don't worry, ma'am. It's just for
two or three days.

I brought you my spring mattress.

I hope you'll dream about me.

Why did they put us in these
horrible cellars?

Isn't there another place in all of

Yes, but not as safe.
- I'd prefer the danger.

How can I sleep in such a crowd?

Can't you find a screen for me?

A screen? Yes, perhaps in the
physics lab.

Good, go fetch it! - This is the
third errand you've made me run!

I hope, it's the last.

Some men would agree to walk
around the world for me.

But they haven't done so til now!
- Smartass!

Paolo! Can't you find me a softer
pillow as well?

This isn't a pillow. It's a rock.

I'll have it stuffed with swansdown.

Three g*ns for Revenga; and 35
for Captain Casale

And the a*t*matic r*fles?

10 for the defense of the Alcazar
and 3 for external defense.

Captain, I need your help.

What's wrong? - I've been put
together with all the others.

Where do you want to be placed?
- I want some privacy.

Privacy? This isn't a hotel.

Well, let's see where you've been

Here it is.
- And you're complaining?

You've been spoiled, miss

Sorry, but this spring mattress
will have to go back.

What? You're taking it from me?

We've very few of them. They're
reserved for the hospital

So you want me to sleep on this
dirty floor?

Like everyone else, miss.

And you'll have to share your
mattress with another woman.

That's the last straw! I'd never
have come, had I known.

I'd have gone back to Madrid
at any cost.

I don't think that would've been
such a bad idea.

Here's the pillow! I haven't found
a screen yet.

Did you bring this bed here?
- Yes, sir.

Bring it back to where it came from.
- Yes captain sir.

Bastard! - He's not so willing to
walk around the world for you, huh?




Calm down! Calm down!

Auntie! Carmen!

- Conchita!

I'm afraid!

There seems to be a lot of them
- About 4,000.

And we're only 60. Good odds!
- But they won't pass.

Don't fire until they're close!

- We don't have much amm*nit*on.

Make every shot count!
- Understood.

Don't sh**t! Nobody fire!

Nobody fire!


- Relocate the machine g*ns!

The first remains here; the second
to the third window in the back.

Move this g*n, too! To the second

I was wrong; try to cover on the left.


Impossible to advance

on the streets near the hospital.

We must demand larger a*tillery
from Madrid

You ask them!
- Yes sir.

Won't be so easy a business.

The hospital has an exceptional
strategic position

and the defenders fight well.

They can't resist more than
24 hours. The hospital isn't

a fortress. Its walls aren't strong

- How are things going, Villanova?

Enemy pressure is very strong,
but we're carrying on, sir.

If you give up, Toledo is lost.

Nobody is passing now and
nobody will be passing.

Keep me advised!
- Understood, Colonel.

Armored cars!

How many?
- I spotted three.

We must stop them!

Quick! The hand grenades!

The air force!

To the yard, quick!

Hey, you!

Call the others; have them come
here right away!

Hello? Major Villanova?
One moment.

Villanova, what's the situation?

They want to cut us off with
a*tillery fire.

We can't get sufficient food and

The roads to Toledo are all under
enemy fire.

But our morale is good and we'll

I expect nothing less from you!
I know you'll resist.

My regards to all of you and may
luck be on your side!

The situation's bleak. They can't
hold out much longer.


Colonel, sir, it's the Chief of Staff.

- Moment. General, sir.

Good evening, Colonel.

Please listen closely!

I'm speaking to you as a friend,
not as your commander.

I understand your attitude

but it will lead to a disaster.
You cannot resist

- No, we won't surrender!

It's for our and General Franco's

Franco won't be joining you there!

My advice is to surrender.

Nothing will happen to you, my
word of honor.

Like me, you were trained at this

Have you forgotten what the honor
of an officer is?

We won't surrender. We won't be the
first to show Alcazar what cowardice is!

He won't surrender!
- He's mad!

Who's to decide, who's mad?



You still believe they'll shell the
Alcazar without hesitation?

If they hesitate to do so, it won't have
anything to do with respect for a monument

They'll attack without mercy. We must
prepare as best we can for a siege.

Food supplies?
- Not good, Colonel.

Just enough for the children and
the wounded.

And there are 2,000 people here.

I didn't expect there'd be so many

125 officers.

1,000 men of the Civil Guard;
the troops and the Academy.

And 200 falangists and civilians.
- A village in itself, Colonel.


Will you be away much longer'?
- Only a few minutes. Wait for me!

I've never seen you so happy.
And at a time like this!

I know, nobody knows how it'll end

Still, so help me God I'm so happy.

You see, I want to live where he

If you only knew what is to see
him; talk to him every day.

You'll know, when you fall in love.

I've been in love often
- But never in a serious way

That's different. Real love changes

One feels happy, confident
- Nonsense!

Love just means finding a man
interesting, my dear.

That's what it meant to me up to now.
- And that's changed?

No. But
- But?

Just a moment.

Hello, Captain.
- Hello, miss.

Can I tell you something?
- Of course.

I know you took part in the
defense of the hospital.

It must've been terrible.
- Yes, they made us pull out.

You must have a bad opinion of me.
- Why?

Because of what I said the other day

I'm the lady, who was looking for

Ah! I'd forgotten.
- Your opinion is very important.

You're not like other people.

Oh, I'm just a soldier; sometimes
a rude one.

Would you do me a favor'?
Help me become a nurse!

At the hospital

You? A nurse?
- I'm a trained nurse

I became one on a whim to get
closer to a doctor I liked

Let's hope that's changed.
- But I want to be a real nurse now

Sitting around makes you think
- I think so, too.

The a*tillery's firing perfectly,
General. I'll report to Madrid.

Tell me, when can the infantry
attack and exterminate these rebels?

For now we'll leave the action
to the a*tillery.

General, we received a phone call
saying everything's ready.

Comrade commissar, we're having
a feast in your honor in Toledo.

Very nice, let's go!

The g*ns can continue firing on their own. They
don't need us. - True. Food is important, too.

These bishops had magnificent

I chose this Archdiocese as a

because it's quite pleasing. I even
left all the sacred images hanging

on the walls. They're decorative!


Officers and friends! You've
accomplished a great task!

Toledo, the cradle of Spanish
civilization, has been liberated.

The triumph will be complete with
the conquest of the Alcazar

At this moment, the mighty voice
of the cannons

that accompany our dinner

assures us that this last relic of
this fascist infection

will be obliterated

I am alluding to those few men,
dominated by the madness of a traitor

They've locked themselves inside
the walls of Alcazar

hoping that our respect for a
monument of art will save them.

We should, indeed, respect works
of art

Our general here did so by leaving these
disgusting religious paintings in here

But faced with a human life, no
work of art has value

Alcazar is irrelevant.

If every work of art must disappear
in order to crush the fascists

we will build new monuments
even greater.

So let us toast our civilization!
- Bravo!

Incredible. Five hours of intense
shelling and the Alcazar still stands.

Medieval walls were constructed
thicker than those made today

I have to conclude that the
a*tillery is impotent.

No, but it will take time and effort.

Madrid should send us heavier

You speak as if we had time to lose.

You obviously don't realize that
the proletariat needs a victory.

We announced to the world that
the capture of the Alcazar was

only a question of hours. If the
a*tillery can't do the job

why not send in the infantry!
What are you waiting for?

How will they be able to pass
without a breach?

Commissar, if the a*tillery can't open breaches,
we won't be able to as*ault the fortress

What do I tell Madrid then?

And the press?

What is it?

Is it true?
- Yes sir.

Where did they catch him?
- Here, in Toledo.

Have you told the chief of the militia?
- No sir.

Inform him right away!
- Yes sir.

You can send a message to Madrid announcing
that the Alcazar will be in our hands tonight

What? The Alcazar is ours?
- Without a single shot!

Without the loss of a single man!

Three dead
- And six wounded.

- What is it?

I'll be right there

Lieutenant Glauso, 3 guards,
Fernandez, Rodriguez.

Good. A soldier, Vincenzo Moreno,
Antonio Suarez. Badly wounded?

- Thanks, doctor.

- Hello.

- Oh, it's you

I'm here thanks to your intervention.

If I'd known sooner, I'd have asked
the doctor for you.

To know, whether I did my duty?

I have no doubts about that.

You look tired. Take a rest!
- I'm not tired.

There's always lots to do.
- Unfortunately.

Do you think this will go on much

They'll try everything to make us

But we won't!
- Your spirits are high

You're not scared of the bombs any more?
- Much less than before.

Soon, I'll be like you.

I'm trying to follow your example
when it comes to being courageous.

You seem another woman than
the one I met a few days ago.

I am. I'm trying to forget the
woman I was.

And I want you to do likewise.

The electricity and water have
been cut.

Two bad blows.

We have water in the underground

but without electricity, the radio's

We'll have to fight without news
from the outside.

- We can and will resist, Colonel.
- Thank you, I know.

The Alcazar keeps on resisting.
Its walls and its defenders resist.

Even the women, after short fits
of panic, stay calm.

God help us, nothing will force us
to give up!


It's for you, Colonel.

This is the commander of the
Republican forces in Toledo.

I demand the immediate surrender
of the Alcazar

I'll give you ten minutes to surrender.

After that, we'll sh**t your son,
who's in our hands.

You don't think me capable of
such a thing?

We'll let you talk to him.

- What's going on, son?

They're going to sh**t me, if you
don't surrender.

But don't worry about me!

If they do sh**t you, die like
a good Christian.

And a patriot. Shout: "Long live

And "Long live Spain!"

I will, dad.

Goodbye, my son!
- Goodbye, dad.

Five of the ten minutes are gone.
What's your decision?

I make you a present of the
remaining five.

Attention, attention! Stop obeying
your disloyal leaders!

Pass over to our side!

We won't sh**t you. We'll
welcome you as brothers.


For us at the Alcazar, the word
"surrender" doesn't exist!

Hey there! You at the defense,

Is Fernando Ramirez there?

Fernando! They're calling you!

Hey there! Answer!

Tell him to come to the window
so that his wife may talk to him!

- Fernando! Fernando!

- Don't trust them!

Clara, what's up? How are you?
- She greets you and is great!

You have a beautiful wife,


Every man to his place!

Bring the sandbags here!

Take him to the infirmary!

Sister, I need this bandaged.
- Go to the young lady over there!

Which one?
- That one over there.


What a surprise! You as my nurse!

I learned not to be surprised
by anything anymore.

What happened?
- I'm hurt. Can you bandage it?

Strange we hadn't met till now.

I've been stuck in here since the

Too tight?
- No, it's the splinter that hurts.

How did you get that?

You'll never believe it. Atango
was at fault.

A tango?
- Yes, one of the Red militiamen

was whistling a tango out of tune
this morning.

I wanted to teach him a lesson
and to thank me Bang!

But I can thank him now, because
I got to see you.

You're still the same!
- How happy I am to find you!

- Me too.
- Remember our last dance in Madrid?

You had a dress of pink tulle
that I really liked.

Your friend, the doctor, was there
too. He was very jealous

Didn't leave you for a moment.

Not too tight?
- No, it's good.

But I would've done the same. It
was the evening of our first kiss.

Pedro, please
- What? Those are memories.

Captain, it's not as bad as it seems.
- Thank goodness.

I heard you're hurt.
- A trifle.

Let's bandage it!
- Thanks, it's nothing.

Go distribute these!

The Alcazar is finished!

The Alcazar is finished!
Latest edition!

Alcazar is finished!
Latest edition!

Wait a minute!

The Alcazar is finished!
Latest edition!


Thank you for bringing dinner; I'm hungry.
- Today mule, no horses

It's a noble animal as well.

No, the difference between the
two is that

the horse neighs in the stomach,
while the mule kicks!

Bless you, for still being able to

Mom, bread, bread.
- Here, here.

They're always hungry and
they've cut rations again

I don't care about the meat;
but the bread

For two days, we haven't eaten
so they could have some food.

If they cut the rations again,
what will I give them?

And what shall I give this creature?

Since yesterday, I have no milk.

The stores are all empty.

I've cut back on the consumption
of flour

but when there's nothing left,
there's nothing left.

What little remains of coffee and

is reserved for the sick.

There are still mules and horses

Even that's decreasing.

Even if we proceed to cut con- sumption, if we
don't get more food in here, it won't last long

So, that's how it looks?
- You wanted the truth!

If God doesn't help, we'll soon be

I must speak to the Colonel.
- He's busy; come again later!

I need to talk with him now! If he
knew the news I bring

he would surely meet me.
- And what is this news?


- Yes, bread

There is grain in the storehouses
of the Agricultural Bank.

It's the grain that farmers gave
as collateral for loans.

One of them is very near the Alcazar.

Do you realize the importance
of what you are saying?

If what you say isn't true
- It's true, Colonel.

I saw them unloading it in the

It may be there's none left, but
I don't think so.

Very well. Tonight, a patrol will
go there.

And you will guide them!
- Yes sir, Colonel.

If it's true, God has come to our

Nothing. Madrid, always Madrid. - We
should be able to get a foreign station!

The batteries are charged. Let's
give it another try!

Everything's in order.

Let's change to be sure!



The little bastards!

Keep listening!

Where's the Colonel?
- He'll be here soon.

What's happened?
- Very serious news.

If Madrid is broadcasting it,
I wouldn't worry. A lot of lies.

This too is a big lie. But listen to
what they said!

"The Alcazar rebels have been
arrested by government troops"

"The officers and cadets have
been disarmed and marched out."

"The situation in Toledo is now
completely calm."

We're cut off here from the rest
of Spain.

If our troops believe Madrid, they
won't come to Toledo and liberate

We must inform them!

I will ask the colonel to send me
to General Franco!

Radio Madrid announced that the
Alcazar has surrendered.

- Read my notes!

There are no limits to their lies.

Colonel, I request permission to try
and penetrate the enemy's lines tonight

to tell General Franco the truth?

That we haven't surrendered,
but continue to fight?

I want to go, too, Colonel.

Thank you, but that's a one-man job.

The risk will be smaller and you'll
be more likely to make it.

We need a man in good shape, who's intrepid
and very familiar with the countryside

In that case, I think I'm most
qualified, Colonel.

I think so, too.
- Thank you, Colonel.

Do you have a plan?
- The simplest there is

I'll take the documents and
uniform of a prisoner. - Good.

You can go; all is quiet.
- And the guards?

They've been informed

I truly look like a militiaman.
- You could make a career of it!

Could you do me a favor,

This ring If I fail to come back

- What are you saying?
- I'll get back. But you never know.

If we don't meet again, when you
get out of here

If we do!

You're sure to get out.

Give this ring to my wife and
tell her to say a prayer for me!

Goodbye. See you soon!
- Break a leg!

Mom! Mom!

Someone doesn't want to sleep.

Like you.
- Right.

A night owl like me.

I never go to bed before dawn.

And sometimes, I even go to work
when the sun rises.

Say, did you ever fall in love
afterwards ...? - Afterwards?

After having finished with a girl.

No, that's surely not pleasant.
- You realize

too late that you've been a fool
and understood nothing.

And what you've lost
- Whom are you speaking of?


I can't sleep.

Thinking of him?
- Why has he changed?

We used to meet, we talked

He's very busy.
- I know.

Still, he always made a quick
visit to the hospital.

Don't fool yourself!

He came out of duty, not to
entertain you.

Or did he discuss personal things
with you?

No, never.

No, but I felt that he came
because I was there.

That can't be explained.

I'll explain it: You're really in love

And I thought you were never
serious; incapable of love.

Less serious than you imagine.

I never realized, but in here
I understand.

Let's hope he'll be back tomorrow.

Why, where is he?
- You don't know?

Francisco didn't tell you?
- No. What happened?

Vela ordered an excursion tonight.
The cadets accompanied him.

Francisco was with them. I heard
it at the hospital.

Dear God! What for?

They're trying to get some grain.

Holy Virgin! Protect them!

Quick! You tied the rope?


Guys! There's grain! Grain!

Guys! Tomorrow we'll be eating!

Fill the sacks!

Hi, fellas! Going to Talavera de
Ia Reina?

No, to Torrico.
- Close enough. Can ljoin you?


What are you doing in Talavera?
- I'm off to see my girl.

You're on leave?
- Yes, for ten days.

Lucky you. That Alcazar keeps
us busy.

We take care of the shells for
the a*tillery.

Two trips a day! Perhaps more now.

Tomorrow, they're going to start
shelling day and night!

At night? How?
- By using searchlights.

I saw them put them up on the
houses around Alcazar.

So the shelling won't stop.
- I already stopped sleeping.

What we need is more a*tillery.

a*tillery? If I had my way, I'd
do it more effectively!

Some poison gas and the Alcazar
would go down, men and mice.

Wonder if we'll do that someday.

Why not now?

We should reconnect the Alcazar's
water pipes.

They'd be able to drink again.

But with poisoned water,
the drinker croaks!

And that way the "liberation"
would come true!

Giovanni, a drink for a militiaman
on leave!

How are you, Captain?
- Are you talking to me?

Yes, to you! How are you?
- Are you making a joke, friend?

I'm not a captain.
- You don't remember me?

This is the first time I've met you.
- Just a moment.

Even if you don't remember me,
I remember you.

You're Captain Vincenzo Alba.
- Captain? Just like you're a general.

My name is José Fernéndez,
look at my papers!

Papers, schmapers! You're
Captain Alba

I recognize you. And you
remember me.

I was a recruit in your company.

In the 7th infantry regiment in

You don't know what you're
saying, nut job!

Tell the truth! Friends, this isn't
a militiaman! He's a spy!

If you have any last wishes,
perhaps I can fulfill them.

Between old comrades in arms.

We“ then Bun voyage.



Those g*ns make a lot of noise!

We used to be able to listen in at

But now, not even that is possible

But I ought to succeed sometime

I wish it were over.
- Don't be afraid, calm down!

Everything will be fine.
- Hope so hope so


Rafael, it's a boy!
- A boy!

Yes. a boy!

- Very.

Where is he? I want to see him.

The mother wants to see the boy.
Bring him over here.

Maria, look! How cute he is!

We'll call him Francisco after
General Franco, okay?

A Pencil!

I've got a foreign station. Italy!

Radio Milano, finally! Write!

"The campaign of the Nationalist forces
in Spain proceeds success- fully."

"The army of the south has taken

"Troops under Colonel Yage"

"are marching towards Toledo!"

Our troops! Advancing!

General Franco is marching on
Toledo! We heard it on the radio!

Our guys are marching on Toledo!

#Cara al sol con Ia camisa nueva
que tu bordaste en rojo ayer#

#me hallara Ia muerte si me
lleva y note vuelvo a ver.#

#Formare junto a mis companeros
que hacen guardia sobre Ios lucer0s#

#impasible el ademan, y estan
presentes en nuestro afan.#

#Si te dicen que cai, me fui al
puesto que tengo alli.#

#Volveran banderas#

Long live Spain! Our guys are

Long live Spain!

Carmen! Embrace me!

We'll be free and able to go to Madrid!
- Freedom, in Madrid!


#Cara al sol con Ia camisa nueva
que tu bordaste en rojo ayer#

#me hallara Ia muerte si me Ileva
y no te vuelvo a ver.#

#Formare junto a mis companeros
que hacen guardia sobre Ios lucer0s#

#impasible el ademan, y estan
presentes en nuestro afan.#

#Si te dicen que cai, me fui al
puesto que tengo alli.#

#Volveran banderas victoriosas
al paso alegre de Ia paz#

#y traeran prendidas cinco rosas:
Ias flechas de mi haz.#

#Volvera a reir la primavera.#

"We know about your heroic

"and we are preparing to give
you our help"

"We will soon be with you. Keep
up resistance at all cost!"

"Here's some small relief"


No, we're not ready yet; it's work
that takes time.

Hopefully soon. We've been
going on for a month.

No doubt. You can assure the
Minister of that

I'm sure of the results.

Alright. We'll speed up.


They're losing patience in Madrid
by the day

They think taking the Alcazar is
indispensable to winning the w*r.

Naturally, because the others
are advancing.

If not stopped, they'll be here in
10 days.

They'll never get here in time.
It'll be over by then.

To think, that inside I feel bad
about the women and children.

They're there!
- No. They're there!

There's a noise.
- Where?

In here!

There's a noise in the wall.
- Where?

In here.

What's everybody doing at the wall?

There's a noise!


In here.

There really is a noise!
- A noise?

What is it?
- A noise.

A strange noise.
- What can it be?

The stones are shaking.

It's a continual noise, as if from
a machine.

Excuse me!

You can hear the noise there.
- Silence, please.

What is it?
- Nothing.

What's happening?
- They're trying to blow us up.

Two tunnels. At two different points.

There's no doubt, Colonel. The
noise comes from drilling.

They're resorting to dynamite,
because they can't capture us with g*ns.

k*lling women and children!
- They're not soldiers; they're murderers!

- Bastards!

Gentlemen, calm down.

Where can the noise be heard?
- In the southwest cellar.

The tunnels of the mines start
in the houses near here.

I can't say exactly where

but I think they run in this direction.

This is the enclosure of the Alcazar.

Here is the southwest cellar.

The tunnels ought to go from
this point

and by going through here, arrive
at these two points.

Is the danger imminent?
- Not yet. The noise is still far off

The tunnels aren't finished yet.

It will take four or five more days
for them to finish.

And to think that help is perhaps
ten days away!

Can you tell me, where they are?

Not more than 100 meters from
here, I think.

When will you know where the
start of the two tunnels are?

I can tell you tonight, Colonel.
- Good.

As the head of the citizens

I advise, that you clear out the
houses next to the tunnel.

Transfer the women and the
children to the northeast cellars!

Arrange for a platoon of volunteers
to destroy

the entrances to the tunnels.

Auntie's asleep
- She's worn out.

Poor thing. All this pressure at
her age.

You have water?
- Yes.

Give me some!
- What for?

I want to wash my face.
- There'll be less to drink.

I prefer being thirsty to feeling

Well seen him?


What are you waiting for?
- I'm afraid of what he might say.

I wouldn't know how to start and
I'm afraid of the answer.

I'm intimidated and can't act.

What? You? Afraid of a man?

Seems strange, right? I, who
laughed at such things.

It was easy when nothing made
me feel like that.

And now! - There will be plenty of
time, if we survive.

And if we die instead ...?
- Have you lost all hope?

God could not allow the death
of so many innocent people.

We'll be saved. Francisco also
said we'll be saved.

Francisco and I are going to
marry when we get out.

When Francisco's an officer

we'll live in Madrid.
Think about it: Madrid! - Madrid!

What's become of everyone
I knew there?

Don't worry, I'm sure they're
doing fine.

I hope so.

What time is it?
- It must be around ten.

It's late, I must go.
- Bye.


Hello, Pedro.

I'd like to speak with you.
- I'm late.

Just five minutes, please. Don't
say no. Will you marry me?

Don't you feel well?
- I feel fine.

Will you?
- Now, at death's door'?

Arm in arm with you, I'll be more
welcome in Heaven.

Answer! Will you marry me or not?
- Marry?

Why not? What's wrong? So many
people marry!

Now that Spain needs new

marriage is an act of patriotism!

Can't you be serious for a moment?

You wouldn't believe me. If I told
you that

this climate has changed me;
that I'm not the man I once was

If I can get out alive from these
glorious walls

I will remain changed for life.
Would you believe me then?

I'd believe you. I believe you now.

So let's marry.
- No, Pedro. That's nonsense.

We avoided it a year ago when
I wanted to and you didn't

and this time we'll avoid it, too.

What's his name?


I know you. If you're speaking like
that, it's because you love someone else.

It's Captain Vela, right?
- Yes.

You like him a lot?
- I love him.

I got to know him here. I started
to love him here.

Perhaps I'll leave here without having spoken
to him and telling him, how much I love him.

You say that with bitterness.
- With regret, Pedro.

Just one day of happiness is all
I wanted.

Nobody's missing?
- No, Captain.

How many are we?
- Forty.

Does everyone have a hand grenade?
- Yes, Captain.


Don't let them see my arm!


At ease!
- At ease!

Our fate depends on the success
of your action.

Franco's troops are in the Toledo

You're off to destroy the entrances
to the tunnels to stop our enemies

from blowing us up and to hold them back
while our troops advance to liberate us

Good luck!

Can we go, Colonel, sir?
- Yes.

Go on, boys!

With five men, there!

Where did they get you?
- In the belly.

Go on!

I'll have you brought back.
- One moment, Captain.

I need to speak to you.
- Quick, what is it?

I can't breathe.

Thank you.

Carmen, you know
- Who? Carmen Herrera?

Give my greetings to Carmen!

She loves you. I'm telling you
this, because she never will.

Marry her! That's good advice.

The best

I ever gave in my life.


A very serious abdominal wound.

First sortie for the tunnel!

Perforated lung, serious business.

Third sortie for the tunnel!

Useless sacrifices

The tunnel's still there.
- We had to try.

We did our best; but now, there's
nothing we can do.

Attention, Alcazar!

Will you receive our messenger?

Colonel, the enemy is sending
a messenger.

I repeat: Alcazar!


Will you receive our messenger

to negotiate with the Alcazar's

Tell them to send him over!
- A megaphone!

- What time? Tomorrow, from 9:00 to
10:00, conditioned upon a cease fire

Yes sir.

The Colonel will receive your

Tomorrow, from 9:00 to 10:00

Hostilities are to be suspended
during negotiations


Agreed. Our representative

will appear at Cappuccini Place
between 9:00 and 10:00.

Hostilities will be suspended
during this hour.

Remove the blindfold!

Colonel, sir
- Be seated!

I should like these two officers

to be present during our oonver-
sation, if you'll permit it.

I'll allow it.

What's your mission?

By the authority of this paper,
I have the authority to discuss

the conditions of surrender.


Long time since you had one?
- Some time, yes.

Keep them! We have plenty.

Why not surrender? Resistance
is suicidal.

We don't agree.

It's not ourjob to discuss these

The Colonel is discussing this
with your superior right now.

These are issues they?! decide on.

This window is finally an ordinary
window again

You can watch freely. Look at
the sky the fields!

Breathe the fresh air without fear!

Too beautiful to be true.

Even the silence seems true.

To think that in an hour

hell will start again.

Once I get out of here, I'll marry

We'll rent that cottage.

On the Tago. Do you see it?

You're not going to Madrid?
- When I'm an officer.

In the meantime, I'll stay here.

For the moment, three rooms will
do, as long as there are no kids.

For me and Conchita, it will be
more than enough.


Damn! They don't even respect
the truce!

I refuse! That's the answer.
- Is that definite?

Yes sir.

Regretful. Now we'll be forced
to use all means.

I know, the mine. Tell everybody

that we prefer the Alcazar become
a cemetery

rather than a pigsty.

And the women and children?
- If they should get out

will they be allowed to go?
- They will be freed immediately.

Can you give me your word of

that no retaliation will be made
against them?

That they will not be used?

Let me know, without going into
painful details

if they will be used as elements
for further persuasion?

Then my mission is ended.

Ended indeed.

May I shake your hand, sir'?

One thing!

If you have a priest sentenced to

send him!

We'll need him.

I promise to do my best to grant
your request

I hope the mine explodes at night

so I don't notice it. You?
- Always the mine! An obsession!

Don't you think about it?
- Yes, but I don't rave on about it.

Mom, is it true, that when we get
home, you will buy me a g*n?

Yes, son.
- And a box of soldiers?

Yes, love.
- A doll for me, mom!

- Mom, when are we going home?


The baby we were hoping for
is here. And now - And now?

A miracle will happen. I'm sure
of it.

You say that, but you don't
believe it.

He woke up.

How do you feel?

No change. He can't speak.

Tell me the truth! What did the
doctor say?

No, I don't want to know.

I know, it's serious.

But there's hope, right?
- Certainly! Relax.

Still serious?
- A matter of hours.

His girl doesn't know?
- She doesn't want to.

She looks at him as if she's begging
him not to die, poor thing.

Francisco was her whole life.
- Yes.

When your whole existence is
centered on one person, losing him is

You have to have lived it in order
to understand.

You speak as if you'll lose
someone dear.

Yes, I'm afraid of losing you.
- Me? Why do you say that?

Because I love you.

Vela, I beg you

You have no idea what it means
for me to hear you say this.

It's true, Carmen. I love you.

And I'd like to spend my whole
life declaring it to the world

How I've waited to hear those

Now I feel that everything I did here

every pain that I felt

all I could do in here

helped me earn this moment.

No, it will be more than a moment.

Death may be near, but a miracle
may still happen.

May God hear you!
- God will hear me.

Calling Alcazar!

The priest you asked for is coming

Thank you, father, for having come

to bring us comfort in this moment.

I fulfill my ministry with my entire
Christian faith

Even under these lay clothes.

You will find the priestly
vestments here.

I have come to you to speak the
word of God.

They're needed in these supreme

of preparation before your soul
is to be handed over to him.

He opens his arms

and in his divine goodness, he
absolves all your sins

as you have forgiven the sins of

In this concluding and heroic
moment of your life

turn away from earthly things

and raise your spirit to the
eternal truth.

That of God.

The short time accorded to me

prevents me from listening
to your individual confessions.

I invite you to carry out an act of

to prepare your souls for acquittal.

Repeat after me: My Lord, Jesus

Given the extraordinary
circumstances in which

we find ourselves, I will absolve
you collectively.

For the repentance of your sins

Ego vos absolvo a peccatis vostris

in nomine Patris et Filii, et
Spiritus Sancti, amen.

Colonel, where are the worst

The last six beds on the left.

He wants to marry in extremis.
To whom?

To me.

What is your name?


And his?


Conchita, do you want to marry Francesco?
- Yes.

Francesco, do you want to many

Ego vos in matrimonio coniungo.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus
Sancti, amen.

Tomorrow morning, we'll take
the Alcazar.

At six, the mine will be blown up.

Toledo will be evacuated

and at 6:25, the troops will begin
the as*ault.

Long live the Republic!
- Long live!

Calling Alcazar! This is your last
chance to surrender.

Tomorrow morning, we will blow
you up!


Excuse me. Come here!

You can see much better from
here. There it is: the Alcazar!

It's time to evict these poor,
deluded morons.

1/60 aperture and no talking!

Put cotton in your ears, too!

You'll understand! It's to shield
yourself from

the noise of 600 tons of dynamite

Not 600; 6 tons of dynamite!

Will we have to wait long?
- No.

One minute.
- Here we are, then.



- No, wait!


Step inside and fight back!

Come here!

The ladder, quick!

Amid the smoking ruins, the sur-
viving defenders continue to fight.

It seems like all the women and
children are buried under rubble.

The resistance at the Alcazar is
miraculous. The fortress will not yield.

After five days of violent assaults,
the situation remains unchanged.

Can they free the defenders of
the Alcazar?

Another one gone.

One by one, they all run out.
- The tanks are coming back!

They're too strong. It's too much
for us to fight.

68 days of siege. Our troops so
near and all this in vain.

By God, don't let them take us alive!

Get some more bandages!
- Right away.

How will this end?
- Only God can save us now.

Not even God!
- Don't blaspheme, God will save us.

Everything here is a miracle.

We even survived the expl*si*n.
- You still have faith!

And yet you lost Francisco.
- I didn't lose him; he lives in me.

Where no one can take him away!

He gives me faith. He and all the

cannot have died in vain.

Their battery is veering about, sir.

Are you sure?
- Yes sir, I saw it myself.

The Reds are leaving; our troops
are coming!

#con Ia camisa nueva que tu
bordaste en rojo ayer#

#me hallara Ia muerte si me Ileva
y no te vuelvo a ver.#

#Formare junto a mis companeros
que hacen guardia sobre Ios lucer0s#

#impasible el ademan, y estan
presentes en nuestro afan.#

#Si te dicen que cai, me fui al
puesto que tengo alli.#

General, sir, nothing new to
report from the Alcazar.
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