Everything Christmas (2023)

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Everything Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

LJ... how are you doing

with the market analyst report

for the Hennessy account?

Good. Almost done.


You are on

the Cabin Crew account.

Drop dead due date Monday.

You're going to have to

work through the holidays.

No, I'm not.

Yeah, you are.

Randy, it's December 19th.

I have a drop dead

leave date tomorrow.

You know that.

I've been planning

this trip for years.

We've been trying to

nail this account for years.

Sorry, not sorry.

No, no.

I have to leave.

This is important.

I have to go.

Then you have

to find another job.

But... it's Christmas.


No one would have ever guessed.

How old are you?


That was a rhetorical question.

Lose the antlers.

It's weird, LJ.

This is an office,

not Santa's workshop.


What are you going to do?

I don't think I have

much of a choice.

Sorry, sweetie.

I know how much

this trip meant to you.


You can't do that.

I just did.

LJ, okay,

look, I know you're upset,

which is totally understandable,

but I really think we

should talk about this

I'll see you at home.

LJ! Hey! Hey! Hey!

You pay half the rent.

You know that, right?

I'll get another job.

- When?

- After the holidays.


I don't know.

You of all people, know how much

this means to me.

When my grandmother died,

I told her I would do this.

I made a promise and it's taken

me four years to finally go.

Look, that's really sweet,

and it sounds

like an amazing place,

full of Christmas cheer,

which makes a lot of sense,

considering the town

is literally called

Yuletide Springs.

Weird, but okay.

And they celebrate

Christmas all year long -

still weird, but that's fine,

which means

you can go any time.

But the tradition

with the ornament

only happens

on Christmas Eve.

There is no talking you

out of this, is there?

Okay, look.

My parents are in Europe.

You said you're not

going to your sister's.

Come on, let's do this!

I can't!

I have my job.

You hate your job.

I do hate my job,

but I have a car,

and I have insurance,

and I like to eat

once in a while.


I have zero money in the bank.

Work remotely.

This will be good for you.

You need a little

Christmas cheer.

Look, I'm sorry I don't put up

decorations before Halloween.

I know a lot of people

can't wait for the holidays to

be over, and I know it's silly,

but the world needs a little

Yuletide Springs, and so do you.

I can't.

Not to mention,

could be dangerous

for me to drive across

the country alone, you know?

You could be

putting me in danger.

You are k*lling me.


I'm saving you.

Driving itinerary to Yuletide

Springs, arriving in three days.

Wait. That puts us

there on December 23rd.

That doesn't leave

much room for error.

That's why I've

got it all mapped out.

Straight shot

and no detours.

"Enchanted Forest of

Lights," what's this?


So, it looks amazing,

but it's gonna have to wait.

I'm not taking any chances.

Okay, well,

first stop: Chester, Ohio.

What's in Chester, Ohio?

A really cute motel

I found.

Hi, Randy.

Uh, yeah, no,

I'm feeling okay.

Could be food poisoning.

Yeah, I know. Twice.

What are the chances, right?


No, no, no, no.

That's the Gadbaw account.

It's not the Hennessy account.

Is this my exit?

Shh! Shh.

Uh, no. No, no, no,

that's just my computer.


No, it's...

Hello? Randy?

I've got no reception.

- Good!

- What? No, not good.

Thanks to you, I've got

twice as much work to do.

So, quit!

I have chosen not to quit

for the reasons we've discussed.

Why not choose to be happy?

I don't know, Lori-Jo,

because being broke

doesn't make me happy.

"Happiness resides

not in possessions,

not in gold.

Happiness dwells in the soul."


Where do you come up

with this stuff?

Speaking of brilliant philosophers...

Hi, Randy!

Yeah, sorry.

I've got really bad reception.


I'm totally getting fired.

Listen to yourself!

You're drowning and you don't

even know you're underwater.

Listen to that.

See? That's what I'm saying.

You have to listen to yourself.

No, no, no, no, no.

Listen to that.

What do we do now?

It's okay.

I've got this.

Do you even know

what you're doing?

Not a clue.

Ugh! See? This is why we should

have stayed on the interstate.


the interstate wasn't faster.

Season of miracles, huh?

Ye who has little faith.


Ye who has lost her mind.

Come on.

Please, please, please...


Antlers and a nose on a truck?

It's a sign!

Or a coincidence.

What's the trouble?

Uh... started making

a clunking noise

and then it just... quit.

Oh, I see.

I like the antlers.

Oh, thanks.

I like your sweater.

Oh, thanks.

My grandma made it.

That's so sweet.


I like it.

Thank you.

Hi there. Hey.

Right, yeah, I'm just gonna

take a quick peek here.



- No problem.

- Yeah.

Gonna take a little

quick peek here.

All right, what have we got?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Belt's fried,

and I don't have one

that's gonna fit on me.

Now, I have folks in my cab, but

I'm only 15 minutes up the road.

Can you hang tight

for a bit?

I don't think

we have much of a choice.


I'm Zack, by the way.

Spelled with a 'C-K'.

I'm LJ -

short for Lori-Jo,

spelled with an 'L' and a 'J'.

It's nice

to meet you, LJ.


it's nice to meet you, too.



- No, no, no, I'm okay.

- No, I'm sorry.

- No, it's fine.

- That was my fault.

Yeah, it's okay.

And I'm Tory -

short for Viktoria,

spelled with a 'K'.

Spelled with a 'K'.

- It's nice to meet you.

- Okay.

All right, I'll be right back,


- Okay.

- Yep.

Ye of little faith.

Okay, it's been 45 minutes.

He forgot.

He'll be here.

He didn't forget.

You don't know that.

We don't even know this guy.

I have a way of reading people.

He is--


Is he?

I, uh... didn't notice.

Oh, my God.

You sound like my niece.

Well, I'll take that

as a compliment.

Ellie is smart

and funny--

And 13 and boy crazy.

I'm supposed to call Randy back.

I have zero reception.

Let it go.

I have, and I've never

felt more free in my life.

That's because you've

gone completely insane.

"You need a little bit of

insanity to do great things" -

Henry Rollins.


I assume this wasn't

your intended destination.

I'm afraid not.

And whom

do I have the pleasure?

I'm LJ.

I'm Tory.

Yes, yes, you are.

Kris Kringle, at your service.

Uh, Kris... Kringle?

I get that a lot

this time of year.

Is that really your name?

Well, a name is just a name.

I'm in character.

Makes it so much more fun with

the children this time of year.

So, what seems

to be the trouble?

Well, apparently,

it's the belt.

Let's have a look.

Yes. Hold on.

Wait. You have the right one?

Of course.

Here we go. Now...

So, are you a mechanic?

Well, I've, uh...

tinkered a bit

through the years. But no.

Different profession entirely.

Here we are.


All right.

Let's... give it a try.


Oh! Spectacular!

Thank you so much.

Yeah, thank you.

I don't know what to say.

What do we owe you,

Mr... Kringle?

Consider it a favor.

Perhaps you'll have the

opportunity to pay it forward.

See you down the road.

- Thanks again.

- Yeah. Bye.


- Okay!

- Okay!

I am so sorry.

Those people

just wouldn't let me go.

You got it going?

Some guy stopped

and fixed the belt.

Some guy?

Yeah, he was older

and driving a pickup truck.

I mean, you must

have just passed him.

That's funny. I don't

remember passing anyone, but...

So, he had the right belt.

What was his name?

Maybe I know him.

Uh, his name was Kris.


What was his last name?

He didn't tell us

his last name,

not his real one anyway.

Well, hey, that's great.

I don't know how far you guys

are planning on going tonight,

but Clover Bend is just up the

road and there's a motel, so...

Uh, we actually have to get

to Chester, Ohio tonight.

We have a schedule.

Oh, Chester. Wow,

that's four hours from here,

and it's going

to be pretty dark soon.

And you know, tonight,

we have our Christmas fair.

It's always pretty popular.

There's a lot of food.

Always a lot of fun, so...

Uh, it's just that we have

a long journey ahead.


"Well, it's the journey, not

the destination" -

Ralph Waldo--


Maybe we could just leave

super early tomorrow.


Why not?

Do they have cell reception?

Yes, we do. Yeah.


- Well, follow me.

- Okay, sounds good.

I'll lead you

right into town.


So much

for your schedule.

It's not going to be long.


It's going to be Christmassy.

He was really nice.

This is so cute.

I would have never imagined.

I can't believe,

if we hadn't broken down,

we would have missed this.

Christmas is a pretty

big deal around here.

People come from all over

for the annual holiday party.

Only problem is our Santa

cancelled last minute

and we've been scrambling

to find a replacement.

How's your belly laugh?


Beard, not so much.

Same here.

Hey, you said there was

a motel around here?

Yep, it's just up the road.

It's the best rate in town.

It's also the only rate

in town.

Oh, and this is where

the party's happening,

so you guys should

definitely come by.

Hey, wait a second.

That's the truck.

Whose truck?

The guy who helped us.

Well, here, maybe he's inside.


Come on.

Here we are.


Oh, good.

They found somebody.

All right, now,

show it to everyone else.

I have a feeling

he found them.

LJ! Tory!

My, my, my!

What are the chances?

Come on in.

Now, take a card.

Go ahead. Here you go.

Now, memorize your card.

Don't let me see it.

Show it to everyone else.

Now, place it

back into the deck.

Oh, yeah.

I've seen this one.

And I wonder...

is this your card?

Still got it.

You look great

in that suit.

I told you

I'm in character.

Hey, thanks for

filling in on short notice.

I'm Zack.

Yes, you are.

Zack, you are.

My goodness,

are you grown up.


Kris Kringle.

Right. Yes.

Do another

magic trick, Santa.

Of course.

I love doing this

almost as much as

handing out the gifts.

Now, who here

really believes in magic?

Now, who do we think

is here tonight

that is the least likely

to believe in magic?

But what about

my friend, Lori-Jo?

Now, I know she's magical.

Do you know that

she has a red nose

and reindeer antlers

on her car?


- And what about Zack here?

You know that he has

the same red nose

and reindeer antlers

on his tow truck.

And what a wonderful Christmas

sweater you're wearing.

You see, this tells me

everything that I need

to know about these two,

every little thing.

Well, let me tell you

about my friend Tory.

Now, Tory, I think,

has a very practical mind.

Looks like someone's

on the naughty list.

It's a good mind,

smart, and very kind.

But I wonder...

Viktoria Fry,

pick a card.

Come on.

How does

he know my full name?

I think we're going

to find out.


Uh... okay.

Okay, well...

All right.

Good. Now,

write your name onto the card.

Don't let me see it.

Show it to everyone else.

All right.



Now, just a quick

little shuffle-- oh!


Pick them up.

Pick them up. Quickly.

Thank you, children.

All right, now,

Ms. Fry,

pick your card.

Now, show it to them.


What? Wait, wait, wait.

Oh, no.

Hey, wait.

Ms. Frye...

what is...

that in your purse?


How did you do that?

Just a little touch

of magic.

Now, who wants

to open presents?


I do!

Now, I'm afraid I'm a bit

short-handed tonight.

Would you be so kind as to

bring in the gifts for me?


Ah, yes.


Can you handle that?

Yes. Thank you. Oh.

All right, team, let's go.

I've seen magicians up close,

but he was really good.

One of those kids

had to be in on it.

You heard him.

It was magic.

It's better not to know.

Ruins the fun, right?

I agree.

I think it was that

little girl in the front row.

Ooh, hot cider.


More of a

hot chocolate guy myself.

- Me too.

- Really?


Oh, boy...


Don't mind Miss Scrooge.

Christmas isn't

exactly her thing.

Well, I feel bad because

Christmas is...

...the most

wonderful time of the year.


Where exactly are you two headed

on such a tight schedule?

Yuletide Springs.

- Never heard of it.

- Yeah.

Two please.

No marshmallows

for me.

Extra marshmallows

for me.

You don't know

what you're doing.

You don't know

what you're missing.

This one's on me.

No, no, my treat.

Oh. Here, I got it.

I'm so sorry, once again.

Keep the change.


I am such a klutz.


It's me, trust me.

My dad always says I'm lucky

my head's attached to my neck.

I just think marshmallows

take away from the taste.

Well, I think the chocolate

enhances the marshmallow.

Thank you.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

You know what?

I'll get that for you.

Merry Christmas.

You can keep the change.

Here you go.

Beat you to it.

Yeah, you did.

Hi there.

Just one, please.

- Thank you.

- You were pretty fast there.

I was trying to be

the generous Christmas guy.

You were the generous

Christmas gal.

- Right.

- Right.

Okay, I cannot believe

I haven't heard of

a place called Yuletide Springs.

And they celebrate

Christmas all year.

Get out.

Yeah, I know.

Sounds like my kind of place.


Oh, thank you.

There you go.

Thank you.

And they have a

tradition on Christmas Eve,

where you can come and place

your own ornament

on the city's tree

and make a wish

or whatever you want.

- That sounds amazing.

- Yeah.

I didn't think there

was a place out there

that celebrated

Christmas more than we did.

Hey, um, when

do you have to be there?

Because I was thinking,

if you wanted,

you could stick around here

for a couple of days.

Lots of traditions.

I could be your tour guide.

I can't.

This is something

I'm doing for my grandmother.

We were supposed

to do it together.

I just can't chance

missing it.

I understand.

That's really sweet.


Do you think you'll be coming

back this way anytime soon?

Uh, I don't know.

It's not exactly

the most direct route.

Tory's also

set on going back to work.

Ah. Got it.

I'm so glad

I caught you before I left.

I have something

for each of you.

Well... what is it?

For us?

Of course.

Just a token of my thanks.

You've been such

a great help this evening.

You too, Tory.

Here. Special...

just for you.

A gift voucher for ECEATT?

What is it?


you'll find one of their

shops here and there.

They're really

quite spectacular.

I'm sure you'll find

something you like.


Cindy, dear?

Would you and your mother

do Santa Claus a favor?

Yes, of course.

Please pass me

a fortune cookie.



Oh, it's a... stamp.


I thought it might

prove useful.

Is this a good one, Santa?

My, yes, it's perfect.


Do I open it now?

No, just wait

until the moment's right.

And when do I know

it's right?

Don't come this far,

only to come this far.

Now, be careful with that.

I know it's not ideal,

but it's the best

I could do last minute.

Thank you, Kris.

Hey, how do we know

this isn't another trick?

Well, now, that depends.

Depends on what?

Depends on whether or not

you believe in magic.

Good night.

Sleep well.


- He's...

- Strange.

I like him.

Rise and shine, baby girl!

We've got to get over

to Zack's garage!


All right,

everything else looks good.

Thank you so much.

That belt was

on backorder, by the way.

You guys are lucky

Kris had it.


it was nice to meet you, Tory.

Yeah, you, too.

Have a great Christmas.

Thank you.

But, um, it's already

off to a good start.

Well, uh,

this was a surprise.

Yeah, a nice one.


Enjoy that fortune cookie.



It's, uh, still intact,

safe and sound.


I hope everything goes

well in Yuletide Springs.

Your grandmother

would be proud of you.

Take care of yourself.

Yeah, you too.


We've got two more

days to get there.

So, if we stay on Highway 12,

it should loop back

to the interstate,

and then we can spend the night

in Alford, Pennsylvania.

Okay, so, we're only

a day out,

a couple hours behind,

but that's not bad.

No more detours.

I liked that detour.

You liked Zack.

I liked Zack.

He was nice and smart.

- Cute.

- Was he?

I didn't notice.

Oh, come on, please...

Well, did you

at least exchange numbers?

You didn't?

- I wasn't thinking!

- LJ!

You know,

it doesn't matter.

Our paths are

going to cross again.

That's one way of looking at it.

I believe in fate, Tory.

The car broke down

for a reason.

Oh, yeah,

because the belt broke.


We were meant to be in

Clover Bend last night.

I don't know how

and I don't know why,

but it was meant

to be that way.

Don't answer it.

I forgot to call

Randy back yesterday.

It's the holidays;

you have to set boundaries.

Okay, well, then, he's

just going to call me back.

So, don't answer.


It's my niece.

Tell Ellie I say hi.

Oh, she's so sweet.

She says she misses me

and wishes

I was there for Christmas.

But I couldn't go, right?

I had way too much work to do.

You could've

tried to figure it out.

Well, I guess that's

just the way I am, okay?

I'm... I'm too practical.

I'm not spontaneous.

You came on this trip.


because you guilted me.

And it worked.

Did I ever tell you we make

gingerbread houses at Christmas?

You never told me that.

Yeah, it's kind of

our thing.

Oh, she would have

loved Clover Bend.

I mean, she's not a freak like

you, but she loves Christmas.

Hey, maybe you can send her

a postcard from

Yuletide Springs.

Yeah, I...

Wait a second.

Is that...?


It appears I have

a flat tire.

I'm trying to

get to my next stop.

I'm afraid I might need a lift.


- Of course.

- We'll give you a hand.


What are the chances?


Let's hope I can call

someone out to pick up my truck.

Thank you, thank you.

More gifts to deliver.

No time to waste!

Oh. So, where's your next stop?

It's on your way.

How do you know

where we're going?

Which way are you going?

- That way.

- Me, too.

It won't be but a minute,

I assure you.

Got it.



Yes, just perfect. Off we go.

Don't you mean,

"On, Dancer, on, Prancer?"

Quite right! Quite right!

Oh, you'll quite enjoy this.

Truly spectacular.

I know.

Not this time, though.

Someday, I hope.

"Someday" is often

a word for "never".

Seize the moment, my girl.

It's just that we have a...

A schedule, I know.

Perhaps, I can show you a faster

way to Yuletide Springs,

get you there

in plenty of time.

Wait. How do you know we're

going to Yuletide Springs?

And it's a much lovelier drive.

Oh, well, it's just we

sort of had it mapped out.

As have I, many times.

I believe it's the next exit

and then left, I think.

Are you sure this isn't taking

us too far out of our way?

Enjoy the moment.

This is exactly where

you're meant to be going

and exactly where

you're meant to be.

Where exactly is that?


Turn left here!


Gingerbread Glen -

what a cute name.

I thought you'd like it.

I can't believe this.

Christmas is everywhere,

if you know where to look,

and the people here

are all very much

in the spirit.

I think you'll find it

a lovely place.

Oh, we're just

passing through.

Of course, of course.

There, the church, that's it.


I was just beginning to worry.

I wouldn't miss it

for the world.

I know.

These are my friends,

Lori-Jo-- sorry, LJ,

and Viktoria - Tory.

Without them I'd be--

I don't know.

This is my dear friend,

Pastor Olivia.

It's lovely to meet you.

A pleasure.

Now, I know you're

in a big hurry,

but I wonder if I could

ask you to help me once again.

Ah, yes.


That should do it.

I am so appreciative

of this.

You manage to track

me down every year.

It makes

so many children happy.

They do the same for me.

Any special plans?

Oh, well, you know,

since moving here,

the people have become

just like family, so special.

We're having a large party.

Even my nephew

says he's going to come.

Now, I'll believe it when I

see it, but it would be nice.

Oh, yes, you said.

I haven't seen Jason

since my sister passed.

It's been years.

Never take for granted

the people that you love.

That's my age-old

wisdom for the day.

Free of charge.

Well, we actually do

have to get going, so...


Let me buy you lunch first.

You can't drive

on an empty stomach,

and it's the least

I can do for all the help.


Great. I know just the spot.

Truly spectacular.

Do you have another stop, Kris?

Oh, yes. Many more.

Busy time of year.

But wait,

if you don't have a truck,

how are you

going to go anywhere?

Oh, yes.

And the reindeer

aren't yet in flying shape.

If I push them too soon,

it's a pulled muscle here,

a strained quad there.

People think

that Christmas Eve

is the busiest time

of the year.

Nope. It's the weeks and months

leading up to Christmas Eve.

By Christmas Eve,

everything's settled -

who gets what,

who's naughty, who's nice.


I guess I'll have to thumb it.

Uh, well,

which way are you going?


Don't you worry about me.

I'll manage.

Besides, you have so much more

to see around every corner,

if you only take the time.

Remember that.

I'll try.

Okay, so, now, he's saying

we all have to be

on a Zoom call tomorrow.

Don't mind her.

She's married to her job.

That's a terrible marriage.

I need to send that email.

It can wait.

No, it can't.

Hard work is a wonderful virtue;

it can take you a long way,

and if you choose the right career,

it can bring you great joy.

But so is knowing when to

unplug, when to say no,

when to... be present,

appreciate everything

that's around you.

I think I might put

that in a Christmas card.

Oh, okay, okay,

but can I at least hit send?

If you promise

to do me a favor.

- Promise.

- Pinky swear.

Pinky swear.

Okay. Sent.

Right. Done.


look behind you.


Hardly noticed it when you

walked in, did you?


Yeah, I guess I didn't.

It's really cute.

Remind you of anything?

My niece - we make

gingerbread houses together.

How wonderful.

Lovely little postcards,

aren't they?

I should send her one.

What a lovely idea.

In fact, I think the post office

is just around the corner.


I'll go right now.


I should go with you.

What? No, no, no, no, no.

You finish your pie.

I'll be right back.



What is it that you want for

Christmas this year, dear?

You mean

you didn't get my list?

You didn't mail me

a list this year.

Why are you traveling

to Yuletide Springs?

It's a long story.

You're the one

who's in a rush, not me.

My grandmother and I made this

when I was a little girl.

How lovely.

We always talked about

going to

Yuletide Springs together,

hang it on the tree,

make a wish.

That's the tradition.

But we never got

a chance.

Or never took

the chance.

There was always

a good reason not to go.

It was always... someday.


There's that word again.

But not this time.

I made her a promise,

and I'm finally going.

Tell me something

about your grandmother.

I really miss her.

She was so positive.

She told great stories.

She had a contagious laugh.

My parents didn't always

understand me...

but she did.

Hi there.

I just need

to mail... this, please.

- Sure.

- Thanks.

- Ma'am.

- Mmm-hmm.

- There's no stamp.

- Oh, right.

Sorry. Uh...

All out.

We had a rush this morning.

I will have some by tomorrow.

Oh. Okay.



Here you go.

Thank you.


Have a great day.

You too.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Me too.

Excuse me.

Hot Cider.

Spare Change Lady.


Do you live here?

No. Do you?

No, just visiting.

Actually, um, I'm looking

for St. Mark's Church.

Are you Jason?


How do you know that?

Your aunt

is Pastor Olivia.

That's right.

Do you know her?

In a roundabout way, yeah.

She gave me the address.

I think maybe

I wrote it down wrong.

I put it in my phone,

but it's not coming up.

Maybe you could point me

in the right direction.

And you're...?

Oh, um, Tory.


How do you know my aunt?

Well, it's actually

kind of a funny story.

I'd love to hear it.

I really enjoy these

out-of-the-way little towns.

Always so many

unexpected surprises.

I really wish

we had more time.

Says everyone,

everywhere, all the time.

Oh, it's from Tory.

She says to meet her

back at the church.

I wonder why

she went there.

We best find out.



Hey, Aunt Olivia.

Oh, my...

Oh, my! Oh!

Oh my... you did come.

Nothing was going

to stop me this year.

You've made me so happy.

It's great to see you.

Oh, uh, don't mind me.

But the two of you...

No, no, no, no, no, no.

We just bumped into each other.


What are the chances?

I'm sure we came

a different way.

- Did we?

- It doesn't look familiar.

You know, you might be right.

Maybe it's this way.

No, wait.

Did-- did you

just see that?

See what?

It can't be.

No, I didn't order it.

You're Ann?

I am.

And this is your shop?

It is.

And I am in the town

of Gingerbread Glen.


This is a purchase order for

Ann's Garage, Gingerbread Glen.

I can see that, but...

there must be a mistake because

I didn't order any rotors.

So, I drove here...

for nothing.



- What are you doing here?

- What are you doing here?

Making a delivery.

That I didn't order.

- How is this possible?

- I don't know.

But I don't really care.

I'm really happy

to see you.

I'm happy to see you, too.

What are the chances?

I just got this order

a few hours ago.

That I didn't order.

Well, I'm glad

somebody did.

So am I.

Hey, uh, Casanova,

fine, I'll take the rotors.

There you go.

Merry Christmas.

Yeah, you, too.

There is room

at my place for you

and all your friends

to stay, if you like.

Well, thank you,

but we're on a tight schedule.

Oh, sorry to hear that.

And you two have already

crossed paths in Clover Bend.

Well, we, uh,

bumped into each other.

Twice, yes.

Well, if it were me, I wouldn't

be leaving it to chance again.

Aunt Olivia,

it was just a coincidence.

I don't believe in coincidence.


- But I forgot the sugar.

Sorry about that.

She means well.

She's very sweet.

You have to admit, though...

Admit what?

Well, us meeting twice,

I mean, that happens, right?

Oh, right.



This is Jason,

Olivia's nephew.

Jason, this is LJ.

- LJ... Jason.

- Nice to meet you.

Yeah, nice

to meet you, too.

Could you excuse us

for just a moment?

Of course.

- One sec.

- Can we just...?

- Mm-hmm.

He's cute.


This is gonna

sound really weird,

but do you remember

the gift that Kris gave me?

- The stamp?

- Yeah.

Hey, Tory.


I know.

Uh, Zack, this is Jason.

Jason, this is Zack.

Meet, greet,

become friends.

- Okay.

- Hey.

- Something happened.

- Yeah, I can see that.

Okay, you can't believe

that everything that's

happened is a coincidence.

Well, I'm starting

to wonder.

Okay, what were you

gonna tell me before?

About the stamp?

So, they ran out of

stamps at the post office

and I had to use

the one Kris gave me.

But if I hadn't taken the time

to search around for it

in my purse,

Jason and I wouldn't have

bumped into each other.

- And...

- And what?

And we already met

in Clover Bend

when I was going

to get cider.

You're kidding!

I have to talk to Kris.

Oh, Kris left.


Yes, he said he

had to be on his way.

Oh, well, he's not

staying for the party?

No, no.

He delivers gifts for the kids,

but he has a bigger,

longer-standing tradition.

Well, how's

he going to get there?

I wouldn't worry

about that.

He always manages

to find a way.

But he did say that

you left this at the diner

and he didn't

have time to return it.

Thank you.

It's a note from Kris.

"Be present."

- What?

- Directions.

The fastest route

to Yuletide Springs.

How long does it take to get to

the Enchanted Forest from here?

Oh, I'd say it's

about a half an hour hike.

It was a big attraction

in its day.

Truly spectacular.

- Tea?

- Yes, please. Thank you.

I mean, it was on your list,

and we're already here,

and now, we can

get there in time

because Kris

showed you the fastest way.

And I wouldn't mind spending

some extra time with Zack.

I know. I mean, I know

Jason and I just met,

but it would seem really rude

if I left so quickly,

after we had just bumped

into each other again.

Okay. As long as we're there

by Christmas Eve,

that's all that matters, right?

I mean, if...

you're okay with it.

We're gonna make it in time.

Nothing's gonna go wrong.

Pinky swear?

I'll pinky swear.

- Okay.

- Okay.



Which, uh, way do we go?

It doesn't say.

Well, maybe you guys

can try that path...

And we could try this one?

- Sounds good.

- Okay.

After you.

So, you have it with you now?



You guys made this?

Yeah, we did.

And that's when she told me

about the Yuletide Springs.

We made a promise that we would

go there someday together.

I think I understand

your love of Christmas now.

Oh, yes, she would start

decorating in September.

But you don't?

No, I'm not that

much of a fanatic.



Oh, thanks.

Oh! Oh, jeez.



That's why I keep it

in the box.

But I'll feel much better

when it's on the tree.

No doubt.

I just, um...

I wish she could be there

with me, you know?

That part's hard.

Well, it sounds like she is.

I think she is, too.

Well, work's

pretty important to you, huh?

Sorry, I wish that it wasn't.

But no reception here anyway.

Well, maybe that's a good thing.

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

LJ's right, Kris is right.

There's still

so much pressure, you know?

That's okay, I get it.

I know what it's like

to have a deadline

and I'm guessing a boss

who probably doesn't really

appreciate what you do.

Ah, bingo.

What do you do?

I work in marketing.

Mostly, I just do reports.

But sometimes,

I give creative ideas,

and sometimes people use them

and take all the credit.

Ah, bingo.

You know, LJ and I used

to work together.

She had the guts to quit.

She's always been

so brave like that.

She always knows exactly

what she wants in life.

Yeah, what about you?

What does Tory Fry

want out of life?

Uh, well, for starters,

maybe to actually

work in marketing.

I don't know, maybe, you know,

my an agency one day,

be my own boss.

Hmm. So, work is the most

important thing.

No. No,

I'd really like kids one day,

But for now, I mean,

I'd love a career,

instead of just a job,

and maybe to get away from

this thing once in a while.

Yeah, that was me

for a long time.

And then... I just up and quit,

like your friend did.


Yeah, seriously.

I was living in New York,

doing exactly what you're doing,

evenings, weekends.

And then,

I just walked away.

I wanted to travel

across the country,

I wanted to see my aunt,

the friends that

I'd lost touch with.

Wait. Without even having

another job lined up?

Yeah, but that was

the whole point, right?

Force myself

to figure it out.

Now, I'm freelance.

I work from the road.

I can make time for

adventures like this.

But I tell you what, it--

it also taught me

something very important.

What's that?

Career, family -

doesn't have

to be one or the other.



So, is this it?

It has to be, right?

Sure seems like it.

Why aren't

any of the lights on?

Maybe it doesn't work anymore.

No, Kris wouldn't

send us somewhere

unless it was...



- Okay, there's lights,

but we gotta figure out

how to turn them on.

Maybe there's

a plug or a switch?

Oh, hey,

check this out.

I can't see

how it turns on, though.

Oh, you know what?

It needs a code or something.

Oh, check the brochure.

Oh, yeah! Yeah.

Uh... okay.

"Don't come this far

only to come this far."

- Wait.

- What?

Zack, what did Kris tell you

when he gave you

the fortune cookie?

"Don't come this far

to only come this far."


Hold on.

Okay, still got it.

"You didn't come this far

to only come this far."

- Come on!

- Hey, look!

There's numbers!

Oh, numbers for the code.



Okay, how did he do this?

You don't know by now?

Because he's

a magician, Lori-Jo,

and a really good one,

I'll give him that.

No, no, this is impossible.

There's no way.

Come on. He directed us here.

He obviously set the code.

Yeah, but how did

he know these numbers

were going to be

in this fortune cookie?

And that's why it's

called an illusion.

Come on,

we didn't actually see

where that girl got

the fortune cookie,

and she probably put

the playing card in my purse.

Guys, I'm so confused.

Okay, Kris, your aunt's friend,

gave us each a gift.

Mine was the fortune cookie.

And that just

happened to have the code

to turn these lights on?


Because he's really,

really good.

Okay, what about

your stamp?

Okay, you said it yourself,

if he hadn't given it to you,

then you wouldn't have stopped

to dig into your purse,

and then you wouldn't

have bumped into Jason.

It was a coincidence.

Okay, like Zack,

who got a bogus order

in the same town

we were going?

That Kris was going!

We drove him here, but he

orchestrated the whole thing.

I mean, he probably

didn't even have a flat tire.

Don't get me wrong,

I think it's wonderful.

Well, okay, well, why would he

go through all this trouble,

when he hardly

knows you guys?

Well, maybe it's his way of

spreading holiday cheer,

which you said that

we could use more of.

Well, here it is,

alive and well.

Okay, well, I think there's

something else going on here.

Okay, okay.

Well, the only alternative,


is that he's Santa.

And is that such

a terrible alternative?

I don't think it is.


Am I the only one here

who has a logical mind?

It's Christmas;

I'd rather believe in magic.

Me, too.

Yeah, why not?


You're outnumbered!

I hate to state the obvious,

but we've been walking

a lot longer than 30 minutes.


are you suggesting we're lost?

I'm not trying to critique

your... orientation skills,

but, uh, yes.

You might have

a point, actually.

We should have gotten

to the road by now.

Did we veer off

the path somewhere?


"Not all who wander

are lost."

- J.R.R. Tolkien.

- Yes!

Although we may actually be in

Middle-earth for all I know.

Hey, hey, listen.

Sounds like it's

coming from over here.


Well, hello.


Chris Bronstad?

- Uh, no.

You didn't happen to run into a

Chris Bronstad around here,

did you?


And you don't

know Chris Bronstad?

No, it's just us.

You wouldn't be looking for

a ride to town, would you?

Actually, we would love that.

Come on aboard.

Thank you!

What a great day.

Another great day.

Two in a row, not bad.

Not bad at all.

Come with us.

- To Yuletide Springs?

- Yeah.

You're the only

other person I know

who loves Christmas

as much as I do.

You'd love it.

I wish I could,

but I do have

a business to run,

and people really depend on me,

especially this time of year.

I understand.

You know,

it's going to be amazing

when you finally

get to hang that ornament

and fulfill

your grandmother's wish.

I just wish

I could be there to see it.

You will be.


All right.

All right.

You good?

Yeah. Thank you.

Watch your step.

I got it.

Oh! What a breeze!

- Hi.

- Cold!

All right, so, there's a bedroom

upstairs for the girls,

couches for the boys,

if that's okay.

That is more than fine.

Thank you.

All right,

I'm going to turn in.

There's hot chocolate and tea

in the kitchen, if you like.

Firewood's outside,

if you want to make a fire.

Good night. Thank you.

You're more than welcome.

Jason, what a lovely gift,

having you here.

It's great to be here.



Okay, I'm going to

make some hot chocolate.

I guess we should

go get some firewood.

Let's do it.

Let's find

the marshmallows.

- Okay.

- Yeah, of course.

This is so nice,

her, like, letting us stay

here - a woman we just met,

with two guys we just met.

Every turn on this trip

has been so magical,


We already talked about this.

I think, maybe,

you're starting to believe.

It doesn't feel like

we just met them, does it?


Okay, okay.

So, maybe some things...

do happen for a reason.

I asked Jason

to come with us.

You did?


Is that okay?

Of course.

What did he say?

He said he really wants to,

but he doesn't feel right,

leaving his aunt after

just getting here, so...

Oh, well, just the fact

that he wants to come with,

that's so sweet.



Don't do it!

- I really should.

- Don't!

He sent me an email,

threatening to fire me

if I didn't answer

the next time that he calls.

What did we just talk about?

I still need this job!

Yeah, you're gonna

get another one!

I need a retirement plan.

You have time to plan.

- I need healthcare.

- You're healthy.

See? Easy.

Not so easy.

It felt good, though,

didn't it?

Yeah, it did.


Come here!

I'm so proud of you!


Yeah, I'm--

I'm proud of me, too.

Hey, thank you, Lori-Jo,

for being just...

such a great friend.

No, Tory, thank you.

I know this wasn't an easy

decision for you to come here.

I couldn't have done

this without you.

Yes, you could have.

Yes, you could because

that is who you are, but...

But I'm really glad

I said yes.

Me too.

My, um...

My head's still kind

of spinning

from everything that's

gone on the past 12 hours.

You're telling me. Jeez.

You really want to go

with them, don't you?

Yeah, I really do.

It's not like something

like this happens every day.

But I just don't

think it would be right

leaving my aunt's on Christmas.

- Yeah, of course. Yeah.

- It is what it is.

Guess so.

What about you?

I mean, I know what

you said to LJ, but...

...maybe you shouldn't

let this one get away.

Seize the day,

you know what I mean?


Why don't you...

just tell him

how you really feel?

Come on.

I don't really

know how I feel.

It's like you said,

I just met him.

Well, and it's like

you said,

maybe... some things

aren't a coincidence.

I don't know.

Maybe we should stop before

we fall head over heels.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Maybe it's better this way,

you know, before both of us

fall head over heels.


Oh, boy...

- Oh, boy...

- Yeah.

Just for you -

your favorite.

I didn't forget.

Thank you.

You're the best.


you're going

to tell her yes.

Excuse me?


tell her you're going with.

No, no, I can't.


you coming here is the best

Christmas gift I could ever get.

Yeah, and I came here

to spend it with you.

All my friends are here,

half the town;

I'll be okay.

Don't let this one go.


I don't know what happened.

It's like I was

hit with a spell.


that makes me even happier.

And I won't take

no for an answer.

I love you too much.

I love you, too.

On one condition:

swing back here for New Year's,

the bunch of you.

We'll ring it in together.

You got a deal.

Why does this

feel like a mistake?

Imagine someone stuck

on the side of the road,

unable to make it

home for Christmas

because you decided

to take a day off.

Thank you, Lori-Jo,

for a--

for a very special time.

It's an experience

I won't soon forget.

You, uh--

you have my number.

You have mine.

All right.

- Bye.

- Bye.

You okay?

I'm good.

You're sure it's okay

that I'm tagging along, right?

Of course it is.



- What's wrong?

- I don't know.

I can't believe

this is happening.

I've waited for so long.

What if it's a letdown?


It won't be.

It's gonna be

everything you dreamed...

and more.

Make it happen, LJ.

You're so sweet.

You're just as

excited as we are.

No, I just really have

to use the restroom,

so, you know,

make it happen.

Oh. Okay.

Looks like we're getting close.

Yuletide Springs!

I am so excited

we're finally here!

There's Randall Stevenson.

He loved Christmas so much

that he started a tradition

of painting all the buildings

different colors to make the

town more festive all year long.

Oh, look!

That's the clock

that chimes...

...at midnight

on Christmas Eve.

Come on.

You're Mayor Bennett.

That I am, the one and only

mayor at hand of the grandest,

most Christmassy

town in all the land.

Oh, I'm LJ, short for Lori-Jo.

I am your biggest fan.

Well, not you specifically.

Your town, this town,

Yuletide Springs.

My grandmother inspired me.

Always wanted to come,

but never had the time.

But then, one day,

we made a pact

after we made

a really special ornament,

and we were gonna hang it

on the tree, as per tradition.

But then, she sadly

passed four years ago

and my heart was just so broken,

I couldn't take the trip.

But then, this year,

I said, "I am going."

And so-- well,

this was my best friend Tory.

She agreed

to come with me,

and we just saw all

these beautiful things.

And then, I met this really nice

guy who had to go back home.

And then, Tory met Jason,

and he agreed to come with us.

And now, here we are.

And I just wanted

to say thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you!


welcome to

Yuletide Springs, Lori-Jo.

We're happy you're here.


You really do need help.

Look, there's the tree.

Whoa, guys, check it out.

Oh, it looks like

they've already started.

Do it, girl.

Oh, wow.

Should we call someone?

Are you okay, Miss?

Lori-Jo, are you hurt?

I think I--

I broke my ornament.

I broke my ornament.

Oh, my...


Look, I know

how much this meant to you,

but it's the sentiment

that matters, right?

I mean,

your grandmother's spirit

wasn't stuck in that ornament.

It's like you said, she's here,

she's with you right now.

So, let's go find another one,

one she would have loved,

and every year, we're gonna

come back and do the same.

You're right.

It's just an object.

No, it's way more

than that,

and it's okay to be sad.

I don't want to

be sad on Christmas.

Kris was right

about being in the moment.

The moment isn't just now;

it was the entire way here,

and I feel like

I might have missed it.

No, you didn't.

If you did, then,

you wouldn't be missing Zack.

Hey, if it

makes you feel any better,

I bet you

he's absolutely miserable.

I sure hope so.


It can't be.

It is.

What? How did...?

It's gotta be it, right?

I mean... wow.

So, what are

your first impressions

of Yuletide Springs?

Hey, look who I found!


Hello, dear!

Oh, I'm so glad

you both made it.


all three of you, of course.

I really missed you.

Oh, come now,

it's only been a couple of days.

Wait. What are you doing here?

Turns out he's the Santa Claus

here every year.

- Get out!

- It's true.

Why didn't you

say anything?

Well, I wanted you to have

your own journey together.

How was it?

It was quite... spectacular.

I suspected as much.

Kris, how did you do it?

Do what, young man?

You know, how did you get the

numbers in the fortune cookies?

How did you make that happen?

The numbers in

the fortune cookies?

Well, it's really

quite simple.

I can show it

to you if you like.

But they've been doing it for

years and years and years.

Now, can I indulge you

to help me once again?

The elves are

rather busy elsewhere.


How did you get

your truck back?

I mean, it was left

on the side of the road.

Luckily, I have an in with

an excellent tow truck driver

not too far from here.

Tow truck?

Oh, they've started.

Come on now.

The gifts can wait.

The candles are a must-see.

What tow truck?



I'm really happy you're here.

So am I.

So, you really towed

Kris' truck all that way?

And I'll tell you what else,

the only two tires that I have

that would actually fit his

truck were flat,

so it didn't leave any choice,

but to tow him.

Not that it took

too much convincing, but...

Kris? Huh.

Well, where does he

hand out the presents?

I guess

somewhere here in the park.

Hey, he left

two presents here.

Oh. I'll take those.


Hey, come take

a look at this.

"Chris Bronstad."

The carriage.

The carriage?

The carriage driver.

"Chris Bronstad,"

that was the name that

he was asking about, right?


- Wow.

- Chris Bronstad.

You know,

I'm just realizing, I was sort

of hoping it was all true.

Yeah, me too.

Mayor Bennett: We'll have to

start the line-up over there.

We'll have his

chair and helpers...

Mayor Bennett!

I'll be right there.

Lori-Jo! How could I forget?

How are you feeling?

Oh, I'm-- I'm fine.

I wanted to ask you

about Kris.

- Mayor Bennett: Kris?

- Uh, Kris Kringle.

- Your Santa?

- Kris, of course!

Lovely man.

No better Santa out there.

Is his real name

Chris Bronstad?

Mayor Bennett: It is.

I still refer to him

as "Kris Kringle," we all do.

Why not?

Makes it all the more fun.

It's just that we...

helped him get here and we--

I was really

starting to believe.

Well, you're not the first.

He's pretty good

at his trickery, isn't he?

So, he really is

just a magician?

I think

he'd prefer illusionist.

But yes, in his day he

was quite the performer.

I don't understand

how he could have done

some of the things he did.

Yeah, it sure

seemed like a lot more

than just smoke and mirrors.

I once saw

David Copperfield

make the

Statue of Liberty disappear.

But he didn't;

he just made me believe I did.

Kris has this gift, too.

Sounds like

he took a liking to you.

Consider that one of the luckier

things that's ever happened.

By the way, I rather doubt that

you helped him get here.

Most likely,

it was the other way around.

Are you ready for Santa Claus?!


Have you been nice this year?


Excellent. Oh, no.

I seem to have left Casey

and Maggie's gifts

behind in the truck.

We have them right here.

Thank you once again.

My goodness,

what would I have done

without all of you

this year?

Well, we came here

to thank you.

Thank me for what?

For making this

a very special Christmas...

Chris Bronstad.

Well, good.

That's what I wanted.

So, you gonna

tell us how you did it?

I already told you.

All right, I know.

I'm just the type of person who

likes to peek

behind the curtain,

see how it's done.

Same here.

Word of advice...

don't peek.

Once in a while, just let

the world be a magical place.

Thanks again.

Are you staying

for the gifts?

Best eggnog

you've ever had afterwards.

- Of course!

- Good.

I assume, then,

you'll be staying the night.

Well, if we can find a place.

So far, everything's booked.

Probably should

have thought of that.

Ye of little faith.

I know just the place.


if we actually find a room,

that'll be his best trick yet.

I wouldn't doubt if he had

something up his sleeve.

Hey, wait,

is that it up there?

Yeah, must be.

What's wrong?


Everything Christmas

Everywhere All The Time!

Oh, that's cute.



The gift voucher from Kris!


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Can I help you find something?

I don't know.

I'm looking for something,

but I'm not sure what.

Well, let's help you find it.

Just give me a second.


Your ornament.

Wait. Didn't you say you

made that from scratch?

How is that possible?

I have no idea.

I do.

How much is this?

$32.52 with tax.

Could you please tell me

how much this is worth?

Well, I'll be... $32.52.

What did you wish for?

It already came true.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
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