Oliver Twist (2005)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Oliver Twist (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

Bow to the board.

This is the boy.

Born here in the workhouse.
Moved to the parish farm.

Nine years old today.
Time to be moved back here.

What's your name, boy?

-Oliver Twist.

-That boy's a fool.
-Boy. Listen to me.

You know you are an orphan,
I suppose.

-What's that?
-The boy is a fool. I thought he was.

You know you've got
no father or mother...

...and that you were brought up
by the parish, don't you?

-Yes, sir.
-What are you crying for?

I hope you say your prayers
every night.

Pray for those that feed you
and take care of you...

...Iike a Christian.

-Yes, sir.

...you have come here
to be educated...

...and to be taught a useful trade.

Here, where do you want these?

Learn from the boy next to you.

-What am I to learn, sir?
-Learn to pick out the oakum.

What's oakum, sir?

Stop asking so many questions.

Oakum's the fibers you unpick
from the old rope.

Then it's used again
for the ships of Her Majesty's navy.

You're serving your country.

Now, get on with it.

Tom, give it a rest, will you?
We're trying to sleep.

-Can't sleep, too hungry.
-We're all hungry.

Yes, but I'm frightened.

Frightened? Why?

Why? Why?

I'm so hungry, I'm frightened I might
eat the lad that sleeps next to me.

O Lord God...

...for the blessing of this generous
and bountiful meal...

...that thou hast placed before us...

...we give thanks. Amen.


Please, sir. I want some more.


Please, sir, I want some more.

Fetch the beadle!

Mr. Limbkins.

I beg your pardon, sir.

Oliver Twist has asked for more.

For more?!

Compose yourself, Mr. Bumble,
and answer me distinctly.

Do I understand that he asked for
more after he had eaten his supper?

He did, sir.

That boy will be hanged.

"Five pounds and a b--"

When I says "whoa,"
I means "whoa"!

"Health-- Healthy...

...appren-- apprentice.

Five pounds."

Chimney sweeping is a nasty trade.

Young boys have been smothered
in chimneys before now.

That's because they damp the straw
afore they light it in the chimney...

...to make them come out again.
Damp straw makes smoke.

Smoke sends a boy to sleep,
and that's what he wants.

Boys is very lazy, gentlemen.

But there's nothing like a good hot
blaze to make them come out in a run.

It's humane too. Yes.

Because even if they've
stuck in the chimney...

...roasting their feet makes them
struggle to extricate theirselves.


I suppose he's fond of
chimney sweeping?

He dotes on it, Your Worship.

Very well. I will sign the indentures...

...to make him Mr....

Mr. Gamfield's apprentice.

My boy.

My boy, you look pale and alarmed.

What's the matter?

Please, sir. Please, sir.

What is it, my boy?

-Now then.

Don't.... Don't....

Go on, my boy. Don't what?

Please don't send me away
with this dreadful man, sir.

Of all the designing orphans
that I've ever seen....

-Hold your tongue, beadle.
-Did Your Worship speak to me?

Yes, hold your tongue.

No. No, out of the question.

We refuse to sanction
these indentures.

Take the boy away.

And treat him kindly.

He seems to want it.

I've just taken the measure of
the two women that died last night.

You'll make your fortune,
Mr. Sowerberry.

Think so?

The prices allowed by the board
are very small.

So are the coffins.

By the by, you don't know anybody
who wants a boy, do you?

Liberal terms, Mr. Sowerberry.
Liberal terms.

Now, as you are to meet
your new master...

...pull that cap off your eyes.

Hold your head up, sir.

Dry your eyes, sir.

-ls that you, Bumble?
-No one else, Mr. Sowerberry.

I've brought the orphan,
Oliver Twist.

So this is the orphan, is it?

Mrs. Sowerberry...

...will you have the goodness
to come here a moment, my dear?

Oliver Twist.

How comes an orphan
to have any name at all?

-I invented it.
-You, Mr. Bumble?

I, Mr. Sowerberry.

I name all our foundlings
in alphabetical order.

The last was S.

Swubble, I named him.

This was a T. Twist,
I named him.

Next one as comes
will be Unwin...

...and the next, Vilkins.

I've got names ready
all through the alphabet, right up to Z.

Why, you're quite
a literary character, sir.

Well, well...

-...perhaps I may be.
-Mrs. Sowerberry...

...this is the orphan
from the workhouse.

Dear me, he's very small.

But he'll grow, Mrs. Sowerberry.
He'll grow.

Yes, I daresay he will.
On our food and drink.

Workhouse boys always cost more
to keep than they're worth.

Get downstairs, you bag of bones.

Here, Charlotte...

...give this boy some of the cold bits
that were put by for the dog.

You don't mind sleeping
among the coffins, I suppose.

Well, it doesn't much matter
whether you do or don't...

...for you can't sleep anywhere else.

Open the door, will you?

-You the new boy?
-Yes, sir.

-How old are you?
-Ten, sir.

Then I'll whop you one when I get in,
you workhouse brat.

I beg your pardon, sir.
Did you knock?

I kicked.

Did you want a coffin, sir?

-You don't know who I am, I suppose.
-No, sir.

Well, I'm Mr. Noah Claypole.
And you're under me.

Now, take down the shutters.

Saved a nice little bit of bacon for you
from the master's breakfast.

In the corner with you.
And be quick about it.

They'll want you to mind the shop.
Do you hear?

Do you hear, Workhouse?
In the corner.

Oh, Lord, Noah, let the boy alone.

Let him alone?

Why, everybody's let him alone.

His mother, father and all
his relations has let him alone.

So he needs someone who don't.


Oliver, ain't you done yet?

I've never known such an idle boy.
Get down them stairs.

Mr. Sowerberry...


-I've had a thought, my dear.
-Had a thought?

You want to be careful,
Mr. Sowerberry, you'll get brain fever.

-It's about young Twist.
-What about him?

-A very good-looking boy.
-He will be. He eats enough.

There's an expression of melancholy
in his face, my dear.

He would make a delightful mute,
my love.

I-- I don't mean a regular mute to
attend grown-up funerals, my dear...

...but only for children's practice.

Look at him.

Look at him.

A workhouse boy and a sneak.
Look at him.

Mark my words, I'll see him hung.

Can't be too soon.

Workhouse, how's your mother?

She's dead.

What'd she die of, Workhouse?

You gonna cry, Workhouse?

-What set you off?
-Not you.

-Not me, eh?
-No, not you.

And you better not say anything
about my mother.

Better not?

About your mother?

Well, I'm very sorry,
and I pity you very much.

But you must know, Workhouse...

...your mother was
a regular right-down bad one.

-What did you say?
-A regular right-down bad one.

It's a good thing she died
when she did...

...or she'd be hard laboring
or transported.

Or hung. Which is most likely,
isn't it, Workhouse?

Help, Mrs. Charlotte!

He'll m*rder me. Help!

Help. Get off!

For God's sake, help me!

My missus, he's murdering me!

-Get off. Get off me now!
-Get him, Charlotte.

Get him now. Go out with him.
Come on.

-Workhouse devil.
-I'll learn you!

-You brat!
-Get the door, Charlotte.

In with him. In.

Very violent indeed, sir.

And the missus said...

...if Mr. Bumble can spare the time...

...then Mr. Bumble's to flog him...

...because the master's out.

-ln there.

Let me out of here!

-Do you know this here voice, Oliver?

Ain't you afraid of it, sir?

Ain't you trembling
while I speak, sir?


-He must be mad.
-It's not madness, ma'am, it's meat.

-Meat, ma'am, meat.

You've overfed him.

If you'd kept this boy on gruel,
this would never have happened.

Dear, dear.
This comes of being liberal.

What's all this?

Oliver Twist has turned violent,
Mr. Sowerberry.

Look what he's done to my eye, sir.

Now then. Now then.

-You're a nice young fellow, ain't you?
-He called my mother names.

Well, and what if he did,
you little ungrateful wretch!

She deserved what he said
and worse.

-She didn't!
-She did!

It's a lie!

Do something, Mr. Sowerberry.
He called me a liar.

Do something!

I beg your pardon, miss...

...but would you be so kind--?

Get off my land.

I don't want no beggars here.
Go on!

Get off! Or I'll put the dog on you!

I haven't much,
but you're more than welcome to it.

Be careful, it's hot.

Seeing you gave me such a turn.

My eyes ain't what they were.

...I just thought for a moment....

Why are you on the road at all,
a little mite like you?

-Where are you headed?
-London, ma'am.



Dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.

Hello, my man.

And what's your game?

You're not from these parts?

Where you from, then?

I've been walking. Seven days.

Seven days? Cor.

I expect you want grub?

And you shall have it.

I'm at a low-water mark meself
just at the moment...

...but I'll fork out and stump.

Come on, up with you, on your pins.

And these won't get out again?

Thank you very much.

Oh, by the by...

...my name is Jack Dawkins,
better known as the Artful Dodger.

Oliver Twist.

Why are you known as
the Artful Dodger?

That's why.

Got any lodgings?


I suppose you want someplace
to sleep tonight, don't you?

Baby newt.

Buy a baby newt, 4 pennies.

I expect you walking for so long
was a beak's order.

-What does that mean?
-Don't you know what a beak is?

-A bird's mouth, isn't it?
-Cor, you are green.

A beak's a magistrate, my son.
Where you been all your life?

Get off me, you!

That's it, you asked for it.

Come back here.
I wanna talk to you.

Lucky heather.

--from where I am, mate,
I'm telling you.

Go home!

Get off of that!

Go back home!

-Now then.
-Plummy and slam.

-There's two of you. Who's he?
-A new pal.

-Where'd he come from?

-ls the old one there?
-Upstairs, sorting the wipes.

This is him, Fagin.
My new friend, Oliver Twist.

Well, well, Oliver Twist.

I hope I have the honor
of a more intimate acquaintance.

We're very glad to see you, Oliver.

Dodger, take off the sausages...

...and let's make a space
at the table for Oliver.

You were staring at the
pocket handkerchiefs, eh, my dear?

There's a good many of them,
ain't there?

We've just looked them out,
ready for the wash.

That's all, my dear.

Blow it.

Hot. Blow it.

Now then, Oliver,
what you must have...

...is a hot gin and water.
Warms the cockles.

Only, drink it quick because another
of these gentlemen wants the tumbler.

He's such a nice lad.

I have a feeling he'll turn out
a hard worker.

Yeah, a hard worker.



Clever dogs.

Clever dogs.

Fine fellows.

All fine fellows.

Fine fellows.

Fine fellows.

Fine fellows.

Fine fellows.

What do you watch me for?
Why are you awake?

What have you seen?
Speak out, boy!

Quick. Quick, or it's your life!

I wasn't able to sleep
any longer, sir.

I'm very sorry if I disturbed you.

-You were not awake a moment ago?
-No, sir.

-You sure?
-Yes, sir.

Of course you were asleep, my dear.
I know that.

I only tried to frighten you.

You're a brave boy, Oliver.

Did you see any
of those pretty things, my dear?

Yes, sir.


They're mine, Oliver.
My little property.

For my old age.

It's our secret.

-You understand, my dear?
-Yes, sir.

Can I go up now, sir?


I hope you've been at work
this morning, my dears.

-As nails.

Good boys.

Good boys.

-What you got, Dodger?
-Couple of pocketbooks.

-Pretty well.



I don't know, Dodge.


...not as heavy as they might be...

...but very neat...

...and nicely made.

Ingenious workman,
ain't he, Oliver?

Indeed, sir.

And, Charley, what have you got,
my dear?


They're very good ones.


You haven't marked them well.

The marks should be picked out
with a needle. And we'll--

We'll teach Oliver how to do it.

-Shall us, Oliver?
-lf you please, sir.

You'd like to make handkerchiefs as
easy as Charley Bates, wouldn't you?

Very much indeed,
if you'll teach me, sir.

I've never met anyone so green.

Now then, boys...

...the game.

We'll show Oliver...

...how to make
pocket handkerchiefs.

You'd like to play a game,
wouldn't you?

Yes, sir.

-Got the time, guv?


-Playing the game, were we, Fagin?
-As is our custom, my dear.

-He's new. Who's he?
-Oh, this is Oliver.


...these are our very good friends
Bet and Nancy.

See, Dodger,
you wanna learn from him.

He's got manners, he has.
A proper gentleman.

We popped in
because we were that cold inside.

As is your custom, my dear.

-Come on, Oliver. Join us.

Or don't you sit
with the common folk?

Now, you wanna be
careful of this lot, Oliver.

-They'll have you picking--
-Picking out the marks.

Just what we was teaching him,
ain't it, Oliver, my dear?

-Yes, sir.
-"Yes, sir"?

You know who you're talking to,
do you?

What's your mother got to say
about you being here?

I haven't got a mother.
I'm an orphan.

You're in the right company, then.

Come on, Oliver,
I'll teach you how to play.

It's called Spec or Speculation.

Three cards each,
and then the one he turns up...

...is trumps.

This is a pleasant life,
ain't it, my dear?

-When can I go out, sir?
-Soon. Soon.


Let's see what you've learned.

-Would you like that?
-Oh, yes, sir.

See if you can take this out...

...without my feeling it.

Is it gone?

You're a clever boy, my dear.

I never saw a sharper lad.

Here's a shilling for you.

Make the Dodger and Charley
your models.

Especially the Dodger, my dear.

He'll be a great man himself,
make you one too.

You go on this way...

...you'll be the greatest man
of the time.

Thank you very much, sir.

Lovely white apples.
Get your lovely apples.

Biggest cabbages in town.
Come on.

You mean that one
with the wide rim?

Too expensive.

Thief! Your handkerchief, sir.

Stop, thief!



-You're a thief!
-Get him!

-Stop him!
-Stop that boy!


Stop, thief!


Stop him!

Stop him!

Mind out.

Stop, thief!

There, over there.

That way!

-Stop, thief! Stop!

-What's your name, boy?
-Give him some air.

He's scared to death.

-Where's the gentleman?
-Here's the gentleman now.

-ls this the boy, sir?
-Yes, I'm afraid it is.

That's a good one.
Did you hear him, "afraid it is"?

-Poor fellow's hurt himself.
-Yeah, I did that, sir.

Hurt me knuckle against his mouth.
But I stopped him.

-Get up!
-lt wasn't me, sir. It wasn't me.

Of course it wasn't. It never is.

-Now get up.
-Don't hurt him.

Oh, no, sir, I won't hurt him.

This way, gentlemen.

This way, gentlemen.

-What's next?
-That is my name and address, sir.

Officer, who is this fellow?

-My name is Brownlow.
-Hold your tongue.

Officer, what's this fellow
charged with?

Oh, no, no. He's not charged,
Your Worship.

He appears against the boy.

-Swear him.
-Before I am sworn...

-...I must beg to say one word.
-Hold your tongue, sir.

-I will not, sir!
-Hold your tongue this instant.

You're an insolent,
impertinent fellow.

-How dare you bully a magistrate.

Swear this person.
I'll not hear another word. Swear him.

"l do solemnly swear to tell
the whole truth, so help me God."

-What's the charge against the boy?
-I was at a bookstore when--

Hold your tongue!
Where's the policeman?

Policeman, what is this?
Are there any witnesses?

-None, Your Worship.
-The boy is ill.

Oh, yes, I daresay.

Come along, you vagabond.
None of your tricks here.

What's your name?

What's your name,
you hardened scoundrel?

-Officer, what's his name?
-What's your name, boy?

Some water. Some water.

He says his name is Sam Waters,
Your Worship.

-Where does he live?
-Where do you live?

-Anywhere he can, Your Worship.
-Stuff and nonsense.

Don't try to make a fool out of me.

No, I think he really is ill,
Your Worship.

I know better,
or my name's not Fang.

Stand away, officer. He's shamming.

He stands committed
for three months.

Hard labor, of course.
Clear the office.

Stop. Stop, stop!
Don't take him away.

What is this? Who is this?
Turn this man out.

-Clear the office.
-I will not be turned out! I will speak!

I saw it all. I own the bookshop.

-I demand to be heard.
-What have you got to say?

-lt was not this boy.
-Not this boy? Who was it, then?

The robbery was committed by
two others while the man was reading.

I saw it done. I saw that this boy
was perfectly amazed by it.

Why didn't you come before?

-I hadn't a soul to mind the shop.
-Reading, you say?

A book, I suppose.

Yes, the very one
he has in his hand.

Oh, dear me, I forgot all about it.

Well, you're a nice one.

To prefer a charge
against an innocent boy.

I consider, sir,
that you've obtained that book...

...under very suspicious
and disreputable circumstances.

-Damn me!

...do you want to press charges
against him?

-Certainly not.

...think yourself fortunate...

...that the owner of the book
declines to prosecute.

The boy is discharged.

-Clear the office.
-Damn me.

Clear the office!
Clear the office!

Next case.

Come on. Move along, sir, please.
Just move along, sir.

There's a good gentleman, sir.

Hold on, Harry. I'll give you a hand.

Mind that step.
Just mind that step there.

Make way for the law, sir.

-Careful. Careful with him.
-He seems very young too.

Call a coach, pray.

-Yeah, right away, sir.
-I'm sorry.

Poor boy.

-Mind yourself, madam.
-Thank you, sir.

-Got one, sir.
-Thank you, officer.

Let me, sir.

There we go.

-Will you drop me off, sir?
-Of course.

All right.

If you could just take his head, sir.

-Where to, sir?


Answer me! Where is he?

Answer me! Where is he?

What's become of the boy?
Speak out, or I'll throttle you!

The traps have got him!
Let go of me, will you?!


Who pitched this here at me?
Who done it?

Come in, you sneaking warmint.

What you stopping outside for?

Lay down.

What you up to, Fagin?
Ill-treating the boys again?

A wonder they don't m*rder you.
I would, if I was them.

Don't speak so loud.
You seem out of sorts, Bill.

Give us a drink.
And mind you don't poison it.


Good stuff, Bill.

So, Dodger...

-...what's it all about?
-A new boy.

Come out with us
afore he was rightly up to it.

-Got nabbed by the traps.
-You see, Bill...

...I'm afraid he may say something
which will get us into trouble.

You were blowed upon, Fagin.

And about time.

And I'm afraid, you see, Bill,
that if the game was up with us...

...it would come out rather worse
for you than it would for me, my dear.

There's only one thing for it.

Somebody's gotta find out at the office
what's being done to him.

Somebody's gotta
get hold of him somehow.

I ain't going near no police office.
Not for nobody, nohow.

I have it, the very thing.
Bet will go.

-Won't you, my dear?
-I'm blessed if I will.

Nancy, my dear, what do you say?

It won't do. There's no use
in trying it on, Fagin.

-What do you mean by that?
-What I say.

Why, you're just
the very person for it.

Nobody about here
knows anything about you.

And as I don't want them to neither.

It's rather more "no" than "yes"
with me, Bill.

-She'll go, Fagin.
-No, she won't, Fagin.

Yes, she will, Fagin.

-Can I help you, miss?
-I'm looking for my little brother.

-Now, who would he be?
-A lovely little boy.

Lovely manners.
Gentle as falling snow.

We don't get many of those.

I think you'll be wanting
Mr. Fang's court.

George, this here young lady
is looking for her brother.

The one that fainted
and got away with it.

Oh, yeah.
Gentleman took him away.

What gentleman? Gracious heavens,
what gentleman?

Well, lives in Pentonville, I believe.

Oh, my God.

No, no. Wait, wait, wait.

His card's here somewhere.

Here we are.

Thank you, sir.

Mr. Brownlow.

Mr. Brownlow.

There's something in him...

...that touched my heart,
Mrs. Bedwin.

Can't explain it.

I feel the same, sir.

Who is he? What is he?

You know nothing of him.

He had a fever. What of that?

Bad people have fevers sometimes.

I knew a man in Jamaica who was
hanged for murdering his master.

He had a fever six times.

-I know there is goodness in him.
-How do you know it?

Goodness and innocence.

-I knew it the first moment I saw him.
-He'll deceive you.

Let you down
at the first opportunity...

...Iike all your other
good and innocent causes.

If that boy's good and innocent,
I'll eat my own head, sir.

How do you feel, my dear?

Very happy, sir.

-And very grateful to you indeed, sir.
-Good boy.

Have you given him any nourishment,
Bedwin? Any slops?

Not slops, sir. Broth.

A couple of glasses of port wine...

...would have done him
a great deal more good.

Wouldn't they, Sam?

My name is Oliver, sir.


-Oliver what? Oliver Waters?
-No, sir. Twist. Oliver Twist.

Why did you tell the magistrate
your name was Waters?

I never told him so, sir.

-You did not?
-No, sir.

-You're not angry with me, are you?
-No, no.

q*eer name.

Oliver Twist.

There are a great many books,
are there not, my boy?

A great number, sir.

Never saw so many.

How would you like
to grow up a clever man...

...and write books?

I think I'd rather read them, sir.

Wouldn't you like to be
a book writer?

I think it'd be a better thing
to be a bookseller, sir.

You have said a very good thing.

Well, well.

We won't make an author of you while
there's an honest trade to be learned...

...or brickmaking to turn to.

-Are you going to send me away, sir?
-No, my dear child.

You need not be afraid
that I am going to desert you...

-...unless you give me cause.
-I never, never will, sir.

I hope not...

...because I feel strongly disposed
to trust you.

Thank you, sir.

I'm pleased
I won't have to wear those again.

So are we all, my dear.



What's that?

This is young Oliver Twist.

The bookseller's boy
brought a package.

Oh, stop him, Oliver.
There's some books to go back.

-ls that the boy who had the fever?
-That's the boy.

Mind out!

-No sign of him, sir.
-Oh, dear, I'm very sorry for that.

I particularly wished some books
to be returned tonight.

Why not send Oliver with them?
He'll be sure to deliver them safely.

Yes, do let me take them.

If you please, sir.
I'll run all the way.

You shall go, my dear.

Ask Mrs. Bedwin
to show you the way.

-And, Oliver....
-Yes, sir?

Give the bookseller this.

The money I owe him.

I won't be long, sir.

-How long do you think it'll take him?
-You really expect him to come back?

-You don't?
-With a ??5 note in his pocket?

No, I do not.

If ever that boy
returns to this house...

...I'll eat my own head, sir.

And yours.

Oh, my little brother!

-I don't believe my eyes.
-Let me go. Help!

-It's a miracle. Oh, I've found him.
-Please let me go.

-Oh, Oliver. Oliver.

You're such a naughty boy to make me
suffer such distress on your account.

-Let go of me!
-What's the matter, ma'am?

He ran away from his parents.

-Get off me!
-Hard-working, respectable people...

...and joined a set of thieves
and bad characters.

Broke his mother's heart.

Young wretch.
Go home, you little brute.

I haven't got any parents.

I'm an orphan.
I live in Pentonville.

Oh, only hear him,
how he braves it out.

-What? Young Oliver.
-It's true.

You come home
to your poor mother.

I don't belong to them!
I don't know them! Help! Help!

"Help, help"?

I'll give you "help, help,"
you little wretch!

And these books.

Have you been a-stealing them,
have you, eh?

-You little villain.
-That's right. You give it to him.

-Only way to bring him to his senses.
-I will, missus.

And you come with me,
you little wretch.

It'll do him good.

-Who is this man? Help!
-Bullseye, mind him, boy.

-Mind him.
-Help! Help!

Look at him, Fagin.

Hold me, somebody.

Hold me, somebody,
while I laugh it out.

Look at his togs, Fagin.

Delighted to see you
looking so well, my dear.

Why didn't you write, my dear,
and say you was coming?

We'd have got something warm
for supper.

Hello, Fagin. What's that?
That's mine, Fagin.

Oh, no, my dear. Mine, Bill, mine.
You shall have the books.

If that ain't mine and Nancy's,
I'll take the boy back again.

Come on, hand over, will you?

This is hardly fair, Bill.
Hardly fair, Nancy.

Fair or not fair,
hand over, I tell you.

Give it here, you avaricious
old skeleton. Give it here!

That's for our share of the trouble,
and not half enough neither.

You may keep the books if you're fond
of reading. If you ain't, sell them.

They're very pretty.
Beautiful writing, isn't it, Oliver?

Send them back.
They belong to Mr. Brownlow.

Send them back.
The books and the money.

He'll think I stole them.

-Please send them back.
-The boy's right.

You're right, Oliver. You're right.
They will think you've stolen them.

It couldn't have happened better
if we'd chosen our time.

Help! Help! Police!

Fetch the police! The police!

Keep back the dog, Bill.
He'll tear the boy to pieces.

-Serve him right.
-Help! Fetch the police!

Fetch the police!

Step aside, or I'll split
your head against the wall.

I don't care.

That child shan't be torn down
by the dog unless you k*ll me first.

Bullseye. Here. Bullseye!


Get after him!

Take your hands off me!

So you wanted to get away,
my dear, did you?

Wanted to call for the police,
did you?

We'll soon cure you of that.

I won't stand by
and see this done, Fagin.

You got the boy.
What more do you want?

Keep quiet, Nancy, or I'll quieten you
for a good long time to come.

Let him be. Let him be!

You're a fine one for the boy
to make a friend of.

God Almighty help me, I am.

He's a thief, a liar, a devil,
all that's bad from this night forth.

Ain't that enough for the old wretch
without blows?

Come, come, we must have
civil words. Civil words.

Civil words?
Civil words, you old villain!

I thieved for you when I was a child
not half as old as this.

It's your living.

Yes, and you're the wretch
that drove me to it...

...and who will keep me at it,
day and night, till I die!

Dodger, Charley,
put Oliver to bed.

Best to take them clothes off.
They're too good to sleep in.

Charley's right. This here suit cost
more than 4 pence ha'penny.

I never felt such lovely stuff.
Have you, Dodger?

Not me. But I'm willing to lay odds...

...this is the same stuff
the queen wears on Sundays.

Quick, get him.

Take it off.

Lift him up.

Up he goes.

Get them shoes off.

Little something for your luncheon,
my dear?

Shall we have a little chat?


Shall us?

I expect you'd welcome...

...the sound of a human voice again,
eh, my dear?

Do you know...

...what I consider the greatest sin
in the world, my dear?


And that's what you're guilty of...


We took you in, we cherished you. If
we hadn't, you'd have died of hunger.

How do you repay us?
You run away...

...you cry out for the police, you
cause us great anxiety and expense.

There was a lad once, just like you,
and I was a father to him.

He ran away, like you.
He indeed went to the police.

And can you guess
how he ended up?

They hanged him...

...at the Old Bailey.

Certain evidence was made available,
not all of it precisely true...

...but all of it necessary to provide
for my own safety...

...and that of my friends.

Yeah. Poor boy.


It's a terrible thing, hanging, Oliver.

Dawn, the gallows...

...the rope, the noose.

You don't always have
to be guilty, you see, Oliver.

They hang you for anything
these days.

That's because they're
so very fond of hanging.

But if you do as you're told...

...we'll be very good friends yet.

You must feel free
to walk about now, Oliver.

Yes, feel free.

-Here, Oliver.

I'd like you to assist me
in my toilet straightaway.

-Will you do that for me, my man?
-All right. I'll be glad to have company.

There's a good fellow. You may start
by japanning my trotter-cases.

In plain English, clean my boots.

What a pity he ain't a prig.

He don't know what's good for him.

I suppose you don't know
what a prig is.

Yes, I do. It's a....

It's a thief.

You're one, aren't you?

Yes, I am. And so we all are.
Down to the dog...

...and he's the downiest one
of the lot.

And the least given to peaching.

He wouldn't so much as bark
in a witness box...

-...for fear of committing himself.
-He's an out-and-out Christian, he is.

Why don't you put yourself
under Fagin, Oliver?

You'll make a fortune out of hand.

Like your old gentleman
in Pentonville. Big house, that.

I had a peep at it, I did.
Nice inside, was it?

Yes. And I slept in a proper bed.
In my own room.

-Good stuff on the walls, eh?
-Yes. Indeed.

Put yourself under Fagin...

...and you'll be able to retire
to a property just like that.

And do the genteel.

No, he's scared
he'll come to be scragged.

I don't know what that means.

If you don't take pocket handkerchiefs
and watches, Nolly...

...some other cove will. You have
the same right to them as they have.

To be sure. To be sure.

It all lies in a nutshell, my dear,
in a nutshell.

Take the Dodger's word for it.

He understands the catechism
of his trade.


-I've come from Bill.
-For what?

-For no harm.
-I don't believe it.

If I could help you, I would,
but I've not the power.

Now, I've promised him
you'll be good and silent.

If you're not, you'll only do
yourself harm.

And me too.

Did he come quiet?

Like a lamb.

Sit down.

And let me read you a lecture.

You know what this is?

-Well, then.

This is powder.

That here's a b*llet.

And this is a little bit
of an old hat...

...for wadding.

-Now it's loaded.
-Yes, I can see it is, sir.

If you speak a word
when you're out of doors with me...

...unless I speak to you...

...this loading will go in your head
without notice.

So if you do make up your mind
to speak without leave...

...says your prayers first.

The short and long of what you mean
is that if you're crossed by him...

...you'll prevent him
from telling tales after...

...by sh**ting him through the head.

And you'll take your chance
of swinging for it.

That's it. Women always put things
in the fewest words.

Supper, Nancy.

And then a snooze afore starting.

My pal Bill.

The door's open, come in.

Don't make such a row.

Show us a glim, Toby.

Barney, a glim.
Show the gentleman in.

Wake up first, if convenient.

Mr. Sykes. Come in, sir, come in.

Bill, my boy. Glad to see you.


-Who's this?
-Only the boy.

-One of Mr. Fagin's lads?
-Yeah. It's time.


Barkers for me, Barney.

-They're loaded.

-The persuaders?
-Got them.

Keys, center bits.


Nothing forgotten?

Yeah, it's all quiet.

I can't. I can't.

You will.

It's Mr. Brownlow's house.

Have mercy.
Don't make me steal from him.

-Have mercy on me.
-Come here.

For God's sake, let me run away
and die in the fields.

-I'll never come near London, never.
-Shut it.

Get up. Or I'll strew your brains
on the grass.

I'm putting you through there.

Go to the front door
and unfasten it.

I can't, there's a bolt at the top.
I know it, I can't reach it.

-Well, stand on a chair or something.
-Just do it.

To the door.
To the front door, damn you.

Who's there?

Mrs. Bedwin? Is that you?

Come here. Come here.

Save me! Save me!
Save me, for God's sake!


Help! Police!

Give him here.

Oh, damnation, how he bleeds.

-ls he hit bad?
-He's gotta be hit worse.

-Give me a p*stol.

We gotta get rid of him,
or he'll squeal.

We gotta do him in.

Here, here. Down here by the river.

But, Bill! Bill!


Help! Help!







Well, well.

How are you, Fagey?

Scarce. Scarce!
Where's Bill?

-He's-- He's bleeding.
-What happened?

All in good time.

I can't talk business
till I've ate and drank.

Nancy, I said, scarce. Scarce!

Where's Bill?

Well, produce the sustenance,
if you please.


Nancy, scarce!

-The crack failed.
-I smelt that.

For the last time of asking,
where's Bill?


Put him to bed,
give him a nip of gin.

The boy was about to blow on us,

-He was seen.

He was seen? Who saw him?

Two old ones.
He shouted out.

Bill lost his head,
fired his p*stol....

-And hit the boy?
-I don't know. There was two sh*ts.

Only one was Bill's.

We made a run for it.
I had ahold of the boy, and Bill fell.

Fell? Was he hurt?

No. Last seen, he was swimming
to London.


I told you not to bring a soul here.

Now you've brought the devil.

You said to fetch him.

His fever is that high,
he don't remember nothing.

You're not well, are you, Bill?
How do you feel today?

I'm as weak as water.

Get us a drink.

-What evil wind has blowed you here?
-No evil wind, my dear.

You, Bill, you.
You said we need to speak.

What you done with that boy?
Where is he?

Safe and sound.
The Dodger's minding him.

They're as close as Cain and Abel.

What about the boy, Bill?

We don't want anyone
peaching on us, do we?

And as long as that boy's alive,
we're as good as hung.

So, what's to be done?


-Not till I'm better.
-Then what?

-Then I'll do for him.
-How, Bill? Where?

Outside of London somewhere.
I'll find a river and I'll drown him.

The boy's weak.
Bill, he was wounded.

He can hardly stand, let alone walk.

When he can walk, tell me.
I'll fetch him.

Now, get out of here.



Bill, you're right.

It's for the best.

I'm burning up.

Give me me physic.
Where's me physic?

You look like a corpse
come back to life again.

-What's the matter?

What do you look at me so hard for?

-What you thinking of?
-Of many things, Bill.

-What odds in that?
-I'll tell you what it is.

If you haven't caught the fever...

...then there's something
more than usual in the wind.

And something dangerous too.

Give me me physic, I say.

No, no, no.

There ain't a stauncher-hearted
girl going...

...or I'd have cut her throat
three months ago.

She's got a fever coming on.
That's it.

Here. Make you feel better.

Sit aside me.

Put on your own face, or I'll alter it
so you won't know it again.


-Does Mr. Brownlow live here?

Who are you? What do you want?
Go around the back.

I have information
about Oliver Twist.

Is he all right? Is he safe?

-Where is he?
-I will only talk to Mr. Brownlow.

He's not here.

The boy's innocent, tell him that.

-Where is he?

-But he may not be for long.
-Where is he?

Give Mr. Brownlow a message.

Tell him to meet me on Sunday
at midnight...

-...on London Bridge.

And if I'm not there...

...then tell him to come the next night
and the next. I'll be there. Tell him.

There, my dear,
you look as good as new.

-How do you feel?
-Tired, sir.

Well, yes, yes.

It is long after midnight.
Shortly, you'll sleep a good sleep.

But my meaning was...

...how do you feel
in yourself, Oliver?

Better. Thank you, sir.

-But for the ache in my arm.
-Come sit.

I have the very thing for such pains
as yours, my dear.

Undo the bandage.

Oh, my God.

It's a nasty wound.

But my magic will do the trick.
You'll see, my dear.

This remedy...

...is older than time. Yes...

...my dear, older than time.

It was handed down
from father to son...

...father to son, and comes from...

...who can say where?

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

For your kindness.
I'll always remember it.




Yes, always, my dear.

But who knows how long
that will be.

An hour this side of midnight.

Dark and heavy it is too.

Good night for business, this.

What a pity, Bill, my dear,
there's none quite ready to be done.

Yeah, for once, you're right.

When will the boy be well enough
to go on his travels?

-Like I say, Bill. In a day or two.
-It's a pity.

-For I'm in the humor to.
-Does me good to hear you.

You're like yourself tonight, Bill.
Quite like yourself.

I don't feel like myself when you lay
that withered claw on my shoulder...

...so take it away.

Hello, Nance.

Where's the girl going to
this time of night?

-Not far.
-What answer's that?

-Where you going?
-I say, not far.

-And I say, where?
-I don't know where.

Then I do, nowhere. Sit down.

-I'm not well. I want a breath of air.
-Put your head out the window.

There's not enough there.
I want it in the street.

Then you won't have it.

There. Now, stop quietly
where you are, will you?

Do you know what you're doing?

Do I know what I'm--?

I think this girl's lost her senses.
You talking to me in that way?

You'll drive me on
to something desperate.

Now, let me go, will you?
This minute, this instant.

-Tell him to let me go, Fagin.

It'll be better for him.
Do you hear me?

Aye, I hear you.

And if I have to listen to you
for half a minute longer...

...the dog will tear some
of that screaming voice out!

What's come over you, you jade?
What is it?

Bill, let me go.

Let me go.
You don't know what you're doing.

For only one hour.

Cut my limbs off one by one if I don't
think the girl's stark raving mad.

-Get up. Get up!

Now, stay there!

What a precious, strange girl that is.

You may say that, Bill,
you may say that.

Why did she take it in her head
to go out tonight?

Obstinacy. Women's obstinacy,
I suppose, my dear.

I thought I tamed her of that.
But she's as bad as ever.

I think she's got a touch of my fever
in her blood and it won't come out.

Like enough.

Well, if she's taken that way again,
I'll let her a little blood.

Without troubling the doctor.

Why, now she's on the other tack.

Good night.

In two days, Bill,
come for the boy.

Light him down.

It's a pity he should fall and break
his neck without anyone seeing it.

Show him a light.

What is it, Nancy dear,
the reason for all this?

-What do you mean?
-That matter just now.

We'll speak of this anon.

You have a friend in me, Nance.

A staunch friend.
You know me of old, Nance.

I know you well. Good night.


...pull it in.

My glass is full already,
can't you see?



-Let's find out where old Tom is, eh?
-He's in the Ten Bells.

Shall we both take him home?


...I haven't seen her.

Something up?


I want you to do a piece of work for me
that requires great care and caution.

What is it?
I ain't going near no police office.

-That don't suit me, that don't.
-There's not the smallest danger in it.

Not the smallest.
I want someone dodged.

-Who, an old one?
-Young one.

-Who is she?
-One of us.



-What's she been up to?
-Not sure she's been up to anything...

...my dear, that's why
I want her dodged.

She may want to talk to people
she shouldn't want to talk to.

I want to know where she goes,
who she sees, what she says.


I don't know. She's a good one,
is Nancy.

A pound, my dear.
One whole pound.

Mr. Brownlow?


I'm afraid to speak to you here.
Come away. Follow me.

This is far enough.

-Why can't we speak up there?
-I told you, I'm afraid.

I may be followed.

I'm here because you told...

...my housekeeper you have
information concerning Oliver Twist.

-So I have.
-Tell me.

He's being held by the devil...

...and he's handing him over
to another what means to....

I must know more.
Is it someone close to you?

-One is. One ain't.
-These men, whoever they are...

-...must be delivered up by you.

Bad a life as he has led, I've led a bad
life too, and I will not turn upon him.

The other.

-Fagin. He has the boy.

Find Fagin, you'll find the boy.

-Where is he?

That's all I'll say.
I've said too much.

No one must never know
who told you.

-I promise.

-Tomorrow I'll go to the police.
-No, you must do it tonight.

Just say Fagin,
and the traps will know.

-The traps?
-The police.

-What can I do to serve you?

You can do nothing.
I am past all hope indeed.

Take this as a reward.

No, I've not done this for money.

God bless you.

Good night. Good night.

Never-- Never say who told you.

Look at him.

What a shame it is. With his face...

...he could pick old ladies' pockets
in church.

His face could be a fortune to us.

You changing your mind?


No, Bill, it has to be done.

Fagin! Fagin.

-What's got into you, Dodger?
-I have to see Fagin alone.

No, no, you can speak
in front of Bill.

-No, I can't.
-Yes, you can. Speak, Dodger, tell us.

-What about Nancy?

He done a bit of work for me, Bill.
I had him dodge Nancy.

What do you mean?

Tell us, Dodger. You followed her?

Yes. To London Bridge.

And what?
What on London Bridge?

She met an old one. A gentleman.


Speak, will you?!

She peached.
She told him Fagin had Oliver.

And the old man was
to go to the traps. Now, tonight.

-Let me go. Let me out!
-Bill! Bill! A word--

-Don't speak to me, it's not safe!
-Hear me speak a word!

Bill, you won't be....

You won't be too violent, Bill?

Flit, boys, flit!

The traps will be at the door
afore you can say "Spitalfields."

Flit! Flit! Flit!







Come on.

Oh, it's you.


What's the matter?

Bill, why do you look like that at me?

There's enough light
for what I've gotta do.

What--? What have I done?

-Speak to me.
-You know.

You was watched tonight.

Every word you said was heard.

I-- I never said your name, Bill.



Bill. Bill. Bill!

Oh, God.
Oh, God, have mercy!



I haven't done nothing.

Go on, be off with you.

Hello, Fagey.

Hello, lads.

What's the news, Toby?
What's the news?

I have it here, Fagin.
It's all in The Chronicle.

You're in it. Bill's in it.
Oliver's in it.

The Chronicle?

Fancy that. You're famous, Fagin.

Read it.

"More information has reached
your correspondent...

...concerning the foul
and bestial m*rder...

...that took place in Spitalfields and
which has shocked and appalled...

...the citizens of London.

It is believed that the victim,
a young woman...

...now identified as Nancy...

...was brutally beaten to death...

...by one William Sykes...

...a well-known, dangerous villain.

The motive is as yet unclear...

...but your correspondent has learned
that the m*rder*d woman...

...had informed on her associate...

...and on an infamous fence, Fagin...

...who is now wanted for the abduction
of a young boy, Oliver Twist.

Neither Fagin nor Sykes
are presently in custody...

...but the police are engaged
in searching for them...

...throughout the city and beyond.

Sykes, according to the police...

...is usually accompanied
by a fierce white dog."

How about that, eh?

Come. Come back here.

We're going back to London.

I'll have people to speak to.

I'll force shiners out of Fagin,
get to France.

Damn me, we'll risk it.

Who's he done in?

-They say-- They say it's a woman.
-He's done in a woman?


Don't you hear me when I whistle?

You gone deaf or something?

Come here. Come on.

I ain't gonna harm you. Come on.
Come on, Bullseye.

Come here.

Stop it! I'm warning you.

Let go, I ain't playing with you!

Let it go, you stinking varmint!


Bullseye. Bullseye.

Get back here. Get back here.

Damn it!

Look, it's his dog.

It's his dog!

Here, boy.

-Don't go near him.

There is a child in danger,
lnspector Blathers...

...but you only seem interested...

...in apprehending this man,
William Sykes.

Your concern should be...

-...for the safety of the boy.
-Allow me to say...

...this is our usual way
of doing business.

My thinking is this:

If we get Sykes, we get Fagin.

-And if we get Fagin--

Sir, we found the dog.

Are we going to sit here
waiting for the traps to find us?

-Shut it.
-No, he's right.

We should do another flit.

The traps!


It's him.

-Don't let him in.
-We must.

Go on.

Go on!

Don't leave us in the dark.

Damn you all.

Have you nothing to say to me?

-Not safe for you to stop here, Bill.
-lf it's safe for you, it's safe for me.

Is it...?

The body, is it buried?

Dodger, let him in quick.


Do as I say.

Don't come near me, you monster.

You're my witnesses.
I'm not afraid of him.

And if they come here after him,
I'll give him up.

I'll tell them you're here.

He may k*ll me if he likes,
but if I'm here, I'll give him up.

If he was to be boiled alive,
so I would.

Why, you little--

Get off me!

Or I'll tear you limb from limb!

Help, he's here!

-He's here. Break down the door!
-Up at the window!

Help! Come up, please!

-That's Bill Sykes!
-Damn you all!

Do your worst. I'll cheat you yet!

No! Bill, no.
He's our bargaining tool.

Not yours, Fagin. Mine.


Don't fire.

-Don't fire.
-Hold your fire, men.

-Hold your fire.
-I'll let the boy go.

I'll let him drop.

Don't try nothing,
or I'll let him go!

Get up there.

Cross, cross.

Up there. Up there.

Grab hold of there.
Grab hold of it.

We must give chase, sir.

Get down.

They're getting away!

There, there. There he is!

Get him! Get him!

Damn it!

Grab it.

Grab it!




-Here he is, sir.
-Come along, my boy.

Mr. Grimwig has something
to say to you.

Do the honors, Mrs. Bedwin.

Now then, young man,
I confess I misjudged you.

Truth to tell, I feared your benefactor
would make me eat my head.

But he's a good friend
and has pardoned me.

-And one for Oliver.
-Thank you, sir.

-And you too, Mrs. Bedwin.

-I don't know as I should, sir.
-You must.

So I'll take the liberty,
if you'll allow me, to salute you.

-To Sam Waters.
-Oliver Twist.

Oliver Twist. To Oliver Twist.


Why, Oliver.
My child, what's the matter?

Why are you so sad?

Are you certain, Oliver,
you wish to go through with this?

Yes, sir.



Is the young gentleman
to come too, sir?

It's not a sight for children, sir.

It is not indeed, my friend.
But this child has seen this man...

...in the full career
of his success and villainy.

And it is his wish, even at the cost
of some pain and fear...

...that he should see him now.



Good boy.

Good boy, Charley.

Well done.

Good boy, Charley, well done.
Well done.

-Take the boy away to bed.
-Don't be frightened.


That's me. An old man, my lord.

A-- A very old-- Old man.

Someone here wants to see you.

-Strike! Strike them all dead!

What right have they to butcher me?

Speak to him now.
Quick, if you please.

For he grows worse
as the time goes on.

Fagin, you were kind to me.

Yes, yes.

I'll be kind again.

I'll be kind again.

I'll be kind again.

-I'm not afraid.

Let-- Let me whisper to you.

You remember the box, Oliver?

With my pretty things
for my old age, Oliver?

It's hid a little way up the chimney
in the top front room.

It's yours, Oliver.

-Yours, but we must talk.
-Yes, yes.

But shall we say a prayer
together first?


Say only one, upon your knees,
with me...

...and we can talk all morning.

Outside. Outside.

You can say I've gone to sleep.
They'll believe you.

You can get me out. The pretty
things are yours, my dear, yours.

-Oh, God, forgive this wretched man.
-That's right, that's right.

That will help us on.

If-- lf-- lf-- If l...

...shake and tremble as we pass
the gallows, don't-- Don't--

Don't you mind, hurry on.
Now, now, now.

-Have you more to say to him, sir?
-Nothing more.

-You'd better leave him.
-Press on, press on, press on.

Press on, press on.

Softly. Softly. No, no!

It hurts!

Faster, faster!

Faster, faster!

Faster, faster, faster, faster!

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