La fortuna viene dal cielo (1942)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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La fortuna viene dal cielo (1942)

Post by bunniefuu »


No, gentlemen, I can't pay.
I already told attorney Pap. I can't!

What should I do? Hang myself?
Here: Strangle me.

Don't shout, Mr. Illes.
We're just doing our job.

A painful duty.
- Painful for you?

4 distrains in the morning,
and then you go to lunch,

4 confiscations in the afternoon,
and then to the movies.

It's better to be a undertaker!

Why do you get angry at us?
We are just executioners.

We represent the sender.
The law of men is tough.

Ours is the face of the law.
Then law is ugly!

Conclude, Mr. Popov. Time is precious.

Mr. Illes, you've a debt with the factory
that supplies you with radio equipment

for 5,000 pengo.
You haven't paid anything in 2 years.

What should I pay with if all we've seen
for months are lawyers and crows like you?

Never mind the insult.

Ask Maria!
- Who?

Maria! Maria!

What do you want?

Where were you, Maria?

Budapest finished the program,
and I wanted to get Rome.

What get? These gentlemen came to get!

When was the last time
a customer came into this store?

I don't remember very well.
Last year, I think.

Yes. Last year in spring we sold a radio.

You hear that?
- Two weeks ago…

we also sold a box of gramophone needles.

What will you do?
- Let me go bankrupt.

Tell the radio equipment factory,

the attorney, the sender,
the owner, whoever you want,

that I, Giovanni Illes,
a Budapest shop-keeper, age 57…

Why are you shouting again, Dad?

Tell them, tell them…
- That you are 57.

Say what you want.
It makes no difference to me. Good-day.

You're not paying the 5,000 pengo you owe?

The 5,000 I owe?

Maria, do you have 5,000 pengo?
- 5,000?

No, I just have bigger bills.

Let's leave.

It'll be your fault if this week
you'll have to close the shutter.


What will happen now?

What will happen? You heard him.
We'll close the shutter.

Try going to the factory manager.

I went eight times,
and he never received me.

His secretary said the file
was passed on to the lawyer.

Can't we talk to him?
- With the lawyer?

He always talks!
It's what he's paid for.

Why should the famous attorney Pap,
a millionaire and owner of nine buildings,

care if Giovanni Illes, poor Budapest
shopkeeper, has to close his store?

Tell me, Dad,
what is that attorney's name?

Dear Miss, unfortunately,
it doesn't depend on me.

Business is business.

I ask you to put in a good
word and tell your client

that my father will do
everything possible to pay.

Please, Sir.

If you look at me that way,
I am forced to answer yes.

I promise I'll do everything I can.

But I don't know with what result.
Thank you, Sir.

Your father is an astute man,
a good psychologist.

He deserves to make money.
- Why? Ah, why?

He uses an ambassador
to whom one cannot say no.

Unless one is a brute.

And I am not a brute, Miss Illes.

You've lovely hands.
- Will you ask an extension for us?

Certainly… Certainly.

5,000 pengo is quite an amount.

An enormous sum.

Come in.

The body shop sent
the invoice for the new car.

15,000 pengo. Must we pay?
- Yes. Get a check ready.


You are right, Sir. For us,
5,000 pengo is an enormous sum.

When one has your mouth,
a smile is enough to obtain it.

That's just a figure of speech.
You know very well a smile is not enough.

You are very intelligent.

It would be enough
to say a very small word,

made of only three letters,

that on your lips would be like a flower:


It is very easy.


I know another very small word,
that on my lips sounds just as nicely.

Which one?
- "No"!

I am alone. I have no one.

You'd be everything to me.

Think about it.
- Let me go!

"It's a deal", you told yourself.

"She's a girl who's alone, her father
is going bankrupt, needs money."

Your reasoning might have been correct.

But you forgot one thing.
- What?

You can't buy everything with money.

What a lovely car!
It does 140 kilometers an hour.

It's always parked here.
- Did you see the boyfriend?

He's a lawyer. Not too young but…

She's a lucky girl.

The radio equipment shopkeeper's daughter?

She is Anna Illes.
Her boyfriend owns half of Budapest.

Buildings, homes, villas…

This one seems nice.
- Can you hear all the world?

Certainly. You want Japan?
- Yes.


Is this Japan?
- Of course.

I can't hear anything.
- They are sleeping.

They are snoring.

Tell me something.
Is your daughter happy?


Good morning!

Good morning, Giovanni.
- Good morning.

Mr. Illes?
- What is it?

Can I sell this apparatus
that's worth 600 pengo for 150?

Nothing less than that.
- They want to pay 80. - Sold!

Sorry if I had you wait, Giovanni.
I was with the seamstress.

I want to be elegant to go out with you.

Unfortunately, I can't
accompany you tonight.

Something unexpected and important came up.

Too bad.

You want to go to the movies near here?
I got you a ticket.

There is an interesting movie.

You want to go?
- Thanks.

Oh! I almost forgot.
I have something else.

It's magnificent!

Thank you, Giovanni.

I hope it meets your taste.

How kind of you.
You want me to get emotional?

Not at all. Of course not.

After the movies, please go right home.

Don't stop to talk to anyone,

not even people you know.


- Yes.

Your jealousy is absurd.
- No, it's logic.

You are a beautiful girl,

and I am an attorney who thinks
that money buys everything.

You don't want to forget?

I'll forget. Don't worry.

That day you said something true,

and men want to quickly
forget unpleasant truths.

It wasn't me… Wroclaw.


A pit seat.
- There are only gallery places left.

How much do they cost?
- 2.50 pengo.

We're not moving?
- Don't push!

It's not me. It's the others.

I haven't enough money. Sorry.
- Please.

Come on. It's your turn.
- How impatient!

You have an appointment?
- Yes.

With Greta Garbo.
- A gallery seat.

2.50 pengo.
- Here.

Let's go.

One pit seat.
- Sold out. You want a gallery seat?

Alright, a chair.

Hurry, please.
- Just a minute.

Is there room in a row farther back?
- Yes.

Thank you.

You haven't paid.

- Your ticket.

I returned the other one.
- Right.

You didn't pay the other one either.

I should pay a ticket
that I returned to you?

Right. Excuse me.
- It's okay.

One chair.
- Right away, Madam.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.


Maria, hurry or
we'll never finish this inventory!

Here. Two rolls of insulating tape.

Two condensers.

Another four light bulbs.

How many light bulbs?
- Three.

Three light bulbs.
Now let's go on to the antennas.

If you don't mind, I'd like to leave.
It's 7 p.m.

Do you have a date?
- No.

My old school mates organized a banquet

to celebrate the tenth year
of high school graduation.

You have a high school diploma?

Yes. I never told you
because I was embarrassed.

How can a high school graduate
end up behind this counter?

My brooch!

My shoes!
- It was here a moment ago.

Do you know the man next to you
who left during the screening?

I don't want to accuse him,
but my brooch…

My shoes are gone!
You realize that? My shoes!

The movie is over. You can leave.

I lost a valuable brooch.
- My shoes!

Without a brooch you can leave,
but without my shoes…

How is the weather?
- It's pouring.

In vain, I try to forget your voice.

In vain, I try to forget your caresses.

Your kisses live inside of me

and call me towards you.

A never ending love.
You ran away from me.

I'd like to forget you, but in vain.

Everything talks to me about you.

This heart of mine returns to you.

My heart always returns to you.

My lost and disoriented life.

Without you, I have no more hope.

In vain I try to forget your voice.

In vain I try to forget your caresses.

Your kisses live inside of me

And they call me to you.

- No, cognac.

Send Zizí to me, if she's not busy.

Who should she be busy with?

A customer wants you.

- Luigi Mali.

He wants me?
- Yes.

Hi, handsome. How are you?
- Zizí, do you have a brother?

I have three.

One is certainly unemployed.
- No, all three are.

The older, more than the others.
- How do you mean that?

He's a boxer. When he doesn't work,
he can't nourish himself well,

and when he's weak, he can't find
work. I knocked him down yesterday.

I brought something for him.

They are lovely!
Why don't you give them to me?

No, they're for the boxer.

If they were a bit smaller,
I'd use them when it rains.

Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You take your whole wardrobe with you!

Yes. The owner of the room
steals everything I leave around.

Taxi! Taxi!

Let's toast.

Dear friends, in this intimate and
cordial reunion, after 10 years,

I raise my glass
to the health of our high school,

to our professors,
and my dear study colleagues.

I thank destiny for having us meet,
all in good health.


You are still the same idiot!

It is an old joke,
but it always works!

How's it going?

I'm at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Special Missions.

It was your aspiration
to become ambassador.

And you?
- I lost a bit of time.

How many times did you have
to retake your high school exams?

Not many! Three.

But then I went to
the Polytechnic Institute.

And now?
- I am an engineer.

What do you do?

What do I do? I manage radio programs.

We both found our place in the world.

Thank God!

Do you know that… Goldan…

He received a huge inheritance.
- Really?

Well, I'll be!

Remember when we called him "marmalade"?


"Sors bona, nihil aliud",
says the poet. And he's right!

Our future also passed by
the mysterious hands of destiny.

Whoever didn't make it,
must not become bitter,

and he who was kissed by good fortune,
should help the others.

To our good health!
- To health!

They stole it from me.

Pino, I'd like a nice steak.

No way. You're on the black list.
You haven't paid for over a month.

May I have a small sausage?

Don't cry.
I'll bring you a herring with onions.

Have a seat, Chief.

Look who's here! Hi, Luigi.
I am happy to meet you.

The pleasure is mine, Chief. Sit down.

No. Let's take a walk outside
and get a breath of fresh air.

Chief, don't waste your time.

I've nothing to do with this matter.
- Of course.

I came because of the bank matter.
It was two months ago. Remember?

Don't provoke me.
I wasn't in Budapest two months ago.

Watch out what you say.
You weren't in Budapest?

- Where were you?

I was…

I was on the outskirts of town.

Come. Let's go for a walk.

What are you doing?
- Maybe I'll be back.

My God forgive me.
Even if I don't go to Mass, help me anyway.

Thank you.

Where are the others?
- They went to night spots.

Got that?
Sparkling wine, dancers and caviar!

The good life. You realize that?

I do.
Why didn't you go with them?

I can't. I've a wife and five
children waiting for me at home.

I will never hear the end of this.

And where would I get the money?

Why? You're a diplomat!

Who is a diplomat?
- You! An ambassador.

Who is an ambassador?
- You are!


What are you saying, friend?
I am an usher, with a cap and visor.

I realize you despise me a bit now,

but not everyone can be
head engineer at the radio.

Who is head engineer?
- You are engineer.

Me, head engineer?

Turn towards me and try
to remain in equilibrium.

I am nothing, my friend.
Absolutely nothing!

We are somewhat losers in life.

Who is Zizí with?
- I don't know.

He is a gentleman
who came with a professor.

The professor left.
Then he fell asleep and remained there.

And what is she doing there?

She always gets next to
the customers who are sleeping.

You don't have to talk with them.

She stays there, they don't send her away

and she thinks she is a femme fatale.

Let's begin to close up.
Let's clear the table.

Would you like me to kiss you?

I'll order a nice steak
because I am famished.

You don't want to offer it? What a miser!

Okay. I'll give you a kiss anyway.

You want us to have breakfast
together tomorrow morning?

I've many commitments,
but can cancel them because I like you.

For the love of God, don't wake up.

So at least I'll talk a bit!

It's exercise!

You want us to be on friendly terms?
Okay. At this hour…

We're closing.
Zizí, take your conquest away.

Can't you see he's sleeping?
He looks like Snow White!

Hey! Mr. Snow White!


My girl, you must take care
of him. He's your client.

Accompany him home.

I don't know his name or where he lives.
Where'll I take him?

They call me Mimi'…!

Rummage in his wallet.

I'll take him to the attic.

Come on!

Does this gentleman
belong to this house?

Yes, he does. Take him inside.

Were these in your purse too?

Have you known my master a long time?

When I met him, he was already sleeping.

Looking at him sleeping,
he seems like a pleasant man.

He's cute! I had better go.

I didn't want to leave
him alone in the street.

I will take at least an hour to get home.

Why don't you call a taxi?

Try to guess.
I'll grant you three questions.

You have little money?
- You guessed on the first try!

Bye, handsome.

Good morning, Giovanni.

Good morning, dear. How are you?


The brooch?

What a shame!

I'm sure that when I went
inside the theater, I had it.

I looked for it everywhere.
Yes, even at home.

I would swear it was stolen.

Help me. Do something, please.
I didn't sleep all night.

Relax, Anna. It is unpleasant,
but there are worse tragedies.

Alright. I'll go to the police.
Yes… yes…

I'll wait for you later at home.
Goodbye, dear.




- What is that?

A brooch.
- Why is it here?

Maybe that person lost it.

What person?
- The one who was here last night.

Doing what?
- That person took you home.

For what reason was it
necessary to take me?

You were drunk.

Excuse me, Sir.

Did a man with a beard take me home?

No beard.

Did he speak Latin?
- I don't know, Sir.

I can just say the person
wore a lot of lipstick,

had long red fingernails,
nice looking legs and…

It wasn't him.

In fact,
the person didn't look like a rector.

It's terrible.
I can't remember anything.

This brooch was left by
the person who had nice…

Probably, because she
spilled her wardrobe there.

A big bag.

It looks like a nice brooch.
How will I return it?

I don't know who that
person is or even the face.

If you allow me, Sir…

One shouldn't joke with jewels.
You should deliver it to the police.

Lost and Found department.
You never know.

Alright, Luigi. Let's say you've
nothing to do with the bank matter.

Are you happy?

You have a nice suit.
Good for you, Luigi.

A nice cut, good fabric.

You must give me
the address of your tailor.

Tell me how you lived so well
during these three months.

I started writing again.
- False promissory notes?

No, mystery stories.
- I would like to read them.

Good morning, Chief.

I am attorney Pap.

Good morning, Sir. How can I help you?

I'd like to report a theft.
- Go ahead.

My girlfriend went
to the Metropol theater yesterday.

She was wearing a diamond
brooch worth 10,000 pengo.


It wasn't stolen, was it?

After the movie, the brooch had disappeared.
Someone had stolen it.

Just think!

A person goes to the movies and…

Any suspicions? Does the lady
remember who was next to her?

Yes. She remembers him very well.

Could you describe him?
- I'll repeat what was told to me.

A middle aged man, vulgar,
stocky, and unpleasant looking.

Just a moment!
- What do you want?

No… I was saying…

That's how they all are.

Movie theater thefts are
the worst breed in the world!

Just awful!

You should come back with your girlfriend.

I'll show her the pictures
of wanted men who are free.

If she identifies him among them,
I'll capture him in 24 hours.

Alright, Chief. That's what I'll do.

- Goodbye.

Luigi, what's the matter?

I would love a cigarette.

I beg you, let me smoke.

Listen, Mali…
Spit out what you have to say.

I won't let you go.
I'll keep you here six months.

If you talk right away,
I'll let you smoke.

You know how it works with me:
first you spit, and then you smoke.

No. I smoke first and then…


Attorney Pap!
- Hello!

How's it going?
- Well, thank you.

Since your dad left you,
the management of the plant

nobody ever sees him,
not even his attorney.

How is he?
- Fine. He's in the country.

Lucky him! Why are you here?

I'm looking for the Lost and Found Office.

What did you find?
- It's a long story.

I met a lovely girl last night.
We had a good time.

We danced, drank and at
midnight we went to my house.

Very good, Andrea!
- This morning I realized

that the girl forgot this jewel in my room.

Give it to me.

You are right.

It is a magnificent brooch.

You're taking her to the station
so they can track down the owner.

It is a humorous story.

It's like a novel. A woman without
a name, a midnight companion.

It never happened to me before.
- Right.

Why waste time here
when you have your lawyer?

That is why lawyers exist.

They take care of the boring
matters of their clients.

Leave the brooch with me.

I will deposit it in your name.

I will make out the report.

I'll avoid any bother.

You're very kind.
I've been here a half hour already.

Besides, I don't want
to be bothered.

Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

Very well. Goodbye, Sir,
and thank you for everything.

Excuse me.
I need you to come to my office today.

Around 3 p.m. Are you free?
- I'm at your disposal.

I would like to talk about a matter…

that is very interesting!

I will surely come. Goodbye.

A cigarette?

Do you want to smoke?

No! First you must confess something.

Something unimportant.


I'll wait for you.

I told you.
I'm willing to wait even six months.

What can I tell you to let me smoke?

Tell us what you did yesterday.
- Alright. I'll tell you.

You'll find out anyway when
that man returns. A cigarette!

Excuse me.

And so?


What day was yesterday?
- It is not important.

I like to be precise.

Yesterday was October 17, Friday.

The number 17 and Friday bring bad luck.

I woke up at noon and went for a walk.

I had dinner at a restaurant.

Then I went to the movies.

I chose the Metropol.

I went in without paying.
- Why?

The cashier is an old friend of mine.

I sat in a seat, and then…

Excuse me, Chief. I am still here.

I've come to get the report
for the brooch theft.

It was a mistake. It was found at home.

I apologize. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Well, did you sit down?
- Yes.

Right or left?

Neither right or left. In the middle.

And then?


I saw a wonderful movie.

You should go see it, Chief.

Take him back inside.
- Please, gentlemen.

Good morning.
- Good morning.

Did you go to the police?
Tell me now. I am worried.

Yes, I did.
- And so?

I have good news.
- Was the thief found?

No. The brooch was found.

Here it is.

You are a magician, Giovanni.
How did you do it?

I don't get credit.
But I must give you some advice.

Be more careful.
Try not to forget such valuable objects

in the homes of your young friends.

Especially when you go there at
night after meeting them in a bar!

What? Are you crazy?

Just a small distraction
is enough to jeopardize

the surest and most convenient schemes.

Your marriage, for example!

I don't understand.
- Yes, you do, dear!

I'm sorry for you,
but I opened my eyes just in time.

You can go now, Miss Illes.

We've said everything.
I think it's useless to continue.

You are crazy! Will you explain?
- Again?

You are stubborn!
You want to know everything?

I got the brooch from the man
who spent the night with you!

Is that enough?

He is my friend.

You were unfortunate, Miss Illes, eh?

You're not intelligent. You should
know that tears are useless with me.


Yes… thanks.

Here you are. He is your man.

I called him in so that you can thank him
for restitution of the brooch.

It will be my pleasure
to speak with this gentleman.

No, you stay here.

I shall call you.

You don't know how
hateful you seem to me now.

Good morning, Sir.
- Good morning.

Here I am at your disposal.
You took care of the brooch matter?

Nobody could have done it better than me.

I was able to directly return
the brooch to its owner.

Your mysterious friend,
your midnight companion.

How is it possible?
Did you find her at the station?

No. It was a lot easier.

That lady is…

She was my fiancé.

Are you kidding?
- No, it's the truth.

Don't be embarrassed.
It's not your responsibility.

You didn't know her.

And I realize…

that I didn't know her either.

That's impossible, Sir.
I wasn't very precise. The woman…

Dear, it's useless to deny it.

Attorney Pap is an intelligent man.
He knows everything.


I was forgetting something.

I would never have believed…
- No!

I'm grateful to you.

If it hadn't been for you,
that woman would've become… my wife!

What happened between the attorney and you?

Don't shout.
They'll hear you in the store.

I don't care!
Why did you break up?

I can't tell you.

If I find out that he…

I'll go to him and bust his head.

You will do nothing of the kind.

What will happen to the store?

Your fiancé will go back
to being the factory attorney.

Tell me…
Is it a definitive breakup?


Without any hope?
- Without any hope.

Those confiscation men will return
and we'll lower the shutter.

I had already begun to make plans.

I wanted to expand the store
and put ads in the papers.

Next Summer I wanted to go
to Hévíz to cure my sciatica.

Come on, Dad. I am here.

Today I will go talk
to the factory manager.

I should have done so right away.

Next Summer you'll go to Hévíz
for your sciatica. You've my word!

Good morning, Sir.
- Good morning.

The rector is back.

Which one?
- The one without a beard.

The lady who accompanied me last night?

The one who took you home this morning.

Excuse me.
- Hi.

Good morning. Can I help you?

You don't recognize me? I'm Zizí.
- Zizí?

Zizí from Gambero Rosso.
I took you home last night.

How many women took me home last night?
You too?

If there were two, it would've been better.
You were heavy.

Unfortunately, I was alone.
I came to get my brooch back.

You mean you left it here?

Don't start again, handsome!


What is it, Sir?

Who is this lady?
- She is the "handsome" one.

- I already told you who she is, Sir.

She's the one who came last night?
- Exactly, Sir.

Nobody else?
- Unfortunately, I was here, Sir.

I'm going crazy.
Didn't you see a beautiful blond lady?

I see. You want to trick me,
as they do at Gambero Rosso.

I'm flabbergasted.
I thought you were a real gentleman.

How shameful!
Mr. Servant, did you see…

What? I am not Mr. Servant!

Servant, you saw when my bag fell.
The brooch was inside it.

How did you come to possess that brooch?

You won't believe it.
It fell down from Heaven.

Heaven took it back. Goodbye, Miss.

What? What? What?

Bring out that brooch,
or I'll go to the police.

I don't have it anymore.

You sold it, huh?

Of course not!

Then you pawned it.
- Not that either.

I'll write an address for you.

Do you have a pencil?
- I don't. Maybe the servant does.

If the brooch is yours,
this gentleman will return it.

If he asks me how I got it,
what should I answer?

The truth.
- That it fell from Heaven?

Yes, dear. Heaven.

I don't like this matter.

That is what happens when you
associate with drunk gentleman.

Was she really here last night?
- Yes.

Fantastic! Incredible!

Then why did the other
woman say it was her?

Servant, open the door.

Is it possible he doesn't show up all day?

Yes, Miss.
- I absolutely must talk to him.

Call him at home.
- It's forbidden.

Miss, do me a favor.
I absolutely must talk to him.

I can't. I did it once and lost my job.

You'll lose your job but will have
our family's eternal gratitude.

Then why did she say it?
For what reason?

How can I find her?

I must advise the lawyer.

"Pap… Luigi, Ernesto…"

"Pap Giovanni, lawyer. 57836."

- Good morning, Sir.

I am Adele. Please excuse
me and don't get angry.

The owners of the Illes company are here.

How many times did I tell you
I don't want to be disturbed at home?

I don't care.
Attorney Pap took care of it.

I told the lady, but she insisted.

Excuse me, Sir. My respects.

Hello? I am Anna Illes.

My lawyer is dealing with it.
I don't discuss business at home.

Where, then?
My father is 57 years old.

He's been here 8 times and
never went beyond the waiting room.

Please, give us an extension.
It's not in your interest to…

Miss Illes, let us judge
what is in our interest.

I need the phone now.
Excuse me, but…

What did you say to me?

Miss Illes, are you a bit tipsy?

Whoever owes a debt, must pay.

- Yes. It's scandalous.

Oh, God, my job!

What? You're talking to me?
I am a shrew?

My old father is a swindler?

Remember the name of Anna Illes.

It's that of a woman who will slap you!

Come on. I've finished.

Hello? This is Andrea Pacai.
Good morning, Sir.

Sorry to bother you, but
after our conversation today,

I need information on
the lady that was at your home.

Yes. Things are getting complicated.
I'll tell you.

Don't tell me anything. The matter
doesn't interest me anymore.

It has been definitively straightened out.

Her name? I'll tell you right away.

She's the daughter of your client.
Her name is Anna Illes.

The shrew!

Is that the Illes' store,
where a beautiful blond girl lives?

Yes, Sir.

Here she is.

Hello, beautiful!

You don't recognize me anymore?

You were more outgoing
in attorney Pap's home yesterday.

Even the other night in my home, I imagine.

Are you the attorney's friend?

You don't seriously believe that I…

Why not? There is a God for drunkards too.

I really hope that god entrusted
me to you the other night.

I thank him.
- Stop it.

You know very well
I never went to your home.

Too bad.

When you caressed me
in the attorney's office,

I was convinced you were
the mysterious girl who accompanied me.

I couldn't remember anything.

Well, we've clarified the misunderstanding.
Good-day, Sir.

Just a moment!
I've a right to an explanation.

Why'd you lead the attorney to think
that the other evening you and I…

I'm not the person
who made him believe that.

He accused me in a very shameful way.

I had to get revenge with the same w*apon.

That man disgusted me.
- But you didn't think of me.

You could have caused me trouble,
ruined me.

What if I were married or had a girlfriend?

Please, excuse me.
I acted on impulse, without thinking.

It was like a blow from a whip!

- Where are you going now?

To the saddler.
- To buy a saddle?

No, something else.

May I accompany you?
- If you like.

What would you like?
- A whip.

What kind?
- A strong one, for a dog.

You want to hit a dog with a whip?

Yes, I need it for a dog
who runs a factory.

Why don't you get this one? It's very nice.
- No.

This is thinner.
I think dogs prefer it.

The factory manager, too.
- No, I want this one. How much?

Two pengo. Should I wrap it up?

No, thanks. I've no time to unwrap it.

Thank you, miss. Goodbye.

Come back soon.
- I hope not!

I'm going to that man.
- I wouldn't want to be in his place.

- May I accompany you?

If you commit a crime,
we'd better run away with a car!

As you wish.

I'm looking for the manager's office.

First floor on the left.
- Thank you.

Yes, Mr. Manager?

Whoever looks for me,
I'm not in the office today or tomorrow.

I may go on a trip.

Come in.

Hi, handsome.
- You are here again?

I couldn't talk to the lawyer yesterday.
I hope to, today.

He's getting up and getting dressed.
- Lucky him!

It's early to come to the office.
- I still must go to bed.

You didn't sleep?
What did you do all night?

What do you care? Don't ask me
questions because I'm too sleepy.

Go on.

Wake me up with the lawyer comes.

Good morning, Sir.
- Good morning.


Is the attorney here?
- I didn't wake you up for this.

I wanted to say you can sleep until 3 p.m.

He wasn't there.
He's not going to the office today either.

I can't even let out steam with him.

Who is this rude man?
- A factory manager.

Where can I accompany you?
- Wherever you want.

The life of a poor girl is not easy.

I shouldn't have gotten engaged
to attorney Pap without loving him.

I have no grudges against him.
It is my fault.

No. He should've trusted you more.

I never would've
believed something like that.

Because you are nothing to me.
You're a stranger.

A friend.
- A friend.

But if you had been a fiancé, a husband,

you'd have done the same,
when facing evidence, the brooch.

Men are all the same.

Look at that hateful factory manager.

Don't think about it anymore.
Don't get upset.

I called him and asked for a favor
for my father who's old and tired.

He said no and insulted me,
saying my father was a swindler.

He surely said it without
thinking or giving it importance.

You think a person can insult
a poor old man without realizing it?

He didn't mean that.

That manager must have
had problems and worries.

And besides… he had not seen you.

If he could have seen you…

Look how lovely it is here.


I would like these hours to never end.

The idea of telling my father
that nothing can be done…

Don't go back home.

You'll go back later,
when I have straightened out the matter.

I wish I could be useful to you.
- How?

I'm very happy to have met you, Anna.

Give me your hand.

Like that. The two of us,
can do great things together.

Your little hand gives me
great strength and security.

You want to see me found
the biggest automobile factory?

Build the most colossal dam?
Raise up the world?

All you have to do is hold my hand.

I'll start with straightening
out the hateful manager problem,

and that of his broken radios.

It's 2:30 p.m. and Anna isn't back yet.

It's never happened before.
- No, never.

Maria… I am afraid.

Of what?
- I don't know.

Boss… I am afraid too.

Of what?

The same thing you are afraid of.

If I only knew
where to look for her!

I have an idea.

Go to the lawyer and find out
what happened between them.

That is the key to the mystery.

I've another idea. I'll come too.
We'll close the store,

so we won't use electricity
and finally earn something!

I was born unfortunate, Chief.

For any other man,

sitting in the movies
next to a beautiful woman

is not something unfortunate.
For me it is.

A beautiful girl sat next to me.


Like an angel.

That is where my misfortune begins.
- What did you do?

What you would have done, Chief.

I waited for the lights to go off,

and I slowly moved my hand.

With much tact, I assure you!

An approach.

If it had gone well…

The lady slapped you?
- No!

My hand touched her brooch.

Here. At this level.

What a tragedy!

I didn't know whether
to go on approaching her…

Or to take the brooch.
- That's it. Bravo!

A difficult choice.
The girl was very beautiful!

But so was the brooch.

What could a poor man do?

What did you decide?
- Emotions won.

It may not seem like it,
but I am sentimental.

I thought, "She could have
a husband or a fiancé,"

"a boyfriend."

"If I touch her, they could
get angry and offended."

"While a brooch comes and goes."

"You can buy another one."

Chief, I took the brooch.

Where is it now?
- Just a minute.

First I'll finish the cigar.
I know how these things end up.

If I speak, goodbye cigar.

Come on. Speak.
Where did the brooch go?

I don't know.
- What do you mean?

I don't know.

May I never see your face again,
if I know where it is.

Miss! Miss! Miss!

Hey, Miss! Miss! They're here.

It's you!

Did I sleep a half hour?
- A half hour?

Six and a half hours.

Meanwhile, the attorney lost
three cases and is having lunch.

Lunch? What's for lunch?

Roast duck.
- Roast ducks exist?

Are you hungry?
- Strange. Sometimes I am.

- Good-day.

Good-day, Mr. Illes,
Good-day, Mr. Elena.

- Excuse me, Mr. Maria.

Is the attorney in?
- Go on.


But, I will never…
- Miss.

If you're hungry,
go to the restaurant below here.

I won't go.
- Why not?

I will grant you three questions to guess.

It's tiresome to go down the stairs?
- One.

You don't like eating in restaurants?
- Two.

You have no money?
- Guessed!

How can you say that about
my daughter? Scoundrel!

Boss, put down that chair!
- Get out of here!

My Anna!

How can you think something like that?

Not me, boss. It would be wise
to talk to that Andrea Pacai.

- Excuse me, Sir. I've been waiting.

Excuse me a minute. Hello?

Yes, I am attorney Pap.

At the station now?
I already withdrew the report.

The brooch was found.

I must come anyway?
Alright, Chief. I'll be right there.

Yes, I'm coming now.

What do you want?
- It's the third time I come.

I'm sorry, but I can't listen to you.

But Sir…!

What time is it?
- Four o'clock.

Hello. I called
the radio equipment factory.

The manager wasn't there.
He won't be in the office today.

I'll accompany you to his
home and you'll give him this.

What is it?
- Money. 5,000 pengo.

Who does it belong to?
- Not to me, or you.

In five minutes it will belong
to the radio equipment company.

You don't really think
I'll accept your money, do you?

Why not?
It's not a gift, but a loan.

I can't accept.

What silly pride!

It is your duty to accept.
- Please, lower your voice!

It is your duty to accept.

Think of the store, your old father,
his sciatica, bankruptcy!

Be quiet!
- Yes, bankruptcy!

If you refuse what I offer you,
I'll start shouting.

Give me your purse.

How did you get it?

You are so rich as to
give out money so easily?


American billionaires
are beggars compared to me.

I own gold mines, oil wells,
caoutchouc plantations.

I even have a bucket full of earrings,

but I don't wear them
because my ears aren't pierced.

Let's go to the manager.

You stole the brooch?

No! I didn't steal it.
I happened to have it in my hand.

Describe the lady at
the movie theater to me.

Beautiful, lovely, blond.

I don't understand why
she chose a boyfriend like you.

Who did you give the brooch to?
- I put it on Zizí's table.

Who is Zizí?
- You don't know her?

Sir, now you will listen to me.
- You again?

What do you want?
- The brooch!

What? You are…
- I am Zizí.

Are you the woman who last night…
- Yes. Heaven forbid!

Come with me.
- Where're you taking me, handsome?

Now go up to the manager
and I'll wait for you here.

I want the satisfaction of
throwing this money in his face.

Like in the third act of La Traviata!

No, Anna, you must be very kind.

I'll show him my teeth.
- Smiling.

Sometimes one must know
how to forgive.

Maybe this man is a very pleasant person.

You don't know him and
defend him like a friend. Why?

Maybe he's in love and when you called

he was looking for a girl
he had barely seen,

a delightful girl who had
stolen his soul, heart, senses,

and feared he wouldn't find her anymore.

What imagination!
- It's not imagination.

Sometimes life carries out
the most absurd hypothesis.

You don't know…

I know you are a good and generous man.

Your kindness leads you
to forgive everything.

I would like to learn from you.

You are the most delightful of men!

Announce me, please.
- Please wait here, Miss.

Excuse me. You can't go in.
The manager is not receiving.

Let me by. I want to go in!
- What manners!

Leave us alone.


Then it's true!
- Dad, why did you come here?

Shame on you!
Are you brazen enough to ask?

They told me you came often
to this man's house, but I…

What? I don't know him. I came to…

Don't lie!
- Mr. Illes…

Leave me alone!
- Let's go.

The manager is waiting for you.

Relax, Mr. Illes.

I want to know!
- Mr. Illes!

Sir, Sir, I want to know if my
daughter was here the other night.

I have the right to know. Yes or no?

Answer my father.

Dear, it's useless to deny.
Everyone knows it.

I'll k*ll him!
- Mr. Illes!

Calm down, Mr. Illes.
I know what my duty is.

Excuse me.

It so seems I arrived too late.

You wanted to explain
that my midnight companion was…

Me, Zizí! Yes!

I was here the night
my brooch fell from Heaven.

Why are you laughing? It's true.

A brooch fell from Heaven on my table.

Give it back to me now.
I've no time to waste.

I'd like to know what
I've to do with this matter.

My mistake was unpardonable.

The pin is not yours.
It belongs to the lady.

Why give it to me,
if heaven decided to give it to her?


The same heaven that gave you to another.

Goodbye, Anna. Good luck.
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