What Did the Lady Forget? (1937)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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What Did the Lady Forget? (1937)

Post by bunniefuu »

Right, then. Go straight to the office...

Don't dawdle on the way

Don't worry

I'll call in 30 minutes to check

Oh, hello Fujio

Is your mother here, too?

Why are you outside?

It's no fun listening to women's talk

Well, why don't we go in together?

I'm fine out here

Right, you wait out here

Aunty! Tell mom...

If she's not out soon, I'm leaving!

I'll tell her

Mrs. Ishino has arrived



Please come in

I hope you're well

Been here long?

A little while

You're very pretty, today

You look stunning, today

Today you're really beautiful

What's with the ?today-today??

She always thinks she's beautiful


That's a lovely wrap!

You're being sarcastic

You bought it at Mitsukoshi?

No, is it too earthy?


You don't feel it is?

How old are you?

Old enough

Terrible, terrible

What's so funny?

Isn't that it?

Perhaps you're right

Getting a lot of lines recently

Grows older?

You don't have to spell it out

Only when laughing, though

I've tried it in front of the mirror

See, no lines that time? Isn't there?

Let's hear it again

Reminds one of a zoo


Gotta give it up

Fujio is tired of waiting

You'd better leave

Can you solve this?


If you have thirty two 5 sen
and 1 sen coins...

And you're short 2 sen
on a bill of Y130

How many of each denomination
did you have?

What is it?

Fujio's homework, from yesterday

He's starting junior high this year

The preliminaries are so complicated

And if I can't do the work
he's been set...

It kept me up till 2 a.m

Working on this?

Yes. Go on, solve it

Thirty two 5 sen and 1 sen coins...

...2 sen short on a bill of Y130

Forget it. It's our cross to bear

Wait. If you call it X...

You can't do it like that!

No using algebra

A total of 32 coins...

And no using real coins!


I've got it!

It just takes patience
No, that's wrong too

You don't have to get upset about it

They don't do this in junior

If you could do it you'd say they do

Couldn't the doctor find me a tutor?

Perhaps from among his students

I simply can't do it myself
Please ask him

You worry too much

I don't really care who

just so long as he's clean

You're just after a Fredrick March type

That would be lovely

Please, I'm serious

I'll keep my eyes open

Don't forget, will you?

Please, for Fujio's sake

You're leaving?

Off to the Ginza
Today's act of motherly love

My niece from Osaka
arrives here tomorrow

It'll be good to see her again

I like the girl

She's such a smart, tidy girl



Didn't know you had a sister like this

Be serious. Silly


I'm getting hungry
Is there anything to eat?

There are some biscuits

Something a little more solid?

Like what?

What is there?



How about sushi?

A bit too cold...

Then what...Rice?

Topped with eel. But then again...

You're hard to please

Rice with a helping of eel on the side

In a tiered box

You eat a lot! Is one enough?

If not, I'll have biscuits


Is the doctor home?

No, he's at the university

Right, he teaches on Wednesdays

It's Nakanishi on the phone

I'll take it in here

Hello, I'm just testing now

It looks bad for you

You'll never have children

Tidy this up, please

Sir, it's time for your class

Which room?

Number 27


The book I ordered has arrived

Can you bring it to my place?

?Salmonella was rife in the town
of Frankenhausen?

When Dr. Gartner discovered
the baccilus name...

...after him in 1888

The mode of infection is yet
to be discovered

But a detectable relationship...

...has been established
with the spirochette...

...of the encephalitic bacterium

which reaches epidemic proportions

Nowadays, what we call encephalitis...

...was identified by a Dr. Ekonomo
in Vienna in 1919

Whether the two are the same or not

is still a matter of speculation

Looking beyond these questions...

...at Dr. Ekonomo's diagnosis
of lethargic encephalitis...

Like our friend here

there's no evidence
it att*cks during winter

So he doesn't have it


Going back to the original question...



No, I'm actually very good

I can drive at 60 kph on Route 2

It's such a good feeling

You want to come along?

No thanks

Your family doesn't object?

I see, but it sounds dangerous

You see, I'm the best road racer

Shall I show you?

So here's where you are

I'm talking to uncle

First put your bags away

She's learning to drive

Drive? There'll be none of that in Tokyo!

Restrict your accidents to Osaka,

You smoke?

Yes, I do

It's bad for you!

But you smoke!

Put it out. You're still a minor

I'll just finish it off


Mind you wash behind your ears,
young lady

Are they dirty?

Clean them for me

Ugh! How dirty!

Master Okada is here


Please come in

Am I intruding?

Not at all. This is our niece

Setsuko, Mr. Okada

I owe a lot to your uncle

Sir, I brought your book

Good lad. Sit down

It's alright. Please

It's alright. Please

How'd you like to be a tutor?

What subject?

Arithmetic. Exam preparations

For Fujio

In junior high, already?

Will you?

But children and I...

It'd be easy for you. Please do it

But the doctor...

He approves, don't you?

Then it's settled? You'll do it? Good!

But Mrs. Komiya...

It's been decided

Thanks a lot!

You're stuck with it

Seems so

Area of the sea is 3 times
that of the land

3/4 of which is in the
northern hemisphere

How many times is the area of the sea

in relation to land in the
northern hemisphere?

How many times...

Well, that's...

3/4 of the sea is in the N.H...

Wait, I just have the thing!

It's easy when you use this

That's a good idea!

3/4 of the area...

Ethiopia's over here

How many times is the area
of the sea in relation to land

Come in. Hello


Did you get question three?

How does it go?

The earth's area becomes 1,
then land area equals 1/4

So land in the N.H. is...

1/4 times 3/4 = 3/16

Therefore, the area of the sea...

1/2 minus 3/16

Where'd you get the half?

This? By calling the area 1 ...

The N.H. becomes one half

Oh, really?

So the equation is 5/16

That's the sea area

So 5/16 divided by 3/16...

...is 1 and 2/3, that's the answer

Yes! That's right!

Where'd you graduate from?

The university

You did graduate?

Yes, I did

Junior high, too?


And you studied arithmetic?

Of course

So we've nothing to worry about

So it seems



Please come in


It's been a while. Come in

Everything's fine?

Yes, thank you. You always look good

You too, you look younger
every time I see you

Your flattery has improved

I mean it

Your Aunt's not coming

No, but I remembered you like these

Thank you very much

This is from Aunty

Oh, really!

She helped get a tutor for Fujio

Mr. Okada?

He's been very helpful. He's here now

Is he?

You ready? France!

Wrong! South America!



Wrong! Africa!


No, it's the ocean!



It's OK, it's only Aunty

Again! Quickly!

You ready? Taiwan!



What're you playing?

?Hit the spot?

Can you hit it?

It's not easy!

Have a try

I will


North Pole

That's cheating!

Is arithmetic so difficult?

Yes. Can't make any headway
Especially today's question


I don't think I could pass
his exam myself

What a teacher!

I'm serious

An unreliable teacher!


Are you working?

I came for a quick smoke

Aunty's rather strict

Still playing golf?

Yes, I am

I play most Saturdays

How did it go?

About 33-34

That's quite big

I got quite good but I gave it up

I got callouses and
didn't really have time

Because I'm studying classical voice

So you sing ?kiyomoto??


and my teacher praised
my rendition of ?Ochudo?

Is that so?

You're not golfing today?

I have to work on this
So I won't go today


You still here? Do you know the time?

I'm pondering whether or not to go

Why? You must go
The exercise is good for you

I'm going out for a while

Setsuko, I want you
to stay until I get back

Uncle, are you going?

Looks like I have to

Then I'll be here alone

Well, someone has to stay


Professor, please come in. Hullo

Nice quiet place you have here

Sardines, they look delicious

Playing golf today, sir?

I'm thinking

Working on your thesis?

Can I leave these here?

You're not playing today?

No, and I'd like to stay here overnight

Stay? Here, sir?

Will I bother you?

No, please do

And say nothing to my wife

I'm going out for a while

Yes, sir

To a bar in the Ginza
Why don't you join me later?

The doctor is late today

You always seem to wait for him

You know why they call this ?Dimple??

The blender's name?

Because of the dimple

just like this one

Really? You're not just kidding me?

No, truly


You're late

I'm sorry

No clubs?

I'm not going today


Just don't feel up to it

Is that so?

Maybe I'll pass, too

My wife thinks I should play
on Saturdays

She kicked me out the house!

That's sad, but go play, anyway

And post this for me while you're there

To your wife?

I always send her one

I see

So what'll you do today?

Well, you know...

Know what?

Madame, he's picking up the tab today

It's not what you think

Then why don't you pay?

And you, beware of the bunkers!

That was just a bad day for me

I think I'm getting a cold

You should be careful

A good looking man

Who is he?

That's Mr. Uehara

Mr. Uehara?

I thought all the girls knew him
from Kanagawa

Oh, that Uehara

Where are your clubs?

I left them at a friend's

A lady friend?

Don't be silly


Setsuko, what's this?

How did you find me here?

A lucky guess. You're a good man

It's terrible that she makes you
go play golf

That almost made me despise you

What are you drinking?

I'll have the same

Fix me one, please

You shouldn't be drinking

Don't worry

You'll get drunk

Come on

I can handle 2 or 3 with ease

I'd like to visit a Tokyo geisha house


Please take me

You're not returning home tonight,
are you? Come on! Let's go

Well done

You want another one?

I've had plenty

What a bore!

Setsuko, you've had enough

Leave me alone

Want one?

Thank you

Tokyo geisha, you have real class

Thank you

Good to see you, professor

Tonight again. You're here
with a beautiful young lady

My niece. She's bubbling with vigour

A rare beauty

Thank you

Please enjoy yourselves!

Thank you very much


You never tire

So it seems

May I see it

I really like it. Do you want to swap?

Don't mind, it's alright!

But yours is so...

Never mind, take it please

I've taken a shine to yours

It's time we were leaving

I don't want to leave yet

I can sleep here tonight

Come on, we're going

You have to get back

But my head hurts so

Why such a hurry?

Setsuko! We're leaving!

We've got to get you home

Can you carry me?

I'm supposed to be golfing

It just can't be helped!

Please call Okada at this number

Tell him to come at once

No! I'll stay here


You never answer me!

Setsuko's late. When did she go out?

About four o'clock

And it's past 1 am!

Should I go and look for her?

No idea where she's gone,
so where would you look?

She's back, Ma'am

I'm back

Still up?

Where've you been?


You've been drinking!

A drop or two

Such a troublesome girl!

Setsuko! Come here!

Sit down!

Don't go getting upset

You're not supposed to drink

You're still a minor!

Now sit down!

Don't worry!


Wake up, young lady!

I said wake up!

Where've you been out drinking
until this hour?


I was fast asleep

Felt good. Don't want to hear anymore

What if something happened
while he's away at golf?

You're our responsibility!

I've been worried sick!

You could help by getting me
a glass of water



Ma'am, the car that brought her home...

With Mr. Okada?

Was it raining when you got up?

I wonder when it started?

Probably around dawn

I hadn't reckoned on that

We were due for a change

They're cooked, sir!


It's really pelting down

It certainly is!

That's not good

What do you mean, sir?

I sent a postcard saying
the weather was fine

A friend posted it from the golf course

He should realise

he's not that kind of man

Really, sir? That is a problem

It's not joking matter

You think it rained in Izu?

I can't tell

Nationwide, don't you think?

That is a problem

They're done, sir!


Is Aunty home?

Home all day?

She has no plans to go out




Where's Setsuko?

In her room

She's not to go out


The master is back

Welcome back

To unseasonable weather

How did it go?

Just so so

By the way...

I'm angry with Setsuko

Soon as you left, she was out the door!

Carousing until one o'clock!
Came home dead drunk!

Drunk, you say?

She treated me with contempt!

And didn't listen to a word I said

She came back with young Okada

With Okada?

If anything happens while
she's in our care...

You have a point there

I want you to lay down the rules to her

Right! Send her to my room!

You uncle wants a word with you


Ah, Setsuko!

I need a favour


The postcard I had sent...

I don't want your aunt to see it

Why not?

I wrote that the weather was fine

Just leave it to me


You've been at Okada's all this time?


I've got a terrible hangover

Aunty's in a terrible rage

She's said barely a word to me all day

It was bad luck she found out
Okada's role in this

Fumiya saw us together

And she's taken it the wrong way

I wouldn't mind if he were
at least handsome


Look at me! Don't go gazing away!
On your feet, young lady!

I'm telling you for your own good

When you go out,
you tell us where you're going!

And you can't stay out late!

You should know better!

Remember what he says, young lady!

You understand?

And pay heed to what your aunt
tells you! You hear me?

What a good liar! I'm surprised


You're good and
Okada and I are never right!

This time you've no excuse

And pay particular heed to
what your Aunty says

You understand?

That wasn't her. It was the wind
How stupid!

Professor, this is very hard on me

She got very angry with me

Said I betrayed her trust and
barred me from the house

She misunderstood and
it's more than I can bear

Sir, please explain

Sir, I'm begging you

I considered telling her the truth

You're right, but please just bear with it

I'll return the favour one day. Please?

I let him have a piece of my mind

I introduced him to you but now
I wash my hands off him

He seems so upright, a lad of morals

What is it?

I'm embarrassed to say it

Say what?


You are

But we've been married for 14 years


It's nothing to be ashamed of

Even hippos have babies


Dr. Komiya could attend to you

I'd be indebted for life if he did

Your husband will be thrilled

He's sick in bed, now

Since when?

How's your husband?

Why do you ask?

Well, playing golf in the rain

Rain? That's strange...

?Weather's fine?, ?Great for golf?

That is strange

The master has returned

Uncle, something dreadful
has happened

She read the postcard!

I thought I'd get to it first
She's certainly fast


You played golf with Sugiyama?

Apparently it rained

What's the meaning of ?Great for golf??

Aunty, forget it

You shut up!

It doesn't matter if it rained or not

You shut up!

Out, get out of the room!

Out! Now!

Isn't it strange?

The same golf course and he gets wet
...you bathed in the sunshine

If it rains
the weather is certainly not ?fine?

?Great for golf?, did it rain
all around you?

He got bad cold

Can you explain how that happened?

Can you tell me why?

Your guests are leaving

You should see them off

I'll get to the bottom of this

I'm hungry

Ask for eel. They do wonders with it

Why the hurry to leave?

Stay a little longer

Why don't you take your time?

I was going to order eel, your favorites

Yes, but...

You'll leave?

See you soon

Fumiya, our guests are leaving!



Don't forget

The master?

He left through the garden

That was close. They barely made it

Your Aunt is fuming!

Don't worry about it!

Are you really frightened of her?

Not what you'd call frightened

Then why so glum?

Drink up

You worry too much about her

That's why she walks all over you

I'm just the niece. You're the husband!
The master!

If it were me, I'd tell her!

Fickle like the weather
I'd make her change!

But...I couldn't

You can, you just don't

Want to go to the geisha house? I'll pay

Uncle, let's go

Uncle. Doctor!

let's go!

Welcome home!

Where've you been?


Where did you go?


You've been drinking again!

I told you before!

What have you two been up to?


Answer me!

Speak up!

Say something!

We went for a walk


I've had enough of you!


Back to Osaka!

She doesn't have to

You shut up!

Out! Go home!
Not at your command

I'll go when I'm ready!


You put her up to this!
That's why she's so insolent

You're the insolent one!

I treat you well and you try
to walk all over me

Just think a little

If she doesn't want to go,
she doesn't have to

Well done!

She needed that
That made me feel good

I'll sleep well tonight

I'll go to bed, goodnight!


I was very rude

Please forgive me!

It just slipped out

It all became so complicated

Of course he's wrong, too

He didn't play golf that day

Perhaps I shouldn't say this

But sometimes he doesn't want to

He stayed the night at Okada's place

Before that, he was with me

I'm sorry I drank and made a fool
of myself and made you worry

Forgive me!

I was wrong

So of course you're right
to be angry with me

But I feel sorry for Uncle

I was wrong and
I ask for your forgiveness

You weren't wrong

So you don't have to say sorry. But...

Please forgive me!

I'm sorry for what I did

I couldn't control myself...

but hitting you was wrong

You have a right to be angry,
but forgive me

It was very wrong of me

No, I made a mess

She said you stayed at Okada's
instead of going to golf


You believe me?

I didn't know so I just
assumed the worst

I didn't have a chance to tell the truth

Okada came out worst of all

I'm grateful you understand me
I'm sorry!

I'm truly sorry



Why the funny face?!

Uncle! What is it?

I covered for you

There was no need for you
to apologise, too?

She had to

You started out well but finished terribly

Let's see it again!

The man should be stronger

That was sufficient

Not at all

That's something
you don't understand yet

Some men treat their wives badly

But that's not a good thing

Wives should be respected

They like to think they're in control

so it's better to let them think that...

like scolding children by praising them

That's the best way,
the opposite approach

Opposite approach?

I've never thought about that

I've have to remember that

I would like to see that

A real hard one?

How many times?

Once. Where?

Across the face

A good solid whack? Yes

Did it hurt?

Not really...no!

My husband's a wimp,
not so much as a love tap

With a face a like that...


You think it'll suit him?

Too colorful

What? He's still young

I'll get one, too

Sorry for you, no-one to buy for

What about Fujio?


When's Setsuko leaving?

We're eating out tonight and she'll leave
from there to take the 9pm express

You should've brought her along with us

But she's out shopping with Okada

?Opposite approach??

I didn't know, myself
We're both a couple of fools

Don't use it when we marry

No, I'd never

You probably will

I'm the straightforward type

Flattery will get you nowhere

If you do, I'll use the
?opposite-opposite? approach

When are you coming again?

For the college baseball match

I'm a Waseda fan

I like Waseda, too

Flattering again
Sounds like ?opposite?

This time tomorrow, I'll be in Osaka

I wonder where she is by now?

Around Numazu, I guess

She's probably fast asleep


The house seems very lonely
with her away

She'll come again, soon

It'd be nice to have her come often


Would you like a coffee?

I won't be able to sleep

You'll sleep well

Fumiya! Goodnight!
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