Valley of the Sun (1942)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Valley of the Sun (1942)

Post by bunniefuu »

Step back men.

They ought to sh**t those darn
redskins while they got the chance.

Yeah, the sooner they get rid of them the
safer this country will be for us Americans.

- You bet your life.
- Governor is waiting for you lieutenant.

They're here governor.

- Morning lieutenant.
- Morning governor, you wish me to stay?

No, I think it would be better if you
and your men would wait outside.

Yes sir.

I am honored by the visit of
Cochise, the great Apache chief.

Cochise says he risked his
life to come to the white man's...

- settlement to bargain for Yakisikama.
- Who?

Yakisikama is the Apache
name of Jonathan Ware sir.

- One of the Indian scouts.
- Jonathan Ware?

But he's under arrest at
Fort Pima as I understand it.

Yes, that's what they came to see you about.

This is a matter for the army, Ware
helped three Indians escape from jail.

He says Yakisikama allowed them to
escape because he knew they weren't guilty.

But they were tried by law and convicted.

These are the three men
that ware helped to escape.

He's willing to give them up
if you set Yakisikama free.

Governor, you keep them
talking and I'll get the soldiers.

No, they came here under a
flag of truce, we must respect it.

Otherwise we'd have every Indian
in the country on the warpath.

Much as I would like to help
it's out of my jurisdiction.

Ware has broken an army law,
his case rests entirely with them.

You're making a mistake
governor, not locking up those...

redskins while you got a chance,
flag of truce or no flag of truce.

Things have been very peaceful
around here up until now Wilbur.

Let's try to keep it that way.

- He says thank you and goodbye.
- Goodbye chief.

The little white father fine man.

- You speak English?
- Understand too.

- Wilbur.
- Yes sir.

Send a full report of this meeting
to the court-martial board at Fort Pima.

- Yes sir.
- Here they come.

- Johnny doesn't seem worried much, does he?
- That's the way he is.

- I'm afraid they got him this time.
- Yeah.

- Good luck Johnny.
- Always wanted to see Yuma.

Don't make light of it Johnny, 'tis bad luck.

Mickey, you're not hung until
they get the rope around your neck.

Don't say that Johnny, I heard the
banshees wailing all night last night.

The black cats run up and down the front
of me bed, 'tis a bad omen Johnny boy.

Mr. Ware, have you anything further to...

say before this board of
court-martial passes sentence?

Only what I told you before,
those Indians weren't really stealing.

They're just taking what rightfully belonged
to them, what they'd been cheated out of.

Unfortunately, this court is not trying the
Indians, we're only concerned with your case.

But if those Indians had been kept in
prison, every settlement in the...

territory would've been raided
and hundreds of white people k*lled.

And it's liable to happen anyway
if somebody doesn't make those...

crooked civilian administrators give the
Indians what the government promised them.

- Is that all?
- Yes sir.

This court-martial, called
under authority contained in...

field regulation of the United States army...

finds the prisoner Jonathan Ware, guilty
of violation of special order number 9...

and hereby sentences him to five years...

imprisonment in the United States military
prison at Fort Yuma, territory Arizona.

Squads, left face.

Prisoner, step out.

Trail, arms. Forward, march.

They don't care what they do
with a man's life and five years.

- Wanted to see Yuma but not for that long.
- It's a blasted shame, that's what it is.

You knew what you were
doing with them Indians...

you know more about them than anyone does.

That's the trouble Mickey, I know too much.

It's too bad the authorities back in
Washington don't know a little more.

Yeah, they don't know
nothing about what's going on.

What are you standing there for?
Forward, march.

I'd like to go back to Washington and tell
all those white-collar dudes a thing or two.,

And them in there too, I would too,
if I wasn't in a little trouble myself.

- What are you in trouble about?
- Oh, it's about the captain's horse.

Somebody forgot to tie him up,
the fastest horse in Arizona too.

Take a man a long ways towards Washington.

- What about your squad? They can sh**t.
- You'd be surprised.

- Thanks Mickey.
- Make it look good now.

I, I, I thought you said you
knew these Indians around here.

I do.

- That's your hat, isn't it?
- That's right. What?

Well, that never would've happened
if they'd known I was on this stage.

Oh, why didn't you tell them?

If I'd known there was
going to be goings on like...

this around here, you never got me
to leave Yuma just to perform a wedding.

Now, not a wedding, my wedding and don't
think I would've gone all the way to Yuma...

if there'd been
a justice of the peace closer.

This is close enough for me.

Oh, judge, judge, while we're talking
about hats here, I want an opinion.

Now, tell me which one
of these you like best on me.

This light one?

Or we have this one?

That one.


- Say, watch those bumps.
- Sorry boss.

That fella is under the
coach, drive over a little cactus.

Hey, pull up.

I'm sorry to disturb you gents but
it's a little uncomfortable under there.

- It must be.
- How about riding on the inside?

That's alright if you can pay your fare.

I told you back
in Maricopa Wells I was broke.

You don't expect to ride
if you can't pay, do you?

Well, I'd let you ride
if I owned this stage line.

- Yes but you don't, now get off.
- Out here in the desert?

Mister, you wouldn't make a man...

- Miss Chris?
- Oh hello Willie.

- What you got this time?
- Me find in desert. Wing got broke.

- You fix?
- Oh, of all the days.

You couldn't have found him
yesterday or tomorrow, could you?

You no like to fix?

Of course I do Willie,
it's just that today is my...

wedding day, that's all. Let me see him.

What's wedding?

Oh, when two people get
married that love each other.

You and Sawyer?

- What's love?
- Why, it's...

It's the way you feel about the desert.

- You love the desert, don't you?
- No.

No, me desert, desert me.

Well, that's love Willie, that's love.

- Sawyer no love you.
- Why, Willie?

Bird hurt, you fix. You hurt, Sawyer no fix.

Oh, I know what's bothering you.

You're just afraid you won't have
anyone to bring your animals to.

Now you just stop worrying because I'm always
going to be here to patch them up for you.

Hold on to him, here comes the stage.

Oh well, excuse me.

Oh, here she is, judge, didn't I tell you
that she was the prettiest girl in Arizona?

That's right, only you
didn't take in enough territory.

Judge, if Jim won't marry me, I'll marry you.

- That's a deal.
- What time is the wedding Jim?

Just as soon as Chris can get into
these fancy clothes I bought her.

- Oh, my.
- How soon Chris?

Well, if they fit, about 16 minutes.

You better give her 21,
in case they don't fit.

But, to be sure we'll make it 30.

Now, on your way.

In the meantime, everything is
on me, so go to it everybody.

- About time you got back boss.
- Indians complaining again?

No, that's just it,
they've stopped complaining.

If you'll take my advice, you'll
give them their full rations this time.

- I kept the cattle here.
- You kept them here? What for?

- Well, I kind of figured...
- You just do as you've always done.

Send they Indians a fifth of the
herd and add the rest to mine.

They ain't going to be happy about it.

They ain't going to be so happy
when they army gets here either.

- The army?
- Hi Jim.

So you don't think that I spent all
that time just shopping, do you?

They going to establish
a post here right away.

Ain't them soldiers going to
mess things up for you?

On the contrary, -their job will
be to keep the Indians quiet.

Just in case they don't
like the food we give them.

They better get here soon.

Chris, you have to stop that wiggling around.

Can't you squeeze in a little bit?

Squeeze in a little Chris.


Now, where is that? Oh, here it is.

Land sakes, seems like every time I get
mixed up with a wedding I get all thumbs.

What's the matter?

Well, I'm not going to wear
this silly-looking thing.

Oh no Chris.

What a style.

- I know but everybody is a-wearing...
- Well, not me.

Why, every cowboy in town would be chasing
me with a pin to see that was part of me.

Well, if you ain't the cool one.

Land sakes Chris,
if I was a-getting married...

well, I'd just be so flustery,
I'd be jumping out of my skin.

Every girl expects to be
married sooner or later.

Yes, lots of them expects it, then they
spend the rest of their lives a-hoping.

Chris, you're going to look
awful flat back here.

Never mind, just hook it.

- ♪ Oh, the little dogie lost his trail ♪
- Land sake, what's that?

♪ Back went the dogie ♪

You get out of that water.

♪ Oh, oh, the little dogie lost his trail ♪

- Tell him a thing or two.
- Probably cleaning up for the wedding.

The water is more important.

Are you deaf? Get out of there.

Get out of that barrel.

- Now?
- Right this minute.

- Oh, just, just stay where you are.
- Will you make up your mind?

Don't you realize what you're doing?

- Ain't against the law, is it?
- Water is valuable around here.

Well now ma'am, I'm sorry but I'm
a stranger in these here parts.

Well, even a stranger
should know better than to...

to climb into the first barrel
of water that he comes across.

Now, you get out of there.


I, I'm going to give you just three
minutes to get out of there...

or I'm going out there and I'm going to...

No, no, no, don't get upset.
I'll get out, give me my hat.

Hey. Hey. What's, what's going on?

Why stranger, Chris Larson and Jim Sawyer
are getting married and everybody is welcome.

Come on.


Well, alright.

Ham and eggs, coming up.

Ready, Chris?

Won't I do?

How you get here?

Well, I just bounced into town
on one of those cactus bushes.

Well, bounce right out again.

- Well now, ain't you pretty?
- Come on, get out of here.

After you.

- Who's fighting?
- Don't know, looks like a good one..

- Have you seen Jim?
- No, I ain't,

But I'll look for him
as soon as the fight is over.

Well, I guess we can waste a
bucket of water to find out who he is.

Give me the water here.

- What do you know? It's Jim Sawyer.
- Who? Sawyer?

Sawyer? Get him on.

Come on, let's get him to the
doc quick. Boys, give us a hand.

Leg up there.

I wonder what this will do to the wedding.

Well, the happy
bridegroom doesn't look at his best...

- either physically or sartorially.
- No.

Oh. Oh dear. Oh dear.

- Shall we go?
- Eh? Where?

To drink your health
with some very special brandy.

I've been waiting for a long time
to see this happen to Mr. Sawyer.

You, you wouldn't like to trade that
brandy for the loan of a horse, would you?

Any sort of horse or a fast one?

A fast one.

I'm sorry you can't stay
longer, we've much in common.

You mean a mutual contempt for Mr. Sawyer?

And a mutual regard
for miss Christine Larson.

Why is she marrying him?
She doesn't have to, does she?


But in my opinion his courtship is
been aided by the Busy Bee Cafe.

And how's that?

Well, the way to a woman's heart
is to take her out of the kitchen.

- Oh, so that's it.
- By the way, my name is Warrick.

- Glad to know you.
- And I can call you anything I like?

Wonderful country America.
In England names are so important.

Come in.

- This alright.
- Thank you.

- Cricket bat.
- Oh?

- Must've awful big crickets around here.
- Try this.

- Safe journey.
- Thanks.

- I expect you're wondering about me.
- Out in this country we don't ask questions.

That's one of the reasons why I live here.

Look out here.

- What do you see?
- Sand, cactus...

and a sun that blisters the scalp off you.

It's what you don't see
that makes it beautiful.

- What?
- People.

There is a lot of
elbowroom out there, isn't there?

But if the Indians
ever get peaceful permanent...

and decide to turn loose some
of that water they've got up there...

you're going to have more people
around here than you can shake a stick at.

I'll enjoy it while I can.

Make yourself comfortable, I'll try and
rake up a little food for you before you go.

- One moment gentlemen, what's the mean...
- Come on.

Come on you.

You fellas are right handy
with those things, aren't you?

Yeah but we're saving
the big surprise for you.

- I'll bet.
- Come on.

Get moving.

Miss Chris.

Miss Chris?


Well, I guess I got you hung together
enough to go on with the ceremony.

My nose still hurts.

The reason for it only
bent in a couple of places.

- How the other fellow look?
- Wasn't hardly even a scratch on him doc.

Oh? Well, get up if you can.

- I'll be ready in a couple of minutes Chris.
- I'll wait for you in the other room.

Here you are boss.

Miss Chris Miss Chris.

- What's the matter now Willie?
- You come quick.

- Where?
- Him hurt bad, me find him in desert.

Now look Willie, I have no
time for any more animals today.

Him hurt bad miss Chris,
me put him in your bed.

- In my bed? Oh?
- But him so big.

- Well, this isn't a very good joke Willie.
- No joke, him hurt bad.

Well, this is just fine, just wonderful.

- This makes it a perfect day.
- Well, thanks.

I don't know where you found
him but you get him out of here.

- I thought you brought me here.
- You get out.

I'm a very sick man, I can't be moved.

Maybe not for weeks...

Suppose I call Mr. Sawyer.

Better not.

From what I've seen of Mr. Sawyer,
I'd say he's a very suspicious man.


But why a good cook wants to take herself out
of circulation to be a wife, I don't know.

The world is full of wives but good cooks?

Well, I just can't figure it out.

- You get out of here.
- Oh, Chris?

Guess I better get out.

- Get back in bed, just get under the bed.
- But you were just saying for me to get...

Please lie down quick. Hurry up.

- Are we going through this again?
- Down.

- Chris.
- Coming Jim.

Get out of the way Willie.

You be sorry.

- You get well quick.
- Feel worse now I did when I came in here.

Well, well, well, well, well.

Why, this ought to be a
lesson to both of us Warrick.

What did your men do with him?

No, no, no, you don't
want to be mad at them Duke.

- I'm not a Duke.
- Well, the boys were just celebrating.

Look at me with a busted nose and one
eye almost closed but I'm not mad, am I?

- Come on up to the wedding.
- I'm afraid you must excuse me.

Well, I'll ask the boys
what they did with your guest.

Five against one.

- Didn't Sawyer just come out of here?
- But he didn't see me.

Me find him in desert.

And dumped me right in
the middle of Christine's bed.

Really? Comfortable?


Well, you'll find that
one of Willie's greatest...

charms is his complete
disregard of the conventions.

- But if Sawyer was here...
- We get miss Chris back, eh?

Well, it'd be very nice Willie but she's
not coming back, Sawyer is taking her away.

Me no let.

No, I know what you're
thinking but you're wrong.

His instincts are purely animal and
like an animal, absolutely infallible.

What do you have in mind Willie?

- Me fix.
- How?

Me got friends.

Come on old boy, I
promise you this will be good.

What is he expect those ants
to do? Go in and carry her out?

If he tells them to, they will.

Someone is got to give the bride away, you
can't just have a, have a bride without...

- Let bill do it.
- Oh Bill. Yes.

No, you can't be a bride. You, well, yes.

He's going to give,
well, then you stand there, you...

Here, you come over here
and stand right there, there you are.

- I ain't the bride.
- Well, there's got to be a bride.

You can't marry without a, oh, yes.

Excuse me. Here, you stand there, then.

And you come here and you get back there.
And you come over here. There.

Ah, now that's fine.

Now, wait a minute.
That's just where we've been.

No, there. You get, what happened to you?

Start the music.

Get them off of me. Oh, get them off of me.

I think I get the idea.

This should prove to be
a very interesting experiment.

May I?

- Why, let's get started.
- Oh, yes, yes.

Here, you sign right there.

That's right.

No, no, no. Right here please.

Right there.

- Almost a shame to do this.
- Almost.

And you sign right underneath.
It's just a formality, you know?

That's fine, thank you.

You take her hand. There you are.


No, take her hand please.

This is the grandfather of all red ants.

Here, you repeat after me, I, James Sawyer...

- I, James Sawyer.
- Jim, what's the matter with you?

Don't you try nothing like that with me.

Me get more ants.

Don't you take those off, here are...

Oh no, my animal instincts tell
me we better get out of here.

That does it, that does it alright.

I really should be on my way.

Well, you're not going till you had
a drink to the success of the ants.

Well, that's different.
They did do a good job, didn't they?

- Good, eh?
- Very good Willie.

- Me, me got him.
- Got who?

No judge, no wedding.

- Get this half wit away from me.
- We should be half as smart.

I demand that you put me
back where he found me.

Well, really we can't do that, it might
be rather embarrassing old fellow.

Someone is going to pay for this, old fellow.

What should we do with him?

We can't turn him
loose, it'd look bad for you.

It'd look bad for you if you don't.

- Me fix.
- No, no.

No, wait Willie, no v*olence, no v*olence.

- I'll show them.
- Here, give me that, give me that.

- Keep them talking as long as you can.

- Well, what do I say?
- Alright, get in there.

Oh, back again gentlemen? You enjoy music?

- Where's that guest of yours?
- I'd be pleased to play anything you like.

This is a little composition of my
own but I shall be very happy to...

How would you like a bump
on the other side of that head?

- Not much.
- Where is he?

Well, your men should know
where he is, he was with them last.

He's around here
someplace Jim, we've seen him.

Oh, you did?
Well, let's sit down and talk it over.

What's the matter now? You beat me
up once. You leave me alone, I'm sick.

- Where's that judge?
- Did something happen to him?

Somebody kidnapped him.

- You mean you ain't married yet?
- No, I ain't married yet.

Well, I didn't have anything
to do with it, I can hardly move.

Very funny what happened to him, one
minute he was there and then he was gone.

- Sheer magic.
- Magic?

Yes, you know,
the Indian rope-trick sort of stuff.

Shut up.

Everything was alright in
this town until you came into it.

See that you're out of it by morning.

Remember that boys, you remember it too.


- No sir, you can't do this to me.
- Take it easy judge.

- You'll soon be on your way to Yuma.
- You can't go to Yuma by the way of Tucson.

Alright judge, we admit it's farther
but it's much more practical.

- Now get on board.
- No sir, I'm not going.

I'm going, you
haven't heard the last of this.

I have influence in the highest circles.

Yes sir, this is an outrage,
I'll see someone about this.

You'll regret what you're doing, you came...

- Goodbye Chris.
- Goodbye Chris.

- All ready Chris?
- Oh, I'm glad you couldn't find the judge.

It's much more exciting
being married in Tucson, goodbye.

- Bye. Bye.
- Bye. Bye.

Well, it looked like a while there
I wasn't going to get that there restaurant.


Our stagecoach hasn't gone yet, has it?

- No, she's just about due.
- Good, I got a couple passengers for you.

- Keep an eye on them Willie.
- Well, I'm sorry you can't stay longer.

You know how it is
when you got a bull by the tail.

I've never had a bull by the tail old fellow.

Well, if you ever do, you'll
find it hard to turn loose.


I got one in Washington to get rid of.

- I ever let go, I'll be back.
- Well, I hope it won't take too long.

The one I got will take 2 days or 5 years.

- Depending on how good a talker I am.
- Five years?

Well, that's a long time to try
and keep Sawyer and Christine apart.

Well, I'm depending on Willie's originality.

Well, we'll do our best old fellow but...

the sooner you get back, the easier it'll be.

Here she comes.

Come on, step it on.

So sorry.

- I...
- Oh, oh Mr.Sawyer, I...

Oh well, imagine meeting you here.

I, I was in bed all the time.
I was under him, he was on top of me.

Yeah, I was kidnapped.
That's it, I was kidnapped.

It was a conspiracy to keep
you two from getting married.

- Yes, worked out real nice, didn't it?
- Yeap, them ant sure do know their business.

Yeah, they sure do.

Yes sir, I couldn't have
arranged this any better myself.

You know, the judge can marry us right here,
where everybody is got a comfortable seat.

You can be the best
man before we let you off.

- But I...
- Fine, do I get to kiss the bride?

- But I wanted to be married in Tucson.
- You're absolutely right.

A woman only gets married
once, you hold out for Tucson.

And besides, that will give you 12 hours more
to think about what a mistake you're making.

- Go ahead judge.
- Oh yes, of course.

Alright, I tried to keep
you from ruining your life.

Where do I stand?

Well, it's customary for you
to stand next to the bride.

- You sit right where you were.
- But but it's custom...

Yes, you sit right where,
where you were here, it's right.

By the authority vested in
me as justice of the peace...

Hey, wait a minute judge, Don't you have
to have two witnesses to make it legal?

Oh, no, no. As long as they,
why yes, yes, of course.

Yeah, I'm very sorry,
but some other time, perhaps.

Oh, witnesses? I should've thought of that.

But maybe I can do
something about it. Oh, Hank.

- Yeap?
- Hank, come on down here.

See, I, it is the rule that I...

Hey, wait a minute. We won't be needing that.

- I want you to be a witness Hank.
- Sure.

That won't be necessary. I, oh, yes, yes.

By the authority vested in me as justice
of the peace, Yuma, territory of Arizona...

I hereby, about to join
together in wedlock, this couple.

Anyone having any
reasons why I shouldn't do so...

let them speak now
or forever hold their peace.

- I know a reason.
- I...

You do?

For 25 years I've been doing this...

and no one has ever had a reason.

Now I'm all confused,
I don't know where to go.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute judge.
- I hope with my reputation...

Listen mister...

You know, I realize
I made a couple of mistakes.

The first time, when
I kicked you off the stage...

and the second time, when
I told you to get out of town.

But when you consider that I got
a busted nose and a black eye...

and that ants bit big hunks out
of me and had a ruined wedding...

- don't you think we're about even?
- Well, I do.

So from now on, will you please
keep your big mouth shut?

- Well, since you apologized.
- Now please, may I go on?

By the authority of my
ve, by the vest of, pardon me.

I, oh, here it is.

Oh Jim. Jim.

You sure do have a hard
time getting married Sawyer.

Do Indians scalp women?

Anything that happens to you from
now on be better than that marriage.

No, no, I, I'm sure everything will be
alright just as soon as they recognize me.

Why don't you get out there
and let them look at you?

- What makes you think you can do anything?
- Well, I'm the Indian agent.

Wait a minute boys, I'm the Indian agent.


Come on.

Come on.

- What?
- Don't ask questions, come on.

I'm scalped.

You fellas are making
a big mistake, I'm the Indian agent.

Guess they didn't recognize you or did they?

You'd better ride with me.

This doesn't look so good.
A lot of different tribes gathered here.

Wouldn't look good
to me if it was half a tribe.


- Yakisikama.
- Cochise.

- Squaw.
- What do you mean s...?

Keep quiet. I only said that to protect
you, I got to find out what's going on.

The chief, Cochise. Welcome.

- I, I didn't do anything.
- Friend.

You bet your life I'm the friend, Judge Homer
Burnaby, friend of the Indian, that's me.

I love the Indians,
I love them, don't I? I love them.

Sawyer. Sawyer, what you've been up to?
These Indians say you've been cheating them.

No, no, they're
lying to you, I'm their friend.

- Tell them that I'm their friend.
- He no friend, hate Indian, him thief.

What are they going to do to him?

Don't know but it doesn't look
so good for your future husband.

Hey mister. Mister.

- What they saying?
- Most of them still want to make w*r.

Cochise says there's no need to
make w*r, just get a new agent.

And the best way to get a
new agent is to k*ll the old one.

- What?
- Simple, isn't it?

Tell them that, tell them I'll give them back
everything I took from them and double it.

I promise. Go on and tell
them that, they're your friends.

It'd take plenty of friendship to settle the
score they got against you but I'll try.

Sawyer promises to give the tribes
the rations he owes them and resign.

- Yes, yes, I'll do anything.
- If you let him go free.

No believe Sawyer promise.

- Oh but I will, I'll keep my promise.
- Have you got the cattle they want?

Yes I have, on my ranch.

- Will Cochise believe my promise?
- Yes.

Release Sawyer in my care
and I'll see that you get your cattle.

- Now listen Geronimo, my brother...
- You no my brother, no white man my brother.

- He die.
- And start w*r.

- Me like w*r.
- w*r is no good for your people.

- Brother speak true.
- Yakisikama, one who win at everything.

You no win from me.

Well now Geronimo, I'll just
take you on for a little contest.

- Providing he goes free if I win.
- No.

Afraid, rabbit heart?

We fight.

Listen, do you think that you can whip him?

I don't know, not in very good condition.

You know, I'm sorry about what
happened down the road there but...

if you can whip him,
I'll make it right with you.

- You won't have to worry about a thing.
- Look...

if I followed my instincts,
I'd let them have you right now...

but you happen to be a white man,
get out of here before I go colorblind.


- What are they going to do?
- Tug, see who more strong.

Pull him, pull him.


- You certainly yanked him off of there.
- Hot, isn't it?



- Come.
- What now?

- See who got rabbit heart.
- Oh?

- Hey, what is that do?
- Makes us all even again.

Hey, how long is this thing go on?

Sometimes for weeks
and I'm getting awful tired.

About his size, eh?

It's pretty good.

But it's my turn now,
come on, get over there.

- Come on, get over there.
- No, no, no more.


Mister, that was fine. We won, didn't we?

What happens now?

Well, you don't have a thing
to worry about anymore.

We're just going over to
celebrate my marriage to Christine.

To Christine, say, wait a, get away.

Leave me alone, now. Leave me alone.
What is this? What they going to do to us?

- Now, you relax, everything is alright.
- Is it?

They're just going to put on
a dance in honor of our marriage.

- Oh. Our what?
- You want to upset everything?

- Stand still and make it look good.
- I'll stand still but I won't like it.

This dance represents the
same idea as rice and old shoes.

- You're not going to like this.
- What's the matter?

Well, the Indians think it's
very funny the way the white...

people put their faces together when
they make love and they want to see it.

Well, I'm not going to
put myself on exhibition.

You got to do it.

Our custom different but result all same.

Feel bump on my head.



- Down there.
- Yahoo.

- Hello, down there.
- Yahoo.

They see us, come on.

After what we found of the stagecoach
I never expected to see you again.

Well, we didn't expect to see anybody again.

- Lieutenant Burke, this is Mr. Sawyer.
- Lieutenant, you got here just in time.

There's a whole mess of
Indians up there, big w*r party.

I haven't got enough men to go after them.

See, we're just an advance
detail to arrange for quarters.

- Whose outfit is it?
- Cochise.


- How you escape?
- We didn't mister...

- Where he go?
- Who?

The man that saved us, he knew
the Apaches, spoke their language.

What he look like?

About as tall as Mr. Sawyer, dark and...-

You should've seen what he did
to one of them bucks that got him mad.

Why, right in the face of all that danger
he practically wiped up the camp with him.

Why, he had those Indians
eating his hand, I mean out of it.

That could only be one man,
Jonathan Ware. When was he with you?

Why, only a minute
ago, up there on the trail.

Cut him off men. He couldn't have gotten far.

What's he done?

Enough to be worth 500 dollars
dead or alive, I'll see you in town.

I thought there was
something fishy about him.

You didn't seem to think
so up in the Indian camp.

Let's go.

Oh, what's the matter with me now
that wasn't the matter with me before?

You're no different, I just
realized we were making a mistake...

- and now is the time to stop it.
- Well, is a fact we're practically married.

You're making me the
laughingstock of the whole town.

Oh, I think you can handle that.

Some people just can't
make up their minds, that's all.

I'm getting full worn out just
climbing up and down that ladder.

Bill, see if you can
talk some sense into her.

There's only two ways of handling
women and nobody knows what they are.

Chris, let's talk
the whole thing over sensibly.

You two argue it out, I have work to do.

Indian giver, no reasoning with her.

Jonathan? Oh, get out of
here quickly Jim is in there.

Why didn't you marry him?

Well, a woman has a right
to change her mind, hasn't she?

- Why you change it?
- Go quickly. Oh please Jonathan.

Look, you know, if you're mad at me
because I cheated a few Indians, I'll...

- Let's drop the whole subject.
- Chris, you're being unreasonable.

If it'll make you any happier, I'll
give the Indians anything they want.

- Makes no difference.
- Say Jim, can you come outside for a minute?

- What is it?
- A little trouble.


Oh please go Jonathan, before it's too late.

I will but tell me, you know what
Sawyer is going to do about those cattle?

No, I'll try and find out for you and
I'll meet you at Warrick's, now please go.

- You can come out.
- Thanks.

I might've guessed it, I certainly am stupid.

Now that that's settled, what you going
to do about your promise to the Indians?

- That's up to Chris.
- Maybe she doesn't like the conditions.

I don't.

You know what will happen if
you don't live up to that promise.

Oh, I'm not so worried. You see,
we're going to have an army post here.

In fact, some of the soldiers
are here already, come in boys.

- Jonathan.
- It's alright honey.

Now, you get out of this town.

Cochise is not going to wait
the rest of the time to get you.

After all my cheering for you
up at the Indian camp...

I suppose you're thinking
I'm pretty ungrateful, I'm not.

See, the way things stand,
I've just got to look out for myself.

Oh, sure.

But I've got more to look
forward to than you have.

Let's go boys.

- Welcome to town chief.
- Me talk Sawyer.

Sure, he's in here, come on.

- Company for you Jim.
- Hello chief.

- What brings you to town?
- Soldiers arrest Yakisikama.

Yeah, I, I heard they'd
picked up your friend Ware.

- What comes promise now he gone?
- Why, naturally that changes everything.

- I'm the boss again.
- My people make w*r.

Oh, will they?

Not as long as you're
my prisoner, they won't.

Put him down in the cellar.

Get down there Indian.

- I'm here.
- Roll out.

- Sounds like a wagon.
- Remarkable deduction.


Who are you and where you going?

I'm Christine Larson, who's in charge here?

Sergeant Melvy, here he is now.

- I know you, what you doing way out here?
- I want to be escorted to Yuma.

We ain't no escorting bureau.

Well, I'm entitled to as
much protection as anyone else.

You're up to something.

Alright, you can come down.

- May I speak to Jonathan?
- I suppose so.

Christine? Something wrong?

No. I, I'm just going
to Yuma with you, that's all.

Alright, you spoke to him,
go on back to the wagon.

- Leave her alone, what harm can she do?
- Go on.

Mark, build up that fire, put on
an extra guard, come on Tom.

I'll help you unhitch
your horse, just in case.

She's there, start whooping.

- Indians.
- Yeah.

- What kind?
- Why? Apache.

I've been out here for nine years and...

never heard a w*r whoop
with an English accent before.

- Did you?
- Not in my time.

I'll tell you something else lady,
Indians don't attack at night.

- They don't?
- No.

You boys go out and
gather in them bad redskins.

How can a man sleep with
all that yelling going on?

Miss Chris, better me fix.

I don't care what you think, I'm scared.

Nothing can happen while I'm here.
Not much of a risk, was it?

Your error sergeant.

You boys are going to have
awful sore throats in the morning.

What are you trying to do? Attract Indians?

- Alright, come on out of there.
- Yeah, right out there, get moving.

- Here they come, hurry. Hurry up.
- Cover him up.

Alright, move it. Come on, get in there.

Alright sarge, here are your
Indians, pretty pair of them too.

- What you say?
- That goes for me too.

- Drop those g*ns.
- I haven't got a g*n.

Get on the ground with the
rest of your pals, tie them up.

Not you judge, tie them up.

- Oh, then you're on my side.
- Tie them up.

I'll tie them up.

Oh, what nerve.

That will show you, pushing us around.

All of a sudden, the
foot is on the other shoe.

Well sarge, if you're any good, should be
able to untie yourself in a couple of hours.

- All set?
- Hard and fast.

Alright let's go, come on honey.

- That'll hold you.
- Hey please come here. Something is wrong.

Get me out.

I think you're crazy, better go on to
Washington while you have the chance.

I can't go, not yet anyway, only reason
I've been able to handle those Indians...

so far is because
I've always kept faith with them.

- Jonathan, what can you do now?
- Get Sawyer.

Here we go again, yahoo.

Please be careful Jonathan.

Don't worry, you just get word to
Cochise that everything will be alright.

Hope I didn't overlook anything.

- What is this?
- You'll see.

They'll have a tough
time separating us again.

- Here's the key, keep it in a safe place.
- Good luck.

- Come on, get in.
- Alright Willie.

You know these gentlemen,
don't you? Lord Warrick, the judge?

- How do you do?
- I know him.

- Would I be rude if I ask where we're going?
- Would he?

Well, I think in the
circumstances he's entitled to know.

You're going one of two places.

Either back to the Indians or to your
ranch to get the cattle you promised them.

- And the choice is up to you.
- Oh, let's go to my ranch, by all means.

You understand how it is, a man
is got to look out for himself.


- Too bad we're not on the same side.
- We may be yet, even in the same cell.

You'd be interested in putting on your pants?

Willie, I think it's safe enough
to step them up a little now.


No wonder you wanted an army post out
here, you had quite an investment to protect.

- Had is right.
- Look Jonathan, signal smoke.

- Did you grab Cochise?
- Yeah.

- Well, of all the stupid things.
- I had to as a matter of protection...

- in case something started.
- It started.

Keep those cattle coming,
only Cochise can stop this.

What started? Who started it?


The Indians.

You, you, you, take a building
on the other side of the street.

You two take another corner.

What's the matter? What happened?

- Hold on Bill, hold on.
- Chris...

Chris. Chris.

Get out of the doorway, come on in.
Hurry up. Get in here quick. That's it.

Hey, what you going to do with these things?

- The key?
- Yeah.

The key. Oh, the key. What I do with them?

Bill, what I do with the key?
I don't know, I don't know.

I hope you didn't forget
where you put Cochise.

He's in my root cellar.

We'll never get across that street now.


We get a chance, come on.

- I found it, I found the key.
- Really? Ain't that fine?

- Where are they?
- Oh, they're out taking a little walk.


Let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in.

- Let him in.
- Let me in.

Let me in, let me in, let me in.

- Wait a minute and you are in.
- Let me in.

- Where? Where?
- Here.

Cochise, are you alright?

- I got to give him the key.
- But you can't go out there.

I've got to go out there.

But you can't. Oh, you,
you can't do that, I tell you.

Give me this thing, if it
worked for you, it'll work for me.

Alright, if you want
to get shot alright go ahead.

I've got your cattle.
Now get out there and stop that fight.

- No, first get Sawyer.
- Later.

Jonathan, here's the key.

Will you help me?

I hope you're satisfied.


No, no.

So you want to play, eh?

Just a minute Ware.

Alright lieutenant, before
we start off for Yuma again...

I want to ask protection for Cochise.

Looks like we're the ones
that need protection around here.

As far as your starting off again, you'd
better, before some soldier recognizes you.


No sir, Jonathan I never will forget the
last time we rode in the coach together.

I was the prisoner then,
you're the prisoner now.

Get it?

No sir, I never will forget that day.
I thought I was going to be scalped.

- But the Indians saved that for my wife.
- Look judge...

Oh well hello. Well, what,
what a pleasant surprise.

- I hope I'm not intruding.
- Not at all.

I'm in a bit of a hurry
to get out of this country.

I imagine.

- You married?
- Yes.

- Oh fine, congratulations.
- Thank you.

Oh, don't mind me.
Funny how things work out, isn't it?

You know, if hadn't been for a couple of
Indians, I'd be sitting right where you are.

That's right.

You know, no
hard feelings, life is like that.

♪ Oh, the little dogie lost
his trail and he cried mo... ♪

Alone at last.
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