I Dutifully Report (1958)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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I Dutifully Report (1958)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Barrandov Film Studio presents

The Second Part of Jaroslav Hašek's





Hurry up, Schweik!
We're leaving presently!

Film Adaptation


Played by
Conducted by

Set design

Costume Designer

Sound Engineer

Assistant Director, Assistant Camera
Script, Assistant Architect

Assistant Editor
Deputy-Chief of Production

Production Chief



Directed by

Produced by
the Barrandov Film Studio

We've lost a suitcase!

And you say it just like that,
you nincompoop?

Beg to report, Sir, it was stolen!

There've always been and will be
thieves galore at railway stations.

Take the Northwestern
railway station, for instance.

One lady had a pram stolen with
a teeny little girl right inside it.

Shut up!

I never know if you just play stupid
or whether you were born so.

It would take another man
a thousand years to perform

as many tomfooleries
as you've managed in my service.

Haven't you noticed this as well?

Beg to report, I indeed have.

I'm a keen observer, Sir.

But usually when it's too late
and there's a bad moon on the rise.

I'm just as unlucky as a certain
Nechleba from Nekázanka.

He'd frequent
the "Dog's Kennel" pub...

Gimme a break
with your reminiscences.

- What was in that suitcase?
- Nothing much, Sir.

The hall mirror and coat-hanger,

which belonged
to the landlord anyway.

As soon as we conquer some town,

we'll get hold
of another coat-hanger.

Shut up! As soon as we get to
Budějovice, we'll get this settled.

You know, Schweik, that I'm going
to have you arrested?

Beg to report, that I do not,
you forgot to mention it before.

With your permission, Sir,

aren't you a certain Mr Purkrábek,
an agent of the Slavia Bank?

Beg to report, Lieutenant,
I've read in the paper

that every decent human being should
have 60 to 70000 hair on his head.

That black hair tends to be thinner,
as can be seen from many cases.

And a medic told me once
at the Špirka Café that hair loss

is due to emotional turbulence
during the postpartum period.

- Du Schweinkerl! Du verfluchter...
- I meant no offense to you, Sir.

When you don't know how to behave
on a train, you should stay...

- Lieutenant! Where did you graduate
from the Cadet School? -In Prague.

And you don't know that an officer
is responsible for his subordinate?

That's a nice thing, indeed!

Second: you speak to your batman
as if he were a friend of yours!

And you permit him to speak
without being asked to!

And third: you also permit him
to offend your superiors!

That's the nicest of it all! You'll
soon feel the consequences of this!

- What's your name?
- Lukáš, Sir.

- Where are you stationed?
- I was...

I'm not asking where you've been!
I want to know where you are now!

I've just been posted
from Prague to Budějovice!

So, you've been posted!
Good on you!

It won't do you any harm
to inspect some b*ttlefield soon!

- That's been decided some time ago.
- Hmm.

Schweik, the moment
has finally come for you

to get your face slapped in a way
the world has never seen!

Why did you attack
that bald-headed gentleman?

Do you know he's
Major-General von Schwarzburg?

That I didn't know, but he's
the spitting image of Mr Purkrábek!

Shut your trap! Your stupidity's
landed me in trouble many times!

- But, Lieutenant...
- And don't follow me around all the time!

- With your permission, Sir...
- Yes, yes.

- Could I ask you something?
- Ask away.

I used to know a fellow
called Hofman,

He always insisted emergency signals
are ineffective and never work.

I'd like to know if that's true...

That fellow was lying, of course
they work. Look, if you pull this...

- Downwards, you mean?
- Of course downwards, not upwards.

...the train will stop.

The brakes are connected through
all the cars with the engine.

The emergency brakes must work,

It was here, engine-driver!

The soldier pulled
the emergency cord!

Shouldn't we move on, chaps?

It's not good for a train
to be late.

If it was in peacetimes,
it wouldn't matter,

but now there's a w*r on,
and everybody should know

the train might be carrying
military personnel.

lieutenants, batmen...

Such delays are awkward things.

At Waterloo, Napoleon was only
five minutes late

and went down in flames
with all his glory! -Schweik!

Beg to report, they're blaming me
for stopping the train!

Get in, will you! Immediately!

Get in, get in!
We're going! I'll show you!

I'd have never believed a train
could stop just like this...

This'll cost you twenty crowns...

I didn't do it, look at me,
you can see I'm no urchin, am I?

I'm not going to argue with you!

The stationmaster at Tábor will
explain it to you properly!

As you please. I always enjoy
talking to educated folks.

Folks, I'm innocent!
Upon my soul!

Pardon me, what's happening?

They're just bothering
a poor little soldier here!

Folks, help me explain to this gent
here that I'm innocent!

You're keeping us from work!
Either you pay 20 crowns, or...

A man going to w*r

to offer his life for the Emperor
doesn't take money...

Listen, stationmaster,
it's nothing to fuss over.

Give me a receipt and I'll pay
the fine for the soldier.

- What a decent gent. -You can see
he's a good-hearted soul.

Waiter, the bill!

I've had two beers, and this
soldier two sausages, a goulash,

four rolls and five beers!
Keep the change.

The fact you've lost your Lieutenant
with the papers needn't worry you!

Here's a fiver for your ticket.
Don't be silly, take it!

Everybody seems to be off
to Russia!

You need to be smart and not
stay on the front for too long.

We're Czechs after all, aren't we?

As soon as you're in Russia,
as a P.O.W.,

give my greetings to innkeeper
Zeman, in Zdolbunov.

All you need to tell him is:
Greetings from Tábor, he'll know.

And drink, man, drink!

The express for Veselí, Horní
Dvořište, Vienna, ready to leave!


I'm a Czech, my lad!

- Would you like a drop?
- Nem tudom, barátom.

No matter, just have a drink!

Drink it up, man, drink it up!

- Köszönöm szivesen.
- Don't mind it, man!

Waiter, bring us some more,
will you?

Train for Soběslav, Mezimostí,
and České Budějovice, all aboard!

- Front, nix?
- No way, my lad! Nothing for me.

Moskali, pif, paf, puf!

You... Du...



Ah, Rückzug...


Waiter! Another round!

Ihre Dokumente! Militárpolizei!

Három gyermek... Harom!

I understand. You've got three kids?

- Elhén, Elhén!
- Go on, drink up, My Hungarian friend!

- You wouldn't treat us like this, would you?
- Ihre Dokumente!

So, also...
Your documents, schnell!

I don't have any, miláčku/darling!

Was ist das, "miláčku"?

das ist wie Herr Feldwebel!

What are you saying, darling?

You're all alone?

Of course I'll be with you
in a jiffy, I'm on my way. Bye bye!

- Herein.
- ...and all this on Christmas Eve.

Beg to report, Lieutenant,

this man has been found
at the station with no papers!

It must be at this very moment!
Come here!

What were you doing
at the station?

Beg to report, I was waiting for
a train to České Budějovice,

to join up with the 91 st Battalion,
where I'm for Lt. Lukáš,

whom I had to leave as I was
brought here to be fined,

under the suspicion
of having stopped the express

by means of the emergency cord!

I don't understand any of this!

Give it to me straight,
no more gibberish!

Sir, ever since we got onto
the express, we've had bad luck.

You mean with the emergency cord?

at the start we lost a suitcase.

- And then a major-general, quite
bald-headed... -Come to the point!

Before the whole matter was settled,
the train left and I was left behind

like an orphan,
without any sort of documents.

Why didn't you follow
with the next train?

Beg to report, while I was waiting
for this next train,

the misfortune befell me
of drinking one beer after another.

Do you know what it means,
to call somebody a degenerate?

Beg to report, Sir, in our street
there once lived a degenerate,

his father was a Polish nobleman
and his mother a midwife.

He cleaned the street and wanted
to be called "Your Excellency"!

I've had enough of you!

You're now going to the counter
to buy a ticket for Budějovice

and will leave immediately,

Beg to report, Sir, I've understood,
but I've got no money at all!

I spent all I had on beer.

In that case, you rogue,
you'll have to walk.

As far as I'm concerned,

they can put you in gaol
at your regiment, for being late!

Take this man out of here and show
him the way to Budějovice!

Caught you by surprise, didn't I?

You're no gendarmes, but policemen!

Instead of raising watchfulness
by 1000%*, you're becoming beastly!

Don't sneeze
when you're reporting to me!

All you ever do
is lie about at home,

thinking this damned w*r can
go to hell! -Sir...

Wait a minute, you! Come here!

That's our charwoman, Sir.

Tell me where they had
that pig slaughtered!

At the mill, Sir! The pig was
over 180 kg net weight!

- If you wouldn't take of fence, Sir,
I would... -Take it away!

- We also have nice pickled meat.
- Shut up, man!

- The weight of a dead pig,
that you know... -Captain, Sir...

That the woods teem with deserters,
that doesn't concern you at all!

Every day, I send you circulars,
instructions, questionnaires,

secret dispatches...! Don't I?
And where are they?

Got them all, Captain, everything!

Everything in perfect order,

Captain, I've locked all the papers
up in the wardrobe.

Where are those keys again...
Here they are...

That's a nice thing! You haven't
removed the seals at all, have you?

An official seal, Captain...

So you're not interested in what's
going on at the b*ttlefield?

Our victorious armies
march forward!

Yeah, um, of course...
- Yes, Sir.

But the transfer of our armies
in East Galicia has caused

parts of the Russian armies
to cross the Carpathians...

The Russians are sending spies
across the front, over to our side.

There's many a special trained
Czech among those spies.

These are the most dangerous ones,
as they speak Czech very well.

Therefore everybody who's
in the least suspicious

must be apprehended
and questioned thoroughly.

You must also send
a report every week

regarding the mood
of the local inhabitants.

The local people are
much too dumb to be spies.

In a time of w*r, we must be
especially observant and careful!

You have to find a way
to get the people's confidence!

Besides, you'll have some money
granted to you,

to pay out to a local informer

who'll bring you all the news
in time, still warm!

Good day, soldier!
Where are you going?

To join my regiment at Budějovice,
grandma, to go to the w*r!

You're going the wrong way, my lad,
you'll never get there!

This way you'll get to Klatovy...

I can get to Budějovice
from there too.

Look, my lad, wait for me
behind that barn over there...

I'll bring you some potato soup,
to warm you up!

Thanks, grandma, you're kind to me!

Eat it up, my boy, eat it up,
it'll do you good!

Thanks, grandma.

Don't show yourself much
in our village.

And try to avoid Ražice, too.

The gendarmes are as hard as nails,
always on the lookout for deserters!

Cross the meadows
to get directly to Heřman,

there's a very kind-hearted chief
of police, he lets everybody pass.

- Do you have any papers?
- I don't, grandma!

Than avoid Heřman too, and cross
the wood to get to Protivín.

Where in the lower street
you'll find an old Melichárek,

he's my brother,
give him my very best.

And he'll show you the way
to Budějovice!

Thanks, grandma, now I have to go!

God be with you, my boy.

I've got two grandsons in the w*r!

And buy something to warm you up,
it's a long way yet to Protivín!

- Goodbye, then...
- Goodbye, soldier.

- Get on with you, Rampa!
- Please...

Open the envelopes, sofort!

And you too,
can't you stop sneezing?

I can't help it, I'm coming down
with something.

- I'll have to lie down.
- Of course!

The place's full of spies
and you're gonna be ill!

That'd suit you...
There'll be arrests!


- Have you ever seen a spy?
- Who, me? No... have you?

Well, I haven't seen one,
but I would surely know him!

It's easy to say, "Get the favour
of the local people," but how?

- I'd know how...
- You would? Out with it.

I'm afraid...

- You'll say I'm talking out
of my arse again... - Go on, say it!

Well... but I'd rather not,
maybe it's just a silly idea.

You don't know a thing anyway
and are just trying to pull my leg!

- If you insist, I'll tell you then.
- I don't want to hear anything!

If Rampa over there was
worth a penny, and if he wanted to,

he could learn
a few songs on his bugle,

and get to be a member
of the local band.

That's an idea...


- Leave everything and go practice!
- But yesterday you told me to quit!

What was yesterday
needn't be today.

An order is an order, do you hear?
Take your bugle and go practice!

What about getting a paid informer?

I think right, I think left,
and I can't make it out...

Johnny, come at the right moment,
once in your life!

Come in, come in. I'm telling you.

Rampa, you're disturbing me during
an official act!

But you just told me...

Go practice in the gaol for now,
it's empty anyway.

Do you see that picture over there?

Do you know who it is?
That's the Emperor.

Do you understand?

All right, here's 20 halers.

And if you hear
that the Emperor's a beast

or that we won't win the w*r,

you'll come here and tell me
who said it, understood?

Good. Now jump up!

Good then.

And we've got an informer!

Now I'll make out the report.

Where's the inkpot?
Donnerwetter, you've lost it again!

- Here it is...
- About time. Let's write.


...to local...


Let's say fifty crowns, shall we?

Fifty crowns, then.

Have you got a light, pal?

You shouldn't walk about in this.

There's many a policeman
around now.

And you can't go
begging in it either.

Where are you headed?

- To Budějovice...
- For God's sake, man!

There they'll get you within
within the hour.

Gotta wear civvies, dirty old ones,
and pretend to be a cr*pple...

Don't worry, I'll sort you out.

Come with me to the old shepherd
for the night,

we'll get you some civvies.

Come along, just come along.

My grandpa also deserted...

But that was during the w*r
with old Napoleon.

Got him at Vodnany.

Beat up his arse so fierce
he couldn't sit for weeks.

And he could count himself lucky.

The grandpa of Jaroš from Ražice

was ex*cuted at Písek!

And when did you abscond?

Right after the draft! As soon as
they took us to the barracks.

Did you climb the fence?

Of course, grandpa,
I had no other choice!

And the guards... did they sh**t?

- Yes, grandpa.
- And where are you headed now?

He's crazy,
he's off to Budějovice!

A young chap, got no sense,
cruising for his own destruction.

Help yourself, boys,
you're welcome!

If this w*r lasts much longer,

people will have to eat
roots and grass again.

They didn't appreciate
the good life!

Even mutton wasn't good enough
for them,

stuffing themselves with greasy
pork and poultry all the time...

- Open up, grandpa!
- A policeman! You've gotta hide!

Come on, quickly!

- Good evening.
- Good evening, grandpa!

Don't tell me you've lost your way,
my lad!

Of course not,
we're looking for deserters.

- Here, at a sheep barn?
- No, in the woods.

All I want from you
is to warm up a little here.

That's a different matter, then!

The inhabitants of the village
of Putim are absolutely loyal

and according to the instructions
and grades

issued by the Emperor's
ministry of interior,

the mood they
are in can be labelled A1.

A paid informer
has been recruited...

What's that damn
fellow's name anyway?

I don't know, everybody calls him

What? Johnny... Jump... Up?

Excellent, write: John Jumper.

Chief, you've got a head...

That's why I'm chief at Putim,

You'll never be more
than a corporal,

having a coconut for a head!


"The above-mentioned informer
is a hard-working, diligent citizen,

loving His Majesty and the throne."

God, that hag added so many
dill to the cucumber as if...

Where are we?

"Loving His Majesty
and the throne."

Yes, and his throne,
quite all right!

Have a look outside,
some tramp is hanging about there!

Come in, come in...

- Wishing you all a good afternoon!
- You're welcome, soldier, sit down!

You must be tired anyways.
Tell us, where are you going?

To Budějovice, to join my regiment.

If that's the case,
you're going the wrong way!

Look here, soldier.

That's us, Putim.

South from here, Protivín.

And south from there,

So you can see you're not
going to, but from Budějovice!

And still I'm going to Budějovice!

- Well, and where did you start from,
to get to Budějovice? -From Tábor.

- And what were you doing in Tábor?
- Waiting for a train to Budějovice!

And why didn't you take the train
to Budějovice?

Because I didn't have any money
to buy a ticket with!

And why didn't they give you
an army ticket for free?

Because I didn't have any papers!

There's many a Czech
among those spies

and they've all been trained
in special staff-schools.

And these are
the most dangerous ones,

as they speak Czech very well.

Corporal! Search him!

I'll take my clothes off.

Get off me!

Why have you got nothing,
absolutely nothing on you?

Because I don't need anything.

And what were you doing
at the station in Tábor?

I just talked to soldiers,

asked them what regiment they
served in, where they were going.

Just talked to soldiers, hm.

You didn't by any chance ask them
how many men there're in a regiment?

I've known that by heart for
a long time now!

- Do you speak Russian?
- No.

He doesn't. No matter,
we'll keep you here anyways.

Why not. It's nice and warm here,
and the stove's in perfect order.

Close the door!

Come here!

Did you hear that?
Doesn't speak Russian!

But I plastered
him with questions, didn't I?

He's sure to be a superior officer.
Of course!

The Russians are not gonna send
a common private to spy for them!

Chief, I was flabbergasted!
You're as clever as Sherlock Holmes!

Criminal investigation is based
on brains and gentleness.

Go and get something to eat now!

Send the charwoman to the pub

and then tell her to make loads
of tea with rum! Get out!

No, wait! Not a word to anybody!

It's a military secret! Go on!

Leave those classics alone

and get on with learning
some folk songs!

Here we are!

Address: to the esteemed
Bez... Bezirks... what am I doing?

The highly esteemed
Bezirksgendarmerie Kommando, Písek.

- Well, what do you say? It's good,
isn't it? -Quite good, yes!

Just tell me, man,

how you can play a hunter's song
when wearing a gendarme's uniform?

Stop it right away,
before we get in trouble!

Well, according to all the signs,

the man must be
a clever Russian spy,

who speaks the Czech language
fluently and attempted...

...and attempted...

What was it he attempted to do...

Come here!

He attempted to...

Why did you come in?
Oh, did he get his dinner?

Pork, with sauerkraut and dumplings.

And what's he doing now?

He's drinking tea with rum
and looks quite satisfied.

That's what I call cheek!

The fella must be fully aware
he's facing certain death.

Must have nerves of steel.

If we had people like that in...
Stop nodding your head!

Go question him again!
If I don't do everything myself...

- Did you like your dinner?
- Well, it was quite decent.

Pity there wasn't more sauerkraut.

The tea with rum was very good,

They drink a lot of tea in Russia.

- Do they have rum, too?
- Well, rum's all over the world.

And are there pretty gals
in Russia?

Pretty gals are also all over
the world, chief!

Oh, come on, tell us how you like it
here in Bohemia!

I like Bohemia very much.

I've met some very nice folks
on my journey.

The folks here are decent.

A petty theft or brawl here
and there... No matter.

Well, what were you
gonna do at Budějovice?

I was supposed to serve in the 91 st
Regiment and follow them to the front.

The easiest way to get to Russia.

Do you know
how to take photographs?

Yes, I do.

- And why don't you carry a camera?
- Because I haven't got one.

And if you had one,
you'd take pics?

If I had one...
That's not worth considering.

Tell me, is it difficult to make
a picture of a railway-station?

Easier than most!
It doesn't move all the time.

And you don't have to tell it
to look pleasant!

We'll take you to Písek tomorrow.

Have you been to Písek before?

In 1910, as part of the Emperor's

- The whole manœuvres? -Sure,
as a private of the infantry.

Give him some more tea with rum

And for me too!
And put more rum in it!

Slavic brothers,
our nation's alive!

Slavic brothers,
our nation's alive!

Thunder and hell,
and all your power,

manage nothing against us!

My dear Slavic brother!

Come on, my little spy!

Don't worry!

The Cossacks will be in Moravia
any minute now...

Long live the Russian Tsar!

- Let's make him King of Bohemia!
- Sure!

They have to keep Franz Josef
locked up in the lavatory anyways,

otherwise he'd dirty the whole
castle of Schönbrunn!

Cut it out, fellas,
we're in a police-station!


Come here!
Go to the pub and tell them

to send me another
bottle of aniseed brandy!

Please, master,
give me some money.

You owe me
for three years' cleaning...

Shut up, grandma,
or I'll have you arrested!

We know for a fact your son's
a poacher! Get out!

- Corporal! Where're you going?
- Gotta go outside!

Tell me that even in Russia they
have no better brandy than here!

- Come on, admit it, be a man!
- They don't!

You don't know how pleased I am
you've admitted it!

That's how it should be at
a questioning! Come here, my lad!

Gimme a kiss... gimme...

Well, haven't you misbehaved again!
You sure showed your true colours!

In front of the charwoman
you shouted: "Long live Russia!"

You didn't exactly hold back either,

You said our Emperor's due
to kick the bucket any day now,

and Emperor Wilhelm
is but a beast!

- What... I said that?
- You did. And you also shouted...

- Shut up!
- I'm only telling the truth.

How can you recall anything!
You were drunk as a skunk,

your eyes were as small as a pig's
and you tried to climb the stove

when you wanted to get out
of the door!

Been always telling that alcohol's
a destructive element.

You can't take it and still
you keep on drinking!

Get hold of yourself! You gotta
take that spy over to Písek,

to hand him over to the captain.
He'll be very pleased with us!

- I'll go and get him, yes?
- Go!

Listen, corporal. Rampa, call our
charwoman to come and see me!

Come and see the chief, come on...

- Good morning!
- Good morning!

- Did you sleep well?
- So, so... and you?

Thanks for asking,
but I can sleep anywhere.

Only the pillow under my head,
you should have it changed,

I think it must be made
from duck feathers.

Well! Now the corporal is going
to take you to Písek,

to the Bezirksgendarmeriekommando.

You don't know how pleased I am.

I was almost afraid you'd keep me
here till the end of the w*r!

According to the regulations,
I should have you handcuffed.

But as you are an otherwise
decent human being,

we shall not handcuff you.
Corporal, take him away!

So, good luck for the journey,
and remember me!

God be with you, chief, thanks a lot
for everything you've done for me.

As soon as I'll have the chance,
I'm going to write to you.

If I ever pass this way again,
I shall look you up.

For heaven's sake,
what does the chief want with me?

That I don't know,
I only know he's terribly cross,

you must've done
something horrible last night!

For heaven's sake, that isn't true!

Come here, Mrs Pejzlar!

Listen, woman,

yesterday you had the chance
to witness a major event.

Maybe your stupid brain
can't grasp it,

but that man was a spy!

- For heaven's sake!
- Indeed, and that's not all!

To get some evidence out of him,
we had to say various things

- in front of him, you heard us,
didn't you? -I did, chief.

Now, woman, you've got to remember,
you're part of an official secret.

Not a word about it to anyone,
not even on your deathbed.

Otherwise you won't be given
a Christian burial!

For heaven's sake!

Why did I, unfortunate person,
ever come here?! For heaven's sake!

Don't cry, step closer to the cross.

Lift two fingers of your right hand
and repeat after me:

- I swear...
- I swear...

- by God Almighty...
- by God Almighty...

- and by you, chief of police...
- and by you, chief of police...

...that I won't mention anything
till my dying day.

...that I won't mention anything
till my dying day.

Well and now, kiss the crucifix!

Mr Flanderka!

Praised be the name
of Jesus Christ!

Forever. My good woman, leave me
alone with the chief of police.

Anything I can do for you,

I met the village shepherd,

Johny Jump-Up,
and he told me...

Don't take it the wrong way,

I'm just going to repeat
what he said.

He said, "Master, the chief
of police told me yesterday

that the Emperor is a beast
and that we won't win the w*r!"

I'm surprised at you,
discussing such things with him,

knowing well that he's an idiot,
God forgive me.

- Whenever you want to talk...
- What?

- Whenever you want to talk...
- I can't hear you!

Whenever you want to talk, so that
nobody else overhears you,

you have to start some music!
- All right.

he's watching us with curiosity!

He mustn't know who you are!

- Hello, innkeeper!
- Yes?

If he knew who you were,
he could cause a panic,

during the w*r forbidden!
- I'm not going to cause a panic!

Leave it here,
what's the use anyway...

My brother here's telling me
we'll be in Písek in a hour.

You're brothers?

- So your brother is on leave, eh?
- His leave's over today.

- I see.
- See how we fooled him?

- I think we should go now.
- We'll go... of course we'll go.

Look, it's lunchtime.

Captain König will be having
his lunch now anyways.

And if we get to Písek at 4 o'clock,
we'll still have plenty of time.

Go on, tell me, will the town
of Písek run away from us?

Of course it won't,

but I should like to be
with my Lieutenant again.

Have a drink,
he won't run away either.

Innkeeper, bring us a pack of cards,
we'll have a game.

- Be sensible.
- I'd like you to win all my money.

Talk to your brother, please!

He got drunk for the sheer joy
at seeing me alive again.


Did you hear that cannonade
during the night?

Leave me alone with such...

Corporal, we'll have to go...
it'll be dark soon!

Don't panic! Stay seated!

That's what instructions are for!

Do you know what
instructions are for?

Instructions summarise regulations!

Come outside to get a breath of air.
It will do you good!

Leave me alone, I'm glad we're
in a warm place.

Those in the trenches now aren't
as comfortable as we are!

- Now, don't you cause a panic!
- Of course, panics are forbidden!

- Stop acting like such a fool!
- What are you worrying about?

Brother, be sensible... take this.

Here, don't leave your cap behind!

Follow me! You'll regret having
ever agreed to be a spy!

For sure!

Where are you going?

To Písek!
Just follow your nose!

And you'll get to Písek!

I can't go on...
Someone's holding me!

This won't do, fellow!

Where're your handcuffs?
Hand them over!

- Do you like folk songs?
- Come along, come on, I tell you...

Hello, uncle, wait a minute.

Follow me! Stop!
Wait, till I'm across.

- Let's go back!
- Come on, before I slap your face!

Behave yourself!

- Which regiment have you deserted?
- None, Sir!

I'm following my Lieutenant,
Mr Lukas, over to Budějovice.

And why didn't you tell
the constable at Putim

that it was all a mistake?

Because I saw it would be in vain.

I used to know
an innkeeper at home,

who always said to people who owed
him that some folks have moments

when they're just deaf
to every sensible word!

Get up! Open your mouth!

Rum, cherry brandy,
aniseed brandy,

nut liquor, eggnog
and vanilla liquor!

To come here drunk,

to let yourself be wheeled in
on a cart like a beast!

Well, no doubt Captain König
will be pleased about you!

Lock him up!
Till he's black in the face!

Come here, Captain,
I'd like to ask you something!

Of course, with great pleasure,

- Just go on playing, gentlemen...
- Please, Lieutenant.

Tell me, why does Lieutenant Lukáš
never spend his evenings with us?

It looks as if he were avoiding
our company...

And he's a funny chap.

He's always preferred the company
of women to a soldier's friendship.

Of course, the times of knights
and round tables are over now!

In the old days, every officer tried
to do his share in entertainment.

One fellow, a Lieutenant Denkl,
he even undressed

and played the little
mermaid for us...

But that fellow Lukáš
must be a melancholic.

He's only embittered. He expected
a promotion a long time ago...

- But surely his commander capacity
is diminutive... -What do you mean?

That's proven by the fact he's got
no idea where his batman's got to...

America clearly can't enter the w*r,
it's wholly isolated by the ocean.

Sure, but the history of sea-battles
teaches us... Take Trafalgar...

Cadet Biegler, German U-boats are
in all the oceans,

as I mentioned to our
district commander

already before the w*r!
Isn't that right.

Do you hear the tripe Lieutenant
Dub is spewing again?

Yesterday he was nothing but
a stupid little professor of Czech,

and today he'd like to be equal
to us, active officers!

Excuse me, Colonel, I'm taking this
opportunity and dare to mention

- the fact that I need a new batman.
- Do you know, Lieutenant,

such a curiosity as having a batman
desert us can only occur to you.

- Listen, I've heard you can sing.
- That isn't worth mentioning.

- Who told you, Colonel?
- Don't be too modest, Lieutenant!

As far as the batman's concerned,
speak to Sergeant Vaněk,

he'll find you a private.
So, that's that.

Have you by any chance chosen
someone from our company?

- I'm relying on you, Sergeant...
- As you wish, Sir.

I'm not very lucky in choosing
a batman,

as has been proved in the case
of Schweik. -Did he steal?

By no means, he was an honest soul,
but a terrific chatterbox.

He would yackety-yak so much
he almost drove me nuts!

Thank God he's gone...
I would've lost my mind!

Listen, man, don't keep me from
my duty and come along!

I could give you a certain Baloun,
but he's very clumsy...

Put a g*n in his hand,
he'll cause a mishap.

But in all other respects,
a decent chap.

- Don't knock on the door!
- There's a notice on the door:

"Nicht klopfen! Don't knock!"
Damn you, come in you fool!

- Beg to report, Sir, I'm here again!
- Schweik... oh...

what's happening to you?

Beg to report, an official letter!

Take the lieutenant to the gate!

Well, Schweik,
welcome to Budějovice.

Those to be hanged
will never drown!

They've put out a warrant on you!

I'm not going to bother
myself with you again!

I've lost my patience!

When I imagine I've had to put up
with such an idiot for so long!

I'm surprised at myself for not
having you shot long ago!

What would've happened to me?
The charge would be dismissed!

- Do you understand?
- Beg to report, I do understand!

Don't start your foolishness again,
or something will really go down!

I'm finished with you.

Quartermaster, take him to gaol!

Lieutenant, if you by any chance
went looking for the stuff you use

to dye your gray hair with...
- Out, you swine!

Beg to report, I'm getting out!

I must say you've got me
an awesome batman, indeed!

He's been driving me insane
for a month now! And today,

I send him off to get my lunch,
and he eats half of it underway!

- Please, Sir, it got spilled...
- Soup perhaps, but not the joint!

- What did you do with the strudel?
- Please, I'm not to blame...

Speak, you twerp, what have you
done with the strudel?

When I was walking across the yard,
it fell into the mud...

Come and show me the place you
dropped it!

It's not there anymore!
A big, huge mutt came along...

Don't you lie to me, git! I saw you
stuffing yourself in the yard!

- Lieutenant...! -Have you no control
over yourself, man?

- You gotta eat your master's lunch?
- Beg to report, I'm always hungry.

That's the way I'm built.

As soon as I smell food,
I forget myself...

Have him tied up
outside the kitchen.

And tell the cook to give his
ration to the others!

Come along, Baloun!

Hallo! Lieutenant Lukáš!

Yes, yes. I understand.

Wait, Lieutenant,
I'm going to send for your lunch!

Thank you, but I'm called to attend
a Besprechung with the Colonel.

Damn! Think it might be
marching orders?

Nah, it's not so hot.

I've had my marching orders thrice,
and the last company I was with,

went over to the Ruskis with all
the officers, commander included!

I was only spared
because I'd been sent behind

the lines to get rum for the lads,
what a sweet copout, ha-ha.

Next time there's an attack on,
you won't be behind the lines

getting rum, I can assure you!
- Of course, but...

it's been pointed out to me you're
an old boozer, with your red nose...

My nose got frost-bitten
in the Carpathians!


That's a nice bone, innit?

I think you should have
the sect of the Hesychasts,

they looked at their tummies
all day long,

till they thought
it had a halo.

Well, have a bite, come on...
Have a bite.

You know me,
I don't like doing such things.

But it can't be helped.
The army is the army!

Beg to report, Sir, I've just been
released from gaol!


I was told to hand these papers
over to you, Sergeant,

to get pay and food of course.
Beg to report, Sir...

Schweik, shut your trap!

You'd do well to leave us alone.

You dumb beast!
Shall I never get rid of you?

Which nitwit
sent you here again?

Beg to report, Sir, the Colonel!

First, he called me on the carpet,

then he told me
to report to you as orderly.

You, an orderly?
That Colonel must have gone insane!

I wouldn't know about that,
but he was telling me very sensibly

to try to avoid all further trouble
and not to bring any shame to you.

- As if I'd ever done that.
- Yes, hmmm.

If I've ever done anything wrong,
it was just an accident.

I've done nothing intentionally...

I always meant well...

Butt if it turned out to bring
trouble for both us,

it was just because
I was clumsy...

Now don't you start weeping here.

Beg to report, I'm not weeping.

I only suddenly felt sorry
for both of us,

as we're the two most unfortunate
men in this w*r and under the Sun...

and neither of us really to blame.

Schweik, calm yourself!

Beg to report, that if it wasn't
against regulations,

I'd have to say that I can't
get over it, but as it is,

I've got to say, that according
to your orders, I'm quite calm...

Yes, speaking... Coming...

You wait here till I return.

Look, get out of my way, will you?

Quartermaster, I'm very sorry.

I can't oblige you,
as I got my orders from high up.

- It happens I'm here as orderly!
- You don't say!

What's your civilian profession,

Well, I'm Vaněk,
and I keep a drugstore in Kralupy.

That's good. I've been apprenticed
in a drugstore too!

- You don't say? -With a certain
Kokoška on the Pernštejn in Prague.

He was a funny bloke.

When I set fire to a tin with gas
in his cellar once,

he chased me away.

Yes, I'm coming...

I've got to go to the office.
I don't like that, seems so sudden.

It could be marching-orders.
Damn that life!

To hell with you!

Captain Sagner,

you've been appointed commander
of the unit to be sent off,

get everything ready now!

Judging by all the signs, you'll be
on the b*ttlefield in a fortnight.

- Hallo, what do you want?
- Is Vaněk anywhere around?

I'm coming back, then I'll settle
the matter with you!

If Vaněk is not there, listen
carefully to what I'm going to say.

once you put the receiver down...


You told me
to put the receiver down.

You lout, you tramp, you...

I'll be back in an hour, and you
can look forward to my coming!

You go get the corporal right away,
tell him to take the handyman

and start drawing
canned provisions from the store...

Did you understand?

But, Sir, what do you think of me?
Of course.

Yes, I'm gonna look after it all.

I'm no duffer, am I?

Gents, at the last two stations
we passed, I received two wires.

Both are signed by the brigade-
commander, Knight von Herbert.

"Cook your food quickly and march
towards Sokal.

Include your cars
into the Eastern group.

Field security to be abolished.
Build a bridge over the river Bug."

- That's... -Wait!
"Further instruction in the papers."

Signed Knight von Herbert,

Permit me, Sir, I have a map here.
Excuse me, but just like yours...

I find some of the general's
instructions somewhat...

Cadet Biegler, do you want to argue
with the brigade-commander's orders?

- You're just an officer embryo!
- Of course!

I've decided to get fame on the
b*ttlefield of honour and glory!

As every infantry-soldier
can become a field-marshall...

You'll have the opportunity...
During the first night attack!

The second wire reads:

"immediately start cannon-training
according to the news

of yesterday's Neue Freie Presse.

Pay every man 6 crowns for
conquering our fortress, Přemyšl."

Soldiers shouldn't get
any money at all!

The true arms in w*r are
patriotism, fidelity to one's duty,

self-denial and similar sentiments.

I mentioned that already before
the w*r to our local authorities!

Look, that girl we saw dancing
at Budějovice, is now in Budapest,

with the "Small Theatre" Company!

I think, Kunert, your Lieutenant
is a very nice chap!

- Like a real father to the soldiers.
- That's your opinion, he's a swine!

You don't say! Nice way to talk
about your Lieutenant!

- He's not a regular, is he?
- No.

- And what's his civilian profession?
- He's a teacher of Czech.

I envy you, man.

You've a chance to learn some real
Czech language during the w*r,

and speak like a writer!

Schweik! What're you doing here?

Beg to report, Sir, Kunert and I
have just discussed Lieutenant Dub.

- What a nice character he has...
- All right. Now, Schweik...

Go and tell Baloun to bring me
a roll with liver pâté.

- It's in my suitcase, packed
in tinfoil. -Orders, Sir!


I've already told you not to speak
to that rascal Schweik!

He's a good-for-nothing
and a subversive element.

Why did you talk to him?

Don't you know how to answer,
you beast?

Beg to report, Sir, I wasn't
speaking to him, he spoke to me!

You lout, you don't know me yet!

But when you get to know me,
I'll make you cry! Ha!

Baloun! You're supposed to bring
the Lieutenant a roll with pâté!

I ain't got it! I ain't got it!

I just unwrapped it...

To see whether
it's not spoiled...

I just smelled it...
I just tasted it...

And then you swallowed it whole,
tinfoil and all!

You, Baloun, should keep control
over yourself.

Anytime you face such a problem,
which you've just gorged on,

just ask yourself:
What relation is that pâté to me?

Only thanks to my intervention
have you remained batman.

They wanted to transfer you
to the medical corps,

to transport the wounded from
the b*ttlefield, during the battle.

Aren't you ashamed?
You, a soldier?

I wasn't built for the w*r...

Please, I'm always hungry because
I miss the ordinary routine.

Ask the Captain at the Division HQ.
About 500 yards from here.

Captain Tayerle.

I'm telling you in confidence,
you can throw those wires away.

The brigade commander
has gone mad.

You know - paralysis!

- He's sending out such crazy wires
all over the place. -But why...

Well, it takes some time
before the ministry finds out...

Such things cause errors, chaos...

w*r is a chaotic enterprise anyway.

Calm yourself, even chaotic orders
get you to the trenches in the end.

This is where your train ends,
from here you march.

But don't worry about tomorrow...

Tonight we'll have a dance.

There're some pretty tarts here,
sogennante Engelhuren.

There's even a general's daughter,
she used to be a lesbian.

And a young Lieutenant... he likes
to dress up in women's drags.

- Just wait, you'll see.
- All right.

Hab Acht!

You think I am stuffing you here
like pigs for a slaughter?

Less gobbling, more running!

When are you going to split
your seams, you pigs?

Orders, Sir!

That's what I call discipline!

Remember, the enemy uses cunning

He founds brothels in deserted towns
and in these, he implants...

women with uh, STD's,
to cause losses in our ranks!

I'm warning you,
I'll punish all I find there!

Beg to report, we should be told
where such enemy brothels are.

- As it could happen...
- Do you know me?

- I know you, Sir.
- Perhaps you know my good points.

But you get to know my bad points,
and I'll surely make you cry!

- So, you say you know me,
or don't you? -I do know you!

I'm telling you for the last time
you don't know me yet, you moron!

- Do you have any brothers?
- Beg to report, I've got one.

And is he as much of a nincompoop
as you? What's he do for a living?

He's a professor, a soldier as well,
he, too, passed the officer tests...


Gents, I've just been to the Brigade
HQ. This is where our train ends.

Tomorrow we start marching
towards our positions.

All the officers will have to...
Where's Lieutenant Dub?

Heinrich, be so kind and send
an orderly to fetch him...

- Captain, may I remark...
- Cadet Biegler!

- Schweik!
- I'm here, Sir!

You don't happen to know
where we could find Lt. Dub?

Right now he's in the coffeehouse
opposite the railway-station.

He announced to the whole unit
he'd search all of the brothels in town

and that all those found there
would be punished severely!

Take Kunert along and go get him!

It's very nice there, but your Lt.
doesn't seem to be here.

We've got to go upstairs.

- Haben Sie Geld, mein Held?
- Was?

- Drei Kronen für einen Mann...
- Három korona, három...

it's very nice of you
to welcome us as heroes,

but we've got no time
to be playing hanky-panky...

Well, either start it up, or hinaus!
The lady isn't here for fun.

Don't shout at me, Madame,
or I'll slap your face for you!

- Hilfe! Hilfe!
- Halt! Entry for officers only!

Keep your filthy hands
off me, you dunce!

We're here in the interests
of the entire army!


- Well, what do you want?
- I'm afraid.

Keep it together!

Halt! Hab acht!

Quit fooling around!

Come here, Kunert!
Pour me another one!

Here you go, drink.
Besetzt, besetzt!

Come in, come in!

If it's the schoolroom key you want,
just ask the attendant downstairs!

Beg to report, you've got to dress
now and go attend a conférence!

Ah, so you're the urchin
who damaged the globe!


In wartime, such behaviour
just won't get excused!

But, Lieutenant...

Ah, it's you, Schweik?

So I've found you out, you lout!
I'll show you... Ouch.

Lieutenant... Come and help me!

- Where am I?
- You happen to be at a brothel.

Inscrutable are the ways
of the Lord.

It's interesting, not even in winter
have I sweated as much as this.


You don't know me...

But when you get to know me,
I'll make you weep!

You don't know me, but when...

What're you doing here?

Beg to report,
we're playing cards!

An innocent game, one played
on Christmas Eves,

when there's peace and love
in everybody's heart...

Quit fooling!

Well, come here!

Take this soap,
but don't forget to give it back!

Did you see that?
He's lent me his soap!

You know, we're out in the lines.
The officers get much nicer.

You ever-hungry fellow,

I'm surprised
you haven't eaten us yet!

Go away, wait till the food's ready!

What sort of life is this!

At home,
I'd make my own sausages,

and I'd eat so much stuffing
I'd almost burst!

And afterwards, the beer!

That makes a fellow feel happy!

And all this the w*r's taken
away from us!

Are you on the lookout
for the enemy, Schweik?

I'm wondering if there's
a fire-brigade over there.

When Odkolek's mills were on fire
in Prague,

fire-brigades came
from all over the town...

Are you playing the fool again?

Tell me, Schweik,
are you really this daft?

Not everybody can be clever,
the daft ones must be the exception,

cause if everyone was to be clever,
there'd be so many brains around,

that every other person
would go completely daft!

You know, Schweik,

I'm surprised at myself
I'm still talking to you...

That's caused by the fact
we've known each other for so long,

and that we've suffered
through a lot.

And always got blamed for things
that we shouldn't have been blamed for.

That's our fate, you know.

What the Emperor orders,
he orders well...

it's funny how you tend to speak
triflingly of the officer corps.

- And even of illustrious personages.
- That never even entered my head!

I think that's caused by the fact
that human life is so complicated,

that the life of one person
is quite irrelevant in comparison.

Beg to report, Sir,
orders from the Brigade HQ!

What the devil!
A change of marching orders again!

Instead of Sambor,
we're to go to Feldstein.

Are they crazy at the Brigade HQ,
or what? Schweik!

Find Vaněk, you'll go
to Feldstein as quartermasters.

And take Baloun along,
I've had quite enough of him!

According to the map,
there should be a chapel here...

Wait. Over there!

It's all the same, as there's none
both here nor there!

But the chapel must be here
somewhere, it's the official map...

- I think we should ask someone...
- But whom? -That's the question.

This thing drives me insane...
Such funny names all over the place.


They've sent us ahead
as reconnaissance patrol!

They've given us up already!
They'll be sh**ting at us!

In that case, we'll give
our lives for the Emperor!

But what about my farm at home!

Wait a sec, we need to consider
where to go from here...

- I'd go along this little brook...
- Don't be silly!

There's no brook on this map!

Let's go back, pals!

Let's say there's no Feldstein,
that the HQ's made a mistake.

You keep your trap shut!

Look here, you've got a compass?

A map can be wrong.

The lieutenant said
we can't lose our way!

- So why should I climb a hill?
- Schweik, be reasonable!

If you insist, you go your way,
and I'll go mine!

Hey there, pal!

Wait for me!

Do you know how to build a railway?
Are you a Tatar?

No Tatar, Cherkessk!

Beg to report, Sir, I'm no engineer.

I'm the orderly of the 11 th Company
of the 91 st Regiment!

I've fallen into captivity
with our own forces.

- I know it's funny, but this is
how it happened... -You're a Czech?

- From Prague. -Send him to gaol!
And in isolation!

- But gents, I'm really no engineer!
- Have him court-martialled!

Such a comic story's happened
to me a short while ago.

I sentenced a teacher to death,
and issued the order

that he should be hanged
on the first tree in sight.

I'd quite forgotten we were amid
the steppe, not one tree anywhere.

But an order is an order.

So they took that teacher
and went to look for a tree.

They came back in the evening...

With the teacher!

Fortunately, this can't happen here,
there're trees under our windows.

Well, major-prosecutor,
let's start with the proceedings!

We've put one of our informers in
with the imprisoned Schweik.

It was quite easy for him to get
the information he's been to Kiev

and so we've got reliable
material at our disposal.

A clear case, prosecutor!

Congrats, you're lucky,
another execution!

Bring the convict in!
I mean... the accused!

And be quick about it!

The cook's sent me a message

that a kidney pie would be ready
at half past eleven.

You've betrayed our Emperor!

For heaven's sake, when?

I, a traitor of our grand Emperor
for whom I've suffered so much?

Stop the shenanigans!
Here's the proof of your guilt!

I'm asking you for the last time!

Did you dress in a Russian uniform
of your own will or under duress?

- Of my own free will!
- No duress? -None at all!

Are you aware you're damned?

All I'm aware of is they're looking
for me at the 91 st Regiment.

And if you allow me, Major,
I'd like to make a minor remark

about what happens when people
put on somebody else's clothes.

I knew a book-binder, a certain
Božetěch from Prague...

- What name did you say?
- Božetěch.

Božetěch, Josef.
16, Pricna Street, Prague.

But I'm not sure he's still there,

because what I'm about to relate
to you happened in... 1908, I'd say.

The Prague police
will surely find him.

Enough, take him outside!

The court will consider the case.

I suggest
we wait with the judgment

till we hear from the 11 th Company
of the 91 st Regiment,

as the accused claims to be
a member of that Company.

I say, why wait?
The case is crystal clear.

Execute him, on my responsibility!
Auf meine eigene Verantwortung!

General, a conviction is the result
of certain investigations,

which attempt to connect
the threads of certain ties,

and it's these certain ties
which might lead us

to uncovering nets of spies...

No matter! Before the report
from the Brigade comes in,

the priest can prepare him anyways.
He's sure to hang!

Hurry up, gentlemen, a kidney pie
must be eaten while fresh...

Beg to report, Sir,
a wire from the Brigade!

Infantry private, Josef Schweik,
orderly of the 11th Company,

got lost on the 16th of this month,
while crossing to Chyrow-Feldstein.

- Didn't I tell you he's a rascal?!
- Get private Schweik to his unit!

You see? That's the result
of those "certain threads" of yours!

There's been many a trouble
because of such antlers.

Even the Archduke Ferdinand,
the one that got shot at Sarajevo...

Come in!

Man, what got into you?

To change into a Russian uniform
on the banks of some lake,

to let yourself get caught
and join a party of prisoners,

only an utter moron can do that!

Beg to report, Sir, I've noticed
sometimes I really am weak-minded.

Especially towards the evening...

Shut up, you lout! Abtreten!

For all I care, they can hang him
at the Brigade!

- Well, have you slaughtered him yet?
- He's hanging already, captain!

Will there be liver-sausages, too?

Everything as it should be, Sir!
Jurajda's mixing the stuffing!

Just wait and see!

- Jurajda, here're the casings!
- Have you washed them properly?

- Baloun, keep your fingers away!
- Let me just have a taste, friend!

A taste? I'll show you!

For heaven's sake, friends,
have a heart!

Take him away, but far, otherwise
he'll eat the whole officer's pig!

- Take him away! -Quartermaster,
let me just smell the stuffing!

- You can eat the skins, you rascal!
- For god's sake, let me, friends...

I say, Henry,
you're unlucky with your batman!

- They've already issued an order
to arrest Schweik! -You don't say!

I'm quite pleased.
That'll help me to get rid of him.


Beg to report, Sir, I'm here again!

Lord, he's here again!

Where've you been, you scoundrel?

Do you know that the battalion
has issued an order to arrest you?

Of course, they've proceeded quite
correctly, that was their duty,

it's no small matter when one of
the Emperor's soldiers goes missing.

I'll have to kick you, you beast!

Tell me, comprehensively,
what you've been up to again!

Beg to report, they wanted to sh**t
me as a traitor to the Emperor!

For God's sake,
what are you saying?

Beg to report,
that wasn't the worst.

I didn't get my pay
the whole time!

You goddamned rascal!

You're lucky I don't want to spoil
my mood for the pig-slaughter feast!

Gents, let's go!

you misbehave one more time,

and that'll be the end of you!

Beg to report, when you're at w*r,
you've got to be prepared.

You should never be surprised.

Only yesterday, some general
wanted to have me ex*cuted!

- Why on earth didn't he?
- That's what I call fate, Sir!

What would you do without me?
And I without you?

Get out of my sight!

- Hey, look, he's alive!
- Hallo, lads!

- Where've you been wandering?
- Hey, Fatty! I've missed you!

A coffee with a shot of rum
will do you good!

And there'll be liver-sausages
and pork, you've come right on time!

I'm truly happy to be with my own
people again.

I don't know what you'd've done
if they'd held me up somewhere

and the w*r would've lasted
a couple more years longer.

Say, Schweik, how long do you think
this w*r is going to last?

- Fifteen years.
- How'd you figure that out?

It's obvious.

We've had a Thirty Years w*r,
today folks have twice more brains,

that means divide 30 by 2
and you'll get 15.

Halt! Get back!

Are you insane!
There're people here!

Follow me, gents!

Mother, help!
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