Keith (2008)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Keith (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

Been thinking about what you
said about that concrete goal.


I think I've nailed it.

I feel really good about this one, Al.

Lay it on me.

It's a girl.

What's she like?

You know, smart, beautiful, popular.

A classic TGFY.

Too Good For You, Al.

But not for you?

Well, I'm sort of outside
the whole high school food chain

at this point, wouldn't you say?

So you gonna ask her out?

Ask her out?

No. Bad idea, Al.

I mean...

where's the therapeutic value in that?

So what's the plan?

I'm gonna have fun with her.

What's that mean?

Fun means fun, right?

Don't over-think it, Al.

It's been nice knowin' ya.
Next week?

You know what, Al, you've made
so much progress here,

I think you're ready to face
the world on your own now.


Don't worry, Al. You can cope.

What's up, buddy?

Yo, Anderson, wassup?

Not much. How are you?

I'm doing good.
You know, I'm just chillin'.

Can't believe they did that.



You're Rafael, right?

Yeah. And you're...?

Natalie. Anderson.

Head of... everything.

I try to keep busy, yes.

All work and no play?

None. Zero.

So you're working now.

It's, Key Club.

We're checking in on the
transfer students,

making sure they're adjusting okay.

Well, it's been a little tough.

I can tell.

You've only made about fifty
or sixty new friends.

What's up, Raff?
Hey, buddy.


Yeah. It's nice to know
somebody cares.



Natalie, come on.

All right. So I'm gonna go.
It was nice meeting you.

I'll talk to you later.

Let's go.


Zach, breakfast is on the table!

Natalie, please get him up!

Okay, okay!


Wake up.

Didn't come home.



Natty, Mills is a lefty.

You're gonna have to work
on your backhand. Backhand.

We know. We're gonna spend
the whole practice

drilling backhand today.

According to my records last year...

I'm all over it, Dad.
She got you with her serve.

Eleven aces.

Thanks for reminding me.

Natty's quicker now.

You beat her, your rank,
it jumps at least three places.

If? What's this if about?


Natty, sit down.
Have some breakfast.

I've got Key Club this morning, Mom.

You need to have some protein.
Sit down, please.

I have a bar.

A bar is not breakfast.


And as for the states
of attraction experiments...

the couples are Hobbes/Merton,

Brand/Eldridge, Anderson/Zetterstrom,

Brandon/Devins, Darling/Vendome,

Nissan/Sheer, Core/Damie,

Thomas/Bradley, Orlick/Hiker.


Haven't lied to you this far,
I'm not gonna start now.

You gonna help?

We don't need that for this.

Look, you're not gonna be
disagreeable, are you?

'Cause Walt specifically promised me

an agreeable lab partner.


You need to relax.

Actually, I need to learn this.

Because why?

Because you have to get a four
on your AP exam

if you wanna get a college
credit, in case you didn't know.

Then you'll be ahead of the game, right?

Then I can focus on the things
I'm good at and keep up my GPA.

Okay, so we need to fill this
one with sodium thiosulphate

and this one with nitrate so we can...

Gotta keep up that GPA.

Kinda helpful if you ever wanna
get a job.

A job?
Can we just do the lab?

I'd love to.
Let's do the lab.

Except, you're about ten years
into the future.

We don't need chemistry.
We... we need time travel.

Mr. Miles, this is AP.

Keith is actually pretty sharp
when he applies himself.

Okay. But we kinda...

Lack chemistry?


Try to make it work, okay?

About this Natalie Anderson...

Walter, she's a complete a**l
compulsive control freak.

How do you expect me to work with that?

But, Keith, you reque...
I'm kidding. Kidding.

I'll whip her into shape.

Who the hell do you think you are?

Who do you think I am?

Hey, Miss Key Club.

Hey. So how are you

Well, you tell me.
How am I doin'?

Well, you only got a 98%
on the history midterm,

so you're pretty much falling apart.

I hate people like you.

Hey, so listen. You gonna be at
the Brick again Friday?

Are you going?

It could happen.

Who's that guy?

He's just my lab partner.

So you don't remember.


Well, I stood behind you
in the sixth grade play.

You were the princess
and I was Russian Soldier ♪3.

I don't remember that.

Of course not.

The princess never remembers
the little people.

Excuse me while I cry for you.

You should.

You should cry for me
from your early decision tower.

It's posted in the front office.

Why do they do that?

Why Duke?

Great faculty, Division One,
that kind of stuff.

Well, sure you get what you pay for.

Actually, I have a partial scholarship.

That's right.

That goes to positive.


So they basically give you
a bunch of money

for hitting a ball over a net.

Something like that.
Where did you apply?


Not going to college.

Not in the Judeo-Christian
sense, no, I'm not.

So what are you doing after graduation?

The sky's the limit.

That's informative.

Why are you taking an AP class...

Thought you have me pegged.

Well, Advanced Placement in what?

I'm sure there's a very
simple explanation.

Of course there is, Natalie,
and you're not gonna stop

until you figure it out.

That sounds like a challenge.
You're on.

So this is all based
on one little conversation.

You don't even know if
he's gonna be there tonight.

He'll definitely be there.

What, your power of positive thinking?

Hey, Brooke.

Yeah, Nat, can I borrow ten bucks?

For what?

Come on.
I'll pay you back tomorrow.


No more.

Try getting a job.

Try sucking my d*ck.

Since when do you have one?

Get out.

Let's go.

What happened?

Where's all the music?

Can I help you?


Who is this guy?

What is he...?

Buddy, relax. You're gonna
like this, I promise. Listen.

What makes you think
you can change the music?


I'm kidding, buddy.

Just have a good time, all right?

Señorita. Let's go.


Hey, excuse me.

What? No.

Hey, welcome back.

Interesting choice of music.

You think you can keep up?

Of course.

So, what do you think
you're gonna do after college?

I'm gonna to own my own record label.

You think big.

Well, why not?
What about you, Natalie?

Well, I wanna run a magazine.

I wanna be the editor.

Yeah. Run a magazine.

Why not? I mean, why not do
something amazing?

Hey, there's a whole world out there.

Everybody here,
they just wanna go to State.

Nobody wants to do anything,
you know, try anything new.


Keith. Keith!

The lab report is due tomorrow.

Yes. But the real pressing
question is,

how is Rafael Marquez your boyfriend?

He's not.

Great choice, that Rafael.

Brainy stud, perfect guy, can't go wrong.

You were at the Brick.


But you were.

If you weren't, then how would you know?

Because that's where everyone goes.

What about the lab report?

Hop in. Come on, come on.

I do my best work while I'm driving.

I have Yearbook.

By heating tin metal, in air,
at a high temperature,

we will produce a tin oxygen
product called...


So we need to convert the masses to moles

and then divide the greater mole
quantity by the lesser.

Okay. So, 0173 tin
and .0350 oxygen.

So the mole ratio is?

Mole ratio? What's that?

That's the thing you need to figure out.

But you already know the answer.

Come on, you're being a jerk.
I've gotta be back in 15.

What's the rush?

We're here in a yellow truck,

a road in front of us
and nothing but opportunities.

Okay. What opportunities?

Choose a place.

Pick a place right now at random.

Okay. I choose the third point
on our lab report,

calculating the mole ratio.

I can't concentrate driving
in a straight line like this.

This is not gonna work.

Then turn.



Very funny.

The mole ratio, therefore, is two to one.

But now we need to find
the potential oxidation numbers

of tin in oxygen.

Which are?

It's time for a picnic scene.


There he is.
How's it goin'?

Move along, dear.

Guess you haven't heard,

picnics, they usually take place

Is that what it says in
the official picnic rule book?

This isn't funny.

You think our check is ready?

I-I know, pumpkin, love.
You know, I'm pissed off too.

Can you believe this shit?

It's been three months since
that accident.

The nerve.

Take me back to school now.

Yeah. Let's get back to
the library and finish

our lab report in the safe,
acceptable way

like everybody else.

Bone graphs are really
starting to kick in now.

Hey, Ralph.

No, thanks.

You said two-one, right,
for the mole ratio?

Yeah. Duke.

Will it get you a job at a place
like this one day?

God, no.

My dad used to work in a place like this.

Yes. Daddy Anderson.

An accountant?
A salesman?

A Norwegian fisherman.

District Manager for a phone company.

You're not very good at reading minds.

Well, that's 'cause I wasn't
really trying.

He manages stacks of paper,

moving them from side to side every day.

He hates his job.

When he was your age,
he dreamed of going to Duke,

but they rejected him.

So he poured over every detail
of your application,

night after night, until
you finally got it right.

Natalie Anderson, the star
of the household,

who loves being the center of attention.

She just wished it didn't mean
having to play tennis

all the time.

How am I doin'?


I guess you're not so bad.

Can I help you?

We're just...
waiting for Mr. Richardson.

He said he had to finish a phone call.


God damn that Richardson.

Yeah. Who does he think he is,
that little monkey?

I'm sick of this shit!

You know what, baby, we're going
straight to the top!

We're getting
his little monkey ass fired!

Red tape excuses. Bullshit.
Never pay out.

We just have to be patient, honey.

Okay, so you're an only child.

Your mom works for the Dairy Fresh.

Your dad is a...
he's in construction.

And you live in a ranch house.
How am I doin'?

Actually, I have two brothers,
three sisters.

Dad works in real estate.

Mom helps him out.

And we live in a farmhouse.

A big old farmhouse.


Where do you live?

Revere Creek.

Off the Route Ten.

That old white house
with the big front porch?

Big front porch.

That is such a great place.

That's where I live.

Okay, this is nice, but that's not enough

to fill up two pages.

Okay, but this is all
the pictures that we have.

Really. Okay, well,
then why don't you just, like,

draw something and throw it on Page 2,

because this is not gonna fit
with what it's...

Okay, I'll, I'll take some more, okay?

Okay. Thank you.

So were you with the freak?

He's not a freak.
Did Raff come?

Well, you said you were gonna be there.

It wasn't actually a definite plan.

I told him you had debate.

Did he say anything?

Just that his parents
are going out tonight

and he wanted to have a pool party.


And he sounded really pissed
that you blew him off.

Natalie, what were you doing
with... with what's his face?

A lab report.

Really. And then you just
decided it would be fine

if you left me here to deal
with all this shit?

I lost track of time.

'Cause the lab report was so exciting?

I had to get it done.
What's your problem?

I'm just having a really shitty day.


Skinny envelope.

Notre Dame? Shit.



They accept, like, 3% from the wait list.

It's basically a rejection.

No, no. We can add stuff
to the application.

Yeah, and what good is that gonna do?

Well, you tell 'em
it's your first choice school.

We'll get another letter of
recommendation from the faculty.

We'll make this happen.

Your power of positive thinking.


Hey, Raff.

Who else is gonna go?

I do have a tennis match.

Maybe afterwards if there's time.

Okay. Bye.

Everything is totally under control.

Atta girl!



Van Der Waal's states
of attraction experiment.

Okay, a myriad of forces causes
intermolecular attraction.

And the strength of these
attractions is dependent

on several factors.

Understanding these forces is vital to...


Be careful, would you?

Am I gonna be in trouble for that?

Are you gonna punish me for this?

I might have to.

'Cause you know how I feel
about all that stuff.

Look, partner, you know the deal.

But those spiky heels really hurt me.

Keith, you've been a bad boy.
Now you're gonna pay the price.

Do you mind?

So we're on, 5:00 p.m.

For what?

The bowling scene.

Bowling? Serious?
I'm going out.


Keith, I can't.

It's not a date.

Keith, maybe sometime.


I'll just schedule it
with your assistant.

Okay, you do that.

You rewrote it?

I swapped the second and third paragraphs

and I got rid of the stuff
about the history project.

It's a little bullshit.
You don't really need it.

Made a few other tweaks too.

Great. I'm sending it to you right now.

Yes, sir, editor-in-chief.

Natalie, phone!

I gotta go.
It looks really, really good.

Won't make a difference.

No, this will work. It will.

Got it.

All right. I'll talk
to you later. Bye.



It would not be a date.

Who is this?

It's only bowling.

Come on, well, what are you so afraid of?

Keith. Hi.

Look, I'll pick you up
at 5:00 p.m.

tomorrow after school.

Did you happen to do the homework?

Homework? Homework?

It's your turn to write up
the Chem Lab notes, remember?

You're screwing with my grade here.

Yeah, and you're changing the subject.

I told you I have plans.

All right, look.
You'll be home by 9:00.

Plenty of time for a date afterwards.

I'll see you in school.

Wh... maybe.

With the lab notes.

So who's on the phone?

My lab partner.

Did you have a nice time?


What's his name?


Keith? I thought...

Rafael. His name is Rafael.

The South American boy.


Well, you should invite him
for dinner sometime.

We'd love to meet him.

Okay. Sure. He's really nice.

So who's Keith?

He's nobody.
He's just my lab partner.

A. It's not a date.
B. You are my lab partner.

C. Just to see...


D. Bowling is the most popular
sport in America

and it's important that we fit in.

E. It is not and will never
be a date.

Wha... he's... he like stalking you
or something?

So what should I do about him?




Your papers on The Great Gatsby
are due in two weeks.

For those of you without
a calculator, that's May 4th.

The way to write the paper

is to go home, go into your room.

I know it's gonna be strange
for some of you.

But trust me, something
valuable will happen.

The European Heritage Two-Week
Tour is a living classroom.

Students have an opportunity
to acquire a greater perspective

on the world and an increased
enthusiasm for learning.

Personally, I am interested in
acquiring a deeper appreciation

of the French
wine-drinking heritage.

How about the Amsterdam Wake
and Bake Heritage?

Well, don't we all have an
increased enthusiasm for learning?

It's working already.

Sign me up, baby. I'm in.

We're totally in.

Hey, can we make it a little
later tonight, like 9:00?

Forgot I was supposed to help
somebody with an English paper.

The movie's at 8:00.


We'll figure out something else to do.

I don't know.

You really want to base your relationship

with a great guy like Raff
on lies and deceit?

Why don't you just tell him the truth?

You're spending a couple
of hours with your lab partner.

What I do with Raff is none
of your business.

My point exactly.

I thought we were going bowling.

We're saving that.

Believe it or not,

there are bowling balls
at the bowling alley.

Not like these babies.

Cosmo. Patsy.

A Walt ball.

But we only need two.

If we were just bowling.

Andy is an artiste.

That's great.
But you're running out of time.

First thing's first.

You're fixing it up with spare parts?

They're not all spare parts.

Created life from inanimate matter.

You and Andy.

Me and my dad.

Are you close with your dad?

Hold this tighter.

Are you?

He was alive before the days
of electronic ignition.

I need him.

So, this truck is...

it's like your thing.

Yeah. Yeah, it's my thing.


You're so talented, Keith.

You have so much academic potential.

What are you doing wasting
your time with that damn truck?

Well, I didn't say that.
But, it's kinda true.

Don't listen to her, honey bun.

She's just jealous.

So she's your girlfriend.

Look, you're out of time.

I've gotta go.
No bowling tonight.

Keep going.

Go around the corner.

He's prompt.

I like that in a man.

Show up on time and leave 'em
wanting more, baby.

Shut up. Just drive.

Sneak down the alley to meet
your boyfriend.



I'll pick you up
at 4:00.


A.M. He'll be gone
by then, right?

What are we gonna do
at 4:00 a.m.?


It's not a date.

I'll pick you up right here.
Our secret spot.

What? What?

You ever done this before?


Is that gonna be a problem for you?

I just don't think this is gonna
work out anymore, Natalie.

My God.

What? I was kidding.

I'm kid...
I'm kidding..

You know, it's gonna sound really cheesy,

but when I do that,
I just want it to be...

No, no, no.
I've got that covered.

We have a heart-shaped bed that
I ordered and we have candles.

You know what I'm talking about.
It's gonna be a f-

I know, I know.

Hey. There's no rush, okay?


Just think.

Years from now you're gonna have
a big, huge family

and you're gonna wanna share stories.

And one of the stories will be

that when you were in high school

you put a bowling ball

on your chemistry teacher's front porch.

And his name was Walt.

I refuse.

Go. Go.

Get out of here, you jerk!

His last name is Marquez.

It's the thought that counts.

I'm gonna be so screwed.

Yeah, well, if we're caught
just swallow one of these.

It's not funny, shit-head.

So who gets these?

Well, you can't give up now.

Patsy, you're gonna be state champion.

My daddy won't let me...

Now, what's your daddy know
about your bowlin'?

Well, he's born again and all, you know,

and to him it's just a game

and to him,
game is the devil's handiwork.

Patsy, you're the greatest!
You could make the nationals.

Well, I've gotta respect
my daddy's wishes.

He's had a hard life.

Practically k*lled himself
raising us nine kids.

That was my last game.

Well, darlin', then it was
my last game too.

"Dear Waitress,

"please find a home for our balls.

Cosmo and Patsy."

This is the saddest day of our lives.

Indeed it is.


What's up?

I just put in your last match

and you are now ranked fourteenth.

Come take a look.

I believe you.

You stay in the top twenty

and you're a cinch for a scholarship.



Did you apply to Duke?

Actually, yes, I did.

I didn't get in though.

It was a very competitive year.

You ever think about doing
something different?


For work.

Such as?

Something you might actually enjoy?

Like what?


He's smart and confident.

He's really hot.

I kind of think he's perfect.

So what did you guys do last night?

We just hung out and talked.
A few other things.

Not that.

It's great with Raff.
There's absolutely no pressure.

So I guess Courtney was hallucinating.


She says she saw you
with Keith Zetterstrom

on State Street.

Well, I hung out with him
for a little bit too.

What? I'm not allowed to have
other friends?

Not when they're stalking you.

Keith is cool.

He just... he does things
his own way.

It's kind of perfect, actually.

'Cause Keith keeps me busy

and that way I don't get all
obsessive about Raff.

It works out.

All right.

Hey, if it works out for you,
then that's just great.

It does.

I gotta go. I got tennis.


Call you later.

Do you speak Spanish?

Si. Claro.

That's so cool.

Are... are you learning
any languages in school?


Tu parles français?

Oui, un peu.

Tres bien.

So have you ever been to Italy?

Yeah, yeah.

Actually I-I used to live there
for a couple of years.

We're, planning a trip there.

It's my dream.

Yeah. I recommend it.

I mean, Florence is one
of my favorite cities.

Natalie tells us that you're planning

on attending Penn State.

Actually it's U-Penn, sir.

She also tells us you're quite
a sportsman.

Yeah, well, I-I played
football ever since

I was a little kid.

Well, you know, Pete was, tell him.


Okay. Pete was a great,
great football player

in college.

I wasn't a great football player.

I played a little football.



Well, bon appétit.
Put your napkin in your lap.

Would you like another piece?

My uncle says we can have it
any weekend next month.

After the fourteenth.

After APs.


Are you parents gonna be okay with this?

Yeah. Yours?

Something can be arranged.

Just you and me and a fireplace.

Actually, we really need to talk.

I need to be honest with you
about how I feel about this.


It's beautiful.
It's perfect.

And you're perfect.


I actually thought we were waiting.

But we can work up to it, right?


Come in.

Some... some guy in a truck

dropped this off for you.

I got it.


What's that?

I don't know.
Chem Lab notes.


What is this?

Carburetor tune-up kit.

Just what I've always wanted.

"Guaranteed not to raise
your GPA."

He's really starting to get on my nerves.

What's that mean?

He just does shit like this.

Is he a little...?

Something like that.

He has a crush on you.

He has a crush on his truck.

Whatever. Just,
don't encourage him.

I don't.


All right.
Are you ready to go?

Actually, I have to take a shower.

Do you want me to wait?

No, it's all right.
You go ahead.

I'll meet you there.
All right. Byebye.

Keith. We need to talk.

Hop in.

I'm not going anywhere with you. Cool.

Well then I'll come inside and
watch TV with Pete and Caroline.




You can't just deliver shit
to my house like that.

It worked, didn't it?

Listen. I like you.

I like being friends with you.

But if we're gonna hang out from now on,

I gotta be a part of the plans.

See, there are no plans.

Bullshit. You had some
whole scenario worked out.

Is that what you think?

Yeah. And you can't just
expect me to drop everything

'cause you decide you wanna make some...

I don't expect you to do anything.

You're free to go at any time.

I-In fact, what is
Natalie Anderson doing

hanging out with a truck geek
like me anyway?

This is cool.

Well, this is the scene
where we're at the crossroads.

You're being a jerk.

Well, come on, Miss Debate Queen,

stud boyfriend, tennis champ.

Don't you have better things
to do on a Friday night?

Just go.
Leave. Get outta here.

You know, I thought you were different.

Well, you're not different.

You're just another immature little boy.

You're right.

I am wasting my time here.

What about you,
Mr. Ego Maniac?

Why are you always giving me gifts

and writing me clever little
notes all the time?

Why don't you leave?

Go ahead.
Drive away right now.

Keith, Keith, guess what,

He got me Super Smash Bros.
And Gran Turismo 3.

They're all, like, beating each other up.

Hey, Keith.

They got all these characters.

They're all blowing each other up.

They got Mario and they got Luigi...

Billy. Good going, buddy. Listen,
this is-this is Sophie.


Hi. I'm Al.

She's a double agent.
You can't trust her.

They got all these monsters are battling

and crashing each other and beating.

I'm gonna kick your ass!

I'll kick your ass.

Come on, let's get outta here.

Come on.
Let's go to your house.

You know, you know, Billy,
Billy, you know,

I'm on special assignment tonight, buddy.

How... how 'bout tomorrow?

Man, I got school tomorrow.
Come on, let's go.

We've gotta go.

Come on, spend one more night with me.

One more. Billy, it's time
to get in the car right now.

No, my... my... my parents
don't care.

No, come on. Come on. Come on.

- Come on, next time. Come on.
- Man.

That-a boy.

Can I talk to you, Keith?

Hang in there, Al.

You're doing just fine.

I'll kick your ass.

I'll kick your ass.

So how do you know them?

The neighborhood.

Billy's, what, like,
hyperactive or something?

So you're his counselor or tutor,

something like that?

Such a guy.

Turns out you're a softie.

So what is it?

Church program?

The Y? Volunteer thing?

Let's get out of here.

Come on, let's go.

Got a yellow truck, road in front of us,

and nothing but opportunities, right?

Turn right up here.

Right here.
This dirt road.

Come on. What?

Why here?

Why? It's not supposed
to be a why, right?

What, are you scared?

Slow down!

Just funny, really funny.

You chose this road.

So that's the Brick.

I've never been on this side.

Never been on that side.

You're not missing much.

Really? I thought you were
the Brick queen.

It's getting a little old.

It's all about what you're wearing

and who's hooking up with who

and showing off your boyfriend.

The essential information.

Yeah. Down there they live
and die by that crap.

But up here it's, like...

why did I ever care?

But you don't.


You don't care what people think.

You're just you.

Yeah. Whatever that is.

It's a good thing.

It's a really good thing.

So do you come here a lot?

Cool. I found your place.

I don't know how you did.

Chances are probably one in a billion.

Stranger things have happened, right?

We should probably leave.

We're lab partners.

And this is strictly a lab partnership.

And Walter would be very,
very upset right now.

Hey, Raff.

Hi, beautiful. You ready?

I'm so sorry.
I just got out of the shower.

Actually, I don't really feel
like going to the Brick tonight.

Wha-What's wrong with
the Brick?

It's just we've gone for
the last six weeks in a row.

I know, but we promised Trish

and, you know, and Robby that we...

We see them all the time.

Well, you see me all the time.

Does that mean you're getting
sick of me now?

Of course I'm not getting sick of you.

I'm just really beat.
Had a long day.

I had practice after school.
I was gonna call you sooner.

Okay. It's all right.

Just, get some sleep
and we'll hang tomorrow, okay?

We'll see what's happening.

All right.

Okay. Bye.



Natalie? Guess where I'm gonna
be next year.

Notre Dame.

That's so awesome.

We have to celebrate.

Okay, partner.
Now I got a scene.


It's a scene where you tell me the truth.

The big confession scene.

What are you doing after you
finish high school? Really.

I'm going to London.


Me, too, with Raff and Brooke and Travis.

You should meet up.

Not that London.

London, Ontario.

There's a classic truck show
there every year in July.

So you really are a truck geek.

You see? I open to you
and you dump on me.

No. Just because I know
you have dreams.

More than a truck show.

Sky's the limit, right?

Yeah. Actually it is.

You sure?

I'm sure you sell yourself short.

Are we... are we moving?

We are moving.

It's like we're moving
through space on a mission.

Keith, we have a problem.

I think there's an intruder...
Keith, get up.

On our spacecraft.
You gotta get up. Come on.

Keith, it's gonna go over!

It's taken over the body of our
trusted copilot - - Get up! Come on!

- Natalie Anderson.
- Keith, it's gonna go over!

It's gonna go over.

Come on, what are you doing?

She keeps saying that... You're
gonna get yourself k*lled!

"Keith, stop it."

Keith, hurry up!

Shit! Keith!

Get out, Keith.
Keith, get out.

Keith, hurry, get out,
you're gonna get k*lled!

Stop the truck! Keith!

What the hell was that?

You crazy?

You don't do shit like that.
You could get yourself k*lled.

Not to mention what would have
happened to my truck.


Did you wanna go over?

I wasn't even close.

Yes, you were.

You don't know how close it is.

Don't give me one of your stupid lines.

I know what close is.

Good night, partner.

Take care of yourself, okay?

No, not C. Z.



Are you sure?

What do you think you're doing?


Using your cell phone in school property!

Hey, hey, what the heck?

That was Duke.

Apparently there's a problem
with my transcript.

Is everything okay?

Actually, now I have to go wait
in line at the office

and deal with this.

It sucks.


Look, he's been gone for a few days now.

So I was thinking I should call him.

You know, get him caught up
on the homework and all.

I'm sorry, we don't we give out
that information.

But it's kind of an emergency.

I mean, Keith, he's falling way behind.

It's affecting me.
I need to prepare for the APs.

You'll have to speak
to Mr. Miles regarding that.

Okay, look.
He's my friend, you know.

He's given me his number.
I just lost it.

It's really not a big deal.

I'm sorry. I can't.

Where is he?
Why doesn't he come?

I'm... I'm trying to learn this stuff.
It's like he doesn't care.

I think Keith's having
a tough time at the moment.

Tough how?


That's all I can say really.

Well, is there anything I can do?

I knew this was a bad idea.



Partnering you guys.

But it was random.

He chose me?

Keith chose me?

I'll make sure he gets your notes.


Game, set, match.

Brandy Braddos advances
to the semifinals.

You want me to come in?

No. Shit, I don't know.

I-I think I just need to get
some sleep or something.

You have plans with Keith?

Where did that come from?

Well, do you?

As a matter of fact,

I have absolutely zero plans with Keith.

Yeah, but you've been hanging with him.

I hang with a lot of people.

Is there something wrong with that?

Am I only allowed to be seen with you?

No, no, relax.
Okay? The match is over.

Sorry. I'm just having
a really screwed up day.

So everything's okay?

He's just my lab partner...
My friend.

Actually, he's not even my friend.

So can we just let it go?

Yeah, whatever.

So I'll talk to you later.

Natalie, we have to talk.

I lost a match.
Get over it, Mom.

Natalie, come back here.

Natalie, I am talking to you!


Hi. Is Keith home?


I'm his lab partner.

May I help you?

Are you Mr. Zetterstrom?

Mr. Who?

This is the Zetterstrom house?

My name's Don. Don Soper.


Wrong house.

A quiz. Sweet.

What timing.

Morning, Walt.

Thank you.

Hey, partner.

Thanks for those notes.
I k*lled that quiz.

Where have you been the last two weeks?

Last two weeks?

What, do you come here every day?

There's something wrong
with you, isn't there?

Yeah. Yeah, there is.

With me, definitely with you,

with this sexy little
freshman right here.

I don't wanna be funny anymore, Keith.

Well, I hate to break it
to you, Anderson,

but you've never really been
funny to begin with.

What are you?
Depressed or something?

Depressed? Yeah.
I throw it out there.

Chicks find it incredibly sexy.

I'm being serious, Keith.

Why? It never works.

You could've told me.

Coulda told you what?

That you have problems.

You don't know the half of it.

Hey, Raff.

What's going on?


The jacket.

You like it?
I got it from K-Mart.

Raff, I was cold, he lent it to me.

Come on.

You don't expect him
to believe that, do you?

You see, Raff, we're part
of this jacket smuggling ring.

But if you're quiet enough,

I swear there's a fleece in it
somewhere for you.

Look, I'm not talking to you, okay?

Man, don't get mad at me.
I only supply the shit, okay?

I don't create the demand.
Shut the hell up.

Raff, Raff, Raff, it's just a jacket.

That's it.
It's just a jacket.

This is bullshit.

Raff, wait up.

Marquez, it was a joke.

Raff. Raff!

It's just a jacket, right?

That's it.

Of course that's all it was.
Raff, come on.

I have class.

So it's all just a big joke to you?

I don't know.
Well, is it?

I don't know.
I don't know anything anymore.

Why did you choose me to be
your lab partner?


Don't bullshit me.
Miles told me.

Walter Miles is CIA.
You can't trust him.

Where do you live?

Where do you live?
You lied about it.

Are you losing it, partner?

You lie about everything.

'Cause you know what,

I got some great pills
that you could take.

But I'm sure you already knew that.

I just don't understand, Natalie.

You've always been one of this
school's finest students.

I needed the chemistry notes.

You know very well that's not
the way to get them.

You made a mistake.

She's been under a lot of pressure lately

with her tennis schedule
and all of her homework and...

I'm sorry, but defacing
school property's an a*t*matic

week suspension.

What? Well, what was I supposed
to d...?


I can't make any exceptions to that rule.

I needed the notes.
I have to take the AP.

Mr. Miles will make sure
you get those notes.

We just don't want you
to mess up everything

you've worked so hard for.

Please, can we just not?

Is there something you need to tell us?

You know what, stop the car.

I can't think in here.
I wanna get out.

You will stay right where you are, Missy.


What? The light was red.


Chapters 14-16
in History

and that's your Math take home test.

Great. Thanks.

Are you okay?


Are you gonna tell me what happened?

Sassen... had a hissy fit.

Natalie, you broke

into Keith's locker.

I mean, really,
what were you looking for?

All right, that's, just great.

I'm sure you're all just
gossiping your asses off.

No, I'm just trying to help you.

Look, Keith is a loser, okay?

He's jealous and he's obviously
trying to break you guys up.

That's ridiculous.

Well, Raff is pissed.

You talked to Raff?

No, no, no, Natalie.
Go away.

Just listen to me for one second.

Natalie, Keith's a psycho!

You're letting him screw up everything.

I'm going.


I'd like to warm up by myself
for once in my life, Mom.

I'll see you at the match.
Natalie, I'm not ready!






What the...?

I told you I would talk to you later.

I wanna know what's going on.

What's going on is I have a match.

Whatever it is you can tell me
about it, okay, Natalie?

It has nothing to do with you.

What, because it has to do with Keith?

It's about me.

Then it's about me, too, all right?

'Cause you and are just
a little involved,

in case you haven't noticed.

I need a little time.

Okay, if we want the lake house
next weekend,

I gotta call my uncle today.
I'll call you later.


You idiot!


Are you Keith's dad?




I'll get him for you.

Does he have any brothers,


Just the two of us.

I'm sorry. He doesn't want
to see you now.


Thanks anyway.

I don't...

I don't care where
you're gonna be next year.

I don't care if you're crazy.

God, I just know I wanna be with you.

I don't understand what you're doing.

It seems so pointless.

I mean, everything...

It just seems pointless.

But when I'm with you, it's different.

I don't know why.

So we should actually go bowling.

You know, like, with lanes and pins.

Yeah, we should.

Maybe tomorrow?


Are you even gonna be in school tomorrow?

I don't know.

I don't know about any of this, actually.


I mean, a guy like me with a truck...

gotta keep movin'.

Stop it.

I mean, you know, I'm not really one

for the whole attachment thing anyway.

Shut up.

You got Raff.

Raff's a good guy.

He's good for you.

Let's just forget about it.

f*ck you.

You just did, partner.

If you just forfeit matches,
what do you expect?

Your ranking dropped 15 points
last month.

That's just perfect.

I'm gonna talk to Richard Hennings.

He's a big guy over at the UTTA.

Yeah, all we need to do
is we'll just get a doctor

to write a letter saying
that you were injured.

But I wasn't injured.

This is a $10,000 scholarship
we're talking about.

It's not my fault you wanted me

to go to the most expensive
school in the universe.

Duke is the best univer...

Why would you sell yourself short?

I didn't even finish
any other applications.

Honey, you didn't have to.

You didn't want me to.

There are a billion
other schools out there.

I mean, I could get a job or something.

You don't have to compromise, honey.

If we focus on this,
we can get the scholarship back.

Maybe I don't want it back.

Maybe I don't wanna play tennis

for six hours a day at college.

Maybe I am sick of it
after ten stupid years.

Did that ever occur to you?

Honey, there is no reason
to give up on your dream now.

Are you even listening to me?

It is almost June.
It is too late.

You're right. Everything is just
totally screwed up.

Hey. We're not done here.

You come right back here.


We met.
I was with Keith.


How's Keith doing?

I don't really know, actually.

I haven't seen him much.

Does he still see
that little boy? Billy?

Billy passed away.

Can I help you sir?

$15 on pump number three, please.


I'm sorry.

How did Keith know him?

Well, they were in chemo together.

So you were his doctor?

Counselor. I was.

Well, he's gonna be okay, right?

How sick is he?
Tell me.

I thought you knew.
I'm really sorry.



Please come outside.

Keith, come on.

Keith, open the door!

Just talk to me, please.

Keith? Damn it.

Thanks for calling.

Sorry. I've been trying
to figure things out.

Yeah? And?
Did you figure it out?

Raff, we had a good time.
I really like you.

Then why are you doing this?

I'm just going through
a lot of stuff right now.

Can we just leave it?

No, we can't, actually.

I couldn't find the Caribbean mix,

so I'll have to get it to you later.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, later.
I've heard that one before.

I wasn't blowing you off, okay?

Things got complicated.

Yeah, when you started
bullshitting me, Natalie.

You wanna know what really happened?

I know what happened, okay?

You let that little jerk-off
screw with your head.

Is that what you think?

Yes, it's obvious.

You have no idea
what you're talking about.

Well, I would know if you told me.

Stop it!
What were you thinking?

What the hell were you thinking?

What, were you giving it up
to that little piece of shit?

Stop it!

You know, I only hope good
things for you.

'Cause really bad shit happens to people.

I hope to God it never happens to you.

Welcome back, bad girl.

All right, ladies and gentlemen,

Please leave your final reports
on my desk.

I want you to make sure that
your glassware is all clean,

your beakers, your test tubes.

If they're dirty, you must clean them

or you will lose points in class.

If any items are missing,
please notify me immediately.

Finally, make sure
that your lab sinks are clean

and that there is no material left.

Four test tubes, three beakers,

and a Bunsen burner.

Yeah. Okay. Everything seems
to be in order.


Natalie, key?

The end of chemistry as we know it.

You're such a g*dd*mn glib little actor.

As far as I'm concerned,

this is a really
chicken shit good-bye.

'Scuse me.

Don't worry, Walter.

She was addressing her remarks to me.

The truck guy's here.

Said something

about going bowling.



Why didn't you tell me?

Everybody bites it sooner or later.

I'm just in the AP class.
Ahead of the game.

Always the joke.

Al says it's a phase.
It'll stop soon.

But, hey, at least it wasn't
about sympathy for the sick kid.

That's not fair.

Is Duke fair? Is Europe fair?

At this rate, I won't even make
it to London, Ontario.

Is that fair?


That's what I get.


We're not going bowling.


We're saving that.

Turn left.

So where are we going?

Sky's the limit.

Haven't lied to you this far,
I'm not gonna start now.

What are we doing? Really.

This is the good-bye scene.

Let's not. Okay?

Come on, Zetterstrom.
You can do it.


Wake up, Natalie.

Don't you see what happened here?

You had a beautiful life and I had shit.

I hated your guts.

I wanted to take you down.

I wanted to make you
as miserable as I am.

And that is exactly what I did.

how's that for a good-bye?

Pretty lame.

Face it, Anderson.
I screwed you.

And I screwed you big time.

So you screwed me.

So what?


I made love to you.

Try again. Try again.

I had it all figured out,
so I cut out early.

Who cares?

It's probably a good thing.
Life sucks anyway.

Then I met you.
And it got weird.

And you were so amazing.

And I...

What? What?

I just wanted a little more time.

So all in all,
I'd say you're the worst thing

that's ever happened to me.

Good-bye, partner.

I am staying with you until you leave.

I don't care how much time we have.

You get that, you stupid jerk?

Startin' her up.

Now turn it to the left till it
begins to stall,

then back a notch.

Yeah. Okay.


Good for another 50,000 miles.
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