04x26 - Zahra-Zkunked/The Sorcerenie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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04x26 - Zahra-Zkunked/The Sorcerenie

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Two genies in a bottle ♪

♪ Up in the starry sky ♪

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ On a magical ride ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay ♪

♪ Oh, what a day ♪

♪ Your genies divine ♪

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ There's magic, there's friendships ♪

♪ Adventures for all ♪

♪ So much to discover ♪

♪ In Zahramay Falls ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Genies divine ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [joyful squeaking]

- Okay, Nazboo.

Remember, we're here to look for

powerful potion ingredients, so keep an eye out

and let me know if you see anything.

- Yeah, yeah! Powerful!

- And be really careful,

because there are a lot of zkunks around here.

They're really stinky

and if you get too close you'll become stinky, too.

- Okay!

- [snoring] - Oh, hello!

- [squeaks] - Be Nazboo friend?

- [squeaks happily]

- Yay, let's play!

- [squeaks] - [giggles]

- I bet there's something powerful here...

hmm... [sniffs]

Ew, that smell is certainly powerful.

Powerfully stinky! Eww, it smells like a zkunk!

[gasps] Nazboo, no!

[ethereal twinkle]


Look at that stripe on your belly, Nazboo!

That means you've been zkunked!

And now you're stinky like a zkunk!

- Zeta, play with new friend! - Oh--no, no, no, no, no, no!

- [giggles]

[ethereal twinkle]

- Oh... now I've been zkunked, too!

Ugh, Nazboo! Now we both smell like zkunks.

This stinks!

- [sniffs] Yup, stinky!

- Maybe we can find something in the Marketplace

to get rid of this smell. Come on.

- Bye, friend! - [coos]

[engine revs]

- Okay, there has got to be something here

that can make us not stink like a zkunk anymore.

- Hmm?

- Maybe a potion, or...


Before we do that,

I am going to take that powerful-looking gem.

- [sniffs] Ugh!


Hey! No taking my gem!

- Ugh, I can't even be sneaky if genies can smell me coming.

We really need to find something

to make the stink go away, Nazboo.

- Yep!

- Mmm!

Nothing like drinking zazzleberry punch

to keep us cool on this nice, warm day.

- Yeah, and using this beautiful fan!

Thanks for wishing this stuff up for us

with your first two wishes, Leah!

- Of course! I love making wishes.

Hey, Zeta! Hey, Nazboo!

- Hello!

- Wow!

What's with your cool new stripes?

- [sniffs]

Whoa! - [groans]

- What's that smell?

- Nazboo played with a zkunk in the forest and it zkunked us!

- Aw, I love zkunks!

They're really cute, but they can be really stinky.

- We really need to get rid of this smell.

Nothing a wish can't fix.

I wish that zkunk smell would go back to where it came from.

♪ Boom, Zahramay! ♪

♪ Third wish of the day! ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine, wish granted divine! ♪

[chimes tinkling]

- [delighted squeak]

- [gasps] The zkunk!

- Zkunky!

[ethereal chime]

- [excited squeaking]

- [giggles] It's okay, Zeta. Look!

Leah's wish made your stripes go away.

- You're right, it worked! [laughs]

We don't even smell like the zkunk anymore, whoo!

- Great wishing, Leah. - Always happy to help.

- Oh no! Nazboo, wait!

- Whoa! - Look out!

- Uh-oh!

- Can't catch me! [giggles]

Aww, zkunky hug! Bye, friend!

Ope! Uh-oh.

- No, no, no! I smell like a zkunk again!

- Ewie, we all do.

- Zkunks are cute, but I don't really wanna smell like one.

- I've used all three of my wishes today.

Now what are we going to do about this zkunky smell?

- I bet I can use a potion to make the smell go away.

To the potion shop!

- Wait here while I find a potion to fix this.

- Pee-eww!

- Eh.

- [groans]

- Let's see.

Swamp smell? No.

Dragon's breath? No.

- [gasps] Ugh.

- [sniffs]

- A-ha! - Huh?

- Stink-be-gone potion.

This'll do the trick. I'll take this one.

Huh? Hmm?

- Okay.

- [groans]

Say goodbye to the zkunky smell.

Stripes be gone and stench don't stay,

Stink-be-gone potion, take this smell away!

That's right. You can all thank me

and my potion expertise for saving the day.

[laughs] You're welcome.


- Ugh!

I think the potion made the zkunk smell stronger.

- [sniffs] Eww, stinky!

- What? Oh no!

This isn't a stink-be-gone potion,

it's a stink-be-strong potion!


I can't even think through this stink!

- We'll need to find the right potion.

- Nuh-uh! No more zkunk smell in my shop.

- Hey, wait! No!

Now what do we do?

- The Furry Friends salon is nearby.

Maybe they have something

that could clean away the zkunk smell.

- It's worth a try!

- Thanks for visiting the Furry Friends salon!

Hey there!

- Hi!

We have a sort of smelly problem.

Could we have your strongest cleaning magic, please?

- Of course![claps]

[ethereal whoosh]


A glitter shampoo cloud. It works on everything.

- Thank you!

[soft thunder]

[ethereal twinkling]

- Yes! I can feel its cleaning power.

This is gonna work.

- [giggles] Shampoo, shampoo!

- Whew! There, that must have worked.

- I'm not sure about that. We still smell like a zkunk.

- Well, maybe she's got something else for us to try.

- How did the shampoo work for you guys?


Whoa! You mean...

you guys were zkunked?

- Yeah, but you said that the glitter shampoo cloud

would work on everything.

- Everything except zkunk smell.

Sorry I couldn't help, but it's way too stinky.

- Okay, bye!

- Now what are we gonna do?

- We can't give up!

There's gotta be a way to make the zkunk smell go away.

- Yeah, we could figure something out together.

- Whew! All right.

Let's do it!

[upbeat music]

- ♪ We've been zkunked ♪

♪ And it's a stinky funk ♪

♪ We gotta wash the smell away ♪

♪ Even if it takes us the whole day ♪

♪ They're really cute, but they stink a lot ♪

♪ And now we're calling you and I ♪

♪ With super stinky zkunky stripes ♪

♪ We can try some magic or a glitter fan ♪

♪ Or spray a potion to get un-zkunked as we can ♪

♪ We'll work together so we can smell better ♪

♪ 'Cause we've been zkunked, yeah, we've been zkunked ♪

♪ We're smelling so bad, let's wash it off ♪

♪ Gotta scrub, scrub, scrub to get un-zkunked ♪

♪ Get rid of this stinky icky smelly stenchy funk ♪

♪ 'Cause we've been zkunked! ♪

all: [sighs]

- [groans] Nothing's working.

We are gonna smell like zkunks forever!

- Yay! - No, Nazboo.

It's not a good thing.

- Whoa!

Smells like you guys played with a Zahramay zkunk.

- Yep!

- We tried to get rid of the smell, but nothing worked!

- Then you must have not tried the Zahra-smell-good flower.

It removes the zkunky smell with its magic.

- A Zahra-smell-good flower? I've never heard of it.

- We'll take all of them.

Where are they? We need them right now!

- [laughs]

Sorry, I don't have any here.

- Where can we find one?

- Zahra-smell-good flowers grow in Zahramay Forest.

They're the nicest smelling flowers in Zahramay Falls,

so just follow your nose and you'll be able to smell them.

- Thanks so much!

- Come on, to Zahramay Forest!

- Okay, what did that flower genie say?

That they're the nicest smelling flowers?

- Yup!

We just have to follow our noses to find them.

- Then start sniffing, everyone!

- Hi, hoppies!

- [friendly squeak]

all: [sniffing]

all: [alarmed squeaks]

- [sniffing]

Eh...they all smell the same.

- [alarmed squeaking]

- [gasps] [sniffs]


That's the nicest smell I've ever smelled.

- [sniffs] Really nice!

- [sniffs] Wow!

- [sighs] That's gotta be them!

Ah, these flowers smell so good!

They must be the Zahra-smell-good flowers.

- Yeah!

How do we get the flowers to make our zkunk smell go away?

- Hmm... I don't know.

- Hey, I bet I can use a chant.

Skunky smell with stinky power,

go away with a Zahra-smell-good flower!

- [sniffs] Uh, I don't think that worked.

- Well, that was my only idea.

- There's gotta be a way--

- [giggles] Yay, fun flowers!

- Nazboo, now is not the time to play in the flowers.

- [giggles] Whee!

[giggles] Pretty smell!

[sniffs] Ooh!

Bye, stripe!

- Wait, Nazboo! That's it!

Running through the flowers

made your zkunk stripe and smell go away!

- Running through pretty-smelling flowers?

Yes, please!

- Whoo-hoo!

- It's wonderful! [laughs]


- It's working!

- Our stripes are disappearing!

- [sighs]

We don't smell like a zkunk anymore.

- [sniffs]

In fact, we smell even better than before!

- [gasps] Zkunky friend!

Play time!

- Nazboo, wait!

Never mind.

Now that we know about the Zahra-smell-good flowers,

you two can play as much as you want.

- Come on, guys! - They are so, so, so cute!

- Yeah. Stinky, but cute.

all: [giggles]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo! - Yay!

- Awesome!

- What a Zahra-mazing ride!

- Yep! Zahramay Oceanea is the best!

- Sure is! It's so magical here.

Too bad it's time to go.

- Don't worry, Leah.

There's lots of magic in Zahramay Falls, too.

- You're right!

And since I've got one wish left,

I wish we were in Zahramay Falls right now.

- ♪ Boom, Zahramay! ♪

♪ Third wish of the day! ♪

♪ Shimmer and Shine! ♪

♪ Wish granted divine! ♪

- Zahramay Falls, huh? Never heard of it.

But if it has lots of magic, I should definitely go see it.

[ethereal whoosh]

[ethereal whoosh]

[gasps] I have legs instead of a tail!

Hmm, looks like those girls were right.

This place is magical.

[fireworks exploding]

- I think I'm gonna like this Zahramay Falls,

especially when I take all of its magic for myself!


Oh, I'm so bad.

- At last I have figured out

how to make the most powerful potion ever...

the Come To Zeta potion!

- What that?

- It is a sorcer-ific potion

that will make anything I want

come right to me just by naming it.

Like genie gems, or Samira's staff.

Now all I need to do is get the ingredients on this list.

Then, once and for all,

I will be the most powerful person in Zahramay Falls!

- Hi, Zeta! - Hey, Nazboo.

- Wanna get a shiver conewith us?

- No time for that. Come on, Nazboo.

To the potion stall.

Whoo-hoo! - Bye, friends!

- Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Zeta so excited before.

- Guess she must have something

really special planned for today.

- [humming] Let's see...

what kind of magic should I take first?


[ethereal chime]

Ooh! A magical gem!

[ethereal twinkling]

- Hey, where'd the magic in my gems go?

- Ha!


Flight magic! I could use some of that.

- Whoa, hey!

[ethereal twinkling]

all: [gasping]

- Wow-ee!

I never imagined

taking all of Zahramay Falls's magic would be so fun!

I wonder what else I can find.

- I'll take some of this magic...

and some of that.

- Let's get out of here!

- Hey, what's going on? - Huh?

- I don't know, but those genies don't look very happy.

- [gasps] Oh my genie!

Is that...

all: Uzma?

- That's right!

How could I stay away after hearing you girls talk

about how magical Zahramay Falls was?

- You mean you followed us here?

- Sure did.

And I think I'll be staying a while,

because I've only just begun

taking all of this magic for myself.

- Taking all the magic?

- Princess Samira! We're so glad you're here!

- That's Uzma, the Sea Enchantress.

She followed us from Oceanea.

- And with no wishes left, there's no way we can stop her.

- Well, then.

I guess I'll just have to use my magic.

- Not if I use mine first.

- Wait, stop! - Too late!

All your magic is mine! But you won't need it--

now that I'm the most powerful person in Zahramay Falls!

I know, I know. Bad Uzma.

- Oh no, this is terrible! What are we gonna do?

- I don't know.

- Hey, maybe Zeta can help us.

She's pretty powerful.

- Zeta said she was headed to the Potion Stall.

Maybe she's still there?

- Only one way to find out.

Come on!

- [chuckles] I can't believe it, Nazboo!

For once I found everything I need for my potion!

Now all I have to do is mix it up

and you and I will be living the powerful life.

- Zeta! - [gasps]

- You have to help us! - You're our only hope!

- Ugh, you again.

Sorry, girls. Sorceress at work.

No time for whatever you're babbling about.

I'm about to become

the most powerful person in Zahramay Falls!

- I'm afraid you're too late.

- Yup, Uzma beat you to it.

- Uzma? That's ridiculous.

She lives down in Zahramay Oceanea.

She would never come to Zahramay--

- Hmm? - Falls?!

- Hi, Zeta. Hello, Nazboo.

- Hi, friend!

- Uzma, what are you doing here?

- Taking magic. Becoming the most powerful.

You know, the usual.

What do you say, cutie? Wanna help?

There will be lots of cookies!

- Yay! Cookies!

- But first I'll need to take

those potion ingredients you're holding.

- What? Oh no, you don't!

Get that Uzma out of my hair, Potion take us to the lair!

[ethereal whoosh]

- Huh?


- I can't believe it!

Today was supposed to be my day to be the most powerful,

not that annoying Uzma's!

How did this happen?

- She's really sneaky.

Even more sneaky than you, Zeta.

- Oh, puh-lease. I will show you sneaky.

I am gonna stop that Enchantress

right in her tracks.

- Really? That's what we were hoping.

- So how are you gonna do it? - I have absolutely no idea.

- Ooh! How 'bout potion?

- That's it!

My Come To Zeta potion is just the thing to stop Uzma.

I'm so glad I thought of it.

- And I'm so glad you're going to help us, Zeta.

- Yeah. You're such a good friend.

- Friend?

Who said anything about being friends?

With Uzma running around I'll never get a chance

to be the most powerful person in Zahramay Falls.

Now let's do this!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

♪ We're all about teamwork that's how the dream works ♪

♪ Together me and you Hey! ♪

♪ Put up your hands and Zahara-slam 'em ♪

♪ Nothing we can't work through ♪

♪ If we try with our friends by our side ♪

♪ You and I, yeah, we're gonna get it right ♪

♪ Oh, na, na, na, na, we're going to work it out ♪

♪ Ahh, ahh ♪

♪ Oh, na, na, na, na, all in together now ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Oh, na, na, na, na, we're going to work it out ♪

♪ Ahh, ahh ♪

♪ Oh, na, na, na, na, that's what it's all about ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Oh, na, na, na, na, that's what it's all about ♪

- Spinning scepters, I did it!

My Come To Zeta potion is finally finished!

- [clears throat] Don't you mean we did it, Zeta?

- Y-yeah, yeah, whatever.

Now to find Uzma with my crystal ball.

- Wow, Zeta! You really are powerful.

- [gasps]Oh no!

There's Uzma-- and she's reached my palace!

- Don't worry, Princess. We'll find a way to stop her.

- Yeah! Only--

how do we get to Samira's without any magic?

- [scoffs] Do I have to do everything?

Nazboo, hand me the Travel Potion.

- Here go!

- Travel Potion, smoke and fury!

Take us to Samira's, in a hurry!

[ethereal whooshing]

- [sighs]

The perfect throne to rule Zahramay Falls from!

And so comfy.

[ethereal whoosh]

- Okay, Uzma.

Time to give us the magic back and return to Oceanea.

- Oh, look. It's you guys.

- Cookie, cookie!

- Oh, anything for you, cutie Nazbootie.

- Oh! [munches]

- Shine is right.

You need to return all the magic right this moment.

- You want your magic back?

Fine. Here you go.

- Hey, that's size gem magic.

- Ha!

- And that's flight magic!

all: Whoa! - Oh, no!

- Ooh, big cookie!

- Zeta, quick! Use your potion on Uzma!

- Oh, yeah! Right!

- Potion, huh?

Sounds like something that should be mine,

so I think I'll take it.

- Not today, Uzma!

Powerful potion, I really need ya!

Get Uzma's trident, then come to Zeta!

- Huh?!

- Yes, it worked!

- Awesome! - Way to go, Zeta!

- Yeah!

- Give me my trident back!

- Uzma, look out!

- Hey! - Hey!

- Oh, dear!

all: Whoa!

- [giggles] Hi, friends!

- Finally, at last, once and for all,

I am the most powerful person in Zahramay Falls!


- Um, Zeta?

both: Huh?

- Ugh. Okay, fine, take the trident.

And the potion bottle, too. - Thank you.

And now, if you girls wouldn't mind helping,

we can send all the magic Uzma took back where it came from.

- Sure. - No problem!

- You got it, Princess!

- Wait, no!

[ethereal chimes]

- Ahh!

- We did it! - Way to go, guys!

- Zahara-zlam!

- [groans] Zahramay Falls is the worst!

I never want to come back here again.

- Well, I can help with that.

Back to Oceanea you go! - Huh?

- Hmm? [groans]

What are you looking at? [groans]

So now that Uzma's gone, what should we do with her trident?

- Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it.

- Sorry, Zeta. That's going to my Magic Room--

so no one can cause any more trouble with it.

- Besides, you don't need Uzma's trident.

You're already the most powerful sorceress we know.

- And you're a powerful friend, too.

- Okay, fine.

I guess we are kinda sort of friends.

- Yep! - Uh-huh!

- [giggles] Definitely are.

- I couldn't agree more.

In fact, after all the kind things you've done today,

I wonder if you'd consider being a genie again?

- Sorry, but I could never give up being a sorceress.

- Then why not be part sorceress and part genie--

a sorcerenie!

- Zeta the Sorcerenie? I like the sound of that.

- Nazboo like too!

Sorcerenie, sorcerenie, sorcerenie!

all: [laughing]

- Goodbye, girls!

all: Goodbye!

- [giggles] Whee!

all: [giggling]

Bye, friends!
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