A World Record Christmas (2023)

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A World Record Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Christmas instrumental music)

I have an idea. Go with me.


We leave the Christmas

decorations up all year long.

That way, we avoid

the Christmas sprint.

I like it.

I think other people might

find it... questionable.

How did we get so far behind?

Uh work, kids, life.

We don't even have

a Christmas tree.

It's a week until Christmas.

We'll get a tree.

I haven't done any shopping.

There's plenty of

time for shopping.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Okay, I think it's

done. That looks great.

- Yeah.

- Good job.

Now we'll do the inside

We gotta do the inside?

Yeah, think of it

as our quality time

I'll take what I can get.


- Our wise buddies.

- Okay.

That is a good look on

you. Holding a baby.

(laughs) You're funny



Hi Mr. & Mrs. Parsons.

Hi Mom. Hi Eric.

- Hi!

- Hey.

How was your last day

of school before break?

Good! Every class had to sing

a different Christmas carol.

Yeah, we got "Hark

the Herald Angels Sing"

which has to be the

weirdest song ever

Yeah, why is there

a Christmas song

about a singer named Harold?

I do know a bus driver

named Harold who hums

Harold Ramis! He

was in old movies.

Eric, did he sing?

I don't know but you

know who does sing?

Harold Styles.

That's Harry.


How's about Harold Belafonte?

Also Harry.

Does anyone want

to help me decorate?




I come bearing good

news from the CCCC.


The Christmas Coalition

on Chocolate Cake?


Although I do love

chocolate cake.

Me too.

Chamber of Commerce

Christmas Committee.


That was my next guess.


In keeping with our

tradition of record-breaking,

Brookswood will attempt to wrap

the most gifts in one hour.

We have a tradition

of record-breaking?

Brookswood is home to

the longest wooden wharf

in North America.


Yeah, we're totally

record breakers.

And we're going to break

another one this year!

The fine folks at

Guinness World Records

are going to be here Christmas

Eve to make it official.

Wow, that is amazing.

We'll help spread the word.

Great. Love to hear it.

You guys have a good evening.

(Marissa laughs)

I should probably run.

See you, Chucky.

You let Amy call you Chucky?

Doesn't sound so

mean when she says it.

You know, Charlie,

I think I have

some Guinness World Record books

back in the reference section

if you want to have a look.



A month ago calling him Chucky

would have caused a meltdown.

You think he's over

the whole name thing?

I don't know. Maybe.

Yesterday he gave me

an unprompted hug.



He is definitely

full of surprises

You know who else used to

give me unprompted hugs?

No. Who?


- Yeah, yeah.

- Mhm.

You know, hugs are

a two-way street

I know. I know.

Did you know that the

world's longest mustache

is 14 feet long?

- Whoa.

- Wow.

How does he get

around with that thing?

He "mustache it" in his pocket

(laughs) I set you up.

I totally set you up.

Alright let's light

this thing up.

Come on.

(all together)

Three! Two! One!

This is really nice!

(Marissa) It's

making cookie time!

Ooh, look at you.

You are getting

quite good at this.

And then we have one

batch to go into the oven.

- Cut out.

- (breathing heavily)

Oh hey, don't worry about

it. Look, look, look, look.

All we gotta do is add

flour. There we go.

Remember they don't

have to be perfect,

they just have to taste good.

Smells good in here!

There you go.

Alright why don't you guys

go and pick out a game,

and then I'll finish

up in here, okay?

Alright, so, what game do you

want to beat us at tonight?

Uh, nothing with dice or cards.

(Eric) No dice. Okay.

(Charlie) I'm just not

a gambling man, so...

(Eric) Right. I like

that about you, Charlie.

(Charlie) Thank you.

(emotional music)

(Charlie) Mom, are you

coming? We're playing Jenga.

Okay, give me five minutes

to clean up the kitchen.

(Charlie) Okay.


Ooooohhhh! Okay,

okay it's Mom's turn.


Alright, alright, alright.

Oh, no!

(Marissa) I was so close!

I sort of feel like

I've been here before

Yeah, because he's beaten

me in every single Jenga game

since he was a little kid.

You do have quite the

talent there, kiddo.

I can barely balance

my check book.

(Marissa laughs)

Ew, what is that smell?


- Cookies! Oh!

- Oh!

- (smoke alarm sounds)

- (Marissa) Ahh!

Oh, yeah, that's

uh... those are burnt.


(smoke alarm beeping


Okay, okay. Alright buddy.

Here we go, here we go.

Hey, hey, hey. Shhhh.

Hey. Okay, okay,

there you go. Breathe.

Breathe. Breathe.

- Breathe.

- (alarm stops)

It's gone. It's off. It's

off. It's off. You're okay.

You're okay. You're okay.

I'm so sorry.

That was my fault.

Charlie, did you

order extra crispy,

'cause these might be perfect.

(laughs) It's a good thing

Eric likes them extra crispy.

And hey, we have

two other batches

and we can decorate

them tomorrow, okay?

You gotta go to bed and

dream about all the things

that you want for Christmas.

I wanna... I want to

break a world record.

Oh, buddy, I have no doubt that

you're going to do that someday.

I want to do it

now. For Christmas.

It's good to have

goals, Charlie,

but very few people actually

break a world record.

Eric's right, sweetie.

It takes a lot of...

a lot of time, a lot of work.

Maybe it's something that we

can try and do next Christmas.

Lights out in 15, okay bud?


Are you okay?

Do you think my real

dad is going to come here

for Christmas this year?


I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Last time he came here was

on Christmas Eve, remember?

I do, yeah. It was

a long time ago.

But maybe this

year he'll show up.

I wrote him a bunch of emails.

Has he responded?

No, but... you said

he's a busy guy.

Yeah, he's a busy guy. He is.

But you know what?

I'm going to be here, and

Eric's going to be here,

and we are going to have

ourselves a great Christmas.


I'm going to write to him

and tell him that someday

I'm going to break a

Guinness World Record.

That sounds like

a really good plan,

but for now you gotta

go to bed. Okay?

Lights out. Yes.

Alright. I love you so much.

Get some sleep.

Good night.


What's wrong?


Every Christmas he thinks

his Dad is going to come

just like he did that one time.

He's been emailing.

But he hasn't heard back.

Of course not.

You know, Charlie can

always call me Dad.

I know that's something you've

wanted forever and I do too.

But, Charlie needs a

place to put each label

and Peter's his

biological father,

and I think calling you Dad

just... just confuses him.

So for now I'm just...


No, you're not just Eric.

I think we need a date night.


I like that idea.


What about Charlie?

I can see if Amy and

Jane can come over.

Sounds good.

So... you and

Eric are going out.

That is the plan!

Amy and Jane are going

to come hang with you.

- Yes!

- (laughs)

Are you two going to... kiss?

Well that is none of

your beeswax (laughs)

But, I mean, he's my husband

so if we want to kiss

then maybe we will.


(laughs) Got it.

You know what, Eric is...

he's always there

for you, right?

Have you thought any more

about maybe calling him Dad?

I... I don't know. It

just doesn't feel right.

Okay. I don't ever

want you to do anything

that doesn't feel right,

but if you ever decide to,

I... I think he'd like it.

What about my real Dad?

What about him?

Did you love him?

Like, before you had me?

Of course.


But you know, we

were really young

and Dad was always busy

with work, you know.

He's a really ambitious man.

Did he leave

because I'm autistic?


Oh honey, no, no.

Absolutely not.

Your Dad loves you so

much, and you should know

that you were born a

product of nothing but love.

So, so much love.

Maybe, maybe when I

break a world record,

he'll come watch me.

I'm going to write to him.

(humming Christmas tune)

Oh hey, there you are.

Barrister Hartman.

How's the busiest

lawyer in town doing?

Well, I'm working

on a Saturday,

that should give

you some indication.

Is Marissa around?

No, she's at home with Charlie.

She left early yesterday.

I forgot to give her these

public records for her to file.

I will make sure she gets them.


I don't know what I would

do without your wife.

She's the best

employee I've ever had.

She's the best

wife I've ever had


I mean she's the

only one, but still.

Sounds like we should both

spoil her for Christmas.

Actually, I am taking

her out on a date tonight.

Oh, that's great.

She's been saying

you two haven't had

enough alone time lately.

You don't want

things to get stale.

Right, no, nobody wants stale.

No, because then they end

up seeing me in divorce court


- Not that you two are there.

- No.

I'm just saying, you know,

it can get like that

for some people.

I get it. Don't let

things get stale.


I'm going to go before I get

myself into more trouble.


- Enjoy your evening.

- You too.


This will be fun

tonight, kiddo.


- Hello!

- Hi.

Oh, this handshake!


Come on, we made

Christmas cookies

Hi Amy!

Hi Jane!


Oh, thank you so

much for doing this.

Oh, it's our pleasure.

We love spending

time with Charlie.

Oh, he loves spending

time with you.

- Well that's good.

- (both laugh)

Is it... is it weird

that I'm nervous for a

date with my husband?

No. I think it's great

that you're nervous.

It means that you still care.

And gosh, you look

stunning, as usual.

Thank you.

Well we won't be out late,

and just call me if

you need something.

I won't need anything.

Just go, have fun.

- Bye!

- Bye!

I'm going to eat

all the cookies!

Uh, Gary, I'm closing up.

You're good.

Wow you look like

a million bucks.

Thank you, Gary.

Yes, and thank you Gary,

for stealing my line.

See you tomorrow.

Have a great night

Gary's actually wrong, you

don't look like a million bucks.

Guess he forgot inflation,

so you like two million

and one billion dollars.



A little. But I liked it.

You don't look so bad yourself.

Well, thank you.

Oh, I got you something.

You did not need to

get me... How romantic!


So my boss came by.

She did.

We had a nice chat and she

gave out free marital advice.


Coming from her I

can only imagine.

Well, it's nothing

that wasn't true.

- Look at us.

- Mhm.

- We're going on a date.

- Look at us.

(deep inhale)

Hey, what are you doing?

Sniffing this tree.

Come try, it's like an

instant whiff of Christmas.

I like our fake tree.

You don't know

what you're missing.

But I do know what you're

not missing right now.

A shot!

What if I break the world

record for most free throws

made in a row?

If you really want to

break a world record,

it should be something

that's more you.

More me?

Yeah, you're awesome.

It should be something

just as awesome.

Hark the Angel's Harold Sings.

Amy's funny -Yeah.

Charlie's got a little

extra spring in his step

around her lately.

He's always that way with Amy.

You know? She's a... she's

a really good friend.

Yeah, she is.

Charlie is really determined

to break a world record.


It is all he's talking about.

If anyone can break a

world record it is Charlie.

That is true.


Do you think that this is what

all parents do on date night?

You mean talk about their kids?


- Mhm.

- Really?


(distant laughing)

Must be newlyweds.


Wait until they have

kids and a mortgage.


What if I break

the world record

for world's largest

gingerbread house?

That would be cool.

Whoa, it's almost as

big as my house. Look!

I could top that.

Okay, so this one's out.

(phone chimes)

You know that seventh

grader, Justin Brown?

He's been texting me. He's

actually pretty funny.

(heavy breathing)

Hey, you okay?


(heavy breathing)

(knocks) Charlie?

(knocking) Charlie are you okay?


(cell phone rings)

Hey Jane.

Okay. Yeah, we'll

be right there.

What's going on?

Charlie won't come

out of his room.

Hey. Could we get the check?


Hey sweetie. What happened?

After I break a world record,

they won't think I'm weird.

Hey, nobody thinks

you're weird, okay?

We can help the town

break the record.

That'll be cool, right?

I want to break a

record on my own.

Well, then um...

I think you should.




All we have to do is figure out

which record you're

going to break,

and then convince the

Guinness World Records people

to give you a chance.

- Okay?

- Okay!

Let's do it.

Let's do it!


Maybe after I break one?

Absolutely, yeah.


Let me get this straight.

You want Charlie to

break a world record?


Guinness World Records is

going to be in town already,

maybe they can give

Charlie some time

Listen I can understand

what you're trying to do

but the process took

months. It wasn't easy.

I can't use my connections

for every kid to try and

break a world record.

But Charlie's not every

kid. You know this.

He has surpassed all

expectations his entire life,

and he has the most...

beautiful heart.

We're just asking for a shot.

Please Ben, just point

us in the right direction?


This is the number

of the adjudicator

who will be at the

event on Christmas Eve.

It'll be up to them whether

or not Charlie gets a shot.

It didn't come from me.

We understand.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

So what record is

Charlie going to break?

(in unison) No clue.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, we'll figure it out.

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Making a Christmas tree

out of damaged library books

He claims there's a

method to his madness.

How did it go with Benjamin?


We have the number to the

Guinness World Records judge.


Did you decide the

record you want to go for?

No, but Nana Mary thinks I'm

the world's fastest eater.

Only with donuts.

I've never seen a kid

eat donuts so fast.

Well he gets that from me.

Hey guys.

I couldn't find any

more green books

so I brought some red ones too.

Thanks Gary.

Hi Gary, yeah,

that's... help yourself.

Charlie, this is...

this is incredible.

Also, we still didn't

put our tree up.

Is this something

we should do today?

Oh, Mom, can we get

a real tree this year?

Yes, but I thought you had

a thing with real trees.

You sure?

I'm sure.

Oh, but there is...

there is someone I

need to call first.

(phone rings)

Hi Chucky. What's up?

I thought you were mad

at me or something.

Will you go with us to

get a Christmas tree?

We're getting a real

tree. You like real trees.

I do. I just didn't

think you did.

Come with us?

Uh, okay!

Okay. Thank you. Bye!

I... I appreciate you guys

helping, but this is not okay.

You gotta do it in a spiral,

that's how you do it.

It keeps it structurally sound.

It smells like...

the air freshener

in Nana Mary's car.

Yes, except this is real.

So many to choose

from. How do we choose?

You don't choose the

tree; the tree chooses you.

How does it do that?

When you're in front

of the right tree,

it's kind of like

'Hallelujah'! Let's go, Chucky.

Alright well we'll wait

for the Hallelujah chorus!

You okay?

I'm fine.

Uh... I was...

I was just thinking about

something your boss said.

Hillary is a

divorce lawyer okay?

So she's going to

be a tad bit cynical

when it comes to marriage.

Right, I know.

She just mentioned that you

said we hadn't been spending

that much time together.

I know.

I did say that.

It's okay. It's true.

Glad you have someone

you can talk to.

Look, I... I just

think we're stuck.

Seven years coming up.

Maybe it's the seven-year

itch. Are you itchy?


Are you? Are you itchy?


How about we decorate the tree?

Charlie goes to sleep, and

we cozy up on the couch,

we watch an old Christmas movie?

A Christmas Story?

Of course, it's my favorite.

Sounds good.

- Come on.

- Alright.

This is it.

(together) Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

(all together)


That's the one!


Oh yeah, that is going

to be a beautiful tree.

Good pickings.

Who's ready to decorate?

(phone rings)

Hey Hillary.

Yep. No problem. Okay.

So, who is ready to

decorate... tomorrow!

I'm sorry guys, I have to

go into work for a bit.

It's fine.

I can always practice

my Rubix Cube.

So uh, raincheck

A Christmas Story?

No, we are going

to make this happen.

Let's play it by ear

in case you're tired.

No, no, no, no, I

am going to be home.

We are going to watch A

Christmas Story, okay?

I'll see you later.

(loud exhale)


I'm not bored, I'm just tired.


Do you need me at

the deposition?

No, I should be good as long

as we finish up here tonight.

Thank you, you're a

good friend... and boss.


Speaking of marital

issues, I am so sorry

but my big mouth might have

said too much to your husband.

It's fine, I handled it.

And not that I want to

throw gas on the fire,

but I saw Peter yesterday at the

courthouse down in Northbridge.


Charlie's Dad, Peter?

Yeah, apparently, he works

for a law firm down there.

Do you know what firm?

It's not for me.


- It's for Charlie.

- Hm.

He is really wanting

to connect with him

I can make a call? Find

out, if you're interested?

No, you know what, it's fine.

If he wanted to get in

touch with us he could.

Are you sure?

I am, um... pretty

sure that I'm sure.

Let me know if you

change your mind.

Okay. Thank you.


- Hey.

- (grumbles)

Sorry to wake you. I just don't

want you to get a stiff neck.

Oh. Thanks.

(yawns) He was asleep

by Marley's ghost

and apparently, I

was shortly after.

What time is it?

It's super late,

Hillary has a big

deposition in the morning.

Rain check on the movie?

Yeah, of course.

Okay. Come on.

Come on.

Go to bed. Good night.


Ah... it's fine,

you'll get there.

Just breathe and

keep practicing.

I'm not even close.

The world record

is 3.47 seconds.

If it makes you

feel any better,

it would take me 3.47 years.

Hey guys.

I brought sandwiches.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, I cannot

stay and eat them,

I have to go back to

work, I have a call.

But we have got to

set aside time to call

the Guinness World

Records judge.

Don't call them.

I'm not going to do it.

Charlie's right not quite

there with the record yet,

but he'll be fine.

No, I won't.

No wonder my Dad's

embarrassed of me.


Hey, that's not true.

That's... Charlie,

that's not true.

I can push my call.

No, it's okay,

it's fine, you go.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I got this.


Are you okay, buddy?

All of these are about me.

I just wanted to be in a book

that wasn't in the

psychology section.

Charlie, these books

are about autism.

They are not about you.

If I can't do the Rubix

Cube, what will I do?

I don't know.

But I don't think

hanging around here

is going to help

us figure it out,

so how about we go

do something fun?

Can I choose the fun?

Sure. What are you thinking?

I've never ice skated before.

Grab your coat.

Hey Hillary?

I changed my mind about Peter.

Can you get me that info?

Are you sure?

I'm... pretty

sure that I'm sure.

Alright. I'll get you the info.


(Eric) Yeah?

Come on. I've seen

you ride a unicycle.

If you can do that, you will

definitely be able to ice skate.

What if I fall?

Everyone falls.

You just protect your head

and try to land on your tush.

Okay. Let's do it.

And FYI, nobody

says tush anymore.

Right. Okay.

How about, uh, bum-bum? Yeah?

You ready?

Now there's lots of

different methods,

but the way my Dad taught

me, step step glide.

Step step glide. Yes!

Step step glide. That's it!

Step. Glide.

Yes, yes, that's

what... That's it!

I think you did this

one in the first grade.


Charlie, I'm so proud

of you for skating.


I didn't even fall.

Eric taught me step, step glide.

- Mhm.

- (laughs)

Well, that's a

classic technique.

Mine is more like

wobble, wobble fall.

(phone rings)

This is the one with my Dad.

Yeah, I know buddy.

Why don't you hang

it somewhere special?

Peter works for Shaw

Law Firm in Northbridge.

Apparently he's the

new probate lawyer.


I didn't expect that.

Actually, I need some

files from the courthouse

down in Northbridge.

I was going to

send for a courier

but if you fancied going

there for some reason?

You know what? Yes, I'll go.

Great, I'll text you the info.

Okay, thanks Hillary.


And, done!

No no. A tree is not

finished without... presents.


Are you leaving again?

No, not now.

But um Hillary just needs

me to go to Northbridge

to handle a few things.

- Northbridge?

- Mmhmm.

Can... can I come?

Yeah, maybe we could all go.

Do you want to tell

Charlie about the last time

I dragged you to a

courthouse for work?

No, I do not.

Charlie, we're out.


Ha! I can already

tell what this is.


Well then you should

just go ahead and open it.

(blocks rattling)

There you go. Look at that.

Charlie, the world record

for balancing Jenga blocks

is 1,400 Jenga blocks

balanced on top of a

single vertical block.

Uh that's... wow,

that's a lot of blocks.

There's 54 in a box.

I... I could do that.


I think we just figured it out.

Jenga blocks it is!


Jenga blocks it is.

(laughs) Aww!

Hi there. Can I help you?

Yes, hi.

I'm from Hartman Family

Law up in Brookswood,

and I'm looking for a

probate lawyer, Peter?

Do you have an appointment?

No, I do not.

I'll see if he's available.

Okay. You know what

actually it's fine, it...

it... you know what it's...

I'll just come back

at a later time.

Thank you.


Oh, hi!



Wow, I thought I

recognized that voice.


How long has it been?

Five years.

Has it been five years?

It has, yeah, it has.


I bumped into Hillary

the other day.

She must have told

you I worked here.

She did.

Thought so.

Actually, Charlie has been

trying to get in touch with you.

He's been emailing you a

lot. Are you getting them?

Huh, well you know what,

he's probably emailing

my old... email.

Yeah. Give him this.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Of course. How is Charlie?

- He's great.

- Yeah?

Yeah, he is.

He's such an incredible

kid. I'm so proud of him.

He must be getting big now. Do

you have any pictures of him?

Yeah, I do.

Um... uh... wait... oh, there.

Oh yeah look at him,

he's definitely taller.

He must get that from

me. Ah, what a good kid.

I know.

Listen I have a

meeting but, uh...

what are you doing

for dinner tonight?

Can I take you somewhere?


Oh, come on, you

gotta eat, right?

I promise I won't

keep you out late.

I just want to, you know,

catch up, hear about Charlie.

- Peter?

- Yeah.

- Your meeting is starting.

- Okay, copy that.

Listen, I gotta run

but tell you what,

meet me out front of the

office at 5:30, okay?

I'll see you then.


Wow, that is so cool!

Isn't it?

If you stack it, they

will come... apparently.

Because this is the most people

I've had in the

library in a long time.

That kid is something else.

Does he still want to

break a world record?

Oh yeah, we didn't tell you.

He's going to balance Jenga

blocks which reminds me

I just need to find

about 1,000 of them.

And the Guinness World Record

people are okay with this?

Uh, they don't know yet.

- (phone rings)

- Ahhh...

Hey honey, you almost home?

Uh no, no. I'm

still in Northbridge.

I'm going to be a little

late if that's okay?

Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

Do you want us to wait

for you for dinner?

No, no, no. You guys

go ahead and eat.

Okay, well drive safe.

I will. I will. Thanks honey.

Charlie! It's just

me and you for dinner.

You know what that means...

Charlie's choice!

Can I get in on that?

I would love that, mother.

Are you going to pay?


(Nana Mary) Now that

was great fish and chips

Did you guys hear about the

fight at the fish and chip shop?

Fish got battered.

- (sigh)

- (chuckles)


That was... actually funny.

Thank you, Charlie.


Hey, I'm here all night.

Uh, can I go practice my Jenga?

Yeah, of course, buddy.

- Fish got battered.

- (laughs)

You have done such a

great job with Charlie.

Hasn't always been

easy, that's for sure.

Never is.

You think you were

such a piece of cake?

No, I know I was

not a piece of cake.

Not to pry, but do you

think I might be blessed

with another grandchild?

I wish, every time

I try and bring it up

Marissa says maybe someday.

Hm, no pressure.

But you're not

getting any younger.

Well, neither are you, mother.

I know. I'm sorry I said that.

You said that.

(sighs) Never thought I'd

be back in Northbridge,

but, here I am.

Well, it's um,

it's a nice town.


We'll have a table shortly.

You can wait by the

bar if you like.

Okay great, thanks.

It's busy.

So how long have

you lived here?

How long have I lived here?

Geez, almost two years?

You... you've lived

here for two years?

Yeah, crazy, right?

Although not quite,

almost two years.

Brookswood... is an

hour's drive from here.

You know, where your son lives?

Yeah, you know what, I

should come visit you guys.

What are you drinking? Let

me get this guy's attention.

Excuse me sir.

Okay, never-mind.

I gotta go.

What? Hey, Marissa!

You're going to do

whatever you want to do.

You always have.

Okay, here we

go. For Charlie.


(phone rings)

Guinness World Records,

this is Ophelia Bennett.

Hi Ms. Bennett, I am Marissa

Parsons calling from Brookswood.

Oh, Washington State. I'll

be up there Christmas Eve.

How can I help you?

My husband and I are calling

on behalf of our son, Charlie.

He wants to break

a world record.

Oh, that's great.

You can go online and start

the application process

and get him in the system.

Okay, do you have any idea

of how long that process takes

before you can actually see him?

Um, everything looks good, best

case scenario, around 12 weeks.

Uh, is there any way

to expedite the process

to say, Christmas Eve, since

you will be in town already?

No, I'm afraid that's

nearly impossible.

My schedule's very tight.

So after your town's event,

I am going to be rushing home

to be with my own

family for Christmas.

Ms. Bennett, is there any way

that you could make an exception

just this one time?

This is very important

to Charlie and to us.

Okay let's just back up here,

which record is Charlie

looking to break?

Most Jenga blocks balanced

on top of a single block.

Right, okay,

that's a tough one.

That's going to require much

more time than I'll have.

He's very fast.

He... he has incredible

focus and you should see him.

Ms. Bennett, Charlie's autistic

and he has faced so many

challenges in his life

and he has triumphed over

every single one of them.

He is truly just... he's

an extraordinary kid.

So, could you just

please give him a chance?

Uh, I'll tell you what, I

would like to meet with Charlie

on a video call today

at 3:00 PM if possible.

And if everything goes well

maybe I'll give him a shot.

We will call you back

at 3:00 PM with Charlie.

This is the best

Christmas present.

Okay, well I'm not

promising anything, but...

I would like to meet him.

Okay, thank you so

much Ms. Bennett.

Thank you.

(Ms. Bennett) Of course.

- Ah!

- Wow! Nice!




It's snowing!

It's a good sign.

Should we wake Charlie?

No. I actually have an idea.

When was the last

time you did this?

Mmm. Not since I was a kid.

When I was a kid we used to

play this game where we would

look up at the snow and

see who blinked first.

You game?

- Always.

- Ready?

- Ready.

- Set. Go.




(laughing) It's hard!

- You win.

- (Marissa laughs)

Best two outta three?

Mmm. We should act

like kids more often.

We're not that old.. yet.

I agree.

So, speaking of... kids...


What are your thoughts

on having another one?

I don't know.

Maybe someday.

Did you say Sunday

because I can do Sunday.

I think I'm pretty

free on Sunday.


Is this something

you really want?


I always have.

When I look at you, you're

such an amazing mom.

Charlie is incredible. He'd

be a wonderful big brother.

I'll think about it.

Are you thinking

about it right now?


Come on guys! Charlie!

Yes. Okay, here we are.

Just be yourself.

- Who else am I supposed to be?

- Good point.


You ready?



Hi Charlie, is that you?

Yes Ms. Adjudicator, I am me.

Okay, well you can

call me Ophelia.

And Charlie, I wanted

to introduce you

to my daughter, Sophia.

We just found out recently

that Sophia is also autistic.

Nice to meet you all. Welcome

to the spectrum, Sophia.

It's not a bad place to be so

don't let people tell you it is.

Sometimes, it can even

be your superpower.

I love superhero powers!

She does!

So, I hear that you want

to break a world record

with Jenga blocks.

Yep, balancing them all

on one vertical block.

I'm really good at

stacking things.

So, Charlie, why do you

want to break that record?

So I can show the world

that autistic people

can do great things.


And so my Dad will

be proud of you.

That is so sweet.

You know what, usually I ask

a whole bunch of questions

but I only have

one more for you.

What do you want for

Christmas this year

besides breaking your record?

Maybe a baby brother?

I'll even take a sister.

Oh, okay. Did you

hear that, parents?

Loud and clear. It's

a bit of a tall order.

Well, I'll tell you what,

I'm going to fast track you.

But you have to do

it in the town square

before your city's event.

No sweat!

Alright, we'll see

you on Christmas Eve,

which is just under a week away

so you better get practicing.

I'll be in touch with

all the documents

and the rules to

make it official.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much!

- Bye. Bye.

- Bye.

Thank you, Ms.

Bennett! Thank you!

Thank you!

You want to hit the button?


- (laughs) Oh, so happy for you!

- Amazing.

I need to...

I need to email my Dad and

invite him to come watch me.

Oh, buddy I think you've been

emailing his wrong address.

Here, this is the new one.

- Thanks, Mom!

- Yeah.

When he said that he

wanted to break the record

to make his Dad proud it

just like broke my heart.

Where did...

where did you get

Peter's new info?

Hillary ran into Peter

and I said that I...

- Thank you so much!

- Oh...

I'm going to break

a world record!

Yes, you're going to

break a world record!

Break a world record.

Do you want to celebrate

with pizza or...

Whatever your heart desires.

I'm so happy for you.

So am I. Way to go, buddy.

Let's get in line. Come on.

They're getting so big.

I know. It makes me

happy-sad you know?

Yeah, I do.


Eric wants another one.

Charlie too, apparently.

Wait, another kid?

Yeah, yeah.

How do you feel about that?

I'm thinking about it.

It's a big decision.

Yeah. It is.

Can I give you my two cents?

- Please.

- Because I do.

(both laugh)

When we first met, you...

you were raising

Charlie all on your own,

and you handled everything

with the most patience

and grace and love possible.

This time, you would be doing

it with an amazing husband

in a solid marriage

and it'd be good.

I saw Peter the other day.

Wait, uh... Peter Peter?

Peter Peter, yep.


Charlie hasn't stopped talking

about him, asking for him,

he wants him to be here

when he breaks the record,

so I felt like he

needed to know.

Didn't go great.

What did Eric say?

I haven't told

him yet. I know.

Oh, no, no, no.

I know. I know.

You have to tell your husband.

I know.

You can't keep things

from each other.

It's a slippery slope.

No, I know. I'm

going to tell him.

- (Amy) Thanks Santa.

- Alright, let's go get them.


- (Charlie) Bye Santa.

- (Amy) Oh, thank you.

(Charlie) Thank you.

So what'd you wish for?

I asked for world peace.

Oh of course she did.

She also asked for an e-bike.

Of course she did.


What did you ask for Charlie?

I wished for my Dad to see

me break a world record.

Come here. I got

a surprise for you.

So, in every one of these

ornaments is a Christmas list

from a family who can't

afford to buy presents

so we are going to pick one

and we're going to buy

the gifts for them.

Kids toothbrush,

kids warm socks,

winter cap, pink or red...

These aren't even toys.

They're like every

day necessities.

Yeah, you see how

lucky you guys are?

I want to do

something for charity

when I break my world record.

That would be cool.

What if people decorated their

own blocks and for a donation,

Charlie would use them in

his world record attempt,

and we could donate

the money to charity!

I want to help autistic kids!

Guys, I love this!

- Me too.

- This is such a good idea!

It's the best!

Oh, it's like a

holiday "block" party.

Come on, I mean that's genius!

You and Eric and your jokes.

I know, that was

bad. That was bad.

I will ask Benjamin

if we can set up a

booth in the town square

because we're going to need

all the help we can get.

We will.

Hey Mom, can I go ice

skating with Justin later?

Just the two of you?

His Dad's going too.

Sure, I guess that's okay.

You want to come too, Chucky?

- So, we have our list?

- Yeah.

- Yeah. Let's go.

- Okay.

- Come on bud.

- Come on kiddo.


Let's see.

(typing sounds)

A secret. Okay.


How goes the Christmas shopping?

Hi Hillary.

Trying to find Marissa the

perfect gift is not easy.

I actually need to get a

Christmas gift for your wife.

Want to team up?

Yes. Yes.

That would be great.

I could use your help.

I was thinking,

um, scented candle

but then after you

smell all of them,

then they all start

smelling like... vanilla?

Why don't I get her

the scented candle,

and I help you get her something

a little more... romantic?

Yes. Thank you.

- Yeah.

- Um, I'm so bad at this.

- No, it's okay.

- Okay.


I think this is the latest I've

ever sent out Christmas cards.

That was a fun day.

Do you remember that?

It was the summer and the

two of you, you and Eric,

were pretending to be cold so we

could take our Christmas photo.

Is everything okay with Amy?

You can talk to

me about anything.

Especially the girl stuff.

I happen to uh,

be one, you know.

I... I don't like

when Justin texts her.

I know he's nice, but it

just makes me feel... weird.

That is called jealousy.

And it is a perfectly

normal emotion.

I don't like the way it

feels. What can I do about it?

It's not good to keep

our feelings bottled up.

May I suggest that

maybe you talk to Amy,

and tell her how you feel?

Do you tell Eric how you feel?

Not as much as I should.

Why don't I do it now,

hmm? Let's call him.


(phone rings)


(in Unison) Hi!

I'm with your boss right now.

I, yes, I can...

I can see that.

Um. What are you guys

doing? Where are you?

We can't tell you.

Hi Eric!

We have something cool to tell

you about when you get home.

Well I can't wait to hear.

Okay well, um... have fun!


You didn't even tell

Eric how you feel.

You know, I wasn't going

to say it in front of her.

Now who's jealous?

I am not!


Hillary, thank you so

much for your advice.

Now I just need to find

Charlie more Jenga blocks.

You are such a good Dad to him.

Oh, thank you.

Hey, speaking of that,

I heard that you ran into

Charlie's Dad, Peter.

Yeah. Uh, up in Northbridge.

It was awkward but brief.

Marissa was just

in Northbridge.

Yep, I had work for her there.

- Mmhmm, I see.

- Mm.

Well, uh, again,

thank you so much

for helping pick

out Marissa's gift.

Have a good night.

Yeah, you too.

- Guess what?

- What?

We are going to

have a fundraiser

so people can donate Jenga

blocks and money for autism.

Oh, that's fantastic!

I have great news as well.

Um, no peeking, thank you.


So, I sent in

all your paperwork

and you are now

officially... official.

That's great!

And I spoke to Benjamin

about having a booth

in the town square

and he loved the idea

so all we have to do

is spread the word.

Don't you know

someone at Channel 9?

I do. A woman I

met through work.

Do you think they

would cover it?

I don't see why not,

I mean it's big news.

Charlie is going to

break a world record!

I'll call her!

Oh man, I better practice.

So, um, you were hanging

out with Hillary, huh?

Mhm, me and Hillary

were hanging out.

Yeah, she's fun.

She is fun.

I saw Peter in Northbridge.

I was there for work,

I just wanted to try and get

him to come to Charlie's event.

I was planning on telling you.

It makes sense.

But we should be able to

tell each other anything.

I should have told you.


I'm... I'm really sorry.

You know how much

I love you, right?

Hmm. No, I think I

need you to remind me.

You don't still have

feelings for him, do you?

(laughs) No!

- Okay.

- No!

Just checking.

Well, then. I love you, too.

(reporter) This here looks to

be a world record Christmas,

not only for the

town of Brookswood,

but also for 13-year-old

Charlie Parsons,

who looks to break the world

record by stacking Jenga blocks.

Hi, Charlie.

Hi Karla. We watch you on TV.

Well, I like you already.

Tell us, how did you get

started stacking blocks?

I put the bottom

one down first,

and I kept going until it fell.

Sounds like a good strategy.

Do you stack other

things or just blocks?

I try and stack

almost anything.

And how many blocks do you

need to break the world record?

One thousand, four hundred.


All balancing on that

one vertical block.

That's a lot Charlie.

(muffled) So I understand you're

planning a special fundraiser

in the town square?

Uh, a block holiday... a

party decorating blocks.

Ooh, I like parties.

What will you be

doing at this party?

Uh, a block holiday.

Hi. I'm Amy.

Charlie here is hosting

a holiday fundraiser

for autistic kids.

Come down, bring any

Jenga blocks you have,

and he'll use them

for his world record.

It's going to be a blast, so

'block' it out on your schedule.


Thank you very much.

You heard her folks,

come down to the town

square this Saturday.

And Charlie, good luck.

Thank you.

And that's a wrap!

Thanks everyone.

- Yay!

- (applause)

Charlie, all the best,

we're rooting for you.

Thanks for helping me.

That's what friends are for.

How was ice skating

with Justin last week?

We didn't end up going.

I was bummed because I haven't

been ice skating yet this year.

I'll go with you.

Don't you have a

thing about ice?

I learned how to skate.


- Maybe your parents can take us.

- Okay.

(Marissa) Let's

get hot chocolate.

(Eric) Sounds good.


Oh. I hope he doesn't

get his heart broken.

I told him that it wasn't good

to keep our feelings bottled up.

What if he tells

her how he feels

and then she

doesn't reciprocate?

I think if Charlie decides to

tell her and Amy doesn't feel

the same way, she'll find a

way to let him down gently.

Just like you did with

me when we first met.

No, I didn't...

I didn't realize you were

asking me out on a date!


Because I literally

asked you out on a date.

No, no, no. You didn't.

You asked me to go to

an ugly sweater party.

Exactly. A date!

Yes, but see, I thought

you were just telling me

about a party!

Just a party, right.


I was a single mom,

I didn't do parties.

You want to know when I did

know I was in love with you?

When I made my lasagna?

Well almost, I mean your

lasagna's really good.

You told Charlie and

I one of your jokes,

and he laughed so hard.

He didn't even get the joke

but he just... belly-laughed

and it was... and it was magic.

Up until then he barely smiled.

Until you came along.

I think he gets his

sense of humor from you.

Ooh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, thank you.

There's more to life

than tree sniffing!

Stop it.

You know when I first realized

that I was in love with you?


About 30 seconds

after I saw you.

I mean it.

Look how great he's doing.


He was so scared to skate.

He learned for her.


(emotional music)

Holiday fundraiser

this Saturday.

Help autistic kids.

Thank you.

I'm all out!

I think we're going

to have a big turnout.

Where is Eric?

He is chasing

down Jenga blocks.

Some of the ones

that he ordered,

they might not be

here before Christmas.

What if we don't

have enough blocks?

You don't worry about

that. We will find some.

Here, hand me some of those,

I'll help you pass out.

Thank you. Thank you.

Hey, let me give you a hand.

- There you go.

- Yeah?

I am loving this

Christmas look.

Right? I think maybe I

should wear it year-round.

I think you should, too.

- I will...

- Good luck with that

I'll load them in the car.

Okay, I'll grab Charlie.


Look at that, you're

doing amazing!

Alright, you ready?

Mom, what if... what

if I can't do it?


We will just figure out another

time for you to do this.

The most important thing

is that you just have fun.

But everyone will laugh at me.

Nobody is going

to laugh at you.

I can promise you that.

Look at this thing!

What you're doing, it just,

it takes so much courage.

Everybody's going to see that.

I need more blocks to practice.

Eric is working

on that. Okay?

Come on.

We don't want to be late

for the party. Okay?

( Jolly Old St. Nicholas

plays over the speakers)

Can I decorate

four blocks please?


Charlie will use them when

he breaks his world record!

That's so cool. I

can't wait to see this.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry

Christmas everyone!

Charlie! Why don't

you come on up here?

- Santa's got a surprise for you.

- It's Santa.

- Go!

- Amy, did you know about this?

- Go talk to Santa.

- Fine!

I heard that you're trying

to break a world record.


What's going on?

Well, here's a set of Jenga

blocks to add to your total,

and here's a check from

the City for $10,000

so you can donate to your

favorite autism charity!

Thank you so much.

You're welcome!

(cheers and applause)

Benjamin, is that you?

Don't tell anyone.

That is incredible!

How did Jenga know?

- What?

- Did they see the interview?

Yeah, they probably

saw the interview.



You called them. You did.

You called them!

We don't deserve you.

Yes, you do.

(camera shutter snaps)

Don't even think about it.


You're making a joke.

I'm not going to

make any jokes.

This is a very

serious business here.

I have some really good

ones in the chamber.

Ignore him Charlie.

You are doing

great though, bud.

You are. This is incredible.

What if tomorrow I can't

do it with all the people?

Well, first of all,

Eric has promised me

that he will not tell

any of his jokes.

I will not.

And secondly, all you have

to do is just zone in, focus,

and if you need

any encouragement

we'll be there for you.

And my Dad.

When I see him, I'll be

able to break the record.

You got this, Chucky.

You get an early

Christmas present.

I... I actually, I need to...


grab something in the

kitchen, we'll be right back.

It's beautiful.

It's how I feel about you.

You make my heart beat so fast.

That's really sweet.

Um, but... you're my

best friend, Charlie.

Let's not go making

this all weird?

You think I'm weird?

That's not what I said.

(door slams)

- I'll go...

- Yeah, yeah.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry. I didn't know

he felt that way about me

Oh no no, it's okay,

it's okay. Come here.

Hey, look. For the longest time,

I didn't even know if Charlie

would be able to connect,

or tell us about his

emotions. But, now he can.

This is a good thing, I know

it doesn't feel that way

but it is a good thing, okay?

When it comes to women,

there are many, many things

that I don't understand.

What I do know is

they are complicated.

Especially with

matters of the heart.

Your mom didn't

love me at first.

No, she had her

guard up pretty good.

So, what did you do?

It took time.

It might take time

with Amy, too.

And if not,

at least you still have her

as a best friend, right?

That's very special, too.

Why does it have

to feel so weird?

Because you made

yourself vulnerable.

And that's a good thing. It

means you opened your heart.

And if your heart's not open,

then the good

feelings can't get in.

Okay, buddy? Want to

try and get some sleep?

You got a big day tomorrow.

If you want to talk more

you know where we are.

Rise and shine!

It's Christmas Eve!

(notification alert)

- Mom!

- What?

It's Dad!


He says he'll be there.

This is going to be the

best Christmas ever.


That's the last of 'em!

How are you feeling?

Nervous, but good.

(Ms. Bennett) Merry Christmas!


Charlie, you remember

Ms. Bennett right,

from the Guinness World Records?

Please, it's Ophelia.

Charlie, I'm supposed to say

'good luck' from my daughter.

You really inspired her

so thank you for that.

Maybe the next time I break

a world record she can come?

Oh, yeah maybe. I like

your positive attitude.

So you know the rules,

you have two hours to

complete your attempt,

and that digital clock over

there is going to be the timer

and I'll keep track of the

number of blocks you've stacked.

Sound good?

Well, I'll let you get ready.

Thank you so much.

My pleasure. Good luck.


Hey buddy.

You okay? Just do

your breathing.

Hey, here.

I... I don't think

I practiced enough.

Yes, you did. You

were so good at this.

I've seen you stack blocks

standing on one foot.

You got this.

But my Dad isn't here,

and Amy's probably

not going to come.

What if this wasn't a good idea?

I wouldn't be too

sure about Amy.

See? Everything's

going to be okay.


Eric, can you do me a favor?

Yeah, of course.

Can you give me a marker, a

piece of paper, and some tape?

It's for my Dad.

Yeah, sure. I'll grab

it and be right back.


I will be right over there

if you need me. Okay?

You got this.

- Hey.

- Hey

I'm sorry. I'm

so sorry that...

Hey, I get it. Every kid wants

their... father's approval.

Eric! Marissa!

Hi Frank. I need a favor.

Could I borrow a roll of tape,

a marker, and some paper?

Sure thing.

What do you think

is going to happen

if Peter doesn't show up?

I don't know. I

really hope he does.

All I truly want for Charlie

is for him to be happy.

For what it's worth, Eric,

I think you're a great Dad.

- Thank you.

- I know, right?

Thank you.

Hey, you ready to get started?

Can we wait for my Dad?

Uh, you can wait as long as you

want, yeah, but unfortunately,

it's going to come

out of your two hours

because your town's

record starts at noon.

You got this.

Should we do this?

Alright. Merry

Christmas everyone.

I'm Ophelia Bennett from

Guinness World Records

and Charlie here is

officially attempting to break

the Guinness World

Records title for stacking

the most Jenga blocks on

top of one vertical block.


The current record is

1,400 blocks in two hours.

Now if everybody out of respect

for Charlie can just keep

the chatter and the commotion

to a minimum please.

And here we go. We're

going to do a countdown.

Ready? Three!

(everybody) Two! One!


You got this!

- (cheering)

- Go Chucky!

I know that our

love is going cold

It's something about the

snow this time of year

that makes us lose our way

to say we'll make the...

hold on a little

longer, don't have me

spending it alone

this time of year...

I don't know if I can do this.

...Please can we

make it to Christmas

Can we make it to Christmas

I don't know what

I'll say to Dad

when he sees the empty chair

Don't want to

hear my mom say..

He's doing great.

He's doing so great.

Alright, half way

there. One hour to go.

(Amy) You can do it buddy!

1387.14 more to go.

(breathing shakily)


He needs to be here. I

can't do this without...

He's getting overwhelmed.

Why aren't you here?

- You can do it, honey.

- Come on, Chucky.

I have to talk to him.

It'll be okay.

You okay?

Is my Dad here, yet?

Sweetie, I...

I don't think he's going

to make it in time, okay?

But we can tell him

all about it later.

You've come so far, buddy.

You should go for it.

I know your Dad's going

to be proud of you

even if he doesn't see it.

(teary) Dad...

(shaky breathing)

(loud thud)

(audience gasps)


Buddy. Buddy. Buddy.

- (crying softly)

- Charlie?

(crying softly)

Hey. Hey.


We are so, so proud of you.

Why are you proud? I

didn't break the record.

You don't need to break

records to prove yourself.

People love you,

because of who you are.

And you are the most

extraordinary kid I know.

Eric's right.

There is no one in the

entire world like you.

And there never will be.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.


Uh, I just want to let you know

that the wrapping

record is starting soon.

How are you feeling?

Are you up for that?

Can I have a minute with him?

Are you up for that?


I'll give you some time.


Um, Charlie. You're

my best friend.

And you're always going to

be my best friend, right?

Right. Right.


So, let's just not complicate

things too much. Deal?


Hey, are you okay?

Yeah. Thanks Mom.


Pretty cool, huh?

Think we might

actually have a shot.


Ms. Bennett, is

there any chance

I could have another shot?

Oh, I'm so sorry Charlie.

Unfortunately, you have

to try again next year,

but you came so close.

I was really impressed.

I wish I could try again.

Well, why don't

you try? Right now?

It wouldn't be for the record.

Sure, it would.

Your own personal record.

Prove it to yourself

that you can do it.

You ready?

Let's go.

Come on. Let's go!

I love you.

So much.

I love you, too.

Good, because I think there's

something I'm ready for.

Are you sure?

I am very sure I'm sure.


Oh! Hey!

You belong here.

You're my real Dad.

You always have been.

(emotional music)

And you are my real boy.

When I lay my head

I'm dreaming of...



I will fly away to

my favorite holiday

I love you.

Chucky! All set?

Laughter in the air...


It's Christmas time...



(all together) Two! One!

All I want to do is

spread some cheer

spread some cheer

Hey, have you seen Amy?

It's Christmas

time once a year

And all I want to do

is spread some cheer


Time's up! No more wrapping!

With 1,522 presents the town

of Brookswood, Washington,

has officially broken the

Guinness World Record title

for the most presents

wrapped in one hour.


(cheering and applause)

Okay. Wait, wait. Sorry.

Hi, hi! Everybody! Hi! Hi!

To add to that excitement,

our own Charlie Parsons

is over on the other

stage trying to accomplish

his very own personal

unofficial best.

Let's go support him,

you guys. Come on.

He's in the zone.

He's so in the zone.

Yeah, sit down.

He's doing it again.

I know.

He is going to do it.

- Here you go.

- Okay.

A reminder to everyone.

The current record is 1,400.

Charlie has six

Jenga blocks to go.

One more block to go.

Come on, come on, come on

Charlie, you can do this.

One thousand, four

hundred and one blocks!

(cheering and applause)

I'm able to confirm with

100 percent certainty

that Charlie is the Jenga

champion of the universe!


Congratulations, Charlie.

Do you have anything

you'd like to say?

Merry Christmas everyone!

- Merry Christmas!

- Merry Christmas!


You did it! I'm

so proud of you!

You're amazing.

Yes! I'm so proud of you.

That was great.

Wait I gotta get a picture.

Come on, get together.

Get together.

Ready? Alright,

and say 'Jenga!'

(all together) Jenga!

Ta da!

Guess who is all napped

and ready to party?


Oh, hi my little elf.

Where's my other elf?

Hi Mom, Hi Dad.

Is it present time?

It is, yeah.

I got you a "Henway".

What's a "Henway"?

About seven pounds. Got you!

That's my boy.

Is that what you want

for Christmas? Yeah?

Okay. Oh, how did

you know? Socks!

Oh, it's a purse! I love it.

Here you go Chucky.

I have something for you!

The radio playing

my favorite song

It's holiday time everyone

Here comes the fun

Here comes the fun
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