Lost City of the Jungle (1946)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Lost City of the Jungle (1946)

Post by bunniefuu »

And so gentlemen, my
government requested me

to talk to you unofficially while I'm here

at the peace conference.

Are we to understand from your remarks

that your government wishes
us to establish an office

of our united peace
foundation in your country?

Yes, provided your sources
of income are independent.

Controlled neither by governments
nor by special interests.

Tell him, Boyd.

You know about our founder, do you not?

Winner of the nobel
peace prize, assuredly.

Then you know he left his
wealth to this organization.

Yes, one of the
world's largest fortunes.

A percentage of our
trust funds is now invested

in every nation where we have an office.

We're interested only in one cause,

world peace, one world if you wish.

Yet you have your
own secret agents, why?

There are always warmongers.

We check on their activities unceasingly.

Here's a case in point.

Sir Eric hazarias.

Warmonger is putting it mildly.

w*r criminal, but try and prove it.

Manipulator of fascist cartels,

super salesman of armaments.

Rod Stanton, our best agent,
is watching sir Eric now.

We're being followed again.

Rod Stanton, probably.

He's a hard man to lose.

We've done it before.

How about now?

Might be a good idea.

The steering wheel,
something's gone wrong!

And so some few hours ago,

halfway around the world,
in far away San Francisco,

death came ironically to
mysterious sir Eric hazarias.

Ironically because this
sinister promoter of destruction

died only a few miles from where delegates

to the world peace conference
are meeting to outlaw w*r.

What an awful way to die.

I heard what the man said.

So now he's gone.

So now what's going to happen to us?


Here we are with a schooner on our hands

chartered for sir Eric.

Yeah, we don't know why
or where he was going.

Oh, I'm not worried.

Sir Eric.

That's what I like about you,
marlowe, you are a realist.

Don't worry about the dead,
they can't help the living.

Yeah, but the radio just said...

The radio is just telling
everyone exactly that which

Eric and I want everyone to believe.

Sir Eric hazarias is dead.

Call me Geoffrey London,
and only Geoffrey London.

Sit down.

Ah, who are you?

I am sir Eric's confidential secretary.

Oh yeah, I've heard of you, malborn.

Mr. malborn.

Secretaries don't mean nothing to me,

I take my orders from sir Eric.

You have been taking orders
from me for a long while,

and also has sir Eric.

As we must work together
now, you may as well

know the truth.

A secret the world has yet to discover.

I am the man back of sir Eric.

Sit down.

Talk about surprises.

A new boss?

Sir Eric isn't dead like we thought?

Kelso was in San Francisco.

Oh, kelso, huh?

Quite a good man, kelso.

Smart, perfect double too.

He sure was.

We never could tell
which of 'em was which.

Neither could the police.

Well, that's the way it goes.

A defective steering wheel, car burning,

and poor old Hamlin with him.

Having this tub and a Navy crew ready

instead of sir Eric's yacht
is beginning to add up.

I don't get it.

I do, we won't be followed this trip.

Your guess is perfect, marlowe.

I'm tired of sir Eric being
under constant surveillance

by the FBI, Scotland yard,.

And rod Stanton.

Yeah, aren't we all.

Where were you and sir Eric hiding?

In a villa, above the harbor.

We have been there for
the last three months.

All these precautions make this

sound like something really big.


Suppose I'm on a track of
defense against the atomic b*mb.

Every nation in the
world would wanna buy it.

Sure, and the one that
does get it will be the boss,

because it's only safe
to use the atomic b*mb

if nobody can use it against you.

Yeah, but how does this schooner tie in?

Merely a blind.

It will take you and sir Eric partway.

What about you?

I'm going ahead.

Going where?

To pendrang


Never heard of it.

You will.

After leaving this
schooner, you will fly him

over the himalayas.

But what does an out
of the way hole like that

got to do with atomic bombs?


I have reason to believe the only metal

that makes defense against
the atomic b*mb possible

is there, and nowhere else.

Splendid, splendid, and now,

have you prepared zalabar
for Geoffrey London?

There you are, gentlemen,
you are now looking

at Geoffrey London, esquire.

This is pendrang, sir.

Landing field for zalabar.

Is there any transportation into town?

You'll probably have
to wait, Mr. London.

Passengers aren't expected
this time of the year.

It's fantastic.

Being in a land of eternal summer

after coming through the snow
and ice of the himalayas.

The next five months, no
planes can make the trip in.

I can understand why you're so anxious

to get started back.

We'll have the gas out just
as soon as we get into town.

Thank you, sir, that'll give
me time to check the engines.

Repeating, calling ts 37,
ts 37, Ringo calling, ts 37.

Perhaps information comes
sooner than we expected,

my dear husband.

Ringo's calling on the radio.

Watch the desk, lakana.

Did you just come in on that plane?


Anybody else come with you?

No, are you expecting somebody?

Yes, Geoffrey London,
the man I work for.

I had word that he was
to arrive on that plane.

He did, professor grebb.

But he just said that
no one besides, sir Eric?


The fact, grebb, that
you didn't recognize me

is proof that we have
nothing to worry about.

Well someone must be wise to the trick.

Our man at bakwar reported by radio

that the pilot who was to fly your plane

was found unconscious
after the plane took off.

Come with me, marlowe.

I picked up the two
men according to orders

and landed them here at the zalabar field.

Another man whom they call
Geoffrey London is with them.

Anything interesting
about this man London?

He's backing Dr. elmore's expedition,

and is convinced that Dr.
Elmore is going to be the one

to find the lost city
in the pendrang jungle.

Does London look, act, or
talk at all like sir Eric?

No, except for one little thing.

He seemed...

Nice timing.

On grebb's pardon or mine.

At least that's making
the best of a bad job.

There's no doubt I'm not
as safe as I thought I was.

I'll send Johnson back to
help, you take care of things.

What about the archeological work?

How's it getting along?

Very well.

Dr. elmore and his expedition
have been in the jungle

for some weeks looking for the lost city.

Hmm, and your work, grebb?

My laboratory is all
set up, underground.

Has Dr. elmore any idea
what is really going on?

Not the slightest.

He's all wrapped up in lost
cities, ancient symbols,

forgotten civilizations.

And now, have you prepared
zalabar for Geoffrey London?

Prepared indra, you mean.

She is zalabar and pendrang.

Indra, indra.

Oh yes, the lady who rules pendrang.

That's right, from the
light of Asia casino.

There's no doubt about it this time, ed.

I've got a system at last
that'll beat the roulette wheel.


When does your next check come?

Within the fortnight.

They come faster now that
the w*r's over, don't they?


How much you owe me?

A quid or so, old man.

I'll pay you and everybody within an hour

after I cash that check and start betting.

You'll pay me before
you start losing it,

you meant to say.

Geoffrey London's secretary?

No one else.

I suffer from indigestion,
and our drinking water

isn't all it might be.

Take one, try it later, you might need it.

I can digest poison.

No, thanks.

You'll live longer that way.

Tell me, what are you doing here?

If you don't mind,
I'll explain to indra.

Not in the least, go right in.

Come in?

Welcome to pendrang, and to zalabar,

and to the light of Asia
casino, Mr. malborn.

I thought surely you
would call before this.

Unfortunately, a secretary has duties.

I have been preparing for the
arrival of Geoffrey London.

Geoffrey London?

You should've said sir Eric hazarias,

and you, Mr. malborn, are no secretary.

You have been the man behind
sir Eric all these years.

Neither Mr. London nor I
are honored by your mistake.

Secretary or secret leader,
sir Eric hazarias or London,

what matter?

It matters a great deal to me,

and I think also to Mr. London.

But does it really, Mr. malborn?

You're a magnificent actor.

But flatter me by telling the truth.

A beautiful lady should
always be flattered.

You're right.

Thank you, Mr. malborn.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

I inherited this casino, the
only one allowed in pendrang.

I have my own police, make my own laws.

I also enforce the laws
of the people for them,

at their request.

By so much I rule them, but
I am not responsible to them.

In plain language, I can
be punished by the people

for breaking their laws and customs...

And punished by me for breaking a law

that I make up after you've broken it.

In other words, I can do
nothing without your consent.


And what will this consent cost me?

One-third of whatever
you're looking for,

using that archeological expedition

and Geoffrey London as camouflage.

And so I repeat, gentlemen, what I said

almost a month ago.

It was not sir Eric hazarias,
but his double that was k*lled

when his car went over
the cliff and burned

but you have no proof,
rod, that's just a hunch.

More than that, Mr. Bowen.

Oh, I know, you thought you saw sir Eric

light his cigar with his left hand

when you know him to be right-handed.

Moreover, you have
since been unable to find

any new evidence to support your theory.

That was true until an hour ago.

But this telegraphic report from tal shan

confirms my opinion.

It's just been decoded.

Arrangements, gentlemen,
means some sort of a plan.

Tal shan and I happen to
know that marlowe and Johnson

are secret agents for sir Eric.

And you want us to
gamble with you, I suppose,

on the chance that you're right?

Yes sir, and send me
at once to pendrang.

Why anybody, Miller, would try

and fly into pendrang now gets me.

Fools are usually brave,
sometimes they're lucky.

This one's named rod Stanton.

Lucky so far.

I was told I was to sign
for the gas, is that right?

Right, Mr. Stanton.


I'd turn back if I was you.


Worst in the world.

That's why no one can
get into pendrang by air

this time of year.

You can't get in period.

Just as bad overland.

Passes are all frozen solid by now.

Thanks, I'll take a chance.

Another thing about fools,
Miller, they never take advice.

That's what sir Eric
figured about this one.

I'll radio zalabar.

Where's sir Eric?

He's out with grebb establishing himself

here in zalabar as Geoffrey London.

Smart, but...

What's the matter, something up?

What's happened, marlowe?

A radio message for sir Eric.

You two might as well get
used to it now as later.

Reports for sir Eric are reports for me.

Give it to me.

This report from aga-aga
makes me feel better.

Good men, Miller and voigt.

Yeah, but how come you ever let Stanton

get as far as aga-aga?

Geography, Johnson, geography.


Anything that happens in the middle

of the himalayas can't
be blamed on us, eh?


Lucky so far.

No farther.

I hope it's safe for
me to show myself now.

You get tired and cold
back here stowed away.

And now that it's night, I
don't think you'll return

to aga-aga just to put me off.

You're right.

Now look, I haven't got time to be polite.

You're here so you may
as well know the truth.

I do.

The odds are against us
getting over the hump.

That's why I didn't ask you
to take me with you at bakwar

I knew you wouldn't.

It's worse than that.

I'm flying this route, the
most dangerous in the world,

for the first time in my life.

I know that too.

None of the pilots would take you.

Okay then.

For whatever comes.

Who are you?

Marjorie elmore.

Professor elmore of the Geoffrey London

archeological expedition is my father.

I've heard of him.

A lot of help you are to him.

Meaning I suppose
that he may have to look

for a lost daughter
instead of a lost city?

Meaning just that.

You hear what I hear?

That engine's going fast.

Where are the parachutes?

In the rear compartment.

They aren't here.

Somebody must've wanted
them more than we do.

That's no accident.

We've only got one chance now.

Ts 37, Stanton calling ts 37.

And the engines are missing badly,

I can't possibly get over those mountains.

Just what is your present position, rod?

According to my chart,
I'm five miles southeast

of halmapha peak.

There's a sort of
plateau below that peak.

Make a forced landing there.

I'll get a searching party out.

I'll see if I can make it.

If the searching party misses you,

I'll fly my plane out the
first thing in the morning.

Wish me luck.

I'm trying to make the landing now.

We made it.

We better go out and
see how we're fixed.

Can't stay here, we'll be in
constant danger from slides.

If we leave the plane, how
will our search party find us?

We'll head towards halmapha peak.

I gave that as my bearing.

It'll be tough going.

Yes, this is tal shan.

What about the search
for Stanton and the girl?

Have you started yet?

Your message had to
be relayed many miles.

The mountain men are
gathering now for the search.

I'm sorry I stowed
away on your plane, rod.

I know I'm a hindrance.

I can't go any farther.

I'd be glad you came along, Marjorie,

if we weren't in such danger.

We'll rest a while.

Now that it's daylight,
either the search party

or tal shan should spot us.

Let us hope rod Stanton's
trip to zalabar and pendrang

proves sir Eric dead,
beyond any possible doubt.

Just decoded from our
agent in pendrang, tal shan.

Received radio report from Stanton.

His plane forced down in himalayas.

Have mountain men searching.

No word as yet.

The avalanche was going
so fast that it catapulted

from the ledge above us.

That's all that saved us.

Well I must admit, I didn't think

I'd live to talk about it.

Am I hearing things or is that a plane?

That's a plane all right.

Tal shan?

There's a brave man by any standard.

No argument from me on that point.

Hey, is sir Eric around, Marlow?

Sir Eric hazarias is
supposed to be dead,

here in pendrang like every place else.

Oh sure, sure, Marlow, but
calling him Geoffrey London now

after having called him
sir Eric for so long,

well gee, it ain't easy.

Where is he?

He's out with malborn.

Oh, here's malborn now.

To bad Mr. London
didn't come back with you.

Got a very important radio message here

from aga-aga he'd like to hear.

Mr. London or to me,
what does it matter?

Read it.

Rod Stanton and Marjorie elmore survived

plane crash in himalayas.

Mountain men rescued them.

Now en route to pendrang via maraba pass.

It's signed by Miller.

Oh, Dr. elmore, the head of
our archeological expedition,

has a daughter named Marjorie.

The girl is unimportant but rod Stanton.

He's coming here for one reason.

Obviously, the united peace foundation

has assumed correctly that
it was sir Eric's double

who died in the accident.

Yeah, but how is their
agent, Stanton, going to prove

that Geoffrey London is
really sir Eric hazarias?

He'll never be able
to recognize sir Eric,

now that he shaved off his beard.

You missed a point, Marlow.

If he uncovers sufficient
evidence that sir Eric is alive

he will continue with his investigation.

Yeah and maybe find out
that a secretary like you

is really the man behind this.

Well we've gotta get rid
of Stanton, that's all.

Of course, but not
before we have found out

who is associated with him.

But who do we start looking for?

That man Ringo was talking to by radio

when we let Ringo have it?

Well he, he must have
helped to rescue Stanton.

Oh, I see.

Then you figure that he'll
bring Stanton here and we can.

Oh, it's going to be easier than that.

Stanton will insist on
taking the girl to her father

at my expedition's headquarter.

If my calculations are
correct, the cavern containing

the most important clue to
the lost city of the jungle

lies somewhere about there.

That's close to the pool of life.

Dr. elmore, I presume?

Marjorie, where did you come from?

How did you get here?

Stowed away on Mr. Stanton's plane.

Rescued by tal shan when
we made a forced landing.

Oh, I've been having some real adventures.

I'm certainly glad I didn't
know about all this until now.

I must confess, I'm delighted
to have you with me again.

This is rod Stanton.

My father, Dr. elmore.

- How do you do, doctor?
- How do you do?

And tal shan.

Step forward and take a bow, tal.

Oh, we've known each
other quite a while.

Thank you, gentlemen.

This is my assistant, Mr. grebb.

How do you do?

Glad to know you.

Pleasure, I assure you.

Now, if you'll excuse
me, I have to get back

to the excavation.

Calling headquarters,
calling headquarters.

Station number one, calling headquarters.

This is headquarters,
come in station one.

Stanton and tal shan

are in Dr. elmore's office.

They just got here a few minutes ago,

bringing Marjorie elmore with 'em.

Mr. London, did you hear that?

I heard, Johnson.

So tal shan is the man
working with Stanton, huh?

Wait here.

You know, I've got an idea
the united peace foundation

is going to have two less agents.

If sir Eric-

- ah, you better start
calling him Geoffrey London

like the rest of us.

All right, Geoffrey London then.

If he were half as efficient as I am,

nobody would be able to follow him.

Oh, you're good,
gaffron, but even you can't

control people like you
can your test tubes.

And why is Mr. London in pendrang?

To find a certain mineral
for you that we know is here.

Yes, the rarest, most
important mineral in the world,

meteorium, atomic weight 245.

The only practical defense against

the atomic b*mb depends upon it.

Well, where is it?

Oh, you'll get what
you want sooner or later

and you'll be famous and Mr.
London will sell your defense

for the atom b*mb to some
country for so much money

that we'll all be rich.

Yeah, which will probably
start the last great w*r.

But that is no concern of mine.

To bow to hans gaffron, nothing more.

I wanna be rich and you wanna be famous.

You better start worrying
about this rod Stanton

because if sir Eric don't stop
him, he's liable to stop us.

Until just now, lakana, I
didn't know tal was married.

You're surprised, Mr. Stanton,

there's no doubt of that fact.

And a very pleasant
surprise, I assure you.

Thank you, rod.

Hello, lakana.

Been traveling, shan?

Are you rod Stanton?

Our chief of police, captain Hammond.

Perhaps it's more precise to say,

the gentleman who enforces
indra's laws for her.

Fair enough either way.

Well, are you or aren't you?

Yes, I'm rod Stanton.

And I'm just as curious to meet indra

as she is apparently curious to meet me.

Shall we go?

And so I have to do
what I just explained

solely because Stanton has grounds

to suspect sir Eric's identity.

Very well, Mr. malborn, we are allies.

I control the people of pendrang,
the police, this casino.

You have a fabulous secret
that you wish to preserve.

By so much, we need each other.

Something like this must be done my way.

What do you suggest?

That depends upon my
interview with rod Stanton.

I know tal shan.

If I send Stanton too, then use the plan

you have just explained.

And if you don't send him to me?

Return here and I'll
give you my decision.

Second time around,
that makes 27 on the black

and then you play the 10 on the red.

There, that system's infallible.

It'll beat the wheel every time.

To bad you can't prove it
till your next check comes.

That won't be for a long time.

And don't ask me for an advance.

You're a curiosity, Stanton.

First man ever to get
into pendrang after winter

really got started in the himalayas.

Just lucky I guess.

Doc Harris does the introducing.

See you later, Mr. Stanton.

Mountain water doesn't agree with me.

This really fixes it.

Anytime you don't like it, let me know.

I'll remember that.

This way.

Pendrang is honored by
your visit, Mr. Stanton.

United peace foundation's best agent.

You know that much, indra.

Then you know my
investigation's unofficial.

I have no police powers,
national or international.

You're careful to obey
the laws in the localities

in which you operated, I know.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

Why have you come here?

I have reason to believe
that sir Eric hazarias is here

and I hope to prove it.

Sir Eric hazarias?

But he's dead.

That's what he's trying to
make the whole world believe.

I don't.

Whom do you suspect?

Geoffrey London.

Oh come, Mr. Stanton.

My plane was forced down.

Yes, I heard.

And the removal of the parachutes

compelled me to think there was sabotage.

It was anticipated that
you would not survive

to tell about it, is that it?

Well you have a point there.

Here's another reason.

A man named Ringo.

Ringo was m*rder*d in
his plane at our field.

We're investigating now.

And London must have been near the plane

or somewhere near the landing field

at the time of the m*rder.

Marlow and Johnson were with him.

You're interested in only one thing,

aren't you, Mr. Stanton?

World peace.

Perhaps Geoffrey London should
be investigated after all.

Why don't you pay him a visit,

with my permission, of course.

I hope you have better luck than I've had.

What do you mean?

I've never met Geoffrey London,

only his secretary, a Mr. malborn.

The death of that pilot
was as much a shock to us

as it must have been to you.

Dr. grebb arrived in his
car when Mr. London landed

and brought Mr. London here at once.

Having the word of a
reputable witness like you,

Dr. grebb, means a lot to me.

But when do I see Mr. London?

As his secretary I
should be able to give you

a direct answer but Mr. London
is an unpredictable man.

I beg your pardon, Mr.
Malborn, but I'd like to ask

Mr. Stanton why he doesn't
include Mr. Johnson

and me as reputable witnesses.

You boys had been employed
by sir Eric hazarias.

Are you now?

Isn't that remarkable?

How a dead man's ill repute
flourishes even after he's dead.

Isn't it?

As if he still lives and
haunts the peace of the world.

Mr. London detested sir Eric.

He engaged Mr. Marlow and Mr. Johnson only

because they served the
warmonger faithfully.

Would you like to see their
letters of recommendation?

No, don't bother.

There's an old saying,
like master, like servant.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

I'll go to chief Hammond, as
you suggested, about Ringo.

Do it, by all means.

A fine police officer, Hammond.

I've already met the chief.

Thank you, good day, gentlemen.

Indra sending him here
means that she agrees with us.

You better leave now.

Ringo's clothes.

Hammond didn't mind giving them to you?

No, I told you he wouldn't.

I explained that you knew his brother,

who needed them badly.

That is true and I
shall give them to him.

But not before we take from
them what belongs to us.

Marlow and Johnson's mission in pendrang

connected with the pool of light.

That's a sacred pool on
the other side of the lake,

close to Dr. elmore's headquarters.

It was just like you figured.

Ringo was carrying this.

I found it in his cap so I
substituted your message for it.

What does it mean?

Meteorium 245, lost city of the jungle.

I don't know, I wish I did.

Our message to Stanton and tal shan about

the pool of life won't
be so mysterious to them.

The pool of light?


There is a legend that its waters hide

the secret of the lost city.

One of them is carrying dynamite.

They're going to blow up the pool.

It will cause great trouble
in pendrang if they do.

The pool of light is scared.

We may be able to reach
them from the water.

Anymore messages from Rob Stanton?

Not a word since we sent him

that special radio code telling him

that geofrey London's finger prints are

those of sir Eric hazarias.

I wonder if he has figured out

why sir Eric is so interested in financing

an archeological expedition
to find a lost jungle city.

Evidently not or we'd have heard.

But he knows sir Eric is a warmonger

and a constant threat to world peace.

I'm glad I'm not confronting
an opponent like sir Eric,

in a place like pendrang.

You know gaffron, I have
a feeling you won't have

to wait much longer for
the meteorium you need.

Your defense against the atomic b*mb

should be completed soon now.

We must have meteorium remember.

You are sure the element exists?

You have reason to believe that it exists

only here in pendrang.

From everything I can gather,

we should find it in the statue.

In that case, you will soon be able

to sell the atomic b*mb defense,

and the world will beat for it.

I hope so.

In the meanwhile, I have
a detail to take care of.

Mr. rod Stanton.

Oh tall

I drew a blank, rod, the
tunnel I followed led me

out back there.

Did you have any luck?

If you call it luck.

I fought mainly two of sir Eric's men

and falling into a fire pit.

But I was luckier later.

I landed on a ledge and
came through another tunnel.

And what I found I'm sure will be

of great interest Dr. elmore.

What is it?

Hieroglyphics and what
looks like a sealed off tomb.

Dr. elmore's translation
should be interesting.

Shall we tell him?

You do that, at once.

But what about grebb?

Dr. ellmor is an honest scientist

but with sir Eric hazarias
backing the expedition,

the chances are that grebb
is really sir Eric's man.

Let grebb know.

If grebb is sir Eric's
man, what sir Eric does

may give us a lead to what he's after.

This photograph
substantiates tal shan's belief

that the symbols on
that wall are important.

There's no doubt we've
found the hidden tomb

of the glowing goddess.

See that symbol, that represents

the glowing goddess herself.

Doctor what do the other symbols mean?

Beware, whoever enters
these portals faces

the shining death that
never was on land or sea.

I don't understand.

Well all ancient
vaults have death threats

over their entrances.

One of the legends of
the glowing goddess tells

of a hidden source of death

that will forever protect the statue.

There's also another legend

that insists that the statue is

in the long lost city of the jungle.

We've just come from a tunnel.

I believe both those legends are based

on facts, Dr. grebb.

You mean we've found the lost city

of the jungle underground?
I'm sure of it.

But rod Stanton is the
one who found it for us.

Scientifically that's very unimportant.

When do we start the excavations?

I intend to proceed with caution.

We better obtain permission
to open the doorway

from indra as well as from the tribesmen.

I think you're right
but er, that'll take time.

A discovery that's been buried

for centuries can wait a little longer.

Not too long doctor.

I'll help you.

I will report to Mr. London.

By all means.

Mr. London has a way of
getting what he wants.

Grebb is doing the right thing reporting

to Geoffrey London.

I wonder if he knows that London is

actually sir Eric hazarias.

Rod Stanton hasn't
confided in him Marjorie.

But suppose sir Eric has?

Tal shan's will give Stanton's discovery

in front of grebb.

He wouldn't have done that
without Stanton's approval.

- Hello doc.
- Hello malborn.

I expected to be here
earlier but was delayed.

May I see indra? - Sure,

only you'll have to wait.

Rot Stanton's with her now.

The law is flexible in pendrang.

It changes with my opinions.

Does that mean that you've
also changed your opinion

about sir Eric hazarias?

It took you longer than I thought

to learn who Geoffrey London was.

To prove it you mean.

I was sure of it when I came here

and it wasn't long until I
was also sure that you knew.

My opinion of the united peace

foundation has increased Mr. Stanton.

Since I've learned that tal
shan and you represent it.

I'm glad to hear that.

Because I'm here to ask
officially about sir Eric.

What's his status with you?

Exactly the same as yours.

No special privileges?

Anyone with enough money can have

special privileges in pendrang.

By the way, when I came the first time

to zalabar,
you offered me some tablets

to improve the drinking water.

Can you get me some now?

- All you need.
- Thanks.

Sir Eric is always willing to
pay for everything he wants.

With a five thousand dollar banknote?

And more, if necessary.

Number 15, black, odd.

Still having fun with
that winning combination.

You better quit soon.

Don't be too sure.

I'm going to get some more chips.

Where's sir Eric?

He met Hammond about the street, why?

I have news from Dr. elmore.

Here after it might be wiser perhaps

to let Dr. elmore make
his reports in person.

Either to me or to sir Eric.

He will probably suspect you thanks

to Stanton telling him about sir Eric.

But Dr. elmore told me
all about what Stanton said.

He told Stanton that he'd
seen pictures of sir Eric,

and nothing could convince him

that Mr. London and sir
Eric are the same man.

Did you ever stop to consider

that Dr. elmore might
have said this purposely

just to gain your trust?

Now what have you got to report?

The hidden tomb of the glowing

goddess has been discovered.

But Dr. elmore doesn't intend to open it

without the permission of
the tribesmen and indra.

To be safer we'll open it ourselves.

I thought that's what you'd say.

I'll get tribesmen and
start the work at once.

Wait, were you followed
here by any chance?

No, but tal shan's outside in the car.

Oh, I saw him when I came in.

He's waiting for Stanton.

Here's the money for the tribes.

And take this and play
roulette, until Stanton leaves.

We can't afford to add to
his suspicions just now.

And I don't want you to be followed.

I'm interested in
profits, not in causes.

At least I know where you stand.

But you and sir Eric do so
long as it doesn't interfere

with me is your own business.

And you'll remain neutral?

For the present, because
there is a strong possibility

that before you're
through one or the other

of you will be dead.

And you'll be able to
dictate terms to the survivor.


That's good enough for me.

I wonder if it'd be worth my while

to tell the united peace foundation

that sir Eric's secretary Mr. malborn is

really the greatest warmonger of them all.

Number five, red, odd.

The minute I saw grebb
gambling I knew something was up.

That's not his character.

He was stalling waiting for me to leave.

Apparently you're right,

because he left the moment
he thought we had gone.

This time we should
be able to follow him

without any interference from sir Eric.

I thought sir Eric was crazy

when he had me cover the road

just because he saw tal shan
parked in front of the casino.

But he was right.

Contact grebb's car at once.

Calling g-14.

Calling g-14.

Grebb speaking.

Rob Stanton is trailing
you with tal shan.

What do you want me to do?

Take a roundabout route.

Use up plenty of time, and
wind up at the galuga trail.

- Got it, then what?
- Stop your car,

get out and go on foot
down the galuga trail.

I'll contact Johnson.

He'll have some of our
men ready to take care

of anybody who follows you.

Signing off.

He took to the jungle trail here.

- Let's follow him.
- You stay with the cars.

I'll trail him.


They had me in a tough spot.

It was a planned
ambush, not doubt of that.

Let's get back to the car.

One thing is certain, we
know where grebb stands.

Grebb heard you tell Dr. elmore

about the hidden tomb
of the glowing goddess,

rushed to report to sir
Eric and got his orders.

We've got to get to
that tomb and find out

why sir Eric is so interested in it.

I'l cut through the jungle.

When you're ready go
to field headquarters,

tell Marjorie and Dr. elmore about grebb.

The door to the tomb
is right through there.

Pay them off and then come back here.

Well, we're ready to open it up.

Yeah, but didn't you say

there was a death threat written on there?

That doesn't worry me.

We'll let the tribesman go in first.

Then we won't run into trouble
with indra or the tribesmen.

Suits me.

All right, lead the way.

To you killipa goes the honor
of first entering the tomb.

It is well.

He's dead.

Did you see that expression
of terror on his face?

But there's nothing in there
that could've k*lled him.

Go ahead and bring him out.

Not me, I'm not gonna
put a foot in there.

Hey grebb, grebb!

What's the matter?

Stanton just came out of the jungle

and he's heading here.

- Stanton.
- No.

We'll let him come in and enter the tomb

and serve as our Guinea pig.

And so ladies and gentlemen,

atomic energy is the
greatest force for good

or for evil that man has ever developed.

And it's up to us to see
that it will contribute

to world progress through peace instead

of world chaos through conflict.

What a field day the atomic b*mb

will provide for w*r mongers.

Especially when men like sir

Eric hazarias have any influence.

Yes Stanton defends peace and decency

while hazarias advocates
w*r to gain power.

Speaking of hazarias
I'll feel a lot easier

when rod reports about him from pendrang.

Any report from grebb?

Yes, sir Eric.

Uh-uh, call me Geoffrey London

and only Geoffrey London
even when we're alone, Kurtz.

Sorry Mr. London, grebb just relayed

Marlow's report by walkie-talkie.

The pool of light is to be
destroyed as you ordered.


The pool is a shrine, the
tribesman will be up in arms.

Then we'll blame Stanton and tal shan

if those two escape the blast.

They're going to blow up the pool.

It will cause great trouble
in pendrang if they do.

The pool of light is sacred.

We may be able to reach from the water.

I guess I won't be thirsty
for a long time, rod.

In a climate like this
that's not bad, tal.

Perhaps the pool of light was blown up

so that somebody could examine its bottom.

But I'm inclined to believe
it was done for our benefit.

By Geoffrey London, this
is proof that he is sir Eric

even if he doesn't look like him, come on.

Where are the others?

Well when the pool
let go it sank the boat

so I told them to beat it.

Get that thing going,
I wanna report to grebb.

Marlow reporting, the pool
of light has been blown up.

And Stanton and tal shan with it?

They spotted just
before we got things set.

But I'm pretty sure the flood got them.

If it didn't, things are
fixed for them in zalabar

any reaction from the tribesmen yet?

You better get out of the jungle fast.

Okay we're leaving right now.

Stanton and tal shan.


One of the men from the speed boat.

He'll never talk again,
but maybe this will though.

How 'bout it, Marlow?

Shall we report to grebb
at expedition headquarters

or get back to Mr. London in zalabar

London, what we don't know

the tribesmen will tell grebb anyway.

Alright, everything's going
to be all right, settle down.

Well that's that.

I'm certainly glad you can understand

the dialect of the
pendrang tribes Dr. grebb.

They aren't blaming us I hope

for the destruction of the pool of light.

On the contrary, they
have complete faith in you.

That's why they want you to investigate

what's happened at once.

I'd like a look at the pool of light

now that it's drained, there might be

a clue there to the lost city.

They don't trust us that far,

but the expl*si*n caused an
accident in our cavern and...

An accident, was anybody hurt?

No, fortunately.

Well that's good news,
let's see what's happened.

Is this what the
tribesmen wanted us to see?

This is it, they say there's a cave

and they're afraid to explore it.

It's a temple, it inevitably connects

with the pool of light because
it was filled with water.

Then the expl*si*n drained it

when it opened this entrance.

- Mhm.
- Well let's have a look.

Yes, yes this should prove to be

one of the tablets we've been looking for.

How can you be sure, Dan?

It bears the hieroglyphic
of the glowing goddess.

How long will it take to
make a translation, doctor?

Well there's no telling,
it's badly eroded.

I'll have to use chemicals to
bring out the hieroglyphics.

Looks as if it had been
under water a long time.

Thousands of years, my dear.

Do you think it may at last tell us

something specific about
the glowing goddess?

I'm sure of that, grebb.

The symbol of the glowing goddess

wouldn't be on it otherwise.

This will good news for Mr. London.

It's one step in the right direction.

I'll send some men back to
help you bring the tablet out.

Yes do that.

So tal shan and Stanton
escaped from the tribesmen

and got away with our walkie-talkie.

Did you follow them?

We couldn't, but got back ahead of them

and waited near tal shan's
hotel, they just went in.

With the walkie-talkie?

Don't look so glum, it might
be a blessing in disguise.

I never expected to hear that.

Grebb is reporting to
Kurtz something about

a lead to a glowing
goddess, whatever that is.

It's possible that
the success of my plan

depends upon the glowing goddess.

And if the news is what we
hope we've got what we want.

Stanton and tal shan will...

Wait here, I want to talk to Mr. London.

I don't know anything
about any glowing goddesses,

but I do know it don't pay to be

too curious about Geoffrey London.

That's what Stanton and tal
shan are going to find out.

Just as we thought, one of
the tubes broken, wxy2614.

Have you got any?

Think so, I keep an assortment

to be on the safe side in an emergency.

Too bad we couldn't have used
this set on the way back here.

With a fixed wavelength we wouldn't

have had any trouble tuning in.

Yes and what we might've
heard could've provided us

with the direct lead we need to prove

that Geoffrey London is sir Eric hazarias.

All we have to do is wait until
someone starts broadcasting.

They know we have this set probably

so they may change the wavelength.

It won't be too difficult to find.

This time, indra's police
chief wants to see both of you.

You are coming here so
often captain Hammond.

Maybe I can persuade you to rent a room.

I keep a sort of boarding
house myself, remember?

Only you get my rooms free.

Just what do you mean by that?

How bout indra answering
that question for you.

Now we can go back and go in the window

and fix up the walkie-talkie
the way Mr. London wants.

Yeah we can take our time doing it, too.

Good going Johnson, you get the point.

All down.

That's the quick way to lose system.

All your eggs in one basket.

Quick way to win, you mean.

I figured the mathematical chances

right down to the last fraction.

Losing your own way, then.

Eight black, even.

I'll take over captain Hammond.

Why you two ever came back

to zalabar is beyond me, come on.

Didn't you tell me, Mr. Stanton,

that all agents of the
united peace foundation

are instructed to obey local laws.

How else could a peace foundation

win respect for international laws

if it disregarded local laws?

It is not part of our duty, for example,

to blow up the pool of light.

You see, indra, they haven't
been accused of anything,

but they are already pretending innocence.

Indra's question was an accusation.

Especially since Mr. London,

or should I say sir Eric hazarias,

sent his secretary here to front for him.

Say anything you like.

Enough of this, tribal
laws have been broken,

the safety of Dr. elmore's
expedition endangered,

my authority weakened, my wealth

which depends upon local
good will threatened.

And all of it caused by the
vandalism of these gentlemen

and for what purpose,
to discredit Mr. London.

Or planned by him to discredit us.

I think that Geoffrey London

and sir Eric hazarias are
two names for one man.

If so, he is no philanthropist.

Ask him what he really expects Dr. elmore

to find for him in the
lost city of the jungle.

I ask nothing, I command here.

I judge you guilty, go to
the temples of pendrang.

It is forbidden territory to strangers.

You go with my permission.

Bow before the shrine and beg forgiveness.

Publicly acknowledging
guilt without trial?

If you refuse, I'll turn
you over to the tribesmen.

Are you sure the
destruction of the temples

can be accomplished so that it
will appear as if pendrang's

legendary glowing goddess
is punishing those two?

Depends upon whether they are taking

the walkie-talkie with them.

I know, that's the
weakness in your plan.

You can't be sure.

Fairly certain, we
have no way of knowing

when my men report by air to sir Eric.

They will have the radio tuned in,

therefore as much as possible.

Dr. grebb and I came in with
a part of the hieroglyphics

that dad has been able
to translate so far.

No doubt Mr. London will be delighted.

This discovery alone is worth
the cost of the expedition.

It may provide a lead to the long lost

image of the glowing goddess.

Thanks for telling us, Marjorie.

Are you going to Mr. London's now?

Oh no, shopping, I need
clothes, well wish me luck.


You know Marjorie and her
father haven't the sliest idea

that Geoffrey London
isn't what they think him.

They look upon him as a benefactor.

Hadn't you better say
something to them, rod?

Not unless they're in danger
from London's activities.

As it is, they provide
a cover for sir Eric

to look for whatever he wants in pendrang.

Who would think that Geoffrey London,

interested in lost cities, is actually

sir Eric hazarias, interested in w*r.

Having convinced the world that

sir Eric was k*lled in an accident.

Whatever sir Eric is after
must have to do with w*r.

Perhaps it is more important to find out

what it is than to prove him alive.

That's exactly what we have to find out,

starting by walking into a
trap set for us at the temples.

Do you think indra is
aligned with sir Eric?

For a percentage of the profits.

Then don't go near the
temples, you shouldn't anyway.

That's why we've got to go.

If we're careful and
lucky it may force indra

to show her hand, that's
another way of saying

it may bring sir Eric out into the open.

If you don't mind, I'll
take this radio with us.

We may pick up something worth hearing.

By all means, and for another reason.

Tune in on tal's set,
if worse comes to worse

we can communicate with you.

Set the wavelength for her, tal.

Maybe sir Eric hazarias,
alias Geoffrey London,

isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Ah, there you are, a man
made earthquake by radio.

You've done your part, gaffron.

Now all we can do is wait
for Marlow to report.

The translation of that
tablet by Dr. elmore

increases the need to
eliminate Stanton and tal shan.

The way you're getting rid of those two

will not only convince the tribes

the glowing goddess has punished them...

But permit us to search
the abandoned ruins

of the temples later for another lead

as to where meteorium is hidden.

Well if the statue of
the glowing goddess exists

as you suppose and if it gets its name

from the fact that it's
impregnated with meteorium

which is radioactive then
all we need is that statue.

All we need, is that enough
meteorium for your purpose?

A fraction of an ounce
is more than enough.

With it, I can guarantee a device

that will stop the atomic b*mb.

Johnson is on his way to our

radio at expedition headquarters.

He'll report the action of the tribesmen.

Good, how 'bout Stanton and tal shan.

I saw them going towards the temples.

They should be inside by now.

Tal shan has the walkie-talkie.

- Excellent.
- Ready.

Tune the vibrations
of the super Sonic wave

to that of any building and
the building will be shattered.

The radio that tal shan carries is merely

a focal point for the sound waves.

Is that sound coming from the radio?

It doesn't seem to be.

Strangest noise I've ever heard.


Reports from our
offices all over the world

are encouraging.

Nations actually seem anxious
to make peace work at last.

Make the united nations practical

by giving the international
organization power

to enforce international laws,

and peace will be a reality.

Unfortunately there are
still too many w*r mongers

still too powerful in too many nations.

That's one of our problems.

It's up to us to expose them
with agents like rod Stanton.

It'll certainly be a good beginning.

The day rod reports from pendrang,

that sir Eric hazarias is dead!

Tell Shannon Stanton ought to be

inside the forbidden
temples of pendrang by now.

And Johnson?

We'll go to our station
at expedition headquarters

and report the reaction of
the tribesmen from there.

Did tal shan understand and take

the walkie talkie with them?

Tal shan.

The tribesmen will
blame them for everything!

Giving us a free hand
to get what we want!

While the world learning
that Geoffrey London

is merely another name
for sir Eric hazarias.


Tune the vibrations
of the supersonic wave

at any building and it
will shatter the building!

Is that sound coming from the radio?

It doesn't seem to be.

Strangest noise I've ever heard.


Unless I missed my guess,
that was a manmade earthquake,

courtesy of Geoffrey London,

put on for our benefit.

But how?

Some sort of a Sonic wavelength.

That walkie talkie we
got from London's man,

that was probably part of the setup.

We knew we were walking into a trap

set by indra at London's instigation,

but nothing like this!

The tribesmen'll now believe us guilty

of destroying the temples as
well as the pool of light.

Of course.

They'll be told that the glowing goddess

destroyed us for trespassing,

and the desecrated temples with us.

But why such a complicated
way to get rid of us?

To let London get to the
statue of the glowing goddess.

He's got a clue to it from
that tablet found by dr elmore.

I believe that statue must be hidden

somewhere in those temples.

I see, strangers poking
among ruins aren't the same

as guilty strangers
trespassing in sacred temples.

I'll go to zalabar and check on London.

You visit dr elmore, try
and learn all you can

about that tablet he found.

And the destruction of the temples,

following the destruction
of the pool of light,

has infuriated the tribesmen.

I don't blame them, unfortunately
however for rod and me,

they will be sure to blame us.

Nonsense, and if they do...

It won't be as easy to exonerate

rod and tal shan as you may believe, dad.

I've just come from zalabar, remember?

And I've seen too many angry
and unreasonable people.

I had hoped to stay here
until I hear from rod,

but under the circumstances?

All the more reason for you stay!

I don't want to jeopardize the expedition,

but I'm sure that mr London
will agree with me that

humanity is more
important than archeology.

Field station one, calling headquarters.

Johnson, calling headquarters.

Headquarters standing by.

Come in, Johnson.

Not so fast, repeat please.

There's something wrong.

Got it, anything else?

Hold on.

What do you want Johnson to do now, sir?

Return here Johnson,
as soon as possible.

Signing off.

What did Johnson report?

The tribesmen are wild.

Tal shan is with dr elmore.

He and Stanton escaped
but Johnson didn't hear

why Stanton's gone.

Well it's all for the best.

Neither of them can go far enough

to escape the punishment of the tribesmen.

Suppose the tribesmen
turn against dr elmore

because tal shan is with him?

Well if that happened,
we'll say that we are holding

tal shan for the tribesmen.

Better go there grebb
and stand by for orders.

Marlow, keep watch upstairs.

You know gaffron,

I have a feeling

you won't have to wait much longer

for the meteorium you need.

Your defense against the atomic b*mb

should be completed soon now.

We must have meteorium, remember.

From everything I can gather,

we should find it in the statue.

In that case, you will soon be able

to sell the atomic b*mb defense,

and the world will bid for it.

I hope so.

In the meanwhile I have
a detail to take care of,

mr rod Stanton, agent for
the united peace foundation.

You're late this evening, mr Stanton.

Hello there.

You are surprised I should know you?

Sort of.

My ears act as my eyes.

Oh, you recognized my footsteps?

Yours and many others.

I spoke to mr London when
he went to the casino

a short while ago, he was
even more surprised than you.

I'll bet he was.

What are we waiting for?

The orders are to get
him as he comes out.

Has tal come back yet, lakanna?

Not yet, rod.

Our friend Geoffrey
London has a sense of humor.

You were lucky to get away.

Very lucky.

I don't suppose you saw mr London?

No, but I picked up
a set of fingerprints

that might give us some information.

Good, I'll break them down right away,

and read your description
of them to headquarters

for identification.

While you're doing that,

I'll accept Geoffrey London's invitation.

Mathematically, nothing's wrong.

All I have to now is double
up and bet all I've lost...

Indra's free to see you, gentlemen.

For a few minutes.

It's about time, doc!

Mr malborn, may I speak with you please?

Yes, pardon me.

Stanton got away from us at the house.

After finding the
note in the wastebasket,

I have the feeling he will be angry enough

to come here looking for sir Eric.

He'll find him alright,
and warm welcome besides.

You better talk things
over with sir Eric.

And don't make a move until
he gives you the signal, wait.

I'm sorry mr London, but I think

it will be necessary to change your plans.

The gentleman you made the
engagement to meet in the casino

is due any minute.

I can see indra, while you
attend to the other matter.

At time indra, you can be very annoying.

Coming from you, mr malborn,

some women would take
that as a compliment.

Hal has told me that you are very busy,

so I won't take too much of your time.

That's quite considerate of him.

When we first met, you
promised me your cooperation

for which I agreed to pay
you 1/3 of all profits.

That is correct.

A bad bargain for you,
but you had to make it.

But I haven't found yet what I came for!

And you haven't told me what it is!

But I do know that you expect to find it

in the ruins of the pendrang temples!

Possible, but I...

I'm sorry!

Your expedition will not be
permitted to enter those ruins

until I know exactly
what it is you're after!

Then I tell you that, I'm at your mercy.


On the other hand, your world connections

are just as valuable to me as my authority

here in pendrang is essential to youl!

You're very shrewd.

I know it to play it that way.

I have to think it over.

Don't take too long.

I may be compelled to change my mind,

and tell the tribesmen that I
consider rod Stanton innocent,

and then take him into my confidence.

For example, about a
secretary who's more important

than anyone thinks.

I understand.

I'm accepting your
invitation, mr London.

Rather an unusual sort of an invitation.

Let's come to the point instead.

Just why are you so interested
in mr London's affairs?

We're especially curious to know

what there is about a
lost city in the jungle

bring a man like sir Eric hazarias

to this corner of the world.

Are you not confusing mr
London with someone else?

I don't think so, I'll tell you why.

How're you doing?

Oh just so-so.

But I can't figure out a
new game that's going on

with no cut for the house.

That's the fourth man
he's contacted that way.


Our little talk has
been very interesting,

but mr London is a very busy man,

and so if you will excuse us.

Just a moment, please.

I know you gamble for
big stakes, mr London.

So before starting your play
you should familiarize yourself

with some of the casino's
special features.

Look around and you'll see what I mean.

We like our patrons to
be comfortable and safe.

While we don't like trouble,
we're prepared for it.

Thanks doc, maybe sometime
I can return the favor.

Don't get any mistaken ideas,

we just don't want the customers annoyed.

Did Harris get wise?

Yes, I and I think
Stanton will go directly

to dr elmore at the
expedition headquarters.

The tribesmen are out looking for him.

From what indra just
said, I can understand

why he was safe in zalabar.

She ordered it so.

But in the jungle, it will be different.

The signal drum has stopped, dad!

Oh I didn't even hear it.

The tribesman have captured rod!


Ask indra and Geoffrey London.

They'll never give
him a chance to explain!

There are the drums again.

They say rod is going to
be taken to the lion pit!

No one has ever escaped from there.

This is one time we're
going to upset tradition!

Come on, tal!

They'll leave him there
without food and water.

Wait here, it's better I go alone.

Without, I think, arousing
any suspicion of our interest

I have all the detail on pendrang.

The cause of would peace,
international trust and respect

with be handicapped if
rod fails to stop sir Eric

in whatever he's up to this time.

Come in g14, report please.

G14 reporting, we're being chased by

rod Stanton and tal shan
on another speed boat

and they're catching up!

As soon as they get close enough

I'll Chuck grenades at them.

Signing off!

It landed in the back seat!

Jump, tall!

This trap was suppose
to me for us Dr. grebb,

but it really backfired.

Sometimes Marlow you're almost witty,

backfired is right.

It was lucky for us gaffron
found out Dr. elmore

was trying to trick us.

If he hadn't grebb and I

would of walked into Stanton's trap.

Instead of Stanton and
tal shan walking into ours.

It's time Dr. elmore and
sir Eric had an understanding.

Shall we bring Dr. elmore here?

No, sir Eric will handle that himself.

You and Marlow will go with him.

Mr. London, this is a surprise.

I thought it about
time to visit meet you.

Where is miss. Elmore?

Marjorie's up with the
diggings, what with having

some ancient artwork just uncovered.

I came to see you about the translation

of that last plaque you found.

Oh yes, it's very interesting.

It's no complete, but I
consider it one of the most

important discoveries of the expedition.

I made an important
discovery too Dr. elmore.



There was a mistake,
almost a fatal mistake,

in your translation.

But pardon me Mr. London.

There are only a few
archeologists in the world,

who know enough about such
hieroglyphics to question me.

You are not one of those scholars.

Oh, I'm not questioning your
scholastic qualifications,

only your motive.

Now why did you deliberately
include false information?

I might almost believe it
was some sort of a trap.

It was a trap Mr. London,

a trap in which I was
hoping to catch the greatest

enemy of world peace, sir Eric hazarias.

That explains it.

As soon as men like you
learn my real identity

they invariably jump
to a false conclusion.

Surely you don't deny you've earned

your great but dubious reputation.

That's exactly why I have
financed you expedition

under an assumed name,
in the hope of proving

that I have been sorely misjudged.

My only purpose is to benefit humanity,

to help make the world a better place.

To convince people by this action,

that I am not the apostle of
disaster that they believed.

I don't believe you

and I don't what lies behind

your interest in this expedition,

but I do know that I
won't be a party to it.

Well, now that we understand each other,

let's get down to business.

I want the correct
translation of that plaque.

You won't get it from me.

Now Dr. elmore, I'm going to take you

where you'll be only to
glad to do what I want.

Was a rumpus here of some sort.

Dad isn't here.

Wish I hadn't gone down
to the lake to meet you,

if only there was something
to tell us what happened.

There is, look!


Sir Eric.

I thought he was behind this,

but your father left us definite proof.

You were right rod, sir Eric's found out

about that false translation.

I wonder if they took the plaque too.

Well dad usually keeps
important things like that

in a hidden compartment in his desk here.

That's what we've been
waiting to find out lady.

I'll take charge of that little item now.

Well there's nothing here!

Well they didn't get what they came for.

The plaque is gone.

Dad didn't tell me, but am I
glad he has a new hiding place.

We know sir Eric hasn't got it,

he wouldn't have left Marlow
and Johnson here otherwise.

But he has got Dr.
Elmore, we better see indra.

Oh, Mr. Harris, is indra in?

Yes, but busy.

My fathers disappeared.

Indra already knows that,
Mr. London as the backer

of the doctors expedition
is very much concerned.

I can't understand
why you, of all people,

are so upset about Dr. elmore?

He's the head of my expedition,

if anything happens to him
it might reflect on me.

Not on malborn, you're too clever.

You've been hiding behind sir Eric in this

like in everything else.

As you alone know indra,
hurt sir Eric and you hurt me.

Oh I see, well then,

there's no need to
bother indra, thank you.

Isn't Mr. London here?

No, but can I help
you, I'm his secretary.

Mr. malborn?

I'm miss. Elmore.

Yes I know.

Thank you, but, there
isn't anybody but Mr. London

I can turn to.

Perhaps I can assist you?

It's about my dad, he's...

I know, I know miss. Elmore,

has apparently vanished.

I've looked everywhere.

Sit down

and try to calm down my dear.

The police have been notified,
it's only a matter of time

before your father is found.

I'm so worried about him.

Let me other you
something to quiet nerves.

I'm sorry to be such a nuisance.

Oh, you are not.

You see”?

It picks up easily.

I hope no one saw Marjorie
plant that microphone.

My husband tal shan
is near miss. Elmore,

if I were she I'd feel safe.

Drink this my dear and
you will feel better.

What could of happened to dad?

I don't know, but rest
assured that Mr. London

will do everything in
his power to find out.

Somehow I feel a little better.

Thank you for your
consideration Mr. malborn.

Oh, it was no trouble
at all miss. Elmore.

You're such a comfort.

And if I find anything out

about your father, I let you know.

I'm sure you will, but
I'm going to start pestering

captain Hammond, he takes things to easy.

I can breath easier now that
Marjorie's outta that house.

She's a brave girl.

So are you.

I'd like to watch here working on Hammond,

he's gonna have to do some real

detective work in self defense.

Unless captain Hammond is
cooperating with sir Eric.

Yeah, Dr. elmore is a stubborn fool.

By refusing to translate that plaque,

he prevents you from locating me

from locating meteorium.

Which in turn prevents me
from perfecting my defense

against the atomic b*mb.

The greatest discovery
possible at this moment.

Unfortunately he guesses correctly

that I intend to sell,
whatever it is I'm after,

to the highest bidder, w*r or no w*r.

I can't trust him.

So Dr. elmore

still refuses to make the translation.

What are you gonna do now grebb?

There's only one thing to do,

that's why I'm here.

Let me go to work on that doctor,

I know a few tricks.

That's the general idea

but it depends on what sir Eric decides.

Sure thing.

How did you pick up that conversation?

I don't
know sir was fishing for news.

Ever hear anything that
went on upstairs before?

Why no,
never, can't understand it.

I can.

I had been wondering why
Dr. elmore's daughter

came to see me, now I know.

She concealed a wireless microphone.

Ha, it's likely to be very useful to us.

Now we're getting some place lakana,

we know that Geoffrey London's an alias

for sir Eric hazarias.

That sir Eric has Dr.
Elmore and that grebb,

like Marlow and Johnson's working for him.

Possibly you may get a lead to Dr. elmore

through Johnson and Marlow.

Or through grebb.

Hello grebb, what Dr. elmore?

I can't get a thing out of him,

he still refuses to talk.

Let him sweat it out,

he'll give us the information soon enough.

And even Stanton would
never thing to look for him

at old abandon house of the beggars.

House of beggars, that's it lakana,

that's what we've been waiting for.

Well go to the street of the beggars,

you won't have any
trouble finding the house.

Even it's doors falling
off and no one lives there.

Have tal shan follow
me as soon as he returns

with Marjorie, I'm on my way.

Calling headquarters,
calling headquarters.

Even getting rid of you
Stanton presents difficulties.

I had hoped to use the house of beggars

to demonstrate to Dr. elmore
the futility of resisting me.

As it is, I fear I must sacrifice it

hidden in chairs by pretty young ladies,

are very dangerous to those
who have put them there.

I'm glad to see you
gentlemen, and happy to report

that my speaking
engagement was worthwhile.

You found the audience receptive

to our idea of world peace?

Most receptive.

The average man and woman
want international control

to prevent w*r, and hate
warmongers as much as we do.

Once the nations agree to that,

we're really started on the road to peace.

Have you heard from rod
Stanton since our message to him

that Geoffrey London is sir Eric hazarias.

Yes, and rod has really
accomplished something.

Dr. elmore, the head of sir
Eric's archeological expedition,

has agreed to work with him and tal shan.

That's the first good news
we've had from pendrang.

And there can be no
doubt that Dr. grebb,

who was with you, Dr.
Elmore, is sir Eric's man.

No doubt at all.

You say that you and rod separated.

Where's rod now?

He should be at the sealed
tomb of the glowing goddess.

He figured grebb was going there.

He's probably right.

Then he'll be on hand
if grebb opens the tomb.


What's the matter?

Stanton just came out of the jungle,

and he's headed here.


No, we'll let him come in,

and enter the tomb, and
serve as our Guinea pig.

Open that door.

I told you before, grebb,

I don't want any part of it.

Did you see Stanton in there?

I didn't see anything.

No man can inhale that gas and live.

Then nobody can get
anything out of there.

At least not until some way is found

to shut off that gas,

but we'll let elmore worry about that.

There's some kind of poison gas

in the tomb of the
glowing goddess, sir Eric.

A workman was k*lled by
it before Stanton died.

Can the gas be pumped out

so we can work in there?

If we can find how it gets in.

You said there was no gas present

when you first broke the seal on the door.

Not a bit.

A device was installed
to prevent trespassing,

but it also protects what we want.

That rare element that
you think is in the statue.

With the meteorium,
this is a perfect defense

against the atomic b*mb,

and the world at our feet.

Without it, we have nothing
but an impractical idea.

I know that.

Our problem is to make it safe

to examine the statue

so that Dr. elmore can
go ahead with his work.

With Stanton dead, that
shouldn't be too difficult.

Mr. Stanton, you are kind to stop

and talk to me, Mr. Stanton.

I find you very interesting.

See that man down there, Carl,

talking to the blind beggar?


Take care of him after he gets past me.

Remember what I said and be on guard.

Thanks, I will.

Oh, sorry.

Street doesn't seem wide enough
for both of us, sir Eric.

You insist upon calling
me sir Eric hazarias.

You're equally as insistent

on being called Geoffrey London, I know,

but I prefer your real name.

You know, Stanton, I have a feeling

that you're going to leave
here rather suddenly.

There's no way in or
out for several months.

I'll be here that long.

I'd give you odds on
that if I were a gambler.

It's too bad you're not.

I'd risk a couple of hundred.

Time will tell.

It usually does, sir Eric.

Confidentially, just
between the two of us,

I am really Geoffrey London.

I've been expecting
something like this to happen.

So have I, that's why I'm still alive.

That sure thing you were talking about,

didn't work, did it?

I don't know what you're talking about,

but I'm holding you for m*rder.

Take a look under that man.

He's got a g*n in his
hand and fired first.

All right, come on, move on, move on.

Either of you know him?

I think he worked for...

He was one of my men.

Probably had a personal
grudge against Stanton,

and tried to settle it.

I shouldn't be at all
surprised, captain Hammond.

Watch your step in the future, Stanton.

We don't like sh**ting on the streets.

Neither do I.

For your trouble, captain.


Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.

What did you expect to gain

by presenting a $5,000
bank note to doc Harris?

What did I have to lose?

$5,000 might have proved
to be a good investment

if your manager hadn't
been quite so loyal.

Thanks for the compliment,

also for the five grand.

I've come to the
conclusion, Mr. malburn,

that the original bargain I
made with you is a poor one.

One third of all profits

from what I hope to find
a magnificent fortune.

You tricked the world for years

by hiding behind sir Eric.

You've just tried to bribe Harris.

Did you think me fool enough

not to expect treachery?

No, but the nature
of what I hope to find

through my expedition compels me

to be honest with you.

That's better.

Something of world
importance or w*r importance?

I cannot answer without
revealing my secret,

and I don't intend to do it.

As a matter of fact, it's
a part of our agreement.

Agreements change in pendrang

depending upon what I think best for me.

My control here gives me that advantage.

For the time, it is so.

That sounded like a
declaration of w*r to me.

It was.

Have they cleaned you out, system?

Just about, Mr. malburn.

Somehow, my plan of strategy
doesn't work the way it should.

Keep trying.

If you need some more cash, look me up.

Well, I don't know how to thank you.

Forget it.

Maybe some time, you can do me a favor.

With all your authority, indra,

he could make trouble.

Perhaps, but Mr. malburn has no ally,

and I can have two.

Rod Stanton and tal shan?

Count them as one.

They're dependable, represent
a very powerful organization,

and could prove a deciding
factor should I need them,

and they aren't interested in profits.

Okay for one, but who's the other?

Dr. elmore, an honest man,

a friend of Stanton's, and
the one person sure to know

what the expedition finds.

Professor grebb is a scientist

with an excellent reputation.

He's been with me since the beginning

of the expedition and has proved

to be a most valuable and
cooperative assistant.

But would rod or tal shan have said

what they did about
him if it weren't true?

Their suspicions about
grebb are as unfounded

as those about Geoffrey London
being sir Eric hazarias.

Well, nevertheless, if I were you,

I wouldn't let Geoffrey
London see the translation

of that broken plaque until
you're definitely certain...

Now, listen to me, Marjorie.

Oh, let's not argue, dad,

but for once, be guided by me.

Stop that.


You minx.

You can wrap me around your little finger.


All right, I promise.

Have you finished the translation?


Now, where do we hide it?

Well, the most obvious
place would be the best.

No one will think of looking
under these old records.

Those belong to grebb.

I know it.

Going out to the excavations?

Want to come along?

I'd like to see you go without me.

Well, rod, your plan worked.

So far, so good.

We have one advantage over sir Eric.

We know that grebb is his man,

and he has every reason
to believe that you,

Dr. elmore, still think
he is Geoffrey London.

That depends on the translation
your father wrote him.

According to Dr. elmore's translation,

the cave of eternal light
should be about here.

That's on the other side of the lake.


You'd better get out there, grebb.

Perhaps that is our only chance.

What do you mean by that?

Well, my tests show

there is no meteorium in the samples

that you brought me from the statue

of the glowing goddess,
so the only thing to do

is to go out there and
see what you can find.

What if I run into elmore?

I'll go with you.

Would that be advisable?

To date, you've shown no
interest in the excavations.

He's right, sir Eric.

It might start the doctor thinking

about what Stanton told him.

At present, I'm sure he
thinks you're Geoffrey London.

Well, use my speedboat and take marlowe.

Right, I'll report
what we find by radio.


I almost forgot.

I took a picture of that
half pot that Dr. elmore has.

Gaffron will develop
the film immediately.

Oh, yes.

This is an enlargement
of the picture taken

by grebb with his fountain pen camera,

and this is an enlargement
of the tablet found earlier.

Now, when you compare the two,

and then compare the
translations of each made

by Dr. elmore, you find a discrepancy.

In other words, the
second translation is false.

It was planted for grebb to find.

Dr. elmore is a little
more clever than I thought.

Kurtz, contact grebb on the speedboat.

What are you gonna tell
elmore if he's beat us to it?

I found the translation among my papers,

reported to Mr. London, and
was ordered to follow it up.

Headquarters calling g14.

Urgent, come in, g14.

G14 answering your call, over.

You're heading into a trap

on the other side of the lake.

Turn back.

A trap?


What's that about a trap?

Orders are to turn back.

Something's gone wrong.

There's a boat following us.

Let them have a grenade.

That ought to stop them.

It landed in the back seat.


That's all, thank you.

Geoffrey London's fingerprints

are definitely those of sir Eric hazarias.

The fact, gentlemen, that
sir Eric is still alive

adds to the difficulties of
establishing world peace.

The united nations council
should be warned immediately.

Wouldn't that be a mistake?

- Why?
- The man can't be arrested

on a criminal charge,
he's been too clever.

And we can't get help to staff it with.

Pendrang would be completely
isolated, even by air,

for the next four or five months.

All right, folks,.

You were right about malborn
and sir Eric hazarias.

In pendrang sir Eric hazarias is known

as Geoffrey London, remember next time.

Geoffrey London, eh?

Those two would have got rid
of Stanton and the casino

if I hadn't stopped it.

Saving Stanton with good
strategy, we may need him.

I thought it was a good idea
myself, but it didn't work.

Stanton headed into the jungle.

Into the jungle?

They'd protect him in
zalabar, but not out there.

The tribesman wanted to punish him

for the destruction of the temples.

If they catch up with him,
it'll mean the lion pit.

Thanks tal, for a
minute I thought I was...

That can come later;

right now we've got to get out of here.

Hello, Margie.

I meet the nicest people
in the strangest places.

If we don't move on we're
likely to meet some not-so-nice.

I don't think it wise for me

to go back to Dr. elmore's with you.

Oh, our tribe's been a friendly rod.

It was worth one of
'em to the wrong person.

Your father may be in trouble.

Didn't you say you were
going to the expedition

when you were captured? - Yes.

You think your father might
come in to zalabar tomorrow?

I think he'd be glad to.

That'll give him a chance
to talk to Mr. London.

Fine, I'm sure what I have
to say is very important.

All right, rod, we
may as well get started.

Good morning, doc.

This is the first time I've
been up at this hour in ages,

so I wouldn't know.


You know I've been doing
considerable thinking

since last night.

About malborn, hazarias and Stanton?

Yes, but at the moment
sir Eric and malborn

are the immediate problem.

They certainly have something
up their sleeves, indra.

Why should sir Eric have come here under

the name of Geoffrey London?

And why should malborn have agreed

to pay you one third of all of his profits

without an argument?

Profits from what?

Something connected with
the archeological expedition's

search for the fabled
lost city of the jungle.

We've got to find out
what that something is.

Grebb is sir Eric's man,
but not that archeologist.

Dr. elmore's honest, so is his daughter.

I'm sure of all that, but I'm also sure

that malborn doesn't trust me
any further than I trust him.

The fewer people you trust,

the less chance you have
of being double-crossed.

That's one of the reasons
for his success, yours too.

Very true, but my success depends

upon my power and control over the tribes.

Now malborn knows that I agreed

to the destruction of the temples.

On the other hand, you're probably

one of the few people
in the world who knows

that sir Eric is only a
front for this malborn.

That's what they call a stalemate.

I thr*aten them, but they thr*aten me.

I know, but what are
you gonna do about it?

Let the expedition search the ruins

of the pendrang temple for some clue

to the legendary statue
of the glowing goddess.

Well what about Stanton?

Tribesman didn't get him
because he's back in zalabar.

He's an agent of the
united peace foundation.

He's been after sir Eric for a long time

without realizing that malborn's
the man he's looking for.

Why do anything about him yet?

I'll get word to sir Eric right away.

Anything exciting on the air, Kurtz?

Just routine news.

This inactivity, sir
Eric, may cost us dearly.

Scientists are working all over the world

to find means of
controlling the atomic b*mb.

Well, we have the advantage, gaffer.

You know how to defend against it.

They are still trying to find a way.

Knowing and doing are
two different things.

Until you get me some meteorum
I am I cannot do anymore.

Rest assured, nothing is gonna stop me

from getting that element.

Many nations will scramble to buy a device

that makes the atomic b*mb a
thing of the past; Read this.

Ah, yes, this is more like it.

Permission to go into the ruins.

Forgive me, I underestimate you.

Something has caused
indra to change her mind.

Last night she was very emphatic

that we would not be
allowed into the ruins

unless she was told exactly
what we expected to find.

Well, could Stanton and
she'd be working together?

Well, if they are, they're
in for a sad awakening.

Once we have a meteorum in our possession,

indra is gonna be taught a lesson.

Grebb is calling, sir.

Yes, go ahead.

Dr. elmore and his
daughter have just left

to go into town to meet rod Stanton.

Why, do you know?

Well he didn't confide in me,

and naturally I couldn't
ask him point-blank,

but I've arranged to stop the meeting

from taking place, at least temporarily.

Well sooner or later Dr.
Elmore's gonna find out who I am.

The old fool will quit when he does.

And we need him to translate

the hieroglyphics we're finding.

Stanton won't let him quit.

He can check on us through elmore.

On the other hand, if you
win elmore's confidence,

we can use him to check on Stanton.

I'm not so sure.

Well I am; See to it
that nobody interfere

with Dr. elmore and his daughter
keeping that appointment.

I meant to ask you before, Marjorie,

what do you know about this man Stanton?

As a matter of fact, very
little, but he seems quite nice.

Elmore and his daughter got
a pretty good start on us.

We'll get them before
they reach zalabar.

That car behind seems
to be following us.

It's fortunate I got here in time

to keep those two men from robbing you.

It certainly was, yes.♪♪

I didn't know highway robbery

was a popular sport in pendrang.

The men probably lost all
they had gambling at the casino

and they're tryin' to get some money.

After this I'll carry a g*n.

What would you do with one, dad?

You wouldn't know how to use it.

I'll learn.

I don't think you'll
run into any more trouble,

but just to make sure
I'll follow you into town.


- Hello, Marjorie.
- Hello, rod.

Nice of you to come, Dr. elmore.

My dad gave me quite an argument.

I'm glad you persuaded him.

When you work on hieroglyphics,

you dislike interruption, that's all.

Won't you sit down?

Marjorie said that you
had an important matter

to discuss with me, Mr. Stanton.

Very important.

You know who's financing your
archeological expedition?

Are you serious?

- Never more so in my life.
- Geoffrey London.

That's what I thought you'd say.

Did you ever hear of sir Eric hazarias?

Who hasn't, why?

He's backing you.

My dear young man, I just
told you it was Geoffrey London.

Geoffrey London is sir Eric hazarias.

Rod, you can't mean that.

I most certainly do.

Well the two men bear no resemblance

to each other whatever, I've
seen pictures of sir Eric.

Rod wouldn't say it was
so unless he had proof.

He's out here making
monkeys out of us, grebb.

Yeah, we're followin' your
orders and keepin' elmore

from gettin' into town, then
you turn up and start sh**t'.

That don't make sense.

I had to change my
plans, couldn't reach you.

Anyway none of my b*ll*ts
come anywhere near you.

Yeah, maybe so, but we'd
have been in a nice fix

if elmore and the girl started sh**ting.

Neither of them carry g*ns, I knew that.

Okay, what do we do now?

Go over to tal shan's hotel.

If tal and rod go out after
Dr. elmore leaves, follow them,

find out where they're going and make sure

they don't get back.


And just before your
arrival, confirmation came

in special code from the
peace foundation by radio,

that the fingerprints
of Geoffrey London are

identical with those of sir Eric hazarias.

I asked for proof, and you gave to me.

Still somewhat of a shock.

Naturally, you had every reason

to trust Geoffrey London.

Of course, there's only one thing

for me to do now, resign.

I wish you wouldn't do that Dr. elmore.

An archeologist must be an important cog

in sir Eric's machine.
Rod's right, dad.

You want me to continue
on as though I know nothing?

Yes, and in that way we
have a very good chance

of findin' out what he's really after.

Some element, I believe,

needed to perfect a
supersonic wave device.

Hmm, that could explain its
interest in the possibility

that the statue of the glowing goddess

is fact instead of legend.

What did the hieroglyphics
on the tablet say about it?

They indicate that the statute did exist

and that it was originally somewhere

in the pendrang temples.

That's why sir Eric was so disappointed

when indra refused his
permission to search the ruins.

He'd be more disappointed if he knew

that tal shan had discovered
an entrance to a tunnel

that apparently has been
sealed off for generations.

I'd like to see that tunnel.

You'll probably have the opportunity

as soon as tal and I investigate it.

Well, we won't keep you then.

Elmore must have been doing

some looking on his own account.

Yeah, some talkin' too.

Shall we flip for it?

- I'll take this one.
- Alright.

They may have separated here.

Well, they may not.

We'll stick together.

I suppose you gentlemen
have seen the morning paper.

Are you referring to the
story about sir Eric hazarias?


Well, unfortunately rod
Stanton's latest radio report

from pendrang confirms it.

You don't mean by that, do you,

sir Eric is again in a position
to help cause another w*r?

The greatest danger from
w*r mongers is the fact

that they're always underestimated.

And they'll always encourage w*r.

One of the facts this
organization has been

founded to publicize.

But, has rod really failed?

Not at all. Indra has
finally sided with him

and tal shan.

And in pendrang, indra is a force

that even sir Eric must respect.

I wonder if we made the
right move in backing Stan.

I'm more convinced of it than ever,

now that we know sir
Eric had malborn k*lled.

That makes sir Eric
all the more dangerous.

But, is he smart enough
to get away with it

without malborn, the real
brains of that combination?

Sir Eric has already made
a mistake, k*lling Tonga.

Now the tribesmen will obey me

in spite of the sun messenger plaque

that sir Eric has used to mislead them.

That may be, indra,

but he got whatever information he wanted.

Yes, and with our help
Stanton can get what

sir Eric is after. And
we can reap the profits.

You're a little bit jumpy yourself.

Oh, I'm concerned about Stanton.

Jump tal, I can't hold him!

That didn't scare off
Stanton and tal shan.

Now, I'll get back to zalabar.

Place it here, please.

If this proves to be meteorium 245,

sir Eric,

you will be the wealthiest and certainly

one of the most powerful men in the world.

You don't have to worry either gaffron,

we'll make you the
scientist who's nullified

the most destructive w*apon ever invented.

The atomic b*mb.

Don't open that!


marlowe lifted the lid of that chest,

there was a flash of light

and marlowe disintegrated.

Like that!

That is the reason
you brought this robe?

Whatever the material, it is
not damaged by radioactivity.

They know nothing about radioactivity.

And yet, they have a
protection better than any

developed by science.

Have you heard any word from Johnson?

Oh, not yet sir.

He left immediately after
you spoke to me by radio.

Have we had any uninvited
visitors upstairs?

Indra's police.


Johnson says they've
been through everything

with a fine tooth comb.

Huh, perhaps we'd better
wait in the passage.

While gaffron prepares a
portion of the meteorium

for a test.

By all means.

But all I'm asking for officer is

the scientific data that
belongs to my father.

You can't have it miss elmore,

this is a m*rder case.

Now nothing leaves here except

records of sir Eric's activities.

The archeological notes
are of no value to indra.

They have nothing to do with
the m*rder of Mr. malborn.

And are priceless to my father.

Well, how'd it be if you sat down here

and looked them over?

Thank you.

But I want your word that
not one paper will be removed.

I promise you that.

Very well, miss.

There will be a man on guard outside.

I'll tell him I've given you permission.

Thank you.

Oh, well next time you hide
behind a curtain miss elmore,

make certain you don't jiggle it.

You're Johnson aren't you?

That's right. Now
I'll ask you something.

What are you doing snooping around here?

I wasn't snooping. My father's papers...

Yeah, maybe. Unfortunately,
you've seen too much.

You're going below with me.

Johnson, why are you
bringing that girl down here?

She was hiding upstairs

when I slipped in past the police cars

and I didn't see here until after

I'd opened the secret panel.

Are you sure no one
saw you come in upstairs?

Yeah. Positive.

Tie her up.

Well gaffron, how about it?

It is meteorium, but
it is such a pure state

it is very dangerous to handle.

How dangerous is it gaffron?

The slightest impulse
could start a chain reaction.

An expl*si*n?

Hiroshima would be
nothing compared with it.

We'll risk it.

The nation that has a defense
against the atomic b*mb

is a nation that can use atomic
bombs whenever it wishes to.

And rule the world.

What better guarantee that gentlemen?

It will be worth a pretty penny.

How about your blueprints and notes?

Can we depend on them?

Any mechanic can follow
them and build my detector.

Anyone inside, constable?

Why, just miss elmore, sir.

Miss elmore? What is she doing in there?

She's checking on her father's papers.

All of sir Eric's records
have been removed sir.

Thank you.

Everything ready?

We can take off in the
plane anytime you wish, sir.

You and Johnson take
the chest to the car.

Get together anything else
you think we should take.

I'll send Johnson back to help you.

Have you left anything upstairs

you think might help Stanton?

No, this time nothing can help Stanton.

Okay, Johnson.

You're quite sure are you, grebb,

that the blueprints and notes are

all gaffron claims them to be?

We have his invention plus
the meteorium right here.

In that case, we best
leave for the plane at once.

Well, are we waiting for Johnson?

Why? We don't need him.

And now what happens to me?

Oh, use your head grebb.

We've been through these things before.

Too bad boys but, this is it.

Sorry miss elmore, you too.

Oh, am I glad to see you rod!

And am I glad I was
able to drop that scarf

without Johnson noticing it.

It probably saved your life.
What's the m*ssacre about?

Sir Eric and grebb are leaving by plane.

Sir Eric double-crossed his own men.

Must be the same plane
he flew into zalabar.

Too late now to try to stop him.

What about tal shan?

Good girl! I can get him by radio.

I'll see what I can do to help this man.

Tal shan.

Picked up rod. He wants to speak to you.

Come in rod, over.

Malborn isn't the only
one sir Eric has m*rder*d.

All the others are dead
or dying, except grebb.

Sir Eric is on his way
to the plane with grebb.

You know where his plane
is, try and stop him.

I'll stand by on this wavelength, over.

I'm on my way. Dr. elmore
and lakana will stand by here.

Too late rod. Sir Eric and
grebb just took off. Over.

Maybe it's not too late at that.

There's a man here who's dying,

but thinks he has the last say.

Listen in.

Calling s.E.,

calling s.E.

Sir Eric, listen.

Gaffron calling s.E.

Acknowledge him.

Grebb reporting for
s.E. Come in gaffron.

Like all murderers sir
Eric, you made a mistake.

You cannot open the chest of meteorium,

because you did not take the
tribal robe that protects you.

I am wearing
it. It will be my shroud.

I didn't trust you sir Eric.

So I put something in
the chest of meteorium.

Something that will cause

the sensitive concentrated element

to start it's deadly chain reaction.

And so destroy you.

Open the chest,

sir Eric.

Or leave it closed.

In either case, sir Eric,

it will,

destroy you.

Talking to gaffron won't do us any good.

You can't open that chest.

I'm not going to open it.

Then, sit down.

Gaffron didn't put anything into it.

He's just trying to scare us.

I'm not taking any chances.
This chest is going overboard.

Oh, no it isn't.

Good listening.

I wonder if gaffron did put
something into that chest.

Grebb thought so, sir Eric
didn't. But we'll never know.

32, red, even.

System, you've really
hit a winning streak.

If he keeps this up, he'll break the bank.

Maybe, at least my expense account

with the peace foundation
will be greatly reduced.

I didn't know system was
working with you and tal shan.

It was a well kept secret.

Indra will be pleased to
see you and miss elmore.

Come on won't you.

All down.

32, red, even.

Do you know tal, I
really think I discovered

the winning system.

Come in!

I understand you're
leaving pendrang today.

Yes, miss elmore and her
father are going with me.

I want to thank you Mr. Stanton.

You've taught me that there
is no corner of the world

so independent, that it can stand alone.

That's something the
whole world is learning.

Slowly perhaps, but surely.

Tell your father that
whenever he wishes to resume

his work here that he'll
have my full cooperation.

Thank you. He's planning
to come back next year.

And, you? Will you return with him?

Or will Mr. Stanton persuade
you to stay in America?

Oh, he hasn't said
a word about it to me,

but, of course, he's been awfully busy.

And the rumors that have reached us

about sir Eric hazarias
having contacted the heads

of several governments on a
proposition of world importance

are now being thoroughly investigated.

If there's any truth in those
rumors, Dr. Adams, it means

that sir Eric has managed
to outwit rod Stanton.

It means more than that.
It's a new threat to the peace

of the world. Sir Eric only deals in w*r.

We can't do much for rod,
either. Not until winter is over

in the himalayas and pendrang
is no longer isolated.

Did you send the men to
Tonga's village, Harris?

Half an hour ago, indra.

I hope they reach there before
Tonga translates the plaque

for sir Eric.

If they don't, we're late.
I'm afraid we'll finish malborn

and sir Eric the answer
to everything they've come

to pendrang for.

Perhaps Stanton reached
the village in time

to delay things or even to stop sir Eric.

The plaque sir Eric has will
win tribal respect for him

but Stanton hasn't got it.
If he reaches that village,

he'll probably walk into real trouble.

A life of judgment will
silence your lying tongue.

Tal shan, you have chosen to
ally yourself with our enemy.

My friend is not your enemy.

There's no convincing him of that, tal.

You shall watch him
and see what fate has

in store for you.

The sun shall be your executioner.

Its rays will start the
fires to burn the ropes.

If they fail, you're
innocent and free to go.

Oh, yes. And if Tonga doesn't
put in an appearance soon,

we are going back to that village.

Be careful with that plaque, Marlow.

It holds the answers to
everything we've planned.

Why does indra interfere?

She thinks you are
making a mistake, Tonga,

but sir Eric is using
you for his own ends.

That is for me to decide.

Why not talk to indra
before you do anything?

I will see indra later.

She wants you to come to the casino now.

I said "later."

Indra's always been your
friend. Why not do as she asks?

It could do no harm.

Will you remain here until I return?

He comes with us.

Rod, you and tal have
important work to do.

Why not let me remain?

You realize what it means
if they do not return.

Yes, but they will return.

I don't like this, Marjorie.

May I speak with Mr.
Stanton and tal shan?

There's really no danger a wrought.

Maybe not but you never
can tell what might happen.

Well, that's why I want to stay here.

With tal and Tonga in zalabar,

sir Eric will have to make his move there.

And we'll be right on hand to stop him.

Good girl, Marjorie.
Don't worry. We'll be back.

Miss elmore will stay.

All right. Let's get started.

Send word of what happened
to the sun messenger.

Put up your g*ns.

Sun messenger, I bring word from Tonga.

Where is he?

Indra's police have
taken him away to zalabar.

What about Stanton and tal shan?

They have gone, too.

The translating of the plaque

would have read as ancient meteorium,

the rarest radioactive
mineral in the world.

And indra stops us.

All we need is meteorium
to make gaffron's defense

against the atomic b*mb practical.

To say nothing what some nation

would have been willing to pay for it.

We should never have left
the tribesmen's village.

Well, what's done is done.

We're completely stopped
without Tonga or Dr. elmore

to translate the plaque for us.

Let's go back to zalabar.

I have a plan to get rid of
them. And I don't care which.

Tonga, why do you insist
upon trusting sir Eric?

He is your enemy.

Sir Eric wears the
talisman of the eternal sun.

He is the sun messenger.

But he stole the talisman.

The sun messenger warned
me his enemies would try

to discredit him.

It's useless to argue with him.

I'm glad indra has finally
decided to work with us.

I must confess, though,
I'm surprised to learn

that malborn is really the
man we want and not sir Eric.

So was I.

But what's all this about Tonga being able

to translate the ancient
sign language of pendrang.

He can do it. Indra and rod
are going to try to persuade

him not to.

While they're doing that,
tal is going to take you to a

safe place, Dr. elmore, because,
if they succeed, malborn's

sir Eric will be after you again.

I have no alternative,
Tonga, but to hold you

until I can prove to you

that the man you believe
to be the sun messenger

has tricked you.

Prison can not keep the sun
messenger from coming to me.

The sun messenger has come for Tonga,

his faithful, tribal chieftain.

Okay, malborn. You, too, sir
Eric. You're asking for it.

You and some others have
refused to take sir Eric's money.

But your guards are not so
scrupulous. It'll be me now.

Johnson take change of things here,

especially Mr. doc Harris.

You know, ed, the k*lling of
the nubian couldn't have been

done so easily if indra's guards
weren't in sir Eric's pay.

You're right, system.

They're sure covering for sir Eric, now.

They won't stay too long, however,

under the circumstances.

But until they leave, I
think I'll keep very quiet.

So will I.

I'm sorry indra to upset your
plans but you compelled me

to take drastic action.

You'll be surprised to hear
this, malborn, but I'm glad

to see you as well as sir
Eric out into the open.

When the world hears about it,
it'll be feature or purpose.

Why don't I get rid of
these two once and for all.

It would have been a good
idea if you'd gotten here

before tal and I. But tal's
on the radio now telling

the united peace foundation
all about you and sir Eric.

In that case, Marlow
connecting sir Eric and me

with the death of either would,
as Mr. Stanton just reminded

me, make future international
negotiations very difficult.

Malborn, by not k*lling
us has just been clever.

You had better be the same.


Sir Eric and malborn bought our guards

as they did Hammond.
Johnson k*lled the nubian.

You are right. There's no chance

of stopping sir Eric and Tonga now.

Sir Eric will get Tonga
to translate that plaque

and get what he and malborn
have been after ever since they

came to pendrang.

At least sir Eric will have a head start

but not as long of one as he anticipates.

I thought you were to go
with sir Eric and the others.

What happened?

Well, sir Eric has changed
the plan a little, Mr. malborn.

Now that we have our hands
on meteorium it's going

to sir Eric's head. Is standard?

Well, sir Eric didn't have
the heart to do this himself

after all the years he's
been with you, malborn

but now that Tonga can do what he wants,

he don't need you no more.

Sir Eric got away with Tonga.

That means Marjorie is in danger.

Sir Eric and Tonga have
gone to Tonga's village.

I thought they would

but I'm glad to know for sure. Thanks.

Come on, tal.

Can't we drive any closer
to your village, Tonga?

From here, we must go on
foot through the jungle.

You might as well tell us the meaning

of these symbols now.
It will save time later.

The eternal sun of pendrang
fell from the heavens

and brings death to those who gaze on it

without understanding.
Chosen elders guard the light

under the smoking rock and
the cave of the eternal sun.

Where is this cave of the eternal sun?

Certainly, the sun
messenger should know.

I know where the smoking
rocks are, sir Eric,

but I had no idea there was
a cave in that vicinity.

Then let's get going and have a look.

Only the chiefs and elders
of pendrang are permitted

to visit the cave and
look upon the eternal sun.

From now on, things are going to change.

Indra was right. You
are not the sun messenger.

We're wasting time with this nonsense.

You must not go to the cave.

I shall call my people to stop you.

You'll call no one.

I'll never understand how sir Eric

so completely fooled Tonga.

It wasn't sir Eric
as much as the plague.

It has a strange power over the tribesmen.

Tal, something's gone wrong.

We found Tonga in the
jungle shot. He is hurt bad.

What happened?

Tonga's been shot. I think he's dying.

Seize them. Tie 'em
up. Tonga dies. They die.

Do not harm those men.

Who shot you, Tonga? Sir Eric?

He is not sun messenger.

Get some water, Marjorie.

You know that we're your friends

too late. I find that out.

You told sir Eric what the symbols mean?

He goes to a cave. Eternal sun.

Is he dead?

Where is the cave of eternal sun?

To get to it, you must go
through the smoking rocks.

I know where they are.


The tribe will take you back to zalabar.

Come on, tal.

Who are you that dares desecrates

the temple of the eternal sun?

I am the sun messenger.

These strangers?

My servants.

I cam to see the eternal sun.

To learn if it is well cared for.

Itis there.

Wait. First you must come with me.

These robes were woven
by the elders before me.

They look like asbestos.

I do not know their secret

but nothing could penetrate them.

Yet you can see the eternal
sun through the material

when you dare look at it.

The man who came with you dared to look

at the eternal sun unprepared.
Like all the others

who have dared before him, he is gone.


It's meteorium 245, all
right. The most powerful element

in the world.

This is what we came to pendrang for.

Grebb, give me a hand with this chest.

Stop. No one can remove the
eternal sun from this temple.

Give me those robes.
Gaffron will need them

to handle the element.

We've got to stop their
get away with that chest.

That about completes our
notes for our next broadcast.

We'll emphasize our aim again.

One aim, the aim of our
founder and not yet realized,

but the greatest of all aims
for mankind, world peace.

One aim, peace, one problem, stop w*r.

A problem, incidentally,
made no easier by warmongers

like sir Eric hazarias.

Well, for the present
we'll have to leave

that particular problem in
the hands of rod Stanton

since he and sir Eric
are isolated in pendrang.

Calling field station one,

headquarters calling field station one.

Come in, station one.

Field station one, marlowe talking.

Did you get my message about the plaque?

Johnson and bellows have gone after it.

Stanton knows about it.

I've just heard he's escaped from jail.

That means he's on his way out there now.

Johnson and bellows should
have it and be out of there

long before he arrives.

In that case, fix a booby trap.

I knew I'd find you here.

Too bad you didn't arrive sooner.

What about the plaque
that was in that office?

That's what tal means.

Somebody beat us to it.

There's a dead man in that
wrecked office over there.

Whoever was with him got
away with the plaque.

Look after things here.

I'm taking these two back to zalabar.

We'll use your car.

Hammond searched tal
and me and found nothing.

That's right but it
doesn't prove anything.

The portion of the plaque
Dr. elmore had hidden

was useless to us without
the other half you have.

And you mean you were
going to bring that portion

back to me?

What other choice have
we as long as you hold

Dr. elmore prisoner.

You mentioned sir Eric a moment ago.

He's the man in back of the theft

of the other half of that plaque.

That's what I wanna investigate.

That's all, Hammond.

You said before you planned
to bring the plague here

if you got hold of it.

Does that still stand?

Yes, because Dr. elmore's here.

But you must also agree to one condition.

You're in no position
to make conditions.

Just the same I'll make one.

If I'm right and get
the plaque from sir Eric

and Dr. elmore translates it...

You want a copy of the translation?


It should reveal what
sir Eric wants in pendrang.

You're on your own, gentlemen.

Tal and I understand, thank you.

But how 'bout Dr. elmore?

He's safer here than
anyplace in pendrang.

Let's call it protective custody.

Get the door, marlowe.

I came to see sir Eric

but you'll do, Mr. malborn.

Thanks, Hammond.

What is it?

It's about the money you paid me.

It won't be much of a nest
egg when I leave pendrang.

$10,000 is a lot of money to pay

for half a piece of
rock we can't even read.

Would it be worth another
10 to have the whole thing?

My plaque certainly didn't
just walk out of here!

We know from the guard
that nobody came in here

since Hammond, Stanton,
tal shan, and I left.

Remembering malborn
once tried to bribe me.

Malborn, an unworthy
servant of an unworthy master.

Some people, professor,
are like your hieroglyphics.

You can never be sure about them.

Doc Harris means in all these years

malborn has been the power and the purpose

behind sir Eric.

How about Hammond?

Well, you can't tell about him either

but I'd say he won't take a bribe.

We'll go into that after I
hear Stanton's explanation.

When Stanton arrives bring him here.

There it is, grebb, complete.

Where did you get it?

At the casino.

It's been in indra's family for years.

It just dawned on me that
this is what you wanted

so I took it.

Now we have to get ahold of Dr. elmore.

There's no chance of that.

But maybe I can help you in another way.

How much?

About 25,000.

How much?

15 would be about right.

Johnson, give me the
other envelope in the safe.

Let's have it.

You might try Tonga.


The tribal chief can read

the ancient sign language of pendrang.

Do you know the way to Tonga's village?

And sir Eric and you have
to take charge of that.

Thank you, Mr. malborn.

Plaque plus translation
equals the way to meteorium.

The rarest mineral radioactive
element in the world.

Thanks to gaffron's inventive genius,

meteorium is all we need

to be able to sell a practical defense

for the atomic b*mb.

Another thousand on the red.

All down.

It's number two, black, and even.

Hello, system, how 'bout a drink?

No thanks but I might take a job.

Game finally break you?

Not quite.

But you must be paying
good wages for little work.

What gives you that impression?

The way Hammond is tossing money away

he must get it pretty easy.

Place bets, gentlemen, all down.

All down.

Number 11, black, odd.

Red, odd.

All down.

Sit down.

I hate to ask you, Hammond,
but I'm a little short.

Could you let me have
a couple of thousand?

Place your bets.

I think we better finish our business

in the alcove behind me.

Correct eye, number six.

All down.

Place your bets, gentlemen, all down.

100 on three.

Number three, red, odd.

Red, odd.

All down.

Sorry to have troubled you

with an unnecessary visit, Stanton.

I thought indra wanted to see me.

Oh, she did but we found
the answer to her question.

What's this all about?

Just a little misunderstanding.

Thanks for dropping by.

I wonder what that was all about.

I was hoping indra would
have some information

about dad or the plague.

Mr. Stanton.

Doc Harris just k*lled Hammond.


For double crossing indra.

He stole a plague and sold it to sir Eric.

Rod, that means that sir
Eric now has the whole plaque.

We'll have to keep a
closer watch on your father.

Sir Eric can't make
another move without him.

No, Mr. Stanton, sir
Eric is already moving

to Tonga's village.

Why there?

Tonga knows our ancient language.

He can translate the plague.

Marjorie, you go to the hotel.

Explain the setup to tal shan.

To warn Tonga before sir Eric gets there.

Wait a minute.

What's the trouble, grebb?

Beyond here is forbidden territory.

To go farther without
tribal consent means death.

We must wait.


I want a translation of that plaque

an I'm not waiting.

No sh**ting, marlowe.

Take us to your village.

Why do you come here,
strangers, without consent?

We speak for our great
leader, sir Eric hazarias,

who comes now in search of
Tonga, the mighty chief.

What is so important
that you violate our laws

to speak to him?

Sir Eric needs the wise
counsel of the all-knowing Tonga.

His wisdom is common
knowledge in pendrang.


This plague contains mysterious symbols.

Our leader brings it.

This is the long-lost
talisman of the eternal sun.

You are the sun messenger.

What is your command, sun messenger?

The sun messenger
desires to know the meaning

of the symbols on the talisman.

I cannot tell you their
meaning without first consulting

with the council of the elders.

Our leader has need of haste.

He desires to stop enemies
who thr*aten you with danger.

The counsel had decided favorably.

When the sun has reached its zenith,

we will go to the temple of the rocks.

This man is one of those
the great sun messenger

warned you about.

Sir Eric's your enemy.


The sun messenger will wait for you

at the temple of the rocks.

I shall join you there later.

We must leave the trail here.

This marker is watched.

Can we get around it?

Yes, but if rod came this way,

he's in trouble with the tribesmen.

The ancient laws of
the tribes of pendrang

decree your death.

Sir Eric, the man you
call a sun messenger,

he's your real enemy.

You go to indra and ask her for help.

The knife of judgment will
silence your lying tongue.

Tal shan, you have chosen to
ally yourself with our enemy.

My friend is not your enemy.

There's no convincing him of that, tal.

You shall watch him and see what fate

has in store for you.

The sun shall be your executioner.

Its rays will start the
fires to burn the ropes.

If they fail, you are
innocent and free to go.

This transcript of rod
Stanton's code report

by radio from pendrang is astonishing,

sir Eric hazarias is not
even pretending any longer

that he's Geoffrey London,
but is holding Dr. elmore,

his own archeological expert a c*ptive.

It's typical of sir Eric,

take what you want, law or no law.

The warmonger who steals peace

is the worst of all thieves.

Fortunately in this case,

we have our own unofficial policeman,

rod Stanton after sir Eric.

Dr. elmore found out the truth from rod,

refused to continue
and so has disappeared.

So Dr. elmore's on the old schooner,

we should have thought of that hope before

a decaying monument to an ancestor,

who built it for river
traffic that doesn't exist.

How about Stanton and tal shan?

They just went on board.

Is there anything you
wanna tell me, Dr. elmore?

My father has nothing to say to you.

Observe these small elephants closely,

they're very interesting,

when they meet, I think you will find it

a very forceful argument.

Stop them, stop them!

I'll take care of
Marjorie, she's alright,

you untie Dr. elmore.

- Is sir Eric in?
- Nowhere else, grebb,

down below.

And this radio report
from one of my agents

states that many nations

are vitally interested in your invention.

Yes, they ought to be,

it's a perfect defense
against the atomic b*mb,

but my device depends on meteorium

and you haven't got it for me yet.

We're the only people who know

that it exists in fact,
instead of in theory

and exists only here in pendrang.

But until you can make Dr. elmore

translate the hieroglyphics,

that will tell us where it is hidden,

I cannot finish my work.

Stanton and tal shan got
Dr. elmore and his daughter

away from us. - Oh, you fool!

They took us by surprise.

Now our hands are
tied, we can do nothing.

Our hands are never tied,
gaffron, remember that.

I went down that office of yours, tal,

it's sure convenient.

You're coming with me, Dr. elmore.

- Why?
- Indra wants to talk to you.

But dad hasn't done anything.

Don't get me wrong,
I'm not arresting him.

Captain Hammond only uses a
window on official business,

but when he's going to arrest you,

he comes through the door.

In that case I'll go along with you,

because if she has anything
to say to Dr. elmore,

I've got something I'd like
to say to her about sir Eric.

So the lost is found, Dr. elmore.

Why is indra so interested in him, doc?

She'll tell you, stay out here, captain.

We'd like to have a little
talk with you, Hammond.

You're taking a walk.

You boys think you
can get away with this?

Why not?

You know, indra has hidden
guards here, a signal from me...

Would mean a couple of sh*ts from us.

Then where would you be?

I think you two are just dumb enough

to pull a stunt like this.

You bet we are.

Hey, what do you mean?

Forget it, where do we go?

Just up the hill a way.

Until a few days ago, I
considered Geoffrey London

my benefactor solely
interested like myself

in finding the lost city of the jungle.

Thank you, Dr. elmore,

and you say you have found the lost city?

Yes, but not where I expected
to, the city is underground.

I should say that all of the land

for a radius of five or
six miles around zalabar,

mountain and jungle is simply honeycombed.

Not an insignificant find in itself.

Why didn't you bring Dr. elmore here,

instead of taking him to indra?

I couldn't, I was going to let you know

where he was later.

We've been paying you good
money for information, Hammond.

Sit down.

I'm taking a chance
being out of the casino,

indra might call for me.

I'll only keep you a
few minutes, sit down.

Why were you a c*ptive,

didn't anyone explain
why you were being held?

It won't do any harm

to tell her what little you know, doctor.

Grebb, acting for sir Eric

wanted me to translate
some ancient symbols.

Why did you refuse?

I have no intention of
contributing to another world w*r.

Where were those symbols
you refused to translate?

On half of a broken
plaque that we'd found.

Half of a broken plaque?

Without the other half, the
translation was worthless.

Sir Eric evidently
didn't consider it so.

Here's half of a broken plaque,

that's been in my family for generations.

The light that never dies.

Rod, this is the other half
of the plaque that we have.

Go ahead with the translation, doctor,

it should be interesting.

There are certain
hieroglyphics which I recognize,

but there are many others

which will take me a
long time to translate.

Gentlemen, let's be sensible,

we're all after the same thing,

to find out what it is sir Eric wants.

If you would assure
us that whatever we find

will be put to constructive use.

Constructive use?

It'll be put to no other.

Where is your half of the plaque, doctor?

It's behind a loose board on
the wall of the field office.

That does it.

One of the impractical qualities

of all true scientists,
doctor is their belief

that people in general are
just as honest as they are.

You will remain in my custody

until captain Hammond
brings me the plaque.

But if you try to make
me translate the plaque,

you'll be wasting your
time just as he did.

We'll see, have Stanton put
in jail for the time being.

Indra"s still in control here.

I'll tell Hammond to get the plaque.

Alright, Stanton.

I'm glad you're here
this time, Mr. malborn,

I've got some real information
for you, Stanton's in jail.

Sir Eric would like to hear that.

What more?

I know the location of
the plaque that elmore has.

Here are $10,000, where's the plaque?

Hidden behind the wall at
the expedition headquarters.

It'd better be there.

Sorry now I didn't hold
Johnson and Marlow here.

Where are they?

On the way back to the excavations.

Marlow keeps always in
touch with us over the radio,

let Kurtz tell him what to do.

You'll have to go out
there and act for indra,

but you don't have to get
there too soon, do you?

Just in time to claim tal
shan robbed the headquarters

and that will put him with Stanton.


Tal shan.

I am sorry for not speaking,

I was thinking of something else.

- Rod Stanton, your friend?
- Yes.

You do not have to go into
the casino to learn about him.

You have news?

He has been arrested.

Dr. elmore too?

No, he is still in the casino,

but nobody can reach him
without indra's permission.

Where is rod being held?

At the pendrang jail.

What do you want now, Stanton?

Will you send a message
for me, constable?

I'm alone here, I can't leave.

I'll make it worth your while.

All wanna do is let my
friends know where I am.

It's no use, orders are no messages.

Who'll know about it?

Nothing goes on around here,

that indra doesn't know about.

You've missed a big chance

to make yourself some easy money.

Nice work, rod.

Get in there.

Where's the car?
Over on the road.

Calling field station one,

headquarters calling field station one,

come in, station one.

Field station one, Marlow talking.

Did you get my message about the plaque?

Johnson and bellows have gone after it.

Stanton knows about it,

I just heard he's escaped from jail,

that means he's on his way up there now.

Johnson and bellows should have it

and be out of there
long before he arrives.

In that case, fix a booby trap.

Tap on all these wall sections,

see if any of 'em are hollow.

Hey, give me a hand with this.

And before I could stop him,

Dr. elmore blurted out
where the plaque was hidden.

We'll have to step on it, if we expect

to get to the expedition
headquarters before Hammond.

He hasn't much of a start on us,

he still thinks I'm in jail.

Here it is.

- How did you make out?
- We just found it.

- Good, good.
- What have you got there?

- A booby trap for Stanton.
- Stanton?

He's on his way here.

Johnson and I will take
the plaque to sir Eric,

you rig things here. - Right.

I only have one comment,

the world will not be a better
place to live in if sir Eric

or men like him ever get
control of the atomic b*mb.

Just what this organization
has been trying to achieve,

vigilant awareness in
the calms of world peace.

A message in special
code from one of our agents

working with rod Stanton in pendrang.

From tal shan?

No, from tal shan's wife, lakana.

There is no doubt that Jeffery
London is sir Eric hazarias

and that sir Eric is responsible

for Dr. elmore's disappearance.

Even getting rid of you,
Stanton, presents difficulties.

I had hoped to use the house
of beggars to demonstrate

to Dr. elmore the
futility of resisting me.

As it is, from this
microphone, Mr. Stanton,

that you have miss
elmore in my living room

has tricked you instead of me.

Tal just left here.

He'll never reach the house of
beggars in time to save rod.

Come on, let's get outta here.

I'm sorry things didn't
work out, Marjorie.

I know that.

And yet I can't help worrying about dad.

Now what can we do?

The best thing for you do to

is to go into tal's office and stay there.

We've got to be sure,
Marjorie, that you're safe

and I think you are here.

Well I'll do what you want, rod.

Fair enough.

Meantime, tal and I will dragnet zalabar.

And ever since we received word

of Dr. elmore's disappearance,

my men have been searching
zalabar from one end

to the other, but so far no trace

of the missing man has been found.

What about sir Eric and malborn?

I investigated their quarters personally

but found nothing.

Are you keeping track of Stanton?

Stanton, sir Eric and malborn.

One or the other ought
to lead you to Dr. elmore.

But continue your search.

I want Dr. elmore found and found quickly.

Indra, mind telling me why you're

so interested in Dr. elmore?

I believe that he's the
key to the whole situation

and that Stanton was getting to close

and that our friends,
sir Eric and malborn,

took personal charge of the doctor.

And lucky for us, he
doesn't know sir Eric

is only camouflage for malborn.

You hope to find out what's
actually going on though elmore.


Open up.

Well, doctor, have you made up your mind

to translate the broken plaque for us?

Not until you can
convince me that sir Eric

won't use the translation
for some new w*r scheme.

We've been very patient
with you, Dr. elmore,

but even Patience has it's limits.

Your threat is proof that sir Eric

will misuse the translation.

All right, Johnson, see what you can do.

I'll do it, but how can
I translate the plaque?

It isn't here.

This photograph you gave me is smudged

with ink and fingerprints.

You can see for yourself, it's ruined.

We can soon remedy
that with the negative.

There's your answer, grebb.

You forget, doctor, you still have

the plaque in your possession.

Yes, and only I know where it is

and it's going to stay that way.

I can make him talk.

I'll handle this, Johnson.

Doctor, we'll give you
just a little more time

to tell us where that
plaque is hidden and then-

- the answer will still be the same.

We'll see.

All right, Johnson.

And even though Stanton escaped,

with the help of tal shan, we still have

Dr. elmore safe aboard the schooner

without Stanton or indra having
the least idea where he is.

Safe aboard the schooner
does not solve our problem.

It is necessary to have
meteorium to complete

my invention that makes
the atomic b*mb useless.

And Dr. elmore is the
only one that can lead us

to that missing element so he is therefore

the only obstacle between
you and world power.

But the Patience of a man like elmore

won't get us what we want.

He knows we can't k*ll him
because only he can tell us.

Sir Eric.


It's going to be more difficult to get

that translation than we thought.

How great?

Stubborn fool won't tell me anything.

I repeat, sir Eric, there
are ways of making a man talk.

And some of them, my
dear gaffron, less brutal

but just as effective as
those which you advise.

Hello, gov'nor.

I hopes you've got your stomach all set

for some of this 'ot mulligan.

It's the cook's specialty.

Well thank you, ah.

Hubert's the name, gov'nor, Hubert

and I ain't got much
liking for the name anyway.

Well I think it's a
very nice name, Hubert.

But I'm not very hungry.

Oh, you've got to eat, gov'nor.

That 'ot mulligan'll do ya good.

Sort of perk you up.

Well, maybe you're right.

There you are, sir.

You know, gov'nor, I ain't got much liking

for this here business.

What business?

You know, what's, ah,
going on around here.

You in the brig and all that.

I'm afraid there's not
very much we can do about it.

Oh, I wouldn't say that, gov'nor.

Now, if you had a friend
on the outside, you know,

someone you'd like to send a message to,

maybe I could fix it for ya.


Ahh, there's lots of ways
of doing things, gov'nor.

But of course, it's
kind of risky, you know.

I think I could arrange
to have you well paid.

- 5007?
- Yes.

Then gov'nor, you write a note

and I'll see it gets to the right party.

I can't tell 'em to come here.

Tell 'em not to say anything to anybody

but meet me with the
500 at half arch at 5:00

and I'll take care of everything.

How's this, Hubert?

It's to my daughter.

Oh that's fine, gov'nor.

Do they ever ask you any questions

or search you when you leave the boat?

Come to think of it, they
do every once in a while.

Then I'll just slip this
note in with these cards

and put them in the box.


They'll never suspect
there's anything wrong

with a deck of cards in your pocket.

And at 5:30, gov'nor, you'll be waiting

for a big surprise.

Here's the big surprise
I promised ya, gov'nor.

Marjorie, you shouldn't have come here.

Father and daughter reunited.

500 is chicken feed, Dr.
Elmore, when you're playin'

with a man like sir Eric and company act

is worth much more anyway.

We know you care nothing
for yourself, doctor,

but your daughter is a different matter.

I'm sure you prefer telling
me where that plaque is

and translating it than to
have anything happen to her.

Don't listen to him, dad.

It's better that you and I should suffer

than to let sir Eric go on with a scheme

that would bring suffering to millions.

Like father, like daughter.

You both have that same stubborn streak.

It's just that we
don't approve of sir Eric

or anything he stands for.

Perhaps when you see what
we have planned for you

you'll change your mind.

There isn't anything you could do

that would make us change our minds.

Don't decide to quickly.

Observe these small elephants closely.

They're very interesting.

When they meet I think you will find it

a very forceful argument.

You can see for yourselves
it'll be extremely dangerous

for anyone sitting in that chair.

It's no use, Marjorie.

I'd rather have it
that way than to think

we'd helped sir Eric.

I'll leave you alone for a
few minutes to talk it over.

Don't give up, dad.

There must be some way we can get help.

There is.

If rod will only find it.



We should've figured something
like this would happen.

She didn't come through the lobby.

There's your answer.


Marjorie, when this is delivered to you,

meet the bearer with $500 at half arch.

He will be waiting at 5:00 this afternoon.

Please don't tell anyone
about this meeting.

Anxiously, dad.

Is it in Dr. elmore's handwriting?


Then Dr. elmore's been
tricked into writing it.

No doubt about it.

But Marjorie's in the trap by now.

Probably she is.

But maybe she thought it was a trap,

that would explain why
she left the note behind.

But I can't understand
how it was delivered.

In that deck of cards, probably
thrown through the window.

Here, let me have those, tal.

Look, the markings on the
edges, rod, it could be a-

- it's a message.

Dr. ellmore's smarter than sir Eric.

If we can only figure it out in time

to do Dr. elmore and Marjorie some good.

Come over here.

Here, sort these.

Spades on top, Ace to the king.

Hearts, clubs, diamonds,

that's the way they're usually packed.

Now we'll see what's what.

This is it, tal.



Here in mountain-locked pendrang?

It was built for river
trade but was never practical.

It's been rotting for
years down in the basin.

It may be impractical as a
schooner, but not as a hideout.

Is there anything you
want to tell me, Dr. elmore?

My father has nothing to say to you.

Very well.

Stop them!

Stop them!
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