Letters to Santa (2023)

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Letters to Santa (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

K, kiddos, find us a good one.

Missed me!

Careful, Sam.

Hey, kids, how about this one?

I think Tita

will love this one.

Yeah, could be a keeper.

Hey, maybe you should take the

tree to your mom's restaurant

without me this year.

That deadline for

my book is looming.

I could really use the time.

But it's our

tradition to decorate

the tree together as a family.

I know.

But Vanessa asked me to stop

by the office this afternoon,

and it sounded more like a

"you need to" than "will you."

Yeah, sure, whatever you need.

Do they have homework?

Sam does, but he

can do it later.

Hey, kids, I'm

going to take off.

I'll pick you up

in a few hours, OK?

Bye, Mom.

Love you.



OK, cut her down.

Let's do this.

OK, you're going to help me.

One, two, three.

There we go.

Hey, Mom, the kids

are fighting over who

gets to show you the tree.

I can't wait to see it.

I have a surprise.

This is Candace.

She is our new assistant

general manager.

You can call me Candy.

Good to meet you.


Welcome to the team.

Thank you.

Enrique will show you how

we do things around here

at the bistro,

and you can shadow

him for the next few weeks until

the customers get to know you.

Going to see the little angels.

Hola, Tita.

We got you a tree.

I picked it out.

So big!

Sign these.

Look, I don't want

to scare you, but I'm

getting a lot of

pressure from Mr.

Hines about this third book.

We need to strike

while the iron is hot.

I know.

It's just my iron's cold.

Well, we need to warm it up.

Advances have been paid.

I'm late.

I know.

I'm sorry.

March was late.

We're past late.

We're uncomfortably past due.

I just don't feel

very inspired right now.

Been a really hard

last few months.

Separations are never easy.

This is just a rough patch.

You two will get through it.

Listen, don't look, but

Mr. Hines is standing

right outside the window.

So just do something

that looks like an idea.

Yeah, OK, um, uh, OK.

So-- so there's, um, a

big tree, and the tree's

branches are made of ice cream.

And there's-- there's a

pig, and there's a cow.

And they come to the

tree, and they just

lick up all the ice

cream until they roll

around with big bellyaches.

- OK, OK, OK.

- OK, are we good?

Yeah, yeah, we're good.

We're good.

Thank you for doing that.

And you might be

on to something.

Ah, yeah.

You made that at school.

This is an

ornament for my mom.

She said it made

her think of me.

That's so pretty.

What about scheduling

time for just the two of you?

There is no time.

I still don't have the

idea for my new book,

and the deadline is

right around the corner.

To be honest, it's

been causing me

a lot of anxiety and sort of

stifling my Christmas spirit.

Yeah, and I'm pretty

busy at work as well.

The holidays get crazy for us.

Yeah, but it's not like it's

a normal 9:00 to 5:00 job.

It's his family's restaurant.

He's there all the

time, day and night,

so there's no time for us to--


won't be made

until you to start prioritizing

time alone with each other.

The idea is to get back

to what made you fall

in love in the first place.

I would like that.

I would like that, too.


Can you maybe

turn that thing off?

Rebecca, you know

I'm the general manager

of the restaurant.

People need questions answered.

They rely on me to do my job.

I'll be quick.


The toilet plunger?

It's in the utility

closet where it always is.

Please don't call

unless it's urgent.

I'm sorry.

I'll turn it off.

Sometimes, it is an

actual emergency.

The two of you

have now been separated

for nearly four months.

When you first came

to me, you said

you were hoping to get things

resolved before the holidays,

and now here we are, just

three weeks before Christmas.

And you still haven't

put in the work.

Rebecca, let's start with you.

What will it take for

you to forgive Enrique?

I don't know.

Maybe time.


Come on.

It's not like I cheated on you.

I did what I had to do to keep

the family business afloat.

Excuse me, that is

not the entire story,

and when you put it

like that, how do I

not come across as the villain?


No one is the villain here.

OK, I just gave my

mom the money she needed

to keep the restaurant going.

It was-- it was just a loan.

To you, it was just a loan.

To me, it was an advance on

a book I hadn't written yet.

I'm sorry.

We're out of time for today.

Please, continue this

conversation on your own.

As uncomfortable

as it is, this is

the issue that

needs to be resolved

for you to move forward.

I don't see Santa.

Oh, he'll be back.

He's just on a break.

Like you and Daddy?

There's Santa.

Is he the real Santa?

No, he's probably

just a rental.

Oh, ho ho ho, Merry Christmas.

Looks like-- looks like you

two are ready for a photo.

Come on, right over here.

You stand right there, and why

don't you come up on my lap

here, hmm?

Merry Christmas.

Oh, ho ho ho.

She just pulled on his beard.

We have to teach

her boundaries.

- I mean--

- You don't have a beard.

She's been pointing

out people's flaws.

Yeah, the other day,

she told me my left ear

is bigger than my right.

How could she notice that when

there's such a beautiful face

in between those ears?

Oh, please, although

she did tell me

she was starting to

notice a bald spot

in the back of your head.


True or false, you

are the real Santa.


Here's the trick.

You know the

long-bearded Santas?

Those are the fake ones.

Mrs. Claus doesn't

like the long beards.

You also have a red dot

on your nose like Rudolph.

- Oh, that's from, uh--

- I want a PlayStation.

OK, well, good for you.

Uh, how about you?

I was going to

say a puppy, but--

Excuse me.

Just ask for a doll.

Tell you what, write me a

letter with this special pen,


Now, you put it in the mail

once you've figured out exactly

what you want for Christmas.

Now, the pen will only show

its magic if the request

is true of heart.

Oh, it's time for the picture.

Mommy, it was real Santa.

Of course, it was.

And he gave us his magic pen.

Wow, that was

very nice of him.

Did they charge me for that?

I don't think so.


All right, I'll see

you guys tomorrow.

Bye, Mom.

OK, grab your coats.

See you tomorrow.

Mom, you're going to

give me a heart attack!

That doorbell cam is going

to be the death of me.

How was Santa?


He was the real one.


He had a real

beard and everything.


And he gave us a magic pen.

Wow, it's nice.


All right,

go brush your teeth.

- I'll be up there in a--

- Last one has to sleep outside!

Good night, Tita!

No one's sleeping outside.

Did you mean to say "last

one there is a rotten egg"

or "eats a rotten egg"?

Because that's what you

said, and that's wrong.

I don't have time for a

Spanish lesson right now, Mom.


How'd it go?

With Santa?

Well, he's pretty

mysterious, definitely

has a lot of secrets, and I

think he's put on some weight.

You know what I

mean, con Rebecca.

Please, don't.

I'm not going there

with you right now, Mom.

Maria's coming home in a

couple of days for Christmas

break, and she's hoping

to have the guestroom.

Well, I'm the big

brother, so I get dibs.

She'll be the one that

has to sleep outside.

Enrique, this can't go

on indefinitely, hijo.

I know, Mom.

What are you doing?

I'm writing a letter to

Santa using the magic pen.

That will take forever.

Give it to me.

I can write faster than you can.

What do you want me to write?

Dear real Santa,

this is Izzy Alvarez.

I live on 36 Cherry

Lane most of the time.

Sometimes, I live with my

grandma, where my dad stays.

Izzy, just tell

me what you want.

A puppy.

Mom won't want a new dog.

But Sam, it's worth a try.

When we had Buster,

everything was perfect.


I think we should have

realistic expectations.

No thanks.


Hi, puppy.

Who are you?

Who do you belong to?

A puppy!

A puppy!

Her name is Noel.

Hey, that's all.


Go on, Noel.

Mom I wrote a letter to

Santa asking for a puppy,

and then Noel showed up this

morning at Grandma's house.

I don't buy it.

She's got a Christmas bow.

Well, evidently, they

wrote Santa a letter last night

with that pen he gave them.

She really thinks

this dog is from Santa?

Can we keep her?

Mom, please?

She showed up at

your dad's house,

so maybe she should stay there.

Then I want to

live with Daddy, too.

Honey, that's not fair.

Mom didn't choose to get a dog.

Well, we didn't choose

to live in separate homes.

You said it was only

going to be a couple of weeks.

Now it's almost Christmas,

the best time of year.

You're making it the

worst time of year.

You promised no

more unilateral decisions.

You see what you're doing here?

I'm trying to be

responsible about this,

and you show up like, I

guess we have a dog now.

And to the kids, it's like,

look how cool and fun Dad is.


I will take her to

the vet, and we'll

put up signs around the

neighborhood for a lost dog.

And if no one claims her,

she can live at my place.

No, you will not.

Uh, I'm confused.

She can stay here

when the kids are here,

and when they're at your

house, she can stay there.

It's hard enough for them

to see us go through this.

I don't need to be perceived

as the villain who hates dogs.

You know what?

They're right.

This separation should

have ended weeks ago.

All we're doing is

confusing the kids.

Maybe I should

watch The Nutcracker

alone with them tomorrow night

just to keep things simple.

Rebecca, please,

let's not do that.

It's important that we

stick to what we agreed to.

I mean, I know we

are taking time here,

but we said we would

continue to spend

time together as a family.

You remember how

easy things used to be?


You mean when all

it took was, hey?

Mm, cute.

I think our situation calls

for something a little more.

Mm, something like--


Wow, we should probably talk

to our therapist about that

because there is a

lot to unpack here.


I can unpack all day long.

You get her checked out.

I will.

Are you sure you

want us to leave?

Are you sure?

Yeah, OK, go.


You got to get out of here.


- It's too cute.

- We can stay.

No, go.


- All right.

- Go.


Hey, kiddos.

I'm sorry.

Noel didn't do anything wrong.

I know.

Listen, your dad is going to

take her to the vet tomorrow,

and if no one claims

her, then she's ours.

True or false, you're

letting us keep Noel.

Well, if everything

checks out, then true.

You are in charge

of walking her.


The prodigal child returns.

I'm only here

for the presents.

You got a dog!

She kind of just showed

up at the doorstep.

She didn't seem to belong to

anyone, so yeah, we got a dog.

A stray?

She had a bow on her.

It's a long story, but the kids

believe that she's from Santa.

I've seen a lot more smiles

and laughter since she arrived.

Well, she's very cute.

I'm just so proud of you, living

back here at home with Mom.

Well, it's temporary.

Mm, temporary is

like two or three days.

What's taking you so long

to patch things up, huh?

I don't know.

She's busy.

I'm busy.

Oh, please.

Becca has always looked at

you with stars in her eyes,

and you treat her

like a goddess.

You've always been

madly in love,

so why don't you just

talk to each other?

It's not so simple.

Isn't it?


She just--

She doesn't understand that

when someone in the family

is struggling, you do whatever

you need to do to help them.

You know, maybe she

doesn't see it like that.

Maybe she feels like

people shouldn't

butt into everyone else's life.

I didn't butt in.

Family helps family.

That's how we were raised,

and that's what I was doing.


Remember when Rebecca

was pregnant with Sam,

and we all went to the bistro

that night to choose his name?

Mommy was jockeying for the

name Noah because, you know,

the Bible.

The Bible.

Yeah, and Dad kept

suggesting Enrique, Jr.


Well, Rebecca got

real quiet because she

was a little annoyed that we

were all voting on the name

of her firstborn child, right?


I was in the

doghouse that night,

and then the next morning,

when I woke up on the couch,

she told me she

was naming him Sam.

You see?

Yeah, and then when I told

Mom, I got in trouble again.

You really made yourself

at home at the Chateau

Bow-Wow that week, huh?

So your point is?

Rebecca was raised

differently than we were.

She was an only

child, so maybe she's

used to doing it

alone, figuring things

out, making her own decisions,

naming her own children.

OK, got to go back

to work, and I get it.

Thanks, Sis.

Thanks for looking after Noel.


This is your father?

Your mom talked about him

quite a bit in the interview.

Yep, that was him.

His name was Gabriel.

He built this whole

place for her.

It was his life mission to

make her happy, and he did.

You play guitar.

I do, but I'm a little rusty.

Your mother was bragging

about how good you are.


What else did my

mother tell you?

That she wished

you played more.

Hmm, yeah, I've been carrying

that around, hoping for stolen

moments when I

might dust it off,

but they've been few and

far between these days.

Where'd she find you, anyway?

At Ray's.

I don't know that restaurant.

Ray's Fitness.

I was teaching Zumba.

To my mom?

Yes, and others.

Wait a second, do you have any

actual restaurant experience?

I, uh, started hosting when

I was 16, waiting tables at 18.

I was head waitress at 21.

After I earned my

master's early,

I worked as a shift manager.

Wow, and when does

Zumba come into play?

One hour, three days a week.

Fitness is a big part of my

life, so I decided to teach it.

I guess actually I get paid to

work out, but it's a side gig.

Well, if I got

paid to work out,

I'd already have $0

in my bank account.

Uh, deliveries--

we get them out back.

Let me show you, so this way.

Who's this guy?

I don't know.

I think he's the Nutcracker.

Oh, man, that was

a crowd pleaser, huh?

I can't really feel the left

side of my body right now.

Oh, that's not good.


I forgot why The

Nutcracker became

one of our family traditions.

I mean, it doesn't really

translate to the screen.

I know it doesn't.

Maybe we could

skip it next year.

Yeah, no argument here.

That's progress.


Will you take Izzy

upstairs for me?

Of course.

Let's go, baby.

Hey, Sam.

Let's go upstairs, huh?

You're still

sleeping in Sam's room?

When you go back to your

room, I'll go back to my room.

Can you sing me a song?

Sweetheart, it's late,

and I can't feel my neck.



Silent night,

holy night, all is calm.

All is bright.



Can't you rap it or something?

Wouldn't that be blasphemous?

'Round yon

virgin, mother and child,

sleep in heavenly peace.


Tickle monster!

Tickle monster!

Tickle monster!

Oh, all right, time for bed.

Good night.

Love you.

Good night, Sam.

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.

I need a Advil.

Hey, do you want to

stay for a glass of wine,

help me finish decorating?

Yeah, of course.

Why are you smiling?

Because you don't

want me to leave.

To getting through it,

resetting, and finding

a positive path forward.

And to our new addition, Noel.

Is there anything else?

Anything else what?

Is there anything

else I can do for you?

I might have a list.

What's number

one on that list?


I can't sleep!

What does he expect

me to do about that?

I don't know.


Go to bed!

Wait, is Dad still here?

I was just walking

your father out.


I'll be up in just a minute.

Come on.


Come on.

Thanks for coming over.

Of course.

The movie was boring, but

the company was wonderful.

We should do it

again sometime soon.


Different movie, though.

Hey, can you pick up the

kids at 10:30 tomorrow?

I've got a book

signing at 11:00.

Aren't they in school?

No, it's that Teacher

Appreciation Day, remember,

so we're on our own.

That's right.

Well, tomorrow's not a good day.

I-- I have to train

the new assistant GM,

and then we have that holiday

party right around the corner.

Well, I can't change

the book signing.

It's been on the

schedule for a month,

and since I'm way

behind on the new one,

I definitely have to be there.


I'll figure it out.

You're sure?


I'll be there.

Everything OK?

Yeah, it just gets a

little finicky sometimes.

See ya.

See ya.

What are you doing?

I'm writing a letter to Santa.

You asked for a

puppy and got it.

I want a PlayStation.

Here, draw it.

Draw what?

A white box.

You're not going to get it.

It's not true of heart.

It is true of heart.

My heart truly wants it.

Hola, Maria.

Where have you been?

To the store.

I need some baking supplies.

Mm, where are the groceries?

Mm, you have five

seconds to come clean.

Fine, fine.

I need a PlayStation.


You want to play video games?

So you're just going to

keep checking the mail

every night between

now and Christmas?

What if they ask

you for something

you couldn't possibly get?

Maria, last Christmas

was our first Christmas

without your father,

and this year,

they might not even wake up

with their dad in their house.

They're my only grandkids.

I want to make Christmas

special for them.

OK, yeah, fine.

I get it.

I'm in, but ignore this

PlayStation business.

You'll spoil them.

Who, me?

Spoil my grandchildren?

Mami, next, they might

ask for a sports car,

and then what would you do?

Besides, everybody knows that

Santa only delivers on some

of the items on your wish list.

I told you so.


I'm getting that PlayStation.

No, no, that's not it.

Mom, please.

That's not it, either.

I-- I got it.

What's going on here?

His neck is sore, and he

can't turn in a certain way.

I can help work that out.

How many Enriques does it

take to screw in a light bulb?

More than one on this day.

Please do what you can.

This version of Enrique

is just no use to me.

Wow, I'm her employee.

This is a really nice space.


This is where you Zumba?

Yeah, this is it, is it?

Is that how you Zumba?

I guess.

Um, you know what?

Lay down.


I'm going to put this

right behind your neck.

Ay, ay.

It's my left side.

Just tilt your

head a little bit.

OK, that feels kind of nice.

Self-care is everything.

You ever take time to

just stretch and breathe

and check in with yourself?

No, not really.

I mean, it's hard, you know,

with Rebecca and the kids

and my mom, the

bistro, and Rebecca

and the kids and my mom.


Hey, kids.

I need you to get your

backpacks, please.

Your dad's going to

be here in a minute.

Chop chop.



My truck's not starting.

I'm supposed to pick up

the kids in 10 minutes.

Do you have any jumper

cables, by any chance?

No, sorry.

But do you need me

to get the kids?

I'm headed to the restaurant.

I could pick them up

and bring them there.

Well, I mean,

if you don't mind.

I just don't want

Rebecca to be late.

Not a problem at all.

Thank you.

You're a lifesaver.

I will text you the

address, and I'll

- let Rebecca know you're coming.

- OK.

- OK?

- Yeah.

OK, cool.

And thank you, really.

36 Cherry Lane.

Come on, man.


You must be Rebecca.

I'm Candace.


Do we know each other?

I know Enrique.


In what way?

Come on.

Did he call you?


Can I help you with something?

Uh, he's having

problems with his truck

and asked me if I

could pick up the kids.


Hey, I'm running late.

Yeah, I know.

Candace is here.




I work with your ex-husband.

He's not my ex.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I-- I didn't mean to assume.


We work together

at the restaurant.

OK, well, I don't know you, so

I'm going to wait for Enrique.

Yeah, of course.

I am so sorry.

Come on.

That was very awkward.

I am so sorry.

I tried calling.

I had to call the

bookstore and tell

them that I was going to be

late to my own book signing.

My truck

wouldn't start.

So you

send your assistant.

Candy is not my assistant.

She's the assistant GM.

Mm, you're the GM.

She's the assistant GM.

What am I missing here?

Well, she's also a

fitness professional,

and she was helping

me with my neck.

You don't need to

explain yourself to me.

I'm not your mother.

Why are you making

such a big deal about her

giving the kids a ride?

The kids know her.

She's nice.

You just said that you

don't have time for anything,

but you do have time to go to

the gym with your assistant.

She's not--

I cannot be late or more late

than you have already made me.

Lock the door when you leave.

Good luck.


I see you up there.

True or false, you're

in big trouble with Mom.


Why is mom so mad?

Because she's under a

lot of pressure at work.

She works very hard,

but it hasn't been easy.

Why don't you help her?

I'd like to, but she doesn't

seem to want my help right now.

True or false, you love

Mommy very, very much.


I do love Mom very, very much.

But she doesn't

love you anymore?

Wow, this is hard.

Um, I don't know what

Mom feels these days.

Why don't you ask her?

Do you want me to ask her?

I can do the true

or false thing.

No, sweetheart.

Come here, honey.

Look, it's been hard

for your mom and me, OK?

But I want you to

never forget this.

We love you two more than

anything in the world, OK?

How about this?

Why don't we come up with a--

with an extra special Christmas

present for Mom, hmm?

Do you want to help me do that?


How's therapy going?

It's frustrating.

We keep looking to

her for answers,

but she keeps telling us

to talk to each other.

And all I know is that

it's messy and difficult,

and it never used

to be that way.

But you still love him.

Of course, I still

love him, but I--

I miss the old him, the

him that was, like, singing

and writing all the time.

Do you know we used to

put the kids to sleep,

and then we'd go to

work in the same room?

I would work on my stories, and

he would work on his lyrics.

We'd bounce ideas

back and forth.

I was his muse.

He was mine.

It was great.

I looked forward to those times.

But now he's not

writing anymore.

He practically lives

at the restaurant.

I don't have a finished

story, and the advance

is already gone.

And we're less

than two weeks away

from that Christmas deadline.

I think you need to channel your

aggression about your marriage

into your work.


Take my confusion and

sadness and mild frustration

and put it into a

children's book.

Go home.

Get a good night's sleep.

Mr. Hines wants you in

tomorrow at 10:00 AM.

We have a surprise for you.

Rebecca, come in.

Have a seat.

Uh, this is Liam.

Liam, Rebecca.

Pleasure to meet you.

We just convinced Liam

to move here from London.

His last two books were

Carnegie Medal winners.

Wow, congratulations.

Thank you.

Liam is a top illustrator.

We want to put him on your book.

I see.

I'm hearing that we

have to have something

finished by Christmas Eve.

Why don't you give

him the premise,

and you can start working.

Of course, yeah.

The book is about two

children, a young girl

and her older brother.

And they go see Santa Claus.

And Santa gives

them a magic pen.

The parents are separated.

Mm, we don't really do

separated in children's books.

Well, I think it's

brilliant, refreshing.

Not every family comes in

a perfect little package

with a big red bow.

So yeah, what do they--

what do they ask for?

Well, a puppy at

first, and then the

asks get more heartfelt.

I like it.

Um, Santa gives the

kids a magic pen,

and they're going to use it

to do good for their family.

Yeah, I can run

with that for now.


Feel free to use the

conference room this afternoon.

All right.

Do you think she is lonely?

I don't know.


She's been grouchy

and sad, and she

doesn't have Dad to sing her

songs and make her laugh.


We need to cheer her up.

Come on, I have an

idea for another letter.


I'm telling you,

these kids are so cute.

They asked for a beautiful

bouquet of flowers

- for their mom.

- Aw.

Ooh, I think I

know just the ones.

Ooh, yeah.

There you go.


I know.


A beautiful

bouquet to brighten

your day where creative

ideas are free to bloom.

Love, Santa.

That's so sweet.

Sorry, sorry,

sorry, sorry, sorry.

Oh, I received the most

unexpected surprise

this morning.

It was incredibly thoughtful.

And I think I finally

have an idea for my book.


What is it?

A couple of kids

who write letters

to Santa with a magic pen.

That sounds cute.

And familiar.

So what happens?

I don't know yet.

What do they ask for?

Well, I don't have all

the details worked out,

but I just met with

my new illustrator.

He's great.

And I think the mere idea

that I have a collaborator

to bounce things off of

means that I'm actually

going to get this thing

done before the deadline,

and it is such a relief.

That's wonderful.

And what about the surprise?

It was the most

beautiful bouquet

of flowers I have ever seen--

peonies, roses, calla

lilies, the same flowers

that were in our wedding.

I can't tell you how

much it means to me.

Um, I wish I could take

credit for the flowers,

but I didn't send them.

What do you mean?

Oh, oh, because it's Santa.

Becca, it wasn't me.



Can you think of anyone

else who might have sent them,

maybe somebody from the office?

Like your illustrator?

I doubt it.

We just met.

I mean, it sounds like

a gift from an admirer.

You're the one who's going

to the gym with that ball

of energy from work.


Don't accuse me of anything.

All I did was open

my front door.


Let's talk about this because

you both seem pretty bothered.

Enrique, are you

exploring other options?




But yet just two

short months ago,

she was speaking to

a divorce lawyer,

and now she's getting

flowers delivered

to her doorstep, our doorstep?

It was just a conversation.

Enrique, how does

this make you feel?


It hurts.

In what way?

We stood in

front of our family

and our friends and

each other, and we

vowed to stay together forever.

And yet here we are.

And you go to a divorce lawyer?

Divorce is definitely

not temporary.

Enrique, I was struggling.

I was feeling a lot

of feelings, and I've

never been good at speaking

about things out loud.

And so I was just weighing

all of my options,

even though I never really

considered getting a divorce.

I'm serious.

I am so

proud of the two of you.

This was the most honest you

have been with each other

since I have met you.

This is great work.

I really don't know

if I can do this.

I'm really riled up right now.

That's exactly why we're here.

You need to loosen up,

relieve some stress.

Are there normally this

many men in this class?

No, it's the instructor.

I've never taken the class.

I've only watched

through the window.

Even I think she's attractive,

and I'm a tough sell.

So we're about a week away from

the Christmas Eve deadline.

I'm hoping there's some serious

Christmas magic happening.

Liam seemed to spark

some good ideas, right?

Yeah, there's

been some progress.


OK, let's hit it.

Woo, are you excited?

No way.

No, no, that's

Enrique's new assistant.


I'm out of here.

No, no, no, no, please stay.

It'll look really strange if

we walk out of here right now.

I don't care.

I don't--

Come on, just try it.

Look, the steps are so easy.

Add those arms!



Come on, Becca.

To the right!

Let's go!

Let's go.


Take it away.

Oh, oh, sorry, hold on, guys.

You, ma'am, you in the back.

- She's talking to you.

- The redhead?

- You need to go up there.

- Stop, stop.

- Stop.

- Hi, Rebecca.

Come on, cheer

her on, everybody.

She should go up there.

Hi, Rebecca.

Come up here.

I can help you with this.

OK, we're going to

take it from the left.


Get it, girl!



Get it, girl!

You look great!



Take it back now, y'all.



There you go!

Good job.


Oh, hi.

Thanks for stopping in.

I can't wait to see

what you've come up with.

By the way, is there

something that I

should be thanking you for?

Uh, I don't know.

Uh, why don't you, uh, check out

these concept drawings first,

and then you can decide, OK?

The story

isn't even finished yet,

and this is exactly

what I imagined.

It's well, just,

you know, concepts

to get the ideas going,

but I'm glad you like them.

How is the story going?

Uh, it's developing up here.


Maybe keep that to yourself.

Yeah, my lips are sealed.

Actually, that reminds me.

Do you have plans tomorrow?

Let me check my

wide-open schedule.

Oh, look at that.

I'm free.

Uh, why?

What's-- what's going on?

Well, my mother-in-law

owns a Mexican

restaurant down on Main Street.

Every year, they host a

gigantic holiday party.

Half the town shows up.

There's food and

games and prizes.

And anyway, I thought

you might like

to come and make some

friends outside the office.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, I'm down.


Oh, and wear an ugly

Christmas sweater.

I have just the one.


Thank you.

How's your new

book coming along?

It's in progress.

Any good ideas yet?

Yeah, I've got the basic idea.

I'm still working out

some of the details.

I could help you, Mom.

When I'm older, I want

to write a children's

book just like you.

Well, isn't that nice?

And I could certainly

use the help.

And I'm going to

write songs like Dad.

He's really getting good.

Is he now?

Well, listen, I want you

both to have all the choices

in the world, but the

most important thing

is to pick something

that you love

and that you work

really hard at it, OK?

Good night, you two.

Izzy, can you draw an elf?

Arriba, arriba!

Let's see.

Let's see.

Let's see what it is.

Let's see.

Is it jewelry?

They want an elf.

As in on a shelf?


They want an elf who can

help Rebecca with her book.


Dios mio, it's becoming

more challenging.

I don't know.

I told you it was

going to be hard.

Ta-da, there you go.

Yay, love Santa cakes!

That's awesome.

Thanks, Mom.


OK, so today at

the party, you are

going to meet the

illustrator for my new book.

His name is Liam.

Is he new?

Like, did he just

show up out of nowhere?

Yeah, kinda.

Does he have pointy ears?

I-- I don't know.

You are going to have

to see for yourself.

OK, eat up.

Dig in.

Dig in.

Rebecca, hi.

Hey, Liam.

Ooh, wow.

That is an excellent sweater.

I think you win.

Oh, this old thang?

It's just lying around for ages.

These are my kids.

This is Sam, and the

unicorn here is Izzy.

Very nice to meet you both.

I'm Liam.



Hi, baby.

Enrique, this is Liam.

We work together.

Nice to meet you.

He just showed

up out of nowhere.

Are you the new illustrator?

Yeah, I am.

I was a big admirer of

Rebecca's last two books,

so it was an easy decision to

move out here for a bit to work

with her and this publisher.

Hey, kids.


Go say hi.

Liam, come meet Candy.

Oh, OK.

Uh, see you guys around.

Come on, Daddy.

Win the polar bear for me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, here we go.

K, Izzy, here we go.

This is the lucky one.

Ah, another one.

It's OK, Daddy.

No, baby.

That polar bear is

going to be yours.

I promise.

Let's move on from this.

I'll be right back, OK?

Be right back.

You good?

Thank you.

Do you think he's handsome?

Who, Liam?


Uh, yeah.

But he's not.

One extra book of tickets.

Enrique, really?

Maria, really.

One more book.


Where do you

think he comes from?

The North Pole, obviously.

The pen is magic, which

means he was created by magic,

and therefore, he's

probably not human.

Thanks, Liam.

I love it so much.

Grandma, I want to

invite Liam as a guest

when me make tamales.

Oh, I don't think

Liam wants to do that.

Of course, he's invited.

On behalf of Izzy, I insist.

I'd love to.

So where do you come from?


I'm here working with your mum.

I'm, uh, I'm doing the

pictures for her book.

True or false, you

have Earth parents.

Uh, true.

Sam, Izzy, stop.

Some line of questioning.

What are you going to name?

Liam, after Liam.

Oh, that's nice of you.

I think Liam would be flattered.

He's nice, Mommy.

He is.

OK, good night, you two.

Good night, Mom.

Good night.

Good night.

Liam's not nice.

Yes, he is.

Not as nice as Dad.


I do miss Daddy.

Me, too.

Get the pen.

Oh my

god, look at this.

That's so cute.

Dear Santa, our wish

that is true of heart

is for our mom and dad

to be together again.

Please, help bring our family

back together for Christmas.

Love, Sam and Izzy.

Oh, that's so cute.

So happy you two

are here to help me.

Are you excited for Christmas?

Are Mommy and

Daddy broke down?

Are they ever--

Going to be fixed?

Are you forgetting

what time of the year this is?

It's Christmas.

Amazing things

happen at Christmas.

Believe me, much more

than Santa is at work.

But maybe, maybe we should

just give them some space.

I think this is

something that they need

to figure out on their own.

You know, some people

say that I meddle

in other people's business.

Yeah, my mom says that

about you all the time.

She does?

Maybe she's right.

All I'm saying is that even

though your heart may very well

be in a loving and

sincere place, sometimes,

the best move is to

move out of the way.

I don't understand.

I may just be

talking to myself.

That's good.

A little more water.

A little more elbow grease, Sam.

Nice job.

There we go.


he saying, Dad?

That their Christmas

tradition in London

is to get together and

make Yorkshire pudding.

I know that one.

Many hands make light work.

How do

you know that one?

Tita said it a million times.

How many languages you speak?

Uh, four.


you're like C-3PO.

Good one, Sam.

Oh, you could

learn a thing or two.

You're funny, Mom.

Yeah, Maria and

I were born here,

but Mom and Dad

came from Mexico.

And Dad wanted us to

fit in, so he only

spoke English around the house.

And that's why I didn't really

learn to speak it very well,

but I understand it

more than she thinks.

Well, you're not mentioning

that you spent two summers

in Mexico City with our abuela.

Oh, there's a word.

Good job.

So Liam, are you going to join

us for our Christmas video?

For what?

These guys don't

do a Christmas card.

Every year, they make

a Christmas video.

Oh, well, I don't know.

I mean, it sounds like

kind of a family thing.

Oh, well, last

year, they pulled

in their UPS driver, Marcus.

To this group,

everybody's family.




Come on, everybody.

Get in position.

Oh, oh, we're ready?

What about this?

That should be Dad dancing

with Mom, not some stupid elf.

Come on, we need to

see Santa and fix this.

Hey, kids, I'm making lunch!

Sam, Izzy, I'm making PB and J.




Let's get hot

chocolate and wait.

Enrique, the kids are missing.

I don't know where

they've gone, and there's

footsteps leaving the house.

- I'm coming.

- Thanks.


Thank you.

It's him.



I know it's him.

He has the red dot on his

nose and the same beard.

Can I help you?

Yes, Santa, you can.

That's some disguise,

but I recognize that red

dot on your nose anywhere.

Actually, um, it's

a mole, and, um,

I'm not who you think I am.

Oh, yes, you are.

Everything is all messed up.

I drew an elf, and you

brought us an Englishman.

Wait, what are you--

what are you talking about?

I-- I don't create people,

magically speaking.

I-- I can't do that.

I mean, I can do some pretty

amazing things, but I mean,

I'm not some all-powerful

wizard or genie in a bottle.

Santa, we asked for our

parents to be back together.

We wrote you a letter

with the magic pen.

Not one thing happened.

They didn't hold hands,

or they didn't kiss.

You can't just go around

giving kids magic pens

and breaking little

girls' hearts.

I remember who you are.

You're the one that

pulled my beard, right?


Look, as I recall, when I

first met you, your parents

didn't seem very happy, right?

We don't just want

our parents to be happy.

We want them to be together.

I mean, we want

them happy together.

Yeah, what she said.

Listen, your parents

make their own choices.

I can't make their

choices for them.

Then what's the point

of the stupid pen?

It can't even give

us what we want.

Our parents are still apart,

and I don't have a PlayStation.

Look, listen.

It can still help you get

what you want if what you're

asking for is something

that's for the good

of everybody involved.

The magic isn't in the pen.

It's inside of you,

and the best magic

is what happens when you

believe in something so deeply

that anything is possible.

But that never

works with unicorns.

Well, that's because

unicorns aren't real--

- -ly, really rearranging

their schedules to appease

the wishes of a little girl.

That's not what I meant.

Um, well, don't-- don't

get me started on unicorns,

OK, because they're--

they're very complicated.

They're needy, and they're

a little full of themselves,

if you ask me.

So just saying.

Where are your parents?

And, flip.

Look at me, winning the game.

I'll beat you, Santa.

And, flip.

You two have a lot

of explaining to do.

Sam, you are the big brother.

You are supposed to be

the responsible one,

and you took your little

sister on a joy ride downtown?

You leave the house.

You didn't leave a note.

You didn't say a word.

You almost gave

me a heart attack.

Christmas is not looking

good for either one

of you this year.

You just made the biggest

mistake of your life,

and it is possible you

might not even get presents.



So these are your parents?

No, never seen them

before in my life.

Um, we're going to

have to see some ID.

Oh, come on.

You two go to your room now.

Our children snuck

out to ask Santa

to make us fall in love again.

What are we doing to our kids?

Maybe we should just

celebrate Christmas separately.

Is that what

you want, Rebecca?

I don't know.

I just--

Look, you don't have to figure

it all out on your own, OK?

We're all here for you.

This is not the way

we did it in my family.

Rebecca, we're your family.

What do you want?

You know what I want, the

same thing the kids want.

It's what I always wanted.

True or false, you are going

to quit the restaurant one day

and go back to

making your music.



True or false, you are never

going to forgive me for putting

that money into the restaurant.


True or false, you're going

to file the divorce paperwork,

but you're waiting

until after Christmas

so it doesn't ruin the

holiday for the kids.

I didn't talk to that lawyer

because I wanted a divorce.

I went there to make sure

that I didn't want that.

I was going through a hard time.

I was looking for answers

anywhere I could find them.

Baby, why didn't

you just talk to me?

Just let me get through

this presentation, OK?


I am under so much

pressure right now,

and the hard deadline is

Christmas Eve morning.

And it is deliver or bust.


Then let's deliver.

You make it sound so easy.

No, no, no, like my

mom says, many hands.

We'll work together

to make it easy.

We can-- we can host a practice

pitch at the restaurant.

Sam, Izzy, and I

can participate.

My mom can make some food.

You can-- you can

invite Liam and Vanessa.

We'll make it a party.

Come here.

You don't have to do

it by yourself, OK?

You're not alone.

You're wonderful.

Thank you.

Come here.

Ooh, buuelos are done.

You're doing too much.

People tend to be more

creative when they're well fed.

Place is all set up

for when people arrive.


Would you like me

to put these out?

Yes, please.

Thank you.

She seems pretty great.

She is.

That's why I hired her.

You know Enrique doesn't want to

work at the restaurant forever.

Did he tell you that?

He didn't have to.

I know my son.

I know it's not his dream

to run this restaurant.

Then why have you

let him for so long?

I'm sorry.

That came out really rude.

Come here.

Let me talk to you.

You know, um, when

Gabriel passed, I, uh--

I was left with much

more than a broken heart.

The last year he was

alive, his medication

expenses went through the roof.

We went through our

savings, our retirement.

We pulled money

from the restaurant.



We were close to losing

the business entirely.

I'm sorry, Camilla.

I had no idea the

extent of the situation.

The money you and Enrique

invested kept me afloat,

and with Enrique's help,

we had a great summer.

And we just finished the best

fall quarter we have ever had.

When the dust settles and we

get through the end-of-the-year

books, I'm going to

get that investment

back to you and Enrique.


Enrique supported

me when I quit

my teaching job to

pursue my dreams

of writing children's books.

And I had some success, and

I wanted him to have a turn.

I wanted him to be able to write

songs and open a music school

and not give up on his dreams.

So I asked for an advance,

and I gave him the money.

And he gave it to you.

He invested it in

the restaurant,

and I had no idea why till now.

It's my fault. I told Enrique

I don't like other people

knowing my business.

I just didn't dream--

His wife would fall into

the other people category?

Enrique hasn't forgotten

about his dreams or you.

He just put them on hold

to help his old mom.

Vanessa and hot Liam are here.

I just refer to him

that way in my mind.

I didn't mean to

say that out loud.

Our little secret?



Rebecca, let's make

this your best book yet,

and then we can fix

whatever nonsense is going

on between you and my son.

Then we can put this to bed.

You make writing a

children's book sound so easy.

Oh, no, many hands

make light work.

OK, so we pitch to executives

tomorrow at 10:00 AM,

so the story needs to

be airtight by the time

we leave today.

So tell me what we have so far.

We have two kids who

meet Santa at a bookstore.

And Santa gives

them a magic pen.

Yep, and whatever they ask

for with that pen, they get.

Well, not everything.

Right, because what if

they ask for a sports car?

Sure, it has to

be within reason.

Within reason

isn't very magical.

This is a children's book,

not a journalistic study

of Christmas.

But there are certain things

that Santa can and cannot do.


I agree.

We need rules.

Santa likes when

the wish is selfless.

It means more when you ask

for something that'll bring

happiness to someone else.

A compassionate Santa.

I like it.

Then what?

So the kids use the pen to

test out if the magic is real

or if it's just a cheap toy.

They use it to

ask for a puppy.

And do they get it?

Of course.

Yes, because a puppy brings

happiness to the entire family,

and it brings the family

closer to one another.

Then what?

Then they ask for a bike,

stuffed animals, toys, games.


But they don't

get any of that.

No, they do not.

So they start

to ask for things

that are more meaningful.

Such as?

For Santa to bring

our mom flowers

so she feels valued

and cared for.

Did you write to

Santa and ask for--

Well, maybe, but

we're just trying

to help you with the story.

Oh, that's sweet.

Then what?

They ask Santa to send

out one of his elves

to help her finish the book.

Yeah, spark her creativity.

You did?

I mean, they do?

And does he help?

Of course.

He's magic.

The elf is a nice touch.

I like it.

So-- so how does that end?

Everybody, everybody,

close your eyes.

Clear your mind.

So the kids write

a letter to Santa

asking for what they

always wanted, for Mom

and Dad to get back together.

They sit down to

write that letter,

and they realize that

the ink has run out.


But it turns out that they

didn't need that pen at all.

Now they do.

Yeah, they don't

because the magic

has already been set into

motion, and all the things

that I did--

I mean, all the

things the pen did

brings everybody

closer to one another.

Mm-hmm, so Becca,

bring us home.

It's Christmas morning, and--

And the kids wake up,

and Mom and Dad are--

Kissing under the mistletoe.

So good, yes.

Oh my god, girlfriend.

I just feel good.



You gave the kids that puppy.

Santa did.

No, it was you.

You put the bow on

her, and you named

her Noel because that's Izzy's

favorite Christmas movie.

I don't know what

you're talking about.

Do you guys want

to see a funny video?


Well, behold a

modern-day Santa Claus.


Can you believe that?

Wait, did you put flowers

in front of our house as well?

Wait, Mom.

No, that gave me

so much anxiety.

You have no-- she doesn't

know what I went through.

Oh, I want to see.

Actually, yeah,

that one was me.

I did that delivery.


Oh, so you're a Santa's

little helper, huh?

I mean--


Mira, the kids asked Santa

for a bouquet of flowers

for their mom, and it

was our job to help.

And since we couldn't deliver

on the PlayStation or the elf,

well, we got the flowers.

We did.

Actually, we haven't been able

to deliver on the PlayStation,


We've been too busy for

last-minute shopping.

Dear Santa.

You got this.


been a long time--


since I wrote.



Excuse us.

So sorry we're late.

Dear Santa.

Thank you all for being


I think it's

about time last we spoke.

This story starts with

two young children who go--

I once

believed in fairy tales.

I once believed

that love prevails,

and I believed you'd

always be true.

Dear Santa, I don't know

where the years have gone.

Dear Santa, I'm all grown

up with kids of my own.

That is wonderful.

I think we've got a

lot to consider here.

Thank you, sir.

They were very impressed, and

you two played a huge part

in helping to create the story.

It was a family effort.

I couldn't have

done it without you.

When is Dad coming

home tomorrow?

I don't want to open

presents without him.

As soon as you wake

up, we will call him,

and he'll come right over.

I forgot to leave

cookies out for Santa.

I'll take care of it for you.

Can you give Santa

his magic pen back?

Yeah, of course, I can.

What are you doing?

I brought you your

Christmas present.

Why didn't you just

knock on the front door?

I've always felt a

little weird knocking

on the door of my own house.

Plus, I didn't want

to disturb the kids.


Where's my present?

Hang on.

Hmm, true or false, you want

me to be here in the morning

when the kids wake up.

True, but it scares me.

What if we end up back

here a year from now,

and the kids have to go through

the whole thing all over again?

Funny you should ask.

Why don't I give you

your present now?

You've been writing?

Well, you inspired

me to write this one,

so I had to make it

happen with a little help

from Sam and Izzy, of course.

While you were working, you--

OK, Rebecca, I'm going to

need you to stop talking so I

can play you your song, OK?

Come on, let's sit down.


memories fill my mind,

so many happy holiday times.

I see the flashes of your

laughing, beautiful face.

All I want is to be near while

we spread our Christmas cheer

and wrap our children in

the blanket of our love.

Sometimes, it's a bumpy road

that makes a memory shine,

and sometimes, we love

stronger after broken time.

So I'll take the good,

and I'll take the bad.

And I'll take the

happy, and I'll

take the sad as long

as I'm your husband

and as long as I'm their dad.

I wasn't done.

I'm so sorry.

I feel like I lost

part of myself,

and I really just needed

you there with me.

I needed my partner,

my other half,

and I was so scared to lose you.

But then when I started to write

the book, you weren't there.

I know.

I'm so sorry.

I was just focused on

all the wrong things.

I got angry and

fixated on the money,

but really, I was

just missing you,

you being the kind of man

who steps up for his family,

for his mom.

That's the man I

fell in love with.

Ooh, come inside.

It's freezing.


I'm so happy

you're writing again.


Oh, who's there with you?

Hi, Vanessa.

Hi, Enrique.

Nice to see you there.

So do you have news for me?

You nailed it!

Just based off your pitch,

they pre-ordered 25,000 copies.


They were over-the-moon

impressed with all of it.

That's-- that's amazing!


I feel like I should go.

I'm so proud of you.

Merry Christmas.


This is what I wished for!

Dad, this is what I wished

for more than anything

for Christmas, for you to be

here with Mom like before.


Oh, wow.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

It's for you, Sam.

Saved the best for last.

Open it.

Wait, who is that from?


It says, "Dear Sam, since you

asked for it a hundred times,

I just had to deliver."

When the tree goes

up and the snow comes down.

A PlayStation!



Silent night.

I've waited way too long.

Izzy, the last

present is for you.

Bells are

ringing, singing

every single Christmas song.

Come sit with me.

Sit down by the fire.

I hope you've got some time.

We've got a lot to cover.

And we're

singing every line,

and maybe we can start--

Dear Santa,

I'm writing you a letter.

Dear Santa, I'm

writing you a letter.

Dear Santa, I'm

writing you a letter.

Dear Santa.
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