A Prince and Pauper Christmas (2022)

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A Prince and Pauper Christmas (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, for crying out loud.

- Agent Maxwell, well,

fancy seeing you here.

- I thought I told

you to lay low.

Or did you forget you were

supposed to be undercover?

- No harm in ordering

an overpriced drink

while I wait, is there?

- You can order a drink

from the mini fridge.

Now we need to get

back up to the room.

Let's go.

Let's go.

- Wow, you're feisty.

- I just love your pin.

- Oh, thank you.

It's a cardinal.

- And your sweater.

I just have to say, can

I get a better look?

Wow, your sweater is beautiful.

- Thank you.

Are you here for the

gala on Christmas Day?

- Oh, afraid not.

- Oh, I happen to be on

the inviting committee.

- You don't say.

- Here, a couple of invitations

in case you change your mind.

It's for a good cause.

- Wow, thank you so

much, you sweet lady.

- Mm-hm.

- We'll catch the next one.

What are you doing?

What part of laying low

don't you understand?

- Don't be such a

scrooge, Agent Maxwell.

Come on, Christmas gala.

Listen to this.

"The Prince of Jakovia

cordially invites you

to ensure that all

children of the world

have a very merry Christmas."

- Yeah.

- Is Jakovia even a real place?

Prince Alexander.

- Oh dear.


were you thinking?

- Well, I was simply

performing my princely duties,

you know, mingling

with the subjects.

- Mingling, is that

what we're calling it?

- I'd classify it as snogging.

- I'll not have it.

You're a prince, not a pauper.

I'm not getting any

younger, Alexander.

Sooner or later the people

of our great country

will look to you for leadership,

and you'll be expected

to lead with wisdom,

compassion, maturity,

and less mingling.

I need to know that you are

ready for the responsibility.

- I am, Father, I am.

- Excellent.

As luck would have it, the

Jakovia Childcare Foundation

has a Christmas fundraiser

this weekend across the pond.

It's the perfect

opportunity for you

to present a more, shall I

say, responsible appearance.

- I don't know.

Are you banishing me

from the kingdom, Father?

- I've sent your

butler, Grady, ahead

to make the necessary


and to ensure that the

trip is a successful one.

- No, you sent him

there to babysit me.

- Need I remind you

that your behavior

reflects upon our

country, the monarchy,

and most importantly of

all, your late mother.

After all, she was born there.

- And if I decline?

- Then I would have no

choice but to displace you

in the line of succession.

- I will not

disappoint you, Father.

- Well then, I suggest

you start packing.

The royal jet

leaves in one hour.

- As you wish.

Bad news,

we're out of iced lattes,

sparkling coconut water,

and designer cola.

- There's plenty of eggnog.

- I hate eggnog.

- Oh, come now, where's

your holiday spirit?

- Holiday spirit?

Anything that tastes the same

fresh and sour isn't for me.

Besides, for what I'm doing,

should be able to

order whatever I want.

And you know what, the surf

and turf, that's looking good.

- Pull this off and I'll upgrade

you to the Maine lobster.

How about that?

All right, let's

get his earpiece in.

- Where do I put this?

Oh boy.

- Tough crowd.

- All right, relax,

just like we practiced.

- Yeah, easy for you to say.

You don't have to go in there.

- Well, there is a lot

at stake here, Patrick.

And I'm not just talking

about your dinner.

- Hm.

- You all right?

Let's go ahead and do a check.

Go ahead, say something.

- Something.

- Great.

You're gonna knock 'em dead.

- Yeah.

More worried about

them knocking me dead.

- They wouldn't have

called the meeting

if you weren't one of the

best thieves in the business.

- That's right, I am, aren't I?

- Yeah, just channel

that confidence

you displayed earlier

in the hotel lobby.

- What are you, what

are you talking about?

- When you charmed

that sweet lady

and then swiped her

diamond tennis bracelet.

- What can I say?

Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

- Okay.

Remember, confidence.

- Yeah.

Suite 702.

Got it.

- Right, pick up

the pace, Patrick.

You're not going to

get a colonoscopy.

- Metaphorically I am.

- And remember, no

matter what happens,

do not respond to me.

- Sorry.

Yeah, I forgot.

- You just did it again.

Okay, remember, confidence.

- Confidence, confidence.

- Stand tall. Waltz in.

- All right, so who do I talk to

about using my very

particular set of skills?

- Easy does it, Liam Neeson.

- Your very particular

set of skills?

- What can I say, stealing

treasure is my pleasure.

See that?

- Yeah.

Looks like someone sees you.

Someone who will likely lead

us further up the food chain.

Play along.

Maybe our mystery guest

will reveal themselves.

- So we gonna do this or what?

- Very good, sir.

So tell me about your

most recent score.

- Show him the bracelet

in your pocket.

Tell him how you got it.

- As a matter of

fact, I just took this

off a lady in the

elevator today.

- You're a pickpocket.

- This is a $90,000 bracelet.

- And you won't mind leaving it.

- Don't even think about it.

We have to return it.

- Oh, you're gonna have to

hire me first if you want it.

- Good answer.


just, not laughing.

- Yes.


We'll be in touch.

- No, I said the red one.

- It is only

natural for a father

to consider the reputation

of his only son.

Responsibility isn't a death

sentence, Your Highness.

- I know, it just

sounds so boring.

- Then allow me to point out,

American women adore royalty.

- Do they?

Just look at

your mother and father.

- Oh, no, no, no.

Grady, that was different.

- How so?

- Because they met doing

a humanitarian mission.

They bonded over

their compassion for

the less fortunate.

- So you believe she would've

been equally enamored

with your father if

instead of a prince

he were, you know?

- A pauper?

You know, I'm beginning to think

that maybe being a pauper

might actually be more fun.

- Well.

- All right, Grady.

Let us find an American

woman to adore me.

Please tell me we're not

bringing the crown jewels.

- Your father

insisted, I'm afraid.

I'm sure he longs

for the day when the monarch

would sit atop the

golden throne as well.

- And have a safe flight.

And I will see you at the

airport when you land.

- All right, I'll see you soon.

Looks like

I'm off to California.

- Excellent work, Agent Maxwell.

Please keep me posted.

- Thank you, sir.

- Yeah.

Something else on your mind?

- Is it true that Agent

Hadley is retiring?

- Sydney.

- You know I've

closed more cases

than anyone else in this office.

- And your hard

work is appreciated.

- But?

- But the bureau looks at

more than just numbers.

- Sir?

- To be a good

supervising agent,

you have to manage

personalities as well as data.

- You know this job

is in my blood, sir.

My father was-

- Your father would

agree with me.

He gave me this my first

Christmas of the job.

- Sounds like Dad.

- Yeah, he was an

amazing mentor,

but he was also a good friend.

Your dad could think

outside the box,

you know, big picture stuff.

Your dad had people skills.

- I have people skills.

- Huh.

When was the last time

you took time off?

I'm not saying

no, but I'm saying

it would be helpful if

you showed a little range.

You bring down Hugo, come

back in, and we'll discuss it.

- Should be heading back.

- Mm-hmm.

I believe I promised our

CI a Maine crustacean.

- So I'd say we're done, huh?

- No, they're gonna call back

and schedule another meeting.

Presumably with whoever

was on the other

side of that snowman.

- Oh, so I have to go back in?

- Do I need to remind you

that I'm the only thing

standing between

that filet mignon

and a tray full of chipped

beef at a prison cafeteria?

- I could run.

- Try it and I'll

jingle your bells so bad

you'll never be able to ride

in a one-horse open

sleigh ever again.

- Is that supposed

to be a threat?

- Just save me a bite.

Thank you.

- You're itinerary,

Your Highness.

- Oh my.

Could our schedule

any more packed?

- May remind you, your

father sent you here

specifically to ensure the

success of the Christmas gala.

- And it will be a huge success.

But, Grady, surely

there's some time

that we can make to

enjoy the local culture.

- Do be careful with that case.

Its contents are irreplaceable.

- Uh, um.

- Well then, Father

shouldn't have insisted

on bringing such dated trinkets.

- Those trinkets

just happen to be two

of the most iconic symbols

of the Jakovian monarchy.

- A scepter? Seriously?

- Don't worry.

The case will be safe

in the hotel vault.

- Oh, that makes me

feel so much better.

- Here, while you two take

care of the crown jewels,

I'm gonna grab a

quick bite to eat.

- Wait a minute, was he

kidding about the jewels, or?

- The vault.

- Right this way.

- Good morning, Agent Nolan.

- Agent Maxwell.

- How's our guest doing?

- Still sleeping.

- And you've been

here the whole time?

- Yes.

I did step away for a phone

call, but only for a moment.

- Oh no.

Only for a moment, hm?

What do you think you're doing?

- Oh, hello.

I'm having breakfast.

I'm famished.

- How's that even possible?

- Well I do have

quite the appetite.

- Of course you do.

Look, I don't know where you

got this outfit or the accent,

but this is certainly not

keeping a low profile.

I need you upstairs in my suite.

- You need me in your suite?

- Yes, right away.

- Wow, Grady really

wasn't kidding.

- Who's Grady?

He's here.

- He who?

- Just get upstairs

and get comfy.

I'll be up in a minute.

- I'll be needing a key card.

- Here.

Give me this.

- Oh, my croissant.

- You can order more when

you get upstairs. Go.

- As you wish.



- Who do you think

you're looking at?

- Yoo-hoo!

- He's in the lobby.

- Quick, I need a place to hide.

- Got your back, sir.

- Target's on the move.

I'm headed back upstairs.

What do you think you're doing?

- Getting comfy.

Join me.

- That's them.

- That's whom?

- The call we've

been waiting for.

- It is.

- Yes. Why aren't you

answering your phone?

- Dear, my phone.

I'm afraid I left it-

- On the table. Hurry.

- I'm sorry.

I'm a bit confused.

- He wants to meet with you.

- Who wants to meet with me?

- The boss.

- Your boss?

- Your boss.

Oh, for crying

out loud, Patrick,

it's not rocket science.

Just find out when and

where they wanna meet.

- Um, Patrick?




this is Patrick.

When would you like to meet?

What'd you have

for dinner last night?

- Grilled duck and

garlic roasted potatoes.

- You're not Patrick.

- Oh, thank heavens.

No, I'm not Patrick.

- So who are you then?

His twin?

Is this payback

for arresting him?

- Arrest?

No, I assure you I'm

no relation to Patrick.

- Huh.

Then who are you?

- I'm Alexander.

And now that I think

about it, I do believe

I ran into your Patrick in

the lobby earlier today.

Yes, there is a slight

smidge of resemblance.

- Smidge of resemblance?

You're his doppelganger.

- Hm.

- No, I don't want champagne.

- Suit yourself.

If you

could do me a quick favor.

Next time you see this Patrick,

if you wouldn't mind

getting my watch back.

It's my father's.

- This is great. Great.

No, this is awesome.

I lost my informant, my case,

and after my boss

catches wind of this,

likely my entire career

in law enforcement.

- Excuse me?

Is it really all that grim?

- Do you have any idea

what was riding on this?

Do you have any

idea what it's like

to constantly live in

your father's shadow?

To be held to some

impossible standard

only to have it all

just be washed away?

- Well yes.

Yes, actually, I do.

- Really?

- Tell you what, since I

happen be the doppelganger

of this Patrick, allow

me to be your Patrick.

Is that funny?

- I don't even know you.

I couldn't put you in

such a dangerous position.

- Dangerous position?

Is that was all this is?

That is so exciting.

Are we undercover?

- No, Patrick is undercover.

- I could be him.

- You just happen to be

at the wrong place

at the wrong time.

- No, no, no, I happen to be

at the right place

at the right time.

And I happen to have

a perfect opportunity

to save a damsel in distress.

- Damsel.

Let's get one thing

straight, Alexander.

I'm no damsel.

Got it?

- Yes, perfectly clear.

I stand corrected.

The way that I see it is

you only have two options,

and only one of them allows

you to keep your job.

- No, no, this is nuts.

I can't put you, a stranger,

into a room full of criminals.

It's nuts.

- Pardon me if I may.

I was a commander in the

Royal Jakovian regiment.

I can handle myself.

Plus I'm a quick study.

- Jakovia, huh?


- So you're here for

the Christmas gala?

- Yes, as a matter

of fact, I am.

I'm a special agent, the

head of the royal security.

Your clock is ticking.

And I'm sorry,

what is your name?

- Sydney Maxwell.

Agent Maxwell.

- Agent Maxwell, appears

you're in some deep trouble.

What have you got to lose?


Let's get you wired.

- This is definitely

some good fine chocolate.

You know what I'm saying?

Come on, these are awesome.

Thank you very much, Uncle

Cliff, for your rum balls.

Did you know they're

actually made with real rum?

- No.

Here, man.

You know what?

Cheers to never having to

see Agent Jingle again.

- Cheers to that, bro.

- Man.

Mm, mm. You know what?

Seriously, thank you.

Thank you for rescuing

me, didn't you?

- Of course.

You know, you're not so

bad for a king or whatever.

- Yeah, the king of rum balls.

- Rum balls.

- Okay, remember.

- You'll feed me information

through an earpiece,

but I never acknowledge.

- And?

- Convince whoever's

in charge to hire me

so I can make my way up the

organizational structure.

- And?

- Your supervisor

will be listening.

So as far as anyone at

the bureau is concerned,

from here on out I am Patrick.

I told you I was a quick study.

Don't worry, we'll be fine.

- Okay, easy on the American.

We're in position.

- Proceed.

I thought it was


I've arrived.

- Okay, look around the room.

- Nice decorations.

- See that snowman?

It's a hidden camera.

You're being watched.

- So am I gonna get to meet

the wizard behind the curtain

or is this just gonna

be a waste of my time?

The great and

powerful Oz in the flesh.


- Patrick Kelly.

Yeah, I've been watching you.

- I noticed.

- So tell me, are you as

good as Vin tells me you are?

- Better.

- Yeah? Well, I hope so.

'Cause if you want a

job in our organization,

you're gonna have to earn it.

- A challenge.

- Man's quick, Vinny.

So you familiar with

Dimitri Dragovich?

Who isn't?

- European criminal,

extortion, racketeering.

Has a passion for

fine arts and jewelry.

Hugo used to work for him.

- Your old boss.

- Very good.

Anyway, Dimitri's hosting

a holiday party tonight

in his estate in Montecito.

- Hm, let me guess.

You want me to steal

something from him.

That is a first edition

of "A Christmas Carol"

printed in London by

Chapman & Hall in 1843

with a fine Riviere

binding and inner gilt.

Signed by Charles

Dickens himself.

- There's only one in existence.

- Thought you said this

was gonna be a challenge.

- It's one of Dimitri's

most prized possessions.

- It's funny, I didn't take you

as a collector of

fine literature.

- I want to give it to my

Mammina for a Christmas present.

All right,

let's say I do this for you.

Then what?

- You just see to it that

my Mammina gets that book,

and we'll talk.

- Can I bring a

date to Dimitri's?

- What are you doing?

- After all, it is a party.

- Earpiece on.

- Oh.

- You did good in there.

How'd you know so much

about that book anyway?

- I minored in classic

literature at Oxford.

- Hm.

And the suggestion for

a date, good thinking.

- Well, I figured it

wouldn't be a good idea

to go into Dimitri

Dragovich's inner sanctum

without some kind of backup.

- You're not going into

anyone's inner anything.

- But why not?

You saw how well I did in

there, and that was bloody fun.

- Because I'm on thin

ice enough as it is.

I'm not gonna risk your

life and my career.

- I'm the only one

who knows that book.

You know what's funny?

You might be a better

Patrick than Patrick.

- Sounds like we

have a date then.

- How many times

must I tell that boy

to hold onto his phone?


Your Highness, are you here?

Your Highness?

Your Highness!

You're the adoring American?

I'm actually


- Help me get the prince

back to the suite.

- Oh.

- Your Highness, you're awake.

- What? Where am I?

- Your suite.

- My suite?

- Alexander, you've

really done a number

on yourself this time.

And what's with the accent?

- Alexander?

- Come, have some tea.

I brought it from home.

- Home?

- Camomile, Jakovia's finest.

- Oh look, I think there

must be some mistake.

- No mistake, Your Highness.

- Why do you keep

calling me Your Highness?

- Look, I know you and

your adoring American

were having a good time.

But it's really past time

for games, don't you think?

We have a full agenda

and the decorator will

be here any moment.

So eat up.

- Okay, look, I don't

think you know who I am.

- I figured you'd be hungry.

So I ordered one of everything.

- Look, I already

told you, all right.

I am your Royal Highness,

Prince Alexander of Jakovia.

- All of this just

sounds delightful.

Wouldn't you say, Your Highness?

Your Highness?

- Hm?

Yeah, what his said.

- Thank you for your time.

I think you'll find

the preparations

will go a lot smoother if

you actually pay attention.

- Do we really have

to do this all day?

- The caterer will be

coming by in 20 minutes.

- If you can go down

to the gift shop,

there is one thing that

will help me pay attention.

- When I first heard

your plan, Agent Maxwell,

I was skeptical,

but I was wrong.

Your father would be

very proud of you.

- Thank you, sir.

- What is an eight letter

word for Christmas?

Starts with a Y.

- Yuletide.

- Oh yes. Perfect,

perfect, perfect.

Now you sure this

guy's gonna be able

to get the book for you?

- What can I say?

He's a master of deception.

- Christmas animal,

seven letters.

- Mm, Christmas

animal, seven letters?

- Caribou.

- Are you listening

to my conversation?

- Yes, no, maybe just a little.

- One second, sir.

- Oh, oh my.

- Yello.

- Grady, is that you?

- Um,


- But you sound different.

- Sorry, I have

food in my mouth.

- Okay, right.

Listen, I only have a moment.

I've met an American.

Her name is Sydney.

- Did you say Sydney?

- Yes.

She's an FBI agent

and I'm assisting her

with a bit of a ruse.

We're going undercover at

a Christmas party tonight.

So I have no idea what

time I'll be back.

- Don't worry.

Take your time.

- Wonderful.

Oh, also you should know,

the person I'm impersonating,

he stole my watch, just in case

you try to run the tracker.

- Oh, good to know.

- Good.

Oh, I'm gonna need a

suit and some toiletries

so I can get cleaned up.

- Your Highness, your

bag, it was lost.

- It was?

- They said you could

get everything you need

at the gift shop downstairs.

- Grady, good thinking.

- Have fun.

- Right. Cheerio.

I sent Grady

to the gift shop.

- Everything okay at

the old home office?

- Well, it will be, provided

we actually pull this off.

- We'll be fine.

- Okay, well, we still

have to get you cleaned up.

- Oh, unfortunately it seems

some of my luggage went missing.

But it's all right.

I've been informed that

the gift shop downstairs

should have

everything we require.

- Yeah, you know, like, mm.

- His Royal Highness

has requested something

called a rum ball.

- Mm-hm.

- Okay, toiletries, toiletries.

Oh, bingo.

- Thank you for doing

this, Agent Maxwell.

I'm gonna grab a snack.

- Sure. Okay.

- Hey, hey, you know what?

My headache, it's gone.

- What about your rum balls?

- Everything is fine.

I'm, I'm really,

I'm, I'm, I'm okay.

I'm great.

Let's go back upstairs

and order some lobster.

- Why are you speaking American?

Because this highness

wants to blend in.

Let's, let's go back upstairs.

All right.

- All set?

- I believe I have everything.

- All right, well

we need to get you

some appropriate clothing.

- I saw some in the

window out front.

- Okay, let's go.

Well, we didn't do too bad.

- Yes, I think so.

Agent Maxwell, are you coming?

- Yes, coming.


Are you okay?

- Your radiance,

it's breathtaking.

- I'm sure it's just the heels.

Here, let me.

- How did you learn

how to do this so well?

Boyfriend? Husband?

- Father.

There you go.

- Let's have a look.

There's one more thing.

I noticed a bird

motif on your bag

and then I saw you, well,

looking at this.

- I can't accept that.

I'm an agent.

You're my informant.

- Nonsense.

Technically I'm

not your informant.

Please, allow me.

- I love cardinals.

It's very sweet and thoughtful.

Thank you.

- Beautiful.


let's go steal a

Dickens, shall we?

This is my first

undercover assignment.

How exciting.

- Here comes Dimitri

and his wife Valerie.

- Dimitri.

- Patrick.

Good to see you again.

- You too. Valerie.

- And who have we here?

- This is my girlfriend, Sydney.

- Nice to meet you, Sydney.

And what do you do?

- I'm a librarian.

- Oh, well, you have

to see our collection

of first edition literature.

- Mm.

- That sounds lovely.

Oh, Monet.

I saw the original

at the National Gallery

in London last year.

What a remarkable recreation.

- Or is the recreation the

one on display in London?

- You mean?

- You see?

Impressed already.

Please take all the time you

like to admire our collection.

Just remember, my husband

has armed security.

A joke.


- Right, a joke.

The looks on your


But seriously, don't touch.

- Wouldn't dream of it.

Show time.

You think we're being watched?

- Well we most certainly are.

Kiss me.

- What?

- We're standing

under mistletoe.

- And?

- Kiss me.

- What are you doing?

- Jamming all the recording

devices in the room.

For a moment there I forgot

you weren't actually Patrick.

- What makes you think I

don't know how to pick a lock?

Hm. Can I borrow your necklace?

- Sure.

And one of these.

When I was at Eton, we were

playing pranks on each other.

I had to break into

my flatmate's room


glue everything in place.


Won't you do the honors?

Well it may not be the

Monet, but it'll do.

- Here.


now with celebrity news.

It is definitely not 1999,

but that doesn't stop

this well-known prince

from partying like it is.

The notorious playboy

prince, Prince Alexander,

who is in town to host a

benefit Christmas gala-

- You're a prince.

At the

famous Stevens Hotel

was spotted partying

on down with the locals

at a popular nightspot in

downtown Santa Barbara.

- We really need to get going.


Jakovian's King Claude

could possibly be retiring soon.

The question on

everybody's mind is,

could this perpetual party

boy be the future of Jakovia?

Prince Alexander

charmed his way-

- Remind you of anyone?


- I've got an idea.

Where's Patrick?

- What the dickens?

- Oh.

- Will you just wait a moment?

- How could you not tell

me you were a prince?

- My birthright should have

no bearing on the situation.

- You don't get it.

You, the prince of Jakovia,

could have been hurt,

and it would've been

my responsibility.

- No, my life has no greater

value than anybody else's.

Every single person

on this planet

should be regarded

as equally valuable.

And I had no idea that your

Patrick was impersonating me.

And moreover,

Grady, of all people.

How could he not

know the difference?

- Who's Grady?

- He's my butler.

He's been with me

since I was born.

Am I that much of

a superficial lout

that he doesn't know me?

- To be fair, today has been a

bit unusual, don't you think?

- I have to admit it.

His impersonation of

me, it was spot on.

- Maybe it's time we get

you back to being you.

- No, no, and what if I don't

want to go back to being me?

You heard what they

said on the news,

playboy prince,

perpetual party boy.

Is that really how my

legacy is gonna be defined?

- Well that's up to you.

I mean, we all get to choose

our own legacies, don't we?

- I don't know, Agent Maxwell.

Do we?

Come on, I'll take

you to my suite.

My real suite.

Then we can get this whole

thing sorted out proper.

Here we are.


- Patrick?

- Grady, it's Alexander.

- Your butler, I presume?

- Oh dear.

Grady, Agent Maxwell.

Agent Maxwell, Grady.

- Pleasure.

- Well the man can

sleep through anything.

- Yeah, I see that.

- Oh, well there's

no sign of Patrick.

- No, he's missing, of course.

- Wait a moment,

he stole my watch.

- And that's supposed

to be a good thing?

- Yes, because on

Grady's phone here.

We can do this.

It's not quite a glass

slipper, but it'll do.

- Whoa.

Look at that, it's Agent

Jingle and Patrick.

Hello, Patrick.

Are you having

fun being Patrick?

'Cause I'm having a

blast being the highness.

Rum ball?

- Prince playtime

is over, Patrick.

You're coming with me.

- Well you should probably

answer that, Patrick.

- Hello.

Yes, we have the book.


I'll meet you at the

restaurant in the lobby.

Hugo wants to meet.

- When?

Tomorrow morning, 8:00 am.

- Okay, that should be plenty

of time for Patrick to-

Sober up.

Uh-oh, somebody's

in trouble.

- Hey, Bob, do you

actually work here?

- I do.

- Would you like to

keep working here?

- I would.

- Great, zip it.

- Oh.

- Damn.

- Agent Maxwell,

we don't need him.

We don't.

We've gotten this

far, haven't we?


Can't believe I'm

still doing this.

- So this is what's

so important to Hugo.

Any idea what he

wanted this for?

- Says it's a present

for his mother.

- For his mother?

You know what I got my

mother for Christmas?

A toaster.

And not just any toaster,

this is an amazing,

incredible toaster

with a touchscreen

and everything.

Have you seen those?

Like you put a panini in

there and 30 seconds later

you got tasty, melty goodness.

- No, that sounds

incredible, sir.

But you know,

maybe his Mammina's

just really into rare books.

Assuming there even is

a Mammina to begin with.

Because I believe

this was just a test.

- So you think that he had

to steal this first edition

worth six figures

for one of the most

notorious gangsters

on the West Coast.

That's a test?

- Well the sooner

we hand this over,

the sooner we'll get to find

out exactly what he's after.

- You're right.

When will that be?

- This morning at

eight o'clock, sir.

- Good work. Good work.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- Just to clarify, once

we do make the handoff,

we'll be able to get the

arrest warrant, right?

And Patrick will be finished?

- Patrick's finished when

Hugo leads us to his boss.

You know the assignment.

Get to the top of

the organization.

- No, I understand that, sir.

But have you ever

considered how much danger

you'd be putting him in?

- Since when do you

care about a criminal?

- I don't.

It's just, you know,

I know what a resource

he is to the agency.

- I appreciate your

concern, but to be honest,

there's dozens of other

crooks just like him.


expecting me in 10 minutes.

- I really don't

think you should go.

We should ask for more time.

Tell them you have a 24 hour bug

and you don't want

to get Hugo sick.

- Do you really think

that's enough time

to catch the royal highness up?

- 48?

- Sydney?

Look, I realize that I've

spent most of my life

coasting from one

shenanigan to another.

It's time that I actually

follow through on something.

And I want that something

to be in assisting you.


- You did it wrong.

- Um.

You've gotta

hide the wire better.

- My mother, she

used to read this

to my sister and me

every Christmas Eve.

- You don't read it anymore?

- No, no, not since she passed.

You know, she was

actually an American.

And Father, he met her at

a humanitarian mission.

Caused quite a

scandal in Jakovia.

- How long has it been?

- 10 years.

You know, it's funny.

Grady and I were

actually planning

on visiting her sister

while we were here.

Aunt Catherine.

- She lives nearby?

- About an hour away.

A province called Simi Valley.

I'm sorry.

I've just never heard anyone

refer to it as a

province before.

Don't worry.

You are not gonna miss

out on seeing your aunt.

We're gonna get Patrick

out of your life

and you back into yours.

- And that's precisely why

we need to complete

the assignment.

Besides, I think it's

time that I do something

my father's really proud of.

- I know the feeling.

- Yeah.

I need to go downstairs.

- Right.

Good luck.

- Yes.

Deck the hall with

boughs of holly

Fa la la la la, la la la la

'Tis the season to be jolly

Fa la la la la, la la la la

- Eight.

Don we now our gay apparel

- Like to cut it

close, don't you?

- Come on, Vincent.

Is that any way to treat

someone who comes bearing gifts?

You did bring me a

Christmas gift, didn't you?

You know I did.

- Well then, relax, huh?

Order a, what do you

call these again?

- Vanilla gingerbread latte.

- Best in Santa Barbara.

You can practically

taste Christmas.

- Sounds good.

- Hey, one of these

for my friend here.

So, my Mammina's gift?

While I tell of

Yuletide treasure

Fa la la la la, fa la la la

- Merry Christmas.

- Let's see.

Fa la la la la, fa la la la

Nicely done.

- Now that you have your book,

what do you have for me?

- Aren't you

forgetting something?

- What's that?

You have the book.

- Your signature phrase.

- My signature phrase.

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

- Yeah.

You know, the thing you

said in the hotel room?

The thing you always say

when you complete a job.

- Yeah, that thing.

- Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

Say it.

Good tidings for Christmas

- That thing that I like to say.

- Yeah, I want to hear it too.

- Don't disappoint me now, kid.

- Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

- I like to say a lot of things.

- Yeah, well then

go ahead and say it.

- Yeah, it's my

signature phrase.


treasure is my pleasure.

That's right.

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

- Do you guys mind?

I'm working.

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

- My latte's getting

cold, Patrick.

- Sounded really good.

How long does it take?

- Forget about the latte.

You know what?

Not in the mood for

breakfast anymore.

Why don't we take our friend

here for a little walk?

- Darling, there you are.

I've been looking

everywhere for you.

- Hi, babe.

Well, I

was getting so lonely

in the room without you.

Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

Say it.

- Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

- Now what was so

hard about that?

- That's what you

wanted to hear?

- Yeah, of course that's

what I wanted to hear,

your signature phrase.

- As I said, I like to

say a lot of things.

- All right, we're

done here, all right?

I'll call you with the

details about the heist.

- Wait, there's another heist?

- The main event.

You didn't think we're

going through all of this

just for a book for

my Mammina, did you?

- No, of course not.

Of course not.

- Of course not.

Of course not.

Stealing treasure-

- Is my pleasure.

- Ah, this guy, I tell you.

I'll be in touch.

Looks like I

was the damsel this time.

- I got you.

- That could have

gone terribly wrong.

- I know.

Let's just get upstairs.

- Oh.

- Coming?

- And to think, the

most exciting thing

that had ever happened to me

was when I fell off

my father's yacht

when I was 14.

- That was too close.

- How long?

How long, Sydney, until

you think they'll call.

- It doesn't matter.

I'm just gonna rest

for a little bit

and then I'll find

Patrick, the real Patrick.

I could free you of this

mess once and for all.

- Mess?

The last 12 hours with

you have been the most fun

that I've ever had

in my entire life.

And sincerely, I

don't regret a single



- Finally.

- Well I got your note.

What's going on?

- You want to continue

to be me, don't you?

- I want to keep helping Sydney.


I don't get it.

You're you're not worried

about getting buried

in some cement parking lot

at a strip mall somewhere?

- Are you worried that

you'll get arrested

by the King's guard for

impersonating a prince,

get thrown in a dungeon,

and become rat food?

- Okay, I can help you.

We can help each other, right?

By being me, you get to spend

more time with Sydney and,

you know, I get

to enjoy some more

of the prince perks.

- If I agree, that's a big if,

you can't conduct yourself

like you did last night.

You to start behaving

with some kind of decorum.

- I was only behaving the

same way that you would.

- Oh.

That may be right.

Starting now, I,

and by I, I mean we,

just starting better,

'cause this event,

the cause, everything

it stands for,

it's so important to my father.

And I have to show

that I'm worthy of it.

- You know, you sound

just like your father.

- Well, huh.

You know of the king?

- The internet's

a beautiful place.

- Let's do this.

Now do you have any

idea who Hugo's boss is?

- Whoever he is, he's a much

bigger fish than Dimitri.

Dimitri, he's a shark.

- Oh, great.


- Well, what's that?

What are you doing?

You look all nervous.

- Well, I almost gave

myself away this morning.

Hugo was waiting for me to

say your little catchphrase.

- Oh, you mean

stealing treasure-

- Is my pleasure.

Yes, that one.

- If we're gonna pull this off,

you're gonna have to

get better at being me.

- Hm.

And you, my friend,

are gonna have to do

a much better job at being me.

Try saying this.

The rain in Spain falls

mainly in the plain.

- The rain in Spain

falls mainly in plains.

- Wow.

- Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

- Uh, we're not,

we're not rapping.

- What?

- The rain in Spain falls

mainly in the plain.

- Stealing treasure

is my pleasure.

- Bam, that was it.

- Oh, sorry.

I guess I was more

tired than I thought.

- It's perfectly fine.

You needed the rest.


Now I have it on good authority

that this happens to be

the best vanilla gingerbread

latte in the entire city.

Try it.


- It's perfect.



You'll be happy to

know that I paid

our mutual friend a

little visit, the prince.

- And?

- And we both came

to the understanding

that it is in the best

interest of your assignment

to let me see this through.

- Oh wait, you and Patrick

came to an understanding?

- So what do you

say, Agent Maxwell?

Will you let me

see this through?

- Well being as I'm already

aboard the crazy train,

Might as well stay

on the crazy track.

But only for one more day.

We have to get you

back as prince in time

for your gala event

tomorrow night.

- Deal.

Oh, and speaking of which,

they're starting to

decorate the event hall.

May we take a look?

Discreetly, of course.

- I don't see why not.

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

We wish you a

Merry Christmas

- Uh-oh.

- What?

- Patrick and I met her in

the lobby the other day.

He flirted with her and

called her sweet, sweet lady.

So she gave us

invitations to this event.

- Well, I hope he at

least said thank you.

- He stole her bracelet.

- Hi again.

Oh, your jacket is adorable.

- Oh, thank you.

- And so good to see you

again, sweet, sweet lady.

- Well, I'll leave you

two love birds alone.

I have a tree that

needs trimming.

- Flawless.

- You're getting

pretty good at this.

- What can I say,

I'm a quick study.

When the snow starts

falling to the ground

- Um, care to join me

on the dance floor?

You know, to keep up the ruse.

It's the time the

world opens our heart

- I don't see why not.

So we're never

apart at Christmas

Santa is heading this way

Sure as the reindeer

guiding the sleigh

Bring us joy and good cheer

that can last us all year

If there's love

in our hearts

We're never apart

at Christmas.

- Oh.

- Yello.

Right away.

Hugo Mancini has requested

we join him in his suite.

- This is it.

- Vincent, buddy.

Good to see you.

- Patrick, over here.

It's for my Mammina.

What do you think?

- Impressive. Really impressive.

- Look, I apologize for

all the secrecy, you know,

but you have to understand

things from my perspective.

Just needed to know

I can trust you

before I let you

into my inner circle.

- No need to apologize.

Would've done the same thing

if I was in your position.

- Are you aware that there's

a royal Christmas gala

happening at the

hotel tomorrow night?

- Yeah, something

about the children.

Saw a sign in the lobby.

- And are you also aware that

the prince of Jakovia himself

will be in attendance?

- Hm, really?

A real prince.

Imagine that.

- And here's the kicker.

You, Patrick, you happen to be

a dead ringer for this prince.

- I am?

I know.

Confusing a guy like

you with royalty.

- Yeah, you know, now that

I actually say it out loud,

it does seem pretty

ridiculous, doesn't it?

- Wait, so all of

this is because

I just so happen to

look like the prince?

- You do happen to be

an exceptional thief.

But yeah, mostly because

you look like the prince.

- I don't understand,

what, what's the job?

What do you want me to do?

- I want you to go to the party.

I want you to make everyone

think that you're the prince.

And then you're gonna steal

the crown jewels of Jakovia.

- I'm assembling a

strike team for tomorrow.

They're gonna be ready

to take Hugo down

as soon as you

make the exchange.

- Of course, if

things go sideways-

- Is this about your CI again?

- It's just that jewels will

be out in the open, sir.

What's to keep them

from disappearing

if something goes wrong?

- That is the kind of risk

a supervising agent has to take.

Your dad knew that.

I'll tell you something else.

Your dad would be very proud

of you following his footsteps.

- Right.

Thank you, sir.

- Make sure Hugo

takes possession.

We're gonna take it from there.

- I will.

Thanks again.

- What'd he say?

They're gonna have

to wait to make the arrest

until after we've

completed the objective.

- You mean after I

hand over the jewels?

- Yes.

- I know I thumb my

nose up at tradition

and all the royal

pomp and circumstance,

but the crown and scepter,

they've been in my family,

in the kingdom for generations.

- I know, it's a big ask, but

we can't get Hugo without it.

- Why not? Why?

Tell me why not.

We have him talking

about it, don't we?

- That's conspiracy at best.

Five, 10 years max.

But we catch him with his

hand in the cookie jar,

he goes away for life.

- We're talking about betraying

the monarchy, my family.

- Yeah, I can't

ask you to do that.

- Oh.

So then what, what, what?

Patrick will do it?

- No, no.

We'll just have to

find another way.

I mean, you're right.

We have him on conspiracy.

There's gotta be some other

way we can connect the dots.

- And you think your

boss will go for that?

- He's gonna have to.

- What about your promotion?

- If I'm lucky, I'll

get to keep my job.

- I'll do it.

- Alexander.

- I said I'll do it.

But first let me

tell Grady the truth.

If I'm gonna betray my family,

I just want to do it

with some dignity.

- Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas.

- Grady.

- We're going for a

ride, Your Highness.

Ho ho ho.

- Grady?


Hello, boys?

They are not here.

- Well, where could they be?

It's Christmas Eve.

- Oh no, lunch with

Aunt Catherine.

- Your mother's sister?

You're telling me Patrick,

the royal imposter

is on his way to lunch

with a woman he's never met

who's known you

your entire life?

- I'll navigate, you drive.

- Okay.

Just the two

I've been looking for.

- Oh, I'm afraid you've

caught us at a bad time.

We were just heading


- You took something

that belongs to me.

Who put you up to it?

Was it Hugo?

- I'm no rat.

- No worse, you're

just a common thief.

But since you stole from me-

- Us.

- You owe us.

- Did you know,

Patrick, that you bear

an uncanny resemblance

to the Prince of Jakovia?

- Yeah, I've been told I

have one of those faces.

- The prince is hosting

a Christmas gala

tomorrow night

here at the hotel.

Not only will he be there,

he'll be wearing this.

Now since my collection has

an empty case, thanks to you,

I figured this

would be a nice replacement.

- And if I say no?

- Oh, I wouldn't

worry about that.

After all-

- It's impossible to worry

when you're six feet under.

- So we're, we're

going to see family?

- And she is very

much looking forward

to sharing memories

with you, Your Highness.

- Memories.

So many memories.

Yeah, are there, you know,

are there any memories

in particular that

I should focus on?

- Christmas memories, I imagine.

- Right, Christmas.

- I'm sure your Aunt

Louise would be thrilled

if you make mention

of the acorn ornament

you made for her when

you were a little boy.

- Yes, I do remember that.

I made her a lovely

acorn ornament.

Well, thank you for the

reminder, Grady, thank you.

Oh, look, no one's home.

Let's go back to the hotel.

You're not going

anywhere, Your Highness.

- There they are.

- Here we are.

- Come and give your

auntie a big hug.

- Oh.

- Come on in.

Lunch is almost ready.

Grady's still on the call.

So he told us to

go ahead.

I'm so glad I was

able to persuade him

to take time out of

your busy schedule.

I made your favorite.

I used to make it for you

every time you came

to visit, remember?

- Well, yes, of course.

How can I forget?

- How about some fresh eggnog?

You haven't touched yours.

It's homemade.

- No, thank you.

I haven't really been, you

know, so big on the nog.

Not me, not today.

Not gonna happen.

Mm, it's so good.

Just like I remembered.


know, I'm just grateful

that I get to spend so much

time with you, Aunt Louise.

And, oh, look, I see you've

decorated the Christmas tree.

Any chance you've hung my

acorn ornament that I made you

when I was just a little boy?

- Of course I hung

your ornament.

Let me show you.

That's a pine cone.

- Where's the prince?

- What are you talking about?

- What have you done with him?

- I think we should wait

until Grady gets here.


Okay, hang on.

You know, I just really haven't

been myself today, you know?

And I think it's because

of the stress of the gala.

This has been so much fun.

I'm gonna go.

- Grady, I am so

sorry for everything

you've had to endure

this Christmas

and everything I've

put you through.

- I'm just glad you're

safe, Your Highness.

- Aunt Catherine.

- Catherine?

Her name's not Catherine.

You don't even know

your own aunt's name.

It's Louise.

It really is

Catherine, isn't it?

- Yes.

I almost forgot how much

you look like Mother.

- Not near as much as

you look like that guy.

- He looks like me.

- So, Grady, Aunt Catherine,

I'd like to introduce

you to someone.

This is Sydney.

- I'm ground zero for

this particular pickle.

- Fill us in over

eggnog cheesecake,

eggnog pudding and

eggnog cookies.

- Oh, I love eggnog.

I know.

- Ugh.

- Huh, I made this when I

was about six years old.

Grady, he helped me of course.

- He really cares

about you, doesn't he?

- Yes, he does.

And he means the world to me.

Unfortunately I don't,

I don't tell him enough.

Sometimes I, I

wonder what, what if,

what if I just walked

away from it all,

find a nice quiet

house in the country.

No palace, no kingdom.

Just a couple of bird feeders

for cardinals of course.

I just want you to know,

whatever happens tomorrow night

at the gala with Dimitri,

and Hugo, and the jewels,

just know that I,

um, just know that I,

I, I trust you.

- I trust you too.

- What do you say we

go catch some bad guys?

Almost ready?

- Ready.

- Ditto.

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh,


Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

- Show time.

- Mm-hm.

- I do suppose you know

which one is which?

- I was hoping you would.

- They've gotten too

good at this, I'm afraid.

- Practice makes perfect.

May I have

your attention, please.

- Duty calls.

- It is with great

pleasure and honor

that we welcome Prince

Alexander to California.

- Thank you.

Thank you for inviting me.

Thank you for hosting

such a very special event.

The Jakovia International

Childcare Foundation,

so near and dear

to my late mother.

Now my father and I honor

her memory and legacy

with our continued

support of the foundation.

So please accept with

our most humble gratitude

this check from the

kingdom of Jakovia.

- Thank you so very

much, Prince Alexander.

- We should leave.



- Excuse me.


leaving. Come on.

You really thought

you could double cross us?

Are you that insane?

- Only on Mondays.

- Give us the case.

Ho ho ho.

- You are so ho, ho, ho dead.

- Think again, Dimitri.


- FBI.

- You two have the

right to remain

ho, ho, ho silent.

Whoop, gotta run.

You got this Nolan?

- I got it.

- Merry Christmas.

- You got the jewels.

- I think your boss

will be pleased.

- Why don't you give

it to them yourself?

My Mammina.

- I've been so impressed

with you, Patrick.

- Well, I think you're

gonna be even more impressed

when you see the jewels.

You've just been

busted by Agent Jingle.

- Hands up.

Move, move.

- You have the right

to remain silent.

Anything you say can and

will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have a right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,

one will be appointed to you.

- All right, just cuff me.

- Let's go, Mancini.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Stealing treasure is

my pleasure.


- Put the bag down, Patrick.

- It's not gonna happen.

Get out of my way.

- No.

Stop it.

- Oh, you want to go?

Come on.

- You must be joking.

- Come on.

- Stop it, both of you.


- Yes.

- I'm Alexander.

- No, I'm Alexander.

He's Patrick.

- Come on, Patrick.

Let's leave the prince alone.

- Hmm.

- Patrick is in the suite.

- On it.

All right.

- Come on guys.

- Agent Maxwell.

- You're under arrest.

- I was gonna give you bloody

hell for choosing wrong.

- Oh, you're lucky

Patrick's a bad kisser.

Ow, stop it.

- It felt appropriate.

- Jewels are mine.


- Going downtown.

- Deputy Cushing.

- I just wanted to

say congratulations

and Merry Christmas.

- Thank you sir.

- It looks like Hugo's Mammina

is gonna get the book

thrown at her after all.

- Guess he should have

gone with the toaster.

- Ha-ha.

Which makes me think about

your Christmas present.

- Oh, that's not necessary.

- Merry Christmas.

- I'm Alexander.

- Looks a little

small for a toaster.

- Open it up.

You think your

government stops here?

No, I know everyone.

I'm gonna come after you.

I'm the son of the king.

- I don't know what to say.

- We'll have a big

hullaballoo after New Years.

But this is one gift

I did wanna wait on.

Your dad would be

very proud of you.

- Thank you, sir.

Best Christmas ever.

- Agent Maxwell.

- You're leaving?

- The gala is over.

It's time to focus

on transition.

- Right.

I forgot.


- And duty.

- It's funny.

Not too long ago you

were the playboy prince.

Now look at you,

about to be king.

- You know, I couldn't have

done it without your help.

- Sure you could.

Just might have taken

you a little bit longer.

You're gonna make a great king.

- Do you like to ski?

- I took lessons when I was 12.


- Because Jakovia,

it has one of the best

mountains in Europe and,

and I was thinking,

I was wondering

if you're not doing

anything for New Years-

- I'd love to.


Do you remember when

we were getting ready

for Dimitri's place

and I said that your

radiance was breathtaking?

- Of course I remember.

I remember every

moment with you.

- Well, you responded that

it was because of the heels.

It wasn't because of the heels,

it's because of the

woman that was in them.

You said it yourself.

Best Christmas ever.

I'd like to have a lifetime

of best Christmases with you.

- I would love that.

Merry Christmas, Alexander.

- Merry Christmas,

Agent Maxwell.

- I think you can call

me Sydney from now on.

- Merry Christmas, Sydney.
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