3615 code Père Noël (1989)

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3615 code Père Noël (1989)

Post by bunniefuu »

Every child believes in magic,
and stops doing so when he grows up.

Except for those too disappointed
in reality to trust its rewards.


J.R., are you awake?

I know where you're hiding, J.R.

You're in the laundry room.

I've got a little surprise for you.


Thomas, breakfast is ready.

Go wake your grandfather
and come.


Release the dog.

Wake up!

Get up!


Wait, wait... There.

Now, give me a break.

- All right.
- You're alive!

I captured a half-blind,
diabetic soldier. No big deal.

Thomas, this is your grandfather.
Please show some respect.

He's right, after all.

Hello, Thomas.

Say, Julie?
Where are my pills?

In front of you.

In front of you, Grandpa.

Oh, yeah.

I knew it,
but got distracted somehow...

Mom, can I have a croissant?

Your medicine first.

Hey there.

Don't let me drink this alone.

Bottoms up!

There you go.

Your croissant.

The toy factory shares are dropping.
What do you think? Should I buy?

Don't you own enough shops?


Yeah Mom, buy it.

- Then I'll have lots of toys.
- Don't you have enough?

Then I'll have a surplus
I can sell to Santa.

He really is like his mother.

And his father.

And like his father.

Mom, Pilou said
that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

That it's our parents
who give us the presents.


This damn Pilou
is always telling crap.

He's a loony.

No, he's right.

Santa doesn't exist to him.

And that's because
he never listens to his parents.

- He isn't good at school,
- See?

So Santa won't come to his house.

On Christmas Eve,
the only presents he gets

are given by his parents.

That's why Pilou thinks
Santa doesn't exist.


Makes sense.

About my letter to Santa.

- There's an easier way now.
- What?

You can order with the Minitel.


You can do this, but...

If I were you,
I would still write a letter.

To be sure.

Can you post it?


Here comes your colleague.

Easy with your experiments.

And stop digging holes in the floor.

This house looks like Gruyère cheese.

Okay, Tommy.

You look after your grandfather.

Don't forget your insulin sh*ts.

It's like distilled water to me.


Don't worry about Grandpa.

I have an important meeting tonight.

I'll be home late.

Have fun.

- Hello, Mrs.
- Hello Charles, how are you?

No, not here.

Let's go.

This year,
I have to pull out all the stops.

Thomas soon
won't believe in Santa anymore.

Well, he's almost .

So what? I believed in Santa
until I was , and so he will.

But you weren't a wunderkind.

You weren't creating software
as your hobby.

Thomas isn't like that.

What do you know?

All right, he is brilliant,

but that doesn't mean
he can't believe in Santa or fairies.

That's what's great about him.

He's like the other kids.

Look at this.

Read the address.

To Santa, in Heaven.

I'll order this, plus some extra.

Can we meet tonight?

Sit down, gentlemen.

I called this meeting because
as you know, tonight is Christmas Eve,

and we will pull an all-nighter.

We will get extra staff at once.

What I want:

girls on roller skates,
clowns, fire breathers.

Get the cashiers costumed
and put a Santa at every corner.

And please, no watches
or trousers showing below their robes.

Let's celebrate.

Let everyone know
that Santa shops in our store.

A celebration requires preparations.

There isn't any time left.
Why didn't you ask this last month?


last month
children still believed in Santa.

Can't you see
it's always the same questions?

"What's your name?"

"How old are you?
Were you a good boy?"

This stuff is for goofs.

You're the goof.
You don't believe in anything.

And you'd believe anything!
I told you Santa doesn't exist.

"I am Thomas."

"Santa, please answer if you're real."

"What's your name?"

I had enough.
I'm out of here.

Yeah, scram!
I don't want to see you again.

You're such a jerk.

Well the jerk won't help you
to do your homework then!

And you can fix
your video games yourself!

Damn it.

"Santa here, what do you want Thomas?"

Pilou! Come here, he answered!

"So you're real?"

"Of course, I'm talking to you."

If it's a joke,
I'll smash your head in.

Just look at this.

"Where do you live?"

"In Heaven."

This has to be a freak!

You're the freak.

Can't you see he's telling you
what you want to hear?

Okay. I'll ask him a question.

You type it. Come on!

Is it true that you got dwarves
working for you?


Shit, I was sure he'd answer yes.

I was sure he'd say no
because this is a stupid question.

"Will you come here tonight?"

Why do you ask
when you already know it?

"To see if you're the real Santa."

There is only one Santa: me!
If you don't believe me, I'm out.

"Don't get mad, I believe you."

Stop chatting with this guy.

There must have been some interference
and you're on the wrong message board.

Wanna play with me?

For all we know, this could be
the scratch-my-butt board.

- The loony board.
- You're the loony.

Wanna play with me?

Play what?

Give me you address.

But you know my address.
You can see everything.

Do you want my wish list?

Go to the Printemps store,
my mom is the manager.

There's a great choice there.

Your mom?

- Can I help you?
- I'm here for the job offer.

Do you still need Santas?

Yes, fill in this form.

This thing is as old as dinosaurs.

She should buy a Testarossa,
some car like that.

It has a sentimental value.

She just likes it.

Sure isn't your average jalopy.



- Pardon?
- Wrench!

Ah, yes.

It's terrible how I'm short-sighted.
You know my eyes are, well...

Of course I've got good eyesight,
but not that good.

- So, wrench?
- Yes.

Here it comes.

Don't you want a screwdriver instead?

- No, I need a wrench!
- All right, I heard.

Thanks, Grandpa.

That should do it.

- Can you take the wheel?
- Yes. I'm going.

- Wait my signal to start.
- I'm waiting.


- Let's switch places.
- All right.

Tommy, I'm proud of you.
Your mom would be glad to see this.

Yeah... And now
we don't need anybody to drive us.

- Let's drive around the grounds.
- Okay, but no slaloming.

And not too fast this time.

Network assembling? Check.

Now, defining the protocol of transfer
between traps and video cameras.

This is a great achievement.

Not now, J.R.!
I'm working.

Now, where was I?


Check if the sequence of events
goes smoothly.

Start compiling.

Now let's optimize this
with some editing software.

That's it J.R., we made it!

Do you realize? With this device
I can record images from my cameras.

Tonight, if Santa really exists,

I'll be the first to ever see him
and will be able to prove he's real.

Maybe I can capture him, too.

- What's your name?
- Marion.

I don't like your face.

You're not the real Santa.

What are you doing?

Are you crazy?

Don't cry, doll.

- Where is your mom?
- She left a minute to buy something.

And she left you alone?

Not alone, I was with Santa.

We'll wait for her together.

You're fired.
Go to the staff room.

- What's your name?
- Marion.

Come on.

Just a minute, please.


We have to deliver the boss's order.
It's in the nd lower ground floor.

Yes, that's for her boy.

Give it to the keeper.

Don't screw up and give it to the kid.

I'm counting on you. Any blunder,
and you'll be held responsible.


What is it?

- Is that the boss's order?
- Yeah!

- Shit, she has it easy.
- You said it.

- The two others, too.
- Well ,damn.

So? Are you dreaming or playing?

I'm in the labyrinth,
what happens next?

- You're stabbed in the back twice.
- Really?

You're hit.
You lost vitality points.

What do you do?

I use my third eye
to see who's behind me.

It's a troll.

I throw him a light to blind him.

He covers himself from the light.
Your turn. What do you do?

You know, Grandpa...

I wonder if Santa really exists.

Also, Napoleon or cavemen...
Did they really exist?

You're not only questioning
Santa's existence,

but the whole human History?

- There is no evidence.
- Yes.

Take cavemen, for instance.
We discovered drawings they made.

Even their bones, sometimes.

No one discovered
Santa's bones, though.

Of course.
Santa Claus isn't dead.

What about Vercingetorix?
Did we find his bones?

- No.
- How do you know he existed?

Because History says so.

Maybe they're lying.
You weren't there.

Well, that's right.

Say, Thomas.

Do you believe in aliens?

Of course.

Did you any?


I take hold of the Ring.

Well done, you finished your quest!

You win experience points,
at last you can level up.

- What do you mean, "at last"?
- Come on.

We've been playing this for two years
and you're still first level.

Come here, rascal.

Are you by any chance
making fun of you old grandfather?

Say, Grandpa.
What if Santa was an alien?

This sure seems to trouble you.

Now, off to bed.

Easy, Grandpa.

You too, J.R.,
or you won't have any presents.

Come on!

Our Christmas tree is beautiful.
Its branches green sure delight us.

You're dressed as Santa this year?
That's a good idea.

Mrs. Julie
is never short of good ideas.

The whole lot is for Thomas?

Stop this noise J.R.,
we'll be spotted because of you.

You stay here, J.R.

This way, if I get caught,
you'll still get your presents.

Dear customers, please note
that our store will close at p.m.

You may proceed to the cash desk.
Merry Christmas to you all.

That was a long day.

Wait. It's not over yet.

What do you mean?

We have to do our accounts.

We can do this Monday.

I don't want to lose
two days worth of value date.

There's at least millions.


It's . p.m. on Christmas Eve,
no cash truck will ever come now.

I called them.
They'll be here at half past midnight.

We'll do our accounts
and prepare the cash.

No, look.
I'll handle the accounts and the cash.

You take my car and go home
to celebrate Christmas with your kid.

It's only book-keeping.
You can leave.

Or you don't trust me?

All right.
I'll be next door.



- Hello?
- Tommy?

It's mom.

Why are still up?

- You're waiting for Santa, are you?
- Yep.

You know,

you mustn't try and see Santa.

Or he'll get mad
and turn into an ogre.

An ogre?

Yes. An ogre.

Hurry up and go to bed.
He'll come as soon as you're asleep.

Can you phone later
to see if I'm sleeping?

All right, now close your eyes.

I've closed my eyes.

I give you a big,
noisy peck on the neck.

You're gonna wake me up.

Bye, Mom.

Bye, honey.



What's wrong, Tommy?

Santa's here, he k*lled J.R.!

What are you talking about?

Wanna play with me?

Come on!

Faster, Grandpa!

Where the Hell are we...



Go ahead!


Mom's car!

- It's our only chance.
- You don't have the keys.

They're on the contact.


Quick, Grandpa, quick!

Come on.

Come on.

Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Come on...

Come on...

Come on, you piece of crap!

Grandpa, what do I do?

Step on it!

I can't, he's in the way!


Come on.

Come on!

Close your window!



- How did he enter the house?
- Through the chimney.

Why didn't the alarm system set off?

I turned it off,
you had forgotten to.

Santa needs to come in unnoticed.

- What's this weird place?
- A secret passage.

No one knows about it.
Not even Mom.

Just me and Dad.

All of Dad's toys are here.

And Dad's dad, too.

And all his ancestors'.

And all my toys will remain here.

Do you realize all what Santa
had to carry on his back?

Just for our family?

It's from your mom's office.
This phone is still up.

- I'm going.
- No!

You stay here, I'm going.

You can't go, your vision is blurred.


Then we both stay here
and wait for your mom to come back.

- It's too dangerous.
- It's dangerous for her too.

When she comes back,
she will need help.

Did you see what he done to the car?

- Let me go, please.
- No!

Nothing will happen to me,
I've got my video network.

Do you want to know
where Santa is right now?


He's in the stairs.
No problem, I'll take another way.

If you're worried,
I'll give you a walkie-talkie.

Then we'll always remain in contact.

Even if I refused,
you wouldn't listen.


What are they doing?
Why is no one answering?

Oh, shit.

Shall I dial it for you?



You're going to fall!



Roland, no one's answering the phone.

- Did you try your private line?
- No answer either.

Don't worry.

Call the keepers and ask them
to go and check the mansion.

- I'll try to phone your home.
- Okay.


Thomas to Grandpa.
Answer me!

Thomas to Grandpa.
Answer me!

Thomas to Grandpa!

Come on, answer me!

Tommy, is that you?

Sorry, I didn't find the button.
Well, you know...

Is everything all right?

I'm okay. But the phone is dead.

But don't worry, Grandpa.

I'm going to send distress calls
with my computer.

Someone is bound to get them.

Don't you worry, Grandpa.

Everything is under control.

Be sure to call me this time.
And be careful.

Who's here?

Is that you Tommy?

Tommy? Is that you?

Tommy, is that you?

Who are you?

What do you want?




Grandpa, it's me!

I can't take it anymore.
I need a break.

He won't find us here.

The mansion is huge,
there are hundreds of rooms.

I'm too tired to run.
I'd only slow you down.

This is over for me.
I can't keep on...

I'd rather stay here.

Come on.

Stop crying.

Keep your head up.

Run for your life, Thomas!
Mine is already finished.

I will stay here.

Theatre's over, Grandpa.
It's over, let's go.

- Shit!
- What's wrong?

- We can't go out anymore.
- Why?

My video device is broken.

- So what?
- Don't ask, you wouldn't understand.

It's not normal.
It's been busy for minutes.

I tried the other line,
and the keeper's.

I am sure something happened.

I shouldn't have left them
by themselves.

It must be dad.
They took him to the hospital.

If this was the case,
Thomas would have called you.

The phone is out of order, that's all.

If you want, I'll call the police
and ask them to check the mansion.

Is it okay?


I'll call the police.
Keep calling home, okay?

Don't worry, I will.

HELP! SANTA att*cked ME


The attic windows aren't closed.

But it's too high for us to jump out.

There's only one way:

decoupling the video network
from the locking system.

But this will take some time.

Grandpa, you have to hide.

I'd like to talk to your captain.

He's not here?

I know it's Christmas.
Look, this is Mrs. de Frémont.

I've been phoning home
but no one's answering.

I can't get in touch
with the keepers either.

I am sure something happened.
Could you go and check the mansion?

Yes, I will... I'm on my way,
but you'd be there before me.

Thank you very much.

Please hold on
while we're trying to put you through.

The number you're trying to get
doesn't answer. The number...

I fixed it, Grandpa!
We can go now!

No! Get out of here, Pilou!

Get out of here!

- Are you all right?
- Yes.

Don't worry, I'm okay.

I just hurt myself when I fell.

Don't move!

That would be hard for me.

You don't know where I am, do you?

You can't,
because you don't know the mansion.

This is my home.
I'll make you wish you never came.

You k*lled my dog.
You tried to k*ll Grandpa and hurt me.

Just because I wanted to see you.

Now I am the one who's mad.

Even if you are Santa,
I'm going to scare you to death.


- Are you all right?
- Did you join them?

- I'll help you get out of here.
- Did you join them?

We're safe, Grandpa! We're safe!

The police have arrived.

I told you they'd come.

Let's get you out of this.


What's wrong?

Talk to me!

My insulin.
Quick, my insulin...

I win.

You lose.

Now... I'll go hide myself,
and you'll be it.


Count to .

And no cheating.




Hang in there, Grandpa!

I'll get your insulin at the keepers'.

Charles! Louise!
Are you here?

Unit to HQ. Over!

HQ to unit , over.

I'm at the de Frémont's.
Send an ambulance...

You cheat!



Are you all right?



Grandpa? Breathe!



Don't die, Grandpa! Don't die!

Please don't die...

Breathe, breathe!

Breathe. That's it, slowly.

You're doing good. Breathe.



Go way!

Go away.

Get down, Thomas!

You mustn't try and see Santa.
Or he'll turn into an ogre.

I told you Santa doesn't exist.

No one discovered
Santa's bones, though.

Santa Claus isn't dead.

I'll be the first to ever see him
and will be able to prove he's real.

Get down, Thomas!


My little boy.

My little boy.

Thomas. It's over.

Thomas. It's over.

It's over.

Mom. Mom?

It's my fault.

It's my fault, Mom.

I wanted to see Santa.
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