Christmas Cottage (2008)

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Christmas Cottage (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

I want that shoulder.

You want more?

All right.

Pat's waiting down there.

Your brother can wait.

He gets to see you
this entire holiday.

I told you, Hope.

I'll drive up
to Marin Christmas Night.

Okay? Promise.
Nothing will stop me.

Like every Christmas story...

this one's about new life
in the dead of winter...

but I didn't know that
at the time.

I was just a college kid...

coming home for vacation
with my brother Pat.

It was 1977.

My hometown of Placerville...

is up in the foothills
of the High Sierra.

It's not that far from Berkeley
as the crow flies.

It was just another world away
for me.

You see, Christmas
in Placerville never changed.

Every year, I painted the
scenery for the church pageant.

And every year,
Mom took the children's choir...

up to the mountains to listen
to the wind in the trees.

What are you doing here?

Oh, my beautiful boys.

Our neighbor, Mr. Rosa...

knew every shred of gossip
in town.


He's German, you know!

Jupiter, stop kissing Tom.

Hi, Mr. Rosa. Thanks.

Tom. Here, Pat.

How are ya?

I'll get that thing
running yet, Maryanne.

I'll go look at it.

You should know,
that big Thanksgiving rain...

my house weathered fine.

I keep it in mint condition.

It's all in the upkeep.

But your mom, the roof
leaked something terrible.

Then the water pipe froze.

It burst and...

Water damage, huh?

She didn't tell us.

Maryanne wouldn't have told you.

You know how your mother is.

Yeah. You know what?
Thanks for sharing, Mr. Rosa.

You know,
with you boys off at school...

and then she's all alone...

but she still teaches
the kids how to sing...

and she sews all the Christmas
pageant costumes...

and, oh,
she's got pep, your mom.

Yeah, mucho pep.

You boys should get
on the stick for her.

She doesn't spill her own beans.

So you spill them for me.

Well, it needs oil
for one thing.

You know, Mr. Rosa...

if you ever did get
the truck fixed...

you wouldn't have anything
to gossip about, would you?

Come on, guys. I gotta
get supper over to Glen.

- Thanks, Mr. Rosa.
- See ya, Mr. Rosa.

Sometimes life
moves in mysterious ways...

and sometimes
there's no mystery at all...

like when Glen Wesman
built his studio...

across the field from us.

Having a famous artist
next door...

was like God's finger
pointing me toward painting.

All through high school...

Glen taught me what it means
to be an artist.


Close the damn door.

Glen, it's Tom.

It's cold in here.

Why would you leave
the door open?

Where on earth are you?

In the corner...

like Little Jack Horner.


Come in.

I'm learning Latin.

A dead language...

for the dead.

Maleficent crap, eh?

They're not done.

Some things are
better left undone.

I can't capture her.

Can't paint the loss.
My hands won't cooperate.

Don't get old.

That's the sum of my wisdom
at this advanced age.

Don't get old.



Oh, damned hand.

Nothing works
the way it used to.

Let me get that.

- Write.
- Yup.

"Don't get old."

Pin it up.

How's your work?

I'd like to see what
you've been painting.

I feel lost, really.


'Cause I've been doing
a lot of, uh...

a lot of
expressionistic stuff lately.

That will get you lost
very quickly.

Don't reduce art to something
that's about the artist.

Art isn't about the artist.

It's about life.





Art should bring emotion
that can topple tyranny.

I haven't forgotten, Glen.

Are you gonna try
this one again?

We were in Paris
before the w*r.

And we would picnic
along the Seine.

You and Nicole?

A little wine, some bread
by the water.

She liked the simple things.

I lay back on the grass
and looked up.

The light played
through the trees...

touched her.

You must see
the summer light in Paris.

It surrounds the leaves,
holds them somehow.

If there were a God...

that light
would be like his hand...

holding the whole world

If I could paint that...

Yeah, I bet that art dealer
in San Francisco...

would be very happy.


You know, a new Glen Wesman
would be worth a lot of money.

Sidney always tries
to inspire me.

"Call Sidney.

"Tell him to go to hell."

You like Sidney.

Do I?

You always said you did.

What was I writing?

You know, don't even...

Don't even bother
writing it down, Glen.

I bet you'll remember
to tell him to go to hell...

when you see him.


I shall recline here
like an Oriental potentate...

and then try once again
to capture Nicole...

record the loss.


Want to top things off
with tea?

Some other fine beverage?



Mom, what is this?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

Bank says they're
foreclosing, Mom.

Tom, this is my business,
not yours.

Let me see.

I'll figure it out.

I have until New Year's...

to come up with
the back payments.


and 39 cents.

This is due in two weeks.

How can they do this?

They have already
extended me countless times.

I've spoken to them.

There's nothing more
they can do.

Mom, how could you
fall this far behind?

Why didn't you tell us, Mom?


You are my boys.

I'm supposed
to take care of you...

not the other way around.

We're gonna lose the cottage.


Oh, I was so close
to being asleep.

No, you weren't.

Okay. I wasn't.

You know how
I used to fall asleep?

It was looking
at that drawing of Dad...

and dreaming about
when he'd come back.


On her own.

I remember Mom told me
I was the man of the house.

I'm not gonna go see Hope.

I'm gonna stay here
and get a job...

and work over the break.

You and Hope are like...

pretty serious?

She'll have to understand.

We can't leave Mom like this.

Yeah, okay.

Me, too.
I'll find something, too.

Some job.

Yeah. Good.

Trade ya.

You're on vacation.

You shouldn't be getting jobs.

Yeah, but, Mom, you have a job.

You go to work every day.
Why shouldn't we?

This isn't right.

Living like this?

You need help.

No. Your job is
to focus on school...

and when you come home,
you're on vacation.


relax. Enjoy yourselves.

Pancakes, anyone?

Blue box.

Thanks for the job, Big Jim.

I don't know much
about electricity...

but I'm gonna work real hard.

Well, we're gonna
have to, Pat...

because these people
over here never sleep.

I gotta tell ya, they've been
trying to top me for 25 years.

Your move, Big Jim.

You're pathetic, Gunderson!

You and your uptight,
beady-eyed wife!

You think you can top me?

I'm Mr. Electricity
in this town.

Watch this.

I built this myself, Pat.

Does that go any faster?


Don't give in to him.

He called me beady-eyed
in front of the neighbors.

Right there,
that's why I need your help.

They're bitter,
ugly people, Pat.

Sadists at heart.

Keep your cat off my yard!

I found a hairball
in my manger!

You don't have a manger!

Yeah, you don't have a manger.

I hate that cat.

Come on, let's go
blow up Mrs. Claus.

I do too have a manger.

I got everything.

Ernie, hey.


Little Thomas Kinkade...

all the way from college.

Look at you.


Take a seat.

Give this man
a Pepsi-Cola, will ya?


Thanks. You know, um...

I was actually
looking for you...

because I wanted to talk to you
about finding a job.

You know, just something
over the holidays.

A job, huh?

- Yeah.
- Right, work.

- Yeah.
- Employment.

You're in Placerville, son,
and I can tell...

you're digging for gold,
aren't ya?

Let me tell you something.

I'm digging for gold, too.

Tourist gold.

Who do you think's gonna buy
the Haggar slacks...

at the Round Tent?

Who's gonna buy
the cowboy hats at Arian's?

Any thoughts?


Tourists, exactly.

But tourists who are
gonna be coming...

to the Christmas tree
capital of the world, baby.

Yeah, sounds good. So...

Sounds good? No, no, no.

It sounds great.

I got KRGA coming in
from Sacramento.

They're gonna cover the pageant
and the tree lighting.

We're gonna be on TV screens...

from the capital all the way
to the foothills.

We're gonna be going on
around 4:30 in the afternoon...

so it'll probably
still be a little light out.

But that's okay.

We're gonna be the lead-in
to "Match Game."

So one minute, people
are gonna be watching me...

and the next minute, they're
gonna be watching Gene Rayburn.

It's almost gonna be like
Gene and I are friends.

And, if that goes well...

next year, we're prime-time.

Wow. So...

Hello there.

Oh, hi, honey.
It's nice to see you again.

It's nice to see you.

Thank you.



Such an exciting time
of year, isn't it?

Yes, it is. Lovely.

I just can't wait to run
for Miss Placerville again...

and throw the switch
on that Christmas tree.

Tanya, you ran in 1974,
and you won.

I know.

You can't run again.

You gotta give
somebody else a shot.

But no one ever did
turn on a tree...

the way I turned on a tree,
now, did they...


You know, Tanya...

when those photos came out...

as president
of the Chamber of Commerce...

I got phone calls
night and day...

not to mention the organized
protests in the street.

I really don't think we want
to go down this road again.

I'm just telling you.

That was art...

and this is discrimination.

I'm sorry.
You just can't run again.

You are not the boss of me.

Yes, but I'm president
of Chamber of Commerce.

Yeah, well, I've got friends
in this town, too.

I'm not some
Little Orphan Ernie.

I mean, Annie...


You know what I mean.

I don't...

Goodbye, sunshine.

Tommy... everybody wants
a piece of this action.

So, do you have any jobs open?

No, I do not.

It's been very slow.
No tourists here.

That's exactly why
we gotta promote this place.

Like with this mural?

Yes. Yes, exactly
like with this mural.

Oh, Placerville
at Christmastime.

If Charlie could
just get it finished.

And if he could learn
how to paint.

You know,
he's a damn good letterer...

but other than that,
you really can't ask...

It's Main Street,
the Christmas tree?

I can paint this.



Well, now, you know...

I want it like Norman Rockwell.

I mean, I want this to make us
proud of our hometown.

That's a tall order.

Oh, now, come on,
you're not gonna get...

all high-tone Berkeley
on me, are you?

None of that social
commentary stuff, right?

I mean,
this is the back of a store.

This is not a museum.
You understand that?

Of course.


- Yeah.
- All right.

Well, let's say 500 bucks
if it's done by Christmas Eve.

You got a deal.

Yeah? Deal?

All right.

How was work?

Oh, it was fine.

Filing claims is filing claims.

How about you guys?
Any luck?

We are both on the job.

All of us Kinkades
are workin' Joes now.

Oh, that's great!

That is great!

How about we go home
and celebrate...

with some leftover spaghetti?

All right.

Little Joe's.

Hi, Dad.


How's it hangin', son?

Good, Dad. So, listen...

it looks like I'm gonna be in
Placerville the whole holiday...

and I thought you
might like to come up.

Kinkade! Is that
half-pepperoni done yet?

Comin', Skip.


It'll be right up, sir.

- Dad...
- I'm gonna get that kid.

I've seen managers
come and go, son...

but Big Bill sticks.

Someday I'll own this joint.

Cash in my U.S. w*r bonds,
and I'll buy this place.

And I will watch with glee...

as that pimply-faced jerk
falls to his knees...

as dear old Dad is anointed with
the Little Joe's pizza crown!

Dad, he's nineteen.

He's wet behind the ears.

Hey, so, you can really come up?

It's kind of an emergency.

Chick problems, huh?

You need a pinch-hitter, son?

Look, I can explain it all
when you get here, okay, Dad?

Hey, I'll be there for you.

Don't you count out
your old Pops. No, sir.

500 bucks is 500 bucks.

Did you ever do a painting
you didn't believe in?

It's kinda funny you ask.

I just took on a job...

doing this ridiculous Christmas
mural of Placerville...

for 500 bucks.


Yeah, I know.

A mural of Placerville.

It's your chance
to illuminate where you live...

to inspire your neighbors.

Do you think because
they aren't sophisticated...

they don't deserve
your best art?

No, it...

That mural can record the people
you love for posterity.

It could change
the way they see themselves.

Art crosses all borders,
surpasses all languages.

It's a place
where we are one family.

And if you are willing,

to see with your eyes
and your heart...

one image can change lives.

You can introduce men
to their souls.

You can bring that
to this town.

You have that power.

Give your very best always.

Always the finest
your heart has.


It's the only way
an artist knows.

Okay, Glen.

sat on a wall.

had a great fall.

All the king's horses...

and all the king's men...

couldn't put Humpty...


Glen wasn't
the only one grieving.

My mother was always there
to comfort everyone.

Like Butch, the owner
of the Hangtown Saloon.

Are you gonna go
over there before Christmas?


Well, his pine tree has shot up
another couple of inches.

I love the smell of that tree.

And the air today,
it's just so fresh and so clean.

That w*r,
it's still taking its toll.

Wars never end.


Just the lives of the soldiers
who fight them.

She's panting awfully hard.

She does that all day long.

Bulldogs have
respiratory problems.

You should really
have her checked out.

Problems, really?

Well, I will.

Thanks, Maryanne.

I owe you a beer.

I owe you more than that.

Stay, boy.

Stay, Jupiter. Down.

I'm sorry, Tom.

I always forget
the German word for "sit."

It's "sitten sie" or something.

He'll respond to German.
Sitten sie.



Come on, Jupiter.

I know you think
I'm a busybody.

Am I okay with you?


Of course you are.


Come on, Jupiter.

No, no, no, no, no!

Stoppen sie!

Stoppen sie! Come here!

Stoppen sie!

"And it came to pass
in those days that"...

No, no. More bass.

"And it came to pass
in those days...

"that there went out a decree
from Caesar Augustus...

"that all the world
should be taxed"?


Psst. Hey, that's
too much spirit gum.

The bottle says "generously."

Yeah, but...

Oh, yeah?

Who died and made you
Max Factor?

Please let her do it, Evelyn.

Ernie won't let her be
Miss Placerville again.

She'll be fine in the role...

with your brilliant direction.

Why doesn't Mary
have any lines?

She's the key role, Tanya.

Without Mary,
there'd be no Jesus.

Mary was
a beautiful woman, Tanya.

You'll be great.

we need your star power.

- Hey, Pastor.
- Oh.

Guess what.

I'm gonna be Mary.

The Vir... The Vir...
The Blessed... Well.

Did you want two humps...

on the camel?

You know what? I'll...

"And so it was that
while they were there...

"the days
were accomplished...

"that she should be delivered.

"And she brought forth
her firstborn son...

"wrapped him
in swaddling clothes...

"and laid him in a manger...

"because there was
no room in the inn."

Joy to the world

The Lord is come

Let Earth receive her king...

- Oh, damn it to hell!
- What?

Break's over, everyone.

Let's get started.

Places, please. Come along.

- Come on, kids.
- Come along.

Come along, hurry up now.

don't forget your staff.

Okay, great. Great.
Coming in?

Good, good, good.
Very good.

Vesta, we'll start
with "Silent Night."


We'll start with "Silent Night"!

No, Vesta. I want to
change the order.

You can
never change the order...

of the pageant music with Vesta.

You'll have to wait
until she dies.

That could be arranged.

I'm serious.

Whoever is mooing,
please stop it.

Cut the cow!

Sawdust for brains,
this one.

Okay. If we could just start.

Okay. Stand.


Oh, my God, Lloyd.
What happened?

It's an allergy.

I think
I'm in anaphylactic shock.

You're in ana-who?

I've read about this.
I know all the characteristics.

I've got the hives. I've got
the swelling of the neck.

I've got the cramping
little tummy pains.

It's the spirit gum.

I told you
you were using too much.

I was the one who said that.

Shut up, okay?

throat closing down...

inability to breathe.

Oh, my God, we've gotta
get to a hospital.

I need a broncho-dilator.

Let me just...
I can help you with this here.

There's your broncho-dilator!

That really hurt.

You could say thank you.

Are you okay, honey?

I don't know. It was like...

an as*ault!

Oh, you're welcome.
What a jerk.

I can't work with him.

That makes two of us!

All right, all right, come on.

Come on, guys. Let's, uh...

Let's try to keep
our eyes on the prize, okay?

Those TV cameras out there...

they're gonna wanna
see happy faces.

Yeah, well, then why is
his ugly mug centerstage?

I'll tell ya why.

Because his wife is
the big kahuna here!

You take that back,
you big giraffe.

Why, you little...

You can't do that!

Watch me!

Stop it! Both of you!

In front of the children,
no less.

Some great Christmas pageant.

I can't be a wise man,
not with these two fools.

I'm turning in my beard.

Oh, no.


We need a wise man.

Does he have a line?

I know the perfect person.

I'll be right back.

I haven't seen Butch
here since...

Nine years.

The funeral.

It can't be.

- Ho ho ho!
- Pop!

- Paddy boy!
- How are ya?


Oh, my.

Man, couple of fine young
California redwoods.

Yeah! Dang!

Hey, boys, I got your Christmas
presents right back here.

Just what the doctor
ordered, yes, sir.

There it is, boys.
There it is.

Christmas classic.

Go ahead, Paddy-whacker.

Get 'em out here, huh?

I been collecting 'em
for a long time.

Many years now.
That's vintage gold.

First-class merchandise.

Go ahead. Open 'em up.
Don't be bashful.

Yes, sir. They're worth
many, many drachmas.

That right there,
100% made in America.

That's hot stuff. Turn it.

These are great, Dad.

Well, boys, I got
this puppy all tuned up...

for our invasion down
Mexico way. Yes, sirree.

I've been saving my pennies...

and I got myself
a pretty little pile...

we are going to Mexico...

where the beer is cold
and the señoritas hot.

Boys, we gotta go soon,
huh? Olé!

Wait, Dad, don't you
want to stay for a little bit?

Stick around? You mean
like park the carcass...

- chew the fat a while?
- Yeah.

Or no, but...

It's actually
kinda serious, Dad.

Look, why don't you
just come inside?

See, some stuff
happened, and...

I'll tell ya, Thomasito,
stuff happens.

You remember
what Confucius say:

"Life's a bitch...

"and then you die."

Right, but, Dad...

And you will be dead
a long, long time.

Dad, don't you wanna come in
for just a minute?

Well, not at this momento.
No, thank you.

I got a noose
waiting for me...

down at the Hangtown Saloon.

But you could
stick around, right?

We really gotta talk, Dad.

What's the matter, boy?

Ain't you gettin' any?

- Incoming!
- That's not the problem.

I mean, that is...

This is about something
totally different, Dad.

Okay, I'll stick around
a little while.

Whatever the problem is,
all you gotta do...

is just grab your ass
with both hands...

and never let go.

Yes, sir.

I can hear them señoritas
right now.

Oh, hey, boys.

I got you guys a couple
of stocking stuffers...

on my last trip to Mexico.


Bitchin', Tom.

Hold on, Butch.

Stay right like that.


Say, Rembrandt...

would you like
to take a walk with me?

I'm gonna go see my kid.


I can't sleep.

They say that time heals,
but I...

I still can't sleep.

And, uh...

it hurts the same,
year after year.

Why doesn't it get easier?

I miss you.

Son, I miss you very much.

Merry Christmas.

You gotta be still, okay?

It's our final
dress rehearsal...

and I want it
to be perfect.

Okay, stand up.


I told you not
to change the order.

"We Wish You
a Merry Christmas," Vesta.

I may not be
Miss Placerville...

but I can still
turn on a tree.

You want Placerville to look
its very best on TV, don't you?

Of course I do.

Well, who is the only nationally
recognized personality...

this town has to offer?


We'll give it a shot, okay?

I knew that you'd
see it my way.

Ooh, make a wish.

I just did.

Evie, honey, I'm sorry.

I can't keep this beard
on anymore.

This spirit gum,
it's k*lling me.

Perfect. That was great.

Now Lloyd says he's quitting.

He's quitting?

Lord, we need
another wise man.

Oh, he can't quit.

Don't worry.
I'll be right back.

Just keep singing.

Them damn Krauts...

they circled us
here and here.

And that's why
they called it the Bulge.

We were like fish in a barrel.

Ol' Bill was a big walleye,
believe you me.

Hello, Bill.

I heard there was
a drifter in town.

Hi, sweetie.

It's been a while.

Not long enough.

That's not
a very kind thing to say.

Want a drink?

Not really...

but I figured you did.

So I do.

So I do, my dear.

I read once that drinking
was dangerous...

so I gave up reading.

Still k*lling time, huh, Bill?

No one ever kills time,

But you can hold it c*ptive.

You told me that one
about a hundred years ago.

Feels like a hundred years,
that's for damn sure.

Lot of water
under the bridge.

Rivers under the bridge.


We were young once,
sweet Maryanne

Couple of crazy kids
had a wedding.

My mother threw rice.

You threw firecrackers.

You sure were beautiful.

Still are.

If I may say so myself...

I was quite a handsome
young lad once upon a time.

You used to call me
your knight in shining armor.

I see you've gotten
some dents over the years.

Yeah, well...

all that armor...

got a little heavy.

I just couldn't, uh...

Back then, we sure
were on the merry-go-round...

chasin' that brass ring.

I'm still goin' for it.

Yeah, while you're
grabbing that brass ring...

I'm trying to scrape together
a living to raise two boys.

And they are
damn fine young men.

Thank you.

Bill, I've never asked
you for anything.


But the church
needs your help.

Hold on, darlin'.

Usually people put that
the other way around.

I need you to perform
in the pageant.

Whoa, Nellie.

Bill, after this year's
pageant, I'm...

Well, things change...

and you never know
what's gonna happen.

The boys may not make it
home again for Christmas.

I just want this Christmas
to be really special.



Well... things aren't always...

as memorable as they used
to be, darlin', you know.

At least I don't
have Alzheimer's.

I have some-heimer's.

I remember some things.

I remember everything.

Do it for Pat and Tom.

You owe them.

Sugar, I don't owe
anybody anything.

Oh, you do.

You owe me.

Not this contraption.

I want my staff, my rod.

I don't use a walker,
a walker!

It turns you
into an old woman.

It walks you.

But a staff, a rod.

Give me something I can
as*ault the enemy with!

Hello, Glen.



In the too, too solid flesh.

Hey, boy-o.

There was something
I was supposed to tell you.

Nice to see you, Tom.

Thanks for coming,
Mr. Marvin.

Oh, now I remember, yes.

Go to hell.

I've already been there.

How's my market, Sid?

It's been a while since I've had
a new Glen Wesman to offer.

I need a great painting.

He needs a great check.

He's in rare form today.

What did you put
in his coffee?

I will not pander.

I won't put crap
out on the market.

No, no, no, no.
Glen, Glen...

I know you've had
some pain.

I've known pain all my life.

What I'm feeling now is rage.

Rage that you'd like
to calculate my suffering...

and translate it
into dollars and cents.

I'm through
with the whole business.

I'm done, I'm finished.

I've heard that speech before.

You think you're the only one
who's ever suffered?

Every year, Marc Chagall
yelled at me, huh?

Said he'd never paint again.

But he always came up
with a new piece from inside.

And you can do the same.

I've been trying
for months to do it, Sid.

To capture Nicole...

so the world would
never lose her.

It's not there.

I may not live
to see Christmas.

Get to work.

As you leave...

I'm leaving? I just got here.

Your inspiration
has exhausted me.

As you leave...

would you please
bring me my staff?

My rod.

I'll do that.

Somehow this walker
has appeared by my bed...

and I don't want
the damn thing.

Uh, Your Worship.

Now you can go to hell.



Those pictures
are unsaleable.

They're not finished.

They are finished.

He won't go back
and finish them...

and he knows it.

He's been depressed
ever since Nicole died...

and it's gotten
in the way of his genius.

It's worse than that.

He's been getting
confused lately.

He has one more painting in him.

I'm sure of it.

That would make your bank
account very happy, I'm sure.

I know you think
I'm some kind of mercenary.

That's my job.

I love Glen.
I love his art, too.

And I've done right by him
for a long time.

And he's done
a hell of a lot for you.


how's life treating you?

Have you got a minute,
Mr. Marvin?

My family...


We're in a bit
of a financial pinch.

Do you think maybe...

Do you think maybe
there'd ever be a buyer...

for any of these?

I don't think so.

Your teachers at Berkeley
do this kind of thing better.

These are pale imitations.

I'm sorry.

You might have something
inside you.

I don't think
you've found it yet.

But you sure as hell
can draw.

It's beautiful.

It's this little town and...

these people
I've known all my life.

There's so much love here.

It's beautiful, Tom.

Don't ever doubt that.

Nanette was my first love.

I hadn't seen her
in almost a year.

Funny how my heart jumped.



three, two...


Oh, that's so tacky.

Take that, Gunderson.

Keep them lights
a-coming, Patrick.

You're doing great there, boy.

What do you want
to do today, Vesta?

Look, there we are.

Hi, Butch.

Mother's milk.

Right back at ya.

If we could just start.

Mr. Chang.


the wind is blowing down
your elves.

What wind?

And your flocking stinks.

Your flocking is outstanding.

You can bring love
into our church pageant...

but you have to hear it
and feel it first.

Am I beautiful?

I thought so.

It's coming along, huh?



Merry Christmas there, Butch.

January 5th.

I don't know, Kinkade.

I mean, it's, uh...

Well, it's interesting.

No, it's not.

It's not gonna work.

Hey. There's my store.

Wow. Very beautiful.

I like that very much.

See? He hates it.

Oh, well.

That's me...

with Jupiter.

You see how friendly he is?
I told ya, Tom.

Look how skinny I am.

You know,
it was actually my idea...

to have him paint the people...

that make Placerville
so special.

I may not know much
about artwork...

but I do know
what the public wants.

Very beautiful.

You ready to take
a break there, Tom, huh?

A break? No.

Day after tomorrow's
Christmas Eve.

This has to be ready
for the TV cameras.

No, you can take a break
after Christmas. Yeah?

Listen, fifty bucks...

if you can find a spot
to put me in there, huh?

Fifty? Yeah?

Forty-five. Just paint me in.

Okay, great.


Big Jim gave me some overtime.

And I'll have 500,
assuming I can finish the mural.

Then there's about 200
in my savings account.

I must have a hundred or so.

That leaves us short.


I'm looking at you right now.


At one of your paintings.


I miss you so much, Thomas.

Yeah, me, too.

And I decided,
if you can't come to me...

I'll come to you.


Number one son!

Park yourself right there.

Join me at the altar, Tommy.

What I'm most proud about you,

T-Boneus Rex...

is that you
never took up smoking.

I'm really proud about that.

Look, Dad, I have
to talk to you about Mom.

Right, yeah. I remember.

You mentioned the, uh...

The money.

See, Mom got behind.

Oh, she got behind, did she?

Well, there's the switch.

She was always and forever
grinding my gears...

about getting behind.

Now she's behind.

That, number one son,
I find a regular laugh riot.

Well, it's not funny.

We're gonna lose
the cottage, Dad.

We gotta come up with $3,000.

Three grand.

Big spender, your mother.

Look, Dad, she...

She loaned people money, okay?

She gave people things.

She never gave me a dime.

Well, couldn't...

Couldn't you for me?

For Pat?

Well, you see, kiddo...

number one son...

I ain't got it.

I'm livin' paycheck
to damn paycheck.

What about the Mexico money?


I'm livin' week to week...

hand to damn mouth.

Let me tell you something.

That's the only way to live.

Week to week, day to day...

hour to hour, minute to minute.

Each day in the moment, son.

Enjoy the hell out of life.

One day, you wake up...

and it's gone.

What happens if you're about
to lose everything...

that's made you who you are?

Your home, your teacher...

your hopes and dreams?

When that all goes,
what's left?

I'm not sure
about the speaker system, Tom.

I don't think
they have it anymore.

Well, just ask him, Mom.

Look, Ernie swears it's in

and he says he needs
it for the pageant.

And you know how Ernie is.

He's not gonna let me alone
until he gets an answer.


Mom, what about the speaker?

I couldn't ask him, Tom.

Why not?

Because I don't work there


I got laid off in September.

Business was slow.

Oh, my God.

You should've told us.

No, I didn't wanna
worry you kids...

interfere with your school.

Mom, you come down here
every day, all day long.

No, I sit on the bench,
or I go over...

and I visit at the hospital,
or I, um...

I help out at the church.

And I look for work every day,
but there's nothing out there.

We're going to lose the house,

We're gonna lose everything.


No, Mom, hey, it'll be okay.

I'm not so sure anymore.

How will we live?

Oh, God.

I'll move.

I'll leave Placerville,
and I'll get a job in...

No. We'll figure it out, okay?

You have so many friends here
in town. They'll help.

- I'll go talk to everybody in
- No!

No, you won't.

Maryanne Kinkade
does not ask for charity.

I couldn't endure the shame,

I will suffer this alone.

The last thing that I still have
that is mine is my pride.

You understand.

Shouldn't I be in the center,
and shouldn't I be bigger?

You're plenty big, Tanya.

Can you fix it?

I'll see what I can do.

And you messed up my nose.

I know, I hate that.

I love your nose.

Guess who.

Hey, you made it.


Well, it pays the rent, right?

All of a sudden,
Hope was there...

with all her big city dreams
for me...

and my two worlds collided.

Hey. Get ready to go.

That's it, that's it.
Smile. Smile.

Oh, that's it.
Oh, good. Okay.

This is so great.

Ernie, look this way.

Come on. That's it, That's it.

Oh, good, Cheryl.
Stand back there.

How'd the skank weasel her way
back in, Ernie?

What's she got on ya?

Nothing. Nothing!

Yeah, and if birds could fly.

Yes, birds can fly.

Suck an egg, '77.

Hey, come on, ladies.
Please, zip, zip.

All right.

And now from Placerville...

the official Christmas tree
capital of the world...

here to light
our town twee...

our town tree is a veteran
Miss Placerville.

So here she is now
to turn it on.

Hello, Sacramento.

I'm Tanya Kapinski,
Miss Placerville, 1974.

You know, I've worked
as a professional model...

for many years.

And in fact,
if you happen to have...

the April 1974 issue
of "Easy Rider"...

I'd be more than happy
to sign that for you...

- right after the ceremony.
- That's good, huh?

But there's no place like home.

I mean, really,
home is just the best place...

that a person could be from.

And so it is with my great

that I'm here to light up

the Christmas tree capital
of the world.

Okay, in five, four,
three, two, one.


Just 'cause I wired it?

It wasn't my fault, okay?!


Give me your hand.

Hi, Glen.

It's me.

Sorry, I'm a little behind. I...

What a day.

There's a beautiful moon
coming up.

A crescent moon for Christmas.

I brought you something.

It's icy on the bridge.

Don't fall.

Your fingers in mine, Nicole.

It's Maryanne.

I brought you
some hot chocolate, Glen.

I don't want to lose you.

Give me your hand.

Here, let me help you up.

Stubborn woman.

Lean on me.

We'll cross the Pont Neuf.

Glen, we're not in Paris.

We're in your studio.

My studio?

My easel, my paints?

They're all here.


It's 1977, Glen.

You've made me an old man.

I was young a moment ago.

Here, look at this.

Smell this.

Isn't it beautiful?

Let me take you on a walk.

You haven't been outside in...
in weeks.

Let me take you on a walk.

Let me take you
to the Christmas pageant.

I respectfully decline
your invitation.

My next visit to the church
will be for my funeral.

There's still life
out there for you, Glen.

You need to touch it
and taste it and see it.

I see more than you think.

Maryanne, you're k*lling
yourself with pride.

That night, Placerville
had its chance to redeem itself.

The Christmas pageant
seemed like a sure thing.

I mean,
how can you go wrong...

with little kids
and some wise men?

I figured wax-based paint would
really make the scenery shine...

under the TV lights.


"And it came to pass
in those days...

"that there went out a decree
from Caesar Augustus...

"that all the world
should be taxed.

"And Joseph went up from Galilee
into Bethlehem with Mary...

"his espoused wife.

"And she brought forth
their firstborn son...

"and she wrapped him
in swaddling clothes...

"and laid him in a manger...

"for there was no room
for them at the inn."

What's wrong?

What's happening
to the scenery?

Oh, my God.

We must've used too much wax.

Under these lights...

It's melting.

Oh, look, the donkey's peeing.

"And, um, there were in that
same country shepherds"...

That's not good. That's not...

"watching over their flock."

Stop laughing.

Oh, well, looks I'm gonna be
on riot control any minute.

Let's walk off.
Come on, Sweetie.

Let's walk.

No, no, no.
What are you doing?

No, no, no. Mary, sit down.

What's going on?

No, no, no, no, no,
don't stop the show.

It is not the end
of the world.

Yes, it is the end of the world.

You don't understand.

This was supposed to be
a beautiful Christmas pageant.

It was supposed
to be a light, airy...

Get back there.

There was supposed to be
a lighted Christmas tree...

in the town square.


Huh, great.

And now the final humiliation.

Thank you, Tommy.
Thank you.

This is all your fault.

For goodness sake.

You don't have
to listen to this, Thomas.

Let's get out of here...

back to where
they appreciate you.

Oh! Oh, wonderful.

Okay. Well, the TV people
are packing it in...

and, great,
the audience is leaving, too.

Well, Tommy,
you painted the scenery.

You're the one that screwed up!

Now, now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Just cool your jets there,
Captain Kangaroo...

and back off.

Tommy Boy didn't screw this up.

He gave this town
a great Christmas gift.

Look at that mural.

He gave you the heart
and soul of this place.

Yeah, it looks
pretty good to me.

This old town...

you don't need
to impress anyone.

You're A-okay
just the way you are.

Aren't we all here

someone who was born
in a garage?


Or a...

- Stable.
- Stable.


He never had much money, either.

Thank you.
Thank you for your time.

Thanks, Dad.

We'd love to share...

our Christmas candle lighting
ceremony with you.

The children are ready.

Come on, children.

Let me help with you that,


You don't belong here.

I don't know where I belong.

Don't give up on yourself.

I'm not giving up.

Will you read, Maryanne?

"For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given.

"And the government
shall be upon his shoulder...

"and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counselor...

"the Mighty God,
the Everlasting Father...

"the Prince of Peace."

You know, I don't know a lot
about scripture.

I'm not a scholar,
and I'm not a preacher...

but when I look out
and I see the faces...

of these young children
in the candlelight...

so full of hope...

I feel the presence
of God right here...

like little angels
telling us all...

to, "Fear not, I bring you
tidings of great joy."

You are the light of the world
in a...

a very dark winter.

And we could all use a little
bit of extra light right now.

Excuse me, angel.

I light this candle as a symbol
of sharing God's love...

with all of his children.

That Christmas Eve, I realized
that in a vast, black night...

even a little light
shines brightly...

and all we can do is
our best to find that light...

and share it with others.


Okay. And...

Merry Christmas.

Happy holidays.

Bless you.

It's Christmas Eve, Glen.

How are you?

Remember when you told me...

this was the one night of the
year when animals could talk?

You said when the animals talk,
it wasn't magic.

It was holy...

a glimpse of the sacred.

You said it was a moment
where we could understand...

the heart of every living thing.

I always thought
it was a miracle...

when you built your studio
in the field by my house.

It was like God's gift to me,
bringing you here.

You always told me you weren't
gonna teach me how to paint...

but why to paint.

And I'll be forever grateful
to you for that.

I wish I could give you back

but I have nothing.

We're losing the cottage, Glen.

A year from now, I have no idea
where we'll be.

This may be
our last Christmas together...

and I have no gift for you,

I have no way to thank you
for everything.

No money, nothing.

Just love.

I love you, Glen.

Don't give up, please.

That's the first thing
you taught me...

about being an artist:
you never give up.

Don't give up, Glen.

There's a light in you still.

The snow stopped falling
by Christmas morning.

It had blanketed Placerville...

Thank you.

deep and crisp and even.

Now it's your turn.

There you go. Open it up.

Thank you, Tom.

Now I have the cottage forever.

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't say no, Mom.

It's not much, but it's a start
of a new life for us.

We gotta stick together.

We're all we've got.

Thank you, Pat.

Thank you.

It looks
like a million dollars to me.

Good morning.

We've come to help you
fix this place up.

Then maybe you could sell it.

It's about time somebody
gave you a gift for Christmas.

But how did everybody know?

I spilled the beans.

We know this probably
won't solve all your problems...

but we had to do something.

It was kind of my idea.

I mean,
after all you've done for us.

Maryanne, for you.

For good fortune and happiness.

I don't know what to say.

Say merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Okay, son,
that ought to do it.

Let's give her a shot.

All right, come on, baby.

Come on now! Come to Big Bill.

Start that truck!


Please sweep the dust back in.


You are sweeping the good luck
out of the house.

Let go of broom. Go, go.

Yes. Do it. Do it.

Very good. Yeah.

I never knew.

Knew what?

That you matter to everyone?

Well, you do.

Tom, can you get that, please?

Glen, what are you...

Come here. Come in.
Oh, my God.

What are you doing here?

How'd you get over here?

My staff.

My rod.

Are you okay?

It's the light, Tom,
that's what lasts.

The leaves are transient.

They grow, turn green,
turn red, and die...

but behind them,
the light lasts forever.

Glen, please, come sit down.

Paint the light.

Christmas gift.

Remember how Sidney hoped
I had one more painting in me?

I did.

Just one.


Good old Latin.

"The Last Leaf"...

is my last painting, Tom.

No, Glen, no.

I had been trying
to paint my sorrow...

to show the bleakness of a world
without Nicole.

But then you came
with a candle last night...

and I knew what
Nicole's memorial should be.

Not darkness, no, but light.

Sometimes we can barely see
beyond the forest to the sky.

I was painting the leaves
of the forest...

and never saw the light
of the sky behind it.

Now I see it.

That's all I need to see now.

I'll treasure this forever,

No, you will not.

You will take it
to Sidney Marvin...

and you will sell it.

The last Glen Wesman
should bring you enough...

to keep this cottage forever.

Oh, Glen. Thank you.

No, thank you. Thank you.

What for?

You managed to put Humpty-Dumpty
back together again.

Those were the last brushstrokes
Glen ever painted.

He sat at our table
for Christmas dinner.

- There, Tom. You'll carve it.
- Of course.

All right.

Holy Father,
bless this meal...

and all who are gathered here.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Glen.

My mother made sure
Glen was well-fed.

After dinner, we sang carols.

The old favorites,
with words like...

"the hopes and fears
of all the years"...

and "God rest ye merry,

Then I helped Glen walk home.

Big Jim stayed up all night...

fixing the wiring
on that tree...

and Placerville turned on
its real lights that year.

I always thought it was the year
we found Christmas...

all over again.


When I went to see Glen
the next evening...

he had gone home for good.

He was back where the light
burns brighter...

than we could ever imagine.

Pacem, Glen.


You showed me the light...

a light that has filled my life
ever since.

You have that power holding
the whole world together.

Now I see it.

That was thirty years ago.

Today, Big Jim still puts up
just one star, nothing else.

And he and the Gundersons
finally became friends.

Vesta's buried in that
little cemetery near our house.

Butch is there, too...

finally resting peacefully
next to his son.

Glen's painting
took a journey, too...

and is now owned
by a museum in New York.

Mr. Rosa retired, but he still
keeps track of all of our lives.

Tanya kept entering
the Miss Placerville contest...

until she was well into her 50s.

And to this day, Ernie still
promotes Placerville... quietly.

Pat stuck with his schooling...

and became a well-known writer
and professor.


Well, that's a story
for another day.

And Mom,
thanks to Glen's gift of love...

well, she never had to worry
about a mortgage payment again.

She got a job she loved
with the county...

and retired several years later.

And Bill?

Well, my dad
kept leading his crazy life...

driving his old heap
in search of new adventures.

As for me,
I'm still trying my best...

to use the lessons Glen
taught me.

Lessons about art, about life,
and about light.

In the end, love is the
brightest light of all.

For Glen
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