Three Days (2001)

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Three Days (2001)

Post by bunniefuu »


-SANTA: Ho-ho. Ho-ho.







Hey, Santa, tough crowd, huh?

I do okay.



Wow, cents and a gum wrapper.

Lady, you give me the donation.

I want that bell.

Thank you!


Merry Christmas, Boston!

Ho-ho-ho! Ho-ho-ho!

Thank you!


Now you try. C'mon.

Okay, good, good.



From the diaphragm.


Good. Thank you. C'mon.


Merry Christmas!

-All right. Good luck!

Merry Christmas!

ANDREW: Paperback? Sam, don't insult me.

Were talking Oliver Whitman here.

I mean, this guy's a literary giant.

You've heard of the Pulitzer Prize, yes?

Right. He gets first-run hardcover...

Oh, that's fine, Sam.

You wanna stick with
the bargain bin. That's great.

I've got Ken Blanchard on hold, he...

Sure, you can think about it.
You've got a minute.

Hey, you, I've got Sam Dixon on hold.

He wants to publish , in hardcover.
You gotta top that.


BETH: ...on top of your spine.

Breathe in to your lower abdomen.

Very good.

Close your eyes. Good.

Stretching up through the spine.


Just focus on right here. Right now.






I just made Oliver Whitman
the deal of his career.

KIMBERLY: Fantastic.

Yeah. That guy blew his talent years ago.

He's been coasting on his Pulitzer. But...

He's a brand name that still sells.

Yes, you're learning. So...

I called Stanley Terkleson.
Just to check in.

Has he done the sequel yet?

No, he's still in the research stage.

He's going back to Mahone Bay
just to see how it's changed.

Well, as long as he meets his deadline.

Anything else?

Yeah, I read that submission
from Leo Burton,

that -something from Chicago?

Right. Broken Dreams on the Open Road.

It's pseudo-Jack Kerouac. Derivative.

Couldn't agree more. I want to sign him.

(CHUCKLING) Andrew...

Have you heard the buzz on this kid?

I mean, I smell movie rights,
excerpts in Rolling Stone,

Yeah, but it's literary junk food.

What are you, a critic or an agent?

Don't smell it. Sell it.


Hey, Daryl, book me on
the last flight to Chicago tonight.

-Daryl, book me too.

Yeah, okay.
It's all very, very simple then.

Here's what you do.

You just overnight
the contracts to me, okay?

All right, I gotta go. I gotta go.

Hey... Hey, I tried to call you.

-I did. I called the, uh, clinic.

Oh, that's on Tuesdays.

Well, whatever, the tutoring center.

Yeah, that's Thursday afternoons.

Oh, c'mon, you flit around
like a hummingbird all week.

It's hard to keep track of you.

You know, Andrew,
I know you're not really into Christmas.

But just one year, I thought
maybe we pick out our tree together.

There was an impromptu reception.

-I had--
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Beth, I'm so sorry.

I mean, it's not like I didn't want to go.

Really? So what, you forgot?

Is that what you're saying?
That's even worse.

I didn't forget. I'm swamped.

You're always swamped.

That's not true. It's the end of the year.

Everyone wants their deals closed.

You know, I feel like from
the minute I wake up in the morning,

I'm under the g*n.

Okay. It's okay.

We have our tree. It's good, right?

Oh, this is our tree.

This is a little sparse, don't you think?


-Come back here! Lulu!
-BETH: Oh, Lulu.

I got her, Mrs. Applebee!

I'll bring her right up.

the tree stand's in the living room.

-MRS. APPLEBEE: Did you get her?
-Yeah. How did you get out again?

Admit it.

That tree is starting to grow on you.

It's growing in me. I just pulled
two needles out of my neck.

You going to help me decorate this year?

-And you know what else?

A bunch of us are going caroling later on.

And we really need a tenor.

And you want me?

Yeah, it'll be fun.

You've heard me sing.
I don't even sing in the shower.

Okay, well, stay home and make dinner.

And then we can decorate together.

-I can't.

I have to go to Chicago.
There's this young writer.

But Andrew, it's Christmas.

Not for three days.

But we've spent Christmas together
for the last years.

Right, and I'm not
gonna miss it this year.

I wouldn't go if it wasn't important.

What... What, do you want me
to let someone else sign him?


(SIGHS) Look. You're going to be
so busy with all your little things,

you're not even going to miss me.

I'll be back Christmas Eve.

If you want, save the decorating for then.

We'll decorate together.
We can celebrate together. Okay?

Look, I want to talk about this with you,
but I really have to pack.


Airport, please.

Now, every agent with a brain
in their head wants to represent you.

You know why?

Because they see dollar signs.

But, uh, Kimberly and I,
we see something more.

We hear something more.

We hear

the voice of a generation.

You write with such daring and insight.

It gave me chills.

ANDREW: Now, I'm not yanking your chain
here right now,

but we see you up there
in the pantheon with the greats.

I mean, I gotta tell you,

in years kids are going
to be reading your book in school.

But the way the business works now,

you can't get there alone.

You need an advocate, someone on your side

so that you can concentrate
on what's most important,

so that you can do your work.

Now, I can't tell you
how many authors have died penniless,

scrounging for scraps,

because they didn't have
the right representation.

I mean, Homer, the Odyssey, the Iliad,

that guy didn't have
two drachmas to rub together.

Or like a sheepskin to put his wine in.

Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales,

should have been called
the Canterbury Fails.

Now, what we'd like to do is fly you out,

put you up at the best hotel,

introduce you to
all the publishing houses.

How's that sound?

Are we in business together?


I have to ask my mom first.

Okay, what famous authors died

scrounging for scraps in the street?

Who knows.
I was just trying to hook the kid.

Yeah, who knew that
you needed his mother's approval?

Yeah, well, she loved you.
You guys didn't stop talking.

Oh, well,
we found something in common.

Yeah, I had no idea you grew up on a farm.

I didn't. She said she did, so...

It worked.

Yes, it did. To Leo Burton.

Glad I came now, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Is that the only reason?

Maybe not.

Well, that's an improvement.

Our trip to Providence?

To see Stanley Terkleson?

Well, c'mon, I mean, you know Stanley.

He's very needy.
He requires a lot of attention.

I know, you barely noticed me.

But Stanley did.

Remember the look on his face

when he caught me
leaving your hotel room in my nightie...

I know, he refused to believe
you stopped by just to get toothpaste.

Actually, Andrew...

Stanley was right.

After all, he writes mysteries.

He knows a bad alibi when he hears one.

The toothpaste?

It seemed like a good excuse.

Do I need one tonight?



KIMBERLY: Are you done yet?

Yeah, just about.




Yeah, just a minute.

-WOMAN: Good evening, the Plaza.
-Andrew Farmer's room, please.

I'll connect you.







Hello? Hello?



Either you've been stalling in there

or your hands are exceptionally clean.



That's a face with second thoughts.

I just... I've been thinking.

You know, this could
just get very complicated, quickly.

So let's keep it simple.

No, I don't know.

I mean, we work together. I'm married.

What, this is news to you all of a sudden?

No, it's not news. I just... (SIGHS)

Look, I'm sorry if I led you on.

Yeah. Who knew you had a conscience?

Well, Kimberly,
don't take this personally.

I mean, you're smart,
you're incredibly beautiful.

Andrew, I'm a big girl.

Okay, I'm already over this.






Hey, you're sitting in the dark.
What happened?

Did you fall asleep?


You could do better than that.

I heard her.
I called your hotel room last night.

You heard who?

Don't patronize me.

Kimberly. I know her voice.

It was just,
we were prepping for the meeting.


Is that what they call it?

Nothing happened.

Then why didn't you
even tell me she was going?

She just came, you know,
to help me. To sign the client.

Since when do you
need help signing a client?

Okay, Beth, we work together.

You know,
she doesn't think of me in that way.

She looks at me
like a mentor or something.

You know...

I had planned on
asking you to leave. But...

I can't stand being in here.

Beth, please, nothing happened. I swear.

-Stop talking! Stop talking!

Don't, please don't go.

-It's like... C'mon, it's like...
-Stop it! I need to think.

It's like, its two degrees outside.
It's almost midnight.

Then Merry Christmas.





Lulu, honey.

Lulu, what are you doing here?
What are you...

Lulu! Lulu!

-Lulu! Lulu, what are you doing?

Lulu, honey.

What are you doing out here, crazy girl?


Beth, look out!

Look out!



Mr. Farmer?

-I'm Dr. Wilson.
-How is she?

Let's talk in here.

(SIGHS) How is she?

Mr. Farmer, your wife
suffered massive head injuries.


I'm very sorry for your loss.

What were you thinking?

Going after that stupid dog.


You can't leave me like this.

Not thinking that I...

I have to tell you. You have to know.



MAN: Hey, you wanna
shut that door, pal? It's cold.

I'm sorry.

I know it's late. I got...

Locked out? Yeah, I know.

Um, it's just across the street.
Can you help me?

That's what I'm here for.


Could we go now? I'd like to get home.

What's your hurry, Andrew?

She's not there anymore.

Do I know you?

No, but I know you.

I know everyone.

Um, I must have used the wrong key.

I'm sorry to bother you.


Name's Lionel.

How'd you do that?

I'm not really a locksmith.

What are you?

I'm the answer

to your prayer.

You wanted another chance, didn't you?

Another chance with, uh, Beth?

Okay, I don't know who you are...

I'm Lionel.

-Or what you are...
-I'm an angel.

You're what?

Oh, I know, you wanna see wings, right?

Is that gonna do it?

'Cause it's not going to happen.

It's way too ostentatious.

Okay. You're an angel.


How'd you do that?

It's way too complicated
to explain right now.

This isn't happening.

So what were you thinking,
messing with that Kimberly in Chicago?

Well, I've never messed with...

How did you know that?

Do I have to spell it out for you again?


Okay, look. It's Lionel, right?

This is the worst night of my life.
I don't have time to play games.


Yeah, so why don't you
just tell me what you want?

Hey, if you're going to
have that attitude, you can forget it.

I'll cancel this assignment.

If you don't want to
spend more time with Beth, that's fine.

I'll go my own way.

Well, whoa, whoa.

What do you mean,
spend more time with Beth?

Listening now, huh?

Such a tragedy.

Special lady like that,

to die with a broken heart.

She thought you betrayed her.

I didn't. I love her. I would never...

It's all been taken into account.

Which is why
you've won the jackpot, my friend.

I'm here to bestow a gift.

A very rare gift, Andrew.

I don't follow.

When you wake tomorrow,

you'll have the past three days to live
all over again.

Beth will be alive.

She won't have any memory of those days.

You will remember everything.

Are you gettin' this?

'Cause starting tomorrow,
you can live those days any way you like.

But remember, you only get one shot.

You have to prove to her
that you love her.

Unfortunately, when
Christmas Eve rolls around,

she still will meet her fate.

The same accident is gonna happen,
at the same time.


- : exactly.

It's her destiny, Andrew.
It's beyond your control.

Well, I won't let it happen.
I won't let her go.

You have to.

If you try to change destiny,
those three days will be gone.

They'll never have happened.

Don't focus on her dying, Andrew.

Focus on her living.

Wait, I...

Oh, I almost forgot, too.






It is freezing out.






Are you happy to see me?

You have no idea.


Where were you?

I bought bagels.

-Can I see that paper?

So, remember tonight, we're going
to pick out our Christmas tree.

We're going to pick out, because...

We haven't picked out our tree.
That hasn't happened yet.

Are you okay?

-It was a dream.

All of it. Everything. I mean...

You're here, and you're... You're fine.


And I saw a weird guy.

I must have just dreamt him.

And was Toto there, too?

No, you don't understand.


It's wonderful. It's wonderful.

We don't have to worry.


You know, I wanted...
I wanted to ask you about something.

I found this weird key on the front table.

Is that yours?


What's it to?


I don't know.

I guess I just found it on the street.

Well, it certainly is unusual.

(WHISPERS) Three days.

What's the matter with you?

What do you mean?

Where you going?

Well, I thought I would
just read the paper over here

on this side of the room.

No, I mean...
I mean, what's up for you today?

-What's your schedule?

I teach yoga in the morning.

And then in the afternoon
I have art class.

Blow it off.

Blow all of it off. Cancel everything.


Because I want to
spend every minute with you.

Who are you and
what have you done with my husband?

Look, I know
I've been too wrapped up lately.

I want to make it up to you.

Well, honey, that's sweet,
but what about work?

I've got vacation days
racked up since .

But you can't just not go in.

Sure I can.

We can play hooky, like we used to.


I guess I could
call somebody and get her to

-cover my class for me.

But, what are we going to do?

Anything. Anything you want.

Everything we do,
wherever we go, it's your choice.

That's the rule.

I like that rule.

So where do you want to go?

I mean, and think big, really big.

I mean, we can hop a plane, fly to Paris.


No, I mean it. I want this to be special.

I want it to be the best Christmas ever.

(SIGHS) But we don't have to
leave Boston to have that.

C'mon, there must be someplace
you want to go.

I mean, anywhere.
You name it. We're there.



Mahone Bay?

It's not exactly what I had in mind.

You said my choice.

I said think big.

A trip to the dentist is bigger than this.

Well, that's where I want to go.
And you made the rule, mister.

I was thinking of Paris,
but I guess we're going back home.

Hi there,

my wife and I would like
two tickets to Mahone Bay, please.

It's hardly changed.

Yeah, you're right.

Same guy's been
dozing there since graduation.

BETH: (INHALES DEEPLY) Ah! Smell that?

Diesel fumes?


It's logs burning in a fireplace, and

muffins, and hot cocoa and pine.

You can smell all that?

No, but it's how I remember it.

And it's all still here.

ANDREW: No, it's not.

Your folks live in New Mexico.

My mom's gone.
My dad's... Who knows where.

But it still feels like home.

Careful, he's hibernating.

BETH: Hey!

BETH: Wow, you drive
the only taxi in town.

So, no wonder you're exhausted.

Larry, I think you should meditate.

Twenty minutes, twice a day.
You'll have so much more energy.

You'll feel electric. Okay?

Stick your tongue in a socket, Larry.
It's quicker.

He only made the mile and a half
from the station in twenty minutes.

That must be some kind of record.

You know, we're not in the city now.
We can take things slow.

I'm planning to.

Beth McCarthy. Still got that glow.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Hanson.
But remember, it's Beth Farmer.

Oh, that's right,
you married the Farmer boy.

Betty and Henry's son.

How're you doing, sir?

Old, and waiting to die.

Oh, don't say that, you look great.

Can't stop the clock, though, can you?

So, do you have any vacancies?

Well, let's see.

It seems to be wide open.

Well, I want your best room, Mr. Hanson.

What's top of the line?

Well, room , Jack Klugman suite.

Uh, he stayed here once
when his car broke down.

Okay, we'll take it.

It's pretty pricey.

-Is it your best?

That's the one we want.

You see the sign?
There's some sort of holiday festivities

in the town square tonight.
You love that stuff.

Yeah, I guess.

What's the matter?


Look, I know it's weird to be back here,

but could you just take it down
a couple notches?

I mean, "I want your best room,
top of the line."

I just want you to be comfortable.

Okay, then.

Stop playing the conquering hero.

I mean, we left town, you've done well.
We're not back here so you can show off.

Uh, I'm not showing off.


Then why are you acting so weird?

Okay, um...

Maybe you're right. Why don't we, um...

Why don't we take a walk, huh?

That'll be fun. We can unwind.


Just give me a minute.



LIONEL: Not working out
like you planned, huh?

ANDREW: You... What are you doing here?

You know she's right.

You've gotta settle down, pal.


Relax, how am I supposed to relax,

knowing what's gonna happen
on Christmas Eve?

Knowing that, maybe you should
consider giving Beth a gift.

Gift? What kind of gift?

Her last Christmas present, so to speak.

Like what?

(SIGHS) Andrew, it's your decision.

Put some thought into it.

Oh, that's nice. That's very nice.

I don't have enough pressure on me?
I have to figure out

what to get her
for her very last gift now?

BETH: Who are you talking to?

It's... It's nobody. It's just me.


You really do need to relax.


Let's go.

Come on.

I can't believe it's still here.
Remember this store?

I guess.

Oh, I used to come shopping
up the road with my mom.

And then I would always run off
and I would come down here,

and then she would always know
where to come find me.

Well, let's go in.


-It's filled with treasures.

Every piece tells a story.


-That's not much of a talker.


Andrew, look.

Lost Summer at Mahone Bay
by Stanley Terkleson.


It's a first edition.

Do you remember how huge this was?

-National Book Award.

Stanley put this town on the map.

Who would've thought that
you'd grow up to be his agent?

And guess what?

Twenty years later,
he's writing the sequel.


That's great.


ANDREW: You sure you want to do this?

I really wanna see it.

Oh, I used to love to come over here.

I couldn't wait to leave.

Your parents were so nice to me.

Remember that time
I had to make that dress for home ec,

and your mom helped me,
and we made you model it?

That was fun.


Oh, and those historic
gin rummy games with your dad?

Good old Dad.

Aw, look.

We don't fit anymore.

Can I help you?

-No, we're just passing by.
-He grew up in this house.

Andy Farmer?

And Beth McCarthy? Well, how are ya?

Walter. Walter Hopkins.

Ate two dozen hard-boiled eggs
at the sophomore class picnic?



-Wait, you live here now?
-I sure do.

Well, it's been through
a couple owners since your time,

but yeah, we love the place.

Oh, hey, you gotta come inside,
say hi to Megan.

-Megan? Not Megan Harrison.
-The one and only.

-You guys got married?
-Been together forever, just like you.

Well, c'mon.

C'mon, honey.

BETH: Do you remember driver's ed?

You drove over Mrs. Morosky's foot.

-Oh, I thought it was a cone.
-What, until the cone started screaming?

-She was such a drama queen.

Oh, God, it's good to see you again.


You, too, Andrew.

Hey, do you remember
what the carpet was in this room?

-Green shag.

We ripped it up. I mean, there's
gorgeous hardwood floors under here.

Yeah, they really are nice.

But everything else is so much the same.


Are these your children?
They're beautiful.

-You got any kids?
-No, not yet.

Well, Tyler and Michelle'd love
to meet you. You two are famous.

MEGAN: Oh, yeah, they find your names
all over the neighborhood.

The cement, the trees, the fence.

Hey, how 'bout you stay for dinner?

Oh, I don't know.
We have that other stuff planned.

-What stuff?
-The stuff.

The special stuff we're gonna do.

We have time for that...
We'd love to stay.

BETH: Do you guys still like
to skate out on the old pond?

All the time.

BETH: I used to go out there for hours.
It's a great place to hang out.


You know my favorite part?

Just as it was getting dark,
when everyone else would go home,

I'd stay and I'd skate out
there all by myself.

It was so peaceful. All I could hear
was my own skates on the ice.

You can't get that
kind of quiet in Boston.

BETH: No. No, you can't.

We do have a really good rink,
though, up in the North End,

but I can never get time
alone on the ice there.

I wish I could. I'd really like that.

So, Andrew, uh, what about your job?
I mean, it must be pretty exciting.

All that wheeling and dealing.

It has its moments.

Yeah, I still can't
believe I tore him away.

It must be divine intervention.


How 'bout this, huh?
Real blast from the past.

Funny, though. Me living here and not you.

No, but I... I really couldn't imagine

living in the same house
that I grew up in, staying...

In the same town?

Not that there's
anything wrong with Mahone Bay.

Not exactly a hot spot, though, is it?

Me and Walt have been together
since, um... (CHUCKLES)

Since he threw a spitball
at me in Mr. Shapiro's class.

Ah, romance.

God, all this time
and he still makes me laugh.

We still really enjoy each other.

I don't know why I'm telling you that.
You and Andrew.

So, you left everything
behind except Beth.

Yeah, I guess I took
the best part of this town with me.

TYLER: Dad, there's no paper!

Excuse me. Hang on, champ, I'm coming.


MEGAN: You know, you are really lucky.

I mean, I love my kids,
but sometimes, uh...

Just not a lot of alone time, you know.
Just me and Walt together as a couple.

You and Andrew,
you can just pick up and take off.

Just the two of you.
Still a real love affair.

-Oh, Beth?

BETH: It used to be so easy between us.

And now, well,
we just can't seem to connect.

MEGAN: Oh, Beth, all marriages go
through rough spots.

No, it's not that.

He's so distant.

And then all of a sudden this morning,
he was just changed.

He was... He was just
suddenly eager to please.

MEGAN: Well, that's encouraging, right?

BETH: It just didn't seem real.

I wouldn't question it.
He's trying, right?

I just... I keep thinking that maybe

people aren't really meant
to be together forever.

And, maybe, he's just not
in love with me anymore.




WALTER: We started a new tradition
a few years back.

Everyone in town hangs
an ornament with their name on it.

Helps make us feel
like we're one big family.

-That's beautiful.
-Yeah, it's real nice.

Is all this Christmas spirit
just too much for you?

I'm totally into it.

MICHELLE: Beth, c'mon!


LIONEL: Psst. Party boy.

Lionel, look...

Look. Um...

It's not working out.

That's not good.
You only have two days left.

I know, that's what I'm talking about.
I need more time.

No can do. Okay?

Three days. That was
all I was allowed to grant you.

Come on, man.
You can throw me a week or two.

No. Christmas Eve. : . It's over.

-That's not fair.
-I don't make the rules, Andrew.

Make an exception.

Exceptions only
in the rarest of circumstances.

And I don't see one here.
You haven't made much progress with her.

(SIGHS) Then help me.

Have you given any thought
to that gift I mentioned?

I've got something in mind.
I want to surprise her.

Well, good. Surprises are good.




-Thank you. Wasn't that lovely, folks?

I'm sure by this time you must be
wondering why our tree isn't lit.

ALL: Yeah.

MAN IN CROWD: What's going on?

We tried, folks, we really tried.

But there's a defect
somewhere in the wiring.


MAYOR: I know, I'm disappointed, too.

But, uh, the band is hot tonight
and they're taking requests.


I'll Be Home for Christmas.

Isn't it a delight to have
Beth McCarthy home for Christmas?

-MAN IN CROWD: Yeah, welcome back.

MAYOR: And Andy Farmer, too.

-He's around here somewhere, Mr. Mayor.

He's really checking his messages.

So, folks, grab yourselves some cocoa

and catch up with your neighbors,
and be sure to sing along...

MAN : Hear, hear.
MAN : All right, Danny,

you know the words.

-You want to go get some hot chocolate?





That was incredible. You were singing...

Dogs howling all over town.

No, it was beautiful. I...
I just can't believe you did it.

Beth, I would do anything for you.

WALTER: No encore, Andy?

Uh, no, that was
a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Shame your father couldn't see it.

My father?

Well, it must be tough
for him to get out now, huh?

I wouldn't know.

BETH: Well, see you guys tomorrow.

WALTER: Have you been up to visit him yet?

Hey, man, he's in Florida or Phoenix.
I really don't know.

What's going on?

He's back here.
He's in the retirement home.

Thanks for dinner.

-That's why we came back here?
-No, it's not the only reason.

I... I don't understand.

How'd you know where he was?

Last I heard, it was, uh, Boca Raton.

He was living with another winner.

He left her three years ago.

We keep in touch a little.
He likes to know how you're doing.

He really does.

Does he know I'm here?

Let's keep it that way.

He's sick. He has emphysema.

Yeah, well, a carton
a week'll do that to you.

-Don't be so cruel.
-My father was never home.

He was always on the road,
mixing business with pleasure.

-I'm not trying to...
-Beth, he left us twice.

Treated my mother like that?

I don't want to see him.


-Come to bed.

I will.


WOMAN: Over here.


BETH: I did hope you'd want to see him.

I mean, I guess that's part
of the reason I wanted to come back.

ANDREW: The other part?

We grew up here.

This is where we fell in love.
I guess I was hoping that...

Look, Beth,

I know that we haven't spent
enough time together...

It's not that.

You always used to notice me.

You used to look at me like...
Like I was special.

I... I still do.

Lately, I just feel like you're annoyed,

like... Like, you're embarrassed of me.

-That I don't have some big career.

Beth, I don't care about any of that.


I'm so proud of you.



-We've walked here so many times.

Made lots of plans.

Did they turn out like you hoped?

I think I'm learning not to plan so much.

I'm trying to live more
in the moment like you.




That's in the moment.

Yeah, I'll show you in the moment.



BETH: Hey.

CHILD : Hold on.

CHILD : Get down.

Guys, stop! Get off the fort!



Guys, I said get off the fort.


TYLER: Help!

Help, help!

The fort collapsed!

My sister's trapped!

Hey, come on. Hurry!

ANDREW: Where is she?

Michelle's trapped!

You get away. I got it.

-What happened?
-She's buried in here.

Oh, my God. Michelle!

BETH: Michelle?

ANDREW: Wait, to the right.
BETH: Where?


-I got her.

-BETH: Michelle, honey.


She's not breathing.


One, two, three, four, five.

-C'mon, one, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.



Oh! Michelle, honey.

Hey, it's okay.

Hey. Hey.


I saw angels.

They... They talked to me.

Said they're waiting.

The angels are waiting for you.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, sweetie.

-That was scary today.
-That was really scary.

You were amazing.

So were you.

It was weird what she said, though.

"The angels are waiting for you."

Well, she was delirious.

Yeah, but, you know how you hear all
those near-death experience stories?

I mean, it was just strange
that that's what she said,

that they were waiting for me.

(SIGHS) I mean, I'd like to believe

that there are angels, you know,

and that there's
another side, a spiritual side.

I don't know, I know that's probably
just much too irrational for you.

-That's not true.
-Oh, really?

-You're such a solid proof kind of guy.


-What's wrong? You're so jumpy.

No, I'm just...
I'm just, you know, excited.

(CHUCKLES) About what?

Well, I was going to wait until dessert,

but I might as well just show you
what I've been carrying around.

-Is it for me?


Open it.

-I'll help you.




I can't believe you got this for me.

-Do you like it?
-I love it. Thank you.

Do you really like it?

You know,

Tyler... Tyler's so cute.

And he looks just like Walter.

Does it ever make you want one?


I mean, we keep saying we're
gonna wait until the right time.

And I'm not getting any younger.

And maybe now is the right time.
Maybe now is the perfect time.

Beth, I really want to have kids with you.

I'd love to have a family
with you more than anything. It's just...

I don't know if, you know, right now is...

(SIGHS) You know,

you keep trying to plan this.

It's like you're waiting
for this perfect situation,

this impossible ideal to happen.

And you're just fooling yourself.

Life doesn't work that way.

It doesn't conform
to all of our little plans. It...

We don't know what's in the future.

We can never know.

I'll be back.

Except you know what the future holds,
don't you, Andrew?

Yeah, and it's k*lling me.

I want to have kids
with her more than anything.

-You didn't before.
-I was stupid before.

That was part of the problem.

You think your father
has anything to do with this?

-With my wanting kids?

Yeah, maybe your attitude
towards your father

has affected your desire
to become a parent.

I don't care about him.
This is about Beth.

Andrew, life isn't
a bunch of marbles bouncing around.

Everything is tied together.

Where'd you learn that?

Angel metaphysics. Top of my class.

If I deal with my dad,
will that help me with Beth?

Only those who forgive
earn the right to be forgiven.

Was it angel metaphysics?

Fortune cookie.
But it's still good advice.

She liked my gift.

Yeah, it's nice. It's not
the gift I was talking about.

What you talking about then?

Still hasn't sunk in yet, has it?

Andrew, go see your dad.

BETH: What changed your mind?

ANDREW: I don't know. I guess... I guess,
being back here got me thinking.

You know, all the resentment
I built up toward my father,

-that's gotta have an impact on me.
-Of course.

And shutting him out

hasn't stopped him from affecting my life.

Wow. How introspective of you.

Is that okay?

Yeah, it's great. It's just unusual.

Thanks. I think.

Well, you know what I mean. You don't
like to stop and analyze your stuff.

You want to just push on through
and hope everything works out.

And I can't do that anymore.

Especially if any of that stuff
comes between me and you.

You ready?

-WOMAN: Hello.



Heard I could find
a game of gin rummy down here.

Hey, Henry.

-Beth, I didn't know you were coming.

Well, that's why they call it a surprise.

(CHUCKLES) Well, you got me.

Bowled me right over.

Hey, Dad. How are ya?

I can't walk steps
without sitting down

or go anywhere without my t*nk here,
but I can't complain.

You're looking older.

It's been a while.

-So, merry Christmas.
-Same to you.

C'mon, sit down, sweetheart.
And tell me. Tell me everything.

Well, it's really nice to be back in town.

It's so beautiful in the winter, and...

Well, I don't get out as much to enjoy it,
but I know what you mean.


All the places I've been,
the travelling I've done...

And I come back here in the end.

It's a little late, don't you think?


I mean, Mom's dead.

Your kids are all grown,
and now you come home?

You want to lace into me?
That's why you came here?

No. No, we just came to visit.
There'll be plenty of time to talk.

So, Beth's kept me posted.

Sounds like you're doing
pretty well for yourself.

Not too bad.

Don't sell yourself short.

You're a real big shot.

Nice office, huh?

-Expense account?

Top-notch salesman.

-Like your old man.

Well, you sell books and I sold sundries,
but selling is selling.

-It's not the same thing.
-Sure it is.

Where does he think
he got the knack for it, huh?

You're incredible. You talk like you
had anything to do with my success.

You had nothing to do
with my success, okay?

My mother raised me.

You're just a guy with a suitcase.

My business required me to travel, Andrew.

Your business? Or your girlfriends?

(WHEEZING) I worked hard for my family.

I kept food on the table.

You never wanted for anything.

-Just one thing.
-BETH: Andrew.

I'm sorry.

-Andrew! Stop!

-Come back inside.

You have to.


Look, what's the point, Beth? I tried.

He's sick. You don't know how long he has.

What if you never get to see him again?

Oh, my God. What am I doing?

Look, Beth,

I will deal with my father.
I promise you. Just not now.


I need more time.


BETH: I know it was hard
seeing your father again.

-I shouldn't have pushed you.
-It's all right.

Guess it could've gone better.

Well, it's just the first step.

You can't expect to solve everything

that's wrong
with a relationship in just one visit.

You know, we should do something tonight.

-Like what?
-I don't know. What is there in town?

Well, it's not exactly like
there's a plethora of choices.

Wait. Come here.


It's their first dance.

-We never had our first dance, did we?
-Yes, we did.

Debbie Hamilton's sweet sixteen.

No, I mean as a married couple.

Oh, I guess not officially.

You ever sorry we eloped?

Sorry? It was my idea.

I know. It's...
You missed out on the party.

No, I didn't.

What are you doing?

Watching you.

-Must be fascinating.
-It is.


Do you have any idea

how much I cherish you?

Do you?

I think so.


You really know how to ruin a moment.

Did you notice the time?

Yeah, it's : .

Exactly hours to go.

I don't care what you say. Beth is not
going anywhere near that street tomorrow.

-I told you, Andrew...
-I won't let her.

-I thought you understood...
-No, I don't understand.

Why? Why...
Why does she have to die?

And don't give me
that angel metaphysics stuff

because that's not gonna cut it with me.

Alright, then, I'll speak your language.
We have an agreement.

-I didn't sign anything.
-We have a binding verbal commitment.

You get three days, we get Beth.

No! Things have changed.
The terms are unacceptable.

Don't try to agent me, Andrew.

-You can't renegotiate.
-You can always renegotiate.

Look, if Beth skips her date with destiny,

the whole cosmic balance
is thrown out of whack.

C'mon, there's gotta be a loophole.
You said yourself, there are exceptions.


Andrew, if you truly love her,
you'll figure it out.


Now the question is, where?



Oh, wait, you can't just plunk it down
like that, you have to feel it.

Feel the tree.

Not literally.

In here.

You have to feel it in here.

Close your eyes.


Now, where is the perfect spot
for your ornament?



Oh. Aw...

-I can't wait to get home.

I like it here now.

-Well, so do I, but it's Christmas Eve.

We can spend it with Megan and Eggman.

I want to spend Christmas Eve with you.

Alone in our apartment.
With our Christmas tree

that we still have to go back and get.

-But it's so much more Christmas...
-No, Andrew.

You made the rule. It's my choice.

We're going back to Boston.

Come on.

Come on.

Such an honor to have you back,
Mr. Terkleson. I have all your books.

-Do you?

I have a special fondness for the one
you wrote here. Lost Summer at Mahone Bay.

I always figured that I was the model for
the sly and devilishly handsome Rodrigo.

You got me.

How come you're back
Christmas Eve and all?

-I'm desperate for inspiration.

Well, if there's anything you need,
Mr. Terkleson, let me know.


Andrew. What on earth?

What are you doing here?

Well, it was your idea.

Get away.

Researching my next opus. The sequel.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just...
I'm a little out of it.

What's the matter?

The enchanting Miss Kimberly
not along with you this time?

I must say, slipping out of your room
in her negligee at one in the morning,

claiming she needed toothpaste...

Beth! Beth! Beth!

Beth! Beth!

Beth, nothing happened.
She was there... She was there for one...

You know, I really thought we connected.
But it was just your guilty conscience.


-Train station.

You can't get away.
I walk faster than this.


Beth! Beth! Wait!

-I missed it.
-Sorry, man.

-Next train's at...
-No, I can't wait for the next one.

-I have to find Beth.
-No, hang on...

I have to get back to Boston.

Your car...

I'll pay you for it, Walter.

Andrew, the next train's at four.

With all the holiday traffic,
it makes more sense just to wait for it.

-The train'll get you home quicker.

You're right.

Why don't you come back
up to the house now and relax...

I can't, Walter. I can't sit still.


Hey, Dad.


What are you doin' back?

I wanna apologize for leaving that way.

Guess you had a reason to.

I've been thinking about it.

Could've done better by you.

Much better.

I can't change the past.

Just hope there's still time,

that you'll let me try to
patch things up a little...

I'm pretty big on second chances now.

Game of gin rummy, then?

I'd like to, but

I have to find Beth.

(SIGHS) I messed up.

She thinks there's another woman.
There's not.

It's just her.

You're lucky, Andrew.



All my years running around,

I never realized how much
I loved your mother.

Not till she died.

I never had a chance to tell her
how much she meant to me,

that I should've been a better husband.

Me too.

Find Beth. She'll understand.

You two will have
a whole lifetime together.







: . Could you just get around this guy?
Go up on the curb?

DRIVER: Easy, bud. It's Christmas Eve.








I'm sorry. I thought you were
somebody else.


MAN: (OVER PA) Lathes and gentlemen,
the North End Skate Club is now closed.

Thanks for coming out.

WOMAN: Careful.


Not skating tonight?

Beth, I know how it sounded.

And I know I should've told you
that she was there. But nothing happened.

Nothing would ever happen.

I love you.

Only you.

I love you.


You have to skate.


Alone, on the ice. That's what you wanted.
That could be it.

What are you talking about? "It"?

Please, put these on.

Just, just do it. Trust me.

Sir, sir, sir. Could you hold off on that
for a few minutes? My wife has to skate.

The rink's closed.

Look, I understand.
I'd be happy to compensate you.

I have, I have, money, look...

I have a lot of money.
You can... The wallet.

The whole wallet is yours.

Please, please, it's her Christmas gift.

Five minutes.

Thank you. Thank you. Merry Christmas.


She's beautiful.

Yeah, she is.

So that's it, then.

Nothing happens now. : ? Beth lives.

How do you figure?

She knows I love her,
and I gave her the gift.

Well, first of all, minutes ago,
she thought you betrayed her.

She may have forgiven you, but

is she sure of your love?

I'm not convinced.

And second of all,
as far as the gift goes...

This is sweet, but please.

What are you talking about?
That's what she wanted.

This is not the gift.

The gift will prove that
you truly love her.

Don't lose hope. There's still time.

Three whole hours.

Thank you for making me skate.

Another great Christmas present.

-Well, that's not your present.

No, no what else do you want?
What can I give you?

-I don't need anything.
-Well... Well, just think.

I want you to know how much I love you.

Buying me something isn't going to prove
how much you love me.

It might.


I know a Christmas present
that we both got.

I'm pregnant.

Six weeks.

I've been... I've been waiting for
the perfect moment to tell you.

And I guess that this isn't the perfect...


-Are you happy?
-I'm so happy.

I think that this is the most beautiful
Christmas tree we've ever had.


Thank goodness, they still had trees.

It would have been so sad
to wake up tomorrow without one.



You know what I can't wait to do?

We have to go get all of those books,
you know.

The books about
What to Expect When You're Expecting.

Oh, and we have to get
all the baby name books.

It's gonna be so hard.

It's gonna be so hard to pick a baby name.

We'll pick whatever you like.


I want to do this together. All of it.

So tell me,

do you wanna know if it's a boy or a girl?


Me neither.

One of life's great remaining mysteries.

BETH: Mmm.


Just think,

next year, we're just going to be
tripping over all the toys.

-It sounds wonderful.

And then,

we'll have three stockings on the mantel.

I want nothing more.

You know what I want?




I love you.


BETH: You want some ice cream?

No, thanks.

How about some of this weird fruitcake
from the Fergusons?

No, sweetie, forget all that.
Just come back in here.


Don't answer it.

BETH: Hello? What?

Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it.

-What is it?
-Minor crisis.

-Lulu got out.

-Lulu. Mrs. Applebee's dog.

Oh, no.

-Honey, don't worry. She never gets far.
-No, no. You're not going.

It's not your problem.

Honey, she's really upset. I have to go.

Let her look.

She's years old.

The fresh air'll be good for her.

That's crazy.

All right, you know what? I'm gonna go.


Well, that's really adorable.
But Lulu won't come to you.

-Of course she'll come to me.
-No, actually, she won't, honey.

Dogs hate you. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Wait. Beth!

Wait, Beth. I'll... I'll come with you.

Then we'll both freeze.

Honey, what is the matter with you?

-LIONEL: Let her go, Andrew.
-I can't...

-You can't what?
-Beth, please...

Just don't go.

-I have to go.
-LIONEL: She's right.

It's not fair.

What's not fair?

You're being so adorable.

I want you to stay here.

Stay on the couch, all cozy and warm.

LIONEL: It's her time.

-Save a place for me. I'll be right back.
-Don't go.

You cannot change this, Andrew.

I love you.

I'll be back in a minute.

No! Beth! Beth! Open it!

LIONEL: No. There's no point.

Please, Lionel.

I can't let her die. I'll give anything.





Lulu? Honey.

Lulu, what are you doing here?
What are you...



-Lulu! Honey!

What are you doing out here, crazy girl?



Mrs. Farmer?

I'm Dr. Wilson.

How is he?

Let's talk in here.

But how is he?


Mrs. Farmer, your husband's injuries
were very severe.


We've used all the medical expertise
available to us...


But I'm afraid there's
nothing more we can do.


He's not conscious now,
but if you'd like to see him.

There must be something.

There's not much time.





Oh, what were you thinking?

Pushing me out of the way like that.

It should've been me.



No. No.


-I'm so sorry.
-No. No.

Don't leave.





Andrew. Andrew, honey. Hey.


-You're so beautiful.

I thought I lost you.

I know the feeling.


Merry Christmas.

-SANTA: Ho-ho-ho!

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!




Hey, Lionel.

-How's my little buddy?
-He looks so good.

-Yes, so good, yes.
-Yeah, I got him.

Let's go take your picture, c'mon.

Oh, he's the little man.

BETH: Little Santa, aren't you?

-Ready to smile?


It's okay.


-What's happening?
-I don't know.


-BETH: Smile.


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