17x28 - Heroes, friend and faux alike!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x28 - Heroes, friend and faux alike!

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Continuing their journey to Shalour City

and Ash's third Gym battle challenge,

our heroes seem to have wandered

into an all-too-familiar situation.


Catching Pikachu is meant to be!

Inkay, help them agree!Inkay!

You're never gonna get away with it!

Froakie, I choose you!


Froakie, Water Pulse!



Dodge it!

I've got just the thing.

The future is now, thanks to science.

Clemontic Gear, on!

Clemont, what's that?

Just watch this and you'll see!

Inkay, Psybeam!


Oh my!

I call it my "Mechanical Absorber of Any Pokémon's Move"!

The name needs work.

All right, use Tackle!


You see?

It works for physical att*cks as well!

Oh man, science is so amazing!

'Kay, Froakie, use Bubble!



Pumpkaboo, use Shadow Ball!


It's working well!

Dark Pulse, go!


Use Water Pulse!



Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!


[Team Rocket] We're blasting off again!

Clemont, you did it!

Your invention is great!

Hey Clemont, thanks a lot.

You're welcome.

Although it's still in the prototype stage,

I have a good feeling--

I guess it's back to the ol' drawing board.

We were so close to catching Pikachu.

So close times zero still equals zero.

It's just not fair.

How do we compete against an absurd Twerp invention?

Why try to compete when we can steal?


Utilizing that move-absorbing device would be nice.

But we first need a strategy and I've got it.


Now that's what I call a plan.

[James] But how do we execute?

You just have faith in my acting expertise.

And the rest of it will be a breeze.

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ POKEMON! [Gotta catch 'em all] ♪

♪ It's you and me POKEMON! ♪

♪ I know it's my destiny POKEMON! ♪

♪ Yeah you're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend POKEMON! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪


[Ash] "Heroes-- Friends and Faux Alike!"

[boy] That's it, Pancham.


[man] Hey-- That's a Pancham, isn't it?

That's right.

Hi-- The name's Ash.

And I came all the way here from Pallet Town.

Well, I come from here and I'm Myron.

Hey, Serena and Bonnie, check it out!

There's a Pancham over here!

[woman] Hi!

I'm Serena, from Vaniville Town!

I'm Bonnie, from Lumiose City!

This is my cute friend Dedenne!

Nene, nene.

And this is my partner Pikachu.

Your Pikachu can float in the air?

That's from lots of special training!

Awesome, huh?

My buddy's the best!

Inkay, Inkay.

I didn't know a Pikachu sounded like that.

Now ya do.

So, let's have a battle.


No way!

I really don't wanna put Pancham in a battle.

Having a battle's awesome!

So whaddaya say?

'Kay, Pikachu, use Psybeam.


Now how could your Pikachu know how to use Psybeam?

We train hard.

Now, Tackle!


Are you okay?

Stop it already!

What a bore having a battle with a weak Pancham!

We should go before I fall asleep.

That's too bad.

Ever seen anything so uncute?

Nene, ne.


I'm gonna tell Officer Jenny!

[man] Here you go.

Hey, you didn't pay for anything!

That's 'cause I'm Ash from Pallet Town!

And I'm Serena from Vaniville Town.

And I'm cute Bonnie from Lumiose City!

[man] Hey-- Where's my money?

In our pockets, says Serena from Vaniville Town.

And Ash from Pallet Town!

And Bonnie from Lumiose City!


The nerve.

How dare they run after eating and drinking so much.

Finally-- We're in town.Pika?

I told Officer Jenny about you!

That's weird.

How come your Pikachu isn't floating in the air like before?


I'm really sorry.

I thought you were Ash from Pallet Town.

Hey, what's going on here?


Now look.

You kids ordered all that food

and then you ate every bit of it!

You owe me a lot of money, you know.


We just got into town this minute, sir.

We haven't eaten anything.

He's right.

Hold on, you do seem different now.


I think you made a mistake.

I'm sorry.

[Pokémon Center chimes playing]

Everyone's feeling better now.

[Serena, Ash, Clemont] Thanks so much, Nurse Joy!

[woman over P.A.] Attention, please.

Ash from Pallet Town, Serena from Vaniville Town,

and Bonnie from Lumiose City.

please come to the Pokémon Center entrance.

What for?

Ahh, there you are!

It's time for you guys to pay your bill already.

Hold on... We just got into town.

It's our first time here.


Are you sure these are the ones?

I don't know.

They're all dressed the same.

You're Ash from Pallet Town, correct?


And you're Pikachu, right?


And you're Serena from Vaniville Town.

Yes, I am.


You must be Bonnie from Lumiose City.

And I'll bet Dedenne must be in your bag.


I'd be very interested to hear what you all have to say.

You might be involved in some kind of trouble.

Sure, no problem.

What about me?

Wait for us in the lobby.

We'll call when we're done.


I'm so confused.

Part one of our plan is a success.

We've separated the inventor Twerp

from the rest of the Twerps.

Plus, we got to feed and re-feed our faces.

Double prizes.

That's our Jess.

The most devious mind on the devious planet.

Now it's time for part two to get under way.

[James, Meowth] Yay!

[Serena, Ash, Bonnie] What?

Fakes in this town?

Forcing people to battle?

Eating and drinking a lot and then running without paying?

That's right.

And when they run away, they announce your names

to everybody.

So, I asked you to come here to see

if you knew what's been going on.

This photo is from

the restaurant's surveillance camera.

They do look like us.

Yeah, but why?

We have no idea.

But we're currently investigating.

So I'm asking you to please be extra careful

during your stay here.

That's all for now.

You can go.

[Serena, Ash, Bonnie] Thanks.

[Bonnie] There are some weird people in town disguised as us.

I'm so mad at them!

We'll tell you a lot more when we get back.

See ya.

I wonder why there wasn't anyone pretending to be my brother.

That's weird.

Yeah, you're right.

It makes no sense to me.Pika.

I can't believe how odd that is.

[Jesse] Excuse us, but are you

that brilliant young inventor, Clemont?

Uh, brilliant?

Well...Allow us to introduce ourselves.

You're from the Kalos Institute of Technology?


We're in the process of building an important device,

but we need your help.

If we're going to succeed, input from a genius like you

is critical.

Like me?

Of course.

We've heard all about you,

how unique and revolutionary your inventions are.

People in the know are saying they're brilliant

and incredibly useful.

Yes, indeed.

Brilliant enough to figuratively blind you.

Devices from the future!

Works from a master inventor!

You're embarrassing me.

Please, Clemont, sir, work alongside us.

I'll help in any way I can.

"I have an important job to do, so I'll be going out for awhile.

"Please don't wait for me to have dinner.

I'll be back later this evening. --Clemont."

Would you give this to Ash, please?

Yes, of course.

[Clemont] Incredible!

You've got all sorts of equipment.

Do you mind if I examine it?

[Jesse] Not at all.


A complete set of tools!

This is so exciting!

Here's what we're working on.



A Heliolisk robot?


This is as far as we've gotten.

We were commissioned to build it by an organization

dedicated to world peace.

But a cruel, nasty Electric-type Pokémon

continues to sabotage our work.

That's not very nice.

And so, we humbly request that you build us

an Electric-type defensive device.

Electric-type defensive device, eh?



That will be a breeze.


We knew we could count on you.

First off, I'll need to gather a number of insulating materials.

Let's get started right away.

It will be hard to move if too much electricity builds up.

So I'll need to install a discharge mechanism as well.

You are a true genius, Clemont.

We never would've thought of that.

This goes here.

Then I do this.

Your Kalos region update?

Sir, we now have two Pokémon.

Pumpkaboo...[James] ...and Inkay.

I'm quite happy to hear that.

We're working hard to increase our firepower

by catching more Pokémon.

And soon, you'll be receiving even more exciting news from us.

I look forward to that.

We'll do our best-- We simply must!

[Team Rocket] We'll get Pikachu this time or bust!


[all] Who's that Pokémon?

It's Inkay!


Finished-- Perfect.

Bravo, Clemont!

Excellent effort.

We would be honored if you would name this for us,

brilliant lad.

Hm... Let's see.

How about the "Electricity Has No Effect on Me-a-Tron"?

Big fail.

Hey, what's that?

Initially, we thought we'd build a Pokémon transport machine.

But we couldn't get the thing to work.

[Jesse] As the capsule travels through the tube, it gets stuck.

I could see if I can adjust it.


Of course!

How far do you want to send the capsule?

One and a half miles or so.

One and a half miles.

If the capsule with a Pokémon in it weighs this,

and if the distance is one and a half miles,

then the necessary output would have to be--

All right, I've got it.

It's all done.

Now we can seal it so we can increase the pressure.

Adjustment complete.

[both] Bravo, bravissimo, Clemont!

We are humbled by your greatness.

[James] I can't thank you enough for all your help.

Glad I could be of service.


[Ash] Where could Clemont have gone off to?

[Clemont] I'm back.

[Bonnie] Clemont, where have you been?

A couple of scientists asked me to help assist them

with several of their machines

they were having a bit of trouble with.

So, what was Officer Jenny talking about?

Some people are pretending to be us.

They go around telling everybody our names.

Pika, pika!

And whoever's pretending to be me

even has a bag with a Dedenne inside!


Someone's pretending to be me, too!

Fakes of all three of you?

We have to find out who they are, quick.

That's right!

I can't take it much longer.

I'm not gonna let them drag our names

through the mud like this anymore!Pika!

Everything's safely buried now.

Tomorrow's going to be a lot of fun.

Come back here.

You forgot to pay for your food!

So-- I'm Ash from Pallet Town.

And I'm Serena from Vaniville Town.

I'm Bonnie from Lumiose City!

Once the Twerps learn there are copies of them running around,

they're going to want to stop us

and that's when we lure them into our trap.

It's a snap.

It tickles my cap.

Were there were people here who look like us?


And they ate without paying me anything.

Do you know which way they went?

They took off over in that direction.

[Ash] Thanks a lot.

Gotta find those fakes.


[Jesse] Oh, hello.

[Ash] You're the ones!

[Bonnie] Who are you?

Your clothes are awful!

Not like mine at all!


I never say ta-da.

Ta-da, ta-da, ta-da!

I don't do that ever!

It wasn't easy for me to dress down with no class,

like you do.What was that?

And I truly detested acting like a total buffoon.


Right, Pikachu?


Come on, you're not Pikachu.


And you're not even a little bit cute!


That's a puppet.

Nyah nyah.

Prepare for trouble, without our disguises.

And make it double, with no surprises.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all people within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.


And James!

Team Rocket rips you off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare for a fraudulent fight.

Meowth, that's right!


Team Rocket!

[Serena] Why were you pretending to be us?

Obviously your Twerpish brains don't work that well,

so we'll tell you.

Team Rocket's future is now, thanks to science!

Team Rocketronic Gear, on!

I worked on that robot.

[Jesse] You can't unring a bell, and you did your work so well.

No! What have I done?

Thank you for your brilliant help.

Without your naive assistance, we'd be lost.

So they were the scientists that asked you

to go and help them out with their robot.

[James] Right!

And disguising ourselves as you to separate him

from you was the goal.

And as you can see, it worked out inventively well.


Today is the day we catch Pikachu for sure.

With our Electricity Has No Effect on Me-a-Tron!

That's a bad name.

Yeah... I have to agree.

[James] You can thank your brilliant Clemont for that unique name.

You did it?


The agony!

The shame!

One Pikachu, coming up!


Use Thunderbolt!


[Meowth] Clemont's idea was pure genius!

With multiple layers of insulation,

the anti-Electric-type device works like a charm.

I had no idea Pikachu was the cruel,

nasty Electric-type Pokémon.

Use Electro Ball!


Pika, pika, pika!

Show them how!



Pika... Pika!


Got you!

Now what?

[Serena] What's that?

Our Pokémon transport machine.

[James] You can thank Clemont for this, too.

Alley... oop!


That's not music to my ears.

What's the problem?

The problem is my big brother made it.

Everybody, get down!

[Jesse] The robot went blooey!

But we have Pikachu.

'Cause our plan worked.

Like it should.

[Team Rocket] Life is good!



Where did it go?

Clemont, put me in a capsule and send me off after them!

The capsule was designed for Pokémon only and besides,

there's just one.

All right, then.

Ash, it won't work!

[Clemont] Wait a minute.

I know what to do.

What are you thinking about?

Serena, I'd like to use your guidebook.

[Serena] Here.Now.

Team Rocket told me they wanted to transfer a Pokémon

one and a half miles.

So what?


We're here on the map, so the other end

of the transport machine has to be somewhere within

this one and a half mile circle.

[Ash] I see.

Bunnelby, come on out!


I'd like you to dig a tunnel and find out which direction

the transport machine was heading in.



[Clemont] That way!

[Ash] Got it!

Excellent work, Bunnelby!

Lead on!

Well, well, well.

It looks like we've finally caught you this time.



That's as far as you go!

How dare you fool me like that?

Give back Pikachu, right now!


[both] Go!


The future is now, thanks to science.

Clemontic Gear, on!

Mechanical Absorption of Any Pokémon's Move, model two!

Yeah, go get 'em, big brother!

Inkay, Psybeam!


Pumpkaboo, Dark Pulse, go!


Science is so amazing!

Use Shadow Ball!


Bunnelby, Double Slap!Bun!

Now use Mud Shot!



No, no, no!Pik.

Are you okay?


Use Electro Ball!


The future is not now, thanks to Twerps!

[Team Rocket] We're blasting off again!


All right!


Thanks a lot, Clemont.

You saved the day.


In fact, it was all my fault for building that robot.

But it was Team Rocket's fault.

Come on.

You didn't do anything wrong.


Pika.Oopsie doops.

Are you okay, Clemont?

[narrator] Although Clemont was tricked into helping Team Rocket

with the robots they used to try to catch Pikachu,

everything worked out in the end,

with the help of all our heroes.

Now, it's on to Shalour City once again,

as the journey continues.

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