18x34 - Over the Mountain of Snow!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x34 - Over the Mountain of Snow!

Post by bunniefuu »


ASH: Wow, we can rent Mamoswine?


SERENA: We have to get over a snowy mountain to get

to Anistar City.

CLEMONT: Right! That's why we need Mamoswine, who aren't

bothered by snow in the least.


POKEDEX: Mamoswine. The Twin Tusk Pokémon. As the temperature

got hotter after the ice age,

it is said many Mamoswine disappeared.

BONNIE: I'm Bonnie! Nice to meet you! That tickles!

CLEMONT: That's really sweet.

And observing those gigantic tusks up close is so impressive!

BONNIE: Sure is. Wow!

STAFF WOMAN: Okay, time to make your choice.

Then please return them to one of our staff members on the

other side of the mountain.

ASH: Right! We understand.


SERENA: How many can ride on one?

STAFF: Two maximum.

CLEMONT: Bonnie, how about I'll ride with you.

ASH: 'Kay na, looks it's you and me.

SERENA: Right!

STAFF WOMAN: Remember, it's gonna be really cold.

We also have snow gear on hand, in case you want to rent any.

ASH: Great. Thanks a lot!

CLEMONT: Whoa Mamoswine sure are enormous, aren't they?

ASH: Hey, you doing okay back there?


SERENA: Hang in there, Clemont.

This is by far the quickest way there!

BONNIE: Don't worry!

I'll be right here with you the whole time, big brother!

CLEMONT: Thanks a lot, little sis!

ASH: All right, let's move out!

BONNIE: Go, Mamoswine! Let's win!

CLEMONT: Bonnie! This isn't a race!

You're just a kid on a quest

To be the best of the best

Someday you're destined for power and glory

You know you're up to the test

There's only one way to tell this story

Be a hero!

Be a hero!

All the power is at your command

Face your fears and show you're a hero

The future of the world is in your hand


NARRATOR: As our heroes continue their journey to Anistar City,

where Ash will battle for his seventh Kalos Gym badge,

they're now crossing a snowy mountain by riding Mamoswine.

ASH: Check it out!

ASH: That's steep and snowy!


ASH: All right. We'll be the first ones to go up that hill.

Then you two can come after us.

CLEMONT: Right behind you, Ash.

SERENA: The mountain pass could be treacherous. Nothing wrong

with taking it slow and easy.

ASH: Okay. Make sure you hang on tight!

ASH: Let's go, Mamoswine.

ASH: You're doing just great.

ASH: Just a little more


ASH: You can do it!

ASH: Serena, you okay?

ASH: You did an amazing job stopping us, Mamoswine.

CLEMONT: All right, Ash!

I think we'd better find another way around!

ASH: I don't know

SERENA: Let me take the reins, please?

SERENA: Come on, Ash! Don't forget all the training I got

from my mom, the champion Rhyhorn racer.

ASH: That's right! I know you'll be great!

SERENA: Now, Mamoswine All set? Just relax and go slowly.

SERENA: You're doing really well.

SERENA: Slow and easy. We'll be up on the top in no time.

SERENA: Nice and slow

SERENA: One step at a time. That's it...

SERENA: Just a little bit more. I know you can do it!

SERENA: Wow! You're amazing, Mamoswine!


SERENA: You did it! Thank you so much!

ASH: That was great, Serena!


SERENA: Mamoswine did it, not me! Just a little bit longer

and we'll reach the top.

BONNIE: This is fun! YAY!

CLEMONT: We really made it! Wow!

BONNIE: All right!

CLEMONT: We're so high up! Let's climb down, right away!

BONNIE: Relax! We haven't been climbing that long

ASH: Bonnie's right. So, let's move on out!

SERENA: Clemont, you'll be just fine!

JAMES: So cold!

All because the Twerps forced us to come to this frosty freeze!

We should have rented a few Mamoswine like they did!

MEOWTH: I don't do cold all that well when I know my electric

blankie's waiting for me!

JESSIE: Now that's the way.

You know exactly the right thing to do!

JESSIE: We're not cold at all!

JESSIE: It's freezing! Enough of this.

Now. I want a sauna, STAT!

SERENA: Easy Nice and easy

ASH: What an amazing view!


BONNIE: Isn't this fun?!

SERENA: Ash. I'm scared. I'm SCARED

ASH: Calm down, Serena!

It'll quit swaying when the wind stops!


SERENA: Wow. What a relief.

ASH: Okay, let's go!

SERENA: Right.

CLEMONT: Hey guys, we're right behind you!

BONNIE: Yay, that was fun!

ASH: Way to go, Serena!


SERENA: Thanks, you two.

CLEMONT: Thank goodness we got through that.

BONNIE: Yay! Let's do it again!

CLEMONT: Not for all the money in the world.

ASH: Let's keep going!

JESSIE: Cold. So cold.

MEOWTH: Cold. So cold.


JAMES: Yip-PEE! What is that?

MEOWTH: All right!

MEOWTH: It's an Abomasnow!

JESSIE: Blocking the door, eh?

JESSIE: Say, I've been looking around everywhere for

an understudy for Gourgeist. Perfect timing!

JESSIE: Shadow Ball!


MEOWTH: Oy vey! Not a scratch!

JESSIE: Use Seed b*mb!



MEOWTH: Come on! It's no walk in the park

JAMES: Okay. Inkay!

JAMES: Use Psybeam, now!


JESSIE: We call foul!!



SERENA: There's a boulder blocking the path!

ASH: I don't see any other way to get around it.

SERENA: Yeah. And we don't wanna go back

CLEMONT: What should we do?

ASH: Hold on. What are you two gonna do?


CLEMONT: Their power's incredible!

BONNIE: Yay, Mamoswine! You're so strong!


SERENA: You did it!

ASH: Yeah, Mamoswine. Thanks!


ASH: Something wrong, buddy?


ASH: What is it this time?

SERENA: Hey Ash, I think we're going the wrong way!

ASH: Mamoswine?!

CLEMONT: Please turn around!

ASH: Wonder if something's in there...


SERENA: Who's that?

POKEDEX: Abomasnow. The Frost Tree Pokémon.

Abomasnow live quietly on mountains where it always snows.

They make blizzards for camouflage.

ASH: What's going on?! Mamoswine! Let's move!



ASH: Is that a Pokémon back there?

POKEDEX: Snover. The Frost Tree Pokémon.

When the weather turns cold, Snover moves

to lower elevations.

It returns to the mountain's snow-covered summit in spring.

SERENA: Something's not right!

CLEMONT: Maybe that Snover's sick!

ASH: So that Abomasnow could be protecting Snover.


ASH: Abomasnow!

ASH: We're not trying to hurt anyone! So you've gotta stop

trying to hurt us, okay!


SERENA: Abomasnow! You've gotta believe us!

ASH: That's right!



ASH: Let's go!

SERENA: Right!

SERENA: Thank you!

ASH: Abomasnow?

ASH: You're really worried about that Snover, right?


CLEMONT: How is it?

SERENA: Burning up.

CLEMONT: You're right. We've gotta do something.

BONNIE: Can you make it better, Clemont?

CLEMONT: Now if I recall There should be spring moss and

mountain marigold somewhere.

Let's go find some and give it to Snover.

ASH: Mountain marigold?

BONNIE: Spring moss?

SERENA: Here they are!

CLEMONT: Right. Spring moss a plant that grows in areas around

hot springs. Mountain marigold blooms wherever there's snow.

If I remember, there's a hot spring deep inside Frost Cavern.

ASH: Okay, Serena,let's get busy and look for some spring moss

SERENA: Right.

CLEMONT: We'll go look for mountain marigold.

BONNIE: 'Kay. Let

CLEMONT: Chespin, so you'll look after Snover for us?



ASH: Great. You stay here, too, Pikachu.

SERENA: And you, too, Braixen!


ASH: 'Kay let's get going!

CLEMONT: Let's get going, too!

BONNIE: Abomasnow! We won't let you down, promise!


ASH : "Who's that Pokémon?"

ASH : "It's Abomasnow!"

SERENA: It's kind of like a maze.

ASH: Let's check out each one.

ASH: A dead end

ASH: Not this way!

SERENA: Ash? We can't search all of them.

ASH: I know! All right, Noibat, I choose you!


ASH: There's a hot spring somewhere inside this cave.

Do you think you can find it with your echolocation?


ASH: Wow, you found it?! Then lead the way!

BONNIE: We'll never find anything in all this snow.

CLEMONT: The future is now, thanks to science!

CLEMONT: Clemontic Gear, on!

I thought we'd encounter a situation precisely like this.

I like to call it my Snow-Flower Finder!

BONNIE: So what does it do?

CLEMONT: It's obviously a machine that can detect a

flower's faint scent while it blooms under the snow and then

show us its location!

BONNIE: Hey, maybe this one will work!

CLEMONT: Leave it to me! Power, on!

CLEMONT: It's right below us!

BONNIE: You found it already?! Amazing!

CLEMONT: And that's your cue!

CLEMONT: Bunnelby. I need you to dig out the flower that's

blooming here under the snow.


CLEMONT: You did it! Wait.

CLEMONT: That's a Chesto Berry.

BONNIE: So what does that mean?

CLEMONT: Well That's so strange.

I'll try again with the power on full!

CLEMONT: It's detecting a lot more!

CLEMONT: We'll just have to search for them one by one!







SERENA: It's a hot spring!

ASH: Which means, it should be here

SERENA: Ash, look way over there!

SERENA: Spring moss!

ASH: Yeah! Found it!

CLEMONT: I'm picking up a strong signal around here

BONNIE: Yay! Mountain Marigold!

CLEMONT: I have nothing that reaches that high.

BONNIE: I'll go get it!

CLEMONT: Bonnie?!

BONNIE: Hey, don't worry.

CLEMONT: All right then, I'll leave this up to you.



BONNIE: I got it!

CLEMONT: Nice job, Bonnie!

JAMES: It's the science Twerp.

CLEMONT: I'm bringing you down!


JAMES: What are they up to?

BONNIE: Will this help Snover feel better?

CLEMONT: Yeah. I'm sure it'll do the trick!

JAMES: Snover, eh?

MEOWTH: Might have something to do with that Abomasnow we saw.

JESSIE: Well, I'm ready for revenge!

CLEMONT: It's all done.

CLEMONT: I want you to drink this.

CLEMONT: Snover should be feeling better soon.

It needs a good rest.

ASH: What a relief!


ASH: What now?!



BONNIE: Abomasnow!

BONNIE: Mamoswine, too?!

ASH: Who are you?! How could you do something so wrong?!

JESSIE: Prepare for trouble, one question at a time!

JAMES: Though asking us three would amount to a crime!

JESSIE: To protect the world from devastation!

JAMES: To unite all people within our nation!

JESSIE: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

JAMES: To extend our reach to the stars above!

JESSIE: Jessie!

JAMES: And James.

JESSIE: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

JAMES: Surrender now or prepare for a flash-frozen fight!

MEOWTH: Meowth, that's right!


ASH: Team Rocket!

SERENA: What are you doing with Abomasnow?!

JESSIE: Preparing it for Team Rocket rule!

ASH: We won't let you do that!


JESSIE: You big-talking Twerp. You couldn't beat a RUG!


JAMES: Okay, Inkay! Join the fray!


ASH: Pikachu and I will distract Gourgeist.


SERENA: And while you're doing that, we'll rescue Abomasnow!

CLEMONT: You've got it!

BONNIE: You can do it, Clemont!

JESSIE: Quit with the annoying yapping! Now, Gourgeist, rain

down on them with Shadow Ball!


ASH: Pikachu, Electro Ball!



ASH: Now!

SERENA: Right!


JAMES: Whoa there, you're not taking Abomasnow.

Psybeam, let's go!

CLEMONT: All right, Chespin, use Pin m*ssile!



ASH: Okay, let it go!

JESSIE: NO! Not with this Dark Pulse!


ASH: Dodge and use Iron Tail!




BONNIE: Over here!

CLEMONT: Now, Chespin,

use Vine Whip and give Braixen a little help!

SERENA: Quickly, Braixen, use Scratch!

ASH: Here we go Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!


JESSIE: We're blasting off again!


ASH: We did it!


ASH: Wow, looks like Snover's feeling fine!



SERENA: That's great!

CLEMONT: Sure is!


ASH: See ya!


SERENA: Take good care of yourselves!

CLEMONT: See you again sometime!

BONNIE: Bye-bye, you two!


SERENA: It was a wild ride, but we managed to do it

with everybody pitching in.

ASH: Yeah!


CLEMONT: We all simply used our strong points to cover everybody

else's weaknesses. I'd say we all make a pretty good team.

BONNIE: We're the best team ever!

SERENA: Hey, I see a town!

ASH: Just a little bit more. It won't be long now


NARRATOR: Working together, our heroes managed to help Abomasnow

and Snover. And with their successful trek over a snowy

mountain, it's on to the Anistar Gym, as the journey continues!
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