02x07 - The Crystal Onix

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x07 - The Crystal Onix

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I hold

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd ♪ Pokémon

♪ Learn the ways to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ Oh hey

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ And be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

NARRATOR Once again, we find our heroes sailing through the sunny surf.

They don't know it yet

but a new adventure is drifting their way.

You holding up okay, Lapras?



Hey, what's that?


[chuckles] Nice catch, Lapras.

Huh? There's a paper inside.

Looks like a letter.



Somebody from one of the islands nearby

must've thrown it in the ocean.

ASH Let's see what it says.

"If you know anything about

"a Pokémon called the Crystal Onix

let me know right away."

And it's signed

Marissa from Sunburst Island.

The Crystal Onix?

TRACEY Yeah, it's supposed to be an Onix made of glass crystal.

MISTY Is it really real?

TRACEY Who knows? But there're people who say they've seen it.

I'd sure like to see it. Hah, wouldn't you?



- Hey, look! - There's Sunburst Island!

ASH "The Crystal Onix!"

MISTY 'Wow!'

Look at all the glass!

Sunburst Island's famous for having

all kinds of crystal and glass shops.


TRACEY 'Lots of artists live here'

'and they make the glass right on the island.'

'People travel from all over the world to buy it.'


ASH 'Wow, everything looks so shiny.'

MISTY 'I'd really like to buy something.'


Don't break it, Pikachu. You'll have to pay for it.


STUBEN 'You're still keepin' this crummy shop open?'

Haven't you gone out of business yet?

No, sir.


STUBEN 'I don't see why you don't close up shop.'

You got no merchandise.

Tell your big brother he should give up already

he ain't got no talent.

Yes, he does. He's very good.

Ah, come on, don't start crying on me. What?

What's going on here?

Is there a problem?

Why? What's it to you? Do you know her?

Well, no, we don't know her.

All I know is being next to them is killin' my business.

These kids today, sticking their noses

'where they don't belong, sheesh!'

- Are you okay? - Yeah.

You don't run this shop all by yourself, do you?

Uh-mm. My big brother Mateo helps me out a lot.

Well, that sounds nice!

Except now, he feels real bad

and doesn't wanna make glass any more.


Why don't you tell us your name?

- My name's Marissa. - Uh..

Well, then you must be the one who wrote this.

I knew somebody'd answer my letter.

You have to tell me about the Crystal Onix.

Please, tell me, please!

Uh, well, I, uh, don't know anything about it.

- We're sorry. - Oh.

I thought for sure you found it.

Are you sure there's really such a thing as a Crystal Onix?

Mm-hm. Sure there is.

Maybe we should all have a little talk

with your brother about this.

Marissa, have you been bothering these people?

She's not bothering us. Is she, Ash?

Not at all.


All the other glass stores have tons of stuff

but yours is practically empty, how come?

Well, you see

when my grandfather ran the store

it was full of glass, and it was a big success.

Grandpa was a really talented artist

and he made beautiful glass Pokémon sculptures everyday.

I tried my best to follow in his footsteps..

...but I just can't make anything good enough

to sell in the store.

But these are great. Did you make them, Mateo?

They all look just like the real Pokémon.

They sure look good enough to me.

Maybe, but not to me.

And compared to grandpa's they're worthless!

[all gasps]

What a waste.


TRACEY 'What's so bad about them, Mateo?'

MATEO 'They don't have that soul, that sparkle, that inner fire.'

'They look like statues.'

Grandpa's Pokémon looked like they might come alive

at any second.

[sniffles] If I could just find some kind of inspiration..

What do you mean by that?

He needs that spark.

It's an idea or a feeling artists need to get.

If they don't have it, it's tough to create anything good.

It sure sounds important.


I know I could create sculptures like my grandfather

if I could just capture the Crystal Onix.


Grandpa used to tell me

that when he was a young artist

he saw the Crystal Onix, and that's what inspired him.

You mean, he saw it for real?

Yeah. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.




MATEO For the rest of his life, grandpa turned out

one great sculpture after another.

Wow, that's a pretty amazing story.

Take a look at this.

[all gasps]

That's my Grandpa's sculpture of the Crystal Onix he saw.



Grandpa used to say that

whenever he needed some inspiration

all he had to do was think of that Crystal Onix.

I've looked for it all over the island

hoping it might give me just the inspiration that I need

but I haven't found it anywhere.

So that's the reason you wanna find the Crystal Onix so much.

- Isn't it, Marissa? - Right.

What do you say we stay here

and help them look for it, guys?

Let's do it!

After all, it's not polite

to let a letter from a little girl go unanswered.


Oh, thank you very much.

Let's make shopping easy.

We can avoid the checkout lines

if we pick out what we want

and come back later and steal it.

This plate is fit for a king!

And these glasses are fit for a queen!

[both moaning]


[groaning] Will you two listen to me?

[all whimpering]


We got a rule around here. You break it, you bought it!

[all groaning]

[James grunting]

[Jessie moans]

[James grunts]

Why do we have to suffer this indignity?

We have to pay him, and we don't have a cent.

So, we gotta work.

- Ah.. - 'You know, what I heard?'

I just heard that Mateo and a bunch of kids

just took off to look for that Crystal Onix again.

STUBEN He still believes that story the old man told him?

- 'That's pathetic.' - Yeah.

I mean, who'd believe there's an Onix made out of glass?

STUBEN 'Hey, when you're desperate, you'll believe anything.'

Hmm! Did you hear that?

That's what I call a rare Pokémon.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Hah! I'm thinking we find that Onix, pronto!

So, it's somewhere on this island, huh?

But where do we start to look?

Venonat will find it.



Find something that looks like this, Venonat.


I guess it kinda looks like an Onix.

[chuckles] It was a nice try, Venonat.


Venonat, how could you let me down?


Oh, well, time to return, Venonat.

What do we do now?

I think I'll try a different Pokémon.

Do you have a Pokémon that can find the Crystal Onix?

I do. I have just the one.


- Cutie. - Meet Marril.

POKEDEX Marril, the Water Mouse Pokémon.

Its sensitive ears can detect distant sounds

and the round rubbery tip of its tail can expand and contract

assisting Marril in the water.

- You think Marril can help us? - Sure.

Lots of times Marril hears a Pokémon before I even see them.

You two must make a good team. You watch and Marril listens.

Okay, Marril, listen up.


Now, that's what Onix sounds like. Try to hear one.



Marril hears something! Come on!


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Rhyhorn!




ASH Over there?


I can't believe it!




ASH 'It's like a path across the water!'

MATEO 'What's happening?'

TRACEY 'It looks like some kind of sand bar'

'that connects the two islands.'

Or maybe when the tide is really low

you can see that it's one big island.

Well, let's go!


[all panting]

[all screaming]

What should we do?

[Team Rocket laughing]


You should prepare for trouble!

While you're down there, make it double.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Jessie. - James.

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth, that's right!

[all groans]

Team Rocket!

Why don't you just pretend you're a tree and leave?

JAMES Oh, funny! Who told you that one? Professor Oak?

JESSIE We know what you kids are looking for.

We figured you'd show up

looking for the Crystal Onix sooner or later.

So we set a trap or two, just for you.

Now, we'll grab that Crystal Onix.

Bye-bye, losers.

[crying] They'll steal Crystal Onix.

Don't you worry, Marissa.

We'll dig our way outta here and beat Team Rocket

to the Onix, and that's a promise.

- Really? - You'll see.


[all panting]


Look at all the pretty shells.

MISTY We'll pick some on the way back, if we come back!

- Hey, look there! - It's Team Rocket.


I don't understand. How did this happen to you guys?

[chuckles] Well, we were setting all these traps

to catch you, little Twerps.

And somehow we got caught in them ourselves!

[all chuckles]

So those were for us?


Never mind about that now.

Just get us outta these traps

and we'll let you help us find the Crystal Onix!

That's very considerate, but, no, thank you.


- Huh? - You hear something, Marril?

Huh? It's inside the cave?

Okay, fine, you win

just get us out of these traps here

and we'll do anything you want us to!

MISTY 'Chill out. We'll be back.'

How can I chill out when I'm about to fall in?


- Wow! - Look at all these crystals!

ASH This must be where Crystal Onix lives.


Marril's tail floats

so you can see where it's going.

That's a handy little feature.


What is it, Marril?



[gasps] I think I see it!

Huh? Think you see what?


[all gasping]


- It's the Crystal Onix! - No kidding!

TRACEY 'Its whole body is made out of crystals.'

ASH 'Yeah!'

Hm, wait until Professor Oak hears about this!

It's scary.

I came prepared with just the Pokémon

to battle that Onix, so don't be sacred, Marissa.

What're you using?

Cloyster, I choose you!


Onix is weak against Water att*cks.

Cloyster, use your Water g*n!


What's wrong?

The water's bouncing right off it!

Cloyster, try Rapid Fire, now!


Those water att*cks don't seem to have any effect

on the Crystal Onix!

I can't believe it!








- Cloyster! - Mateo!

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH Get away from our Crystal Onix!

Them again!


[both panting]

MEOWTH 'Hey, down here. I'm down here!'

That Crystal Onix belongs to Team Rocket.

I don't get it, how did you three escape?


That is a secret you will never know!

The writers can't figure it out either.

Just think of all the beautiful junk

we can make with that crystal.

The world's longest crystal necklace!

JAMES A crystal tub! Hee!

I'll get a crystal charm and become the cat's Meowth!

[Jessie and Meowth laughing]

Hm? What makes me think we're going to blow it?

Alright, Arbok, let's get to work!



Let go of me, will you? Don't attack me, attack them!

[Jessie sighs]

Come on, let's get rid of them, Pikachu. - Ha!


Take care of them, Staryu!


[both gasp]


I thought we'd win. I'm very shocked.






Aren't you a nice Onix? Yes, you are!


[all screaming]

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH It looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!


I know how to battle you, Onix

but now I see I'm gonna need a little help

from my glass-making partner to do it.

His glass-making partner?


Charmeleon, go!




What is that?

That's Onix's Rock Throw!

Charmeleon, use your Flamethrower Attack!



Alright, nice work!



Charmeleon's Flamethrower Attack

is making the Crystal Onix super hot!

Alright! Ember Attack now!





ASH Hurry, Mateo. Capture it!

- I don't have to anymore, Ash. - Huh?

For a minute, I felt something strange

when I looked at that Onix, the feeling is hard to describe.

But now, I have the inspiration I need to start working again.



Thank you, friend, thank you for that inspiration.

That's great. Keep it burning, Charmeleon!

So, this is why he called Charmeleon

his glass-making partner.


Almost done, and I think I'm gonna like this one.

Hurry up, I can't wait.

You can't rush a genius.


Bye! Thanks again!

See you!


- Goodbye! - And thank you.

See you later.

Thanks for your help. Goodbye!

ASH Wow! It almost looks like it's alive!

You can really tell Mateo got all the inspiration he needed.


Yeah, and from now on I'm sure

their store is going to be a big success.

Yeah, and they deserve it.


NARRATOR It's time for our heroes to move on.

But the friends they've made and the things they've seen

will sparkle in their memories forever.

ASH Don't go away, "Pikachu's Jukebox" is next.


♪ Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road to become

♪ The greatest Trainer

♪ And I won't quit until I'm number one ♪

♪ Gotta be the one

♪ The one number one

♪ We keep on tryin'

♪ And then we try some more to stay together ♪

♪ And find a place worth fighting for ♪

♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road

♪ I'm on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City

♪ We're on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ Meet my friends along the way ♪

♪ I'm on the road

♪ Viridian City ♪ C'mon let's go ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪ Put myself to the test

♪ And be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪
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