Christmas Dress (2016)

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Christmas & New Years movies collection.
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Christmas Dress (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Dearest Mary.

We received your letter
with great concern.

Please, know you are in our

We are glad to help in
any way we can.

I promise we will make

to have something
sent soon.

We will do everything possible
to have it arrive by Christmas.

Do not despair.

The Lord will watch over you
and your dear ones.

With all our love,

Good job.



What is it darling?

I hung the last decoration on
the tree. What's next?

That's all we have.

Come on, lets go make some more;
make things nice for Daddy.

When is Pa getting home.

He'll be home soon enough.

You k*lled the last chicken?

For Christmas dinner.

There's no more chickens?

You keep reading that letter,
you know nothing's coming.

They said it would
be here by Christmas.

And what are you gonna
do if nothing comes?

Then we'll make do with
what we have.

Mom, you have to tell them.

You have to have faith, Ellen.

We can't eat faith.

Merry Christmas George.

Who is that?

It's Leland Jeppson.

Oh uh...

[clears throat]

Thought I'd try my luck again,
see if anything showed up.

Ehh... no, likely not 'til
after this storm passes.

I figured as much, just uh...
happened to be in town.

Ya hear of any work?

No. No I haven't.

It's rough out there.

If ya hear of anything, you—

Oh, of course.

I should probably get...

get home to the family before
the storm hits, you uhh...

give my best to Inga
and your family, OK?

Will do.


Woah! Woah! Heh,

Looks like ya got some
wrapping ahead of ya.

Indeed, indeed I do.

Mr. Jeppson!

uhh... would you... please tell
Ellen I said Merry Christmas?

I'd be happy to, Sidney.

And uh... that I hope to see
her at the New Year's Eve dance.

I'll let her know.

Merry Christmas, George.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Jeppson.

I'm guessing his
packages never came.

No, and I don't know
that they ever will.

I just wish we could do
something to help.

God helps those who
help themselves.

♪ ♪

Dear Lord,

please... help my family.

This can wait.

But, your mother's dinner
is another matter.

Mind you lock up.

You sure you don't
need me to drive?

Sidney, I am legally blind,
I am not

[in unison]
completely blind.


[car engine]

♪ —reindeer pause, ♪

♪ Out jumps good
old Santa Clause ♪

♪ Down through the chimney
with lots of toys ♪

♪ All for the little ones,
Christmas joy. ♪

♪ Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go, ♪

♪ Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go-o♪

♪ Up on the housetop,
click, click, click ♪

♪ Down through the chimney with
good Saint Nick. ♪

♪ ♪

[children in unison]

It's coming down out there.
Hey! How are ya?

Hey darling.

Daddy! We're getting ready for
Santa! Look what I drew!

That's Santa alright.

♪ ♪

Sure smells good in here,
you been helping your mother?

It's the last of
everything ,Leland.

What are we gonna
tell the children?

It's fine, Mary, its fine.

They'll never know
the difference.

It looks lovely.

You say grace, they're hungry.

Sidney wanted me to
tell you Merry Christmas.

He asked about the dance,
he's hoping to see you there.

I knew nothing was gonna

It's been hard on all
of us, Ellen.

I'm sorry for that.

It's my fault.

I know you work hard, Pa.

But why does it have to be
so hard for us?

Do we have to live with faith
and hope and nothing else?

Ellen faith and hope
are everything.

It's in the hard times we can
really show our faith...

show God what we're made of.

I don't claim to know
God's will.

But I do know that...

one day, maybe tomorow
maybe ten years from now,

but one day,
he'll make it clear.

For now, we do the best we can.

Good Lord helps those who
help themselves.

Your mother's
made a lovely dinner.

I don't really feel like it.

[radio reading A Visit
From Saint Nicholas]

Where in the world is Sidney?

He's locking up.

Do you think he'll be alright
with this storm coming?

He'll be fine.

George, he's still a boy! He
should be home by now.

Alright Mother, I'll
go fetch him.

Thank you.

Pa! Pa!

The Jeppson's crates came!

The train broke down and
Mr. Adams showed up

with everything!

They're really big, there are at
least ten of them!

Well, that's fine but there's
nothing we can

do about it tonight.

Pa, no! We have to deliver them!

Oh, no you don't! Not with this
storm and it's Christmas Eve.

Pa! We have to!

They've been waiting forever.

It is too dangerous.

They might not even
have food, Pa.

And it's Christmas.

God helps those that
help themselves.

But isn't that what
we're here for?

Oh no no no! You can barely
see in perfect weather!

I'll go with him Ma!


Go hitch up the team, son.

Yes sir!

[Inga sighs]

Don't worry Mother.
We'll be fine!

Inga... it's Christmas.

You look out for your father!
You understand?

Of course Mother!

And neither one of you is
going anywhere until

you have something to eat,
you're going to need it!

Wrap something up,
there's no time

to lose if we're going
to make it back for Christmas.

♪ ♪


Alright, love you,
obey your mother.

You're in charge now.

Take this as well, heaven
knows they may

need something to
brighten up the place.

I love you, Mrs. Schow.

Yes, of course you do.

Let's be off.

We'll be back for Christmas,
I promise.

Bye, Pa.

Bye, Pa.

[door closes]

I'm going to bed so Santa can
come early, I can't wait.

Sometimes, honey, a
storm like this...

can make it difficult,
even for Santa.

But he got our letters?

I'm sure he did son.

Who's birthday are
we celebrating?



Gather 'round.

Thank you, honey.

And it came to pass
in those days

that there went out a decree
from Caesar Augustus,

that all the world
should be taxed.

♪ ♪

And all went to be taxed.

Every one into his own city.

And Joseph also went
up from Galilee.

Out of the city of Nazareth,
into Judea.

Unto the city of David which
is called?


Because he was of the
house and lineage of David.

To be taxed with Mary his
espoused wife being

great with child.

And so it was that while
they were there

the days were accomplished
that she should be delivered.

♪ ♪

And she brought forth her
first born son.

And wrapped him in
swaddling clothes,

and laid him in a manger,

because there was no room
for them at the inn.

And there were in the same
country shepherds

abiding in the field, keeping
watch over their flock by night.

And the angel said unto them:
"Fear not,

for behold I bring you good
tidings of great joy.

Which shall be to all people

For unto you is born this day,
in the city of David:

A Savior.

Which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a
sign unto you.

Ye shall find the babe wrapped
in swaddling clothes,

lying in a manger."

And suddenly there
was with the angel

a multitude of the
heavenly hosts praising God,

and saying "glory to God
in the highest"

and on earth, peace,
goodwill toward men."

Children, though we don't
have much right now.

What we do have is the gift
of God's Son.

That is the true
miracle of Christmas.

Now, let's say our prayers
because it's time for bed.

What are you gonna tell them?

In-in the morning?

Merry Christmas.

—Merry Christmas, Ellen.
—Merry Christmas, Ellen.

I'm praying for Santa,
so he doesn't get lost.

He can still find us,
right Pa?

I'll leave a lamp lit so
he can't miss us.

In it's own way Christmas
will always find us.

Goodnight, children.

Goodnight, Ellen.

Goodnight, Ma.

I can't tell which way
it was pointing!

We'll never find the Jeppsons'
cabin out here in this!

Maybe we should go back!

We'll be just as lost
going forwards as backwards!

Come on up!

♪ ♪

Perhaps Ellen's right.

Perhaps we shouldn't
be keeping our hopes up.

Hope is all we have, Leland,

and our blessings.

Few as they may be.

I told her that before dinner.

I just wish somehow things
could be better.

Better for all of us.

I just wish we could do
something for Ellen.

Me too.

It's midnight.

Oh I know.

You're a wonderful woman, Mary.

Goodnight, love.

♪ ♪

Dear Lord,

we have tried and toiled.

And we have asked only for the
simplest of things.

I don't know where else to turn.

But to call upon your mercy
and compassion.

♪ ♪

Hoo! Whoah!

Can 'ya see anything?

Not even our own tracks!

Are we even on the road?

You and Mother were right,
it's too dangerous.

We'll be alright.

Take the lines!

Straps are loose.

Dear Lord,

we can't do this by ourselves,
we need thy help.

Please Lord, help us.

♪ ♪

Pa, look!
There's a light!




there's something outside!

Get the children.


Is it Santa?


It is Santa!

What are you doing here?

Well... we needed some
place to put these crates.

Come now, let's get
these inside.

Boys, take it together.

This one's heavy.


Good? Got it Ralph?

Need two on this as well.


this is beyond belief!

Clark, Ralph!

Merry Christmas, Leland.

Merry Christmas!


George, this is beyond belief!

Merry Christmas Leland.

Try that one right there!

Mom, it's for you.

From Santa Claus?

Dear sister Mary.

I'm sorry for the delay,
but once everyone

learned of your situation...

The entire town of Malad
wanted to be a part

of this special holiday.

And you have made this the most
memorable Christmas...

any of us can remember.

We hope the dress fits.

Love, Rose.

Ellen, it's for you.

Oh, Mom...

it's beautiful!

Will I see you at the
New Year's Eve dance?


Yes you will.

Merry Christmas, Ellen.

Merry Christmas.

Time to go, Sidney. Let's leave
these folks to their Christmas.

Thank you, Sidney.

Thank you.

God bless you, George.

Merry Christmas Santa.

Happy Christmas to all.
And to all a good night.

Sidney let's go home.

Merry Christmas.

Looks like we got our Christmas
miracle after all.

Indeed we did.

What a day.

Merry Christmas, son.

♪ ♪

Excuse me?

Happy New Year, Ellen.

Thank you Sidney;
Happy New Year.

Happy New Year!



♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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