Don't Suck (2023)

Comedy Movie Collection.

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Don't Suck (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[man laughs]

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

You have come to the right place

if you're looking for laughter

to break your face.

Because we got people

on this show tonight

that are gonna be earthquakian

when it comes to laughter

and they're with us tonight.

Put it together,

ladies and gentlemen.

[cheers and applause]

Trip's over, hoss.

That's three large.

It'll be good to get out

of this sh*thole.

Good evening, ladies.

Still funny now, funny man?

I don't know.

Still an assh*le, assh*le man?

I don't know. Let me check.


Oh, hold on.

[man] Step aside, juanito.

This ain't got shit

to do with you.

Sir, listen,

we don't want any trouble.

We're very sorry.

[g*n cocks]

You got no idea

where you are, homeboy?

[speaking foreign language]

The High Desert.

Ain't no law here.

Ain't nobody coming

for you boys.

You don't want to do this.

Step aside, Twilight.

This is between me

and that pendejo.

Put the g*n down, Paco.

Shut the f*ck up!

Ignore him. Listen to me.

I'm gonna count to three.

Three, two...

Please don't do this.



That was a warning.

[Ethan] You missed.



[suspenseful music playing]


[singer] Ooh, oh,

Do me, baby

Ooh, oh, do me, baby

Ooh, oh, do me, baby

[singer] All right,

Stop whatcha doin'

'Cause I'm about to ruin

The image and the style

That ya used to

I look funny

But yo,

I'm makin' money, see

So, yo, world,

I hope you're ready for me

Now, gather 'round

I'm the new fool in town

And my sound's laid

Down by the Underground

I'll drink up

All the Hennessey

Ya got on ya shelf

So just let me

Introduce myself

My name is Humpty,

Pronounced with a Umpty...

[woman] You got this, Pete.

Waddup, girl?

[singer] Oh, how I like

To funk thee

And all the rappers

In the top ten

Please allow me To bump thee

I'm steppin' tall,

Like, y'all

All right. Yo, Pete.

k*ll it tonight, man.

You know it, man.

[man] You're getting me

on the list, Pete?

Hey. No.

[singer] I'm spunky,

I like my oatmeal lumpy

I'm sick wit dis,

Straight gangsta mack

[cheers and applause]

[man] Hey, Pete.

- [cheers and applause]

- [laughter]

So, she says,

"Look, I understand

that you're unemployed,

but can I ask?

How much are you

typically spending

on a bottle of wine lately?"

I said, "Honey, no more

than ten, fifteen minutes."

- [cheers and applause]

- [laughter]

Folks, are you ready

to spend some more time

with the next comedian?


Now, help me welcome

July Alouise. Yeah.

[cheers and applause]

Thank you. Thank you.

Keep it going

for Roy Shackleford!

[cheers and applause]

Yup, it's my birthday.

Thank you. Thank you.

When I was a little girl on

my birthday,

I hated to be spanked.

Boy, have I changed.


Now, I have a birthday

every week.

Yo, yo. Oh, look at him.

My man. Handsome.

- Look at you, son.

- Look at you.

Hey, I got to ask you

a question, brother.

Why in the world would you use

the C-word at 6:00 a.m.?

Because it's funny all day. Hmm.

For sure,

but that clerk was offended.

Who isn't these days, bro?

At least it went viral.


So, you're this week's


Can you tell me a joke?

Can I just have

my room key, Sandy?


Not until you tell me a joke.

- You want a joke?

- Yes.

What's the difference

between a vag*na

and a [bleep]?

You would think she would have

a better sense of humor,

you know?

You know what?

f*ck the internet, okay?

And by the way, I'm offended

that you're putting on

seven open mikers

in front of me tonight.

Do that on a bringer night.

Bro, they're just

my f*cking students.

Yeah, I get it.

They pay you,

you give them stage time.

You Weinstein them.

I get it.

Do it on another night.

No one ever gave

the great Pete Brennan a shot?

Hey, hey,

wasn't your first time onstage

headlining at The Improv?

That's right.

And I never sucked one d*ck

or licked one ball bag.

- Oh, you didn't?

- No.


I asked my girlfriend to say

something nice about me

and she said,

"Well, you know your, uh,

your penis is bigger

than all your friends'."


And you can always tell

the woman in casinos

that are hookers

because they're the ones

- that talk to you.

- [laughter]

They say good things

come in pairs,

which is a great way to get

kicked out of the fruit market.


Danny, PJ's running

a little bit late.

I was gonna stick Ethan on next.


Ooh, we got one of your pupils?

- Former alumni. Class of '97.

- Makes sense.

That was the last time

you wrote a new joke.

That you're still using, biatch.

It's a good bit.

[Pete] Yeah, that's right.

Hey. So, they let you out

after storming the Capitol?

[Pete] You know what?

I had a note, okay?

- I never sat on Pelosi's desk.

- Okay. Yeah.

Hey, uh, when can we see you

in the new episode

of Doomsday Preppers?

I did a self-tape,

still waiting.


Hey, do yourself a favor.

Take a look at the kid

that I'm sticking onstage next.

Why would I ever do that?

[Roy] You've seen people b*mb.

This kid next levels it.

Epic, right?

Yeah, Hiroshima.

This kid eats more d*ck

than K-pop's mother, right?

- Yeah.

- And plus, he's got this weird,

like, quirky thing.

It, like, totally draws you in.

Trust me. Am I right?

- [Danny] True.

- Okay. Let me guess.

He's never had one paid gig

and his social media

all starts with,

"The official blah, blah."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This dude is rich.

He does it

for the love of the game.

- How papered up?

- [Danny] Paper.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Dude, fat money.

It's... dude, it's crazy.

Like, uh, Waterboy said, man,

he got something.

You should go check him out.


So, Fat Mike Pants,

you really should go


Look, how's this

f*cking crowd tonight, bro?

Okay. Put it this way.

The lady who threw the diamond

off the front of the Titanic,

she's in the front row

with her parents.

That's old.

- [laughter]

- [Pete] f*ck!

Let's go. Let me see

his f*cking funeral out here.

Yeah, you got it.

- Oh, hey, Pete.

- Yeah?

- Don't suck.

- Damn it!

- [upbeat music playing]

- [laughter]

You're slowing down, bro.

[upbeat music playing]

Oh, you're too kind,

you're too kind.

Are you ready

for some more comedy?

Let me tell you about this

next kid coming to the stage.

He's ridden all the way

from Hungary

and once opened

for Sebastian Bach,

the pianist, not the heavy

metal singer from Skid Row.

Please welcome,

the very funny, Ethan Barr.

Come on, Ethan.

- [applause]

- Yeah.

You'll be fine.

[clears throat]

Hello, everybody.

I am Ethan Barr...

and I am a vampire.

For the record, I'm neither

Team Edward or Team Jacob.

I rooted for the sun.

On account of the daylight...

which is

an urban legend anyways.

[man] Yeah, like your act.

[Ethan] Wow.

I haven't seen a crowd

this tight

since the Venetians

at The Siege of Corfu 1716.

[man] Like, you were there?

I was.

I believe we captured

over 8,000 men that day.


That was funny.

[Ethan] You'll have

to excuse me...

- I told you he had something.

- ...I'm a bit tired.

That was definitely something!

[Roy] Hey, I told you


[Ethan] The [indistinct]

This is like a derailment, bro.

And, boy, are my arms tired.

How much time has he got left?

He's got like a minute.

[Ethan] And he pulls out

a used tampon.

No, in his career.

[laughs] He's got like a minute.

Told you it was hilarious.

All right. Let me go abort this.

That is club's night in Texas.

[laughs] I'll light you at five.

All right.

- All right. k*ll it, Champ.

- [applause]

- Where are you going?

- I think I just sharted.

[Roy] Folks, keep it going

for Ethan Barr.

He's new. He's tired.

[man] [indistinct]

right over here.

Wow, you're Pete Brennan.

It's a pleasure.

Hey, buddy. How are you?

I saw you in the back.


I didn't realize it was you...

until I did.

Oh, yeah.

I was the guy who laughed.

And again, thank you for that.

They say, "If you can reach

just one person," right?

They do say that. Yeah.

Is that what they say?

I think so.

Bro, could you get closer or...

- I could.

- I'd rather you not.

- Okay.

- Jesus Christ, dude.

The real reason I came over here

was to see if...

- Yeah?

- ever needed

an opener or even had

any tips for me.

I'd be...

very thankful.

You're looking for a tip?

That would be incredible.

Here's a tip.

Uh, try not to talk

to the headliner's ear off

before he's about

to take the stage.

Hear me?



f*cking Chatty Cathy.

It's Ethan.

The Insurrectionist of Comedy,

Mr. Pete Brennan.

[cheers and applause]

[man] Don't [indistinct] bro.

Don't talk to comic.

Oh, my God.

Good stuff.

It's like sh**ting fish

in a barrel.

Uh, sorry. You'll get them

next time, buddy.

Give it up for, uh, your host,

Roy Shackleford, everybody.

That's right.


Give it up

for Count Dracula, everybody.

He was, uh...

He was so scary.

He scared

the laughs away, right?


When he's here,

it's a two-pint minimum.


Good thing he sleeps in a coffin

because he died up here.

I mean, he was...

Whew, he was so bad,

he made me wanna drive a stake

through my own heart, right?

Even just, you know, just a bit.

[laughter, applause]

Oh, man. Hey, at least

he remembered you.

[Pete] ...this Dracula guy?

Oh, come on. Let's get you

a drink, all right?

How about a Bloody Mary?

Maybe for you, hold the Mary.


[indistinct chatter]

Hey, Roy.

I'm sorry I missed my set.

Whatever, man. Ethan covered it.

Of all the people, him?

Well, yeah.

You weren't here on time.

He was the worst student

in our class.

His stupid Twilight joke

isn't even accurate, all right?

Everybody knows

Edward sparkles in the sun

and frickin' Jacob

is a frickin' werewolf, dude.

Come on, man!

This guy needs

his own identity, you know?

He's just a Baby Bat poser!

- Beverage?

- Oh, God. Perfect timing.

- [Pete] Yeah.

- You buying?

I'm out of drink tickets.

- What the...

- Baby Bat.


How original.

PJ, you, my friend,

are a cosplayer...

a bad movie reboot.

You crave eternity,

yet mistakenly believe

it can be achieved through

nihilistic posts online.

And to top it off,

for the rest of your short...

mortal life...

you have to walk around

looking like Cher

face-f*cked Marilyn Manson.

[electric guitar strums]

I'm not that ugly, am I?

Ugly as a m*therf*cker,

but use it.

Is he serious?

Thanks for telling the audience

you knocked me up tonight.

Really racked in the cash,

almost cracked minimum wage.

I do what I can

to get you more tips.

Come on. Plus, it's funny.

No. It's hack.

Customers were like,

"When are you due?

Have you picked

out a gender yet?"


First of all, gender doesn't

exist as a concept,

so you're cancelled,

and "hack"? Really?

- Come on.

- Is that all

that matters to you?

Well, it's important. I mean...

Hey, Ethan. Great set tonight.

Uh, I do, however, have some,

uh, tips on that Grindr bit,

so we'll talk about it

on Sunday, won't we?

Thank you, Steph.

I appreciate that.

Hello, Pete.

I just wanted to say great set...

What's going on on Sunday?

Well, that's actually what

I wanted to speak to you about.

Sunday evening, I am having

a small to-do at my place

and I would love it

if you could make it.

And you are gonna have Stephanie

at this to-do?

Yeah, she will be there

as well as Roy, Danny,

a few others.

Nothing crazy.

I wanted to formally invite you

and Steph said

I should do it myself.

I understand if you're busy,

there's no pressure,

but I'd love to have you there.

Okay. Let me tell you something,

okay, bro?

First of all, I don't even

believe that accent.

You're probably

from Cleveland, okay?

Second of all,

comics are only busy

when they're getting busy,

you know what I'm saying?


So, maybe you can come by

and give me some tips

or something.

Oh, my God, dude.

What am I, Reddit?

You're always asking for tips.

I've known you

for eight minutes.

Okay. Here's a tip.

Never try to hit

on the comedy club waitress...

Ooh, but Steph...

...when the comedy club waitress

happens to be

the headliner's girlfriend

at his home club.


Yeah. Okay.

[Ethan] So, I'll see you Sunday.

Oh, I can't wait.

We can talk about skin rubs.

When were you gonna tell me

about this Sunday?

Oh, I wanted him to tell you.

Thank you, Steph.

Nope, not doing that.

- Doing what?

- This whole jealousy thing.

- I'm not jealous.

- Yes, you are.

- I'm not.

- Uh-hmm.

No need two decades, Pete.

It wasn't cute then

and it ain't cute now.

Besides, I thought we could

actually go out for once.

I'm out every night.

Yeah, to comedy clubs.

- Yeah.

- But, honey,

when was the last time

that we actually went out?

You know I have other

wardrobe besides

jaded cocktail waitress dress

for a funeral, right?

. First of all,

I think you look fantastic.

And second of all,

you can't say the word cocktail

- without saying the word...

- Cock.

- Yeah.

- Yeah. Got it.

Two k-sounds

in a single syllable word.

How prolific.

Can you just turn it off

for two seconds

and be real with me?

- [sighs] Okay. But look...

- [mumbles]

- I'm going to Ethan's.

- Uh-hmm.

I'd want for you to join.

But if you don't, guess what?

I'm still going.

[sighs] Fine.

I'll go for, like, an hour,

all right, tops?

That's it. But I don't...

Maybe you'll actually

have fun for once.

Oh, and, uh,

maybe get some new material?

[clears throat intentionally]

I concur.

Lick my ass, guys.

Wax that thing.

Tongue punch my fart box.


Lick all around my ass

because even my taint is better

than the five minutes

I saw you guys do tonight.

[phone ringing]

What's up, Chuck?

Ah! The timeless, old puke joke

that never gets funny.

What are you even doing up

it's 12:00 noon?

I'm... I'm actually writing

new jokes,

not that you care.

Actually, I don't.

Now, listen up,

my little meal ticket.

I have a commitment for you

to open up

the brand new

Russell Peters special

taping at the Sahara.

You know, international

superstar Russell Peters.

All right.

I also added a few shitty gigs

to your run,

so check your schedule.

What, another bowling alley

or another taco stand?

Listen, Pete, as your friend...

you know, you wouldn't have to

take all these shitty gigs

if we just stop paying

for all those medical bills?

Come on, Chuck.

No, don't go there, all right?


I'm just saying,

there are some other ways,

some of them even legal

for you to dig out of your hole.

There's nothing more American

than filing bankruptcy.

Dude, I looked into it, okay?

It's 2,500 bucks.

I don't even have enough money

to claim I don't have any money.

[laughs] That's hilarious.

Please tell me

you used that in the rotation.

It's not a joke.

Unfortunately, it's my life.

Well, your misery is hilarious.

Okay, look.

I'm only gonna do this

Russell gig

because I wanna be seen

by the network execs.

That's it.

I need you to schmooze

the suits, Chuck.

Do your job, Chuck. No offense.

Huh. Tons taken.

By the way, duly noted.

Listen, do me a favor.

Pick an opener

or one's gonna be appointed

for you.

Hold on. No, Chuck.

I'm not getting stuck

in the road

with one of your social

media influencers.

I don't need somebody

who can't actually tell a joke.

What do you do with them,

you pay for play?

All right.

Now, you can stop pretending

like you're writing jokes,

and go back to watching porn.

Fire a little toddler juice

into a tissue of love,

you weirdo.

I'm not... I'm not on porn.

[woman moaning]

[ominous music playing]

Wasn't there a helicopter

in Scarface?

Remember the guy hanging?

This is kind of, like,

a James Bond villain.


My God, this is...

Okay. I think

you should slow down.


You invite me out, the least

I can do is get toasty.

You're toasty enough, trust me.

Get that... you promised.

Oh, God.

I'm gonna knock the door

'cause apparently,

chivalry is dead.

[Pete] I don't wanna

chip my nails.

Like the fun cop is here.

- [door opens]

- What the...

How can I help you guys?

Whoa! It's like Thanos

in a sport coat.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Yeah.

- I'm scared.

Uh, can Ethan come out to play?

[Ethan] It's okay.

- It's cool?

- Uh-hmm.


- Hey.

- [Ethan] Thank you, Heegan.

Welcome to my home.

[Stephanie] Incredible.

Enthralled you both

could make it.

This is for you.

Steph, thank you.

Pinot. Hmm.

Pete picked it out

just like our outfits,

so if it sucks...

I thought it'd compliment

the whole Renfield thing,

you know, and really go

with your motif.

That is so thoughtful, Pete.

Though, Renfield

was an assistant.

I was clearly a Baron.

But I appreciate the sentiment.

Please, do come in.

Do come in.

This dude

really is committed to this.

[Ethan] Pete, would you mind

closing the door, please?

[dramatic music playing]


[door creaking]

- Jackpot!

- It's cool?

- I'd love to.

- Yeah, yeah. It's my pleasure.

He might be single

for the right girl.

And this is my game room.

[Stephanie] Should have worn

my cleavage.

Oh, shit,

I haven't seen that dude

since Counting Crows broke up.

Hey, Pete Brennan!

How are you, man?

[Pete] Yeah. I'm doing good.

Well, I'm, uh,

free next two months if...

You know, come to a guest set,

they love to see you,

just pop in.

Eight minutes?

Uh, well, give it ten minutes.

- Okay [indistinct]

- All right.

- Take care, Pete.

- Harry, you look great.

You too, buddy.

Love you, man.

Man, back at you, dude.

[Stephanie] That went well.

[Chuck] Hey,

what's up, monkey-tits?

What's up, Chuck?

[chuckle] Swing and a miss!

What are you doing here?

Checking out the new talent.

When you're saying new talent,

I hope you mean females

and not the emo kid

who lives here.

Hey, I know you may find

this tough to believe,

but you are not the only

open miker on my roster.

- Hey!

- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, cockbreath, all right?

I'm working for you.

Didn't you get my message?

I got you the cover

of Middle Act Magazine.

- Oh!

- Ho, ho. Hey!

Now, shut your chicken skimmer

and let's do another shot.

Ain't got to tell me twice.

Who wants another shot?

- Yeah. Always.

- Oh, yeah. No.

I would absolutely love to,

except it looks like

I'm designated driver

tonight again.

Why are you even with this man?

Two words.

Baby arm.

Any questions?

Come on, Steph.

We all know that baby

is gonna be asleep by 9:00.


Good point.

Chuck, line 'em up.

Now, that's a f*ckin'

team player, boys!

All right. Round them up.

- Here you go, kids.

- [Chuck] Let's go!

All right, guys.

What are gonna we toast to?

Oh, apparently, we're toasting

to Pete's cream-filled

flesh twinkie.

I think that Ethan

should do the toast.

I don't know.

[all] Come on.

Ethan. Ethan.

[all] Ethan! Ethan!

Ethan! Ethan!

Okay. Okay.

Come on, burgundy boy.

To a long life and a happy one.

To a quick death

that escapes none.

Drink to good spirits,

worthy amongst friends.

Drink that you may live,

and may you live till the end.

And for those who cannot,

it has often been said...

may we meet in heaven

before the devil knows

we're dead.

I... I don't get it.

That's 'cause you take your IQ

with a f*ckin' tire gauge.

[man] Oh. Somebody said it.

Holy shit!

- Cheers, guys!

- [all] Cheers!

[indistinct chatter]

[Pete] Whoa.

She's mesmerizing!

She was mesmerizing.

Where did you come from, dude?

Damn. Yeah.

You bang her?

She was my mother.

You bang her?


What filter did they use

to make her look old-timey?

That's pretty cool.

It's an original

Poussin, actually.

Painted in 1621.

The summer before she died.

- Poussin?

- Poussin.


I bet she got a lot of Poussin.

No. This is my only one.

No, bruh.

This is a Poussin palace.

No, it's my palace.

He simply painted one picture.

He was a family friend.

1621, a lot of people

died in 1621.



It happens.

Aha. Aha.

"Let them eat cake!"

Something like that.

Yeah. "Off with their heads!

Give me liberty or give me cake.

Cake for them to eat

without their heads,

so they have no mouth

to eat it!"

Even funnier the second time.

No f*cking way!


You sleep in this thing?

Well, before

blackout curtains, sure.

It's mostly just for show now.

A few extracurricular


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Of course. Hmm.

You were amazing.

- You were incredible.

- No. My pleasure.

I'm gonna take it

those aren't your aunts?

- Oh.

- What?

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, man, I'm good.

- Okay.

- Unless you put something

in this.

You put something?

No, no.

You want to make

this a Cosbypolitan?

- No. Thank you.

- Thank you.

I had heard you might need

an opener for this week.

From who?

- Chuck.

- Chuck?

- f*ck Chuck!

- He may have mentioned it.

And let me say, if you take me,

I will drive and I will pay

for every expense.

- What?

- I'll pay for everything.

- Booze?

- Yes.

- Gas?

- Yes.


If you need it.

a**l beads?

I don't know where to get those,

but I'll give you cash.

All right.

How about this,

on top of all the expenses,

you can also keep all the money

I will get paid for opening

as well as an additional 3,000

on top for the opportunity?

What do you say?


Money is fleeting, Pete.

Comedy isn't.

And I want to learn

from the best, you.

Well, I'd be an assh*le

if I said no.


Oh, thank you,

I am but your humble servant.

Ha! Servant.

Servant! You said it, Renfield.

I was right,

that bottle of wine is on point.


So, we're good?

Yeah, we're good.

- Wonderful.

- Let me tell you something.

I'm not sucking your d*ck,

and more importantly...

you're not sucking my d*ck.

Look, just... I don't...

Just no dicks, okay?

No dicks, okay?

No touching tips.

No, "Hey, show me yours,

I'll show you mine."

It ain't f*cking

summer camp, okay?


To our dickless adventure.

All right.

Dude, you win.

There's no way I would

ever agree to take him with me.

Guy has a freaking coffin.

I'm almost sure

that is mostly for show.

How do you know that?

Hmm, because

he told me with his words, Pete.

You got to cut out

this jealousy bullshit.

I'm not jealous.

But you're still

my girlfriend, right,

or did I miss that memo?

- Girlfriend. Right.

- [Pete] Yeah, girlfriend.

Hmm, more like pit stop

when you drift into town

- every six weeks.

- Oh, Jesus Christ.

- Come on.

- [Stephanie] No. You come on.

Honey, you're always

on the road,

which I understand,

but you barely even text me

in between spells of inebriation

and hangover,

which is a very small window,

by the way.

Okay. First of all,

like my thumbs get tired, okay?

Second of all,

I lose battery power.

And third of all,

that's just not true.

It's abso-f*cking-lutely true.

Oh, and irrelevant.

Ethan is my friend.


He's a good guy and I want you

to get to know him.

He's your friend?


He's like 12.


Epstein much?

[Stephanie] Okay.

Well, that 12-year-old

is wise beyond his years

and you could learn

a thing or two.

Like what,

how to hang upside down?

Stop being a titty-baby

and look in the mirror.



- I don't wanna.

- [Stephanie] Look in the mirror.

- [Pete] You can't make me.

- Look in the mirror, Pete.

All right. I'll look.

I'll look.

Jesus Christ.

Ethan is you

when you first started,

when you were hungry

and thirsty,

and willing to sacrifice

anything for a laugh.

Do you even remember that, Pete?


Because that "anything"

became me.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what happened

all these years,

you know, just chasing a laugh.

But I never ever lost...

Lost sight of me. Yeah.

How'd you know

I was gonna say that?

[Stephanie] Because I know

you better

than you know yourself.

But, of course, you seem

to have forgotten that.

No. I just... look.

But just...

you haven't been the same

since Charlie.

But I promised you,

I would always be there

for you and here I am.

But it's pretty clear that...

the old Pete isn't coming back.

But that's okay.

Maybe this is a chance

at a new beginning.

You need this, Pete.

We both do.

Or maybe you just need someone

to keep tabs on me?

Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me right now?

- [Pete] What?

- You don't think I'm aware

of the D-grade slags

that cling onto you

in between truck stop towns

and dingy-ass dive bars.

Hold on. D?

D, like double D.

Okay. What?

I can't help who talks to me.

- What do you want from me?

- I don't know.

But maybe I'll find the answer

in your phone.

Maybe if I peruse

through your text,

I'm gonna find a bunch

of late-night conspicuous

belfies from your harlot

fan club.

What's a belfie?

It's a butt selfie. Come on.

Get on it, grandpa.

I don't know. I'm...

That's besides the point, okay?

My loyalty only goes so far.

You know what?

Fine. Whatever.

I'll take him, okay?

I don't have time for this.


You know what?

It's right there.

- Knock yourself out.

- I will.

- I have to pack.

- Okay.

- Have fun.

- I will.

- Go for it.

- Great.

- Yeah.

- Fun times.

- Enjoy yourself.

- Uh-hmm.

- Good convo.

- Yeah. Thanks.

[cell phone vibrates]

You got so lucky.


Oh, hey, Roy.

Sounding extra

manly today, dude.

What's up?

No. I don't wanna play

a strip club.

That's disgusting.

Do you have any more man gigs?

Do you have any bachelor-er

parties, but all dudes?

[Stephanie] We get it.


Perhaps an old folk's home?

- [Stephanie] Die!

- That'd be fantastic.

[singer] Here we go

At the top

Of the class honor roll

And it's time to run it up

Yeah, you know

Maxed out, put the pedal

To the floor, ey

On a roll, here we go,

Here we go

Yeah, we winning

By a landslide

Never see me coming,

I'm a landmine, yeah

I ain't taking orders

In command, like, yeah

- [Pete] You fart?

- [Ethan] Vampires don't fart.

[Pete] Then you're a werewolf

because I smell a fart.

Welcome to East Bumfuck,

Nevada, kid.


Where incest is a gym credit.

- That's funny.

- I know.

- Are you going to use that?

- No.

[Ethan] There are holes

in the walls.

[Pete] b*llet or glory?

[Ethan] I'm afraid to ask.

I often sympathize with,

uh, female reproductive system

as I myself am late

for everything.

I mean, I once joined

a Doomsday Cult.

By the time I got there,

everybody was dead.

And worse, out of Kool-Aid.

They should've saved

some Kool-Aid for that one, huh?


What's that?

- Nothing.

- No. You said something,


I said they should've saved

some Kool-Aid for you

'cause you are out of jokes...

- [crowd] Ooh.

- ...cowgirl.

This coming from the mayor

of Nevada Incest

Bumfuck EIEEO Cornhole?

- Next!

- [man] Whoa.

I knew I'd catch something

in here.

[Pete] Guys, I gotta tell you.

This is like

the Radio City Music Hall

of strip club gigs.

I gotta tell you.

Uh, we have open mike

night here, uh, Wednesday.

Ladies, is it open leg night?

You know, some of these jokes

work better with teeth.

You guys remember teeth?


Let's give one more round

of applause for the, uh,

train wreck that is Ethan Barr.

No. His job as opener

is to make me look better.

And he knocked it out

of the park.

He... right. He was...

He k*lled that shit.

Next week, you guys can see me

at a truck stop in Laughlin.

I'll be playing

a parking structure in Reno.

I'm Pete Brennan.


[crowd cheering]

[man] Whoo!

[singer] [indistinct]

Show that money click

Since she got it,

Make that money click


All I got is money

On my mind

Dedicate this [indistinct]

Sorry about heckling

y'all earlier.

Thought maybe it should help.

Guess what, it never helps.

Well, let me buy you a drink.

Guess what, that always helps.

All right

[speaking foreign language]

Please. Everybody.

What did he say?

Uh, I'm gonna be right back.

Never say, "I'll be right back."

I'm just going to splash

some water on my face.

Uh, ladies' room is that way.

We don't have one of

those non-gender ones,

you'll just have to make do.

Your young fella there

seems a bit touched.

Where did you find him?

He was a keynote speaker

at a flat-earth convention.

- [laughs]

- Oh!

You had us going there.

Ah? Ah?

Ain't that right?


Yeah, I'm gonna go check

on the young buck.

You said the ladies' room

was that way?

That, see,

he's the funny one for sure.

- I try. I try.

- Don't get lost.

Is that on your tab, Billy Ray?

[Billy Ray] Hell no.

Separate bills.

But they pay for both.

What the f*ck are you doing?

[Ethan] It's just blood, Pete.

Can you quit

the f*cking vampire routine.

It's not a routine.

It's a necessity.

Don't worry.

I don't need any of yours.

Okay. I may be

a little bit buzzed, okay?

But I'm not a dickhead.

Look, look, look.

If you're a vampire,

how come you have a reflection?

Because that's a myth.

Like garlic

or a stake through the heart,

that would k*ll anybody.

Well, how have I been outside

with you

in the sun like three times?

I just can't be in direct

sunlight for very long.

Pete, I have a very rare

condition called Porphyria.

It affects my hemoglobin

if I don't inject.

- Okay. I'm done. Stop. Stop.

- Pete, listen to me.

No. You listen to me, okay?

I know I'm not one to give

life advice, all right?

I drink too much.

I eat like shit.

I haven't worn a condom

since 1992.

But heroin...

I told you, it's blood.

I know people that I loved

who died on that shit, man.

Brilliant comedians.

And it crushed me.

You think I wanna deal and watch

your open mike ass croak?

And you think for g*dd*mn sure

I don't wanna call your parents

that you OD'd on my watch?

You won't have to report

to anyone.

I never knew my father.

And as you've been told,

my mother was behead in 1621.

Oh, my God.

Your generation is so weird.

Look, I give you credit, okay?

You didn't demand a separate

bathroom 'cause you "identify"

as a vampire, but come...

Give me a f*ckin' break, bro.

What the f*ck?

Don't worry.

I would never bite you, Pete.

I got to quit drinking.

That's not a bad idea.


I'm not interrupting some kind

of Brokeback Mountain moment,

am I?


You mind while I unwind?

It's that big.

I got to lay off pills.

I might eat him.

[Billy Ray] What?

Morning, morning, morning.

Hello, hello, hello.

I'm Carrie.

I'm the producer of

Minky & Connie in the Morning.

I'm guessing

by those droopy eyes

you must be

our whacky comedians?


You totally forgot

the Visine, bro.

[chuckles] See? I can already

tell you're funny.

Now, if I can just have you fill

out these forms, please.

What's this?

Just a little background info

with lead-ins for your skits.

You don't have

to write the whole joke out,

just an idea

of what you're gonna say.

Think of it like doing panel

for a late night talk show.

- Carrie, is it?

- Uh-hmm.

- You're new here?

- Uh-uh.

We find it's better

just to be spontaneous.

Pete, is it?

We find that,

because you're on a D-List tour,

you D-List comedians

consider this a D-List station.

Guess what, it's not.

We stream nationally

online and satellite radio.

I'm well-aware that organic

comedy generally works better.

However, most comics

come in here hung over

whining about why they have

to do radio at 6:00 a.m.

when the show they're plugging

isn't until 9:00 p.m.

And it's true, most people

listening this morning

probably won't go tonight.

But we have

such a loyal fan base,

they might just follow you

on social media.

Get your ten followers up.

Or perhaps they just enjoy

watching clips of old cisgender

white male wash-up comedians,

vag*na-shaming hotel clerks.


Who are you?

It was a joke.

Hmm, I saw.

So funny, I forgot to laugh.

Anyhoo, I can tell you that

last week's guests

were hilarious.

So, I highly suggest

you bring your "A-game" today.


Okay. Good talks.

I'll give you a minute

to fill out your form,

and then I'll come back to bring

you guys into the studio.

Okay? Okay.


Why, thank you.


What's a blue waffle?

All right. They'll be ready

for you after the break.

If you guys will just follow me.

Thank you.

Hmm. No. Uh-uh. Nope.


[Ethan] Seriously,

what makes it blue?

Okay. When that light goes off,

we're good to go.

Ready? In three, two, one.

- Good timing.

- Oh, thank you.

Not bad for a newbie, huh?

Your father owns the station,

doesn't he?

How's your hairline?


Remember when getting away...

[Minky] Hey, guys.

Take a seat. Give me a sec.

[man] ...the family

and hitting the road?

So, we're back in 30.

We're gonna do a quick wrap

then we'll bring you guys on,

take a few phone calls,

give away a few tickets.

You guys will be back

in bed before sunrise.

Oh, all right.

Oh, that shit was good.

Those are your cans right there.

Put them on and make sure

you get really close to the mic

like it's a big old

"you know what".

[man] [indistinct]

- [man] Hey, folks.

- [Minky] Hey, folks.

Welcome back to

Minky & Connie in the Morning

where we put

the Big O back in KBLO.

[Connie] All right. Who knows

that better than you, Minky?

[Minky] Hey-oh.

It's 6:06 this dreary

Tuesday morning.

But here to bring some sunshine,

we're talking to the comics

who are gonna be performing

tonight at the Rusty Nail.

[Connie] Pete Brennan

and Ethan Barr.

- Hey-oh.

- Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo.

How are you boys

doing this morning?

Uh, peachy.

Just... yeah, we're not

as caffeinated as you guys.

You did cocaine.

[tape screeches]

That's hysterical!

[laughing] They got jokes.

- That is so funny.

- You said it, Connie.

Now, Pete,

it says here you're originally

from Pittsburg and have appeared

on The Tonight Show?

That's right. Yeah. I...

I loved that show

when Johnny Carson was the host.

He was the best,

then Dave Letterman.

I miss Dave. Uh,

have you seen

his new interview shows?

[Minky] I have it cued up

and I haven't had a chance

to watch it yet.

I'm still finishing up Ozark.

Shut up.

I just binged that last week.

Don't spoil it, Connie.

Well, I... hmm.

So Pete, what's your skit like?

Well, I do mix of character.

I do political...

It says... wait, wait.

It says here

you have a really good joke

about you losing your luggage

on the way here?

What the hell is that about?

- Man, I hate when that happens!

- Doesn't everyone?

Especially Pete because,

y'all, he drove.

Oh. Pete,

I gotta hear that joke.

Do the joke.

Do it. Do the joke.

Um, you just did.

She told you the punchline.



I am loving this whole

"emo" thing you have going on.


Baby, I could just eat

that ass up.

- Well, I am a vampire.

- I know, right?

Especially with these late

hours, it sure feels that way.

I know. We should

just wrap this up

before the sun comes up, right?

Actually, that's a myth.

We can be on the sun just like...

Favorite vampire movie, I say

Dracula: Dead & Loving It.

Ooh. All my nieces got me sucked

into the whole Twilight craze.

"Sucked" being

the operative word

as those films

certainly did suck.

He's a comedian now.

Look at that, Minky.

See? It's not so hard.

You can do it.

Good job.

So Ethan, back to us.

So, since you're part

of that whole undead family,

which you're so freakin' sexy,

what is your favorite

vampire movie, hmm?

Well, you see, the problem is,

they aren't usually

historically accurate.

- But I suppose Blade is...

- Come on.

Interview with the Vampire,

they nailed it.

- Yeah.

- They didn't.

Uh, Tom Cruise

and Brad Pitt? Dream team!

And that little girl,

what was her name?

I don't know. She like

screwed Spiderman or something,

like, dirt, dust.

- Kirsten Durst.

- Ey, ey, ey, ey, ey.

You... look, you cheated, Minky.

It's Kirsten Dunst.

I was looking up something else.

Oh, now you're gonna lie?

You're gonna lie to the people.

Okay. If you think Minky lied,

I want you to tell us

on Twitter right now.

All right. Thank you so much,

Pete and Ethan.

I appreciate

y'all for being here.

Or as they should

call themselves,

the comedy duo

of A-bat and Costello.

[laughing] Good one, yeah.

Coming up after the break,

we're gonna open up

the phone lines

and we're gonna be talking

to the sexy girls

from the Rabbit Ranch

who are gonna be showing up

to test out some new

"adult products".

Ooh, my kind of talk show.

All right.

You don't wanna miss that.

And if anyone wants some

free tickets to tonight's show,

I want you to hashtag

Ethan is a Vampire.

Also, #MinkyLies.

[Minky] We'll be back in five.


That was great, guys. You're

the best segment we've ever had.

I really appreciate

you guys being here.

[Minky] You guys did

really well. Thank you so much

for stopping by.

That was wonderful work.

Yeah. I'm just so f*cking

high right now.

Can someone punch me

in the face?

Just punch me square

in the face.

No, Pete. Why?

You wanna do a shot?

I gotta go to my chiropractor

this afternoon.

[Connie] You're such a square.

f*ck it. [sniffles]

All right. Come on in.

We're so excited to have you.

Just go with it

and be spontaneous.

We found it works

so much better that way, okay?



When I'm entering the convo

[Minky] Hey, hey, hey.

Good morning.

How are you guys?

You sit over there [indistinct]

Does that girl

have a bag of dicks?


That's my career.

My career has been following

a bag of dicks.

That's just where I'm at.


That, um...

Ethan's a Vampire hashtag

has over a thousand retweets.


You're trending in Area 51.

Embrace it.

How so?

I don't know.

I haven't quite

figured you out yet,

but you seem to be all-in

with this whole vampire thing.

So, I think

you should just run with it.

I am a vampire, Pete.

See? Now I believe

you believe that, which is good.

It takes comics years

to find their voice.

You did it in a few months.


I'm sorry.

I... I... I don't follow.


I know my place

in this business, okay?

I'm a cisgender

white male piece of shit, okay?

There's millions

of "mes" out there, okay?

It's a different ballgame today.

It's not just

about being funny anymore.

It's about how many

social media followers you have,

what box do you check

or about a gimmick.

You know, like that

thumb trick thing you do.

Oh, yes.

My Grandma Liz

taught me many, um,

"tricks" when I was younger.

So good. I would exploit

the shit out of that if I could.

Instead I was too busy

trying to be a comic's comic.

What's a "comic's comic?"

It's when all the comedians

stop talking in the back

of the room and they stop

to watch your set

and they study you.

It's the ultimate

form of flattery.

And how do you get that?

Truth, fearlessness, and time.

Time is overrated.

Sure, when you don't

appreciate it.

I did the same thing

when I was your age.

But time is precious.

You can never get it back.

I know.

I literally have all the time

in the world.

I spent 200 years

learning the harpsichord.

By the time I perfected it,

baroque music was obsolete.

Ha! Ha! See?

Now that's funny, dude.

Come on.

Why don't you do that

on stage tonight?

Look, when you go

up there tonight,

I want you to be you.

And if you suck, at least,

you'll be sucking as yourself.

Can you try... ah!

- Watch your feet!

- Son of a cock!

Hey, hand me that mop bucket

over there.

Some fuckwad puked

all over the damn place.


Got it.

Oh, God.


Living the dream, dude.

This what you want, Ethan?


And she's why

they call it beheading.


[bartender] Hey.


Hey, you know this place

is haunted, right?

No, I'll just have a beer.

And it was actually

the entire fist.

[crowd] Boo!

Is it always this rowdy here?

Oh, God, no.

Not mostly.

But see, most of these folks,

they heard y'all on the radio

this morning.

So, uh, well,

they cannot see the undead.

No, I'm alive, okay?

I don't know

what the hell he is.

Hmm, may I take your pulse

to confirm that?

[crowd] Vampire! Vampire!

Vampire! Vampire!

Vampire! Vampire!

[Heckler 1] Vampire!

I'm sorry, what's that you say?

- [crowd] Vampire!

- Ah, yes,


the immortal creatures

of both mystery and myth.

[cheers and applause]

Hey, bite me!

You aren't worthy of my powers.

Then suck my d*ck!

My friend,

there isn't enough blood

in that tiny thing

to keep me alive for an hour.

Say that to his face, ya p*ssy!


I just did, but okay...

Jesus, f*ck!

[bartender] Hell did he go?

- Shh!

- What the f*ck?

[man groaning]

[woman screaming]

Is that mirrors?

Is that mirrors?

- You got mirrors in there?

- No!

That a special effect?

- [crowd] Whoa.

- [applause]

Ladies and gentlemen,

you have been delicious.

Thank you.

[cheers and applause]

Oh, if he broke that,

he's f*cking paying for it.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, my God.

I don't even know

where to begin.

Do you believe me now?

How can I not?

I mean, the coffin is eccentric

but explainable. Okay?

The, the glowing eyes, contacts,

the teeth, fake,

the sh**ting blood,

it's an odd lifestyle choice

but hey, it's Vegas.

But dude, you turned

into a bat, man.

A f*cking bat!

Pete, I never tried

to hide this from you.

I know but

I thought you were, like,

method acting or trying

to find your own identity.

Never in a million years

that I'd think

this stuff is actually real.

I'm sorry.

Perhaps I should've made

this clear before we left.

Wait, so do you... do you just

go around biting people?

No, God, how barbaric.

I had to give that up

in the '80s.

I almost bit Freddy Mercury.

- Dude, that's a close call.

- I know.

But I do still need

to feast off of fresh blood.

But now I just get it

from a friend of mine

who works at the hospital.


Wait, start from the beginning.

Okay. I need to know

everything, details.


Well, for starters,

my grandmother was the infamous

Elizabeth Bathory,

a Countess who believed

she could retain her youth

by drinking

and bathing in the blood

of young girls.

You see, at the time, the life


All clear. Everyone's gone

except for a, uh, couple

of chicks who wanna meet you.

Are they hot?

Ridiculously hot,

but not you.


I don't even care

about chicks right now, dude.

He just turned to a bat.

Did you see that shit?

Yeah, it's fine.

It's no Jeff Dunham.

And I got bats in the attic.

Have you seen Jeff Dunham?

His act is phenomenal.

Dude, I love Dunham.

But he didn't turn to a bat.

Dunham doesn't have a bat.

May I present to you

the exquisite Ms. Scarlett Drake

and Madame Darah.

If you'll excuse me,

I have to go mop up some puke.


- Hey.

- Hi.

You were semi-funny.

You don't need to curse so much.

Appreciate the tip.

Pleasure to make

your acquaintances.

Ethan, you look

exactly the same.

I'm sorry, have we met?

- So...

- No.


I'll just let you kids

get reacquainted

and I'm going to light

myself on fire.

I'll bring the matches.

Does this ring a bell?




You were the model

for the Goddess Victoria statue.

Oh, my goodness.

How could I ever forget that?

I don't know.

I am enthralled

to see you again.

And I am loving your new name.

What are you doing here?

You see this shit?

I'm the headliner.

What's he got that I don't got?

Two women, apparently.

You trying to make it three?



I podcast,

I'm a social media influencer,

I dabble in fashion.

Hot. [chuckles]


What's that smell?

Oh, perfect timing!

You know what?

We should take a group photo.

- Yes.

- Do you mind?




Closer, closer, work it.

You got to hit them angle.

Okay. Ready? And...

see you at the hotel, Ethan.

And, uh, I'll try to cut out

the f*cking swear words

out of my f*cking act.

He turned into a bat,

an actual bat.

I'm losing my freaking mind.

Between the early 1600s

mommy issues

and that coffin thing,

I mean, I've had my suspicions.


And you never said anything?

Do you have any idea

how crazy that sounds?

I know, but at least you could

have told me something.

Now, this whole

thing's gonna blow up.

It's gonna be a shit show

and I don't know where I'm at.

Whoa, I wasn't aware

I was your vampire riddler.

- Okay.

- Vampire.


Honey, what are you looking at?

What? Oh, vampire research.

- Okay. And what do...

- Wow. hope to accomplish?

I'm getting deep into vampire


Lore, lore, linge-lore.

Linge-lore. What?

Okay. Well, that's my time.

- You've been a great...

- No, no, no, don't hang up.

Come on, honey, no.

[Stephanie] No, no, no,

you seem a little distracted

and I need to get

this shit off my face

- because it's starting to burn.

- No, I love you

- with shit on your face.

- Bye.

I love your shitty face.

Don't hang up.

Operation Fake Out complete.

Oh, my God.


- Hmm?

- If we cross this threshold,

there's no going back.



Hey, g*ng, it's Scarlett,

your favorite sexy podcaster.

Let's get back to Fia.

Lastly, Fia, before we go,

what are the pitfalls

of your gift as a medium?

Yeah. That's a good choice,

a good one.

As a medium, I have to always

deliver the messages.

Sometimes it's very tough

for people

to hear those messages

from their loved one.


Thank you, Fia, so much...

Wait. Do you hear me?

I have always heard you.


You can reach me



This is Scarlett Drake.

He is really trolling you.

What a surprise.

Let's have some fun with him.


[singer] Got a big plan,

This mindset maybe it's right

At the right place

And right time

Maybe tonight

And the whisper

Or handshake sending a sign

Wanna make out and kiss hard

Wait never mind,

Late night, and passing...

Oh, Pete, you're missing out!

- f*ck.

- [singer] When she walked in

He froze up,

Believe it's the fright

It's cute in a way,

Till you cannot speak

- Oh, f*ck!

- Your knees get weak

An escape is just a nod

And a casual wave

Obsessed about it,

Heavy for...

- Oh, God!

- Vampire. Vampire. Vampire.

Are they saying

"Let's go play" in there?

Oh, God, yes!

Oh, yeah, harder! Oh!



I want to hold you close...

I'm the headliner!

[singer] Lie still,

And close your eyes girl

So lovely, it feels so right

- I wanna hold you close...

- You owe me, Ethan!

[Darah gasp, moans]

[Scarlett] Come on.

For old times' sake.

Bite me, Ethan, please.

I want you to.

[upbeat music playing]

[Darah moans]

[upbeat music continues]

[knocks on door]

[Ethan] Can I come in?


Good morning, sir.


You got to stop doing that shit.

I'm sorry. I thought

since now that you knew

I could... be myself.

Good job last night.

You're viral.

Thank you, Pete.

God, it felt good.

I just did what you said.

And I was really myself

up there.

Where are your

little girlfriends at now?

They've left.

Sad. Seems like they have

a really good way with words

and they got great personalities

and probably amazing

business acumen.

[Ethan] Yes. Well,

let's just say I remember

why I'd forgotten.

Then why did you just

have a f*cking f*ck fest

all night, dude?

[chuckles softly]

Probably for the same

reasons we go to open mics,

to try new things.

How about you bite me?

Would you ever consider that?

I wanna try new things.

I would never bite you, Pete.

Scared of competition?

[Ethan chuckles]


Pete, I'm already up 2-0.

[upbeat music playing]

They say, what do men do know

[indistinct] sweatpants

for guys,

they put writing

on the front, you know?

It just said, "dinner,"


"the other white meat."


[Carrot Top] I got to go.

Oh, oh. Dude, you're amazing.

- Me?

- Yeah.

Mr. Top, I'm such a fan.

Thanks. Carrot.

Just Scott,

actually that was weird.


the pleasure was all mine.

If you need a headliner, dude,

I'm right here six nights a week

at the Luxor,

great gig, every night,

boom, in and out,

sleep in your own bed,

somebody else's bed,

but you're here in town,

it's great, seriously.

Then mull it over,

think about it.

It's tempting. Do you have

a card that I can maybe...

A card? No, I don't think

comics carry cards.

Do you have a card?

That'd be weird.

Uh, DM,

is that what they call it?

- Direct messaging.

- Yeah.

I'll give you mine,

you give me yours,

and you'll direct me back.

I'll follow you back.

Okay. We'll see.

Uh, I know

there's people ask you,

could you show me

that... the fire thumb?

Please, I won't share it

with anybody, I promise.

I... I don't have any friends

to share it with.

So, just... what the f*ck?

It's really about timing.

I once jerked off lefty

and nearly burned

the entire thing off.

It's kinda hot.

Do you wanna touch it?

The thumb.

That was my... do, do, do.

Uh-hmm, uh-hmm.

- There we go.

- Jesus.

How the... how the f*ck did...

Well, as we know,

magic isn't real.

- Can I ask you something?

- Yeah.

Does the Carrot

match the drapes?

- I have no drapes.

- Ah.

Oh, yeah, too much information,


- Stained glass windows. Okay.

- Yeah.

You shared with me,

I share with you.

- Well, you look fantastic.

- Thank you. Thank you.

It's the lighting.

Hey, I'm gonna... I'm gonna go,

but, uh, thanks for chatting

and thanks for showing me

the, uh, thing.

- Sure.

- You're... dude, you're awesome.

- Thanks.

- You're awesome. DM me, fucker.

- I got you.

- Don't not f*cking DM me.

I'm not going to DM.

[upbeat music playing]


[Ethan] If any of you ladies

would like to buy me

a drink after the show,

I'll have a Bloody Mary.

Hold the Mary.


Thank you.

You all have been incredible.

Now, if you would,

please keep that round

of applause going

for the man who taught me

everything I know about comedy.

Mr. Pete Brennan.


Thank you. Woo.

Thank you for that warm

round of indifference.


How about one more time

for Ethan Barr, huh?

The love child

of Bella and Nosferatu.

- Nosferatu.

- Nosferatu.

You've been around that long?

You know? Okay.

You know what they say,

we needs more dildos. Wow.

No wonder why they're trying

to ban straws. Jesus Christ.

These fish are gonna end up

with porn stars.

My God. I don't know

if you guys know this,

because they say it's good luck

for one of the bridesmaids

to sleep with the comedian

right after

the bachelorette party.

I'm just saying.

[Dozer] Any of them putas

will do you.

What... what was that, sir?

They're all a bunch

of dirty sluts.

- Look at 'em.

- [man] All right, Dozer.

It's time to go. Come on.

Sir, aren't you late

for your job

at the truck stop glory hole?

[Sarah] He's just pissed

'cause he got himself

- a little 'ol d*ck.

- Ooh.

Wait. Oh, ladies. Wait.

What don't you guys share that

with the crowd, what?

Well, there's not that much

to share.

Hold on. So you're saying

that his pee-pee...

[speaking foreign language]

All right, Dozer.

It's time to go. Come on.

[speaking foreign language]

Did you see what that puta

just said to me?

That shit ain't true.

Well, maybe so,

but you got to go.

It's every week.

It's the same damn thing

with you, man.

[speaking foreign language]

Sir, I don't know

why you're upset.

Don't get all hung up over this.

Oops. I said hung,

but I guess we all know

that's not the case.

You're f*cking dead, funny man.

Oh, okay. Well, I'm dead,

but you're gone. So...

Na, na, na, na...

[all] Na, na, na, na

Hey, hey, hey

- Little wee

- Good bye


I'm gonna count to three.

Three, two...

Please don't do this.

- [g*nsh*t]

- Whoa.


That was a warning.

[Ethan] You missed.



[suspenseful music playing]

You guys better get out of here

and get out of here fast!

He's dead.

What about the cops?

Cops? Ain't gonna be

no cops, man.

This guy had it comin'.

Besides, who's gonna miss him?

It was self-defense, Dale.

You saw it.

I saw the whole doggone thing.

You guys wouldn't even hear it,

you're ghosts man.

Let me get a few of the guys

to come down here

and clean this mess up now.

You won't have to.

Are you bringing him back?

As if.

Do you have a leaf-blower?

I'll take that as a no.

We should go.

[dramatic music playing]

[singer vocalizing]

[dramatic music playing]

Bro, you...

you k*lled a guy.

I know.

And I'm sorry.

And drank his blood.

Again, I'm sorry

you had to see that.

Then you asked

for a leaf-blower?

What the hell? It's crazy.

Not... not... not because

he's Mexican.

The ash.

That's funny.

That's... that's... yeah, okay.

That's... that's good.

You can use that.

It's good instinct.

I learned from the best.


Wait a minute, can...

I got... I got

to ask you something.

- Of course. Anything.

- Okay.

I thought the rule was

if you got bit by a vampire,

then you turn into a vampire?

Not necessarily.

It's... it's quite complicated,


But... I suppose

the short version

is that you could choose.

You can either turn someone

or you can let them die.

Let them die?

You disintegrated that guy.


He was an assh*le.

Okay. Hypothetically speaking,

if you bit me,

could you choose

to make me immortal?

Hypothetically, yes.

But as I've told you,

I would never do that.

Well, hold on, dude,

we're not done.

- I told you.

- Why? We got to talk.

I did... hold on.

What if I wanted you to?

You don't. Trust me.

Why not?

What do I have to lose?

My career's nowhere. I'm broke.

I'm on the wrong side of 40.

What do I have left,

20 or 30 years tops?

I want more time.

Immortality is not that simple.

I mean, do you have any idea

what it's like

to be emotionally dead inside?

Have you met me?

I'm a comedian.

No. You see that right there,

shows you don't.

I mean, you are cloaked

in apathy and bitterness.

Thank you?

It's not a compliment.

You might not like

the way you feel,

but the fact is,

you do still feel.

And if you truly hated

your life so much,

why on earth would you want it

to continue?

'Cause I'm a nobody.

I'm just an old road bum.

Just played dive bars

and bowling alleys

my whole life.

Never got the shot.

But with this,

I can have more time.

Ethan, please.

I'm asking you as a friend.

Please bite me.

With all due respect, no.


Because nothing changes, Pete.

I'm still the same

naive boy I was in 1613.

Yes, I've... I've adapted

to my surroundings,

sure, because I've had to.

But I haven't changed.

Nobody does.

What makes you think

you'd be any different?

I don't know.

But why not try?

Because there's no going back.

You will taste death.

Or... or appreciate its worth.

You'll only lose yourself

in an infinite loop

while you watch

everyone around you die.

Is that what you want?

Is it?

Maybe that's already happened.

Oh, has it?

Mr. Comic's Comic?

You're the one

playing lonely road dog,

pretending you're above

loving anyone else

above yourself,

or God worse than loving you.

It's not fair

to the very few people

who do give a shit,

especially Stephanie.

This has nothing to do

with Steph, okay?

You know, you really are

an ungrateful prick.

She sticks by you,

no questions asked,

and you're willing

to let that fade away

like everyone else

simply because what?

You feel the time that

you do have left isn't enough?

Now, who's playing the victim?

She knows

what she signed up for.

She knows that

there's only one person

that I ever loved


Who I watched die.

[dramatic music playing]

He didn't have

the luxury of time.

He died

without ever understanding

the benefits of it

or the value of it.

You know why?

Because eight year olds

usually don't.

You... you had a child?


I had a son.

[Ethan sighs]

The universe took care

of that real quick.

So, don't lecture me

on the value of time, okay?

Because you have no f*cking clue

what you're talking about, kid.

Pete, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

Now, you do.

[dramatic music playing]

I'm still not going to bite you.

I don't want you

to bite me anymore.


You forgot your shit.

[Chuck] Hey, Pete.

It's your favorite manager.

You got to give me a call

when you got a chance.

I got bad news on the

Russell Peters club.

[upbeat music playing]

[singer] Ooh, let's go!

Chuck, you f*cking slimy snake,

10% piece of f*cking horseshit.

Hey, ass-nugget.

They wanted your protege,

not you.

What does it even matter, dude?

It's a f*cking warm-up spot.

A baby could do it.

Russell's never

gonna go for this.

Charlie, it's out of my control.

Look, you still get

to open the show,

but instead of Russell,

you bring up Ethan,

and Ethan brings up Russell.

That's messed up, man.

See? He even gets it.

And he's not even finished

Rosetta Stone yet.

f*ck you, Chuck!

You know he k*lled a guy

the other night?

Oh, nice.

Did you film that too?

With his teeth. Fang.

Listen, ass-munch.

I don't know what the f*ck

is going on with you.

This is bullshit, Chuck.

It's not right.

What did I tell you

when we first started

this business?

Okay, nothing is fair.

And you can't take

anything personally.

Heck. Are we good?

No. We're far from good.

Heegan, finish him!

[Ethan] Wow.

Pete, this place is incredible.

[Pete] Thanks.

It was once featured on

Lifestyles of the Broke

and Anonymous,

where caviar dreams don't exist.

Hmm, you jest,

but I find it quite chic.

How are you feeling?


I haven't been this nervous

since the Anti-Habsburg


I wouldn't open with that.

No, of course not.

Look, you're nervous.

It's totally normal

to be nervous.

It's... anybody would be.

No, of course.

How are you?

f*ck, no.

I'm dead inside, remember?

But for you, it's more normal.

Wait, what?

I remember not long ago

when you were vampsplaining

how immortality

is a hollowed existence.

But here you are filled

to the brim with emotion.

It's quite a paradox,

isn't it, Clarice?

What's the matter?

Bat have your tongue?

[car horn honks]

Our ride is here.

That makes me so happy.


I don't sound like that.

I know.

That was Anthony Hopkins

but you kind of are

in the same neighborhood.

Let's go make a memory, cuh.

[singer] You know,

I'm built for it

You ain't gotta ask twice

You ain't about

That fast life

Huh, hundred on the dash

With the cash like

You ain't about

That fast life...

Holy shit. Ethan,

you're big time!

Oh, yeah. He's huge.

That's why he's riding "bitch,"

in the backseat,

of this shitbox.

Hey, whoa.

At least, Roy doesn't have

a boot on his car

from unpaid fines.

And I will see them in court

because those signs were clearly

not marked handicapped.

All right. Kids,

kids, kids, that'll be $37.50.

I accept cash, hash, or gash.

- No one rides for free.

- Okay.

Maybe you can, uh, deduct it

from the ten years

of comp tickets

that Pete's got you.

What about you, Steph?

Uh, obviously,

the girlfriend discount.

So, you mean girlfriend's


Oh. [laughs]

If anyone's dicks count,

it would be her.

Oh, God.

Apparently, Roy's jokes even

need to be marked handicapped.

[Roy] I'm getting

heckled by Ethan.

It's not bad.


I want you to know

how proud I am of you.

For what?


It's my ride.

Not anymore.

- Thank you, Roy.

- It's my car. My car.

Honey, you know, before a show

I'd only tell you maybe save it.

Be caressed like this?

- No, I just...

- Like this?

It's a prize fighter.

Really? Be serious for a second.

What you did

showed a lot of class.

Or stupidity?

I don't know, maybe a friendly

combination of both.

You're gonna do great tonight.

You are great.

I love you too.

Why are you so good to me?

Because you deserve it.

Sometimes, you know?

Now, get out there

and be Pete f*ckin' Brennan!

It's an order.

Somebody's gotta do it.


[upbeat music playing]

- [DJ Minky] Heegan.

- What's up?

You wanna learn how to DJ?

Well, please show me,

I will do, do amazing.

You teach me jujitsu,

I'll teach you

how to cut and scratch.

Well, it's a good trade.

I'm in. Let's go.

[speaking foreign language]

[upbeat music playing]

You blowing a ghost?

Holy shit bro!

You can't sneak up

on a guy mid-chew.

When did you start

eating vegetables?

I read this interview

with Peter North

who's a porn star.

He said, celery is the key

to a robust

and meaty money shot.

And at my age,

I need all the help I can get.

I have a tough enough time

clearing my own thumbs.

You also have a tough

enough time clearing my checks.

Well, one time.

Hey, are you available

for weddings?

[Russell] And bar mitzvahs.

- [Pete] What's up, buddy?

- [Chuck] How are you?

- Ethan.

- Ethan.

Nice to meet you, buddy.

For the record,

this wasn't my idea.

The suits, they got all excited

when something new

and shiny comes along

and jump on whatever

keeps the kids moist.

Well, Pete has told me

so much about you.

Truly an honor and a privilege

to meet you, sir.


Truly an honor and a privilege

to meet you, sir."

Where the f*ck

did you find this kid?

Only Fangs.


Who taught you how to speak?

f*cking Mr. Belvedere?

"It is truly an honor

and privilege to meet you, sir."

I'm just f*cking with you, kid.

I saw your thing for real,

that Chris Angel magic trick

you did, it was good.

Not my cup of tea

but, you know, kudos to you.

Well, thank you.

[Russell] So, here's

what's gonna happen.

Pete's gonna go and do 20.

He's going to k*ll it.

And you're not gonna

be able to follow him

but you're gonna go on

after him anyway.

Okay. I... I can handle that.

[Russell] This f*cking kid

a rescue or something?

You teach him how to roll over,

fetch your slippers?

[Pete] He's fine.

He's just being nervous.

Remember our early shitty gigs

we did up in Toronto in '95,

was it a stupid beer fest?

It was some beer fest.

It was shitty.

[Pete] And they had

that statement.

- What was I saying?

- [Russell] Oh, it's, uh...

[both] "That's what beer

is all about."

- Yeah.

- It was stupid.


Hey, uh, Ethan,

I want you to know

that all this ass kissing

and f*ckin' brown nosing

is all bullshit, all right?

It's not gonna last forever.

So, don't forget

your place and time.

[speaking foreign language]

I won't.

We all know this is Pete's spot

and whether me being here

was your decision or not.

I won't let either of you down.

Why does he talk like that?

He watched a lot

of Harry Potter as a kid.

I'm probably the Harriest Potter

he's ever met.

[man] Pete,

you're on in three minutes.

Okay. Any last minute advice?


Oh, my God.

This is very important.

Don't suck.


Got him.

Thank you.

[Chuck] He's nervous.

Kid's shaking like a dog

trying to shit a peach seed.


You an actress?

You wanna be?

How about an over the pants

hand job with no eye contact?


[upbeat music playing]

[singer] We on a world tour

With Muhammad, my man

Going each and every place

With the mic in their hand,

New York


like imagine

if I did that to people.

And I was like, "Oh, shit.

What's up Bed, Bath & Beyond?


Smoothy King, where you at?



- [cheers and applause]

- All right.


And I'm just your "fluffer."

Wait till the pizza man

gets here,

you know what I'm saying?

Delivering that peckeroni.

Um, all right.

Guys, you ready

for your next comic?

[crowd] Yeah!

Your next comedian

is 27 years old

but he's a legit


That's right.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please put your hands together

for Mr. Ethan Barr.

[rock music playing]



This is incredible.

Though I have to be honest,

I haven't been this nervous

since the Anti-Habsburg

Uprising of 1740.

What the f*ck?

[clears throat]

You know... my mentor said

not to open with that joke.

He was right.

He usually is.

He's a true comic's comic

which is why I believe

we should bring him out

for another bow.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please help me reintroduce

your first headliner

of the evening,

Mr. Pete Brennan!

[crowd cheering]

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?

- What the f*ck?

- What the f*ck?

What the f*ck.

Come on.

[crowd cheering]

- Seriously, dude, what the f*ck?

- Look, I have no f*cking idea.

I'm sorry.

The guy just went rogue.

I don't know.

He's going down like

an Iraqi fighter pilot.

I knew he wasn't ready.

He's your protege.

- [Danny] Yes.

- My protege?

You're the guy who booked him.

- [Chuck] I didn't book him.

- Yes, you did.

When you were rolling

on the f*cking ground

with Heegan Mitch out

on the backyard

who said, "He's gonna be

on camera, remember?"

What? Did Heegan squeeze

your f*cking brain too tight?

[Ethan] Help me give a warm

welcome to Russell Peters.

Is that how you're trying

to revive your career?

Who said my career's

in the shitter?

[singer] Can I kick it?

Give it up for, uh, Pete Brennan

and his beautiful daughter

Ethan Barr,

my favorite vampire.

[crowd laughing]

Never understood the name,

Ethan, and all of a sudden,

too much, like, methane to me.

Which makes sense because his

breath smells like shit.

[crowd cheering]

Oh, you got two Asian girls

with you, huh?

What happened?

Double clicked on

the check out?


[rapper] I mean, this is

The best times of my life

[upbeat music playing]

[Pete] This is it, my friend.

This is what it's all about,

the moment, after the moment

when we shared a moment.

Wow. That is... that's deep.


Ah, that ain't shit, homeboy.

Dude, you're going, like,

55 in a 65, bro.

Come on!

Punch it, live a little.

Pete, I know it should've

been you and not me.

Not your fault.

I'm sorry.

This is business.

Shit's uptown,

reward's mediocre.

But I'm actually

really proud of you.

I know I'm not as funny as you.

And you never will be.


But... it doesn't matter

because you got something

I don't.


You have... a presence.

Open this m*therf*cker up!

Fine. You want me to go?


Woo! Woo! Gas it.

Yeah! Yeah, man.

Woo! Yeah.

Pete. Pete, get inside!

What is the matter with you?




Pete. Get in... Pete, Pete!


[dramatic music playing]




I'm fine.

Bite me, Ethan.

No, I won't have to.

You're going to be okay.

[Pete] How bad is it?


I've seen worse.

[breathes heavily]

Well, this is it.

This is the way it ends.

No, hey. Hey. Hey.

Save your energy, okay?

They're on their way.

You're going to be fine.

- I'm fine.

- [Ethan] Hey, come on.

The ambulance is almost here,

all right?

Just hang on.

[Pete] Here's my boy.

[Ethan] Yes. I'm your boy.

No. No, my son.

My son is here.

- Yes.

- [Pete] My son is here.

Yeah, they're almost here.

Just hang on, okay?

I don't know, Ethan.

I can't.

He just came in the light.

No, Pete.

Come on, stay, stay with me.

Stay with me, Pete.

I got to get up now.

Hey, you're gonna cry, cry.

That's my time. Goodnight.

[siren wailing in distance]

Pete. Pete. Pete.

Come on.

Come on, stay with me, Pete.

Please. Please, Pete.

[dramatic music playing]

[Sandy] Good morning.

Do you have a reservation

with us today?

- Yes, I do.

- Fantastic!

Um, and what is the last name

of the traveler?


Ethan Barr.


So, you're this week's comedian?

So, are you funny?

Can you tell me a joke?

I... I just love jokes.


Here's what I think you'll like.

What's the difference

between a vag*na and a c**t?

Until you bring it back

and that's called the callback.

Now, remember

what I said earlier

about the "rules of threes"

and also, the "K" Sound.


Look who we have here!

Please give it up,

the great Keith Ray.

Yo, I'm the pimp with the limp,

you're the shrimp

with the limp.

Yeah, you know it, baby.

Look, what he said is correct.

Which is why

when used correctly,

the "C-word" is always fun.

Dude, is this show and tell?

- What?

- Um, okay.

So, in your humble opinion then,

like, what do you think

the best thing that

a comedian can do,

like, while they're on stage

or whatever and stuff?

- Is that a real question?

- I don't know, Pete.

But you take a shot at it.

Oh, my God.

Two words.

Don't suck.

[singer] Let's do it

[upbeat music playing]

[singer] Working all week

9:00 to 5:00 for my money

So, when the weekend comes

I go get live with the hunt

Rollin' down the street

I saw a girl

When she was pumping

I winked my eyes

She got into the ride

Went to a club

And we're jumping

Introduced myself,

Hello she said you're a liar

I said, I got it going on

Baby doll

And I'mma flyer

Took her to the hotel

She said, you're the king

And so, be my queen

If you know what I mean?

Let's do the wild thing

Wild thing
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