01x05 - The Tale of the Secret Treehouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x05 - The Tale of the Secret Treehouse

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on a run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on
The wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on ♪

♪ Come on let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Secret Treehouse.

[all panting]

-Quick! Find somewhere to hide!
-This way.

Wait for me!

Come now, my floppy-eared friends.

[panting] I... I only want
to talk to you... over dinner.

[all] Ah! Ow!

-Ah! Nettles!

-That's not a very good hiding place.

♪ Run rabbit run.
Run like you've never run before ♪

OK, this is good.

-♪ Run rabbit run ♪

♪ If he catches you you're
done so run some more ♪

[Peter panting] Quick, in here!

-♪ Those feet are sounding... ♪
-Shhh. Quiet.

♪ ...so close to you ♪

♪ What can you do? ♪

-♪ Oh rabbit run ♪
-Don't, that tickles.


[Benjamin screams] Uh oh!

[Peter] Run! Let's get out of here!
Come on! Go!

Show yourselves. [sniffs]
You can't hide forever.

-He's right, you know.
-Yeah, that was close.

Mr Tod knows all our old hiding places.
That's the problem.

We need to find a new one. Argh! Huh?


Lucky squirrels.
Easy for them to hide up there.


[excited chittering]

[Benjamin] I don't want to go up.
I don't want to go up!

What are we doing up here, Peter?

Checking out our new hiding place,
that's what. Follow me.

-Come on, guys. It's perfect.

Think about it, our own treehouse,
way up here.

Mr Tod will never find us.

Hmm. Uh... I suppose we could fix it up.

-[Benjamin] Yeah, I love it.
-[chuckling] Over here, Benjamin.

-Actually, I do love it.
-It's ours. All ours!

-You can't have it!

What do you mean, Nutkin? Why can't
we have it? No-one's using it.

You think you can just take your own
treehouse in the great squirrel camp?

First, you would have to pass
the special super-secret... [gasps]

But, no, I've said too much already.

-Pass the what?
-I must never tell, never tell!

-OK then.
-OK, I'll tell you.

But first, you must pass
the secret squirrel test!

[all] Oooh!

-Excuse me?
-[all] We said, "Oooh!"

Um... no, I got that. I mean, what test?

Ho-ho! Three tests there are,
tests of strength, skill and bravery,

all jolly hard and... and stuff.

Oh, i-it's quicker if I show you.

-Test number one, the sha-a-a-key tree!
-[all] Ooh!

Web of terror-error-error-err...
[coughs] Pardon me.


[all] Aaah!


The really, really big,
long gap that's really wide

that you have to jump over even
though... [wheezes] it's too far!

Take a note... think of a shorter name

for the really, really big,
long gap that's really wide

that you have to jump over even
though... [wheezes] it's too far.

[pants and grunts]


[squirrel] I-I'm alright.

The treehouse is ours.
We could do all those things.

Um... we could? Huh! I mean, um...
yes, we could, if we wanted to.

Huh, um... Do we want to?

Rabbits can't climb
or jump like squirrels.

I know that for a fact.

We'll do whatever we have to do
to get that treehouse.

Nutkin, we're in.

Each of you must pass one test.
Who will climb the shaky tree-ee-ee?

[all] Ooooh!

-Go on, Benjamin. You can do it.
-Um.... OK.

Am I there yet? How much further?

Um... Benjamin?

Ahem! I just need a...
running start, that's all.

OK, little further. OK, here goes.

[all] Whoa! Wow!

I did it! So... happy about that.
Help me.

Oh! Never seen it done like that before.

First test passed!

[all cheer]

-Well done, Benjamin!
-Seriously, help me down.

And now, who dares enter the web of


A test of skill, patience,

and being really good
at not fa-falling off stuff.

Is there a shorter word for all of that?

Balance! Thank you.

-I'll do it.
-Peter, I've got this.

Come on, you can do it.


Ha-ha! Yes!

-Uh... uh... yah!


I'm not surprised.

Few squirrels have mastered the web,
let alone a rabbit.


Not bad for a rabbit, huh?

-Ha-ha! Brilliant!
-Whoo! Go, Lily!


Two tests down, one to go.
That treehouse is as good as ours.

Alright, moving on.

Behold, the really, really big,
long gap that's really wide that...

[indistinct whispering]

Ooh, good idea. Ah-ahem.
The big gap.

-I've got this one.
-You don't have to do this, you know.

If Peter says he can do it,
he can do it.

Um... you can do it, can't you?

I have to.

If I do this one last thing,
we'll get that treehouse,

and we'll finally have
a place to hide from Mr Tod.

Here goes.

-He's going to do it!
-Hopping hazelnuts!

-[Peter] Whoaaah!
-[both] Peter!

Is he OK?

-Did I make it?
-Final test... failed.

Oh, sorry, my friends.

Seems only squirrels belong in trees.

I can't believe it!
I was sure we'd get that treehouse.

At least we won't have to hear
that noise every day.

How does anybody put up with it?

[excited chittering]

[distant laughter]

Squirrels? Oh, how I hate squirrels!

Oh, well, back on the ground.

Air raid! Run for your lives!

Brown is attacking!
We have to get up there and help!

But why? You heard Nutkin,
only squirrels belong in trees.

This time they don't need squirrels,
just three brave rabbits.

-[Benjamin groans]
-Let's hop to it.

Shoo! [pants] Pick on somebody else!


There you are, my scrawny snack!

[squealy screaming]

-Are you alright? Where's Nutkin?
-[squeaking] Owl! It's the owl!

I've had it with you noisy nuisances!

You wouldn't want to eat me, anyway.

I have very tough thighs and bad breath.


[Lily] No, Peter! Remember
the fall you took last time?

I know, but...
a good rabbit never gives up.

Wait, I've got a plan. You two
up for some more squirrel tests?



-Don't you have mice to bother?


-Peter's plan better work.
-Uh... shaky tree, here I come!

Wow, I did it again.
It's not even that shaky this time.

Hurry, Lily!

[dramatic music playing]

We're running out of time, guys!

No. Peter, wait.
We're not ready yet.

It'll take Lily forever
to untie all those.

Let's just say I'm good at knots.

Squirrels, do your thing.

Uh... whoa!

You've disturbed my rest for the
last time, you tailless tree rat!

Tree rat? That really hurts my feelings!

-[both scream]



-Tail feathers!
-[Peter] Got you!

OK. We need to gather some
leaves and build a crash mat.

[Lily] And let's move the scoreboard
over here and...


Oh. Or that'll work too.

[Owl] I'll get you next time!


Well, look at that, you passed
all three squirrel tests.

Ho-ho-ho! Congratulations!

[rabbits laugh and cheer]

Come out, come out,
wherever you are. Hmm.

Now, this is what I call
a good hiding place.

-Thanks, Nutkin.
-You earned it, my squirrel brother.

There. Told you all it needed
was a little fixing up.

-Where's Benjamin?
-Um... he won't come outside.

-[whispering] He's afraid of heights.
-[Benjamin] I heard that.


♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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