01x11 - The Tale of the Wriggly Worms

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x11 - The Tale of the Wriggly Worms

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night
Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the
Wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on
Come on! ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Wriggly Worms.

[bird tweets]

[Mr McGregor]
Give that back, you horrible rabbits!

[dramatic music playing]

-Peter, you said he wouldn't see us!
-That's what I always say, Lily!

-[Peter] The tunnel!
-[Benjamin] Got it!

-[Rabbits grunt]
-[Groans] Lost 'em.

And I was going to have
that squash for my lunch.

Here we are. The perfect spot
for a nice wormy lunch.

Mmm, lovely fresh worms.


[all giggle]

[Benjamin] Oh, no...

No! My lunch!



You clumsy bunny-brats,
you spilt my lunch!

-[Peter] Ah!

-[Lily] Ah!

Gotcha! Oh!

-Pesky little bunny rabbits!

Grr! Thought you could mess
up my worm-catching,

-and get away with it, did you?
-Uh... yes?

[Peter] Wait!

If it was worms you wanted,
why didn't you just say so?

Because you just happen to be looking at
the wood's number one worm catchers!

Huh? Where?

[laughs] Us, you silly...

Ahem, I mean you big,
not at all ugly badger.

Sometimes we can catch
worms in our sleep.

Sometimes we catch so many worms,

we don't even know
what to do with them!

Hmm, yeah. right.
Worms, they're so... wriggly.

So, you let Benjamin go and we'll
fill this bucket with worms, deal?

Ah... I tell you what,
fill that bucket with worms,

-and then I'll let your friend go.
-[Benjamin whimpers]

And be back by lunch time when
the sun's at its highest. Or else.


Look out, worms, here we come!

"Look out worms, here we come"?

Peter, we've never caught
a worm in our lives!

True, true but, well,
there's a first time for everything.

But a whole bucket load? By lunch
time? Benjamin's really in trouble.

He's not in trouble.
Because we can do this. Watch.


-Slippery little things, aren't they?

You're grabbing at them too fast.
Here, let me try.


[sighs] Maybe we need a deeper hole.

[both] Ouch!

[both groan]

Not a single worm.
Benjamin's in so much trouble.


Here. While we're waiting,
make yourself useful

and give these a polish.

Ugh! Phew!

Ugh! Hurry, Peter.

I'm telling you, Peter, there's
no such thing as a flying worm!

But I just saw one. Shh!

-Oof! [laughs]

Sorry, Mr Fisher.

That's alright, young Peter Rabbit.

Just relieved you weren't a giant fish.

I feared I was a goner for a moment.

Mr Fisher, we need some worms
for Tommy Brock, fast!

Oh, let's see, well,
this worm is my last piece of bait,

but you're most welcome to it.

It's a start.

-[all] Oh.

Hmm. I know!

Your father always said
there's only one place to go

-if you want to find worms.
-He did? Where?

Let's hope your dad was right

about worms being
in Mr McGregor's garden.

I know, but look,
the sun's nearly at its highest.

Benjamin's depending on us. Come on!

What else can you do

while we're waiting for
your friends to come back?

That is, if they come back.


[yawns] Boring.
Can't you liven it up a bit?

Uh... OK!

Whoa! Ouch! Ouchie! Ow!


Now that's what I call a show!

[stomach grumbles]

It's almost my lunchtime.

I hope your friends are better
at catching worms

than you are at juggling.

Um, Peter and Lily are the best
worm catchers in the whole woods.

You'll see, they'll do it.

[sighs] We're never going to do it.

A good rabbit never gives up.
Lily, look at this!

It's a whopper!

Uh, Peter?

[strains, groans]

[bird tweets]

-Bah! Who am I fooling?

I can't catch worms.
I'm a rabbit, not a bird!

Stomp again!


Maybe we should be birds.

Their stomping brings the worms out.
I know that for a fact.

Great idea!

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ No time to lose
you best be on your way ♪

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't afford to fail today ♪

♪ Proceed with care think fast
And stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
At what you're trying to do ♪

♪ So off you go ♪

♪ And you should know ♪

♪ The goal's in reach
It's waiting there for you ♪

The sun's nearly at its highest.

Tommy Brock's lunch time.

Time to save Benjamin. Let's go.

You know, it's almost a shame
we were born rabbits.

Yeah, we'd have made
some pretty great birds!

-[both] Mr Tod!

Fresh young rabbits for lunch.
What a splendid notion!

-Get back!
-Ugh! Worms?!

What's the matter, radish-stealing
not going so well today?

Uh, they're for someone else,

What a shame you'll never get
to deliver them.

We've no choice. Use the worms.

Gah! No!

G-Get them off!

They're down my neck!
[laughs] That tickles!

[both laugh]

That got rid of him.

But it got rid of all the worms too.

Poor Benjamin.
We've got to do something.

Maybe there's something in my
Just In Case Pocket, just in case.

Acorn, envelope, spoon,

mitten, ball of string...

I don't see how this is going to...

Wait a second, Lily, that's it!

It looks just like a worm!

We'll still deliver the worms.

Just not the way Tommy Brock
expected. Let's hop to it!

Pick a pine cone, any pine cone.

Why should I? Bah!

Whoa! Uh, not a magic fan?

Uh, no problem. How about singing,
I'm pretty good at that.

♪ La, la, la, la, la! ♪

Enough! Your friends aren't coming back.

And if I'm not going to have my
worms, then at least I can have...

I can have... I know,
some nice new fluffy slippers.


O-Of course! Why didn't you say?

I'll just run to the shop and...

Ah! I'm the slippers, aren't I?

[Peter] Anyone for worms?

I don't believe it!

Please believe it.

-Give 'em here.
-No way!

You let Benjamin go first,
that was the deal.

Oh, alright, alright, he'd hardly
make one decent slipper anyway.

Now, put the bucket down and get
out of here. I like to eat alone.

Lunch for one coming right up.
See you around, Tommy Brock!

Where are you, you fluffy little...

Tommy Brock?
Where did you get that bucket?

Made the rabbits collect worms for
me! And you think you're clever. Ha!


Oh, you nincompoop!
Those aren't worms, it's string!

You've been tricked!

String, eh? Hah!

Nice try but you can't fool me,
those are worms!

Now give 'em back!

[Mr Tod] Ah-ha! Rabbits!

Grr! Think you can spill my lunch
and get away with it?

[Tommy Brock shouts]
Come back here, Mr Tod!


[Lily gasps]

So, you tricked a brainless
badger out of his lunch.

Well, nothing gets
in the way of my lunch.

You spilt my lunch!

Time to get them paws dirty, Mr Tod,
and dig me up some worms to eat!

[Mr Tod moans, whimpers]

Bleurgh, confounded worms.
This is impossible!

[chuckles] Oi, less chat and
more worm-catching, thank you!

Oh! Ugh!

[laughs] Hey, Mr Tod!
Try acting like a bird, it really helps!

[Rabbits laugh]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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