06x06 - Barn Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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06x06 - Barn Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow



If you like good music
and great dancing,

Then I guarantee that today

You're going to be
happier than...

A fly in a sugar bowl.

We're going on a hay ride
to smiley hollow

For an old-fashioned
barn dance.

Now, I'm not exactly sure
where smiley hollow is,

So I've invited bill and jim
to come along with us.

They've been there before.

That's right. Come on.

Well, we'd better get going

Because the sun's already
as high as...

A snail
on a cornstalk.

We don't want to be late

Because the dance can't
start without us.

We're bringing the band!

Get up there!

[Dog barks]


Easy, bill.

Easy, jim.

These guys have been
taking people to barn dances

For years.

But people aren't
the only ones

Who like to join in
on the fun.

I know about one barn

Where the dancers
are stranger than...

A frog wearing suspenders.

It's all right here

In this book
called barn dance.

Full moon shining,
shining big and bright,

Pushing back the shadows,

And holding back the night.

Not a thing stirring,
quiet as could be,

Just the whisper
of the leaves

On the cottonwood tree.

Old hound dog whining
in his sleep,

Dreaming after rabbits
in a game of hide-and-seek.


Over in the farmhouse,

All the lights were out.

Farmer and his wife
and kids--

Not a one about.

All except the skinny kid
with questions in his head,

Too full of wonderment
to spend the night in bed.

He was up and listening

When the night owl said,

"Whoo! Whoo!
Come a little closer.

Come a l@ttle closer.

"Listen to the night.

There's magic in the air."

And the skinny kid heard it,

Heard it faint begin,

"Plink, plink, plink"

On the wind's violin.

Coming from the corn field

Sweet and soft and low,

Music honeyed up
by the old scarecrow

on the fiddle strings

To tune them up just so.

The scarecrow tucked
the fiddle

Underneath his chin

And fiddled out a welcome
to his country kin.

He fiddled through
the woods and fields

And all around the farm

Bidding everybody come
to a hoe-down in the barn.

[Horse neighs]

There was so much chatter

When the critters arrived,

No one saw the skinny kid
oozle in and hide

To hear the crow
call the dance.


"Grab yourself a partner
and jump right in!

"Right hand. Left hand.

"Around you go!

"Now back to back
in a do-si-do.

"Mules to the center

For a bow,

And hey there, skinny kid,
show the cow how."

Out came the skinny kid

A-ticking and a-tocking

And a-rocking and a-socking,

And he danced his little toe

Through a hole
in his stocking!

He leaped the apple barrel
and pumpkins in a pile,

He showed how
to wagon wheel barnyard style.

"Rocket to the moon,
and powder-puff your noses.

"Hurry home to mama
on your little pink toeses.

"Five times!

" Times!

", !

Now spin once again,
and that's a-plenty."

The fat little pigs
whirled round and round

Till they got so dizzy

That they all fell down.

The sky was warming up
for the coming of the day,

And the skinny kid heard
the night owl say,



"Morning's coming closer.

"Morning's coming closer.

"The magic time is over.

Night will soon be gone."

[Rooster crowing]

The old dog stretched
and blinked a sleepy eye,

Just a blink too late
to see the skinny kid slip by.

He tiptoed through the kitchen

And tiptoed up the stairs,

As quiet as a feather

From a breath of air.

He hummed a little do-si-do
and flopped in bed

With the wonders
of the barn dae

Dancing in his head.

A dance is only as good
as its music.

When it comes
to fancy fiddling,

This is
the place to be.

When the sound of a fiddle
drifts across these hills,

You're listening
to the real mccoy.

Whoa, bill. Whoa!

Whoo, boy,
that sounds good!

How you doing, craig?

Doing great, levar.

This is craig duncan.

Go ahead.
Introduce the guys.

Ok, levar.

On guitar,
we've got billy.


And on the banjo
is gene.


And on that big
upright bass, it's terry.

Ha ha ha!

These instruments

Sound so wonderful

Is that
the bluegrass sound?

Yeah.it's folk music
passed down from father to son.

Can any music
be played that way?

I'll take a song
you'll know.

[Playing reading rainbow]

Ha ha!

Let's get
the guys together

And play it in our style.

[Playing reading rainbow]

Now, we don't want
to be late.

The dance wouldn't
be much fun

Without the band.

I'll get my things.

It takes more
than just great musicians

To make that special
bluegrass sound.

It takes
good instruments, too.

Just ahead lives a man
who can take ordinary wood

And turn it into
the sweetest sounding fiddle

This side
of the mississippi.

Ready, guys?

Here we go!

Fiddlemaking is one of
the most fascinating things

In the world, I think.

Once the bug gets you,

It seems like you can't
ever give it up.

I'm jean horner,
westwood, tennessee.

I first got interested
in the fiddle

When I was about
years old.

It really is something,
I think,

To go into woods,

Cut a tree,

And work it into a fiddle.

Which...that's what
we're going to do here.

Here we have wood
we've been soaking.

We're going bend
them around a hot iron

To form the sides
of the fiddle.

Everybody's favorite
is maple.

It's been used for
centuries in fiddles,

And no other wood
seems to take its place.

Now that we've got
our ribs bent,

We'll build them
around this mold.

First, we'll have
a little glue.

A clamp.

Ok. We have this piece in.

We'll continue around
the body of the mold

Until we have the complete
outline of the violin

Form around this mold.

I have to make
a certain type of saw cut

To get the grain pattern
that I want.

By sawing it in half
then laying it over,

The grain patterns
will match on each side.

We've glued
these two pieces together.

What we're going to do
is use our mold

To draw out our profile.

With this wooden plane
with a curved bottom,

We'll scoop out the inside
of the violin's top.

An arch makes
the violin strong.

We can't make it flat.
It would collapse.

These "f" holes
let the sound into the box.

They make the box vibrate.

Ok. We have a top
and back, ribs.

We're going to
put them together.

I never know what one
is going to sound like.

If I do my work right,

Use good material,
I'll get a good one,

But you always
want that great one.

About out of every

Maybe will be that just
outstandingly great one.

When you make a violin,
you have made something

That the world has never
heard that sound before.

They've heard lots of sounds
that resemble it,

But it's not
the same thing.

They're all different.

You know,
that's a good fiddle.

It's a great satisfaction
to go into the woods

And make something
out of that like that.

That's a rough-looking thing,
but look what we come up with.

It's a good fiddle

And will be better
as the years go by.



♪ Boop boop ♪

Ha ha ha!

Well, we made it.
Good job, guys.

The dance is just
a few hours away.

Things look pretty busy
around here.

You know, I've never
been to a barn dance before.

I'm pretty excited.

I'm as excited as a...

As a what?

I'm as excited as a termite
in a lumberyard.

I'm as excited
as a salesman on payday.

I'm as excited
as a fish with a worm.

I'm as excited as someone
winning an olympic medal.

I'm as excited as
a monkey in a banana tree.

I'm as excited as an elephant
in a peanut factory.

Wait. I've got it.

I'm as excited as a flea
at a dog show.

[Tap tap tap]

Whoa! What's going on
in there?

No. Stop.

When you do
cowboy loop,

You go under,
you hold hands,

And the other couple
follows you through.

, , , Dance.

Ok, cowboy loop.

Yeah, that's it.

This is terrific.

I didn't know
there would be

It's clogging.

Now, what's that?

a traditional
form of folk dance

That's learned
from our ancestors.

It was brought over
from england,

and ireland.

How do you know
what movements to make?

A caller
calls the sets

And tells you
what movement
to do next,

Like birdie out
and old crow in.

Can you show me
some more?


We've got a good band.

How about some music?

, , ,


Don't let up.

Birdie in the cage.

Birdie out.
Old crow in.

Flap your wings,
old crow.

Old crow
back in the circle.

Dive for the oyster,
dive for the pearl.

, !

Woo! That's terrific!

You were the birdie
in the cage.

You were the old crow!

Old crow,
flap your wings.

Can anybody
do clogging?

Sure. It's easy.

It's just
a basic step.

, , .
, , .

You can do that.

Trying this
makes me as nervous

As a chicken
in a pillow factory.

We'll give it a try.

, , .

Left, right, left.

Right, left, right.

See? That's it.

That's all
there is to it?

You can add
a few variations.

Mike, show him
some variations.

Ha ha ha!


Becky. Everyone has
a different step.

Ha ha ha! Wow!

This is a lot harder
than I thought.

While I practice
some fancy footwork,

Here are some books that will
make you kick up your heels.

My name is
lori delgado.

I'm here to tell you
about a book

I've just
finished reading.

It's called the old banjo.

A little boy and his father
live on a farm.

On the farm,
there are musical instruments

That nobody plays anymore.

There's an old piano
in the gray barn,

A violin in the shed,

And an old banjo
in the attic.

While the boy
and his father are working,

They begin to hear music,

But where
is it coming from?

This book
really touched me

Because the boy's search
for the music was so beautiful.

It's a wonderful story.
I'd like you to read it.

♪ Yo! My name is pete

♪ And I got
a book for you ♪

♪ It's all about music

♪ And I think
you'll dig it, too ♪

♪ If you can
really use it ♪

♪ Try reading
I like the music ♪♪

This story is told in a rhyme,
like a rap song.

It's about a girl
who likes street music,

But her grandmother likes
classical music and the opera.

The little girl
hates the opera

Because she has to sit down,
and she likes to dance.

One day, she goes
to a park concert.

That's a whole
different story.

I only liked
heavy metal music.

Then I saw
the phantom of the opera.

A new world opened to me.

This book can do
that for you.

My name's ariela schulman.

I'd like to introduce

The book called half a moon
and one whole star.

The girl in the book
is ready to fall asleep.

She feels the summer night air
and begins to dream.

There's a picture
in the book

Of a parrot
that's really special.

This book makes a great
bedtime story.

I can't wait
to read it again.

Cuddle up with it tonight.

Full moon shining,

Shining big and bright,

Pushing back the shadows,

Holding back the night.

Boy! And what
a night it is!

Well, I hope you're ready.

[Fiddles playing]

Because the barn dance
has just begun!

Come on!

Meet your partner
and let's dance!

Get in now, monica!

Hit a good step!



Ah, yeah! Promenade
around that track

And don't look back!

Yeah, now, all join hands
and circle left!

Everybody to the left!

Couple up four
with any old four!


Now ladies chain
across the circle!

Chain right back
in that same old track.



All right, move on!

Yee! Couple up four!

Even couple loop the loop

And form
the four-leaf clover!

Now form the wheel!

Turn around
and grind the meal!

Single file,
each in style!

Grab your honey
and go hog-wild!

Here to buck dance,
kerry fogel!


Woo woo woo woo!









Brian fogel!

Swing your partner now!

Do that franklin county swing.

Promenade, now, everybody!

Promenade that girl
that is so sweet!

Let's take her home
and give her a seat!

Hit it!

Let's go now, monica!

Get it, ricky!

Come on, sissy!





Isn't this incredible?

You take a big old barn,

Add some fast-stepping music

And a few good neighbors,

And you've got yourself
an old-fashioned barn dance.

I'm glad we came.

We're having more fun
than a bookworm in a library.

Let's rise and shine!


Let's go, levar.

That's my cue.

I'll see you next time.


Hit it, gwen!

Let's go, leanne!

Now, everybody!

Everybody, let's join in!

Yeah, hit a good step!

Here we go!


Yeah, hit a step!
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